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         <P><B><FONT SIZE="+3">Kerberos Login API</FONT></B>


<B>This documentation applies to Mac OS X 10.2 and later.</B>

<H2>Table of Contents</H2>

<P><A HREF="#Types">Types</A></P>

   <LI><A HREF="#PrincipalInfo">KLPrincipal</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLLoginOptions">KLLoginOptions</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLStatus">KLStatus</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLKerberosVersion">KLKerberosVersion</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLDefaultLoginOption">KLDefaultLoginOption</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLLoginMode">KLLoginMode</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLDialogIdentifier">KLDialogIdentifier</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLIndex">KLIndex</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLLifetime">KLLifetime</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLTime">KLTime</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLSize">KLSize</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLRefCon">KLRefCon</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLBoolean">KLBoolean</A>

<P><A HREF="#Constants">Constants</A></P>

   <LI><A HREF="#KerberosLoginApplicationOptions">Kerberos Version
   <LI><A HREF="#DialogIdentifierConstants">Dialog Identifier
   <LI><A HREF="#OptionIdentifierConstants">Option Identifier
   <LI><A HREF="#RealmIndexConstants">Realm Index Constants</A>

<P><A HREF="#LoginLibraryBehavior">Login Library Behavior</A></P>

<P><A HREF="#TerminologyNotes">Terminology Notes</A></P>

<P><A HREF="#HighLevelLoginFunctions">Functions</A></P>

   <LI><A HREF="#HighLevelLoginFunctions">High-Level Login
      <LI><A HREF="#KLAcquireInitialTickets">KLAcquireInitialTickets</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLAcquireNewInitialTickets">KLAcquireNewInitialTickets</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLDestroyTickets">KLDestroyTickets</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLChangePassword">KLChangePassword</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#LowLevelLoginFunctions">Low-Level Login Functions</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword">KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword">KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLAcquireNewInitialTicketCredentialsWithPassword">KLAcquireNewInitialTicketCredentialsWithPassword</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLStoreNewInitialTicketCredentials">KLStoreNewInitialTicketCredentials</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLVerifyInitialTickets">KLVerifyInitialTickets</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials">KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithKeytab">KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithKeytab</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLRenewInitialTickets">KLRenewInitialTickets</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLValidateInitialTickets">KLValidateInitialTickets</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLLastChangedTime">KLLastChangedTime</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLCacheHasValidTickets">KLCacheHasValidTickets</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLTicketStartTime">KLTicketStartTime</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLTicketExpirationTime">KLTicketExpirationTime</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLSetSystemDefaultCache">KLSetSystemDefaultCache</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLHandleError">KLHandleError</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLGetErrorString">KLGetErrorString</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLCancelAllDialogs">KLCancelAllDialogs</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#LowLevelChangePasswordFunctions">Low-Level Change
   Password Functions</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLChangePasswordWithPasswords">KLChangePasswordWithPasswords</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#ApplicationDefinedFunctions">Application Defined Functions</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KerberosLoginIdleCallback">KerberosLoginIdleCallback</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#ApplicationConfigurationFunctions">Application Configuration Functions</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLSetIdleCallback">KLSetIdleCallback</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLGetIdleCallback">KLGetIdleCallback</A>

   <LI><A HREF="#LibraryConfigurationFunctions">Library Configuration Functions</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#LibraryConfigurationFunctions">Description of configuration options, types, and allowed values</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#GetKerberosLoginOption">KLGetDefaultLoginOption</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#SetKerberosLoginOption">KLSetDefaultLoginOption</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#RealmsConfigurationFunctions">Realms Configuration Functions</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLFindKerberosRealmByName">KLFindKerberosRealmByName</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLGetKerberosRealm">KLGetKerberosRealm</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLSetKerberosRealm">KLSetKerberosRealm</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLRemoveKerberosRealm">KLRemoveKerberosRealm</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLInsertKerberosRealm">KLInsertKerberosRealm</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLRemoveAllKerberosRealms">KLRemoveAllKerberosRealms</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLCountKerberosRealms">KLCountKerberosRealms</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLGetKerberosDefaultRealm">KLGetKerberosDefaultRealm</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLGetKerberosDefaultRealmByName">KLGetKerberosDefaultRealmByName</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLSetKerberosDefaultRealm">KLSetKerberosDefaultRealm</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLSetKerberosDefaultRealmByName">KLSetKerberosDefaultRealmByName</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLPrincipalInfoFunctions">KLPrincipal Functions</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLCreatePrincipalFromTriplet">KLCreatePrincipalFromTriplet</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLCreatePrincipalFromString">KLCreatePrincipalFromString</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLGetTripletFromPrincipal">KLGetTripletFromPrincipal</A>

      <LI><A HREF="#KLGetStringFromPrincipal">KLGetStringFromPrincipal</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLGetDisplayStringFromPrincipal">KLGetDisplayStringFromPrincipal</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLComparePrincipal">KLComparePrincipal</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLDisposePrincipal">KLDisposePrincipal</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#KLLoginOptionsFunctions">KLLoginOptions Functions</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLCreateLoginOptions">KLCreateLoginOptions</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLLoginOptionsSetTicketLifetime">KLLoginOptionsSetTicketLifetime</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLLoginOptionsSetForwardable">KLLoginOptionsSetForwardable</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLLoginOptionsSetProxiable">KLLoginOptionsSetProxiable</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLLoginOptionsSetRenewableLifetime">KLLoginOptionsSetRenewableLifetime</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLLoginOptionsSetAddressless">KLLoginOptionsSetAddressless</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLLoginOptionsSetTicketStartTime">KLLoginOptionsSetTicketStartTime</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLLoginOptionsSetServiceName">KLLoginOptionsSetServiceName</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLDisposeLoginOptions">KLDisposeLoginOptions</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#MiscFunctions">Miscellaneous Functions</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#KLDisposeString">KLDisposeString</A>
   <LI><A HREF="#InternalUseFunctions">Internal Use Functions</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache">__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache</A>
      <LI><A HREF="#__KLInternalAcquireNewKerberos4TicketsFromKerberos5Tickets">__KLInternalAcquireNewKerberos4TicketsFromKerberos5Tickets</A>


<H2><A NAME="Types"></A>Types</H2>

<H3><A NAME="PrincipalInfo"></A>KLPrincipal</H3>

<PRE><CODE>struct KLPrincipal;</CODE></PRE>

<P><CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> is an opaque structure. Use the
<CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> manipulation functions to get information
about the principal contained in the structure.
<CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> should be capable of retaining and
reproducing both Kerberos v4 and v5 representations of the fully
qualified principal. <CODE>nil</CODE> is an acceptable value for a

<H3><A NAME="KLLoginOptions"></A>KLLoginOptions</H3>

<PRE><CODE>struct </CODE>KLLoginOptions<CODE>;</CODE></PRE>

<P>KLLoginOptions is an opaque structure. Use the KLLoginOptions
manipulation functions to get information about the options contained
in the structure. KLLoginOptions is used to determine ticket options
for logging (eg: ticket lifetime).</P>

<H3><A NAME="KLStatus"></A>KLStatus</H3>

<P>The Kerberos Login Library error code type (an integer type).</P>

<H3><A NAME="KLKerberosVersion"></A>KLKerberosVersion</H3>

<P>A Kerberos version. One of KLEKerberosVersion (an integer type).

<H3><A NAME="KLDefaultLoginOption"></A>KLDefaultLoginOption</H3>

<P>One of KLEDefaultLoginOptions, used to set default login options
(an integer type). See KLGetDefaultLoginOptions or

<H3><A NAME="KLLoginMode"></A>KLLoginMode</H3>

<P>One of KLELoginMode (an integer type). Used to specifiy if the
login dialog will come up in basic or advanced mode.</P>

<H3><A NAME="KLDialogIdentifier"></A>KLDialogIdentifier</H3>

<P>One of KLEDialogIdentifiers (an integer type). Used to tell the
error dialog which dialog the error is for.</P>

<H3><A NAME="KLIndex"></A>KLIndex</H3>

<P>An index into the realm list (an integer type).</P>

<H3><A NAME="KLLifetime"></A>KLLifetime</H3>

<P>The ticket lifetime in seconds (an integer type).</P>

<H3><A NAME="KLTime"></A>KLTime</H3>

<P>Unix time (seconds since 1/1/1970 00:00:00 GMT) (an integer type).

<H3><A NAME="KLSize"></A>KLSize</H3>

<P>The size of a buffer (for KLGetDefaultLoginOptions or
KLSetDefaultLoginOptions) or the size of the realm list (returned by
CountKerberosRealms). An integer type.</P>

<H3><A NAME="KLRefCon"></A>KLRefCon</H3>

<P>The application refCon which is returned to your application event
filter (an integer type). Pass in a pointer to your globals.</P>

<H3><A NAME="KLBoolean"></A>KLBoolean</H3>

<P>A Boolean value (an integer type). 0 is false, everything else is



<H2><A NAME="Constants"></A>Constants</H2>

<H3><A NAME="KerberosVersionConstants"></A>Kerberos Version Constants

<P>These are used by the KLPrincipal and cache manipulation functions
to specify protocol versions of Kerberos for credentials and
principals. The Kerberos version is either represented as a bitfield
of the versions (ie: <TT>kerberosVersion_V4 &amp;
kerberosVersion_V5</TT> is represents both versions) or as one of two
magic values. <TT>kerberosVersion_Any</TT> refers to one or more
Kerberos version and <TT>kerberosVersion_All</TT> refers to all
Kerberos versions which are valid for the current realm (ie: in a
version 4-only realm, <TT>kerberosVersion_All</TT> would be
equivalent to <TT>kerberosVersion_V4</TT>).</P>

<PRE>enum KLEKerberosVersion {
     kerberosVersion_Any     = 0,
     kerberosVersion_V4      = 1,
     kerberosVersion_V5      = 2,
     kerberosVersion_All     = 0xFFFFFFFF

<H3><A NAME="DialogIdentifierConstants"></A>Dialog Identifier

<P>These are used by Kerberos Login Event Filter functions to
identify which dialog they were called from.</P>

<PRE><CODE>num KLELoginDialogIdentifers {
	loginLibrary_UnknownDialog = -1

<H3><A NAME="OptionIdentifierConstants"></A>Option Identifier

<P>These constants are the configuration option flags used by
<CODE>KLGetLoginOption()</CODE> and <CODE>KLSetLoginOption()</CODE> .
For further descriptions of them, see
<A HREF="#LibraryConfigurationFunctions">Library Configuration

<PRE><CODE>enum KLEDefaultLoginOptions {
	/* Initial values and ranges */
	loginOption_LoginName                     = 'name',

	loginOption_RememberPrincipal             = 'prin',
	loginOption_RememberExtras                = 'extr',
	loginOption_MinimalTicketLifetime         = '-lif',
	loginOption_MaximalTicketLifetime         = '+lif',
	loginOption_DefaultTicketLifetime         = '0lif',
	loginOption_LongTicketLifetimeDisplay     = 'hms ',

	loginOption_DefaultRenewableTicket        = '0rtx',
    loginOption_MinimalRenewableLifetime      = '-rlf',
	loginOption_MaximalRenewableLifetime      = '+rlf',
	loginOption_DefaultRenewableLifetime      = '0rlf',
	loginOption_DefaultForwardableTicket      = '0fwd',
	loginOption_DefaultProxiableTicket		  = '0prx',
    loginOption_DefaultAddresslessTicket      = '0adr'

<H3><A NAME="RealmIndexConstants"></A>Realm Index Constants</H3>

<P>These constants are the configuration option flags used by
<CODE><A HREF="#InsertKerberosLoginRealm">KLInsertKerberosRealm</A>()</CODE>

<PRE><CODE>enum KLERealmListIndexes {
     realmList_Start     = 0,
     realmList_End       = 0xFFFF


<H2><A NAME="LoginLibraryBehavior"></A>Login Library Behavior</H2>

      </TD><TD COLSPAN=2>
         <P><CENTER>Principal specified</CENTER>
      </TD><TD COLSPAN=2>
         <P><CENTER>No principal specified</CENTER>
         <P><CENTER>Valid tickets exist for it</CENTER>
         <P><CENTER>No valid tickets exist for it</CENTER>
         <P><CENTER>Valid tickets exist in system default cache
         <P><CENTER>No valid tickets in system default cache
         <P><FONT SIZE="-1">(primarily for applications that need
         service tickets)</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">No user interface displayed</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">No new tickets obtained</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">System default cache unchanged</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Name of credential cache
            corresponding to principal is returned</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Displays user interface (with
            non-editable principal)</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">New tickets obtained</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Credential cache corresponding to
            principal is made system default if no other tickets
            exist in cache collection</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Name of new credential cache
            corresponding to principal is returned</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">No user interface displayed</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">No new tickets obtained</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">System default cache unchanged</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Name of system default cache is
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Displays user interface(with editable
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">New tickets obtained</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Credential cache corresponding to
            principal is made system default</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Name of new credential cache
            corresponding to principal is returned</FONT>
         <P><FONT SIZE="-1">(primarily for management
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Displays user interface (with
            non-editable principal)</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">New tickets obtained, replacing
            existing tickets</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">System default cache unchanged</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Name of new credential cache
            corresponding to principal is returned</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Displays user interface (with
            non-editable principal)</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">New tickets obtained</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Credential cache corresponding to
            principal is made system default if no other tickets
            exist in cache collection</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Name of new credential cache
            corresponding to principal is returned</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Displays user interface(with editable
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">New tickets obtained - if they are
            for a principal already in the cache, they replace the
            existing tickets</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Name of new credential cache
            corresponding to principal is returned</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Displays user interface(with editable
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">New tickets obtained - if they are
            for a principal already in the cache, they replace the
            existing tickets</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Credential cache corresponding to
            principal is made system default</FONT>
            <LI><FONT SIZE="-1">Name of new credential cache
            corresponding to principal is returned</FONT>

<P><CODE>KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> behaves identically to
<CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> with "principal specified," but the
user interface is never displayed under any conditions.</P>

<P><CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> behaves identically
to <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> with "principal specified," but
the user interface is never displayed under any conditions.</P>

<P><CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets...()</CODE> does not set the system default
cache when principal is non-nil because it's called when applications
want service tickets, and we don't want the system default changing
constantly. It will set the system default if there are no existing
credential caches.</P>

<P><CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets...()</CODE> does not set the system
default cache because we want to allow explicit renews that don't
change the defaults.</P>

<P>So if an explicit renew wants to change the defaults, it must call
<CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets...()</CODE> and a default cache changing

<P>Originally the Login Library API was going to change the
"application default cache" as well, however, Kerberos 5 doesn't have
the concept of application default caches -- only context default
caches. The only way the Login API could have changed these is if the
caller passed in the current Kerberos v5 context, and we decided it
would be bad to have the Login API depend on Kerberos 5 structures.
So instead a credentials cache name is returned by functions that
attempt to acquire tickets, and it is up to the caller to change the
application or context defaults using that information.</P>


<H2><A NAME="TerminologyNotes"></A>Terminology Notes</H2>

<P>The multiple uses of the word "cache" may be confusing. We have
tried to distinguish between them by using different phrases. They

<P>"cache collection" - the conglomeration of all credential caches

<P>"credentials cache" - a single set of credentials for a specific
principal and Kerberos version</P>

<P>"system default cache" - a credentials cache that an
application/service/context will use by default after the first time
it is launched/created (in Kerberos v4, the application default cache
will be set to the system default cache when the application is first
launched; in v5 a context's default cache will be set the system
default cache when the context is first created)</P>


<H2><A NAME="HighLevelLoginFunctions"></A>High-Level Login Functions

<H3><A NAME="KLAcquireInitialTickets"></A>KLAcquireInitialTickets</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLAcquireInitialTickets (
     KLPrincipal    inPrincipal,
     KLLoginOptions inLoginOptions,
     KLPrincipal   *outPrincipal
     char         **outCredCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> function requires the

   <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is either NULL or a pointer to
   a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>.

   <LI><CODE>inLoginOptions</CODE> is either NULL or a pointer to
   a valid <CODE>KLLoginOptions</CODE>.


<P>The <CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> function attempts to insure
that a valid ticket-granting ticket is available in the cache
collection, prompting the user to obtain a new one if necessary. Its
main purpose is to be used by client applications that want to make
sure some tickets exist before using a Kerberos service.</P>

<P>If <CODE>inLoginOptions</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE> and new tickets
are obtained, they are obtained with the login options specified by 

<P>The name of the principal for which tickets are obtained (or
found) is returned in <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE>.</P>

<P>The name of the cache into which tickets are placed (or which is
found if no new tickets are obtained) is returned in
<CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> so that the caller can change the
application/context default cache if desired. This returned name can
be used in Credential Cache API, Kerberos 4, or Kerberos 5 calls
(if "API:" is prepended to the name). </P>

<P>If <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE> (a principal
is specified),</P>

   <LI>and no valid tickets for that principal are in the cache
   collection, <CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> presents the 
   Kerberos Login dialog to
   obtain user information and then attempts to acquire tickets
   with that information. If successful and no tickets at all were
   previously in the cache, the cache containing those tickets is
   made the system default cache;
   <LI>or, valid tickets for that principal are available in the
   cache collection, no user interface is displayed.

<P>If <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE> (no principal is

   <LI>and no valid tickets for any user are in the system default
   cache, <CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> presents the 
   Kerberos Login dialog to obtain
   user information and then attempts to acquire tickets with that
   information. If successful, the credentials cache corresponding to
   that principal is made the system default cache.
   <LI>or, valid tickets are available in the system default cache,
   no user interface is displayed and the system default cache name
   is returned.

<P><CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> does not necessarily present the
user interface. If you always want to bring up the user interface,
use <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE>.</P>

<P><CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> will take care of presenting error
dialogs to the user as necessary (ie: for problems such as unknown
principal, incorrect password, etc.). You do not need to call
<CODE>KLHandleError()</CODE> after this function.</P>

<P>If both Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 are available for the realm of
the principal, either both v4 and v5 ticket-granting tickets will be
available in the cache collection (and the credentials cache
containing them will possibly be set as the system default cache, as
specified above) upon return, or <CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> will
return an error code.</P>

<P>If both Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 are available for the realm of
the principal, and valid tickets for only one version but not the
other are available in the cache collection,
<CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> will treat this as the same as the no
valid tickets case -- new tickets will be obtained for both Kerberos
versions, replacing the current "orphan" ones.</P>

<P>If only one of Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 is available for the
realm of the principal, either a ticket-granting ticket for the
appropriate version will be available in the cache collection (and
the credentials cache containing them will be possibly set as the
system default cache) as specified above upon return, or
<CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> will return an error


<P>If <CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> returns <CODE>klNoErr</CODE>,

   <LI>tickets are available in the cache collection;
   <LI>if <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>, a new
   <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> is returned in
   <CODE>*outPrincipal</CODE>. The returned <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>
   should be freed using the <CODE>KLDisposePrincipal()</CODE>
   function. If <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>,
   nothing is returned.
   <LI>if <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>, a C
   string containing one of the following is returned in
   <CODE>*outCredCacheName</CODE>: the name of the credentials cache
   corresponding to the principal; or if no principal was specified
   and no new tickets were necessary, it is the name of the system
   default credentials cache. The returned string should be freed
   using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function. If
   <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>, nothing is

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> and
<CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> are unchanged and
<CODE>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</CODE> returns one of the following error

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your variables).
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The dialog failed to load because the resources are
         corrupt or missing.

<H3><A NAME="AcquireNewTickets"></A>KLAcquireNewTickets</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLAcquireNewInitialTickets (
     KLPrincipal    inPrincipal,
     KLLoginOptions inLoginOptions,
     KLPrincipal   *outPrincipal
     char         **outCredCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> function requires the

   <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is either NULL or a pointer to
   a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>.

   <LI><CODE>inLoginOptions</CODE> is either NULL or a pointer to
   a valid <CODE>KLLoginOptions</CODE>.


<P>The <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> function always attempts to
get a new valid ticket-granting ticket, either for a new principal or
replacing (renewing) the existing tickets for a principal already in
the cache collection. The Kerberos Login dialog is
always displayed. The main purpose of this function is to be used by
administrative applications that want to provide a way to login new
principals or renew existing tickets.</P>

<P>The name of the principal for which tickets are obtained is
returned in <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE>.</P>

<P>The name of the cache into which tickets are placed is returned in
<CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> so that the caller can change the
application/context default cache if desired. This returned name can
be used in Credential Cache API, Kerberos 4, or Kerberos 5 calls 
(if "API:" is prepended to the name).</P>

<P>If <TT><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE></TT> is not <CODE>nil</CODE> (a
principal is specified),</P>

   <LI>and no valid tickets for that principal are in the cache
   collection, <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> presents the Kerberos
   Login dialog and then attempts to acquire tickets with that
   information. If successful, a valid ticket-granting ticket for
   that principal is placed in the cache collection. If successful
   and there are no other tickets in the cache collection, the
   credentials cache corresponding to that principal is made the
   system default cache.
   <LI>or, valid tickets for that principal are available in the
   cache collection, <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> presents the
   Kerberos Login dialog and then attempts to acquire tickets with that
   information. If successful, the principal's existing tickets are
   replaced by a new ticket-granting ticket (possibly with a
   different lifetime and different ticket properties). No change is
   made to the system default cache. If unsuccessful, the principal's
   existing tickets are unchanged.

<P>If <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE> (no principal is

   <LI><CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> presents the Kerberos
   Login dialog and attempts to acquire tickets with that information. If
   successful, a valid ticket-granting ticket for that principal is
   placed in the cache collection. If the user enters a principal
   with tickets already in the cache collection, that principal's
   existing tickets are replaced by a new ticket-granting ticket
   (possibly with a different lifetime and different ticket
   properties) by a successful login attempt, or left alone if an
   unsuccessful attempt is made. If successful and there are no other
   tickets in the cache collection, the credentials cache
   corresponding to that principal is made the system default cache.
   If unsuccessful, no changes to the cache collection are made.

<P><CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> will take care of presenting
error dialogs to the user as necessary (for problems such as unknown
principal, incorrect password, etc.). You do not need to call
<CODE>KLHandleError()</CODE> after this function.</P>

<P>If both Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 are available for the realm of
the principal, <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> will either return
an error code, or both new v4 and new v5 ticket-granting tickets will
be available in the cache collection and possibly set the credentials
cache containing them to be the system default cache (as specified
above) upon return of <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE>.</P>

<P>If both Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 are available for the realm of
the principal, and valid tickets for only one version but not the
other are available in the cache collection,
<CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> will treat this as the same as the
no valid tickets case -- new tickets will be obtained for both
Kerberos versions, replacing the current "orphan" ones.</P>

<P>If only one of Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 is available for the
realm of the principal, <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> will
either return an error code, or an appropriate new ticket-granting
ticket will be available in the credentials cache and possibly set
the credentials cache containing them to be the system default cache
(as specified above) upon return of


<P>If <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

   <LI>new tickets are available in the cache collection;
   <LI>if <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>, a new
   <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> is returned in
   <CODE>*outPrincipal</CODE>. The returned <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>
   should be freed using the <CODE>KLDisposePrincipal()</CODE>
   function. If <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>,
   nothing is returned.
   <LI>if <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>, a C
   string containing the the name of the credentials cache into which
   new tickets were placed is returned in
   <CODE>*outCredCacheName</CODE>. The returned string should be
   freed using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function. If
   <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>, nothing is

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> and <CODE>outCredCacheName
</CODE>are unchanged and <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTickets()</CODE> returns
one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your variables).
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The dialog failed to load because the resources are
         corrupt or missing.

<H3><A NAME="KLDestroyTickets"></A>KLDestroyTickets</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLDestroyTickets (
	KLPrincipal inPrincipal);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLDestroyTickets()</CODE> function requires the

   <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is either NULL or a pointer to
   a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>.


<P><CODE>KLDestroyTickets()</CODE> removes all tickets, both for v4
and v5, for the principal specified in the <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>
structure from the cache collection. If inPrincipal is nil (no
principal is specified), <CODE>KLDestroyTickets()</CODE> removes all
tickets in the system default cache.</P>

<P>If the credentials cache removed was the system default cache,
<CODE>KLDestroyTickets()</CODE> sets the system default cache to
another credentials cache (exactly which credentials cache is
implementation dependent; in the MIT Kerberos for Macintosh
implementation, the defaults are switched as per the Credentials
Cache API).</P>


<P>If <CODE>KLDestroyTickets()</CODE> returns <CODE>klNoErr</CODE>,
then credentials for the specified principal (or system default
cache) were located in the cache collection and successfully removed.

<P>Otherwise, the cache collection is unchanged, and
<CODE>KLDestroyTickets()</CODE> returns one of the following error

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed in does not correspond to
         any cache in the cache collection.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>There is no system default cache (the cache collection is

<H3><A NAME="KLChangePassword"></A>KLChangePassword</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLChangePassword (
	KLPrincipal inPrincipal);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLChangePassword()</CODE> function requires the

   <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is a pointer to a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>.


<P>The <CODE>KLChangePassword()</CODE> function attempts to change
the password of the principal specified by <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>.

<P><CODE>KLChangePassword()</CODE> creates and displays the 
Kerberos Change Password dialog</P>

<P><CODE>KLChangePassword()</CODE> will take care of presenting error
dialogs to the user as necessary (for problems such as unknown
principal, incorrect password, etc.). You do not need to call
<CODE>KLHandleError()</CODE> after this function.</P>

<P><CODE>KLChangePassword()</CODE> will either return an error code,
or the principal's Kerberos password will have been changed.</P>


<P>If <CODE>KLChangePassword()</CODE> returns <CODE>klNoErr</CODE>,
then the principal's password has been changed.</P>

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>KLChangePassword() </CODE>returns one of the
following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The dialog failed to load because the resources are
         corrupt or missing.


<H2><A NAME="LowLevelLoginFunctions"></A>Low-Level Login Functions

<H3><A NAME="KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword"></A>KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword (
     KLPrincipal      inPrincipal,
     KLLoginOptions   inLoginOptions,
     const char      *inPassword,
     char           **outCredCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> function requires
the following:</P>

    <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is a pointer to
   	a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>.

   <LI><CODE>inLoginOptions</CODE> is either NULL or a pointer to
   a valid <CODE>KLLoginOptions</CODE>.

	<LI><CODE>inPassword</CODE> points to a null-terminated C string;


<P>The <CODE>KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> function attempts
to insure that the cache collection contains a valid ticket-granting
ticket for the Kerberos principal specified by
<CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>.  If your site uses hardware preauth,
<CODE>KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE>will display a prompter
dialog or prompt via the command line.  If no UI is available, it 
will return an error.</P>

<P>The name of the cache into which tickets are placed is returned in
<CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> so that the caller can change the
application/context default cache if desired. This returned name can
be used in Credential Cache API, Kerberos 4, or Kerberos 5 calls. The
returned string must be freed by <TT>KLDisposeString()</TT>. If you
pass in nil to this argument, the credentials cache name will not be
allocated for you.</P>

<P>If no valid ticket-granting ticket for the specified principal is
available in the cache collection, then
<CODE>KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> will use the password in
<CODE>inPassword</CODE> to attempt to acquire the tickets with the
properties specified by <CODE>inLoginOptions</CODE>. If
<TT>inLoginOptions</TT> is <TT>nil</TT>, the defaults (as specified
by <CODE>KLSetDefaultLoginOption</CODE><TT>()</TT>) are used. If
successful, and if no tickets at all were previously in the cache
collection, the credentials cache corresponding to the principal is
made the system default cache. If not successful, the cache
collection is unchanged.</P>

<P>If a valid ticket-granting ticket for the specified principal
already exists in the cache collection, no action is taken beyond
setting <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE>.</P>

<P>If both Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 are available for the realm of
the principal, either both v4 and v5 ticket-granting tickets will be
available in the cache collection (and possibly made the system
default cache, as above) upon return, or
<CODE>KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> will return an error

<P>If both Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 are available for the realm of
the principal, and valid tickets for only one version but not the
other are available in the cache collection,
<CODE>KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> will treat this as the
same as the no valid tickets case -- new tickets will be obtained for
both Kerberos versions, replacing the current "orphan" ones.</P>

<P>If only one of Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 is available for the
realm of the principal, either a ticket-granting ticket for the
appropriate Kerberos version will be available in the cache
collection (and possibly made the system default cache, as above)
upon return, or <CODE>KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> will
return an error code.</P>


<P>If <CODE>KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

   <LI>tickets for the desired principal are available in the cache
   <LI>if <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>, a C
   string containing one of the following is returned in
   <CODE>*outCredCacheName</CODE>: the name of the credentials cache
   into which new tickets were placed; or if no new tickets were
   necessary because credentials for the principal were already in
   the cache collection, it is the name of the credentials cache
   corresponding to the principal; or if no principal was specified
   and no new tickets were necessary, it is the name of the system
   default credentials cache. The returned string should be freed
   using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function. If
   <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>, nothing is

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>KLAcquireInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> returns one
of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog (only with hardware
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Dialog failed to load because the resources are corrupt
         or missing (only with hardware preauth).
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 5 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 4 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.

<H3><A NAME="KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword"></A>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword (
     KLPrincipal      inPrincipal,
     KLLoginOptions   inLoginOptions,
     const char      *inPassword,
     char           **outCredCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> function
requires the following:</P>

   <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is a pointer to
   a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>.

   <LI><CODE>inLoginOptions</CODE> is either NULL or a pointer to
   a valid <CODE>KLLoginOptions</CODE>.

   <LI><CODE>inPassword</CODE> points to a nul-terminated C string;


<P>The <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> function
attempts to get a new valid ticket-granting ticket, either for a new
principal or replacing (renewing) the existing tickets for a
principal already in the cache collection.
<CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE>will display a prompter
dialog or prompt via the command line.  If no UI is available,
it will return an error.</P>

<P>The name of the cache into which tickets are placed is returned in
<CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> so that the caller can change the
application/context default cache if desired. This returned name can
be used in Credential Cache API, Kerberos 4, or Kerberos 5 calls. The
returned string must be freed by <TT>KLDisposeString ()</TT>. If you
pass in nil to this argument, the credentials cache name will not be
allocated for you.</P>

<P><CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> will use the password
in <CODE>inPassword</CODE> to attempt to acquire the tickets with the
properties specified by <CODE>inLoginOptions</CODE>. If
<TT>inLoginOptions</TT> is <TT>nil</TT>, the defaults (as specified
by <CODE>KLSetDefaultLoginOption</CODE><TT><CODE> </CODE>()</TT>) are
used. If successful, and if no tickets at all were previously in the
cache collection, the credentials cache corresponding to the
principal is made the system default cache. If not successful, the
cache collection is unchanged.</P>

<P><CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> never changes the
system default cache.</P>

<P>If both Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 are available for the realm of
the principal, either both new v4 and new v5 ticket-granting tickets
will be available in the credentials cache upon return, or
<CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> will return an error

<P>If both Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 are available for the realm of
the principal, and valid tickets for only one version but not the
other are available in the cache collection,
<CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> will treat this as the
same as the no valid tickets case -- new tickets will be obtained for
both Kerberos versions, replacing the current "orphan" ones.</P>

<P>If only one of Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 is available for the
realm of the principal, either a ticket-granting ticket for the
appropriate Kerberos version will be available in the cache
collection upon return, or
<CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> will return an error


<P>If <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

   <LI>new tickets for the desired principal are available in the
   cache collection.
   <LI>if <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>, a C
   string containing the the name of the credentials cache into which
   new tickets were placed is returned in
   <CODE>*outCredCacheName</CODE>. The returned string should be
   freed using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function. If
   <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>, nothing is

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithPassword()</CODE> returns
one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog (only with hardware
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Dialog failed to load because the resources are corrupt
         or missing (only with hardware preauth).
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 5 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 4 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.

<H3><A NAME="KLAcquireNewInitialTicketCredentialsWithPassword"></A>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketCredentialsWithPassword

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLAcquireNewInitialTicketCredentialsWithPassword (
		KLPrincipal         inPrincipal,
		KLLoginOptions      inLoginOptions,
		const char         *inPassword,
		krb5_context        inV5Context,
		KLBoolean          *outGotV4Credentials,
		KLBoolean          *outGotV5Credentials,
		CREDENTIALS        *outV4Credentials,
		krb5_creds         *outV5Credentials);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketCredentialsWithPassword()</CODE> function
requires the following:</P>

   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.2 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   4.5) or later

   <LI><CODE>inPassword</CODE> points to a nul-terminated C string;
   <LI><CODE>outV4Credentials</CODE> is either NULL or a pointer to
   a caller-allocated <CODE>CREDENTIALS</CODE> structure.
   <LI><CODE>inV5Context</CODE> is either NULL or a valid <CODE>krb5_context</CODE>
   which has been initialized with either <CODE>krb5_init_context()</CODE>
   or <CODE>krb5_init_secure_context()</CODE>. <CODE>inV5Context</CODE> must be
   a valid <CODE>krb5_context</CODE> if <CODE>inV5Credentials</CODE> is not <CODE>NULL</CODE>.
   <LI><CODE>outV5Credentials</CODE> is either NULL or a pointer to
   a caller-allocated <CODE>krb5_creds</CODE> structure.


<P>The <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketCredentialsWithPassword()</CODE> function
attempts to get a new valid ticket-granting ticket for <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>.
will display a prompter dialog or prompt the user via the command line.
If no UI is available, it will return an error.</P>


<P>If <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketCredentialsWithPassword()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

	<P>If <CODE>outGotV4Credentials</CODE> is non-NULL, it will be filled out
	with a boolean value indicating whether Kerberos 4 credentials could be
	obtained by the user.  </P>
	<P>If <CODE>outV4Credentials</CODE> is non-NULL and 
	<CODE>outGotV4Credentials</CODE> is true, then Kerberos 4
	credentials will be placed in <CODE>outV4Credentials</CODE>. </P>
	<P>If <CODE>outGotV5Credentials</CODE> is non-NULL, it will be filled out
	with a boolean value indicating whether Kerberos 5 credentials could be
	obtained by the user.  </P>
	<P>If <CODE>outV5Credentials</CODE> and <CODE>inV5Context</CODE> are 
	both non-NULL and <CODE>outGotV5Credentials</CODE> is true, 
	then Kerberos 5 credentials will be placed in <CODE>outV5Credentials</CODE>.  
	Note that <CODE>inV5Context</CODE> is used to allocate the pointers
	inside the <CODE>krb5_creds</CODE> structure and must be used to free 
	<CODE>outV5Credentials</CODE> with <CODE>krb5_free_creds_contents()</CODE></P>

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketCredentialsWithPassword()</CODE> returns
one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog (only with hardware
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Dialog failed to load because the resources are corrupt
         or missing (only with hardware preauth).
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 5 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 4 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.

<H3><A NAME="KLStoreNewInitialTicketCredentials"></A>KLStoreNewInitialTicketCredentials

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLStoreNewInitialTicketCredentials (KLPrincipal     inPrincipal,
                                             krb5_context    inV5Context,
                                             CREDENTIALS    *inV4Credentials,
                                             krb5_creds     *inV5Credentials,
                                             char          **outCredCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLStoreNewInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE> function
requires the following:</P>

   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.3 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   5.0) or later

   <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> points to a valid principal;
   <LI><CODE>inV4Credentials</CODE> is either NULL or points to a 
   valid <CODE>CREDENTIALS</CODE> structure.
   <LI><CODE>inV5Credentials</CODE> is either NULL or points to a 
   valid <CODE>krb5_creds</CODE> structure.

   <LI><CODE>inV5Context</CODE> is either <CODE>NULL</CODE> or a valid <CODE>krb5_context</CODE>
   which has been initialized with either <CODE>krb5_init_context()</CODE>
   or <CODE>krb5_init_secure_context()</CODE>.  <CODE>inV5Context</CODE> must be
   a valid <CODE>krb5_context</CODE> if <CODE>inV5Credentials</CODE> is not <CODE>NULL</CODE>.   


<P>The <CODE>KLStoreNewInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE> stores the 
Kerberos 4 and Kerberos 5 tickets in the  <CODE>inV5Credentials</CODE>
and  <CODE>inV5Credentials</CODE> structures in a ccache corresponding to
<CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>.  If there was already a ccache for <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>,
the contents of that cache are replaced (ie: <B>not</B> merged with) with
the new credentials.</P>


<P>If <CODE>KLStoreNewInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

	<P>If <CODE>inV4Credentials</CODE> is not <CODE>NULL</CODE>, the ccache for
	<CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> will contain the credentials in
	<P>If <CODE>inV5Credentials</CODE> is not <CODE>NULL</CODE>, the ccache for
	<CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> will also contain the credentials in
   <LI>if <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is not <CODE>NULL</CODE>, a C
   string containing the the name of the credentials cache into which
   new tickets were placed is returned in
   <CODE>*outCredCacheName</CODE>. The returned string should be
   freed using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function. If
   <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>, nothing is

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>KLStoreNewInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE> returns
one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 5 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 4 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.

<H3><A NAME="KLVerifyInitialTickets"></A>KLVerifyInitialTickets

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLVerifyInitialTickets (
        KLPrincipal 	    inPrincipal,
        KLBoolean           inFailIfNoHostKey,
        char 	          **outCredCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLVerifyInitialTickets()</CODE> function
requires the following:</P>

   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.2 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh 4.5) or later

   <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> points to valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> structure or nil.


<P><CODE>KLVerifyInitialTickets()</CODE> verifies that the credentials for the principal 
<CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> are actually from the machine's local realm using
the local machine's keytab (v5) or srvtab (v4).  If no host key is available and 
<CODE>inFailIfNoHostKey</CODE> is <CODE>true</CODE>, then <CODE>KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE>
will return an error, otherwise it will return success despite the fact that the tickets were 
not entirely verified.</P>

<P> This function is used to prevent the Zanarotti Attack. </P>


<P>If <CODE>KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

   <LI>The credentials were successfully verified or <CODE>inFailIfNoHostKey</CODE> is false.

   <LI>if <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>, a C
   string containing the the name of the credentials cache which 
   was verified is returned in
   <CODE>*outCredCacheName</CODE>. The returned string should be
   freed using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function. If
   <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>, nothing is

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE> returns
one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your variables).
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog (only with hardware
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 5 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 4 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.

<H3><A NAME="KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials"></A>KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials (
        CREDENTIALS        *inV4Credentials,
        krb5_creds 	       *inV5Credentials,
        KLBoolean           inFailIfNoHostKey);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE> function
requires the following:</P>

   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.2 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   4.5) or later

   <LI><CODE>inV4Credentials</CODE> points to valid <CODE>CREDENTIALS</CODE> structure or nil.

   <LI><CODE>inV5Credentials</CODE> points to valid <CODE>krb5_creds</CODE> structure or nil.


<P><CODE>KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE> verifies that <CODE>inV4Credentials</CODE>
and/or <CODE>inV5Credentials</CODE> are actually from the machine's local realm using
the local machine's keytab (v5) or srvtab (v4).  If no host key is available and 
<CODE>inFailIfNoHostKey</CODE> is <CODE>true</CODE>, then <CODE>KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE>
will return an error, otherwise it will return success despite the fact that the tickets were 
not entirely verified.</P>

<P> This function is used to prevent the Zanarotti Attack. </P>


<P>If <CODE>KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

   <LI>The credentials were successfully verified or <CODE>inFailIfNoHostKey</CODE> is false.

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>KLVerifyInitialTicketCredentials()</CODE> returns
one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your variables).
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog (only with hardware
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 5 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 4 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.

<H3><A NAME="KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithKeytab"></A>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithKeytab

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithKeytab (
     KLPrincipal         inPrincipal,
     KLLoginOptions      inLoginOptions,
     const char         *inKeytabName,
     char              **outCredCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithKeytab()</CODE> function
requires the following:</P>

   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.2 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   4.5) or later

   <LI><CODE>inKeytabName</CODE> points to a nul-terminated C string;


<P><CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithKeytab()</CODE> will use the keytab
in <CODE>inKeytab</CODE> to attempt to acquire the tickets with the
properties specified by <CODE>inLoginOptions</CODE>. If
<TT>inLoginOptions</TT> is <TT>nil</TT>, the defaults (as specified
by <CODE>KLSetDefaultLoginOption</CODE><TT><CODE> </CODE>()</TT>) are
used. </P>

<P><CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithKeytab()</CODE> never changes the
system default cache.</P>


<P>If <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithKeytab()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

   <LI>new tickets for the desired principal are available in the
   cache collection.
   <LI>if <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is not <CODE>NULL</CODE>, a C
   string containing the the name of the credentials cache into which
   new tickets were placed is returned in
   <CODE>*outCredCacheName</CODE>. The returned string should be
   freed using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function. If
   <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>, nothing is

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>KLAcquireNewInitialTicketsWithKeytab()</CODE> returns
one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog (only with hardware
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 5 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString()</TT> 
         to report these errors to the user.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 4 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.

<H3><A NAME="KLRenewInitialTickets"></A>KLRenewInitialTickets

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLRenewInitialTickets (
     KLPrincipal         inPrincipal,
     KLLoginOptions      inLoginOptions,
     KLPrincipal        *outPrincipal,
     char              **outCredCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLRenewInitialTickets()</CODE> function
requires the following:</P>

   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.2 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   4.5) or later

   <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> points to a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>
   for which there are renewable tickets in the credentials cache;


<P><CODE>KLRenewInitialTickets()</CODE> attemps to renew tickets 
for principal <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> with the
properties specified by <CODE>inLoginOptions</CODE>. If
<CODE>inLoginOptions</CODE> is <CODE>NULL</CODE>, the defaults (as specified
by <CODE>KLSetDefaultLoginOption()</CODE>) are used. </P>

<P><CODE>KLRenewInitialTickets()</CODE> never changes the
system default cache.</P>


<P>If <CODE>KLRenewInitialTickets()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

   <LI>Renewed tickets for the desired principal are available in the
   cache collection.
   <LI>If <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> is not <CODE>NULL</CODE>, the name 
   of the principal for which tickets are obtained is returned in 
   <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE>.  The returned principal should be
   freed using the <CODE>KLDisposePrincipal()</CODE> function. If
   <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> is <CODE>NULL</CODE>, nothing is

   <LI>If <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is not <CODE>NULL</CODE>, a C
   string containing the the name of the credentials cache into which
   new tickets were placed is returned in
   <CODE>*outCredCacheName</CODE>. The returned string should be
   freed using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function. If
   <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is <CODE>NULL</CODE>, nothing is

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>KLRenewInitialTickets()</CODE> returns
one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog (only with hardware
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 5 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 4 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.

<H3><A NAME="KLValidateInitialTickets"></A>KLValidateInitialTickets

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLValidateInitialTickets (
     KLPrincipal         inPrincipal,
     KLLoginOptions      inLoginOptions,
     char              **outCredCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLValidateInitialTickets()</CODE> function
requires the following:</P>

   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.2 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   4.5) or later

   <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> points to a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>
   for which there are postdated tickets in the credentials cache;


<P><CODE>KLValidateInitialTickets()</CODE> attempts to validate tickets 
for principal <CODE>inPrincipals</CODE> with the
properties specified by <CODE>inLoginOptions</CODE>. If
<TT>inLoginOptions</TT> is <TT>nil</TT>, the defaults (as specified
by <CODE>KLSetDefaultLoginOption</CODE><TT><CODE> </CODE>()</TT>) are
used. Tickets which were acquired post-dated must be validated before they 
can be used.</P>

<P><CODE>KLValidateInitialTickets()</CODE> never changes the
system default cache.</P>


<P>If <CODE>KLValidateInitialTickets()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

   <LI>validated tickets for the desired principal are available in the
   cache collection.
   <LI>if <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is not <CODE>NULL</CODE>, a C
   string containing the the name of the credentials cache into which
   new tickets were placed is returned in
   <CODE>*outCredCacheName</CODE>. The returned string should be
   freed using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function. If
   <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>, nothing is

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>KLValidateInitialTickets()</CODE> returns
one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog (only with hardware
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 5 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.

<H3><A NAME="KLLastChangedTime"></A>KLLastChangedTime</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLLastChangedTime (
     KLTime        *outLastChangedTime);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLLastChangedTime ()</CODE> function requires the

   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.1 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   3.5) or later


<P><CODE>KLLastChangedTime()</CODE> returns the last time the state
or validity of the cache collection changed in seconds since GMT
midnight January 1, 1970.</P>

<P><CODE>KLLastChangedTime()</CODE> should be used by applications
which wish to frequently call <CODE>KLCacheHasValidTickets()</CODE>,
<CODE>KLTicketStartTime()</CODE> or <CODE>KLExpirationTime()</CODE>.
The time returned by <CODE>KLLastChangedTime()</CODE> will change if
and only if the validity, start or expiration times of the cache
collection changes. Your application can check this time to determine
when you should call one of <CODE>KLCacheHasValidTickets()</CODE>,
<CODE>KLTicketStartTime()</CODE> or <CODE>KLExpirationTime()</CODE>.

<CODE>KLTicketStartTime()</CODE> and <CODE>KLExpirationTime()</CODE>
are <TT>O(n)</TT> where <TT>n</TT> is the number of caches in the
cache collection. Calling them frequently may negatively impact the
performance of your application. <CODE>KLLastChangedTime()</CODE> is
<TT>O(1)</TT>, so your application can safely call it as often as
every 1/60 of a second.</P>

<P>If an error code is returned, <CODE>outLastChangedTime</CODE> is


<P>If no errors occur, <CODE>klNoErr</CODE> is returned. Other
possible errors are:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.

<H3><A NAME="KLCacheHasValidTickets"></A>KLCacheHasValidTickets</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLCacheHasValidTickets (
	KLPrincipal         inPrincipal,
     KLKerberosVersion   inKerberosVersion,
     KLBoolean          *outFoundValidTickets,
     KLPrincipal        *outPrincipal,
     char              **outCredCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLCacheHasValidTickets()</CODE> function requires the

   <LI><CODE>outFoundValidTickets</CODE> is a valid pointer
   (otherwise <TT>klParameterErr</TT> is returned).


<P><CODE>KLCacheHasValidTickets()</CODE> looks in the cache
collection to see if it contains valid ticket-granting tickets.</P>

<P>If <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE> (a principal
is specified), <CODE>KLCacheHasValidTickets()</CODE> returns in
<CODE>outFoundValidTickets</CODE> whether there are valid tickets of
the version specified by
<TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE></TT><CODE> </CODE>in the cache
collection for that principal. If <TT>outPrincipal</TT> is not
<CODE>nil</CODE>, the principal is returned in <TT>outPrincipal</TT>.
If <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>, the name of
the credentials cache corresponding to that principal is returned in

<P>If <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE> (no principal is
specified), <CODE>KLCacheHasValidTickets()</CODE> returns in
<CODE>outFoundValidTickets</CODE> whether or not any valid tickets of
the version specified by <TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion </CODE></TT>are
in the system default cache. If <TT>outPrincipal</TT> is not
<CODE>nil</CODE>, the principal of the system default credentials
cache is returned in <TT>outPrincipal</TT>. If
<CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>, the name of
the system default credentials cache is returned in

<P>If <TT>outPrincipal</TT> is nil, nothing is returned in it.</P>

<P>If <CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>, nothing is
returned in it.</P>

<P><TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion </CODE></TT>is
<TT>kerberosVersion_All</TT>: If and only if valid tickets of all the
versions of Kerberos supported by <TT>inPrincipal</TT>'s realm (or
the realm of the system default cache's principal if <TT>inPrincipal
== nil</TT>) exist for <TT>inPrincipal</TT>, then
<CODE>outFoundValidTickets</CODE> is filled out as <CODE>true</CODE>.

<P><TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion </CODE></TT>is
<TT>kerberosVersion_Any: </TT>If and only if valid tickets of any
version of Kerberos supported by <TT>inPrincipal</TT>'s realm (or the
realm of the system default cache's principal if <TT>inPrincipal ==
nil</TT>) exist for <TT>inPrincipal</TT>, then
<CODE>outFoundValidTickets</CODE> is filled out as <CODE>true</CODE>.

<P><TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion </CODE></TT>is one or more specific
versions of Kerberos 'OR'ed together as a bitfield<TT>: </TT>if and
only if valid tickets of the specified version(s) of Kerberos exist
for <TT>inPrincipal </TT>(the system default cache's principal if
<TT>inPrincipal == nil</TT>), then <CODE>outFoundValidTickets</CODE>
is filled out as <CODE>true</CODE>.</P>

<P>If no valid tickets are found of the version specified by
<TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE></TT> (either no tickets for the
principal exist, tickets do not exist for all the requested Kerberos
versions, a ticket is expired, or a ticket is for an IP address
different from the current one), <CODE>outFoundValidTickets</CODE> is
filled out as <CODE>false</CODE><TT><CODE> </CODE></TT>and one of
<TT>klNoCredentialsErr</TT>, <TT>klCredentialsExpiredErr</TT>, or
<TT>klCredentialsBadAddressErr</TT> is returned.</P>

<P>If an error code is returned, <TT>outPrincipal</TT> and
<CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> are unchanged.  For compatibility,
<CODE>outFoundValidTickets</CODE> is set to false.</P>


<P>If no errors while searching the cache collection occurs,
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE> is returned. Other possible errors are:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Invalid Kerberos version.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed in does not correspond to
         any cache in the cache collection.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>There is no system default cache (the cache collection is
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The credentials for the specified <TT>KLPrincipal</TT>
         (or system default) are expired.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The credentials for the specified <TT>KLPrincipal</TT>
         (or system default) contain a different IP address from the
         current one.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>There are no credentials for the specified
         <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> (or no system default).
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLTicketStartTime"></A>KLTicketStartTime</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLTicketStartTime (
	KLPrincipal        inPrincipal,
     KLKerberosVersion  inKerberosVersion,
     KLTime            *outStartTime);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLTicketStartTime()</CODE> function requires the

   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.1 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   3.5) or later


<P><CODE>KLTicketStartTime()</CODE> looks in the cache collection to
return the maximum absolute start time of any valid ticket-granting
tickets of the Kerberos version specified by
<TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE></TT>. If
<TT><A HREF="#KLCacheHasValidTickets">KLCacheHasValidTickets()</A></TT>
would have returned false for the same <TT>inPrincipal</TT> and
<CODE>KLTicketStartTime</CODE><TT>()</TT> returns
<TT>klNoCredentialsErr</TT> or <TT>klCredentialsExpiredErr</TT>.</P>

<P>If a principal is specified by <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>, 
<CODE>KLTicketStartTime()</CODE> returns the maximum absolute start
time for that principal.</P>

<P>If no is specified by <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>, 
<CODE>KLTicketStartTime()</CODE> returns the maximum absolute start
time for the tickets in the system default cache (if one exists).

<P>If valid ticket-granting tickets exist, <CODE>outStartTime</CODE>
is filled out with the absolute time the ticket-granting ticket first
became valid in seconds since GMT midnight January 1, 1970.</P>

<P>If tickets for multiple versions of Kerberos exist for the
principal and <TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE></TT> is
<TT>kerberosVersion_All</TT> or the aforementioned versions of
Kerberos 'OR'ed together as a bitfield, the greater of the times for
the two ticket-granting tickets is returned. If
<TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE></TT> is
<TT>kerberosVersion_Any</TT>, the minimum of the two expiration times
is returned. Otherwise, the time for the specified version is

<P>If an error occurs, <CODE>outStartTime</CODE> is unchanged.</P>


<P>If no errors while searching the cache collection occurs,
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE> is returned. Other possible errors are:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Invalid Kerberos version.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed in does not correspond to
         any cache in the cache collection.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>There is no system default cache (the cache collection is
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The credentials for the specified <TT>KLPrincipal</TT>
         and <TT>inKerberosVersion</TT> do not exist.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The credentials for the specified <TT>KLPrincipal</TT>
         (or system default) are no longer valid.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The credentials for the specified <TT>KLPrincipal</TT>
         (or system default) contain a different IP address from the
         current one.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLTicketExpirationTime"></A>KLTicketExpirationTime</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLTicketExpirationTime (
	KLPrincipal        inPrincipal,
     KLKerberosVersion  inKerberosVersion,
     KLTime            *outExpirationTime);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLTicketExpirationTime()</CODE> function requires the

	<LI> <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is either NULL or a valid


<P><CODE>KLTicketExpirationTime()</CODE> looks in the cache
collection to return the minimum absolute expiration time of any
valid ticket-granting tickets of the Kerberos version specified by
<TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE></TT>. If
<TT><A HREF="#KLCacheHasValidTickets">KLCacheHasValidTickets()</A></TT>
would have returned false for the same <TT>inPrincipal</TT> and
<TT>KLTicketExpirationTime()</TT> returns <TT>klNoCredentialsErr</TT>
or <TT>klCredentialsExpiredErr</TT>.</P>

<P>If a principal is specified by <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>,
<CODE>KLTicketExpirationTime()</CODE> returns the minimum absolute
expiration time for that principal.</P>

<P>If no is specified by <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>,
<CODE>KLTicketExpirationTime()</CODE> returns the minimum absolute
expiration time for the tickets in the system default cache (if one

<P>If valid ticket-granting tickets exist,
<CODE>outExpirationTime</CODE> is filled out with the absolute time
the ticket-granting ticket is valid until (as opposed to the relative
length of time the ticket will remain valid) in seconds since GMT
midnight January 1, 1970.</P>

<P>If tickets for multiple versions of Kerberos exist for the
principal and <TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE></TT> is
<TT>kerberosVersion_All</TT> or the aforementioned versions of
Kerberos 'OR'ed together as a bitfield, the minimum of the times for
the two ticket-granting tickets is returned. If
<TT><CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE></TT> is
<TT>kerberosVersion_Any</TT>, the maximum of the ticket times is
returned. Otherwise, the time for the specified version is returned.

<P>If an error occurs, <CODE>outExpirationTime</CODE> is unchanged.


<P>If no errors while searching the cache collection occurs,
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE> is returned. Other possible errors are:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Invalid Kerberos version.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed in does not correspond to
         any cache in the cache collection.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>There is no system default cache (the cache collection is
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The credentials for the specified <TT>KLPrincipal</TT>
         and <TT>inKerberosVersion</TT> do not exist.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The credentials for the specified <TT>KLPrincipal</TT>
         (or system default) are no longer valid.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The credentials for the specified <TT>KLPrincipal</TT>
         (or system default) contain a different IP address from the
         current one.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLSetSystemDefaultCache"></A>KLSetSystemDefaultCache

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLSetSystemDefaultCache (
	KLPrincipal inPrincipal);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLSetSystemDefaultCache()</CODE> function requires the

	<LI> <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is a valid


<P><CODE>KLSetSystemDefaultCache()</CODE> sets the system (global)
default credentials cache to be the credentials cache which
corresponds to the principal specified in <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>,
that is, to be the credentials cache that an
application/service/context will use by default after the first time
it is launched/created (in Kerberos v4, the application default cache
will be set to the system default cache when the application is first
launched; in v5 a context's default cache will be set the system
default cache when the context is first created).</P>

<P>If both Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 are available for the realm of
the principal, the system default is set to the credentials cache
corresponding to the specified principal for both v4 and v5.</P>

<P>If only one of Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 is available for the
realm of the principal, the appropriate version's system default is
set to the credentials cache corresponding to the specified


<P>If there is a credentials cache corresponding to the specified
principal and that credentials cache is set successfully as the
system default, <CODE>klNoErr</CODE> is returned. Other possible
errors are:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed in does not correspond to
         any cache in the cache collection.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLHandleError"></A>KLHandleError</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLHandleError (
	KLStatus           inError,
	KLDialogIdentifier inDialogIdentifier,
	KLBoolean          inShowAlert);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLHandleError()</CODE> function handles errors that
occur while attempting to acquire tickets or change passwords. After
you call <CODE>KLLoginDialogHandleEvents()</CODE> or
<CODE>KLChangePasswordDialogHandleEvents()</CODE> to process events
in a dialog, you use the information from the dialog to acquire
tickets or change password for the user. If an error occurs while you
are acquiring the tickets or changing the password, you must call
<CODE>KLHandleError()</CODE> with an appropriate error code. This
will ensure that the Login Library will behave correctly on
subsequent calls -- for example, if the user typed an incorrect
password, the password will be selected on the next call to
<CODE>KLLoginDialogHandleEvents()</CODE> or

<P>In general, you should call <CODE>KLHandleError()</CODE> with
<CODE>inShowAlert</CODE> set to <CODE>true</CODE>, in which case
Login Library will display an appropriate error message to the user.
However, if for some reason you need to provide different user
feedback, you should pass <CODE>false</CODE> in
<CODE>inShowAlert</CODE>. In either case, you must call
<CODE>KLHandleError()</CODE> with an appropriate error code.</P>

<P><CODE>KLHandleError()</CODE> can distinguish which of the two
dialogs it was called from by using the
<CODE>inDialogIdentifier</CODE> parameter (see the
<A HREF="#DialogIdentifierConstants">Dialog Identifier Constants</A>
above) .</P>

<P>Valid input values for <CODE>inError </CODE>are any error code
returned by any Login Library function. Usually you only want to pass
the error codes from <TT>KLAcquire*TicketsWithPassword()</TT> and


<P><CODE>KLHandleError()</CODE> returns <CODE>klNoErr</CODE> if no
error occurs, or one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your error
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.

<H3><A NAME="KLGetErrorString"></A>KLGetErrorString</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLGetErrorString (
	KLStatus   inError,
	char     **outString);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLHandleError()</CODE> function requires that:</P>

   <LI><TT>inError</TT> be an error returned from a Kerberos Login
   Library function.


<P>The <CODE>KLGetErrorString ()</CODE> function takes a Kerberos
Login Library error code and returns a C string containing a
user-presentable message explaining the error. This is the same error
message as would have been presented by <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT>.
You will need to dispose of the string with <TT>KLDisposeString
()</TT> after you are through using it.</P>


<P><CODE>KLGetErrorString()</CODE> returns <CODE>klNoErr</CODE> if no
error occurs, or one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your error
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.

<H3><A NAME="KLCancelAllDialogs"></A>KLCancelAllDialogs</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus </CODE>KLCancelAllDialogs<CODE> (void);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLCancelAllDialogs()</CODE> function cancels
all the login library dialogs on the screen when the function is
called. This function should be called from an application event
handler when a quit AppleEvent comes in. Note that if a Kerberos
operation is in progress, the dialogs will cancel when the operation

<P>You should not expect the dialogs to be gone when
<CODE>KLCancelAllDialogs()</CODE> returns to the caller. You should
instead wait until <TT>KLAcquireInitialTickets()</TT> or the relevant
KClient call that popped up the dialog returns before exitting.</P>


<P><CODE>KLCancelAllDialogs()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE> if no error occurs, or one of the following
error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>No dialogs to cancel.


<H2><A NAME="LowLevelChangePasswordFunctions"></A>Low-Level Password
Dialog Functions</H2>

<H3><A NAME="KLChangePasswordWithPasswords"></A>KLChangePasswordWithPasswords

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLChangePasswordWithPasswords (
	KLPrincipal inPrincipal,
     const char *inOldPassword,
     const char *inNewPassword);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>KLChangePasswordWithPasswords()</CODE> function requires
the following:</P>

	<LI> <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is a valid
	<LI> <CODE>inOldPassword</CODE> is a valid C string.
	<LI> <CODE>inNewPassword</CODE> is a valid C string.


<P>The <CODE>KLChangePasswordWithPasswords()</CODE> function attempts
to change the Kerberos password for the principal specified by
<CODE>KLChangePasswordWithPasswords()</CODE> may display user interface
if your site supports hardward preauth.  If it is unable to display
a dialog or prompt via the command line, it will return an error.</P>


<P>If <CODE>KLChangePasswordWithPasswords()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then the password for the desired principal has
been changed.</P>

<P>Otherwise, the principal's passwords unchanged and
<CODE>KLChangePasswordWithPasswords()</CODE> returns one of the
following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Password incorrect or <TT>nil</TT>.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Change password operation failed.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 5 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 4 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.


<H2><A NAME="ApplicationDefinedFunctions"></A>Application-Defined

<H3><A NAME="KerberosLoginIdleCallback"></A>KerberosLoginIdleCallback</H3>

<PRE><CODE>void KerberosLoginIdleCallback (
	      KLRefCon     inAppData);</CODE></PRE>

   <LI>Mac OS 10.1 or greater (KfM 4.0 or greater)
   <LI>Mach-O object formation (installing a PEF KerberosLoginIdleCallback will cause a crash)

<P>A KerberosLoginIdleCallback function is guaranteed that</P>

   <LI><CODE>inAppData</CODE> is the application data, as set by the
   last call to <CODE>KLSetIdleCallback()</CODE>.


<P>A KerberosLoginIdleCallback function is allowed to do anything
that makes sense for the application to do.  Most importantly, 
it can call <CODE>WaitNextEvent()</CODE> or receive Carbon/Cocoa events.
It can cancel the dialogs by calling <TT>KLCancelAllDialogs ()</TT> 
if it receives a quit event.</P>

<P>A KerberosLoginIdleCallback function should not assume anything
about the current resource file; if it needs to use resources, it
must set the current resource file and restore it before returning.

<P>A KerberosLoginIdleCallback function should not block on resources
in the callback.  This will hurt performance and possibly have confusing
side effects.  For example, verify that there is an event in the queue
before calling <CODE>WaitNextEvent()</CODE>.</P>

<P>A Kerberos Login event filter function must not manipulate the 
controlling terminal (ie: stdin, stdout and stderr).  The Kerberos
Login library may be in the middle of reading a password from the
controlling terminal.</P>


<H2><A NAME="ApplicationConfigurationFunctions"></A>Application
Configuration Functions</H2>

<H3><A NAME="KLSetIdleCallback"></A>KLSetIdleCallback

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLSetIdleCallback (
	const KLIdleCallback inIdleCallback,
	const KLRefCon       inIdleRefCon);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI>Mac OS X 10.1 or later (KfM 4.0 or later)
   <LI>the idling function passed in <CODE>inIdleCallback</CODE> is 
   a Mach-O function pointer to a
   valid KerberosLoginIdleCallback function (or <CODE>NULL</CODE>).


<P>The <CODE>KLSetIdleCallback()</CODE> function sets the
idling callback which is called while your application waits for the
Login dialog.  If you wish to cancel the login dialogs from your
application, you should call <CODE>KLCancelAllDialogs()</CODE> from
the callback function.

<P>The meanings of the fields are</P>

   <LI><CODE>inIdleCallback</CODE> is used as the idle function whenever
   your application is waiting for KerberosLoginServer (the application
   which presents the login dialog.  Pass in NULL to remove the idle callback.
   <LI><CODE>inIdleRefCon</CODE> is a value passed to the
   subsequent calls to the idle callback; it is not interpreted by the
   Login Library and its use is entirely up to the application


<P><CODE>KLSetIdleCallback()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE> if no error occurs, or one of the following
error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your variables).
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.

<H3><A NAME="KLGetIdleCallback"></A>KLGetIdleCallback

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLGetIdleCallback (
	KLIdleCallback* outIdleCallback,
	KLRefCon*       outIdleRefCon);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI>Mac OS X 10.1 or later (KfM 4.0 or later)
   <LI><CODE>outIdleCallback</CODE> and <CODE>outIdleRefCon</CODE> are
   pointers to valid data or NULL.


<P>The <CODE>KLGetIdleCallback()</CODE> function returns the
idling callback which will be called while your application waits for the
Login dialog. 

<P>The meanings of the fields are</P>

   <LI><CODE>outIdleCallback</CODE> is used as the idle function whenever
   your application is waiting for KerberosLoginServer (the application
   which presents the login dialog. A value of NULL indicates no
   idle callback is installed.
   <LI><CODE>outIdleRefCon</CODE> is a value passed to the
   subsequent calls to the idle callback; it is not interpreted by the
   Login Library and its use is entirely up to the application


<P><CODE>KLGetIdleCallback()</CODE> returns
<CODE>klNoErr</CODE> if no error occurs, or one of the following
error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your variables).
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.


<H2><A NAME="LibraryConfigurationFunctions"></A>Library Configuration

<P>Library configuration consists of a set of options and their
values; all options are global. The options and their types and
allowed values are:</P>

   Type: char *<BR>
   This option determines what name is used in the username field in
   the login dialog by default. Pass in a C string with
   <TT>ioBufferSize</TT> set to the length of the string (not
   including the NUL at the end). When getting this option you will
   need to NUL-terminate the buffer after calling
   Type: KLBoolean<BR>
   Range: 0, 1<BR>
   This option determines whether principal (username, instance, and
   selected realm) will be remembered between successful logins. The
   remembered principal can be overridden by an application by
   passing the username, etc. to <CODE>KLLoginDialogBegin()</CODE>,
   <CODE>KLAcquireTickets()</CODE>, or
   Type: KLBoolean<BR>
   Range: 0, 1<BR>
   This option determines whether "extra" settings, such as the
   values of the Forwardable Tickets checkbox and Ticket Lifetime
   slider, will be remembered between successful logins.<BR>
   Type: KLLifetime<BR>
   Range: 0 .. 2^32 - 1<BR>
   This option determines the left end of the ticket lifetime slider
   range in seconds.<BR>   
   Type: KLLifetime<BR>
   Range: 0 .. 2^32 - 1<BR>
   This option determines the right end of the ticket lifetime slider
   range in seconds.<BR>
   Type: KLLifetime<BR>
   Range: minimal ticket lifetime .. maximal ticket lifetime<BR>
   This option determines the default value of the ticket lifetime
   slider in seconds.<BR>
   Type: KLBoolean<BR>
   Range: 0, 1<BR>
   This option determines whether the ticket lifetime caption
   displays time in long format (xx hours, yy minutes, zz seconds) or
   short format (xx:yy:zz). Value of 0 means short lifetime display,
   value of 1 means long lifetime display<BR>
   Type: KLLifetime<BR>
   Range: 0 .. 2^32 - 1<BR>
   This option determines the left end of the renewable lifetime slider
   range in seconds.<BR>   
   Type: KLLifetime<BR>
   Range: 0 .. 2^32 - 1<BR>
   This option determines the right end of the renewable lifetime slider
   range in seconds.<BR>
   Type: KLLifetime<BR>
   Range: minimal renewable lifetime .. maximal renewable lifetime<BR>
   This option determines the default value of the renewable lifetime
   slider in seconds.<BR>
   Type: KLBoolean<BR>
   Range: 0, 1<BR>
   This option determines the default value of the renewable ticket
   Type: KLBoolean<BR>
   Range: 0, 1<BR>
   This option determines the default value of the forwardable ticket
   Type: KLBoolean<BR>
   Range: 0, 1<BR>
   This option determines the default value of the proxiable ticket

   Type: KLBoolean<BR>
   Range: 0, 1<BR>
   This option determines the default value of the addressless ticket 


<H3><A NAME="KLGetDefaultLoginOption"></A>KLGetDefaultLoginOption

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLGetLoginOption (	
	KLDefaultLoginOption   inOption,
	void                  *ioBuffer,
	KLSize                *ioBufferSize);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>ioBuffer</CODE> points to a buffer with at least
   <CODE>*ioBufferSize</CODE> bytes of storage, or
   <CODE>ioBuffer</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>.


<P>Returns the size and the value of the specified library option.

<P>If <CODE>ioBuffer</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>,
<CODE>inOption</CODE> is a valid option, and
<CODE>ioBufferSize</CODE> is sufficient to hold the value of the
option (1 byte for KLBoolean values, 4 bytes for KLLifetime or
KLLoginMode values), the value is put in <CODE>ioBuffer</CODE> and
its actual size is returned in <CODE>ioBufferSize</CODE>.</P>

<P>If <CODE>ioBuffer</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE> and
<CODE>inOption</CODE> is a valid option, the size of the option is
put returned in <CODE>ioBufferSize</CODE>.</P>

<P>If <CODE>inOption</CODE> is not a valid option, or
<CODE>ioBufferSize</CODE> is too small, <CODE>ioBuffer</CODE> and
<CODE>ioBufferSize</CODE> are unchanged.</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is locked.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The buffer passed in is too small to hold the login
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The requested login option does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLSetDefaultLoginOption"></A>KLSetDefaultLoginOption

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLSetLoginOption (
	KLDefaultLoginOption  inOption,
	void                 *inBuffer,
	KLSize                inBufferSize);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>ioBuffer</CODE> points to a buffer with at least
   <CODE>inBufferSize</CODE> bytes of storage


<P>If <CODE>inOption</CODE> is a valid option,
<CODE>inBufferSize</CODE> is the correct size for
<CODE>inOption</CODE>, and value in <CODE>inBuffer</CODE> is in the
valid range of <CODE>inOption</CODE>, then value of
<CODE>inOption</CODE> is set to the value in <CODE>inBuffer</CODE>.
Otherwise, no option values are changed.</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is locked.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The buffer passed in is too small to hold the login
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The buffer passed in is too large to refer to this login
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The requested login option does not exist.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The login option you have specified is invalid.


<H2><A NAME="RealmsConfigurationFunctions"></A>Realms Configuration

<P>The functions below manipulate the list of realms displayed by the
Login Library in pop-up menu of the login dialog. This list may be a
subset of the realms listed in the Kerberos configuration file. The
"default realm" is the realm that is selected in the pop-up menu by

<H3><A NAME="KLFindKerberosRealmByName"></A>KLFindKerberosRealmByName

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus </CODE>KLFindKerberosRealmByName<CODE> (
	char      *inRealmName,
	KLIndex   *outIndex );</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>inRealmName</CODE> is a null-terminated C string


<P>Finds the realm with the name inRealmName in the realm list and
returns the index.</P>

<P>Realm indices are 0-based.</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The favorite realms list is empty.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLGetKerberosRealm"></A>KLGetKerberosRealm</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLGetKerberosRealm (
	KLIndex   inIndex,
	char    **outRealmName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>Reads the name of the realm with index <CODE>inIndex</CODE> in the
realm list and returns it as a C string in <CODE>outRealmName</CODE>.
The returned string should be freed using the
<CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function.</P>

<P>Realm indices are 0-based.</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The favorite realms list is empty.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLSetKerberosRealm"></A>KLSetKerberosRealm</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLSetKerberosRealm (
	KLIndex     inIndex,
	const char *inRealmName);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>inRealmName</CODE> is a nul-terminated C string


<P>Sets the name of the realm with index <CODE>inIndex</CODE> in the
realm list to the name specified in <CODE>inRealmName</CODE>. Realm
indices are 0-based.</P>

<P><B>Note:</B> If another realm with the name <CODE>inRealmName</CODE> 
is already in the list, <CODE>KLSetKerberosRealm</CODE> removes the old 
entry before setting the entry at <CODE>inIndex</CODE>.  Because the old entry 
may be before <CODE>inIndex</CODE> in the list, the realm name may actually 
be placed at a different index (one less than <CODE>inIndex</CODE>).  
As a result, you should either make sure you are setting only one realm 
of each name, or you should not use <CODE>inIndex</CODE> after calling 


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is locked.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The favorite realms list is empty.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLRemoveKerberosRealm"></A>KLRemoveKerberosRealm

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLRemoveKerberosRealm (
	KLIndex inIndex);</CODE></PRE>


<P>Removes the realm specified by the index <CODE>inIndex</CODE> from
the realm list. Realm indices are 0-based.</P>

<P><B>Note:</B> Kerberos Login Library does not support removing the 
Kerberos default realm (ie: the <CODE>default_realm</CODE>
in the <CODE>lib_defaults</CODE> section of the Kerberos 
Preferences).  If you attempt to remove the Kerberos default 
realm from the realm list, it will be added back to the beginning of 
the realm list.  If you want to remove this realm, please change 
the Kerberos default realm. </P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is locked.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The favorite realms list is empty.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLInsertKerberosRealm"></A>KLInsertKerberosRealm

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLInsertKerberosRealm (
	KLIndex     inInsertBeforeIndex,
	const char *inRealmName);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>inRealmName</CODE> is a nul-terminated C string


<P>Inserts a realm with the name specified in
<CODE>inRealmName</CODE> before index
<CODE>inInsertBeforeIndex</CODE>, or at the end if
<CODE>inInsertBeforeIndex</CODE> is equal to
<CODE>KLCountKerberosRealms()</CODE>. Realm indices are 0-based.</P>

<P><B>Note:</B> If another realm with the name <CODE>inRealmName</CODE> 
is already in the list, <CODE>KLInsertKerberosRealm</CODE> moves the realm 
before index <CODE>inInsertBeforeIndex</CODE>.  Because the old realm 
may be before this index in the list, the new realm may actually 
be placed at a different index (two less than <CODE>inInsertBeforeIndex</CODE>).  
As a result, you should either make sure you are adding only one realm 
of each name, or you should not use <CODE>inInsertBeforeIndex</CODE> after calling 


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is locked.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The favorite realms list is empty.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLRemoveAllKerberosRealms"></A>KLRemoveAllKerberosRealms

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLRemoveAllKerberosRealms (void);</CODE></PRE>


<P>Clears the entire realm list except for the Kerberos
configuration default realm.</P>

<P><B>Note:</B> Kerberos Login Library does not support removing the 
Kerberos default realm (ie: the <CODE>default_realm</CODE>
in the <CODE>lib_defaults</CODE> section of the Kerberos 
Preferences).  If you attempt to remove the Kerberos default 
realm from the realm list, it will be added to the beginning of 
the realm list.  If you want to remove this realm, please change 
the Kerberos default realm. </P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is locked.

<H3><A NAME="KLCountKerberosRealms"></A>KLCountKerberosRealms

<PRE><CODE>KLSize KLCountKerberosRealms (void);</CODE></PRE>


<P>Returns the total number of realms in the list.</P>

<H3><A NAME="KLGetKerberosDefaultRealm"></A>KLGetKerberosDefaultRealm

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLGetKerberosDefaultRealm(
     KLIndex *outIndex);</CODE></PRE>


<P>Returns the index of the default realm in the login dialog box in
<CODE>outIndex</CODE>. If there are no realms in the list, function
returns a <CODE>klEmptyRealmListErr</CODE> error and
<CODE>outIndex</CODE> is unchanged.</P>

<P>Realm indices are 0-based.</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The favorite realms list is empty.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLGetKerberosDefaultRealmByName"></A>KLGetKerberosDefaultRealmByName

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLGetKerberosDefaultRealm (
	char **outRealmName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>Returns the name of the default realm in the login dialog box as a
C string in <CODE>outRealmName</CODE>. The returned string should be
freed using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function. If there are
no realms in the list, function returns a
<CODE>klEmptyRealmListErr</CODE> error and <CODE>outRealmName</CODE>
is unchanged.</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The favorite realms list is empty.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLSetKerberosDefaultRealm"></A>KLSetKerberosDefaultRealm

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLSetKerberosDefaultRealm (
	KLIndex inIndex);</CODE></PRE>


<P>Sets the default realm in the login dialog box to be the realm
specified by <CODE>inIndex</CODE>. Returns <CODE>noErr</CODE> if the
index passed in is valid, or <CODE>paramErr</CODE> if the index is
invalid (i.e. the index is out of range).</P>

<P>Realm indices are 0-based.</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is locked.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The favorite realms list is empty.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="KLSetKerberosDefaultRealmByName"></A>KLSetKerberosDefaultRealmByName

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLSetKerberosDefaultRealmByName (
	const char *inRealmName);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>inRealmName</CODE> is a null-terminated C string


<P>Sets the default realm in the login dialog box to be the realm
specified by <CODE>inRealmName</CODE>. Returns <CODE>noErr</CODE> if
the name passed in is valid, or <CODE>paramErr</CODE> if the name is
invalid (i.e. the index is not among the known realms).</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is locked.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The favorite realms list is empty.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.


<H2><A NAME="KLPrincipalInfoFunctions"></A>KLPrincipal Functions

<H3><A NAME="KLCreatePrincipalFromTriplet"></A>KLCreatePrincipalFromTriplet

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLCreatePrincipalFromTriplet(
     const char  *inName,
     const char  *inInstance,
     const char  *inRealm,
     KLPrincipal *outPrincipal);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>inName</CODE>, <CODE>inInstance</CODE>,
   <CODE>inRealm</CODE> point to C strings;


<P>Creates a new <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> to be used with other Login
Library API functions from the triplet provided.</P>

<P>The returned <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> should be freed using the
<CODE>KLDisposePrincipal()</CODE> function.</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any error returned by a principal translation plugin
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>A principal translation returned an error.

<P>Note that this function may return error codes reported by a principal translation function. Therefore, your code should expect to get an unknown error code, and be able to handle it gracefully -- by calling <CODE>KLGetErrorString()</CODE>.</P>

<H3><A NAME="KLCreatePrincipalFromString"></A>KLCreatePrincipalFromString

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLCreatePrincipalFromString(
    const char        *inFullPrincipal,
    KLKerberosVersion  inKerberosVersion,
    KLPrincipal       *outPrincipal);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>inFullPrincipal</CODE> points to a C string;


<P>Creates a new <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> to be used with other Login
Library API functions from the string provided. The "string" form of
a principal is "user/instance@realm" (for the v5 case) or

<P>The <CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE> parameter should be either
<CODE>kerberosVersion_V4</CODE> or <CODE>kerberosVersion_V5</CODE>,
specifying whether the string contains a Kerberos v4 or Kerberos v5
principal (this affects how it is parsed).</P>

<P>The returned <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> should be freed using the
<CODE>KLDisposePrincipal()</CODE> function.</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid Kerberos version passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLGetTripletFromPrincipal"></A>KLGetTripletFromPrincipal

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLGetTripletFromPrincipal(
    KLPrincipal   inPrincipal,
    char        **outName,
    char        **outInstance,
    char        **outRealm);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>.


<P>Returns three C strings representing a Kerberos triplet equivalent
to the <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> passed in. Kerberos v5 principals
with two or more instances are not currently supported.</P>

<P><CODE>KLGetTripletFromPrincipal()</CODE> allocates the memory for
the strings <CODE>outName</CODE>, <CODE>outInstance</CODE>, and
<CODE>outRealm</CODE>. The strings returned should then be freed
using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function.</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLGetStringFromPrincipal"></A>KLGetStringFromPrincipal

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLGetStringFromPrincipal(
    KLPrincipal         inPrincipal,
    KLKerberosVersion   inKerberosVersion,
    char              **outFullPrincipal);</CODE></PRE>


<P><LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>.</P>

<P><LI><CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE> is a valid <CODE>KLKerberosVersion</CODE>.</P>


<P>Returns a C string representation of the <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>
passed in (e.g. "user/instance@realm").</P>

<P>The <CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE> parameter should be either
<CODE>kerberosVersion_V4</CODE> or <CODE>kerberosVersion_V5</CODE>,
specifying which representation (Kerberos v4 or Kerberos v5) the
string should use.</P>

<P><CODE>KLGetStringFromPrincipal()</CODE> allocates the memory for
the string <CODE>outFullPrincipal</CODE>. The string returned should
then be freed using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function.</P>

<P>If an error occurs <CODE>outFullPrincipal</CODE> is unchanged.


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid Kerberos version passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLGetDisplayStringFromPrincipal"></A>KLGetDisplayStringFromPrincipal

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLGetDisplayStringFromPrincipal(
    KLPrincipal         inPrincipal,
    KLKerberosVersion   inKerberosVersion,
    char              **outFullPrincipal);</CODE></PRE>


<P><LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>.</P>

<P><LI><CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE> is a valid <CODE>KLKerberosVersion</CODE>.</P>


<P>Returns a C string representation of the <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>
passed in (e.g. "user/instance@realm"), and removes any backslash characters
used to quote special characters in the principal. The returned string cannot be
converted back to a principal, and therefore should be used only for display purposes.</P>

<P>The <CODE>inKerberosVersion</CODE> parameter should be either
<CODE>kerberosVersion_V4</CODE> or <CODE>kerberosVersion_V5</CODE>,
specifying which representation (Kerberos v4 or Kerberos v5) the
string should use.</P>

<P><CODE>KLGetStringFromPrincipal()</CODE> allocates the memory for
the string <CODE>outFullPrincipal</CODE>. The string returned should
then be freed using the <CODE>KLDisposeString()</CODE> function.</P>

<P>If an error occurs <CODE>outFullPrincipal</CODE> is unchanged.


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid Kerberos version passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLComparePrincipal"></A>KLComparePrincipal</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLComparePrincipal(
    KLPrincipal   inFirstPrincipal,
    KLPrincipal   inSecondPrincipal,
    KLBoolean    *outAreEquivalent);</CODE></PRE>


<P><LI><CODE>inFirstPrincipal</CODE> and <CODE>inSecondPrincipal</CODE> are 
valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>s.</P>


<P>If no errors occur, <CODE>inFirstPrincipal</CODE> and
<CODE>inSecondPrincipal</CODE> are equivalent, returns
<CODE>true</CODE> in <CODE>outAreEquivalent</CODE>. Otherwise,
returns <CODE>false</CODE>.</P>

<P>If an error occurs, <CODE>outAreEquivalent</CODE> is unchanged.


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLDisposePrincipal"></A>KLDisposePrincipal</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLDisposePrincipal(
     KLPrincipal inPrincipal);</CODE></PRE>


<P><LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>s.</P>


<P>Releases memory associated with the <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>
passed in. The reference is no longer valid after the call to


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.


<H2><A NAME="KLLoginOptionsFunctions"></A>KLLoginOptions Functions

<H3><A NAME="KLCreateLoginOptions"></A>KLCreateLoginOptions</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus </CODE>KLCreateLoginOptions <CODE>(
     KLLoginOptions *outOptions);</CODE></PRE>




<P>Creates a new <CODE>KLLoginOptions</CODE> to be used with other
Login Library API functions. The login options are set to the
KerberosLogin defaults for those values.</P>

<P>The returned <CODE>KLLoginOptions</CODE> should be freed using the
<CODE>KLDisposeLoginOptions ()</CODE> function.</P>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLLoginOptionsSetTicketLifetime"></A>KLLoginOptionsSetTicketLifetime

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLLoginOptionsSetTicketLifetime (
     KLLoginOptions   ioOptions,
     KLLifetime       inTicketLifetime);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>ioOptions</CODE> is a valid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>
   created with <CODE>KLCreateLoginOptions ()</CODE>


<P>Sets the ticket lifetime in the <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> provided.


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLLoginOptionsSetForwardable"></A>KLLoginOptionsSetForwardable

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus </CODE>KLLoginOptionsSetForwardable<CODE> (
     KLLoginOptions   ioOptions,
     KLBoolean        inProxiable);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>ioOptions</CODE> is a valid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>
   created with <CODE>KLCreateLoginOptions ()</CODE>


<P>Sets the forwardable tickets flag in the <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLLoginOptionsSetProxiable"></A>KLLoginOptionsSetProxiable

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLLoginOptionsSetProxiable (
     KLLoginOptions   ioOptions,
     KLBoolean        inProxiable);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>ioOptions</CODE> is a valid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>
   created with <CODE>KLCreateLoginOptions ()</CODE>


<P>Sets the proxiable tickets flag in the <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLLoginOptionsSetRenewableLifetime"></A>KLLoginOptionsSetRenewableLifetime

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLLoginOptionsSetRenewableLifetime (
     KLLoginOptions   ioOptions,
     KLLifetime       inRenewableLifetime);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.2 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   4.5) or later

   <LI><CODE>ioOptions</CODE> is a valid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>
   created with <CODE>KLCreateLoginOptions ()</CODE>


<P>Sets the renewable lifetime in the <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLLoginOptionsSetAddressless"></A>KLLoginOptionsSetAddressless

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLLoginOptionsSetAddressless (
     KLLoginOptions   ioOptions,
     KLBoolean        inAddressless);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.2 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   4.5) or later

   <LI><CODE>ioOptions</CODE> is a valid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>
   created with <CODE>KLCreateLoginOptions ()</CODE>


<P>Sets whether tickets contain in the <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLLoginOptionsSetTicketStartTime"></A>KLLoginOptionsSetTicketStartTime

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLLoginOptionsSetTicketStartTime (
     KLLoginOptions   ioOptions,
     KLTime           inStartTime);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.2 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   4.5) or later

   <LI><CODE>ioOptions</CODE> is a valid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>
   created with <CODE>KLCreateLoginOptions ()</CODE>


<P>Sets the time when tickets become valid in the <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLLoginOptionsSetServiceName"></A>KLLoginOptionsSetServiceName

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLLoginOptionsSetServiceName (
     KLLoginOptions   ioOptions,
     const char      *inServiceName);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI>Kerberos Login Library API 2.2 (part of Kerberos for Macintosh
   4.5) or later

   <LI><CODE>ioOptions</CODE> is a valid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>
   created with <CODE>KLCreateLoginOptions ()</CODE>


<P>Sets the service principal name in the <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT>


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Failed to initialize a krb5 context.

<H3><A NAME="KLDisposeLoginOptions"></A>KLDisposeLoginOptions</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus </CODE>KLDisposeLoginOptions <CODE>(
     KLLoginOptions inOptions);</CODE></PRE>




<P>Releases memory associated with the <CODE>KLLoginOptions</CODE>
passed in. The reference is no longer valid after the call to


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLLoginOptions</TT> passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The preferences file is inaccessible or corrupt.


<H2><A NAME="MiscFunctions"></A>Miscellaneous Functions</H2>

<H3><A NAME="KLDisposeString"></A>KLDisposeString</H3>

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus KLDisposeString(
     char *inStringToDispose);</CODE></PRE>


   <LI><CODE>inStringToDispose</CODE> is a string allocated by the
   Login Library API.


<P>Zeros the memory associated with the string passed in, and then
releases the memory. (Zeroing the memory first is useful for when
disposing of password strings allocated by the Login Library API.)
The string may have been allocated by functions including
KLGetStringFromPrincipal()</CODE> or


<P>If successful, klNoErr is returned. Otherwise, one of the
following error codes is returned instead:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.


<H2><A NAME="InternalUseFunctions"></A>Internal Use Functions</H2>

<H3><A NAME="__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache"></A>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus __KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache (
     KLPrincipal         inPrincipal,
     const char         *inCacheName,
     KLKerberosVersion   inKerberosVersion,
     KLPrincipal        *outPrincipal,				
     char              **outCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <TT>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache</TT> <CODE>()</CODE>
function requires the following:</P>

   <LI><TT>outCacheName</TT> and <TT>inCacheName</TT> are both
   non-nil. <TT>inCacheName</TT> may be prefixed by the Kerberos 5
   "API:" (<TT>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache</TT> ( ) will
   handle this case).
   <LI><TT>inKerberosVersion</TT> is a valid version of Kerberos.


<P>The <TT>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache</TT><CODE>()</CODE>
function attempts to insure that a valid ticket-granting ticket of
the Kerberos version <TT>inKerberosVersion</TT> is available in the
cache <TT>inCacheName</TT> and, if specified, for the principal
<TT>inPrincipal</TT>, prompting the user to obtain a new one if
necessary. Its main purpose is to be used interally by Kerberos5 and
Kerberos4 libraries to verify the existance of the appropriate ticket
granting tickets for the current session before obtaining a Kerberos
service ticket.</P>

<P>The name of the principal for which tickets are obtained (or
found) is returned in <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE>.</P>

<P>The name of the cache into which tickets are placed (or which is
found if no new tickets are obtained) is returned in
<CODE>outCacheName</CODE> so that the caller can change the
application/context default cache if desired. This returned name can
be used in Credential Cache API, Kerberos 4, or Kerberos 5 calls.

<P>If <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE> (a principal
is specified) and <TT>inKerberosVersion</TT> is a valid version for
that principal (if not, <TT>klBadPrincipal</TT> is returned),</P>

   <LI>and no valid tickets for that principal are in the the cache
   specified by <TT>inCacheName</TT>,
   <TT>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache </TT><CODE>()</CODE>
   presents the user interface as specified by
   <CODE>KLLoginDialogBegin()</CODE> for obtaining user information
   and then attempts to acquire tickets with that information into a
   new cache. If successful and no tickets at all were previously in
   the cache collection, the newly created cache is made the system
   default cache;
   <LI>or, valid tickets for that principal are available in the
   cache specified by <TT>inCacheName</TT>, no user interface is

<P>If <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE> (no principal is

   <LI>and no valid tickets for any user are in the cache specified
   by <TT>inCacheName</TT>, <CODE>KLAcquireTickets()</CODE> presents
   the user interface as specified by
   <CODE>KLLoginDialogBegin()</CODE> for obtaining user information
   and then attempts to acquire tickets with that information and
   place them in a new cache. If successful and the cache collection
   is empty, the credentials cache corresponding to that principal
   are made the system default cache.
   <LI>or, valid tickets are available in the cache specified by
   <TT>inCacheName</TT>, no user interface is displayed and
   <TT>inCacheName</TT> is returned.

<P><TT>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache</TT><CODE>()</CODE> does
not necessarily present the user interface. If you always want to
bring up the user interface, use <CODE>KLAcquireNewTickets()</CODE>.

<P><TT>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache</TT><CODE>()</CODE> will
take care of presenting error dialogs to the user as necessary (for
problems such as unknown principal, incorrect password, etc.). You do
not need to call <CODE>KLHandleError()</CODE> after this function.

<P>If both Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 are available for the realm of
the principal, either both v4 and v5 ticket-granting tickets will be
available in the cache collection (and the credentials cache
containing them will possibly be set as the system default cache, as
specified above) upon return, or
<TT>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache</TT><CODE>()</CODE> will
return an error code.</P>

<P>If both Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 are available for the realm of
the principal, and valid tickets for only one version but not the
other are available in the cache collection,
<TT>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache</TT><CODE>()</CODE> will treat
this as the same as the no valid tickets case -- new tickets will be
obtained for both Kerberos versions, replacing the current "orphan"

<P>If only one of Kerberos v4 and Kerberos v5 is available for the
realm of the principal, either a ticket-granting ticket for the
appropriate version will be available in the cache collection (and
the credentials cache containing them will be possibly set as the
system default cache) as specified above upon return, or
<TT>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache</TT><CODE>()</CODE> will
return an error code<CODE>.</CODE></P>


<P>If <TT>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache</TT><CODE>()</CODE>
returns <CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

   <LI>tickets are available in the cache collection specified by
   <LI>if <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>, a new
   <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> is returned in
   <CODE>*outPrincipal</CODE>. The returned <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>
   should be freed using the <CODE>KLDisposePrincipal()</CODE>
   function. If <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>,
   nothing is returned.

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> and
<CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> are unchanged and
<TT>__KLInternalAcquireTicketsForCache </TT><CODE>()</CODE> returns
one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function or
         version does not match principal.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Invalid Kerberos version passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.

<H3><A NAME="__KLInternalAcquireNewKerberos4TicketsFromKerberos5Tickets"></A>__KLInternalAcquireNewKerberos4TicketsFromKerberos5Tickets

<PRE><CODE>KLStatus __KLInternalAcquireNewKerberos4TicketsFromKerberos5Tickets (
        KLPrincipal       inPrincipal,
		KLPrincipal		 *outPrincipal, 
		char 			**outCredCacheName);</CODE></PRE>


<P>The <CODE>__KLInternalAcquireNewKerberos4TicketsFromKerberos5Tickets()</CODE>
function requires the following:</P>

   <LI><CODE>inPrincipal</CODE> is a valid <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>.


attempts to obtain a new Kerberos 4 credential for <CODE>inPrincipal</CODE>
from an existing  Kerberos 5 credential for the same principal using the 
krb524 service.

<P>The name of the principal for which the Kerberos 4 ticket is obtained 
is returned in <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE>.</P>

<P>The name of the cache into which the Kerberos 4 ticket 
is placed is returned in <CODE>outCacheName</CODE>.  This returned name can
be used in Credential Cache API, Kerberos 4, or Kerberos 5 calls.


<P>If <CODE>__KLInternalAcquireNewKerberos4TicketsFromKerberos5Tickets()</CODE>
returns <CODE>klNoErr</CODE>, then:</P>

   <LI>A new Kerberos 4 ticket is available in the cache collection specified by
   <LI>if <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> is not <CODE>nil</CODE>, a new
   <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE> is returned in
   <CODE>*outPrincipal</CODE>. The returned <CODE>KLPrincipal</CODE>
   should be freed using the <CODE>KLDisposePrincipal()</CODE>
   function. If <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> is <CODE>nil</CODE>,
   nothing is returned.

<P>Otherwise, <CODE>outPrincipal</CODE> and
<CODE>outCredCacheName</CODE> are unchanged and
<CODE>__KLInternalAcquireNewKerberos4TicketsFromKerberos5Tickets()</CODE> returns
one of the following error codes:</P>

      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224 HEIGHT=1>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top HEIGHT=1>
         <P>Invalid option passed into function (check your
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Invalid <TT>KLPrincipal</TT> passed into function or
         version does not match principal.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Invalid Kerberos version passed into function.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>The user cancelled the dialog.
      <TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=224>
      </TD><TD VALIGN=top>
         <P>Out of memory.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>The specified realm does not exist.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 5 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.
      <TD WIDTH=224>
         <P>Any Kerberos 4 error
         <P>Use <TT>KLHandleError ()</TT> or <TT>KLGetErrorString
         ()</TT> to report these errors to the user.


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