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      <TD><B><FONT SIZE="+3">Kerberos Errors API</FONT></B></TD>

<B><FONT SIZE="+2">Types:</FONT></B>

<PRE><CODE>typedef long errcode_t;</CODE></PRE>

<P> The error code integer type. The value of each error code is determined by <CODE>compile_et</CODE>
based on the four character name of the API the error codes belong to.</P>


<PRE><CODE>struct error_table {
    const char * const * const messages;
    int32_t base;
    int32_t count;

<P> The error table type.  This is the fallback error tables used if the bundle strings are not available.
You can add and remove these from Kerberos Error's search path using <CODE>add_error_table()</CODE> and 


<PRE><CODE>typedef void (*com_err_handler_t) 
    (const char *whoami, errcode_t code, const char *format, va_list args);</CODE></PRE>

<P> The com_err display hook callback.  Your application should define this if it wants to use
<CODE>com_err()</CODE> or <CODE>com_err_va()</CODE> to display error messages and does not want 
them <CODE>printf</CODE>ed to <CODE>stderr</CODE>.</P>


<B><FONT SIZE="+2">Functions:</FONT></B>

<PRE><CODE>char const *error_message (errcode_t code);</CODE></PRE>

<P><CODE>error_message()</CODE> converts an error code to a UTF8 string so it can be reported to the user.<P>


<PRE><CODE>com_err_handler_t set_com_err_hook(com_err_handler_t handler);
com_err_handler_t reset_com_err_hook(void);</CODE></PRE>

<P> <CODE>set_com_err_hook()</CODE> sets the com_err display hook function to <CODE>handler</CODE>. 
<CODE>reset_com_err_hook()</CODE> sets it back to the default function, which <CODE>fprintf</CODE>'s to stderr.</P>


<PRE><CODE>void com_err    (const char *progname, errcode_t code, const char *format, ...);
void com_err_va (const char *progname, errcode_t code, const char *format, va_list args);</CODE></PRE>

<P> <CODE>com_err()</CODE> and <CODE>com_err_va()</CODE> print an error message using the com_err hook function.
The default hook function prints a string of the form "<CODE>progname</CODE>: <CODE>error_message (code></CODE> <CODE>format</CODE>" 
to <CODE>stderr</CODE>.  You can set your own hook function with <CODE>set_com_err_hook()</CODE>. </P>


<PRE><CODE>errcode_t add_error_table    (const struct error_table *et);
errcode_t remove_error_table (const struct error_table *et);</CODE></PRE>

<P><CODE>add_error_table()</CODE> and <CODE>remove_error_table()</CODE> add and remove com_err
C string error tables to the list of fallback error tables.  These tables are searched after
Kerberos Errors has failed to find a bundle string for the error code.  You will only need these
functions if your code does not have a bundle or if you do not install the strings list generated by
the Kerberos Errors <CODE>compile_et</CODE>. <P>

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	Last updated on $Date: 2004/12/10 21:41:11 $ <BR> 
	Last modified by $Author: lxs $<BR>

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