"KLStringKerberosOperationFailed" = "Kerberos Operation Failed:"; "KLStringLoginFailed" = "Kerberos Login Failed:"; "KLStringChangePasswordFailed" = "Kerberos Change Password Failed:"; "KLStringOptionsChangeFailed" = "Kerberos Options Change Failed:"; "KLStringPrompterFailed" = "Kerberos Prompt Failed:"; "KLStringKerberosOperationNotice" = "Kerberos Operation:"; "KLStringLoginNotice" = "Kerberos Login:"; "KLStringChangePasswordNotice" = "Kerberos Change Password:"; "KLStringOptionsChangeNotice" = "Kerberos Options Change:"; "KLStringPrompterChangeNotice" = "Kerberos Prompter:"; "KLStringUnknownError" = "Unknown error:"; "KLStringChangePasswordFor" = "Change password for %s"; "KLStringPasswordExpired" = "Your password has expired, would you like to change it?"; "KLStringYesOrNoAnswerOptions" = "(yes/no)"; "KLStringYes" = "Yes"; "KLStringNo" = "No"; "KLStringOK" = "OK"; "KLStringCancel" = "Cancel"; "KLStringUnknownResponse" = "%s is not a response I understand. Please try again."; "KLStringPasswordChanged" = "Password for %s has been changed."; "KLStringPasswordRejected" = "New password rejected."; "KLStringPasswordIncorrectCheckCapsLock" = "Password incorrect (check your Caps Lock key)."; "KLStringPasswordIncorrect" = "Password incorrect."; "KLStringClockSkewTooBig" = "Clock skew too big. Please check your time, time zone and daylight savings settings."; "KLStringKaserverClockSkewTooBig" = "Clock skew too big or service expired. Please check your time, time zone and daylight savings settings."; "KLStringPreauthenticationFailed" = "Password incorrect or preauthentication failed."; "KLStringEnterPrincipal" = "Please enter your principal name"; "KLStringEnterPassword" = "Please enter the password for %s"; "KLStringEnterOldPassword" = "Please enter the old password for %s"; "KLStringEnterNewPassword" = "Please enter the new password for %s"; "KLStringEnterVerifyPassword" = "Verifying, please re-enter the new password for %s again"; "KLStringBanner" = "Kerberos Login Library: "; "KLStringNoLifetime" = "none"; "KLStringDay" = "day"; "KLStringDays" = "days"; "KLStringHour" = "hour"; "KLStringHours" = "hours"; "KLStringMinute" = "minute"; "KLStringMinutes" = "minutes"; "KLStringSecond" = "second"; "KLStringSeconds" = "seconds"; "KLStringLifetimeSeparator" = ", "; "KLApplicationRequest" = "%@ requires that you type your Kerberos password"; "KLUnknownRequest" = "Please type your Kerberos password"; "KLHideOptions" = "Hide Options"; "KLShowOptions" = "Show Options"; "NSHumanReadableCopyright" = "Copyright 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.";