lock.exp   [plain text]

# This is in api.1 so that it happens after all the tests in api.0.
# If some API function does not unlock the database then the server
# (whichs runs through all api tests) will still have it locked, and
# these tests will fail.

load_lib lib.t


if { $RPC } {

set locktest $LOCKTEST
set lockfile $env(K5ROOT)/kdb5.kadm5.lock

# The lock tests use the program lock-test in the unit test
# directory.  The basic idea is that lock-test can be told to acquire
# various kinds of locks and then wait for input before proceeding;
# this is necessary because otherwise we'd have no way to test locking
# interactions without a race condition.
# lock_test_start and lock_test_continue work together to give a crude
# form of continuations.  lock_test_continue expects a list of
# commands for lock-test (passed on the command line) and responses
# (read from stdout).  When it gets to a command of "wait",
# lock_test_continue returns, and its return value is a list of the
# arguments that it should be passed to continue processing that
# particular list of commands for that particular lock-test after
# whatever that requried lock-test to wait has been completed.
# lock_test is simply a wrapper for tests that do not involve wait.

proc lock_test_setup {test cmds} {
    global locktest spawn_id

    verbose "test $test"

    set cmdline ""
    foreach cmdpair $cmds {
	if {[lindex $cmdpair 0] == "eof"} {
	set cmdline "$cmdline [lindex $cmdpair 0]"

    verbose "spawning $locktest $cmdline"
    eval "spawn $locktest $cmdline"

proc lock_test {test cmds} {
    global spawn_id

    lock_test_setup $test $cmds
    set lockany [lock_test_continue $test $spawn_id 0 "" 0 $cmds]
    while {$lockany != {}} {
	set lockany [eval lock_test_continue $lockany]

proc lock_test_start {test cmds} {
    global spawn_id

    lock_test_setup $test $cmds
    return [lock_test_continue $test $spawn_id 0 "" 0 $cmds]

proc lock_test_continue {test my_spawn_id test_failed fail_output cont cmds} {
    global wait_error_index wait_errno_index wait_status_index
    global spawn_id

    set spawn_id $my_spawn_id

    if {$cont == 1} {
	send -i $spawn_id "\n"

    while {[llength $cmds] > 0} {
	set cmdpair [lindex $cmds 0]
	set cmds [lrange $cmds 1 end]
	set cmd [lindex $cmdpair 0]
	set output [lindex $cmdpair 1]

	verbose "test $test: command: $cmd"

	if {$cmd == "wait"} {
	    # ah, for continuations...
	    return [list $test $spawn_id $test_failed $fail_output 1 $cmds]
	if {$cmd == "eof"} {
	    set status $output
	    set output "doesnotmatchanything"

	expect {
	    -i $spawn_id
	    -re "$output" { verbose "test $test: read: $output" }
	    timeout {
		set test_failed 1
		set fail_output "timeout while waiting for $output"
	    eof {
		if {$cmd != "eof"} {
		    set test_failed 1
		    set fail_output "eof while waiting for $output"

	if {$test_failed == 1} { break }

    set ret [wait -i $spawn_id]
    verbose "% Exit $ret" 2

    if {$test_failed == 0} {
	if {[lindex $ret $wait_error_index] == -1} {
	    set test_failed 1
	    set fail_output "wait returned error [lindex $ret $wait_errno_index]"
	} else {
	    if { [lindex $ret $wait_status_index] == $status ||
	    (($status<0) && ([lindex $ret $wait_status_index] == ($status+256))) } {
		verbose "test $test: status $status"
	    } else {
		set test_failed 1
		set fail_output "unexpected return status [lindex $ret $wait_status_index], should be $status"
    if {$test_failed == 0} {
	pass $test 
    } else { 
	fail "$test: $fail_output"

    return {}

lock_test 1 [list \
	[list shared	"shared"] \
	[list release	"released"] \
	[list eof	0]]

lock_test 2 [list \
	[list exclusive	exclusive] \
	[list release	released] \
	[list eof	0]]

lock_test 3 [list \
	[list permanent	permanent] \
	[list release	released] \
	[list eof	0]]

lock_test 4 [list \
	[list release	"Database not locked"] \
	[list eof	0]]

set lock5 [lock_test_start 5 [list \
	[list shared	shared] \
	[list wait	""] \
	[list eof	0]]]
lock_test 5.1 [list \
	[list shared	shared] \
	[list eof	0]]
eval lock_test_continue $lock5

set lock6 [lock_test_start 6 [list \
	[list exclusive exclusive] \
	[list wait	""] \
	[list eof	0]]]
lock_test 6.1 [list \
	[list shared	"Cannot lock database"] \
	[list eof	0]]
eval lock_test_continue $lock6

set lock7 [lock_test_start 7 [list \
	[list shared	shared] \
	[list wait	""] \
	[list eof	0]]]
lock_test 7.1 [list \
	[list exclusive	"Cannot lock database"] \
	[list eof	0]]
eval lock_test_continue $lock7

set lock8 [lock_test_start 8 [list \
	[list permanent	permanent] \
	[list wait	""] \
	[list release	"released" ] \
	[list eof	0]]]
lock_test 8.1 [list \
	[list "" "administration database lock file missing while opening database" ] \
	[list eof	1]]
eval lock_test_continue $lock8

set lock9 [lock_test_start 9 [list \
	[list exclusive exclusive] \
	[list release released] \
	[list wait	""] \
	[list exclusive	"database lock file missing while getting exclusive"] \
	[list eof	0]]]
set lock9_1 [lock_test_start 9.1 [list \
	[list permanent	permanent] \
	[list wait	""] \
	[list release	released] \
	[list eof	0]]]
eval lock_test_continue $lock9
eval lock_test_continue $lock9_1

if {! [file exists $lockfile]} {
    perror "lock file missing before test 10"
set lock10 [lock_test_start 10 [list \
	[list permanent	permanent] \
	[list wait	""] \
	[list release	released] \
	[list eof	0]]]
if {[file exists $lockfile]} {
    fail "test 10: lock file exists"
eval lock_test_continue $lock10
if {[file exists $lockfile]} {
    pass "test 11: lock file exists"
} else {
    fail "test 11: lock file does not exist"

set lock12 [lock_test_start 12 [list \
	[list shared	shared] \
	[list wait	""] \
	[list eof	0]]]
lock_test 12.1 [list \
	[list "get test-pol"	retrieved] \
	[list eof	0]]
eval lock_test_continue $lock12

set lock13 [lock_test_start 13 [list \
	[list "get lock13"	"Principal or policy does not exist"] \
	[list wait	""] \
	[list "get lock13"	retrieved] \
	[list eof	0]]]
set test13_spawn_id $spawn_id
# create_policy could call api_exit immediately when it starts up.
# If it does, and the spawn ID in $spawn_id is ours rather than its,
# it'll close our spawn ID.  So, we call api_start to give it something
# to close.
create_policy lock13
set api_spawn_id $spawn_id
set spawn_id $test13_spawn_id
eval lock_test_continue $lock13
set spawn_id $api_spawn_id
delete_policy lock13