mac-mf.sed   [plain text]

# Rewrite default rules from .c.o:  to  .c.o: .c
/^\./s/^\(\.[a-z]*\)\(\.[a-z]*\)\( *: *\)$/\1\2\3 \1/

# Change dependency char.
/::/s/::/ \\Option-f\\Option-f /g
/:/s/:/ \\Option-f /g
/^[CSU]=/s/ \\Option-f /:/g

# Change syntax of Makefile vars.

# Change $@ to {targ}

# Change pathname syntax.
# If line ends with ..  then assume it sets a variable that will
# be used to prefix something else -- eliminate one colon, assuming
# that a slash after the ${name} will turn into the missing colon.
# Mac pathname conventions are IRREGULAR and UGLY!
# Same if it ends with  .  (a single dot); turn it into nothing.
# Rules for .. and . elsewhere in the line
# Convert ../: to ::, recur to get whole paths.
# Convert ../../ to ::: 
# Convert /../ to ::
# Convert ../ to ::
# Convert ..; to ::;
# Convert /./ to :
# Convert ./ to :
# All other slashes turn into colons.

/=/s/ = \.$/ = :/

# Comment out any explicit srcdir setting.
# /srcdir/s/^srcdir/# srcdir/

/version/s/^version=/# version=/

/BASEDIR/s/^BASEDIR =.*$/BASEDIR = "{srcroot}"/
# The original lines screw up -I$(srcdir)/../des  by eliminating a colon.
# Proposed fix:  Eliminate srcdir prefixes totally; rplc by colon for
# current directory.
# $(srcdir)/../foo turns to ::foo.
# $(srcdir)/bar turns to :bar.

# Comment out settings of anything set by mpw host config.
##/CC/s/^CC *=/#CC =/

# Change -I usage.
/-I/s/-I\./-i :/g
/-I/s/-I::bfd/-i ::bfd:/g
/-I/s/-I::include/-i ::include:/g
/-I/s/-I/-i /g

# Change -D usage.
/-D/s/\([ =]\)-D\([^ ]*\)/\1-d \2/g

# Change continuation char.

# Change wildcard char.

# Change path of various types of source files.
#/\.[chly]/s/\([ 	><=]\)\([-a-zA-Z0-9_$:"]*\)\.\([chly]\)/\1"{s}"\2.\3/g
# Skip the {s} and {o} business for now...
# Fix some overenthusiasms.

# Change extension and path of objects, except in the OBJEXT line.
#/^OBJEXT/!s/\([ 	=]\)\([-a-zA-Z0-9_${}:"]*\)\.o/\1"{o}"\2.c.o/g
# Skip the {o} stuff for now...
/^OBJEXT/!s/\([ 	=]\)\([-a-zA-Z0-9_${}:"]*\)\.o/\1\2.c.o/g
# Clean up.

# Change extension of libs.
# /\.a/s/lib\([a-z]*\)\.a/lib\1.o/g

# Remove non-echo option.
/^	-/s/^	-/	/

# Change cp to duplicate.
# /cp/s/^\([ 	]*\)cp /\1Duplicate -d -y /
# Change mv to rename.
# /mv/s/^\([ 	]*\)mv /\1Rename -y /
# /Rename/s/^\([ 	]*\)Rename -y -f/\1Rename -y/
# Change rm to delete.
/^RM=/s/rm -f/Delete -i -y/
# /rm/s/^\([ 	]*\)rm /\1Delete -y /
# /Delete/s/^\([ 	]*\)Delete -y -f/\1Delete -y/
# Comment out symlinking.
# /ln/s/^\([ 	]*\)ln /\1# ln /

# Remove -c from explicit compiler calls.
# /-c/s/{CC}\(.*\) -c \(.*\)\([-a-z]*\)\.c/{CC}\1 \2\3.c -o "{o}"\3.c.o/g
# Don't ask... prev subst seems to omit the second filename.
# /-o/s/\([-a-z]*\)\.c -o "{o}".c.o/\1\.c -o "{o}"\1.c.o/

# Change linking cc to link.
/LDFLAGS/    s/{CC}\(.*\){CFLAGS}\(.*\){LDFLAGS}/Link \1 \2 {LDFLAGS}/
/CFLAGS_LINK/s/{CC}\(.*\){CFLAGS_LINK}\(.*\){LDFLAGS}/Link \1 \2 {LDFLAGS}/

# Comment out .PHONY rules.
/\.PHONY/s/^\.PHONY/# \.PHONY/
# Comment out .SUFFIXES rules.
# Comment out .PRECIOUS rules.
## Comment out default rules.
##/^\./s/^\(\.[a-z]*\.[a-z]* \)/# \1/

#  End of original hack-mf.sed
#  Begin original hack-mf2.sed
# Transform expressions.

# Set the install program appropriate.
# /INSTALL/s/^INSTALL *= *`.*` -c/INSTALL = Duplicate -y/

# Include from the extra-include dir.
# /^INCLUDES = /s/^INCLUDES = /INCLUDES = -i "{srcroot}"extra-include /

# Yuck - remove unconverted autoconf things.
# /@/s/@[^ 	]*@//g

# Hackery, pure and simple
# To speed up compiles, remove duplicated -i options.
/-i/s/-i {SRCTOP}\([^ ]*\) -i {BUILDTOP}\1 /-i {BUILDTOP}\1 /g

# Note!  There are 8-bit characters in the three lines below:
#   	0xc4, 0xb6, 0xc5.