CTextColumnColorized.cp   [plain text]

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/* $Header: /cvs/kfm/KerberosClients/KerberosApp/Sources/CTextColumnColorized.cp,v 1.19 2003/05/09 21:12:46 smcguire Exp $ */

// =================================================================================
//	CTextColumnColorized.cp
// =================================================================================
/* Same as LTextColumn, but lets you set, get, and apply different fore and background
   colors.  This is good when you want a white list on a grey Appearance window.

#include "CTextColumnColorized.h"


// constructor
CTextColumnColorized::CTextColumnColorized(LStream *inStream) : LTextColumn(inStream)
	mAllowDrops = true;

// destructor
CTextColumnColorized::~CTextColumnColorized() {

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	¥ ClickCell
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Ovverride - Broadcast message for a double-click on a cell

	const STableCell&		inCell,
	const SMouseDownEvent&	inMouseDown)
	if (GetClickCount() == 1) {
		if (LDragAndDrop::DragAndDropIsPresent() &&
			::WaitMouseMoved(inMouseDown.macEvent.where)) {

			UInt32	dataSize;
			GetCellData(inCell, nil, dataSize);
			StPointerBlock	buffer((SInt32) dataSize);
			GetCellData(inCell, buffer, dataSize);
			Rect	cellRect;
			GetLocalCellRect(inCell, cellRect);
			LDragTask	theDragTask(inMouseDown.macEvent, cellRect, 1, mDragFlavor,
										buffer, (SInt32) dataSize, mFlavorFlags);
			// Check for a drop in the trash.
			if ( this->DroppedInTrash( theDragTask.GetDragReference() ) ) {
				// Delete the cell and refresh the list.
				RemoveRows( 1, inCell.row, true );

	} else if (GetClickCount() == 2) {
		if (mDoubleClickMsg != msg_Nothing) {
			BroadcastMessage(mDoubleClickMsg, (void*) this);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	¥ HiliteCellActively
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Draw or undraw active hiliting for a Cell

void CTextColumnColorized::HiliteCellActively(
	const STableCell&	inCell,
	Boolean				inHilite )
	Boolean insideFrame = false;
	Rect cellRect;
	StFocusAndClipIfHidden	focus(this);

    insideFrame = GetLocalCellRect(inCell, cellRect);


    // this is to clean up anti-aliasing artifacts against a highlighted background
   	if (inHilite && insideFrame)
    // call inherited method to do the rest of the work
    LTableView::HiliteCellActively(inCell, inHilite);
    // this is to clean up anti-aliasing artifacts against a highlighted background
	if (!inHilite && insideFrame)

    // draw the cell contents again after we've cleaned up
    if (insideFrame)
    	DrawCell(inCell, cellRect);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	¥ HiliteCellInactively
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Draw or undraw inactive hiliting for a Cell

void CTextColumnColorized::HiliteCellInactively(
	const STableCell&	inCell,
	Boolean				inHilite )
	Boolean insideFrame;
	Rect cellRect;

	StFocusAndClipIfHidden	focus(this);

    insideFrame = GetLocalCellRect(inCell, cellRect);


    // this is to clean up anti-aliasing artifacts against a highlighted background
   	if (inHilite && insideFrame)
    // call inherited method to do the rest of the work
    LTableView::HiliteCellInactively(inCell, inHilite);

    // this is to clean up anti-aliasing artifacts against a highlighted background
	if (!inHilite && insideFrame)

    // draw the cell contents again after we've cleaned up
    if (insideFrame)
	    DrawCell(inCell, cellRect);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		¥ ItemIsAcceptable
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Boolean CTextColumnColorized::ItemIsAcceptable(
	DragReference	inDragRef,
	ItemReference	inItemRef )
	// Make sure the table is enabled and
	// there's text in the drag data.
	FlavorFlags	theFlags;
	DragAttributes theAttributes;
	::GetDragAttributes(inDragRef, &theAttributes);
	return IsEnabled() &&  // table is active
		   mAllowDrops &&  // table is accepting drops
	       (::GetFlavorFlags( inDragRef, inItemRef, 'TEXT', &theFlags ) == noErr) && // drop is text
	       (theAttributes & kDragInsideSenderApplication);  // drop came from inside the application

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Override of LTableView::DrawSelf() so that we can do the highlighting of the
   selection before the drawing.  This solves some more problems with anti-aliased text.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTextColumnColorized::DrawSelf()

		// Determine cells that need updating. Rather than checking
		// on a cell by cell basis, we just see which cells intersect
		// the bounding box of the update region. This is relatively
		// fast, but may result in unnecessary cell updates for
		// non-rectangular update regions.

	Rect	updateRect;
		StRegion	localUpdateRgn( GetLocalUpdateRgn(), false );
	STableCell	topLeftCell, botRightCell;
	FetchIntersectingCells(updateRect, topLeftCell, botRightCell);
	// these next two lines are swapped relative to LTableView::DrawSelf()
	HiliteSelection(IsActive(), true);

	DrawCellRange(topLeftCell, botRightCell);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		¥ ReceiveDragItem
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CTextColumnColorized::ReceiveDragItem(
	DragReference	inDragRef,
	DragAttributes	inDragAttrs,
	ItemReference	inItemRef,
	Rect			&inItemBounds )
#pragma unused( inItemBounds )
#pragma unused( inDragAttrs )

	FlavorFlags	theFlags;
	ThrowIfOSErr_( ::GetFlavorFlags( inDragRef, 
		inItemRef, 'TEXT', &theFlags ) );

	// Get the data.
	Size	theDataSize = 255;
	Str255	theString;
	try {
		ThrowIfOSErr_( ::GetFlavorData( inDragRef, inItemRef,
			'TEXT', &theString[1], &theDataSize, 0 ) );
		// Get the data size and set the string length.
		ThrowIfOSErr_( ::GetFlavorDataSize( inDragRef,
			inItemRef, 'TEXT', &theDataSize ) );
		theString[0] = (unsigned char)theDataSize;

		//we're using these tables to store C strings
		STableCell cellToMove;

		// if we can find this data in the table, consider this a move operation
		if ( this->FindCellData(cellToMove, theString, (UInt32)theDataSize) ) {
			if ( mDropRow != cellToMove.row ) {
				// Delete the old data - if no selection IsValidCell prevents bad things
				if ( IsValidCell( cellToMove ) ) {

					// Delete the original cell.
					RemoveRows( 1, cellToMove.row, false);

				// Add the new data.
				TableIndexT	theRow;
				if ( mDropRow == -1 ) {
					theRow = LArray::index_Last;
				} else {
					theRow = mDropRow;
					if ( (theRow > cellToMove.row) && IsValidCell( cellToMove) ) {
						// Adjust for deleted row
						// (call IsValidCell to make sure cellToMove.row isn't 0 for "no selection")
						theRow -= 1;
				InsertRows( 1, theRow, theString, (UInt32)theDataSize, false );
				// Select the new cell, but without calling
				// SelectCell to avoid immediate drawing.
				//mSelectedCell.row = theRow + 1;
				STableCell cellToSelect;
				cellToSelect.row = theRow + 1;
				cellToSelect.col = 1;

		} else { // it's a copy operation

			// Add the new data.
			TableIndexT	theRow;
			if ( mDropRow == -1 ) {
				theRow = LArray::index_Last;
			} else {
				theRow = mDropRow;

			InsertRows( 1, theRow, theString, (UInt32)theDataSize, false );

			// Select the new cell, but without calling
			// SelectCell to avoid immediate drawing.
			//mSelectedCell.row = theRow + 1;
			STableCell cellToSelect;
			cellToSelect.row = theRow + 1;
			cellToSelect.col = 1;

		// Invalidate the table.
	catch (...) {
		// don't do anything

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		¥ EnterDropArea
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CTextColumnColorized::EnterDropArea(
	DragReference	inDragRef,
	Boolean			inDragHasLeftSender )
	// Call inherited.
	LDragAndDrop::EnterDropArea( inDragRef, inDragHasLeftSender );

	// Invalidate the last drop cell.
	mDropRow = -1UL;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		¥ LeaveDropArea
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CTextColumnColorized::LeaveDropArea(
	DragReference	inDragRef )
	// Undo dividing line drawing.
	DrawDividingLine( mDropRow );

	// Invalidate the last drop cell.
	mDropRow = -1UL;

	// Call inherited.
	LDragAndDrop::LeaveDropArea( inDragRef );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		¥ InsideDropArea
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CTextColumnColorized::InsideDropArea( DragReference	inDragRef )
	// Call inherited.
	LDragAndDrop::InsideDropArea( inDragRef );

	// Focus.
	if ( FocusDraw() ) {

		// Get the mouse location and
		// convert to port coordinates.
		Point	thePoint;
		::GetDragMouse( inDragRef, &thePoint, nil );
		GlobalToPortPoint( thePoint );

		// Get the dividing line point.
		TableIndexT	theRow;
		GetDividingLineGivenPoint( thePoint, theRow );
		if ( mDropRow != theRow ) {
			if ( mDropRow >= 0 ) {
				// Undo the previous dividing line.
				DrawDividingLine( mDropRow );
			// Update the drop cell and
			// draw the new dividing line.
			mDropRow = theRow;
			DrawDividingLine( mDropRow );


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		¥ HiliteDropArea
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CTextColumnColorized::HiliteDropArea(
	DragReference	inDragRef )
	// Get the frame rect.
	Rect	theRect;
	CalcLocalFrameRect( theRect );

	// Show the drag hilite in the drop area.
	RgnHandle	theRgnH = ::NewRgn();
	::RectRgn( theRgnH, &theRect );
	::ShowDragHilite( inDragRef, theRgnH, true );
	::DisposeRgn( theRgnH );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		¥ GetDividingLineGivenPoint
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CTextColumnColorized::GetDividingLineGivenPoint(
	const Point		&inPortPoint,
	TableIndexT		&outRow )
	Boolean	isValid = false;
	UInt16 rowHeight;
	rowHeight = this->GetRowHeight(1); // should be okay just to take the first one since we're single geometry
	// Convert to local coordinates.
	Point	theLocalPoint = inPortPoint;
	PortToLocalPoint( theLocalPoint );
	// Convert to image coordinates.
	SPoint32	theImagePoint;
	LocalToImagePoint( theLocalPoint, theImagePoint );
	// Calculate the cell index given the image point.
	outRow = (TableIndexT)((theImagePoint.v - 1) / rowHeight + 1);
	// Calculate the cell midpoint.
	UInt32	theMidPoint = (outRow - 1) * rowHeight + rowHeight / 2;

	if ( theImagePoint.v < theMidPoint ) {
		// The point is less than the midpoint,
		// so use the previous cell index.
		outRow -= 1;
	// Constrain it to the range of cells.
	// Note: zero is used to mean "insert at the beginning".
	if ( outRow < 0 ) {
		outRow = 0;
	} else if ( outRow > mRows ) {
		outRow = mRows;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		¥ DrawDividingLine
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

void CTextColumnColorized::DrawDividingLine( TableIndexT	inRow )
	// Setup the target cell.
	STableCell	theCell;
	UInt16 rowHeight, colWidth;
	rowHeight = this->GetRowHeight(1); // should be okay just to take the first one since we're single geometry
	colWidth = this->GetColWidth(1);
	theCell.row = inRow;
	theCell.col = 1;

	// Focus the pane and get the table and cell frames.
	Rect	theFrame;
	if ( FocusDraw() && CalcLocalFrameRect( theFrame ) ) {

		// Save the draw state.
		StColorPenState	theDrawState;

		// Save the clip region state and clip the list view rect.
		StClipRgnState	theClipState( theFrame );

		// Setup the color and pen state.
		::ForeColor( blackColor );
		::PenMode( patXor );
		::PenSize( 2, 2 );

		// Calculate the dividing line position.		
		Point	thePoint;
		thePoint.v = (short)(inRow * rowHeight);
		thePoint.h = 0;

		// Draw the line.
		::MoveTo( thePoint.h, (short)(thePoint.v - 1) );
		::LineTo( (short)(thePoint.h + colWidth), (short)(thePoint.v - 1) );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		¥ DroppedInTrash
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Boolean CTextColumnColorized::DroppedInTrash( DragReference	inDragRef )
	Boolean	isTrash = false;
	try {

#ifdef	Debug_Throw
		// It's okay to fail here, so 
		// temporarily turn off debug actions.
			theDebugAction( UDebugging::gDebugThrow, debugAction_Nothing );

		// Get the drop location from the drag ref.
		StAEDescriptor	theDropDestination;
		ThrowIfOSErr_( ::GetDropLocation( inDragRef, theDropDestination ) );

		// Make sure we're dealing with an alias.
		ThrowIf_( theDropDestination.DescriptorType() != typeAlias );

		// Get the file spec of the destination to
		// which the user dragged the item.
		FSSpec	theDestinationFSSpec;
			// Lock the descriptor data handle.
			AliasHandle theDestinationAliasH;


			ThrowIfOSErr_(::AEGetDescData(theDropDestination, &theDestinationAliasH, sizeof(AliasHandle)));
			theDestinationAliasH = (AliasHandle)theDropDestination.mDesc.dataHandle;
			StHandleLocker	theLock( (Handle)theDestinationAliasH );
			// Attempt to resolve the alias.
			Boolean	isChanged;
			ThrowIfOSErr_( ::ResolveAlias( nil,
				&theDestinationFSSpec, &isChanged ) );
		// Get the file spec for the trash.
		FSSpec	theTrashFSSpec;
		SInt16	theTrashVRefNum;
		SInt32	theTrashDirID;
		ThrowIfOSErr_( ::FindFolder( kOnSystemDisk, kTrashFolderType,
			kDontCreateFolder, &theTrashVRefNum, &theTrashDirID ) );
		ThrowIfOSErr_( ::FSMakeFSSpec( theTrashVRefNum,
			theTrashDirID, nil, &theTrashFSSpec ) );

		// Compare the two file specs.
		isTrash =
			(theDestinationFSSpec.vRefNum == theTrashFSSpec.vRefNum ) &&
			(theDestinationFSSpec.parID	 ==	theTrashFSSpec.parID ) &&
			(::EqualString( theDestinationFSSpec.name,
				theTrashFSSpec.name, false, true ));
	} catch (...) {
		// Nothing to do here.

	return isTrash;

// set whether this table will accept drops from drag and drop
Boolean CTextColumnColorized::GetAllowDrops()
	return mAllowDrops;

// get whether this table accepts drops from drag and drop
void CTextColumnColorized::SetAllowDrops(Boolean inOption)
	mAllowDrops = inOption;