create_hash_table   [plain text]

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Static Hashtable Generator
# (c) 2000-2002 by Harri Porten <> and
#                  David Faure <>

$file = $ARGV[0];
my $findSize = 0;
my $includelookup = 0;
# Use -s as second argument to make it try many hash sizes
$findSize = 1 if (defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] eq "-s");
# Use -i as second argument to make it include "lookup.h"
$includelookup = 1 if (defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] eq "-i");
print STDERR "Creating hashtable for $file\n";
open(IN, $file) or die "No such file $file";

@keys = ();
@values = ();
@attrs = ();
@params = ();

my $inside = 0;
my $name;
my $size;
my $hashsize;
my $banner = 0;
sub calcTable();
sub output();
sub hashValue($);

while (<IN>) {
  if (/^\#|^$/) {
      # comment. do nothing
    } elsif (/^\@begin\s*(\w+)\s*(\d+)\s*$/ && !$inside) {
      $inside = 1;
      $name = $1;
      $hashsize = $2;
    } elsif (/^\@end\s*$/ && $inside) {

      if($findSize) {
	my $entriesnum=@keys;
        print STDERR "Table: $name   $entriesnum entries\n";
	for( $i=3 ; $i<79 ; ++$i) { $hashsize=$i ; calcTable(); }
      } else {

      @keys = ();
      @values = ();
      @attrs = ();
      @params = ();
      $inside = 0;
    } elsif (/^([\w\[\=\]]+)\s*([\w\:-]+)\s*([\w\|]*)\s*(\w*)\s*$/ && $inside) {
      my $key = $1;
      my $val = $2;
      my $att = $3;
      my $param = $4;
      push(@keys, $key);
      push(@values, $val);
      printf STDERR "WARNING: Number of arguments missing for $key/$val\n"
        if ( $att =~ m/Function/ && length($param) == 0);
      push(@attrs, length($att) > 0 ? $att : "0");
      push(@params, length($param) > 0 ? $param : "0");
    } elsif ($inside) {
      die "invalid data";

die "missing closing \@end" if ($inside);

sub calcTable() {
  @table = ();
  @links = ();
  $size = $hashsize;
  my $collisions = 0;
  my $maxdepth = 0;
  my $i = 0;
  foreach $key (@keys) {
    my $depth = 0;
    my $h = hashValue($key) % $hashsize;
    while (defined($table[$h])) {
      if (defined($links[$h])) {
	$h = $links[$h];
      } else {
	$links[$h] = $size;
	$h = $size;
    $table[$h] = $i;
    $maxdepth = $depth if ( $depth > $maxdepth);

  if ($findSize) {
    my $emptycount = 0;
    foreach $entry (@table) {
      $emptycount++ if (!defined($entry));
    print STDERR "Hashsize: $hashsize  Total Size: $size Empty: $emptycount MaxDepth: $maxdepth Collisions: $collisions\n";
#  my $i = 0;
#  foreach $entry (@table) {
#    print "$i " . $entry;
#    print " -> " . $links[$i] if (defined($links[$i]));
#    print "\n";
#    $i++;
#  }

sub hashValue($) {
  @chars = split(/ */, $_[0]);
  my $val = 0;
  foreach $c (@chars) {
    $val += ord($c);
  return $val;

sub output() {
  if (!$banner) {
    $banner = 1;
    print "/* Automatically generated from $file using $0. DO NOT EDIT ! */\n";

  print "\n#include \"lookup.h\"\n" if ($includelookup);
  print "\nnamespace KJS {\n";
  print "\nconst struct HashEntry ${name}Entries[] = {\n";
  my $i = 0;
  foreach $entry (@table) {
    if (defined($entry)) {
      my $key = $keys[$entry];
      print "   \{ \"" . $key . "\"";
      print ", " . $values[$entry];
      print ", " . $attrs[$entry];
      print ", " . $params[$entry];
      print ", ";
      if (defined($links[$i])) {
	print "&${name}Entries[$links[$i]]" . " \}";
      } else {
	print "0 \}"
    } else {
      print "   \{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 \}";
    print "," unless ($i == $size - 1);
    print "\n";
  print "};\n";
  print "\nconst struct HashTable $name = ";
  print "\{ 2, $size, ${name}Entries, $hashsize \};\n\n";
  print "}; // namespace\n";