/* * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. 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Loader.fetch @globalPrivate function setStateToMax(entry, newState) { // https://whatwg.github.io/loader/#set-state-to-max "use strict"; if (entry.state < newState) entry.state = newState; } @globalPrivate function newRegistryEntry(key) { // https://whatwg.github.io/loader/#registry // // Each registry entry becomes one of the 5 states. // 1. Fetch // Ready to fetch (or now fetching) the resource of this module. // Typically, we fetch the source code over the network or from the file system. // a. If the status is Fetch and there is no entry.fetch promise, the entry is ready to fetch. // b. If the status is Fetch and there is the entry.fetch promise, the entry is just fetching the resource. // // 2. Instantiate (AnalyzeModule) // Ready to instantiate (or now instantiating) the module record from the fetched // source code. // Typically, we parse the module code, extract the dependencies and binding information. // a. If the status is Instantiate and there is no entry.instantiate promise, the entry is ready to instantiate. // b. If the status is Instantiate and there is the entry.fetch promise, the entry is just instantiating // the module record. // // 3. Satisfy // Ready to request the dependent modules (or now requesting & resolving). // Without this state, the current draft causes infinite recursion when there is circular dependency. // a. If the status is Satisfy and there is no entry.satisfy promise, the entry is ready to resolve the dependencies. // b. If the status is Satisfy and there is the entry.satisfy promise, the entry is just resolving // the dependencies. // // 4. Link // Ready to link the module with the other modules. // Linking means that the module imports and exports the bindings from/to the other modules. // // 5. Ready // The module is linked, so the module is ready to be executed. // // Each registry entry has the 4 promises; "fetch", "instantiate" and "satisfy". // They are assigned when starting the each phase. And they are fulfilled when the each phase is completed. // // In the current module draft, linking will be performed after the whole modules are instantiated and the dependencies are resolved. // And execution is also done after the all modules are linked. // // TODO: We need to exploit the way to execute the module while fetching non-related modules. // One solution; introducing the ready promise chain to execute the modules concurrently while keeping // the execution order. "use strict"; return { key: key, state: @ModuleFetch, fetch: @undefined, instantiate: @undefined, satisfy: @undefined, dependencies: [], // To keep the module order, we store the module keys in the array. module: @undefined, // JSModuleRecord linkError: @undefined, linkSucceeded: true, evaluated: false, }; } function ensureRegistered(key) { // https://whatwg.github.io/loader/#ensure-registered "use strict"; var entry = this.registry.@get(key); if (entry) return entry; entry = @newRegistryEntry(key); this.registry.@set(key, entry); return entry; } function forceFulfillPromise(promise, value) { "use strict"; if (@getByIdDirectPrivate(promise, "promiseState") === @promiseStatePending) @fulfillPromise(promise, value); } function fulfillFetch(entry, source) { // https://whatwg.github.io/loader/#fulfill-fetch "use strict"; if (!entry.fetch) entry.fetch = @newPromiseCapability(@InternalPromise).@promise; this.forceFulfillPromise(entry.fetch, source); @setStateToMax(entry, @ModuleInstantiate); } // Loader. function requestFetch(entry, parameters, fetcher) { // https://whatwg.github.io/loader/#request-fetch "use strict"; if (entry.fetch) { var currentAttempt = entry.fetch; if (entry.state !== @ModuleFetch) return currentAttempt; return currentAttempt.catch((error) => { // Even if the existing fetching request failed, this attempt may succeed. // For example, previous attempt used invalid integrity="" value. But this // request could have the correct integrity="" value. In that case, we should // retry fetching for this request. // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#fetch-a-single-module-script if (currentAttempt === entry.fetch) entry.fetch = @undefined; return this.requestFetch(entry, parameters, fetcher); }); } // Hook point. // 2. Loader.fetch // https://whatwg.github.io/loader/#browser-fetch // Take the key and fetch the resource actually. // For example, JavaScriptCore shell can provide the hook fetching the resource // from the local file system. var fetchPromise = this.fetch(entry.key, parameters, fetcher).then((source) => { @setStateToMax(entry, @ModuleInstantiate); return source; }); entry.fetch = fetchPromise; return fetchPromise; } function requestInstantiate(entry, parameters, fetcher) { // https://whatwg.github.io/loader/#request-instantiate "use strict"; // entry.instantiate is set if fetch succeeds. if (entry.instantiate) return entry.instantiate; var instantiatePromise = (async () => { var source = await this.requestFetch(entry, parameters, fetcher); // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#fetch-a-single-module-script // Now fetching request succeeds. Then even if instantiation fails, we should cache it. // Instantiation won't be retried. if (entry.instantiate) return await entry.instantiate; entry.instantiate = instantiatePromise; var key = entry.key; var moduleRecord = await this.parseModule(key, source); var dependenciesMap = moduleRecord.dependenciesMap; var requestedModules = this.requestedModules(moduleRecord); var dependencies = @newArrayWithSize(requestedModules.length); for (var i = 0, length = requestedModules.length; i < length; ++i) { var depName = requestedModules[i]; var depKey = this.resolveSync(depName, key, fetcher); var depEntry = this.ensureRegistered(depKey); @putByValDirect(dependencies, i, depEntry); dependenciesMap.@set(depName, depEntry); } entry.dependencies = dependencies; entry.module = moduleRecord; @setStateToMax(entry, @ModuleSatisfy); return entry; })(); return instantiatePromise; } function requestSatisfy(entry, parameters, fetcher, visited) { // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#internal-module-script-graph-fetching-procedure "use strict"; if (entry.satisfy) return entry.satisfy; visited.@add(entry); var satisfyPromise = this.requestInstantiate(entry, parameters, fetcher).then((entry) => { if (entry.satisfy) return entry.satisfy; var depLoads = @newArrayWithSize(entry.dependencies.length); for (var i = 0, length = entry.dependencies.length; i < length; ++i) { var depEntry = entry.dependencies[i]; var promise; // Recursive resolving. The dependencies of this entry is being resolved or already resolved. // Stop tracing the circular dependencies. // But to retrieve the instantiated module record correctly, // we need to wait for the instantiation for the dependent module. // For example, reaching here, the module is starting resolving the dependencies. // But the module may or may not reach the instantiation phase in the loader's pipeline. // If we wait for the Satisfy for this module, it construct the circular promise chain and // rejected by the Promises runtime. Since only we need is the instantiated module, instead of waiting // the Satisfy for this module, we just wait Instantiate for this. if (visited.@has(depEntry)) promise = this.requestInstantiate(depEntry, @undefined, fetcher); else { // Currently, module loader do not pass any information for non-top-level module fetching. promise = this.requestSatisfy(depEntry, @undefined, fetcher, visited); } @putByValDirect(depLoads, i, promise); } return @InternalPromise.internalAll(depLoads).then((entries) => { if (entry.satisfy) return entry; @setStateToMax(entry, @ModuleLink); entry.satisfy = satisfyPromise; return entry; }); }); return satisfyPromise; } // Linking semantics. function link(entry, fetcher) { // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#fetch-the-descendants-of-and-instantiate-a-module-script "use strict"; if (!entry.linkSucceeded) throw entry.linkError; if (entry.state === @ModuleReady) return; @setStateToMax(entry, @ModuleReady); try { // Since we already have the "dependencies" field, // we can call moduleDeclarationInstantiation with the correct order // without constructing the dependency graph by calling dependencyGraph. var dependencies = entry.dependencies; for (var i = 0, length = dependencies.length; i < length; ++i) this.link(dependencies[i], fetcher); this.moduleDeclarationInstantiation(entry.module, fetcher); } catch (error) { entry.linkSucceeded = false; entry.linkError = error; throw error; } } // Module semantics. function moduleEvaluation(entry, fetcher) { // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-moduleevaluation "use strict"; if (entry.evaluated) return; entry.evaluated = true; // The contents of the [[RequestedModules]] is cloned into entry.dependencies. var dependencies = entry.dependencies; for (var i = 0, length = dependencies.length; i < length; ++i) this.moduleEvaluation(dependencies[i], fetcher); this.evaluate(entry.key, entry.module, fetcher); } // APIs to control the module loader. function provideFetch(key, value) { "use strict"; var entry = this.ensureRegistered(key); if (entry.state > @ModuleFetch) @throwTypeError("Requested module is already fetched."); this.fulfillFetch(entry, value); } async function loadModule(moduleName, parameters, fetcher) { "use strict"; // Loader.resolve hook point. // resolve: moduleName => Promise(moduleKey) // Take the name and resolve it to the unique identifier for the resource location. // For example, take the "jquery" and return the URL for the resource. let key = await this.resolve(moduleName, @undefined, fetcher); let entry = await this.requestSatisfy(this.ensureRegistered(key), parameters, fetcher, new @Set); return entry.key; } function linkAndEvaluateModule(key, fetcher) { "use strict"; var entry = this.ensureRegistered(key); if (entry.state < @ModuleLink) @throwTypeError("Requested module is not instantiated yet."); this.link(entry, fetcher); return this.moduleEvaluation(entry, fetcher); } async function loadAndEvaluateModule(moduleName, parameters, fetcher) { "use strict"; let key = await this.loadModule(moduleName, parameters, fetcher); return await this.linkAndEvaluateModule(key, fetcher); } async function requestImportModule(key, parameters, fetcher) { "use strict"; let entry = await this.requestSatisfy(this.ensureRegistered(key), parameters, fetcher, new @Set); this.linkAndEvaluateModule(entry.key, fetcher); return this.getModuleNamespaceObject(entry.module); } function dependencyKeysIfEvaluated(key) { "use strict"; let entry = this.registry.@get(key); if (!entry || !entry.evaluated) return null; let dependencies = entry.dependencies; let length = dependencies.length; let result = new @Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) result[i] = dependencies[i].key; return result; }