#! /usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # This tool has a couple of helpful macros to process Wasm files from the wasm.json. from generateWasm import * import optparse import sys parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog ") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[0:]) if len(args) != 3: parser.error(parser.usage) wasm = Wasm(args[0], args[1]) types = wasm.types opcodes = wasm.opcodes wasmOpsHFile = open(args[2], "w") def cppMacro(wasmOpcode, value, b3, inc): return " \\\n macro(" + wasm.toCpp(wasmOpcode) + ", " + hex(int(value)) + ", " + b3 + ", " + str(inc) + ")" def typeMacroizer(): inc = 0 for ty in wasm.types: yield cppMacro(ty, wasm.types[ty]["value"], wasm.types[ty]["b3type"], inc) inc += 1 type_definitions = ["#define FOR_EACH_WASM_TYPE(macro)"] type_definitions.extend([t for t in typeMacroizer()]) type_definitions = "".join(type_definitions) def opcodeMacroizer(filter): inc = 0 for op in wasm.opcodeIterator(filter): b3op = "Oops" if isSimple(op["opcode"]): b3op = op["opcode"]["b3op"] yield cppMacro(op["name"], op["opcode"]["value"], b3op, inc) inc += 1 defines = ["#define FOR_EACH_WASM_SPECIAL_OP(macro)"] defines.extend([op for op in opcodeMacroizer(lambda op: not (isUnary(op) or isBinary(op) or op["category"] == "control" or op["category"] == "memory"))]) defines.append("\n\n#define FOR_EACH_WASM_CONTROL_FLOW_OP(macro)") defines.extend([op for op in opcodeMacroizer(lambda op: op["category"] == "control")]) defines.append("\n\n#define FOR_EACH_WASM_SIMPLE_UNARY_OP(macro)") defines.extend([op for op in opcodeMacroizer(lambda op: isUnary(op) and isSimple(op))]) defines.append("\n\n#define FOR_EACH_WASM_UNARY_OP(macro) \\\n FOR_EACH_WASM_SIMPLE_UNARY_OP(macro)") defines.extend([op for op in opcodeMacroizer(lambda op: isUnary(op) and not (isSimple(op)))]) defines.append("\n\n#define FOR_EACH_WASM_SIMPLE_BINARY_OP(macro)") defines.extend([op for op in opcodeMacroizer(lambda op: isBinary(op) and isSimple(op))]) defines.append("\n\n#define FOR_EACH_WASM_BINARY_OP(macro) \\\n FOR_EACH_WASM_SIMPLE_BINARY_OP(macro)") defines.extend([op for op in opcodeMacroizer(lambda op: isBinary(op) and not (isSimple(op)))]) defines.append("\n\n#define FOR_EACH_WASM_MEMORY_LOAD_OP(macro)") defines.extend([op for op in opcodeMacroizer(lambda op: (op["category"] == "memory" and len(op["return"]) == 1))]) defines.append("\n\n#define FOR_EACH_WASM_MEMORY_STORE_OP(macro)") defines.extend([op for op in opcodeMacroizer(lambda op: (op["category"] == "memory" and len(op["return"]) == 0))]) defines.append("\n\n") defines = "".join(defines) opValueSet = set([op for op in wasm.opcodeIterator(lambda op: True, lambda op: opcodes[op]["value"])]) maxOpValue = max(opValueSet) # Luckily, python does floor division rather than trunc division so this works. def ceilDiv(a, b): return -(-a // b) def bitSet(): v = "" for i in range(ceilDiv(maxOpValue, 8)): entry = 0 for j in range(8): if i * 8 + j in opValueSet: entry |= 1 << j v += (", " if i else "") + hex(entry) return v validOps = bitSet() def memoryLog2AlignmentGenerator(filter): result = [] for op in wasm.opcodeIterator(filter): result.append(" case " + wasm.toCpp(op["name"]) + ": return " + memoryLog2Alignment(op) + ";") return "\n".join(result) memoryLog2AlignmentLoads = memoryLog2AlignmentGenerator(lambda op: (op["category"] == "memory" and len(op["return"]) == 1)) memoryLog2AlignmentStores = memoryLog2AlignmentGenerator(lambda op: (op["category"] == "memory" and len(op["return"]) == 0)) contents = wasm.header + """ #pragma once #if ENABLE(WEBASSEMBLY) #include namespace JSC { namespace Wasm { static constexpr unsigned expectedVersionNumber = """ + wasm.expectedVersionNumber + """; static constexpr unsigned numTypes = """ + str(len(types)) + """; """ + type_definitions + """ #define CREATE_ENUM_VALUE(name, id, b3type, inc) name = id, enum Type : int8_t { FOR_EACH_WASM_TYPE(CREATE_ENUM_VALUE) }; #undef CREATE_ENUM_VALUE #define CREATE_CASE(name, id, b3type, inc) case id: return true; template inline bool isValidType(Int i) { switch (i) { default: return false; FOR_EACH_WASM_TYPE(CREATE_CASE) } RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } #undef CREATE_CASE #define CREATE_CASE(name, id, b3type, inc) case name: return b3type; inline B3::Type toB3Type(Type type) { switch (type) { FOR_EACH_WASM_TYPE(CREATE_CASE) } RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return B3::Void; } #undef CREATE_CASE #define CREATE_CASE(name, id, b3type, inc) case name: return #name; inline const char* makeString(Type type) { switch (type) { FOR_EACH_WASM_TYPE(CREATE_CASE) } RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return nullptr; } #undef CREATE_CASE #define CREATE_CASE(name, id, b3type, inc) case id: return inc; inline int linearizeType(Type type) { switch (type) { FOR_EACH_WASM_TYPE(CREATE_CASE) } RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } #undef CREATE_CASE #define CREATE_CASE(name, id, b3type, inc) case inc: return name; inline Type linearizedToType(int i) { switch (i) { FOR_EACH_WASM_TYPE(CREATE_CASE) } RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return Void; } #undef CREATE_CASE """ + defines + """ #define FOR_EACH_WASM_OP(macro) \\ FOR_EACH_WASM_SPECIAL_OP(macro) \\ FOR_EACH_WASM_CONTROL_FLOW_OP(macro) \\ FOR_EACH_WASM_UNARY_OP(macro) \\ FOR_EACH_WASM_BINARY_OP(macro) \\ FOR_EACH_WASM_MEMORY_LOAD_OP(macro) \\ FOR_EACH_WASM_MEMORY_STORE_OP(macro) #define CREATE_ENUM_VALUE(name, id, b3op, inc) name = id, enum OpType : uint8_t { FOR_EACH_WASM_OP(CREATE_ENUM_VALUE) }; template inline bool isValidOpType(Int i) { // Bitset of valid ops. static const uint8_t valid[] = { """ + validOps + """ }; return 0 <= i && i <= """ + str(maxOpValue) + """ && (valid[i / 8] & (1 << (i % 8))); } enum class BinaryOpType : uint8_t { FOR_EACH_WASM_BINARY_OP(CREATE_ENUM_VALUE) }; enum class UnaryOpType : uint8_t { FOR_EACH_WASM_UNARY_OP(CREATE_ENUM_VALUE) }; enum class LoadOpType : uint8_t { FOR_EACH_WASM_MEMORY_LOAD_OP(CREATE_ENUM_VALUE) }; enum class StoreOpType : uint8_t { FOR_EACH_WASM_MEMORY_STORE_OP(CREATE_ENUM_VALUE) }; #undef CREATE_ENUM_VALUE inline bool isControlOp(OpType op) { switch (op) { #define CREATE_CASE(name, id, b3op, inc) case OpType::name: FOR_EACH_WASM_CONTROL_FLOW_OP(CREATE_CASE) return true; #undef CREATE_CASE default: break; } return false; } inline bool isSimple(UnaryOpType op) { switch (op) { #define CREATE_CASE(name, id, b3op, inc) case UnaryOpType::name: FOR_EACH_WASM_SIMPLE_UNARY_OP(CREATE_CASE) return true; #undef CREATE_CASE default: break; } return false; } inline bool isSimple(BinaryOpType op) { switch (op) { #define CREATE_CASE(name, id, b3op, inc) case BinaryOpType::name: FOR_EACH_WASM_SIMPLE_BINARY_OP(CREATE_CASE) return true; #undef CREATE_CASE default: break; } return false; } inline uint32_t memoryLog2Alignment(OpType op) { switch (op) { """ + memoryLog2AlignmentLoads + """ """ + memoryLog2AlignmentStores + """ default: break; } RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return 0; } #define CREATE_CASE(name, id, b3type, inc) case name: return #name; inline const char* makeString(OpType op) { switch (op) { FOR_EACH_WASM_OP(CREATE_CASE) } RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return nullptr; } #undef CREATE_CASE } } // namespace JSC::Wasm #endif // ENABLE(WEBASSEMBLY) """ wasmOpsHFile.write(contents) wasmOpsHFile.close()