#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2014 University of Washington. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF # THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import logging import os.path import re from string import Template from generator_templates import GeneratorTemplates as Templates from models import PrimitiveType, ObjectType, ArrayType, EnumType, AliasedType, Frameworks, Platforms log = logging.getLogger('global') def ucfirst(str): return str[:1].upper() + str[1:] _ALWAYS_SPECIALCASED_ENUM_VALUE_SUBSTRINGS = set(['2D', 'API', 'CSS', 'DOM', 'HTML', 'JIT', 'XHR', 'XML', 'IOS', 'MacOS']) _ALWAYS_SPECIALCASED_ENUM_VALUE_LOOKUP_TABLE = dict([(s.upper(), s) for s in _ALWAYS_SPECIALCASED_ENUM_VALUE_SUBSTRINGS]) _ENUM_IDENTIFIER_RENAME_MAP = { 'canvas-webgl': 'CanvasWebGL', # Recording.Type.canvas-webgl 'webgl': 'WebGL', # Canvas.ContextType.webgl 'webgl2': 'WebGL2', # Canvas.ContextType.webgl2 'webgpu': 'WebGPU', # Canvas.ContextType.webgpu 'bitmaprenderer': 'BitmapRenderer', # Canvas.ContextType.bitmaprenderer 'webrtc': 'WebRTC', # Console.ChannelSource.webrtc } # These objects are built manually by creating and setting JSON::Value instances. # Before sending these over the protocol, their shapes are checked against the specification. # So, any types referenced by these types require debug-only assertions that check values. # Calculating necessary assertions is annoying, and adds a lot of complexity to the generator. # FIXME: This should be converted into a property in JSON. _TYPES_NEEDING_RUNTIME_CASTS = set([ "Runtime.ObjectPreview", "Runtime.RemoteObject", "Runtime.PropertyDescriptor", "Runtime.InternalPropertyDescriptor", "Runtime.CollectionEntry", "Debugger.FunctionDetails", "Debugger.CallFrame", "Canvas.TraceLog", "Canvas.ResourceInfo", "Canvas.ResourceState", # This should be a temporary hack. TimelineEvent should be created via generated C++ API. "Timeline.TimelineEvent", # For testing purposes only. "Test.TypeNeedingCast" ]) # FIXME: This should be converted into a property in JSON. _TYPES_WITH_OPEN_FIELDS = { "Timeline.TimelineEvent": [], # InspectorStyleSheet not only creates this property but wants to read it and modify it. "CSS.CSSProperty": [], # InspectorNetworkAgent needs to update mime-type. "Network.Response": ["mimeType"], # For testing purposes only. "Test.OpenParameters": ["alpha"], } class Generator: def __init__(self, model, platform, input_filepath): self._model = model self._platform = platform self._input_filepath = input_filepath self._settings = {} def model(self): return self._model def platform(self): return self._platform def set_generator_setting(self, key, value): self._settings[key] = value def can_generate_platform(self, model_platform): return model_platform is Platforms.Generic or self._platform is Platforms.All or model_platform is self._platform def type_declarations_for_domain(self, domain): return [type_declaration for type_declaration in domain.all_type_declarations() if self.can_generate_platform(type_declaration.platform)] def commands_for_domain(self, domain): return [command for command in domain.all_commands() if self.can_generate_platform(command.platform)] def events_for_domain(self, domain): return [event for event in domain.all_events() if self.can_generate_platform(event.platform)] # The goofy name is to disambiguate generator settings from framework settings. def get_generator_setting(self, key, default=None): return self._settings.get(key, default) def generate_license(self): return Template(Templates.CopyrightBlock).substitute(None, inputFilename=os.path.basename(self._input_filepath)) def generate_includes_from_entries(self, entries): includes = set() for entry in entries: (allowed_framework_names, data) = entry (framework_name, header_path) = data allowed_frameworks = allowed_framework_names + ["Test"] if self.model().framework.name not in allowed_frameworks: continue if framework_name == "WTF": includes.add("#include <%s>" % header_path) elif self.model().framework.name != framework_name: includes.add("#include <%s/%s>" % (framework_name, os.path.basename(header_path))) else: includes.add("#include \"%s\"" % os.path.basename(header_path)) return sorted(list(includes)) # These methods are overridden by subclasses. def non_supplemental_domains(self): return filter(lambda domain: not domain.is_supplemental, self.model().domains) def domains_to_generate(self): return self.non_supplemental_domains() def generate_output(self): pass def output_filename(self): pass def encoding_for_enum_value(self, enum_value): if not hasattr(self, "_assigned_enum_values"): self._traverse_and_assign_enum_values() return self._enum_value_encodings[enum_value] def assigned_enum_values(self): if not hasattr(self, "_assigned_enum_values"): self._traverse_and_assign_enum_values() return self._assigned_enum_values[:] # Slice. @staticmethod def type_needs_runtime_casts(_type): return _type.qualified_name() in _TYPES_NEEDING_RUNTIME_CASTS @staticmethod def type_has_open_fields(_type): return _type.qualified_name() in _TYPES_WITH_OPEN_FIELDS @staticmethod def open_fields(type_declaration): fields = set(_TYPES_WITH_OPEN_FIELDS.get(type_declaration.type.qualified_name(), [])) if not fields: return type_declaration.type_members return filter(lambda member: member.member_name in fields, type_declaration.type_members) def type_needs_shape_assertions(self, _type): if not hasattr(self, "_types_needing_shape_assertions"): self.calculate_types_requiring_shape_assertions(self.model().domains) return _type in self._types_needing_shape_assertions # To restrict the domains over which we compute types needing assertions, call this method # before generating any output with the desired domains parameter. The computed # set of types will not be automatically regenerated on subsequent calls to # Generator.types_needing_shape_assertions(). def calculate_types_requiring_shape_assertions(self, domains): domain_names = map(lambda domain: domain.domain_name, domains) log.debug("> Calculating types that need shape assertions (eligible domains: %s)" % ", ".join(domain_names)) # Mutates the passed-in set; this simplifies checks to prevent infinite recursion. def gather_transitively_referenced_types(_type, gathered_types): if _type in gathered_types: return if isinstance(_type, ObjectType): log.debug("> Adding type %s to list of types needing shape assertions." % _type.qualified_name()) gathered_types.add(_type) for type_member in _type.members: gather_transitively_referenced_types(type_member.type, gathered_types) elif isinstance(_type, EnumType): log.debug("> Adding type %s to list of types needing shape assertions." % _type.qualified_name()) gathered_types.add(_type) elif isinstance(_type, AliasedType): gather_transitively_referenced_types(_type.aliased_type, gathered_types) elif isinstance(_type, ArrayType): gather_transitively_referenced_types(_type.element_type, gathered_types) found_types = set() for domain in domains: for declaration in self.type_declarations_for_domain(domain): if declaration.type.qualified_name() in _TYPES_NEEDING_RUNTIME_CASTS: log.debug("> Gathering types referenced by %s to generate shape assertions." % declaration.type.qualified_name()) gather_transitively_referenced_types(declaration.type, found_types) self._types_needing_shape_assertions = found_types # Private helper instance methods. def _traverse_and_assign_enum_values(self): self._enum_value_encodings = {} self._assigned_enum_values = [] all_types = [] domains = self.non_supplemental_domains() for domain in domains: for type_declaration in self.type_declarations_for_domain(domain): all_types.append(type_declaration.type) for type_member in type_declaration.type_members: all_types.append(type_member.type) for domain in domains: for event in self.events_for_domain(domain): all_types.extend([parameter.type for parameter in event.event_parameters]) for domain in domains: for command in self.commands_for_domain(domain): all_types.extend([parameter.type for parameter in command.call_parameters]) all_types.extend([parameter.type for parameter in command.return_parameters]) for _type in all_types: if not isinstance(_type, EnumType): continue map(self._assign_encoding_for_enum_value, _type.enum_values()) def _assign_encoding_for_enum_value(self, enum_value): if enum_value in self._enum_value_encodings: return self._enum_value_encodings[enum_value] = len(self._assigned_enum_values) self._assigned_enum_values.append(enum_value) # Miscellaneous text manipulation routines. def wrap_with_guard_for_domain(self, domain, text): if self.model().framework is Frameworks.WebInspector: return text guard = domain.feature_guard if guard: return Generator.wrap_with_guard(guard, text) return text @staticmethod def wrap_with_guard(guard, text): return '\n'.join([ '#if %s' % guard, text, '#endif // %s' % guard, ]) @staticmethod def stylized_name_for_enum_value(enum_value): regex = '(%s)' % "|".join(_ALWAYS_SPECIALCASED_ENUM_VALUE_SUBSTRINGS) def replaceCallback(match): return _ALWAYS_SPECIALCASED_ENUM_VALUE_LOOKUP_TABLE[match.group(1).upper()] # Split on hyphen, introduce camelcase, and force uppercasing of acronyms. subwords = map(ucfirst, _ENUM_IDENTIFIER_RENAME_MAP.get(enum_value, enum_value).split('-')) return re.sub(re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE), replaceCallback, "".join(subwords)) @staticmethod def js_name_for_parameter_type(_type): _type = _type if isinstance(_type, AliasedType): _type = _type.aliased_type # Fall through. if isinstance(_type, EnumType): _type = _type.primitive_type # Fall through. if isinstance(_type, (ArrayType, ObjectType)): return 'object' if isinstance(_type, PrimitiveType): if _type.qualified_name() in ['object', 'any']: return 'object' elif _type.qualified_name() in ['integer', 'number']: return 'number' else: return _type.qualified_name() @staticmethod def string_for_file_include(filename, file_framework, target_framework): if file_framework is target_framework: return '"%s"' % filename else: return '<%s/%s>' % (file_framework.name, filename)