# Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF # THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Crash course on the language that this is written in (which I just call # "assembly" even though it's more than that): # # - Mostly gas-style operand ordering. The last operand tends to be the # destination. So "a := b" is written as "mov b, a". But unlike gas, # comparisons are in-order, so "if (a < b)" is written as # "bilt a, b, ...". # # - "b" = byte, "h" = 16-bit word, "i" = 32-bit word, "p" = pointer. # For 32-bit, "i" and "p" are interchangeable except when an op supports one # but not the other. # # - In general, valid operands for macro invocations and instructions are # registers (eg "t0"), addresses (eg "4[t0]"), base-index addresses # (eg "7[t0, t1, 2]"), absolute addresses (eg "0xa0000000[]"), or labels # (eg "_foo" or ".foo"). Macro invocations can also take anonymous # macros as operands. Instructions cannot take anonymous macros. # # - Labels must have names that begin with either "_" or ".". A "." label # is local and gets renamed before code gen to minimize namespace # pollution. A "_" label is an extern symbol (i.e. ".globl"). The "_" # may or may not be removed during code gen depending on whether the asm # conventions for C name mangling on the target platform mandate a "_" # prefix. # # - A "macro" is a lambda expression, which may be either anonymous or # named. But this has caveats. "macro" can take zero or more arguments, # which may be macros or any valid operands, but it can only return # code. But you can do Turing-complete things via continuation passing # style: "macro foo (a, b) b(a, a) end foo(foo, foo)". Actually, don't do # that, since you'll just crash the assembler. # # - An "if" is a conditional on settings. Any identifier supplied in the # predicate of an "if" is assumed to be a #define that is available # during code gen. So you can't use "if" for computation in a macro, but # you can use it to select different pieces of code for different # platforms. # # - Arguments to macros follow lexical scoping rather than dynamic scoping. # Const's also follow lexical scoping and may override (hide) arguments # or other consts. All variables (arguments and constants) can be bound # to operands. Additionally, arguments (but not constants) can be bound # to macros. # The following general-purpose registers are available: # # - cfr and sp hold the call frame and (native) stack pointer respectively. # They are callee-save registers, and guaranteed to be distinct from all other # registers on all architectures. # # - lr is defined on non-X86 architectures (ARM64, ARMv7, ARM, # ARMv7_TRADITIONAL, MIPS, SH4 and CLOOP) and holds the return PC # # - pc holds the (native) program counter on 32-bits ARM architectures (ARM, # ARMv7, ARMv7_TRADITIONAL) # # - t0, t1, t2, t3, t4 and optionally t5 are temporary registers that can get trashed on # calls, and are pairwise distinct registers. t4 holds the JS program counter, so use # with caution in opcodes (actually, don't use it in opcodes at all, except as PC). # # - r0 and r1 are the platform's customary return registers, and thus are # two distinct registers # # - a0, a1, a2 and a3 are the platform's customary argument registers, and # thus are pairwise distinct registers. Be mindful that: # + On X86, there are no argument registers. a0 and a1 are edx and # ecx following the fastcall convention, but you should still use the stack # to pass your arguments. The cCall2 and cCall4 macros do this for you. # + On X86_64_WIN, you should allocate space on the stack for the arguments, # and the return convention is weird for > 8 bytes types. The only place we # use > 8 bytes return values is on a cCall, and cCall2 and cCall4 handle # this for you. # # - The only registers guaranteed to be caller-saved are r0, r1, a0, a1 and a2, and # you should be mindful of that in functions that are called directly from C. # If you need more registers, you should push and pop them like a good # assembly citizen, because any other register will be callee-saved on X86. # # You can additionally assume: # # - a3, t2, t3, t4 and t5 are never return registers; t0, t1, a0, a1 and a2 # can be return registers. # # - t4 and t5 are never argument registers, t3 can only be a3, t1 can only be # a1; but t0 and t2 can be either a0 or a2. # # - On 64 bits, there are callee-save registers named csr0, csr1, ... csrN. # The last three csr registers are used used to store the PC base and # two special tag values. Don't use them for anything else. # # Additional platform-specific details (you shouldn't rely on this remaining # true): # # - For consistency with the baseline JIT, t0 is always r0 (and t1 is always # r1 on 32 bits platforms). You should use the r version when you need return # registers, and the t version otherwise: code using t0 (or t1) should still # work if swapped with e.g. t3, while code using r0 (or r1) should not. There # *may* be legacy code relying on this. # # - On all platforms other than X86, t0 can only be a0 and t2 can only be a2. # # - On all platforms other than X86 and X86_64, a2 is not a return register. # a2 is r0 on X86 (because we have so few registers) and r1 on X86_64 (because # the ABI enforces it). # # The following floating-point registers are available: # # - ft0-ft5 are temporary floating-point registers that get trashed on calls, # and are pairwise distinct. # # - fa0 and fa1 are the platform's customary floating-point argument # registers, and are both distinct. On 64-bits platforms, fa2 and fa3 are # additional floating-point argument registers. # # - fr is the platform's customary floating-point return register # # You can assume that ft1-ft5 or fa1-fa3 are never fr, and that ftX is never # faY if X != Y. # First come the common protocols that both interpreters use. Note that each # of these must have an ASSERT() in LLIntData.cpp # Work-around for the fact that the toolchain's awareness of armv7k / armv7s # results in a separate slab in the fat binary, yet the offlineasm doesn't know # to expect it. if ARMv7k end if ARMv7s end # These declarations must match interpreter/JSStack.h. if JSVALUE64 const PtrSize = 8 const CallFrameHeaderSlots = 5 else const PtrSize = 4 const CallFrameHeaderSlots = 4 const CallFrameAlignSlots = 1 end const SlotSize = 8 const JSEnvironmentRecord_variables = (sizeof JSEnvironmentRecord + SlotSize - 1) & ~(SlotSize - 1) const DirectArguments_storage = (sizeof DirectArguments + SlotSize - 1) & ~(SlotSize - 1) const StackAlignment = 16 const StackAlignmentSlots = 2 const StackAlignmentMask = StackAlignment - 1 const CallerFrameAndPCSize = 2 * PtrSize const CallerFrame = 0 const ReturnPC = CallerFrame + PtrSize const CodeBlock = ReturnPC + PtrSize const Callee = CodeBlock + SlotSize const ArgumentCount = Callee + SlotSize const ThisArgumentOffset = ArgumentCount + SlotSize const FirstArgumentOffset = ThisArgumentOffset + SlotSize const CallFrameHeaderSize = ThisArgumentOffset # Some value representation constants. if JSVALUE64 const TagBitTypeOther = 0x2 const TagBitBool = 0x4 const TagBitUndefined = 0x8 const ValueEmpty = 0x0 const ValueFalse = TagBitTypeOther | TagBitBool const ValueTrue = TagBitTypeOther | TagBitBool | 1 const ValueUndefined = TagBitTypeOther | TagBitUndefined const ValueNull = TagBitTypeOther const TagTypeNumber = 0xffff000000000000 const TagMask = TagTypeNumber | TagBitTypeOther else const Int32Tag = -1 const BooleanTag = -2 const NullTag = -3 const UndefinedTag = -4 const CellTag = -5 const EmptyValueTag = -6 const DeletedValueTag = -7 const LowestTag = DeletedValueTag end # NOTE: The values below must be in sync with what is in PutByIdFlags.h. const PutByIdPrimaryTypeMask = 0x6 const PutByIdPrimaryTypeSecondary = 0x0 const PutByIdPrimaryTypeObjectWithStructure = 0x2 const PutByIdPrimaryTypeObjectWithStructureOrOther = 0x4 const PutByIdSecondaryTypeMask = -0x8 const PutByIdSecondaryTypeBottom = 0x0 const PutByIdSecondaryTypeBoolean = 0x8 const PutByIdSecondaryTypeOther = 0x10 const PutByIdSecondaryTypeInt32 = 0x18 const PutByIdSecondaryTypeNumber = 0x20 const PutByIdSecondaryTypeString = 0x28 const PutByIdSecondaryTypeSymbol = 0x30 const PutByIdSecondaryTypeObject = 0x38 const PutByIdSecondaryTypeObjectOrOther = 0x40 const PutByIdSecondaryTypeTop = 0x48 const CallOpCodeSize = 9 if X86_64 or ARM64 or C_LOOP const maxFrameExtentForSlowPathCall = 0 elsif ARM or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL or ARMv7 or SH4 const maxFrameExtentForSlowPathCall = 24 elsif X86 or X86_WIN const maxFrameExtentForSlowPathCall = 40 elsif MIPS const maxFrameExtentForSlowPathCall = 40 elsif X86_64_WIN const maxFrameExtentForSlowPathCall = 64 end if X86_64 or X86_64_WIN or ARM64 const CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters = 3 else const CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters = 0 end const CalleeSaveSpaceStackAligned = (CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters * SlotSize + StackAlignment - 1) & ~StackAlignmentMask # Watchpoint states const ClearWatchpoint = 0 const IsWatched = 1 const IsInvalidated = 2 # ShadowChicken data const ShadowChickenTailMarker = 0x7a11 # ArithProfile data const ArithProfileInt = 0x100000 const ArithProfileIntInt = 0x120000 const ArithProfileNumber = 0x200000 const ArithProfileNumberInt = 0x220000 const ArithProfileNumberNumber = 0x240000 const ArithProfileIntNumber = 0x140000 # Some register conventions. if JSVALUE64 # - Use a pair of registers to represent the PC: one register for the # base of the bytecodes, and one register for the index. # - The PC base (or PB for short) must be stored in a callee-save register. # - C calls are still given the Instruction* rather than the PC index. # This requires an add before the call, and a sub after. const PC = t4 # When changing this, make sure LLIntPC is up to date in LLIntPCRanges.h if ARM64 const PB = csr7 const tagTypeNumber = csr8 const tagMask = csr9 elsif X86_64 const PB = csr2 const tagTypeNumber = csr3 const tagMask = csr4 elsif X86_64_WIN const PB = csr4 const tagTypeNumber = csr5 const tagMask = csr6 elsif C_LOOP const PB = csr0 const tagTypeNumber = csr1 const tagMask = csr2 end macro loadisFromInstruction(offset, dest) loadis offset * 8[PB, PC, 8], dest end macro loadpFromInstruction(offset, dest) loadp offset * 8[PB, PC, 8], dest end macro storeisToInstruction(value, offset) storei value, offset * 8[PB, PC, 8] end macro storepToInstruction(value, offset) storep value, offset * 8[PB, PC, 8] end else const PC = t4 # When changing this, make sure LLIntPC is up to date in LLIntPCRanges.h macro loadisFromInstruction(offset, dest) loadis offset * 4[PC], dest end macro loadpFromInstruction(offset, dest) loadp offset * 4[PC], dest end macro storeisToInstruction(value, offset) storei value, offset * 4[PC] end end if X86_64_WIN const extraTempReg = t0 else const extraTempReg = t5 end # Constants for reasoning about value representation. if BIG_ENDIAN const TagOffset = 0 const PayloadOffset = 4 else const TagOffset = 4 const PayloadOffset = 0 end # Constant for reasoning about butterflies. const IsArray = 0x01 const IndexingShapeMask = 0x0E const NoIndexingShape = 0x00 const Int32Shape = 0x04 const DoubleShape = 0x06 const ContiguousShape = 0x08 const ArrayStorageShape = 0x0A const SlowPutArrayStorageShape = 0x0C # Type constants. const StringType = 6 const SymbolType = 7 const ObjectType = 21 const FinalObjectType = 22 const JSFunctionType = 24 const ArrayType = 32 const DerivedArrayType = 33 const ProxyObjectType = 51 # The typed array types need to be numbered in a particular order because of the manually written # switch statement in get_by_val and put_by_val. const Int8ArrayType = 34 const Int16ArrayType = 35 const Int32ArrayType = 36 const Uint8ArrayType = 37 const Uint8ClampedArrayType = 38 const Uint16ArrayType = 39 const Uint32ArrayType = 40 const Float32ArrayType = 41 const Float64ArrayType = 42 const FirstArrayType = Int8ArrayType const LastArrayType = Float64ArrayType # Type flags constants. const MasqueradesAsUndefined = 1 const ImplementsDefaultHasInstance = 2 # Bytecode operand constants. const FirstConstantRegisterIndex = 0x40000000 # Code type constants. const GlobalCode = 0 const EvalCode = 1 const FunctionCode = 2 const ModuleCode = 3 # The interpreter steals the tag word of the argument count. const LLIntReturnPC = ArgumentCount + TagOffset # String flags. const HashFlags8BitBuffer = 8 # Copied from PropertyOffset.h const firstOutOfLineOffset = 100 # ResolveType const GlobalProperty = 0 const GlobalVar = 1 const GlobalLexicalVar = 2 const ClosureVar = 3 const LocalClosureVar = 4 const ModuleVar = 5 const GlobalPropertyWithVarInjectionChecks = 6 const GlobalVarWithVarInjectionChecks = 7 const GlobalLexicalVarWithVarInjectionChecks = 8 const ClosureVarWithVarInjectionChecks = 9 const ResolveTypeMask = 0x3ff const InitializationModeMask = 0xffc00 const InitializationModeShift = 10 const NotInitialization = 2 const MarkedBlockSize = 16 * 1024 const MarkedBlockMask = ~(MarkedBlockSize - 1) const BlackThreshold = 0 # Allocation constants if JSVALUE64 const JSFinalObjectSizeClassIndex = 1 else const JSFinalObjectSizeClassIndex = 3 end # This must match wtf/Vector.h const VectorBufferOffset = 0 if JSVALUE64 const VectorSizeOffset = 12 else const VectorSizeOffset = 8 end # Some common utilities. macro crash() if C_LOOP cloopCrash else call _llint_crash end end macro assert(assertion) if ASSERT_ENABLED assertion(.ok) crash() .ok: end end # The probe macro can be used to insert some debugging code without perturbing scalar # registers. Presently, the probe macro only preserves scalar registers. Hence, the # C probe callback function should not trash floating point registers. # # The macro you pass to probe() can pass whatever registers you like to your probe # callback function. However, you need to be mindful of which of the registers are # also used as argument registers, and ensure that you don't trash the register value # before storing it in the probe callback argument register that you desire. # # Here's an example of how it's used: # # probe( # macro() # move cfr, a0 # pass the ExecState* as arg0. # move t0, a1 # pass the value of register t0 as arg1. # call _cProbeCallbackFunction # to do whatever you want. # end # ) # if X86_64 macro probe(action) # save all the registers that the LLInt may use. push a0, a1 push a2, a3 push t0, t1 push t2, t3 push t4, t5 action() # restore all the registers we saved previously. pop t5, t4 pop t3, t2 pop t1, t0 pop a3, a2 pop a1, a0 end end macro checkStackPointerAlignment(tempReg, location) if ARM64 or C_LOOP or SH4 # ARM64 will check for us! # C_LOOP does not need the alignment, and can use a little perf # improvement from avoiding useless work. # SH4 does not need specific alignment (4 bytes). else if ARM or ARMv7 or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL # ARM can't do logical ops with the sp as a source move sp, tempReg andp StackAlignmentMask, tempReg else andp sp, StackAlignmentMask, tempReg end btpz tempReg, .stackPointerOkay move location, tempReg break .stackPointerOkay: end end if C_LOOP or ARM64 or X86_64 or X86_64_WIN const CalleeSaveRegisterCount = 0 elsif ARM or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL or ARMv7 const CalleeSaveRegisterCount = 7 elsif SH4 const CalleeSaveRegisterCount = 5 elsif MIPS const CalleeSaveRegisterCount = 1 elsif X86 or X86_WIN const CalleeSaveRegisterCount = 3 end const CalleeRegisterSaveSize = CalleeSaveRegisterCount * PtrSize # VMEntryTotalFrameSize includes the space for struct VMEntryRecord and the # callee save registers rounded up to keep the stack aligned const VMEntryTotalFrameSize = (CalleeRegisterSaveSize + sizeof VMEntryRecord + StackAlignment - 1) & ~StackAlignmentMask macro pushCalleeSaves() if C_LOOP or ARM64 or X86_64 or X86_64_WIN elsif ARM or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL emit "push {r4-r10}" elsif ARMv7 emit "push {r4-r6, r8-r11}" elsif MIPS emit "addiu $sp, $sp, -4" emit "sw $s4, 0($sp)" # save $gp to $s4 so that we can restore it after a function call emit "move $s4, $gp" elsif SH4 emit "mov.l r13, @-r15" emit "mov.l r11, @-r15" emit "mov.l r10, @-r15" emit "mov.l r9, @-r15" emit "mov.l r8, @-r15" elsif X86 emit "push %esi" emit "push %edi" emit "push %ebx" elsif X86_WIN emit "push esi" emit "push edi" emit "push ebx" end end macro popCalleeSaves() if C_LOOP or ARM64 or X86_64 or X86_64_WIN elsif ARM or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL emit "pop {r4-r10}" elsif ARMv7 emit "pop {r4-r6, r8-r11}" elsif MIPS emit "lw $s4, 0($sp)" emit "addiu $sp, $sp, 4" elsif SH4 emit "mov.l @r15+, r8" emit "mov.l @r15+, r9" emit "mov.l @r15+, r10" emit "mov.l @r15+, r11" emit "mov.l @r15+, r13" elsif X86 emit "pop %ebx" emit "pop %edi" emit "pop %esi" elsif X86_WIN emit "pop ebx" emit "pop edi" emit "pop esi" end end macro preserveCallerPCAndCFR() if C_LOOP or ARM or ARMv7 or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL or MIPS or SH4 push lr push cfr elsif X86 or X86_WIN or X86_64 or X86_64_WIN push cfr elsif ARM64 push cfr, lr else error end move sp, cfr end macro restoreCallerPCAndCFR() move cfr, sp if C_LOOP or ARM or ARMv7 or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL or MIPS or SH4 pop cfr pop lr elsif X86 or X86_WIN or X86_64 or X86_64_WIN pop cfr elsif ARM64 pop lr, cfr end end macro preserveCalleeSavesUsedByLLInt() subp CalleeSaveSpaceStackAligned, sp if C_LOOP elsif ARM or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL elsif ARMv7 elsif ARM64 emit "stp x27, x28, [x29, #-16]" emit "stp xzr, x26, [x29, #-32]" elsif MIPS elsif SH4 elsif X86 elsif X86_WIN elsif X86_64 storep csr4, -8[cfr] storep csr3, -16[cfr] storep csr2, -24[cfr] elsif X86_64_WIN storep csr6, -8[cfr] storep csr5, -16[cfr] storep csr4, -24[cfr] end end macro restoreCalleeSavesUsedByLLInt() if C_LOOP elsif ARM or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL elsif ARMv7 elsif ARM64 emit "ldp xzr, x26, [x29, #-32]" emit "ldp x27, x28, [x29, #-16]" elsif MIPS elsif SH4 elsif X86 elsif X86_WIN elsif X86_64 loadp -24[cfr], csr2 loadp -16[cfr], csr3 loadp -8[cfr], csr4 elsif X86_64_WIN loadp -24[cfr], csr4 loadp -16[cfr], csr5 loadp -8[cfr], csr6 end end macro copyCalleeSavesToVMEntryFrameCalleeSavesBuffer(vm, temp) if ARM64 or X86_64 or X86_64_WIN loadp VM::topVMEntryFrame[vm], temp vmEntryRecord(temp, temp) leap VMEntryRecord::calleeSaveRegistersBuffer[temp], temp if ARM64 storep csr0, [temp] storep csr1, 8[temp] storep csr2, 16[temp] storep csr3, 24[temp] storep csr4, 32[temp] storep csr5, 40[temp] storep csr6, 48[temp] storep csr7, 56[temp] storep csr8, 64[temp] storep csr9, 72[temp] stored csfr0, 80[temp] stored csfr1, 88[temp] stored csfr2, 96[temp] stored csfr3, 104[temp] stored csfr4, 112[temp] stored csfr5, 120[temp] stored csfr6, 128[temp] stored csfr7, 136[temp] elsif X86_64 storep csr0, [temp] storep csr1, 8[temp] storep csr2, 16[temp] storep csr3, 24[temp] storep csr4, 32[temp] elsif X86_64_WIN storep csr0, [temp] storep csr1, 8[temp] storep csr2, 16[temp] storep csr3, 24[temp] storep csr4, 32[temp] storep csr5, 40[temp] storep csr6, 48[temp] end end end macro restoreCalleeSavesFromVMEntryFrameCalleeSavesBuffer(vm, temp) if ARM64 or X86_64 or X86_64_WIN loadp VM::topVMEntryFrame[vm], temp vmEntryRecord(temp, temp) leap VMEntryRecord::calleeSaveRegistersBuffer[temp], temp if ARM64 loadp [temp], csr0 loadp 8[temp], csr1 loadp 16[temp], csr2 loadp 24[temp], csr3 loadp 32[temp], csr4 loadp 40[temp], csr5 loadp 48[temp], csr6 loadp 56[temp], csr7 loadp 64[temp], csr8 loadp 72[temp], csr9 loadd 80[temp], csfr0 loadd 88[temp], csfr1 loadd 96[temp], csfr2 loadd 104[temp], csfr3 loadd 112[temp], csfr4 loadd 120[temp], csfr5 loadd 128[temp], csfr6 loadd 136[temp], csfr7 elsif X86_64 loadp [temp], csr0 loadp 8[temp], csr1 loadp 16[temp], csr2 loadp 24[temp], csr3 loadp 32[temp], csr4 elsif X86_64_WIN loadp [temp], csr0 loadp 8[temp], csr1 loadp 16[temp], csr2 loadp 24[temp], csr3 loadp 32[temp], csr4 loadp 40[temp], csr5 loadp 48[temp], csr6 end end end macro preserveReturnAddressAfterCall(destinationRegister) if C_LOOP or ARM or ARMv7 or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL or ARM64 or MIPS or SH4 # In C_LOOP case, we're only preserving the bytecode vPC. move lr, destinationRegister elsif X86 or X86_WIN or X86_64 or X86_64_WIN pop destinationRegister else error end end macro functionPrologue() if X86 or X86_WIN or X86_64 or X86_64_WIN push cfr elsif ARM64 push cfr, lr elsif C_LOOP or ARM or ARMv7 or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL or MIPS or SH4 push lr push cfr end move sp, cfr end macro functionEpilogue() if X86 or X86_WIN or X86_64 or X86_64_WIN pop cfr elsif ARM64 pop lr, cfr elsif C_LOOP or ARM or ARMv7 or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL or MIPS or SH4 pop cfr pop lr end end macro vmEntryRecord(entryFramePointer, resultReg) subp entryFramePointer, VMEntryTotalFrameSize, resultReg end macro getFrameRegisterSizeForCodeBlock(codeBlock, size) loadi CodeBlock::m_numCalleeLocals[codeBlock], size lshiftp 3, size addp maxFrameExtentForSlowPathCall, size end macro restoreStackPointerAfterCall() loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t2 getFrameRegisterSizeForCodeBlock(t2, t2) if ARMv7 subp cfr, t2, t2 move t2, sp else subp cfr, t2, sp end end macro traceExecution() if COLLECT_STATS callSlowPath(_llint_count_opcode) end if EXECUTION_TRACING callSlowPath(_llint_trace) end end macro traceSlowPathExecution() if COLLECT_STATS callSlowPath(_llint_count_opcode_slow_path) end end macro callOpcodeSlowPath(slowPath) traceSlowPathExecution() callSlowPath(slowPath) end macro callTargetFunction(callee) if C_LOOP cloopCallJSFunction callee else call callee end restoreStackPointerAfterCall() dispatchAfterCall() end macro prepareForRegularCall(callee, temp1, temp2, temp3) addp CallerFrameAndPCSize, sp end # sp points to the new frame macro prepareForTailCall(callee, temp1, temp2, temp3) restoreCalleeSavesUsedByLLInt() loadi PayloadOffset + ArgumentCount[cfr], temp2 loadp CodeBlock[cfr], temp1 loadp CodeBlock::m_numParameters[temp1], temp1 bilteq temp1, temp2, .noArityFixup move temp1, temp2 .noArityFixup: # We assume < 2^28 arguments muli SlotSize, temp2 addi StackAlignment - 1 + CallFrameHeaderSize, temp2 andi ~StackAlignmentMask, temp2 move cfr, temp1 addp temp2, temp1 loadi PayloadOffset + ArgumentCount[sp], temp2 # We assume < 2^28 arguments muli SlotSize, temp2 addi StackAlignment - 1 + CallFrameHeaderSize, temp2 andi ~StackAlignmentMask, temp2 if ARM or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL or ARMv7 or SH4 or ARM64 or C_LOOP or MIPS addp 2 * PtrSize, sp subi 2 * PtrSize, temp2 loadp PtrSize[cfr], lr else addp PtrSize, sp subi PtrSize, temp2 loadp PtrSize[cfr], temp3 storep temp3, [sp] end subp temp2, temp1 loadp [cfr], cfr .copyLoop: subi PtrSize, temp2 loadp [sp, temp2, 1], temp3 storep temp3, [temp1, temp2, 1] btinz temp2, .copyLoop move temp1, sp jmp callee end macro slowPathForCall(slowPath, prepareCall) traceSlowPathExecution() callCallSlowPath( slowPath, # Those are r0 and r1 macro (callee, calleeFramePtr) btpz calleeFramePtr, .dontUpdateSP move calleeFramePtr, sp prepareCall(callee, t2, t3, t4) .dontUpdateSP: callTargetFunction(callee) end) end macro arrayProfile(cellAndIndexingType, profile, scratch) const cell = cellAndIndexingType const indexingType = cellAndIndexingType loadi JSCell::m_structureID[cell], scratch storei scratch, ArrayProfile::m_lastSeenStructureID[profile] loadb JSCell::m_indexingTypeAndMisc[cell], indexingType end macro skipIfIsRememberedOrInEden(cell, slowPath) memfence bba JSCell::m_cellState[cell], BlackThreshold, .done slowPath() .done: end macro notifyWrite(set, slow) bbneq WatchpointSet::m_state[set], IsInvalidated, slow end macro checkSwitchToJIT(increment, action) loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t0 baddis increment, CodeBlock::m_llintExecuteCounter + BaselineExecutionCounter::m_counter[t0], .continue action() .continue: end macro checkSwitchToJITForEpilogue() checkSwitchToJIT( 10, macro () callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_replace) end) end macro assertNotConstant(index) assert(macro (ok) bilt index, FirstConstantRegisterIndex, ok end) end macro functionForCallCodeBlockGetter(targetRegister) if JSVALUE64 loadp Callee[cfr], targetRegister else loadp Callee + PayloadOffset[cfr], targetRegister end loadp JSFunction::m_executable[targetRegister], targetRegister loadp FunctionExecutable::m_codeBlockForCall[targetRegister], targetRegister end macro functionForConstructCodeBlockGetter(targetRegister) if JSVALUE64 loadp Callee[cfr], targetRegister else loadp Callee + PayloadOffset[cfr], targetRegister end loadp JSFunction::m_executable[targetRegister], targetRegister loadp FunctionExecutable::m_codeBlockForConstruct[targetRegister], targetRegister end macro notFunctionCodeBlockGetter(targetRegister) loadp CodeBlock[cfr], targetRegister end macro functionCodeBlockSetter(sourceRegister) storep sourceRegister, CodeBlock[cfr] end macro notFunctionCodeBlockSetter(sourceRegister) # Nothing to do! end # Do the bare minimum required to execute code. Sets up the PC, leave the CodeBlock* # in t1. May also trigger prologue entry OSR. macro prologue(codeBlockGetter, codeBlockSetter, osrSlowPath, traceSlowPath) # Set up the call frame and check if we should OSR. preserveCallerPCAndCFR() if EXECUTION_TRACING subp maxFrameExtentForSlowPathCall, sp callSlowPath(traceSlowPath) addp maxFrameExtentForSlowPathCall, sp end codeBlockGetter(t1) if not C_LOOP baddis 5, CodeBlock::m_llintExecuteCounter + BaselineExecutionCounter::m_counter[t1], .continue if JSVALUE64 move cfr, a0 move PC, a1 cCall2(osrSlowPath) else # We are after the function prologue, but before we have set up sp from the CodeBlock. # Temporarily align stack pointer for this call. subp 8, sp move cfr, a0 move PC, a1 cCall2(osrSlowPath) addp 8, sp end btpz r0, .recover move cfr, sp # restore the previous sp # pop the callerFrame since we will jump to a function that wants to save it if ARM64 pop lr, cfr elsif ARM or ARMv7 or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL or MIPS or SH4 pop cfr pop lr else pop cfr end jmp r0 .recover: codeBlockGetter(t1) .continue: end codeBlockSetter(t1) preserveCalleeSavesUsedByLLInt() # Set up the PC. if JSVALUE64 loadp CodeBlock::m_instructions[t1], PB move 0, PC else loadp CodeBlock::m_instructions[t1], PC end # Get new sp in t0 and check stack height. getFrameRegisterSizeForCodeBlock(t1, t0) subp cfr, t0, t0 loadp CodeBlock::m_vm[t1], t2 if C_LOOP bpbeq VM::m_cloopStackLimit[t2], t0, .stackHeightOK else bpbeq VM::m_softStackLimit[t2], t0, .stackHeightOK end # Stack height check failed - need to call a slow_path. # Set up temporary stack pointer for call including callee saves subp maxFrameExtentForSlowPathCall, sp callSlowPath(_llint_stack_check) bpeq r1, 0, .stackHeightOKGetCodeBlock move r1, cfr dispatch(0) # Go to exception handler in PC .stackHeightOKGetCodeBlock: # Stack check slow path returned that the stack was ok. # Since they were clobbered, need to get CodeBlock and new sp codeBlockGetter(t1) getFrameRegisterSizeForCodeBlock(t1, t0) subp cfr, t0, t0 .stackHeightOK: move t0, sp if JSVALUE64 move TagTypeNumber, tagTypeNumber addp TagBitTypeOther, tagTypeNumber, tagMask end end # Expects that CodeBlock is in t1, which is what prologue() leaves behind. # Must call dispatch(0) after calling this. macro functionInitialization(profileArgSkip) # Profile the arguments. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to do this. This # code is pretty horrendous because of the difference in ordering between # arguments and value profiles, the desire to have a simple loop-down-to-zero # loop, and the desire to use only three registers so as to preserve the PC and # the code block. It is likely that this code should be rewritten in a more # optimal way for architectures that have more than five registers available # for arbitrary use in the interpreter. loadi CodeBlock::m_numParameters[t1], t0 addp -profileArgSkip, t0 # Use addi because that's what has the peephole assert(macro (ok) bpgteq t0, 0, ok end) btpz t0, .argumentProfileDone loadp CodeBlock::m_argumentValueProfiles + VectorBufferOffset[t1], t3 mulp sizeof ValueProfile, t0, t2 # Aaaaahhhh! Need strength reduction! lshiftp 3, t0 addp t2, t3 .argumentProfileLoop: if JSVALUE64 loadq ThisArgumentOffset - 8 + profileArgSkip * 8[cfr, t0], t2 subp sizeof ValueProfile, t3 storeq t2, profileArgSkip * sizeof ValueProfile + ValueProfile::m_buckets[t3] else loadi ThisArgumentOffset + TagOffset - 8 + profileArgSkip * 8[cfr, t0], t2 subp sizeof ValueProfile, t3 storei t2, profileArgSkip * sizeof ValueProfile + ValueProfile::m_buckets + TagOffset[t3] loadi ThisArgumentOffset + PayloadOffset - 8 + profileArgSkip * 8[cfr, t0], t2 storei t2, profileArgSkip * sizeof ValueProfile + ValueProfile::m_buckets + PayloadOffset[t3] end baddpnz -8, t0, .argumentProfileLoop .argumentProfileDone: end macro doReturn() restoreCalleeSavesUsedByLLInt() restoreCallerPCAndCFR() ret end # stub to call into JavaScript or Native functions # EncodedJSValue vmEntryToJavaScript(void* code, VM* vm, ProtoCallFrame* protoFrame) # EncodedJSValue vmEntryToNativeFunction(void* code, VM* vm, ProtoCallFrame* protoFrame) if C_LOOP _llint_vm_entry_to_javascript: else global _vmEntryToJavaScript _vmEntryToJavaScript: end doVMEntry(makeJavaScriptCall) if C_LOOP _llint_vm_entry_to_native: else global _vmEntryToNative _vmEntryToNative: end doVMEntry(makeHostFunctionCall) if not C_LOOP # void sanitizeStackForVMImpl(VM* vm) global _sanitizeStackForVMImpl _sanitizeStackForVMImpl: # We need three non-aliased caller-save registers. We are guaranteed # this for a0, a1 and a2 on all architectures. if X86 or X86_WIN loadp 4[sp], a0 end const vm = a0 const address = a1 const zeroValue = a2 loadp VM::m_lastStackTop[vm], address bpbeq sp, address, .zeroFillDone move 0, zeroValue .zeroFillLoop: storep zeroValue, [address] addp PtrSize, address bpa sp, address, .zeroFillLoop .zeroFillDone: move sp, address storep address, VM::m_lastStackTop[vm] ret # VMEntryRecord* vmEntryRecord(const VMEntryFrame* entryFrame) global _vmEntryRecord _vmEntryRecord: if X86 or X86_WIN loadp 4[sp], a0 end vmEntryRecord(a0, r0) ret end if C_LOOP # Dummy entry point the C Loop uses to initialize. _llint_entry: crash() else macro initPCRelative(pcBase) if X86_64 or X86_64_WIN or X86 or X86_WIN call _relativePCBase _relativePCBase: pop pcBase elsif ARM64 elsif ARMv7 _relativePCBase: move pc, pcBase subp 3, pcBase # Need to back up the PC and set the Thumb2 bit elsif ARM or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL _relativePCBase: move pc, pcBase subp 8, pcBase elsif MIPS la _relativePCBase, pcBase setcallreg pcBase # needed to set $t9 to the right value for the .cpload created by the label. _relativePCBase: elsif SH4 mova _relativePCBase, t0 move t0, pcBase alignformova _relativePCBase: end end # The PC base is in t1, as this is what _llint_entry leaves behind through # initPCRelative(t1) macro setEntryAddress(index, label) if X86_64 or X86_64_WIN leap (label - _relativePCBase)[t1], t3 move index, t4 storep t3, [a0, t4, 8] elsif X86 or X86_WIN leap (label - _relativePCBase)[t1], t3 move index, t4 storep t3, [a0, t4, 4] elsif ARM64 pcrtoaddr label, t1 move index, t4 storep t1, [a0, t4, 8] elsif ARM or ARMv7 or ARMv7_TRADITIONAL mvlbl (label - _relativePCBase), t4 addp t4, t1, t4 move index, t3 storep t4, [a0, t3, 4] elsif SH4 move (label - _relativePCBase), t4 addp t4, t1, t4 move index, t3 storep t4, [a0, t3, 4] flushcp # Force constant pool flush to avoid "pcrel too far" link error. elsif MIPS la label, t4 la _relativePCBase, t3 subp t3, t4 addp t4, t1, t4 move index, t3 storep t4, [a0, t3, 4] end end global _llint_entry # Entry point for the llint to initialize. _llint_entry: functionPrologue() pushCalleeSaves() if X86 or X86_WIN loadp 20[sp], a0 end initPCRelative(t1) # Include generated bytecode initialization file. include InitBytecodes popCalleeSaves() functionEpilogue() ret end _llint_program_prologue: prologue(notFunctionCodeBlockGetter, notFunctionCodeBlockSetter, _llint_entry_osr, _llint_trace_prologue) dispatch(0) _llint_module_program_prologue: prologue(notFunctionCodeBlockGetter, notFunctionCodeBlockSetter, _llint_entry_osr, _llint_trace_prologue) dispatch(0) _llint_eval_prologue: prologue(notFunctionCodeBlockGetter, notFunctionCodeBlockSetter, _llint_entry_osr, _llint_trace_prologue) dispatch(0) _llint_function_for_call_prologue: prologue(functionForCallCodeBlockGetter, functionCodeBlockSetter, _llint_entry_osr_function_for_call, _llint_trace_prologue_function_for_call) functionInitialization(0) dispatch(0) _llint_function_for_construct_prologue: prologue(functionForConstructCodeBlockGetter, functionCodeBlockSetter, _llint_entry_osr_function_for_construct, _llint_trace_prologue_function_for_construct) functionInitialization(1) dispatch(0) _llint_function_for_call_arity_check: prologue(functionForCallCodeBlockGetter, functionCodeBlockSetter, _llint_entry_osr_function_for_call_arityCheck, _llint_trace_arityCheck_for_call) functionArityCheck(.functionForCallBegin, _slow_path_call_arityCheck) .functionForCallBegin: functionInitialization(0) dispatch(0) _llint_function_for_construct_arity_check: prologue(functionForConstructCodeBlockGetter, functionCodeBlockSetter, _llint_entry_osr_function_for_construct_arityCheck, _llint_trace_arityCheck_for_construct) functionArityCheck(.functionForConstructBegin, _slow_path_construct_arityCheck) .functionForConstructBegin: functionInitialization(1) dispatch(0) # Value-representation-specific code. if JSVALUE64 include LowLevelInterpreter64 else include LowLevelInterpreter32_64 end # Value-representation-agnostic code. _llint_op_create_direct_arguments: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_create_direct_arguments) dispatch(2) _llint_op_create_scoped_arguments: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_create_scoped_arguments) dispatch(3) _llint_op_create_cloned_arguments: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_create_cloned_arguments) dispatch(2) _llint_op_create_this: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_create_this) dispatch(5) _llint_op_new_object: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_object) dispatch(4) _llint_op_new_func: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_func) dispatch(4) _llint_op_new_generator_func: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_generator_func) dispatch(4) _llint_op_new_async_func: traceExecution() callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_async_func) dispatch(4) _llint_op_new_array: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_array) dispatch(5) _llint_op_new_array_with_spread: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_new_array_with_spread) dispatch(5) _llint_op_spread: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_spread) dispatch(3) _llint_op_new_array_with_size: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_array_with_size) dispatch(4) _llint_op_new_array_buffer: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_array_buffer) dispatch(5) _llint_op_new_regexp: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_regexp) dispatch(3) _llint_op_less: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_less) dispatch(4) _llint_op_lesseq: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_lesseq) dispatch(4) _llint_op_greater: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_greater) dispatch(4) _llint_op_greatereq: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_greatereq) dispatch(4) _llint_op_mod: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_mod) dispatch(4) _llint_op_pow: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_pow) dispatch(4) _llint_op_typeof: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_typeof) dispatch(3) _llint_op_is_object_or_null: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_is_object_or_null) dispatch(3) _llint_op_is_function: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_is_function) dispatch(3) _llint_op_in: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_in) dispatch(4) _llint_op_try_get_by_id: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_try_get_by_id) dispatch(5) _llint_op_del_by_id: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_del_by_id) dispatch(4) _llint_op_del_by_val: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_del_by_val) dispatch(4) _llint_op_put_by_index: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_put_by_index) dispatch(4) _llint_op_put_getter_by_id: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_put_getter_by_id) dispatch(5) _llint_op_put_setter_by_id: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_put_setter_by_id) dispatch(5) _llint_op_put_getter_setter_by_id: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_put_getter_setter_by_id) dispatch(6) _llint_op_put_getter_by_val: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_put_getter_by_val) dispatch(5) _llint_op_put_setter_by_val: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_put_setter_by_val) dispatch(5) _llint_op_define_data_property: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_define_data_property) dispatch(5) _llint_op_define_accessor_property: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_define_accessor_property) dispatch(6) _llint_op_jtrue: traceExecution() jumpTrueOrFalse( macro (value, target) btinz value, target end, _llint_slow_path_jtrue) _llint_op_jfalse: traceExecution() jumpTrueOrFalse( macro (value, target) btiz value, target end, _llint_slow_path_jfalse) _llint_op_jless: traceExecution() compare( macro (left, right, target) bilt left, right, target end, macro (left, right, target) bdlt left, right, target end, _llint_slow_path_jless) _llint_op_jnless: traceExecution() compare( macro (left, right, target) bigteq left, right, target end, macro (left, right, target) bdgtequn left, right, target end, _llint_slow_path_jnless) _llint_op_jgreater: traceExecution() compare( macro (left, right, target) bigt left, right, target end, macro (left, right, target) bdgt left, right, target end, _llint_slow_path_jgreater) _llint_op_jngreater: traceExecution() compare( macro (left, right, target) bilteq left, right, target end, macro (left, right, target) bdltequn left, right, target end, _llint_slow_path_jngreater) _llint_op_jlesseq: traceExecution() compare( macro (left, right, target) bilteq left, right, target end, macro (left, right, target) bdlteq left, right, target end, _llint_slow_path_jlesseq) _llint_op_jnlesseq: traceExecution() compare( macro (left, right, target) bigt left, right, target end, macro (left, right, target) bdgtun left, right, target end, _llint_slow_path_jnlesseq) _llint_op_jgreatereq: traceExecution() compare( macro (left, right, target) bigteq left, right, target end, macro (left, right, target) bdgteq left, right, target end, _llint_slow_path_jgreatereq) _llint_op_jngreatereq: traceExecution() compare( macro (left, right, target) bilt left, right, target end, macro (left, right, target) bdltun left, right, target end, _llint_slow_path_jngreatereq) _llint_op_loop_hint: traceExecution() checkSwitchToJITForLoop() dispatch(1) _llint_op_watchdog: traceExecution() loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t1 loadp CodeBlock::m_vm[t1], t1 loadp VM::m_watchdog[t1], t0 btpnz t0, .handleWatchdogTimer .afterWatchdogTimerCheck: dispatch(1) .handleWatchdogTimer: loadb Watchdog::m_timerDidFire[t0], t0 btbz t0, .afterWatchdogTimerCheck callWatchdogTimerHandler(.throwHandler) jmp .afterWatchdogTimerCheck .throwHandler: jmp _llint_throw_from_slow_path_trampoline # Returns the packet pointer in t0. macro acquireShadowChickenPacket(slow) loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t1 loadp CodeBlock::m_vm[t1], t1 loadp VM::m_shadowChicken[t1], t2 loadp ShadowChicken::m_logCursor[t2], t0 bpaeq t0, ShadowChicken::m_logEnd[t2], slow addp sizeof ShadowChicken::Packet, t0, t1 storep t1, ShadowChicken::m_logCursor[t2] end _llint_op_nop: dispatch(1) _llint_op_switch_string: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_switch_string) dispatch(0) _llint_op_new_func_exp: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_func_exp) dispatch(4) _llint_op_new_generator_func_exp: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_generator_func_exp) dispatch(4) _llint_op_new_async_func_exp: traceExecution() callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_async_func_exp) dispatch(4) _llint_op_set_function_name: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_set_function_name) dispatch(3) _llint_op_call: traceExecution() arrayProfileForCall() doCall(_llint_slow_path_call, prepareForRegularCall) _llint_op_tail_call: traceExecution() arrayProfileForCall() checkSwitchToJITForEpilogue() doCall(_llint_slow_path_call, prepareForTailCall) _llint_op_construct: traceExecution() doCall(_llint_slow_path_construct, prepareForRegularCall) macro doCallVarargs(frameSlowPath, slowPath, prepareCall) callOpcodeSlowPath(frameSlowPath) branchIfException(_llint_throw_from_slow_path_trampoline) # calleeFrame in r1 if JSVALUE64 move r1, sp else # The calleeFrame is not stack aligned, move down by CallerFrameAndPCSize to align if ARMv7 subp r1, CallerFrameAndPCSize, t2 move t2, sp else subp r1, CallerFrameAndPCSize, sp end end slowPathForCall(slowPath, prepareCall) end _llint_op_call_varargs: traceExecution() doCallVarargs(_llint_slow_path_size_frame_for_varargs, _llint_slow_path_call_varargs, prepareForRegularCall) _llint_op_tail_call_varargs: traceExecution() checkSwitchToJITForEpilogue() # We lie and perform the tail call instead of preparing it since we can't # prepare the frame for a call opcode doCallVarargs(_llint_slow_path_size_frame_for_varargs, _llint_slow_path_call_varargs, prepareForTailCall) _llint_op_tail_call_forward_arguments: traceExecution() checkSwitchToJITForEpilogue() # We lie and perform the tail call instead of preparing it since we can't # prepare the frame for a call opcode doCallVarargs(_llint_slow_path_size_frame_for_forward_arguments, _llint_slow_path_tail_call_forward_arguments, prepareForTailCall) _llint_op_construct_varargs: traceExecution() doCallVarargs(_llint_slow_path_size_frame_for_varargs, _llint_slow_path_construct_varargs, prepareForRegularCall) _llint_op_call_eval: traceExecution() # Eval is executed in one of two modes: # # 1) We find that we're really invoking eval() in which case the # execution is perfomed entirely inside the slow_path, and it # returns the PC of a function that just returns the return value # that the eval returned. # # 2) We find that we're invoking something called eval() that is not # the real eval. Then the slow_path returns the PC of the thing to # call, and we call it. # # This allows us to handle two cases, which would require a total of # up to four pieces of state that cannot be easily packed into two # registers (C functions can return up to two registers, easily): # # - The call frame register. This may or may not have been modified # by the slow_path, but the convention is that it returns it. It's not # totally clear if that's necessary, since the cfr is callee save. # But that's our style in this here interpreter so we stick with it. # # - A bit to say if the slow_path successfully executed the eval and has # the return value, or did not execute the eval but has a PC for us # to call. # # - Either: # - The JS return value (two registers), or # # - The PC to call. # # It turns out to be easier to just always have this return the cfr # and a PC to call, and that PC may be a dummy thunk that just # returns the JS value that the eval returned. slowPathForCall(_llint_slow_path_call_eval, prepareForRegularCall) _llint_generic_return_point: dispatchAfterCall() _llint_op_strcat: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_strcat) dispatch(4) _llint_op_push_with_scope: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_push_with_scope) dispatch(4) _llint_op_assert: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_assert) dispatch(3) _llint_op_yield: notSupported() _llint_op_create_lexical_environment: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_create_lexical_environment) dispatch(5) _llint_op_throw: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_throw) dispatch(2) _llint_op_throw_static_error: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_throw_static_error) dispatch(3) _llint_op_debug: traceExecution() loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t0 loadi CodeBlock::m_debuggerRequests[t0], t0 btiz t0, .opDebugDone callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_debug) .opDebugDone: dispatch(3) _llint_native_call_trampoline: nativeCallTrampoline(NativeExecutable::m_function) _llint_native_construct_trampoline: nativeCallTrampoline(NativeExecutable::m_constructor) _llint_op_get_enumerable_length: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_get_enumerable_length) dispatch(3) _llint_op_has_indexed_property: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_has_indexed_property) dispatch(5) _llint_op_has_structure_property: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_has_structure_property) dispatch(5) _llint_op_has_generic_property: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_has_generic_property) dispatch(4) _llint_op_get_direct_pname: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_get_direct_pname) dispatch(7) _llint_op_get_property_enumerator: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_get_property_enumerator) dispatch(3) _llint_op_enumerator_structure_pname: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_next_structure_enumerator_pname) dispatch(4) _llint_op_enumerator_generic_pname: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_next_generic_enumerator_pname) dispatch(4) _llint_op_to_index_string: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_to_index_string) dispatch(3) _llint_op_create_rest: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_create_rest) dispatch(4) _llint_op_instanceof: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_instanceof) dispatch(4) _llint_op_get_by_id_with_this: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_get_by_id_with_this) dispatch(6) _llint_op_get_by_val_with_this: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_get_by_val_with_this) dispatch(6) _llint_op_put_by_id_with_this: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_put_by_id_with_this) dispatch(5) _llint_op_put_by_val_with_this: traceExecution() callOpcodeSlowPath(_slow_path_put_by_val_with_this) dispatch(5) # Lastly, make sure that we can link even though we don't support all opcodes. # These opcodes should never arise when using LLInt or either JIT. We assert # as much. macro notSupported() if ASSERT_ENABLED crash() else # We should use whatever the smallest possible instruction is, just to # ensure that there is a gap between instruction labels. If multiple # smallest instructions exist, we should pick the one that is most # likely result in execution being halted. Currently that is the break # instruction on all architectures we're interested in. (Break is int3 # on Intel, which is 1 byte, and bkpt on ARMv7, which is 2 bytes.) break end end