#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2014 University of Washington. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF # THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import logging import collections log = logging.getLogger('global') def ucfirst(str): return str[:1].upper() + str[1:] def find_duplicates(l): return [key for key, count in collections.Counter(l).items() if count > 1] _FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_MAP = { "Global": { }, "JavaScriptCore": { "cpp_protocol_group": "Inspector", "export_macro": "JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE", "alternate_dispatchers": True, }, "WebKit": { "cpp_protocol_group": "Automation", "objc_protocol_group": "WD", "objc_prefix": "WD", }, "WebInspector": { "objc_protocol_group": "RWI", "objc_prefix": "RWI", }, # Used for code generator tests. "Test": { "alternate_dispatchers": True, "cpp_protocol_group": "Test", "objc_protocol_group": "Test", "objc_prefix": "Test", } } class ParseException(Exception): pass class TypecheckException(Exception): pass class Framework: def __init__(self, name): self._settings = _FRAMEWORK_CONFIG_MAP[name] self.name = name def setting(self, key, default=''): return self._settings.get(key, default) @staticmethod def fromString(frameworkString): if frameworkString == "Global": return Frameworks.Global if frameworkString == "JavaScriptCore": return Frameworks.JavaScriptCore if frameworkString == "WebKit": return Frameworks.WebKit if frameworkString == "WebInspector": return Frameworks.WebInspector if frameworkString == "Test": return Frameworks.Test raise ParseException("Unknown framework: %s" % frameworkString) class Frameworks: Global = Framework("Global") JavaScriptCore = Framework("JavaScriptCore") WebKit = Framework("WebKit") WebInspector = Framework("WebInspector") Test = Framework("Test") class TypeReference: def __init__(self, type_kind, referenced_type_name, enum_values, array_items): self.type_kind = type_kind self.referenced_type_name = referenced_type_name self.enum_values = enum_values if array_items is None: self.array_type_ref = None else: self.array_type_ref = TypeReference(array_items.get('type'), array_items.get('$ref'), array_items.get('enum'), array_items.get('items')) if type_kind is not None and referenced_type_name is not None: raise ParseException("Type reference cannot have both 'type' and '$ref' keys.") all_primitive_types = ["integer", "number", "string", "boolean", "enum", "object", "array", "any"] if type_kind is not None and type_kind not in all_primitive_types: raise ParseException("Type reference '%s' is not a primitive type. Allowed values: %s" % (type_kind, ', '.join(all_primitive_types))) if type_kind == "array" and array_items is None: raise ParseException("Type reference with type 'array' must have key 'items' to define array element type.") if enum_values is not None and len(enum_values) == 0: raise ParseException("Type reference with enum values must have at least one enum value.") def referenced_name(self): if self.referenced_type_name is not None: return self.referenced_type_name else: return self.type_kind # one of all_primitive_types class Type: def __init__(self): pass def __eq__(self, other): return self.qualified_name() == other.qualified_name() def __hash__(self): return self.qualified_name().__hash__() def raw_name(self): return self._name # These methods should be overridden by subclasses. def is_enum(self): return False def type_domain(self): pass def qualified_name(self): pass # This is used to resolve nested types after instances are created. def resolve_type_references(self, protocol): pass class PrimitiveType(Type): def __init__(self, name): self._name = name def __repr__(self): return 'PrimitiveType[%s]' % self.qualified_name() def type_domain(self): return None def qualified_name(self): return self.raw_name() class AliasedType(Type): def __init__(self, declaration, domain, aliased_type_ref): self._name = declaration.type_name self._declaration = declaration self._domain = domain self._aliased_type_ref = aliased_type_ref self.aliased_type = None def __repr__(self): if self.aliased_type is not None: return 'AliasedType[%s -> %r]' % (self.qualified_name(), self.aliased_type) else: return 'AliasedType[%s -> (unresolved)]' % self.qualified_name() def is_enum(self): return self.aliased_type.is_enum() def type_domain(self): return self._domain def qualified_name(self): return ".".join([self.type_domain().domain_name, self.raw_name()]) def resolve_type_references(self, protocol): if self.aliased_type is not None: return self.aliased_type = protocol.lookup_type_reference(self._aliased_type_ref, self.type_domain()) log.debug("< Resolved type reference for aliased type in %s: %s" % (self.qualified_name(), self.aliased_type.qualified_name())) class EnumType(Type): def __init__(self, declaration, domain, values, primitive_type_ref, is_anonymous=False): self._name = "(anonymous)" if declaration is None else declaration.type_name self._declaration = declaration self._domain = domain self._values = values self._primitive_type_ref = primitive_type_ref self.primitive_type = None self.is_anonymous = is_anonymous def __repr__(self): return 'EnumType[value_type=%s; values=%s]' % (self.qualified_name(), ', '.join(map(str, self.enum_values()))) def is_enum(self): return True def enum_values(self): return self._values def type_domain(self): return self._domain def declaration(self): return self._declaration def qualified_name(self): return ".".join([self.type_domain().domain_name, self.raw_name()]) def resolve_type_references(self, protocol): if self.primitive_type is not None: return self.primitive_type = protocol.lookup_type_reference(self._primitive_type_ref, Domains.GLOBAL) log.debug("< Resolved type reference for enum type in %s: %s" % (self.qualified_name(), self.primitive_type.qualified_name())) log.debug("<< enum values: %s" % self.enum_values()) class ArrayType(Type): def __init__(self, declaration, element_type_ref, domain): self._name = None if declaration is None else declaration.type_name self._declaration = declaration self._domain = domain self._element_type_ref = element_type_ref self.element_type = None def __repr__(self): if self.element_type is not None: return 'ArrayType[element_type=%r]' % self.element_type else: return 'ArrayType[element_type=(unresolved)]' def declaration(self): return self._declaration def type_domain(self): return self._domain def qualified_name(self): return ".".join(["array", self.element_type.qualified_name()]) def resolve_type_references(self, protocol): if self.element_type is not None: return self.element_type = protocol.lookup_type_reference(self._element_type_ref, self.type_domain()) log.debug("< Resolved type reference for element type in %s: %s" % (self.qualified_name(), self.element_type.qualified_name())) class ObjectType(Type): def __init__(self, declaration, domain): self._name = declaration.type_name self._declaration = declaration self._domain = domain self.members = declaration.type_members def __repr__(self): return 'ObjectType[%s]' % self.qualified_name() def declaration(self): return self._declaration def type_domain(self): return self._domain def qualified_name(self): return ".".join([self.type_domain().domain_name, self.raw_name()]) def check_for_required_properties(props, obj, what): for prop in props: if prop not in obj: raise ParseException("When parsing %s, required property missing: %s" % (what, prop)) class Protocol: def __init__(self, framework_name): self.domains = [] self.types_by_name = {} self.framework = Framework.fromString(framework_name) def parse_specification(self, json, isSupplemental): log.debug("parse toplevel") if isinstance(json, dict) and 'domains' in json: json = json['domains'] if not isinstance(json, list): json = [json] for domain in json: self.parse_domain(domain, isSupplemental) def parse_domain(self, json, isSupplemental): check_for_required_properties(['domain'], json, "domain") log.debug("parse domain " + json['domain']) types = [] commands = [] events = [] if 'types' in json: if not isinstance(json['types'], list): raise ParseException("Malformed domain specification: types is not an array") types.extend([self.parse_type_declaration(declaration) for declaration in json['types']]) if 'commands' in json: if not isinstance(json['commands'], list): raise ParseException("Malformed domain specification: commands is not an array") commands.extend([self.parse_command(command) for command in json['commands']]) if 'events' in json: if not isinstance(json['events'], list): raise ParseException("Malformed domain specification: events is not an array") events.extend([self.parse_event(event) for event in json['events']]) if 'availability' in json: if not commands and not events: raise ParseException("Malformed domain specification: availability should only be included if there are commands or events.") allowed_activation_strings = set(['web']) if json['availability'] not in allowed_activation_strings: raise ParseException('Malformed domain specification: availability is an unsupported string. Was: "%s", Allowed values: %s' % (json['availability'], ', '.join(allowed_activation_strings))) self.domains.append(Domain(json['domain'], json.get('description', ''), json.get('featureGuard'), json.get('availability'), isSupplemental, types, commands, events)) def parse_type_declaration(self, json): check_for_required_properties(['id', 'type'], json, "type") log.debug("parse type %s" % json['id']) type_members = [] if 'properties' in json: if not isinstance(json['properties'], list): raise ParseException("Malformed type specification: properties is not an array") type_members.extend([self.parse_type_member(member) for member in json['properties']]) duplicate_names = find_duplicates([member.member_name for member in type_members]) if len(duplicate_names) > 0: raise ParseException("Malformed domain specification: type declaration for %s has duplicate member names" % json['id']) type_ref = TypeReference(json['type'], json.get('$ref'), json.get('enum'), json.get('items')) return TypeDeclaration(json['id'], type_ref, json.get("description", ""), type_members) def parse_type_member(self, json): check_for_required_properties(['name'], json, "type member") log.debug("parse type member %s" % json['name']) type_ref = TypeReference(json.get('type'), json.get('$ref'), json.get('enum'), json.get('items')) return TypeMember(json['name'], type_ref, json.get('optional', False), json.get('description', "")) def parse_command(self, json): check_for_required_properties(['name'], json, "command") log.debug("parse command %s" % json['name']) call_parameters = [] return_parameters = [] if 'parameters' in json: if not isinstance(json['parameters'], list): raise ParseException("Malformed command specification: parameters is not an array") call_parameters.extend([self.parse_call_or_return_parameter(parameter) for parameter in json['parameters']]) duplicate_names = find_duplicates([param.parameter_name for param in call_parameters]) if len(duplicate_names) > 0: raise ParseException("Malformed domain specification: call parameter list for command %s has duplicate parameter names" % json['name']) if 'returns' in json: if not isinstance(json['returns'], list): raise ParseException("Malformed command specification: returns is not an array") return_parameters.extend([self.parse_call_or_return_parameter(parameter) for parameter in json['returns']]) duplicate_names = find_duplicates([param.parameter_name for param in return_parameters]) if len(duplicate_names) > 0: raise ParseException("Malformed domain specification: return parameter list for command %s has duplicate parameter names" % json['name']) return Command(json['name'], call_parameters, return_parameters, json.get('description', ""), json.get('async', False)) def parse_event(self, json): check_for_required_properties(['name'], json, "event") log.debug("parse event %s" % json['name']) event_parameters = [] if 'parameters' in json: if not isinstance(json['parameters'], list): raise ParseException("Malformed event specification: parameters is not an array") event_parameters.extend([self.parse_call_or_return_parameter(parameter) for parameter in json['parameters']]) duplicate_names = find_duplicates([param.parameter_name for param in event_parameters]) if len(duplicate_names) > 0: raise ParseException("Malformed domain specification: parameter list for event %s has duplicate parameter names" % json['name']) return Event(json['name'], event_parameters, json.get('description', "")) def parse_call_or_return_parameter(self, json): check_for_required_properties(['name'], json, "parameter") log.debug("parse parameter %s" % json['name']) type_ref = TypeReference(json.get('type'), json.get('$ref'), json.get('enum'), json.get('items')) return Parameter(json['name'], type_ref, json.get('optional', False), json.get('description', "")) def resolve_types(self): qualified_declared_type_names = set(['boolean', 'string', 'integer', 'number', 'enum', 'array', 'object', 'any']) self.types_by_name['string'] = PrimitiveType('string') for _primitive_type in ['boolean', 'integer', 'number']: self.types_by_name[_primitive_type] = PrimitiveType(_primitive_type) for _object_type in ['any', 'object']: self.types_by_name[_object_type] = PrimitiveType(_object_type) # Gather qualified type names from type declarations in each domain. for domain in self.domains: for declaration in domain.type_declarations: # Basic sanity checking. if declaration.type_ref.referenced_type_name is not None: raise TypecheckException("Type declarations must name a base type, not a type reference.") # Find duplicate qualified type names. qualified_type_name = ".".join([domain.domain_name, declaration.type_name]) if qualified_type_name in qualified_declared_type_names: raise TypecheckException("Duplicate type declaration: %s" % qualified_type_name) qualified_declared_type_names.add(qualified_type_name) type_instance = None kind = declaration.type_ref.type_kind if declaration.type_ref.enum_values is not None: primitive_type_ref = TypeReference(declaration.type_ref.type_kind, None, None, None) type_instance = EnumType(declaration, domain, declaration.type_ref.enum_values, primitive_type_ref) elif kind == "array": type_instance = ArrayType(declaration, declaration.type_ref.array_type_ref, domain) elif kind == "object": type_instance = ObjectType(declaration, domain) else: type_instance = AliasedType(declaration, domain, declaration.type_ref) log.debug("< Created fresh type %r for declaration %s" % (type_instance, qualified_type_name)) self.types_by_name[qualified_type_name] = type_instance # Resolve all type references recursively. for domain in self.domains: domain.resolve_type_references(self) def lookup_type_for_declaration(self, declaration, domain): # This will only match a type defined in the same domain, where prefixes aren't required. qualified_name = ".".join([domain.domain_name, declaration.type_name]) if qualified_name in self.types_by_name: found_type = self.types_by_name[qualified_name] found_type.resolve_type_references(self) return found_type raise TypecheckException("Lookup failed for type declaration: %s (referenced from domain: %s)" % (declaration.type_name, domain.domain_name)) def lookup_type_reference(self, type_ref, domain): # If reference is to an anonymous array type, create a fresh instance. if type_ref.type_kind == "array": type_instance = ArrayType(None, type_ref.array_type_ref, domain) type_instance.resolve_type_references(self) log.debug("< Created fresh type instance for anonymous array type: %s" % type_instance.qualified_name()) return type_instance # If reference is to an anonymous enum type, create a fresh instance. if type_ref.enum_values is not None: # We need to create a type reference without enum values as the enum's nested type. primitive_type_ref = TypeReference(type_ref.type_kind, None, None, None) type_instance = EnumType(None, domain, type_ref.enum_values, primitive_type_ref, True) type_instance.resolve_type_references(self) log.debug("< Created fresh type instance for anonymous enum type: %s" % type_instance.qualified_name()) return type_instance # This will match when referencing a type defined in the same domain, where prefixes aren't required. qualified_name = ".".join([domain.domain_name, type_ref.referenced_name()]) if qualified_name in self.types_by_name: found_type = self.types_by_name[qualified_name] found_type.resolve_type_references(self) log.debug("< Lookup succeeded for unqualified type: %s" % found_type.qualified_name()) return found_type # This will match primitive types and fully-qualified types from a different domain. if type_ref.referenced_name() in self.types_by_name: found_type = self.types_by_name[type_ref.referenced_name()] found_type.resolve_type_references(self) log.debug("< Lookup succeeded for primitive or qualified type: %s" % found_type.qualified_name()) return found_type raise TypecheckException("Lookup failed for type reference: %s (referenced from domain: %s)" % (type_ref.referenced_name(), domain.domain_name)) class Domain: def __init__(self, domain_name, description, feature_guard, availability, isSupplemental, type_declarations, commands, events): self.domain_name = domain_name self.description = description self.feature_guard = feature_guard self.availability = availability self.is_supplemental = isSupplemental self.type_declarations = type_declarations self.commands = commands self.events = events def resolve_type_references(self, protocol): log.debug("> Resolving type declarations for domain: %s" % self.domain_name) for declaration in self.type_declarations: declaration.resolve_type_references(protocol, self) log.debug("> Resolving types in commands for domain: %s" % self.domain_name) for command in self.commands: command.resolve_type_references(protocol, self) log.debug("> Resolving types in events for domain: %s" % self.domain_name) for event in self.events: event.resolve_type_references(protocol, self) class Domains: GLOBAL = Domain("", "The global domain, in which primitive types are implicitly declared.", None, None, True, [], [], []) class TypeDeclaration: def __init__(self, type_name, type_ref, description, type_members): self.type_name = type_name self.type_ref = type_ref self.description = description self.type_members = type_members if self.type_name != ucfirst(self.type_name): raise ParseException("Types must begin with an uppercase character.") def resolve_type_references(self, protocol, domain): log.debug(">> Resolving type references for type declaration: %s" % self.type_name) self.type = protocol.lookup_type_for_declaration(self, domain) for member in self.type_members: member.resolve_type_references(protocol, domain) class TypeMember: def __init__(self, member_name, type_ref, is_optional, description): self.member_name = member_name self.type_ref = type_ref self.is_optional = is_optional self.description = description if not isinstance(self.is_optional, bool): raise ParseException("The 'optional' flag for a type member must be a boolean literal.") def resolve_type_references(self, protocol, domain): log.debug(">>> Resolving type references for type member: %s" % self.member_name) self.type = protocol.lookup_type_reference(self.type_ref, domain) class Parameter: def __init__(self, parameter_name, type_ref, is_optional, description): self.parameter_name = parameter_name self.type_ref = type_ref self.is_optional = is_optional self.description = description if not isinstance(self.is_optional, bool): raise ParseException("The 'optional' flag for a parameter must be a boolean literal.") def resolve_type_references(self, protocol, domain): log.debug(">>> Resolving type references for parameter: %s" % self.parameter_name) self.type = protocol.lookup_type_reference(self.type_ref, domain) class Command: def __init__(self, command_name, call_parameters, return_parameters, description, is_async): self.command_name = command_name self.call_parameters = call_parameters self.return_parameters = return_parameters self.description = description self.is_async = is_async def resolve_type_references(self, protocol, domain): log.debug(">> Resolving type references for call parameters in command: %s" % self.command_name) for parameter in self.call_parameters: parameter.resolve_type_references(protocol, domain) log.debug(">> Resolving type references for return parameters in command: %s" % self.command_name) for parameter in self.return_parameters: parameter.resolve_type_references(protocol, domain) class Event: def __init__(self, event_name, event_parameters, description): self.event_name = event_name self.event_parameters = event_parameters self.description = description def resolve_type_references(self, protocol, domain): log.debug(">> Resolving type references for parameters in event: %s" % self.event_name) for parameter in self.event_parameters: parameter.resolve_type_references(protocol, domain)