ChangeLog   [plain text]

2016-08-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r204572.

    2016-08-17  Geoffrey Garen  <>

            Fixed a potential bug in MarkedArgumentBuffer.

            Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.

            I haven't been able to produce an observable test case after some trying.

            * runtime/ArgList.cpp:
            (JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer::addMarkSet): New helper function -- I broke
            this out from existing code for clarity, but the behavior is the same.

            (JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer::expandCapacity): Ditto.

            (JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer::slowAppend): Always addMarkSet() on the slow
            path. This is faster than the old linear scan, and I think it might
            avoid cases the old scan could miss.

            * runtime/ArgList.h:
            (JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer::append): Account for the case where someone
            has called clear() or removeLast().

            (JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer::mallocBase): No behavior change -- but it's
            clearer to test the buffers directly instead of inferring what they
            might be based on capacity.

2016-05-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge patch for rdar://problem/26350121.

    2016-04-18  Mark Lam  <>

            Baseline getter/setter return thunks should compute their caller's stack top the same way JIT::stackPointerOffsetFor() does.

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            * jit/ThunkGenerators.cpp:
            - I swapped regT2 with regT3 because X86 does not like using regT3 ($rcx) for
              certain operations.  The code can be more straightforward and efficient by
              swapping them.

2016-05-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r196490. rdar://problem/26270871

    2016-02-12  Filip Pizlo  <>

            Fast path in JSObject::defineOwnIndexedProperty() forgets to check for the posibility of a descriptor that doesn't have a value

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            * runtime/JSObject.cpp:
            (JSC::JSObject::defineOwnIndexedProperty): Fix the bug.
            * runtime/SparseArrayValueMap.cpp:
            (JSC::SparseArrayValueMap::putEntry): Catch the bug sooner in debug.
            * tests/stress/sparse-define-empty-descriptor.js: Added. This used to crash in release.

2016-05-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r196240. rdar://problem/26271188

    2016-02-07  Filip Pizlo  <>

            String.match should defend against matches that would crash the VM

            Reviewed by Saam Barati.

            This fixes a crash in an internal test case.

            * runtime/ArgList.cpp:
            (JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer::slowAppend): Use best practices to ensure that the size we
                compute makes sense. Crash if it stops making sense, since most users of this API assume
                that they are creating something small enough to fit on the stack.
            * runtime/ArgList.h:
            (JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer::operator new): Deleted. These were ineffective. According to the
                debugger, we were still calling system malloc. So, I changed the code to use fastMalloc()
            (JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer::operator delete): Deleted.
            * runtime/StringPrototype.cpp:
            (JSC::stringProtoFuncMatch): Explicitly defend against absurd sizes. Of course, it's still
                possible to crash the VM on OOME. That's sort of always been the philosophy of JSC - we
                don't guarantee that you'll get a nice-looking error whenever you run out of memory,
                since in a GC'd environment you can't really guarantee those things. But, if you have a
                match that obvious won't fit in memory, then reporting an error is useful in case this is
                a developer experimenting with a buggy regexp.

2016-05-12  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge patch for r200387.

    2016-05-03  Michael Saboff  <>

            Crash: Array.prototype.slice() and .splice() can call fastSlice() after an array is truncated

            Reviewed by Filip Pizlo.

            Check to see if the source array has changed length before calling fastSlice().
            If it has, take the slow path.

            * runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp:
            * tests/stress/regress-157322.js: New test.

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r199277. rdar://problem/26228815

    2016-04-09  Saam barati  <>

            Allocation sinking SSA Defs are allowed to have replacements

            Reviewed by Filip Pizlo.

            Consider the following program and the annotations that explain why
            the SSA defs we create in allocation sinking can have replacements.

            function foo(a1) {
                let o1 = {x: 20, y: 50};
                let o2 = {y: 40, o1: o1};
                let o3 = {};

                // We're Defing a new variable here, call it o3_field.
                // o3_field is defing the value that is the result of
                // a GetByOffset that gets eliminated through allocation sinking.
                o3.field = o1.y;


                // This control flow is here to not allow the phase to consult
                // its local SSA mapping (which properly handles replacements)
                // for the value of o3_field.
                if (a1) {
                    a1 = true;
                } else {
                    a1 = false;

                // Here, we ask for the reaching def of o3_field, and assert
                // it doesn't have a replacement. It does have a replacement
                // though. The original Def was the GetByOffset. We replaced
                // that GetByOffset with the value of the o1_y variable.
                let value = o3.field;
                assert(value === 50);

            * dfg/DFGObjectAllocationSinkingPhase.cpp:
            * tests/stress/allocation-sinking-defs-may-have-replacements.js: Added.

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r196524. rdar://problem/26228854

    2016-02-12  Filip Pizlo  <>

            JSObject::putByIndexBeyondVectorLengthWithoutAttributes needs to go to the sparse map based on MAX_STORAGE_VECTOR_INDEX

            Reviewed by Saam Barati.

            I decided against adding a test for this, because it runs for a very long time.

            * runtime/JSObject.cpp:
            (JSC::JSObject::putByIndexBeyondVectorLengthWithoutAttributes): Fix the bug.
            * runtime/StringPrototype.cpp:
            (JSC::stringProtoFuncSplit): Fix a related bug: if this code creates an array that would have
                hit the above bug, then it would probably manifest as a spin or as swapping.

2016-03-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r198592. rdar://problem/25271136

    2016-03-23  Michael Saboff  <>

            JavaScriptCore ArrayPrototype::join shouldn't cache butterfly when it makes effectful calls

            Reviewed by Saam Barati.

            Array.join ends up calling toString, possibly on some object.  Since these calls
            could be effectful and could change the array itself, we can't hold the butterfly
            pointer while making effectful calls.  Changed the code to fall back to the general
            case when an effectful toString() call might be made.

            * runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp:
            * runtime/JSStringJoiner.h:
            (JSC::JSStringJoiner::appendWithoutSideEffects): New helper that doesn't make effectful
            toString() calls.
            (JSC::JSStringJoiner::append): Built upon appendWithoutSideEffects.

2016-02-09  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r196179.

    2016-02-05  Filip Pizlo  <>

            Arrayify for a typed array shouldn't create a monster

            Reviewed by Mark Lam.

            Previously if you convinced the DFG to emit an Arrayify to ArrayStorage and then gave it a
            typed array, you'd corrupt the object.

            * runtime/JSArrayBufferView.cpp:
            * runtime/JSArrayBufferView.h:
            * runtime/JSGenericTypedArrayViewInlines.h:
            * runtime/JSObject.cpp:
            * runtime/Structure.h:
            * tests/stress/arrayify-array-storage-typed-array.js: Added. This test failed.
            * tests/stress/arrayify-int32-typed-array.js: Added. This test case already had other protections, but we beefed them up.

2016-01-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r193939. rdar://problem/24154418

    2015-12-10  Daniel Bates  <>

            [CSP] eval() is not blocked for stringified literals

            Reviewed by Saam Barati.

            Fixes an issue where stringified literals can be eval()ed despite being disallowed by
            Content Security Policy of the page.

            * interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:
            (JSC::eval): Throw a JavaScript EvalError exception if eval() is disallowed for the page
            and return undefined.
            * runtime/JSGlobalObjectFunctions.cpp:
            (JSC::globalFuncEval): Ditto.

2016-01-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192186. rdar://problem/24101174

    2015-11-09  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: $0 stops working after navigating to a different domain

            Reviewed by Brian Burg.

            Extract the per-GlobalObject cache of JSValue wrappers for
            InjectedScriptHost objects to be reused by WebCore for its
            CommandLineAPIHost objects injected into multiple contexts.

            * CMakeLists.txt:
            * JavaScriptCore.vcxproj/JavaScriptCore.vcxproj:
            * JavaScriptCore.vcxproj/JavaScriptCore.vcxproj.filters:
            * JavaScriptCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
            Add new files.

            * inspector/PerGlobalObjectWrapperWorld.h:
            * inspector/PerGlobalObjectWrapperWorld.cpp:
            Hold a bunch of per-global-object wrappers for an object
            that will outlive the global object. This inspector does this
            for host objects that it exposes into scripts it injects into
            each execution context created by the page.

            * inspector/InjectedScriptHost.cpp:
            (Inspector::InjectedScriptHost::jsWrapper): Deleted.
            (Inspector::clearWrapperFromValue): Deleted.
            (Inspector::InjectedScriptHost::clearWrapper): Deleted.
            Extract and simplify the Per-GlobalObject wrapping into a class.
            Simplify object construction as well.

            * inspector/InjectedScriptHost.h:
            * inspector/InjectedScriptManager.cpp:
            Make discarding virtual so subclasses may also discard injected scripts.

            * inspector/JSInjectedScriptHost.cpp:
            (Inspector::JSInjectedScriptHost::releaseImpl): Deleted.
            (Inspector::JSInjectedScriptHost::~JSInjectedScriptHost): Deleted.
            (Inspector::toJS): Deleted.
            (Inspector::toJSInjectedScriptHost): Deleted.
            * inspector/JSInjectedScriptHost.h:
            Update this code originally copied from older generated bindings to
            be more like new generated bindings and remove some now unused code.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r192391. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-11-12  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Reduce list of saved console messages

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            Inspector saves messages so that when an inspector frontend opens it can report
            these messages to the frontend. However we were saving a rather large list of
            1000 messages. Most pages do not produce a large number of console messages.
            However pages that live for a long time can generate many errors over time,
            especially periodic engine issues such as cross-origin access errors. This could
            result in a lot of wasted memory for console messages that may never be used.

            Likewise when an inspector first open sending all 1000 messages to the frontend
            results in a poor experience.

            Lets reduce the list of saved messages. Developer will still be able to see
            all messages as long as they have Web Inspector open at the time the messages
            are generated.

            * inspector/agents/InspectorConsoleAgent.cpp:
            Reduce the list from 1000 to 100. Also, when expiring
            messages from this list, chunk in 10s instead of 100s.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r191397. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-10-21  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Array previews with Symbol objects have too few preview values

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/InjectedScriptSource.js:
            We should be continuing inside this loop not returning.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r191355. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-10-20  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: JavaScriptCore should parse sourceURL and sourceMappingURL directives

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            * inspector/ContentSearchUtilities.cpp:
            (Inspector::ContentSearchUtilities::scriptCommentPattern): Deleted.
            (Inspector::ContentSearchUtilities::findScriptSourceURL): Deleted.
            (Inspector::ContentSearchUtilities::findScriptSourceMapURL): Deleted.
            * inspector/ContentSearchUtilities.h:
            No longer need to search script content.

            * inspector/ScriptDebugServer.cpp:
            Carry over the sourceURL and sourceMappingURL from the SourceProvider.

            * inspector/agents/InspectorDebuggerAgent.cpp:
            No longer do content searching.

            * parser/Lexer.cpp:
            * parser/Lexer.h:
            (JSC::Lexer::sourceProvider): Deleted.
            Give lexer the ability to detect script comment directives.
            This just consumes characters in single line comments and
            ultimately sets the sourceURL or sourceMappingURL found.

            * parser/Parser.h:
            * parser/SourceProvider.h:
            After parsing a script, update the Source Provider with the
            value of directives that may have been found in the script.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r190542. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-10-02  Matt Baker  <>

            Web Inspector: Add breakpoint option to ignore n times before stopping

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * debugger/Breakpoint.h:
            Added ignoreCount and hitCount fields. Cleaned up initializers.

            * debugger/Debugger.cpp:
            If a breakpoint matches the current text position, increment breakpoint hit count and
            compare with ignore count before testing the breakpoint condition.

            * inspector/ScriptBreakpoint.h:
            Added ignoreCount field. Cleaned up initializers.

            * inspector/ScriptDebugServer.cpp:
            Added ignoreCount field.

            * inspector/agents/InspectorDebuggerAgent.cpp:
            Plumbing for ignoreCount property.

            * inspector/protocol/Debugger.json:
            Added optional ignoreCount property to BreakpointOptions object.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r189415. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-09-04  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Test Runtime.saveResult and $n values

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/InjectedScriptSource.js:
            We don't need to be in the console object group to put the value
            in the saved results list. That strong reference will ensure $n
            values are always alive even if other object groups were used
            when creating and subsequently released.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r188976. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-26  Brian Burg  <>

            Web Inspector: REGRESSION(r188965): BackendDispatcher loses request ids when called re-entrantly

            Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.

            I added an assertion that m_currentRequestId is Nullopt when dispatch() is called, but this should
            not hold if dispatching a backend command while debugger is paused. I will remove the assertion
            and add proper scoping for all dispatch() branches.

            No new tests, this wrong assert caused inspector/dom-debugger/node-removed.html to crash reliably.

            * inspector/InspectorBackendDispatcher.cpp:
            (Inspector::BackendDispatcher::dispatch): Cover each exit with an appropriate TemporaryChange scope.

2015-12-02  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r188965. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-25  Brian Burg  <>

            Web Inspector: no need to allocate protocolErrors array for every dispatched backend command

            Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.

            Clean up some of the backend dispatcher code, with a focus on eliminating useless allocations
            of objects in the common case when no protocol errors happen. This is done by saving the
            current id of each request as it is being processed by the backend dispatcher, and tagging any
            subsequent errors with that id. This also means we don't have to thread the requestId except
            in the async command code path.

            This patch also lifts some common code shared between all generated backend command
            implementatations into the per-domain dispatch method instead. This reduces generated code size.

            To be consistent, this patch standardizes on calling the id of a backend message its 'requestId'.
            Requests can be handled synchronously or asynchronously (triggered via the 'async' property).

            No new tests, covered by existing protocol tests.

            * inspector/InspectorBackendDispatcher.cpp:
            (Inspector::BackendDispatcher::CallbackBase::CallbackBase): Split the two code paths for reporting
            success and failure.

            (Inspector::BackendDispatcher::CallbackBase::sendSuccess): Renamed from sendIfActive.
            (Inspector::BackendDispatcher::dispatch): Reset counters and current requestId before dispatching.
            No need to manually thread the requestId to all reportProtocolError calls.

            (Inspector::BackendDispatcher::hasProtocolErrors): Added.
            (Inspector::BackendDispatcher::sendPendingErrors): Send any saved protocol errors to the frontend.
            Always send a 'data' member with all of the errors, even if there's just one. We might want to add
            more information about errors later.

            (Inspector::BackendDispatcher::reportProtocolError): Enqueue a protocol error to be sent later.
            (Inspector::BackendDispatcher::getPropertyValue): Remove useless type parameters and nuke most of
            the type conversion methods. Use std::function types instead of function pointer types.

            (Inspector::castToInteger): Added.
            (Inspector::castToNumber): Added.
            (Inspector::getPropertyValue): Deleted.
            (Inspector::AsMethodBridges::asInteger): Deleted.
            (Inspector::AsMethodBridges::asDouble): Deleted.
            (Inspector::AsMethodBridges::asString): Deleted.
            (Inspector::AsMethodBridges::asBoolean): Deleted.
            (Inspector::AsMethodBridges::asObject): Deleted.
            (Inspector::AsMethodBridges::asArray): Deleted.
            (Inspector::AsMethodBridges::asValue): Deleted.
            * inspector/InspectorBackendDispatcher.h:
            * inspector/scripts/codegen/ Extract 'params' object in domain dispatch method.
            Omit requestIds where possible. Convert dispatch tables to use NeverDestroyed. Check the protocol error count
            to decide whether to abort the dispatch or not, rather than allocating our own errors array.

            * inspector/scripts/codegen/
            * inspector/scripts/codegen/ Revert to passing RefPtr<InspectorObject>
            since parameters are now being passed rather than the message object. Some commands do not require parameters.
            * inspector/scripts/codegen/
            * inspector/scripts/codegen/
            * inspector/scripts/codegen/
            * inspector/scripts/codegen/

            Rebaseline some protocol generator tests.
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/commands-with-async-attribute.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/commands-with-optional-call-return-parameters.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/domains-with-varying-command-sizes.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/enum-values.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/events-with-optional-parameters.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/generate-domains-with-feature-guards.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/same-type-id-different-domain.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/shadowed-optional-type-setters.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/type-declaration-aliased-primitive-type.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/type-declaration-array-type.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/type-declaration-enum-type.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/type-declaration-object-type.json-result:
            * inspector/scripts/tests/expected/type-requiring-runtime-casts.json-result:

2015-12-02  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r188897. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-24  Brian Burg  <>

            Web Inspector: add protocol test for existing error handling performed by the backend

            Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.

            A new test revealed that the protocol "method" parameter was being parsed in a naive way.
            Rewrite it to use String::split and improve error checking to avoid failing later.

            * inspector/InspectorBackendDispatcher.cpp:

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r188656. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-19  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Unexpected node preview format for an element with newlines in className attribute

            Reviewed by Brian Burg.

            * inspector/InjectedScriptSource.js:
            Replace whitespace blocks with single spaces to produce a simpler class string for previews.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r188403. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-13  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: A {Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet} object contains itself will hang the console

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/InjectedScriptSource.js:
            Renamed to initial preview. This is not a complete preview for
            this object, and it needs some processing in order to be a
            complete accurate preview.

            This attempts to be an accurate empty preview for the given object.
            For types with entries, it adds an empty entries list and updates
            the overflow and lossless properties.

            Take a generatePreview parameter to generate a full preview or empty preview.

            Take care to avoid cycles.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r187897. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-04  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Object previews for SVG elements shows SVGAnimatedString instead of text

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/InjectedScriptSource.js:
            Use classList and classList.toString instead of className.

2015-12-02  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r191967. rdar://problem/23221163

    2015-11-03  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Handle or Remove ParseHTML Timeline Event Records

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/protocol/Timeline.json:

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r191651. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-10-27  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Remove Timeline MarkDOMContent and MarkLoad, data is already available

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/protocol/Timeline.json:

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r189104. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-28  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Separate creating a style sheet from adding a new rule in the protocol

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/protocol/CSS.json:
            Add CSS.createStyleSheet. Modify CSS.addRule.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r189002. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-26  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Implement tracking of active stylesheets in the frontend

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/protocol/CSS.json:
            Add new events for when a StyleSheet is added or removed.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r188631. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-18  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Links for rules in <style> are incorrect, do not account for <style> offset in the document

            Reviewed by Brian Burg.

            * inspector/protocol/CSS.json:
            Extend StyleSheetHeader to include start offset information and a bit
            for whether or not this was an inline style tag created by the parser.
            These match additions to Blink's protocol.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r187496. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-07-28  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Show Pseudo Elements in DOM Tree

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/protocol/DOM.json:
            Add new properties to DOMNode if it is a pseudo element or if it has
            pseudo element children. Add new events for if a pseudo element is
            added or removed dynamically to an existing DOMNode.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r187249. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-07-23  Devin Rousso  <>

            Web Inspector: Add a function to CSSCompletions to get a list of supported system fonts

            Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.

            * inspector/protocol/CSS.json: Added getSupportedSystemFontFamilyNames function.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r187211. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-07-22  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Timeline should immediately start moving play head when starting a new recording

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/protocol/Timeline.json:
            Add timestamps to recordingStarted and recordingStopped events.

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188530. rdar://problem/23432371

    2015-08-17  Simon Fraser  <>

            will-change should sometimes trigger compositing

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Include will-change as a reason for compositing.

            * inspector/protocol/LayerTree.json:

2015-10-27  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191395. rdar://problem/22846455

    2015-10-21  Filip Pizlo  <>

            Failures in PutStackSinkingPhase should be less severe

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            Make the PutStackSinkingPhase abort instead of asserting. To test that it's OK to not have
            PutStackSinkingPhase run, this adds a test mode where we run without PutStackSinkingPhase.

            * dfg/DFGPlan.cpp: Make it possible to not run PutStackSinkingPhase for tests.
            * dfg/DFGPutStackSinkingPhase.cpp: PutStackSinkingPhase should abort instead of asserting, except when validation is enabled.
            * runtime/Options.h: Add an option for disabling PutStackSinkingPhase.

2015-10-27  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187510. rdar://problem/22846455

    2015-07-28  Filip Pizlo  <>

            DFG::PutStackSinkingPhase should be more aggressive about its "no GetStack until put" rule

            Reviewed by Mark Lam.

            Two fixes:

            - Make ConflictingFlush really mean that you can't load from the stack slot. This means not
              using ConflictingFlush for arguments.

            - Assert that a GetStack never sees ConflictingFlush.

            * dfg/DFGPutStackSinkingPhase.cpp:

2015-10-21  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Rollout r191395. rdar://problem/22846455

    2015-10-21  Filip Pizlo  <>

            Failures in PutStackSinkingPhase should be less severe

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            Make the PutStackSinkingPhase abort instead of asserting. To test that it's OK to not have
            PutStackSinkingPhase run, this adds a test mode where we run without PutStackSinkingPhase.

            * dfg/DFGPlan.cpp: Make it possible to not run PutStackSinkingPhase for tests.
            * dfg/DFGPutStackSinkingPhase.cpp: PutStackSinkingPhase should abort instead of asserting, except when validation is enabled.
            * runtime/Options.h: Add an option for disabling PutStackSinkingPhase.

2015-10-21  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191395. rdar://problem/22846455

    2015-10-21  Filip Pizlo  <>

            Failures in PutStackSinkingPhase should be less severe

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            Make the PutStackSinkingPhase abort instead of asserting. To test that it's OK to not have
            PutStackSinkingPhase run, this adds a test mode where we run without PutStackSinkingPhase.

            * dfg/DFGPlan.cpp: Make it possible to not run PutStackSinkingPhase for tests.
            * dfg/DFGPutStackSinkingPhase.cpp: PutStackSinkingPhase should abort instead of asserting, except when validation is enabled.
            * runtime/Options.h: Add an option for disabling PutStackSinkingPhase.

2015-10-20  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191364. rdar://problem/22864960

    2015-10-20  Mark Lam  <>

            YarrPatternConstructor::containsCapturingTerms() should not assume that its terms.size() is greater than 0.

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            * yarr/YarrPattern.cpp:

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r189834. rdar://problem/22807373

    2015-09-15  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Paused Debugger prevents page reload

            Reviewed by Brian Burg.

            * debugger/Debugger.h:
            * debugger/Debugger.cpp:
            * inspector/agents/InspectorDebuggerAgent.h:
            * inspector/agents/InspectorDebuggerAgent.cpp:
            Provide a way to suppress pauses.

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r189460. rdar://problem/22823239

    2015-09-06  Mark Lam  <>

            Gardening: fix broken Windows build after r189454.

            Not reviewed.

            * JavaScriptCore.vcxproj/testapi/testapi.vcxproj:
            * JavaScriptCore.vcxproj/testapi/testapi.vcxproj.filters:

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r189454. rdar://problem/22823239

    2015-09-06  Mark Lam  <>

            StackOverflow stack unwinding should stop at native frames.

            Reviewed by Michael Saboff.

            In the present code, after ping-pong'ing back and forth between native and JS
            code a few times, if we have a stack overflow on re-entry into the VM to run
            JS code's whose stack frame would overflow the JS stack, the code will end up
            unwinding past the native function that is making the call to re-enter the VM.
            As a result, any clean up code (e.g. destructors for stack variables) in the
            skipped native function frame (and its chain of native function callers) will
            not be called.

            This patch is based on the Michael Saboff's fix of this issue landed on the
            jsc-tailcall branch:

            We now check for the case where there are no JS frames to unwind since the
            last native frame, and treat the exception as an unhandled exception.  The
            native function is responsible for further propagating the exception if needed.

            Other supporting work:
            1. Remove vm->vmEntryFrameForThrow.  It should always be the same as
            2. Change operationThrowStackOverflowError() to use the throwStackOverflowError()
               helper function instead of rolling its own.
            3. Added a test that exercises this edge case.  The test should not hang or crash.

            * API/tests/PingPongStackOverflowTest.cpp: Added.
            * API/tests/PingPongStackOverflowTest.h: Added.
            * API/tests/testapi.c:
            * JavaScriptCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
            * interpreter/CallFrame.h:
            * interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:
            * interpreter/Interpreter.h:
            * jit/CCallHelpers.h:
            * jit/JITExceptions.cpp:
            * jit/JITExceptions.h:
            * jit/JITOpcodes.cpp:
            * jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp:
            * jit/JITOperations.cpp:
            * llint/LowLevelInterpreter32_64.asm:
            * llint/LowLevelInterpreter64.asm:
            * runtime/VM.h:
            (JSC::VM::vmEntryFrameForThrowOffset): Deleted.
            (JSC::VM::topVMEntryFrameOffset): Deleted.

2015-09-03  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r189046.

    2015-08-27  Basile Clement  <>

            REGRESSION(r184779): Possible read-after-free in JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGClobberize.h

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen and Filip Pizlo.

            * dfg/DFGClobberize.h:

2015-09-03  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r189012.

    2015-08-26  Saam barati  <>

            MarkedBlock::allocateBlock will have the wrong allocation size when (sizeof(MarkedBlock) + bytes) is divisible by WTF::pageSize()

            Reviewed by Mark Lam.

            Consider the following scenario:
            - On OS X, WTF::pageSize() is 4*1024 bytes.
            - JSEnvironmentRecord::allocationSizeForScopeSize(6621) == 53000
            - sizeof(MarkedBlock) == 248
            - (248 + 53000) is a multiple of 4*1024.
            - (248 + 53000)/(4*1024) == 13

            We will allocate a chunk of memory of size 53248 bytes that looks like this:
            0            248       256                       53248       53256
            [Marked Block | 8 bytes |  payload     ......      ]  8 bytes  |
                                    ^                                      ^
                               Our Environment record starts here.         ^
                                                                     Our last JSValue in the environment record will go from byte 53248 to 53256. But, we don't own this memory.

            We need to ensure that we round up sizeof(MarkedBlock) to an
            atomSize boundary. We need to do this because the first atom
            inside the MarkedBlock will start at the rounded up multiple
            of atomSize past MarkedBlock. If we end up with an allocation
            that is perfectly aligned to the page size, then we will be short
            8 bytes (in the current implementation where atomSize is 16 bytes,
            and MarkedBlock is 248 bytes).

            * heap/MarkedAllocator.cpp:
            * tests/stress/heap-allocator-allocates-incorrect-size-for-activation.js: Added.

2015-08-26  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188311.

    2015-08-11  Alexey Proskuryakov  <>

            Make ASan build not depend on asan.xcconfig

            Reviewed by Daniel Bates.

            * dfg/DFGOSREntry.cpp:
            * ftl/FTLOSREntry.cpp:
            * heap/ConservativeRoots.cpp:
            * heap/MachineStackMarker.cpp:
            * interpreter/Register.h:

2015-08-21  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188067.

    2015-08-06  Filip Pizlo  <>

            Structures used for tryGetConstantProperty() should be registered first

            Reviewed by Saam Barati and Michael Saboff.

            * dfg/DFGGraph.cpp:
            (JSC::DFG::Graph::tryGetConstantProperty): Add an assertion to that effect. This should catch the bug sooner.
            * dfg/DFGGraph.h:
            (JSC::DFG::Graph::addStructureSet): Register structures when we make a structure set. That ensures that we won't call tryGetConstantProperty() on a structure that hasn't been registered yet.
            * dfg/DFGStructureRegistrationPhase.cpp:
            (JSC::DFG::StructureRegistrationPhase::run): Don't register structure sets here anymore. Registering them before we get here means there is no chance of the code being DCE'd before the structures get registered. It also enables the tryGetConstantProperty() assertion, since that code runs before StructureRegisterationPhase.

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187579

    2015-07-29  Filip Pizlo  <>

            DFG::ArgumentsEliminationPhase should emit a PutStack for all of the GetStacks that the ByteCodeParser emitted

            Reviewed by Mark Lam.

            Ideally, the ByteCodeParser would only emit SetArgument nodes for named arguments.  But
            currently that's not what it does - it emits a SetArgument for every argument that a varargs
            call may pass.  Each SetArgument gets turned into a GetStack.  This means that if
            ArgumentsEliminationPhase optimizes away PutStacks for those varargs arguments that didn't
            get passed or used, we get degenerate IR where we have a GetStack of something that didn't
            have a PutStack.

            This fixes the bug by removing the code to optimize away PutStacks in

            * dfg/DFGArgumentsEliminationPhase.cpp:
            * tests/stress/varargs-inlining-underflow.js: Added.

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187139. rdar://problem/21847618

    2015-07-21  Filip Pizlo  <>

            Unreviewed, fix a lot of tests. Need to initialize WTF threading sooner.

            * jsc.cpp:

2015-07-23  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187125

    2015-07-21  Filip Pizlo  <>

            Fixed VM pool allocation should have a reserve for allocations that cannot fail

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            This adds the notion of a JIT pool reserve fraction. Some fraction, currently 1/4, of
            the JIT pool is reserved for allocations that cannot fail. It makes sense to make this
            a fraction rather than a constant because each allocation that can fail may cause some
            number of allocations that cannot fail (for example, the OSR exit thunks that we
            compile when we exit from some CodeBlock cannot fail).

            I've tested this by adding a test mode where we artificially limit the JIT pool size.
            Prior to the fix, we had >20 failures. Now we have none.

            * heap/GCLogging.cpp:
            (WTF::printInternal): I needed a dump method on Options members when debugging this.
            * heap/GCLogging.h:
            * jit/ExecutableAllocator.h: Raise the ARM64 limit to 32MB because 16MB is cutting it too close.
            * jit/ExecutableAllocatorFixedVMPool.cpp:
            (JSC::FixedVMPoolExecutableAllocator::FixedVMPoolExecutableAllocator): Add the ability to artificially limit JIT pool size for testing.
            (JSC::ExecutableAllocator::memoryPressureMultiplier): Implement the reserve when computing memory pressure for JIT tier-up heuristics.
            (JSC::ExecutableAllocator::allocate): Implement the reserve when allocating can-fail things.
            * jsc.cpp: Rewire some options parsing so that CommandLine happens before we create the JIT pool.
            * runtime/Options.cpp: 
            (JSC::OptionRange::dump): I needed a dump method on Options members when debugging this.
            (JSC::Options::initialize): This can now be called more than once.
            * runtime/Options.h:

== Rolled over to ChangeLog-2015-07-23 ==