# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. VPATH = \ $(JavaScriptCore) \ $(JavaScriptCore)/parser \ $(JavaScriptCore)/runtime \ $(JavaScriptCore)/interpreter \ $(JavaScriptCore)/jit \ $(JavaScriptCore)/builtins \ # .PHONY : all all : \ ArrayConstructor.lut.h \ ArrayPrototype.lut.h \ BooleanPrototype.lut.h \ DateConstructor.lut.h \ DatePrototype.lut.h \ ErrorPrototype.lut.h \ JSDataViewPrototype.lut.h \ JSONObject.lut.h \ JSGlobalObject.lut.h \ JSPromisePrototype.lut.h \ JSPromiseConstructor.lut.h \ KeywordLookup.h \ Lexer.lut.h \ NamePrototype.lut.h \ NumberConstructor.lut.h \ NumberPrototype.lut.h \ ObjectConstructor.lut.h \ RegExpConstructor.lut.h \ RegExpPrototype.lut.h \ RegExpJitTables.h \ RegExpObject.lut.h \ StringConstructor.lut.h \ udis86_itab.h \ Bytecodes.h \ InitBytecodes.asm \ JSCBuiltins \ # # builtin functions .PHONY: JSCBuiltins # Windows has specific needs for specifying the path to its interpreters ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) PYTHON = /usr/bin/python PERL = /usr/bin/perl else PYTHON = python PERL = perl endif # -------- JSCBuiltins: $(JavaScriptCore)/generate-js-builtins JSCBuiltins.h JSCBuiltins.cpp JSCBuiltins.h: $(JavaScriptCore)/generate-js-builtins $(JavaScriptCore)/builtins/*.js $(PYTHON) $^ $@ JSCBuiltins.cpp: JSCBuiltins.h # lookup tables for classes %.lut.h: create_hash_table %.cpp $^ -i > $@ Lexer.lut.h: create_hash_table Keywords.table $^ > $@ # character tables for Yarr RegExpJitTables.h: create_regex_tables $(PYTHON) $^ > $@ KeywordLookup.h: KeywordLookupGenerator.py Keywords.table $(PYTHON) $^ > $@ # udis86 instruction tables udis86_itab.h: $(JavaScriptCore)/disassembler/udis86/itab.py $(JavaScriptCore)/disassembler/udis86/optable.xml (PYTHONPATH=$(JavaScriptCore)/disassembler/udis86 $(PYTHON) $(JavaScriptCore)/disassembler/udis86/itab.py $(JavaScriptCore)/disassembler/udis86/optable.xml || exit 1) # Bytecode files Bytecodes.h: $(JavaScriptCore)/generate-bytecode-files $(JavaScriptCore)/bytecode/BytecodeList.json $(PYTHON) $(JavaScriptCore)/generate-bytecode-files --bytecodes_h Bytecodes.h $(JavaScriptCore)/bytecode/BytecodeList.json InitBytecodes.asm: $(JavaScriptCore)/generate-bytecode-files $(JavaScriptCore)/bytecode/BytecodeList.json $(PYTHON) $(JavaScriptCore)/generate-bytecode-files --init_bytecodes_asm InitBytecodes.asm $(JavaScriptCore)/bytecode/BytecodeList.json # Inspector interfaces INSPECTOR_DOMAINS = \ $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/protocol/Console.json \ $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/protocol/Debugger.json \ $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/protocol/GenericTypes.json \ $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/protocol/InspectorDomain.json \ $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/protocol/Profiler.json \ $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/protocol/Runtime.json \ # INSPECTOR_GENERATOR_SCRIPTS = \ $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/scripts/CodeGeneratorInspector.py \ $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/scripts/CodeGeneratorInspectorStrings.py \ # all : \ InspectorJS.json \ InspectorJSFrontendDispatchers.h \ InjectedScriptSource.h \ # # The combined JSON file depends on the actual set of domains and their file contents, so that # adding, modifying, or removing domains will trigger regeneration of inspector files. .PHONY: force EnabledInspectorDomains : force echo '$(INSPECTOR_DOMAINS)' | cmp -s - $@ || echo '$(INSPECTOR_DOMAINS)' > $@ InspectorJS.json : inspector/scripts/generate-combined-inspector-json.py $(INSPECTOR_DOMAINS) EnabledInspectorDomains $(PYTHON) $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/scripts/generate-combined-inspector-json.py $(INSPECTOR_DOMAINS) > ./InspectorJS.json # Inspector Backend Dispatchers, Frontend Dispatchers, Type Builders InspectorJSFrontendDispatchers.h : InspectorJS.json $(INSPECTOR_GENERATOR_SCRIPTS) $(PYTHON) $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/scripts/CodeGeneratorInspector.py ./InspectorJS.json --output_h_dir . --output_cpp_dir . --output_js_dir . --output_type JavaScript InjectedScriptSource.h : inspector/InjectedScriptSource.js $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/scripts/jsmin.py $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/scripts/xxd.pl echo "//# sourceURL=__WebInspectorInjectedScript__" > ./InjectedScriptSource.min.js $(PYTHON) $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/scripts/jsmin.py < $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/InjectedScriptSource.js >> ./InjectedScriptSource.min.js $(PERL) $(JavaScriptCore)/inspector/scripts/xxd.pl InjectedScriptSource_js ./InjectedScriptSource.min.js InjectedScriptSource.h rm -f ./InjectedScriptSource.min.js # Web Replay inputs generator INPUT_GENERATOR_SCRIPTS = \ $(JavaScriptCore)/replay/scripts/CodeGeneratorReplayInputs.py \ $(JavaScriptCore)/replay/scripts/CodeGeneratorReplayInputsTemplates.py \ # INPUT_GENERATOR_SPECIFICATIONS = \ $(JavaScriptCore)/replay/JSInputs.json \ # all : JSReplayInputs.h JSReplayInputs.h : $(INPUT_GENERATOR_SPECIFICATIONS) $(INPUT_GENERATOR_SCRIPTS) $(PYTHON) $(JavaScriptCore)/replay/scripts/CodeGeneratorReplayInputs.py --outputDir . --framework JavaScriptCore $(INPUT_GENERATOR_SPECIFICATIONS)