/** * File Name: try-003.js * ECMA Section: * Description: The try statement * * This test has a try with no catch, and a finally. * * Author: christine@netscape.com * Date: 11 August 1998 */ var SECTION = "try-003"; var VERSION = "ECMA_2"; var TITLE = "The try statement"; var BUGNUMBER="http://scopus.mcom.com/bugsplat/show_bug.cgi?id=313585"; startTest(); writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE); var tc = 0; var testcases = new Array(); // Tests start here. TrySomething( "x = \"hi\"", false ); TrySomething( "throw \"boo\"", true ); TrySomething( "throw 3", true ); test(); /** * This function contains a try block with no catch block, * but it does have a finally block. Try to evaluate expressions * that do and do not throw exceptions. */ function TrySomething( expression, throwing ) { innerFinally = "FAIL: DID NOT HIT INNER FINALLY BLOCK"; if (throwing) { outerCatch = "FAILED: NO EXCEPTION CAUGHT"; } else { outerCatch = "PASS"; } outerFinally = "FAIL: DID NOT HIT OUTER FINALLY BLOCK"; try { try { eval( expression ); } finally { innerFinally = "PASS"; } } catch ( e ) { if (throwing) { outerCatch = "PASS"; } else { outerCatch = "FAIL: HIT OUTER CATCH BLOCK"; } } finally { outerFinally = "PASS"; } testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "eval( " + expression +" )", "PASS", innerFinally ); testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "eval( " + expression +" )", "PASS", outerCatch ); testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "eval( " + expression +" )", "PASS", outerFinally ); }