[plain text]

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 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
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 * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released March
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 * Contributor(s): 
    File Name:
    ECMA Section:  Math.round(x)
    Description:        return the greatest number value that is closest to the
                        argument and is an integer.  if two integers are equally
                        close to the argument. then the result is the number value
                        that is closer to Infinity.  if the argument is an integer,
                        return the argument.
                        special cases:
                            - if x is NaN       return NaN
                            - if x = +0         return +0
                            - if x = -0          return -0
                            - if x = Infinity   return Infinity
                            - if x = -Infinity  return -Infinity
                            - if 0 < x < 0.5    return 0
                            - if -0.5 <= x < 0  return -0
                            Math.round( 3.5 ) == 4
                            Math.round( -3.5 ) == 3
                            - Math.round(x) == Math.floor( x + 0.5 )
                              except if x = -0.  in that case, Math.round(x) = -0

                              and Math.floor( x+0.5 ) = +0

    Author:             christine@netscape.com
    Date:               7 july 1997

    var SECTION = "";
    var VERSION = "ECMA_1";
    var TITLE   = "Math.round(x)";
    var BUGNUMBER="331411";

    var EXCLUDE = "true";

    writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);

    var testcases = getTestCases();

function getTestCases() {
    var array = new Array();
    var item = 0;

    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round.length",   1,               Math.round.length );

    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round()",         Number.NaN,     Math.round() );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(null)",     0,              Math.round(0) );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(void 0)",   Number.NaN,     Math.round(void 0) );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(true)",     1,              Math.round(true) );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(false)",    0,              Math.round(false) );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round('.99999')",  1,              Math.round('.99999') );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round('12345e-2')",  123,          Math.round('12345e-2') );

    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(NaN)",      Number.NaN,     Math.round(Number.NaN) );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(0)",        0,              Math.round(0) );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(-0)",        -0,            Math.round(-0));
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Infinity/Math.round(-0)",  -Infinity,  Infinity/Math.round(-0) );

    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(Infinity)", Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,   Math.round(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(-Infinity)",Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,       Math.round(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(0.49)",     0,              Math.round(0.49));
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(0.5)",      1,              Math.round(0.5));
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(0.51)",     1,              Math.round(0.51));

    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(-0.49)",    -0,             Math.round(-0.49));
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(-0.5)",     -0,             Math.round(-0.5));
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Infinity/Math.round(-0.49)",    -Infinity,             Infinity/Math.round(-0.49));
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Infinity/Math.round(-0.5)",     -Infinity,             Infinity/Math.round(-0.5));

    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(-0.51)",    -1,             Math.round(-0.51));
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(3.5)",      4,              Math.round(3.5));
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,  "Math.round(-3.5)",     -3,             Math.round(-3));

    return ( array );
function test() {
    for ( tc=0; tc < testcases.length; tc++ ) {
        testcases[tc].passed = writeTestCaseResult(
                            testcases[tc].description +" = "+
                            testcases[tc].actual );

        testcases[tc].reason += ( testcases[tc].passed ) ? "" : "wrong value ";
    return ( testcases );