JavaScriptCore.scons   [plain text]

# The keys in sources are the paths to the directories
# the values are an array of source files in those directories to compile
sources = {}
sources['API'] = [
sources['bytecompiler'] = [
sources['debugger'] = [
sources['parser'] = [
sources['pcre'] = [
sources['profiler'] = [
sources['runtime'] = [
sources['bytecode'] = [
sources['interpreter'] = [
sources['jit'] = [
sources['wrec'] = [
sources['wtf'] = [
sources['wtf/unicode'] = [
sources['wtf/unicode/icu'] = [

env = Environment()

building_on_win32 = env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32' or env['PLATFORM'] == 'cygwin'

# Scons uses gcc when building under cygwin by default
# We also have to manually force 8.0 or Scons will try and
# look up what version to use using the registry and fail
# due to lack of cygwin-python registry support
if env['PLATFORM'] == 'cygwin':
    env['MSVS_VERSION'] = '8.0'
    # Some systems have PROGRAMFILES, some have ProgramFiles
    # Scons msvc tool only expects 'ProgramFiles'
    import os
    if os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES') and not os.getenv('ProgramFiles'):
        os.environ['ProgramFiles'] = os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES')


# Scons is failing to carry the %PATH% value through correctly
# Hack IncrediBuild into our path so cl.exe doesn't crash
if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32':
    env.AppendENVPath('PATH', 'c:/Program Files/Xoreax/IncrediBuild')

if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
    sources['wtf/mac'] = ['wtf/mac/']
elif building_on_win32:

derived_sources_path = 'DerivedSources/JavaScriptCore/'
def DerivedSources(path):
    return derived_sources_path + path

derived_sources_results = map(DerivedSources, [

derived_sources_sources = [

# Generate DerivedSources
# Make sure Windows knows where bash (and all the other cygwin commands) live
if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32':
    env.AppendENVPath('PATH', 'C:/cygwin/bin')
env.Command(derived_sources_results, derived_sources_sources, 'bash')
sources[derived_sources_path] = [DerivedSources('Grammar.cpp')]

# Handle os-version specific build settings
if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    version_pieces = Popen(["sw_vers", "-productVersion"], stdout = PIPE).communicate()[0].split('.')
    if map(int, version_pieces)[:2] > (10, 5):
        # Dtrace doesn't exist in Tiger, and was broken in Leopard
        env.Command(DerivedSources('TracingDtrace.h'), 'runtime/Tracing.d', '/usr/sbin/dtrace -h -o $TARGET -s $SOURCE')

# This build file builds the Chromium port for now, support for
# others could be added later.

# I'm not certain how many of these windows defines are actually required.
if building_on_win32:
    env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600', 'WINVER=0x0600', 'WIN32', '_WINDOWS', 'NOMINMAX', 'UNICODE', '_UNICODE', '__STD_C', '_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0'])

# Scons out-of-the-box only supports precompiled headers for MSVC
# remove this when we fix Scons to understand GCC precompiled headers
if env['CC'] == 'gcc':
    env['CCFLAGS'] = '-include JavaScriptCorePrefix.h'
# Turns out the MSVC PCH support is badly broken
# env['PCH'] = 'JavaScriptCorePrefix.h'
# env['PCHSTOP'] = 'JavaScriptCorePrefix.h'

if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
    env['FRAMEWORKS'] = ['CoreFoundation', 'Foundation']
    env['LIBS'] = ['icucore']
    # Apple does not ship the ICU headers with Mac OS X, so WebKit includes a copy of 3.2 headers
    env.Append(CPPPATH = 'icu')

webkit_libraries_path = "../WebKitLibraries/win/"
def WebKitLibraries(path):
    return webkit_libraries_path + path

include_paths = ['.', '..', 'ForwardingHeaders'] + sources.keys()
env.Append(CPPPATH = include_paths)
if building_on_win32:
    env.Append(CPPPATH = ['os-win32', WebKitLibraries('include')])
    env.Prepend(LIBPATH = [WebKitLibraries('lib')])
    env.Append(LIBS = ['icuin', 'icuuc', 'user32', 'winmm'])

# Save off a copy of the environment for use with jsc
jsc_env = env.Clone()

if building_on_win32:
    env.StaticLibrary("JavaScriptCore", sources.values())
    env.SharedLibrary("JavaScriptCore", sources.values())

env = jsc_env

# Build the jsc testing shell
shell_sources = ['jsc.cpp']
build_directory = '.' # This should be changed to point to wherever JavaScriptCore gets built to

# It's hacky to re-use the same environment from JavaScriptCore
# but it makes building on windows easier for now
env['CPPPATH'] = include_paths
env['LIBS'] = ['JavaScriptCore']
env['LIBPATH'] = [build_directory]

if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':
    env.Append(LIBS = ['edit'])
    env.Append(CPPPATH = 'icu')
elif building_on_win32:
    env.Append(CPPPATH = ['os-win32', WebKitLibraries('include')])
    env.Prepend(LIBPATH = [WebKitLibraries('lib')])
    env.Append(LIBS = ['icuin', 'icuuc', 'user32', 'winmm'])

env.Program('jsc', shell_sources)