string_object.cpp   [plain text]

// -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
 *  This file is part of the KDE libraries
 *  Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc.
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include "config.h"
#include "string_object.h"
#include "string_object.lut.h"

#include "error_object.h"
#include "operations.h"
#include "PropertyNameArray.h"
#include "regexp_object.h"
#include <wtf/unicode/Unicode.h>

using namespace KJS;

// ------------------------------ StringInstance ----------------------------

const ClassInfo StringInstance::info = {"String", 0, 0, 0};

StringInstance::StringInstance(JSObject *proto)
  : JSObject(proto)

StringInstance::StringInstance(JSObject *proto, const UString &string)
  : JSObject(proto)

JSValue *StringInstance::lengthGetter(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, const Identifier&, const PropertySlot &slot)
    return jsNumber(static_cast<StringInstance*>(slot.slotBase())->internalValue()->toString(exec).size());

JSValue *StringInstance::indexGetter(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, const Identifier&, const PropertySlot &slot)
    const UChar c = static_cast<StringInstance *>(slot.slotBase())->internalValue()->toString(exec)[slot.index()];
    return jsString(UString(&c, 1));

bool StringInstance::getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertySlot &slot)
  if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName) {
    slot.setCustom(this, lengthGetter);
    return true;

  bool ok;
  const unsigned index = propertyName.toArrayIndex(&ok);
  if (ok) {
    const UString s = internalValue()->toString(exec);
    const unsigned length = s.size();
    if (index < length) {
    slot.setCustomIndex(this, index, indexGetter);
    return true;

  return JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot);

void StringInstance::put(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName, JSValue *value, int attr)
  if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName)
  JSObject::put(exec, propertyName, value, attr);

bool StringInstance::deleteProperty(ExecState *exec, const Identifier &propertyName)
  if (propertyName == lengthPropertyName)
    return false;
  return JSObject::deleteProperty(exec, propertyName);

void StringInstance::getPropertyNames(ExecState* exec, PropertyNameArray& propertyNames)
  int size = internalValue()->getString().size();
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
  return JSObject::getPropertyNames(exec, propertyNames);

// ------------------------------ StringPrototype ---------------------------
const ClassInfo StringPrototype::info = {"String", &StringInstance::info, &stringTable, 0};
/* Source for string_object.lut.h
@begin stringTable 26
  toString		StringProtoFunc::ToString	DontEnum|Function	0
  valueOf		StringProtoFunc::ValueOf	DontEnum|Function	0
  charAt		StringProtoFunc::CharAt	DontEnum|Function	1
  charCodeAt		StringProtoFunc::CharCodeAt	DontEnum|Function	1
  concat		StringProtoFunc::Concat	DontEnum|Function	1
  indexOf		StringProtoFunc::IndexOf	DontEnum|Function	1
  lastIndexOf		StringProtoFunc::LastIndexOf	DontEnum|Function	1
  match			StringProtoFunc::Match	DontEnum|Function	1
  replace		StringProtoFunc::Replace	DontEnum|Function	2
  search		StringProtoFunc::Search	DontEnum|Function	1
  slice			StringProtoFunc::Slice	DontEnum|Function	2
  split			StringProtoFunc::Split	DontEnum|Function	2
  substr		StringProtoFunc::Substr	DontEnum|Function	2
  substring		StringProtoFunc::Substring	DontEnum|Function	2
  toLowerCase		StringProtoFunc::ToLowerCase	DontEnum|Function	0
  toUpperCase		StringProtoFunc::ToUpperCase	DontEnum|Function	0
  toLocaleLowerCase	StringProtoFunc::ToLocaleLowerCase DontEnum|Function	0
  toLocaleUpperCase     StringProtoFunc::ToLocaleUpperCase DontEnum|Function	0
# Under here: html extension, should only exist if KJS_PURE_ECMA is not defined
# I guess we need to generate two hashtables in the .lut.h file, and use #ifdef
# to select the right one... TODO. #####
  big			StringProtoFunc::Big		DontEnum|Function	0
  small			StringProtoFunc::Small	DontEnum|Function	0
  blink			StringProtoFunc::Blink	DontEnum|Function	0
  bold			StringProtoFunc::Bold	DontEnum|Function	0
  fixed			StringProtoFunc::Fixed	DontEnum|Function	0
  italics		StringProtoFunc::Italics	DontEnum|Function	0
  strike		StringProtoFunc::Strike	DontEnum|Function	0
  sub			StringProtoFunc::Sub		DontEnum|Function	0
  sup			StringProtoFunc::Sup		DontEnum|Function	0
  fontcolor		StringProtoFunc::Fontcolor	DontEnum|Function	1
  fontsize		StringProtoFunc::Fontsize	DontEnum|Function	1
  anchor		StringProtoFunc::Anchor	DontEnum|Function	1
  link			StringProtoFunc::Link	DontEnum|Function	1
// ECMA 15.5.4
StringPrototype::StringPrototype(ExecState*, ObjectPrototype* objProto)
  : StringInstance(objProto)
  // The constructor will be added later, after StringObjectImp has been built
  putDirect(lengthPropertyName, jsNumber(0), DontDelete|ReadOnly|DontEnum);

bool StringPrototype::getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState *exec, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertySlot &slot)
  return getStaticFunctionSlot<StringProtoFunc, StringInstance>(exec, &stringTable, this, propertyName, slot);

// ------------------------------ StringProtoFunc ---------------------------

StringProtoFunc::StringProtoFunc(ExecState *exec, int i, int len, const Identifier& name)
  : InternalFunctionImp(static_cast<FunctionPrototype*>(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinFunctionPrototype()), name)
  , id(i)
  putDirect(lengthPropertyName, len, DontDelete|ReadOnly|DontEnum);

static inline void expandSourceRanges(UString::Range * & array, int& count, int& capacity)
  int newCapacity;
  if (capacity == 0) {
    newCapacity = 16;
  } else {
    newCapacity = capacity * 2;

  UString::Range *newArray = new UString::Range[newCapacity];
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    newArray[i] = array[i];

  delete [] array;

  capacity = newCapacity;
  array = newArray;

static void pushSourceRange(UString::Range * & array, int& count, int& capacity, UString::Range range)
  if (count + 1 > capacity)
    expandSourceRanges(array, count, capacity);

  array[count] = range;

static inline void expandReplacements(UString * & array, int& count, int& capacity)
  int newCapacity;
  if (capacity == 0) {
    newCapacity = 16;
  } else {
    newCapacity = capacity * 2;

  UString *newArray = new UString[newCapacity];
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    newArray[i] = array[i];
  delete [] array;

  capacity = newCapacity;
  array = newArray;

static void pushReplacement(UString * & array, int& count, int& capacity, UString replacement)
  if (count + 1 > capacity)
    expandReplacements(array, count, capacity);

  array[count] = replacement;

static inline UString substituteBackreferences(const UString &replacement, const UString &source, int *ovector, RegExp *reg)
  UString substitutedReplacement = replacement;

  int i = -1;
  while ((i = substitutedReplacement.find(UString("$"), i + 1)) != -1) {
    if (i+1 == substitutedReplacement.size())

    unsigned short ref = substitutedReplacement[i+1].unicode();
    int backrefStart = 0;
    int backrefLength = 0;
    int advance = 0;

    if (ref == '$') {  // "$$" -> "$"
        substitutedReplacement = substitutedReplacement.substr(0, i + 1) + substitutedReplacement.substr(i + 2);
    } else if (ref == '&') {
        backrefStart = ovector[0];
        backrefLength = ovector[1] - backrefStart;
    } else if (ref == '`') {
        backrefStart = 0;
        backrefLength = ovector[0];
    } else if (ref == '\'') {
        backrefStart = ovector[1];
        backrefLength = source.size() - backrefStart;
    } else if (ref >= '0' && ref <= '9') {
        // 1- and 2-digit back references are allowed
        unsigned backrefIndex = ref - '0';
        if (backrefIndex > (unsigned)reg->subPatterns())
        if (substitutedReplacement.size() > i + 2) {
            ref = substitutedReplacement[i+2].unicode();
            if (ref >= '0' && ref <= '9') {
                backrefIndex = 10 * backrefIndex + ref - '0';
                if (backrefIndex > (unsigned)reg->subPatterns())
                    backrefIndex = backrefIndex / 10;   // Fall back to the 1-digit reference
                    advance = 1;
        backrefStart = ovector[2 * backrefIndex];
        backrefLength = ovector[2 * backrefIndex + 1] - backrefStart;
    } else

    substitutedReplacement = substitutedReplacement.substr(0, i) + source.substr(backrefStart, backrefLength) + substitutedReplacement.substr(i + 2 + advance);
    i += backrefLength - 1; // - 1 offsets 'i + 1'

  return substitutedReplacement;

static JSValue *replace(ExecState *exec, const UString &source, JSValue *pattern, JSValue *replacement)
  JSObject *replacementFunction = 0;
  UString replacementString;

  if (replacement->isObject() && replacement->toObject(exec)->implementsCall())
    replacementFunction = replacement->toObject(exec);
    replacementString = replacement->toString(exec);

  if (pattern->isObject() && static_cast<JSObject *>(pattern)->inherits(&RegExpImp::info)) {
    RegExp *reg = static_cast<RegExpImp *>(pattern)->regExp();
    bool global = reg->flags() & RegExp::Global;

    RegExpObjectImp* regExpObj = static_cast<RegExpObjectImp*>(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinRegExp());

    int matchIndex = 0;
    int lastIndex = 0;
    int startPosition = 0;

    UString::Range *sourceRanges = 0;
    int sourceRangeCount = 0;
    int sourceRangeCapacity = 0;
    UString *replacements = 0;
    int replacementCount = 0;
    int replacementCapacity = 0;

    // This is either a loop (if global is set) or a one-way (if not).
    do {
      int *ovector;
      UString matchString = regExpObj->performMatch(reg, source, startPosition, &matchIndex, &ovector);
      if (matchIndex == -1)
      int matchLen = matchString.size();

      pushSourceRange(sourceRanges, sourceRangeCount, sourceRangeCapacity, UString::Range(lastIndex, matchIndex - lastIndex));

      if (replacementFunction) {
          int completeMatchStart = ovector[0];
          List args;

          for (unsigned i = 0; i < reg->subPatterns(); i++) {
              int matchStart = ovector[(i + 1) * 2];
              int matchLen = ovector[(i + 1) * 2 + 1] - matchStart;
              args.append(jsString(source.substr(matchStart, matchLen)));

          replacementString = replacementFunction->call(exec, exec->dynamicInterpreter()->globalObject(), 
      UString substitutedReplacement = substituteBackreferences(replacementString, source, ovector, reg);
      pushReplacement(replacements, replacementCount, replacementCapacity, substitutedReplacement);

      lastIndex = matchIndex + matchLen;
      startPosition = lastIndex;

      // special case of empty match
      if (matchLen == 0) {
        if (startPosition > source.size())
    } while (global);

    if (lastIndex < source.size())
      pushSourceRange(sourceRanges, sourceRangeCount, sourceRangeCapacity, UString::Range(lastIndex, source.size() - lastIndex));

    UString result = source.spliceSubstringsWithSeparators(sourceRanges, sourceRangeCount, replacements, replacementCount);

    delete [] sourceRanges;
    delete [] replacements;

    return jsString(result);
  // First arg is a string
  UString patternString = pattern->toString(exec);
  int matchPos = source.find(patternString);
  int matchLen = patternString.size();
  // Do the replacement
  if (matchPos == -1)
    return jsString(source);
  if (replacementFunction) {
      List args;
      args.append(jsString(source.substr(matchPos, matchLen)));
      replacementString = replacementFunction->call(exec, exec->dynamicInterpreter()->globalObject(), 

  return jsString(source.substr(0, matchPos) + replacementString + source.substr(matchPos + matchLen));

// ECMA -
JSValue *StringProtoFunc::callAsFunction(ExecState *exec, JSObject *thisObj, const List &args)
  JSValue *result = NULL;

  // toString and valueOf are no generic function.
  if (id == ToString || id == ValueOf) {
    if (!thisObj || !thisObj->inherits(&StringInstance::info))
      return throwError(exec, TypeError);

    return jsString(thisObj->internalValue()->toString(exec));

  UString u, u2, u3;
  int pos, p0, i;
  double dpos;
  double d = 0.0;

  UString s = thisObj->toString(exec);

  int len = s.size();
  JSValue *a0 = args[0];
  JSValue *a1 = args[1];

  switch (id) {
  case ToString:
  case ValueOf:
    // handled above
  case CharAt:
    // Other browsers treat an omitted parameter as 0 rather than NaN.
    // That doesn't match the ECMA standard, but is needed for site compatibility.
    dpos = a0->isUndefined() ? 0 : a0->toInteger(exec);
    if (dpos >= 0 && dpos < len) // false for NaN
      u = s.substr(static_cast<int>(dpos), 1);
      u = "";
    result = jsString(u);
  case CharCodeAt:
    // Other browsers treat an omitted parameter as 0 rather than NaN.
    // That doesn't match the ECMA standard, but is needed for site compatibility.
    dpos = a0->isUndefined() ? 0 : a0->toInteger(exec);
    if (dpos >= 0 && dpos < len) // false for NaN
      result = jsNumber(s[static_cast<int>(dpos)].unicode());
      result = jsNaN();
  case Concat: {
    ListIterator it = args.begin();
    for ( ; it != args.end() ; ++it) {
        s += it->toString(exec);
    result = jsString(s);
  case IndexOf:
    u2 = a0->toString(exec);
    if (a1->isUndefined())
      dpos = 0;
    else {
      dpos = a1->toInteger(exec);
      if (dpos >= 0) { // false for NaN
        if (dpos > len)
          dpos = len;
      } else
        dpos = 0;
    result = jsNumber(s.find(u2, static_cast<int>(dpos)));
  case LastIndexOf:
    u2 = a0->toString(exec);
    d = a1->toNumber(exec);
    if (a1->isUndefined() || KJS::isNaN(d))
      dpos = len;
    else {
      dpos = a1->toInteger(exec);
      if (dpos >= 0) { // false for NaN
        if (dpos > len)
          dpos = len;
      } else
        dpos = 0;
    result = jsNumber(s.rfind(u2, static_cast<int>(dpos)));
  case Match:
  case Search: {
    u = s;
    RegExp *reg, *tmpReg = 0;
    RegExpImp *imp = 0;
    if (a0->isObject() && static_cast<JSObject *>(a0)->inherits(&RegExpImp::info)) {
      reg = static_cast<RegExpImp *>(a0)->regExp();
    } else { 
       *  ECMA (regexp)
       *  If regexp is not an object whose [[Class]] property is "RegExp", it is
       *  replaced with the result of the expression new RegExp(regexp).
      reg = tmpReg = new RegExp(a0->toString(exec), RegExp::None);
    RegExpObjectImp* regExpObj = static_cast<RegExpObjectImp*>(exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinRegExp());
    UString mstr = regExpObj->performMatch(reg, u, 0, &pos);
    if (id == Search) {
      result = jsNumber(pos);
    } else {
      // Exec
      if ((reg->flags() & RegExp::Global) == 0) {
	// case without 'g' flag is handled like RegExp.prototype.exec
	if (mstr.isNull()) {
	  result = jsNull();
	} else {
	  result = regExpObj->arrayOfMatches(exec,mstr);
      } else {
	// return array of matches
	List list;
	int lastIndex = 0;
	while (pos >= 0) {
          if (mstr.isNull())
	  lastIndex = pos;
	  pos += mstr.isEmpty() ? 1 : mstr.size();
	  mstr = regExpObj->performMatch(reg, u, pos, &pos);
	if (imp)
	  imp->put(exec, "lastIndex", jsNumber(lastIndex), DontDelete|DontEnum);
	if (list.isEmpty()) {
	  // if there are no matches at all, it's important to return
	  // Null instead of an empty array, because this matches
	  // other browsers and because Null is a false value.
	  result = jsNull(); 
	} else {
	  result = exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinArray()->construct(exec, list);
    delete tmpReg;
  case Replace:
    result = replace(exec, s, a0, a1);
  case Slice:
      // The arg processing is very much like ArrayProtoFunc::Slice
      double start = a0->toInteger(exec);
      double end = a1->isUndefined() ? len : a1->toInteger(exec);
      double from = start < 0 ? len + start : start;
      double to = end < 0 ? len + end : end;
      if (to > from && to > 0 && from < len) {
        if (from < 0)
          from = 0;
        if (to > len)
          to = len;
        result = jsString(s.substr(static_cast<int>(from), static_cast<int>(to - from)));
      } else {
        result = jsString("");
    case Split: {
    JSObject *constructor = exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinArray();
    JSObject *res = static_cast<JSObject *>(constructor->construct(exec,List::empty()));
    result = res;
    u = s;
    i = p0 = 0;
    uint32_t limit = a1->isUndefined() ? 0xFFFFFFFFU : a1->toUInt32(exec);
    if (a0->isObject() && static_cast<JSObject *>(a0)->inherits(&RegExpImp::info)) {
      RegExp *reg = static_cast<RegExpImp *>(a0)->regExp();
      if (u.isEmpty() && !reg->match(u, 0).isNull()) {
	// empty string matched by regexp -> empty array
	res->put(exec,lengthPropertyName, jsNumber(0));
      pos = 0;
      while (static_cast<uint32_t>(i) != limit && pos < u.size()) {
	// TODO: back references
        int mpos;
        int *ovector = 0L;
	UString mstr = reg->match(u, pos, &mpos, &ovector);
        delete [] ovector; ovector = 0L;
	if (mpos < 0)
	pos = mpos + (mstr.isEmpty() ? 1 : mstr.size());
	if (mpos != p0 || !mstr.isEmpty()) {
	  res->put(exec,i, jsString(u.substr(p0, mpos-p0)));
	  p0 = mpos + mstr.size();
    } else {
      u2 = a0->toString(exec);
      if (u2.isEmpty()) {
	if (u.isEmpty()) {
	  // empty separator matches empty string -> empty array
	  put(exec,lengthPropertyName, jsNumber(0));
	} else {
	  while (static_cast<uint32_t>(i) != limit && i < u.size()-1)
	    res->put(exec, i++, jsString(u.substr(p0++, 1)));
      } else {
	while (static_cast<uint32_t>(i) != limit && (pos = u.find(u2, p0)) >= 0) {
	  res->put(exec, i, jsString(u.substr(p0, pos-p0)));
	  p0 = pos + u2.size();
    // add remaining string, if any
    if (static_cast<uint32_t>(i) != limit)
      res->put(exec, i++, jsString(u.substr(p0)));
    res->put(exec,lengthPropertyName, jsNumber(i));
  case Substr: {
    double d = a0->toInteger(exec);
    double d2 = a1->toInteger(exec);
    if (!(d >= 0)) { // true for NaN
      d += len;
      if (!(d >= 0)) // true for NaN
        d = 0;
    if (isNaN(d2))
      d2 = len - d;
    else {
      if (d2 < 0)
        d2 = 0;
      if (d2 > len - d)
        d2 = len - d;
    result = jsString(s.substr(static_cast<int>(d), static_cast<int>(d2)));
  case Substring: {
    double start = a0->toNumber(exec);
    double end = a1->toNumber(exec);
    if (isNaN(start))
      start = 0;
    if (isNaN(end))
      end = 0;
    if (start < 0)
      start = 0;
    if (end < 0)
      end = 0;
    if (start > len)
      start = len;
    if (end > len)
      end = len;
    if (a1->isUndefined())
      end = len;
    if (start > end) {
      double temp = end;
      end = start;
      start = temp;
    result = jsString(s.substr((int)start, (int)end-(int)start));
  case ToLowerCase:
  case ToLocaleLowerCase: { // FIXME: See for locale-sensitive mappings that aren't implemented.
    u = s;
    uint16_t* dataPtr = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(u.rep()->data());
    uint16_t* destIfNeeded;

    int len = WTF::Unicode::toLower(dataPtr, u.size(), destIfNeeded);
    if (len >= 0)
        result = jsString(UString(reinterpret_cast<UChar *>(destIfNeeded ? destIfNeeded : dataPtr), len));
        result = jsString(s);

  case ToUpperCase:
  case ToLocaleUpperCase: { // FIXME: See for locale-sensitive mappings that aren't implemented.
    u = s;
    uint16_t* dataPtr = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(u.rep()->data());
    uint16_t* destIfNeeded;

    int len = WTF::Unicode::toUpper(dataPtr, u.size(), destIfNeeded);
    if (len >= 0)
        result = jsString(UString(reinterpret_cast<UChar *>(destIfNeeded ? destIfNeeded : dataPtr), len));
        result = jsString(s);

  case Big:
    result = jsString("<big>" + s + "</big>");
  case Small:
    result = jsString("<small>" + s + "</small>");
  case Blink:
    result = jsString("<blink>" + s + "</blink>");
  case Bold:
    result = jsString("<b>" + s + "</b>");
  case Fixed:
    result = jsString("<tt>" + s + "</tt>");
  case Italics:
    result = jsString("<i>" + s + "</i>");
  case Strike:
    result = jsString("<strike>" + s + "</strike>");
  case Sub:
    result = jsString("<sub>" + s + "</sub>");
  case Sup:
    result = jsString("<sup>" + s + "</sup>");
  case Fontcolor:
    result = jsString("<font color=\"" + a0->toString(exec) + "\">" + s + "</font>");
  case Fontsize:
    result = jsString("<font size=\"" + a0->toString(exec) + "\">" + s + "</font>");
  case Anchor:
    result = jsString("<a name=\"" + a0->toString(exec) + "\">" + s + "</a>");
  case Link:
    result = jsString("<a href=\"" + a0->toString(exec) + "\">" + s + "</a>");

  return result;

// ------------------------------ StringObjectImp ------------------------------

StringObjectImp::StringObjectImp(ExecState *exec,
                                 FunctionPrototype *funcProto,
                                 StringPrototype *stringProto)
  : InternalFunctionImp(funcProto)
  // ECMA String.prototype
  putDirect(prototypePropertyName, stringProto, DontEnum|DontDelete|ReadOnly);

  putDirectFunction(new StringObjectFuncImp(exec, funcProto, fromCharCodePropertyName), DontEnum);

  // no. of arguments for constructor
  putDirect(lengthPropertyName, jsNumber(1), ReadOnly|DontDelete|DontEnum);

bool StringObjectImp::implementsConstruct() const
  return true;

// ECMA 15.5.2
JSObject *StringObjectImp::construct(ExecState *exec, const List &args)
  JSObject *proto = exec->lexicalInterpreter()->builtinStringPrototype();
  if (args.size() == 0)
    return new StringInstance(proto);
  return new StringInstance(proto, args.begin()->toString(exec));

// ECMA 15.5.1
JSValue *StringObjectImp::callAsFunction(ExecState *exec, JSObject */*thisObj*/, const List &args)
  if (args.isEmpty())
    return jsString("");
  else {
    JSValue *v = args[0];
    return jsString(v->toString(exec));

// ------------------------------ StringObjectFuncImp --------------------------

// ECMA fromCharCode()
StringObjectFuncImp::StringObjectFuncImp(ExecState*, FunctionPrototype* funcProto, const Identifier& name)
  : InternalFunctionImp(funcProto, name)
  putDirect(lengthPropertyName, jsNumber(1), DontDelete|ReadOnly|DontEnum);

JSValue *StringObjectFuncImp::callAsFunction(ExecState *exec, JSObject */*thisObj*/, const List &args)
  UString s;
  if (args.size()) {
    UChar *buf = static_cast<UChar *>(fastMalloc(args.size() * sizeof(UChar)));
    UChar *p = buf;
    ListIterator it = args.begin();
    while (it != args.end()) {
      unsigned short u = it->toUInt16(exec);
      *p++ = UChar(u);
    s = UString(buf, args.size(), false);
  } else
    s = "";

  return jsString(s);