7.8.2-n.js   [plain text]

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    File Name:          7.8.2.js
    ECMA Section:       7.8.2 Examples of Automatic Semicolon Insertion
    Description:        compare some specific examples of the automatic
                        insertion rules in the EMCA specification.
    Author:             christine@netscape.com
    Date:               15 september 1997

    var SECTION="7.8.2";
    var VERSION="ECMA_1"
    writeHeaderToLog(SECTION+" "+"Examples of Semicolon Insertion");

    testcases = getTestCases();

function getTestCases() {
    var array = new Array();
    var item = 0;

//    array[item++] = new TestCase( "7.8.2",  "{ 1 \n 2 } 3",      3,         "{ 1 \n 2 } 3" );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( "7.8.2",  "{ 1 2 } 3",         "error",   eval("{1 2 } 3")     );

    return ( array );