# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF # THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Some value representation constants. const TagBitTypeOther = 0x2 const TagBitBool = 0x4 const TagBitUndefined = 0x8 const ValueEmpty = 0x0 const ValueFalse = TagBitTypeOther | TagBitBool const ValueTrue = TagBitTypeOther | TagBitBool | 1 const ValueUndefined = TagBitTypeOther | TagBitUndefined const ValueNull = TagBitTypeOther # Utilities. macro jumpToInstruction() jmp [PB, PC, 8] end macro dispatch(advance) addp advance, PC jumpToInstruction() end macro dispatchInt(advance) addi advance, PC jumpToInstruction() end macro dispatchIntIndirect(offset) dispatchInt(offset * 8[PB, PC, 8]) end macro dispatchAfterCall() loadi ArgumentCount + TagOffset[cfr], PC loadp CodeBlock[cfr], PB loadp CodeBlock::m_instructions[PB], PB jumpToInstruction() end macro cCall2(function, arg1, arg2) if X86_64 move arg1, t5 move arg2, t4 call function elsif ARM64 move arg1, t0 move arg2, t1 call function elsif C_LOOP cloopCallSlowPath function, arg1, arg2 else error end end # This barely works. arg3 and arg4 should probably be immediates. macro cCall4(function, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) if X86_64 move arg1, t5 move arg2, t4 move arg3, t1 move arg4, t2 call function elsif ARM64 move arg1, t0 move arg2, t1 move arg3, t2 move arg4, t3 call function elsif C_LOOP error else error end end macro prepareStateForCCall() leap [PB, PC, 8], PC move PB, t3 if X86_64 resetX87Stack end end macro restoreStateAfterCCall() move t0, PC move t1, cfr move t3, PB subp PB, PC rshiftp 3, PC end macro callSlowPath(slowPath) prepareStateForCCall() cCall2(slowPath, cfr, PC) restoreStateAfterCCall() end macro traceOperand(fromWhere, operand) prepareStateForCCall() cCall4(_llint_trace_operand, cfr, PC, fromWhere, operand) restoreStateAfterCCall() end macro traceValue(fromWhere, operand) prepareStateForCCall() cCall4(_llint_trace_value, cfr, PC, fromWhere, operand) restoreStateAfterCCall() end # Call a slow path for call call opcodes. macro callCallSlowPath(advance, slowPath, action) addi advance, PC, t0 storei t0, ArgumentCount + TagOffset[cfr] prepareStateForCCall() cCall2(slowPath, cfr, PC) move t1, cfr action(t0) end macro callWatchdogTimerHandler(throwHandler) storei PC, ArgumentCount + TagOffset[cfr] prepareStateForCCall() cCall2(_llint_slow_path_handle_watchdog_timer, cfr, PC) move t1, cfr btpnz t0, throwHandler move t3, PB loadi ArgumentCount + TagOffset[cfr], PC end macro checkSwitchToJITForLoop() checkSwitchToJIT( 1, macro() storei PC, ArgumentCount + TagOffset[cfr] prepareStateForCCall() cCall2(_llint_loop_osr, cfr, PC) move t1, cfr btpz t0, .recover jmp t0 .recover: move t3, PB loadi ArgumentCount + TagOffset[cfr], PC end) end # Index and value must be different registers. Index may be clobbered. macro loadConstantOrVariable(index, value) bpgteq index, FirstConstantRegisterIndex, .constant loadq [cfr, index, 8], value jmp .done .constant: loadp CodeBlock[cfr], value loadp CodeBlock::m_constantRegisters + VectorBufferOffset[value], value subp FirstConstantRegisterIndex, index loadq [value, index, 8], value .done: end macro loadConstantOrVariableInt32(index, value, slow) loadConstantOrVariable(index, value) bqb value, tagTypeNumber, slow end macro loadConstantOrVariableCell(index, value, slow) loadConstantOrVariable(index, value) btqnz value, tagMask, slow end macro writeBarrier(value) # Nothing to do, since we don't have a generational or incremental collector. end macro valueProfile(value, profile) if VALUE_PROFILER storeq value, ValueProfile::m_buckets[profile] end end # Entrypoints into the interpreter. # Expects that CodeBlock is in t1, which is what prologue() leaves behind. macro functionArityCheck(doneLabel, slow_path) loadi PayloadOffset + ArgumentCount[cfr], t0 biaeq t0, CodeBlock::m_numParameters[t1], doneLabel prepareStateForCCall() cCall2(slow_path, cfr, PC) # This slow_path has a simple protocol: t0 = 0 => no error, t0 != 0 => error move t1, cfr btiz t0, .continue loadp JITStackFrame::vm[sp], t1 loadp VM::callFrameForThrow[t1], t0 jmp VM::targetMachinePCForThrow[t1] .continue: # Reload CodeBlock and reset PC, since the slow_path clobbered them. loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t1 loadp CodeBlock::m_instructions[t1], PB move 0, PC jmp doneLabel end # Instruction implementations _llint_op_enter: traceExecution() loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t2 // t2 = cfr.CodeBlock loadi CodeBlock::m_numVars[t2], t2 // t2 = t2.m_numVars btiz t2, .opEnterDone move ValueUndefined, t0 .opEnterLoop: subi 1, t2 storeq t0, [cfr, t2, 8] btinz t2, .opEnterLoop .opEnterDone: dispatch(1) _llint_op_create_activation: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) bqneq [cfr, t0, 8], ValueEmpty, .opCreateActivationDone callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_create_activation) .opCreateActivationDone: dispatch(2) _llint_op_init_lazy_reg: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) storeq ValueEmpty, [cfr, t0, 8] dispatch(2) _llint_op_create_arguments: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) bqneq [cfr, t0, 8], ValueEmpty, .opCreateArgumentsDone callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_create_arguments) .opCreateArgumentsDone: dispatch(2) _llint_op_create_this: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t0) loadp [cfr, t0, 8], t0 loadp JSFunction::m_allocationProfile + ObjectAllocationProfile::m_allocator[t0], t1 loadp JSFunction::m_allocationProfile + ObjectAllocationProfile::m_structure[t0], t2 btpz t1, .opCreateThisSlow allocateJSObject(t1, t2, t0, t3, .opCreateThisSlow) loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) storeq t0, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(4) .opCreateThisSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_create_this) dispatch(4) _llint_op_get_callee: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) loadpFromInstruction(2, t2) loadp Callee[cfr], t1 valueProfile(t1, t2) storep t1, [cfr, t0, 8] dispatch(3) _llint_op_convert_this: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) loadq [cfr, t0, 8], t0 btqnz t0, tagMask, .opConvertThisSlow loadp JSCell::m_structure[t0], t0 bbb Structure::m_typeInfo + TypeInfo::m_type[t0], ObjectType, .opConvertThisSlow loadpFromInstruction(2, t1) valueProfile(t0, t1) dispatch(3) .opConvertThisSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_convert_this) dispatch(3) _llint_op_new_object: traceExecution() loadpFromInstruction(3, t0) loadp ObjectAllocationProfile::m_allocator[t0], t1 loadp ObjectAllocationProfile::m_structure[t0], t2 allocateJSObject(t1, t2, t0, t3, .opNewObjectSlow) loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) storeq t0, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(4) .opNewObjectSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_object) dispatch(4) _llint_op_mov: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t1) loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) loadConstantOrVariable(t1, t2) storeq t2, [cfr, t0, 8] dispatch(3) _llint_op_not: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t0) loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) loadConstantOrVariable(t0, t2) xorq ValueFalse, t2 btqnz t2, ~1, .opNotSlow xorq ValueTrue, t2 storeq t2, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(3) .opNotSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_not) dispatch(3) macro equalityComparison(integerComparison, slowPath) traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(3, t0) loadisFromInstruction(2, t2) loadisFromInstruction(1, t3) loadConstantOrVariableInt32(t0, t1, .slow) loadConstantOrVariableInt32(t2, t0, .slow) integerComparison(t0, t1, t0) orq ValueFalse, t0 storeq t0, [cfr, t3, 8] dispatch(4) .slow: callSlowPath(slowPath) dispatch(4) end _llint_op_eq: equalityComparison( macro (left, right, result) cieq left, right, result end, _llint_slow_path_eq) _llint_op_neq: equalityComparison( macro (left, right, result) cineq left, right, result end, _llint_slow_path_neq) macro equalNullComparison() loadisFromInstruction(2, t0) loadq [cfr, t0, 8], t0 btqnz t0, tagMask, .immediate loadp JSCell::m_structure[t0], t2 btbnz Structure::m_typeInfo + TypeInfo::m_flags[t2], MasqueradesAsUndefined, .masqueradesAsUndefined move 0, t0 jmp .done .masqueradesAsUndefined: loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t0 loadp CodeBlock::m_globalObject[t0], t0 cpeq Structure::m_globalObject[t2], t0, t0 jmp .done .immediate: andq ~TagBitUndefined, t0 cqeq t0, ValueNull, t0 .done: end _llint_op_eq_null: traceExecution() equalNullComparison() loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) orq ValueFalse, t0 storeq t0, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(3) _llint_op_neq_null: traceExecution() equalNullComparison() loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) xorq ValueTrue, t0 storeq t0, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(3) macro strictEq(equalityOperation, slowPath) traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(3, t0) loadisFromInstruction(2, t2) loadConstantOrVariable(t0, t1) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t0) move t0, t2 orq t1, t2 btqz t2, tagMask, .slow bqaeq t0, tagTypeNumber, .leftOK btqnz t0, tagTypeNumber, .slow .leftOK: bqaeq t1, tagTypeNumber, .rightOK btqnz t1, tagTypeNumber, .slow .rightOK: equalityOperation(t0, t1, t0) loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) orq ValueFalse, t0 storeq t0, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(4) .slow: callSlowPath(slowPath) dispatch(4) end _llint_op_stricteq: strictEq( macro (left, right, result) cqeq left, right, result end, _llint_slow_path_stricteq) _llint_op_nstricteq: strictEq( macro (left, right, result) cqneq left, right, result end, _llint_slow_path_nstricteq) macro preOp(arithmeticOperation, slowPath) traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) loadq [cfr, t0, 8], t1 bqb t1, tagTypeNumber, .slow arithmeticOperation(t1, .slow) orq tagTypeNumber, t1 storeq t1, [cfr, t0, 8] dispatch(2) .slow: callSlowPath(slowPath) dispatch(2) end _llint_op_inc: preOp( macro (value, slow) baddio 1, value, slow end, _llint_slow_path_pre_inc) _llint_op_dec: preOp( macro (value, slow) bsubio 1, value, slow end, _llint_slow_path_pre_dec) _llint_op_to_number: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t0) loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) loadConstantOrVariable(t0, t2) bqaeq t2, tagTypeNumber, .opToNumberIsImmediate btqz t2, tagTypeNumber, .opToNumberSlow .opToNumberIsImmediate: storeq t2, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(3) .opToNumberSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_to_number) dispatch(3) _llint_op_negate: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t0) loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) loadConstantOrVariable(t0, t2) bqb t2, tagTypeNumber, .opNegateNotInt btiz t2, 0x7fffffff, .opNegateSlow negi t2 orq tagTypeNumber, t2 storeq t2, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(3) .opNegateNotInt: btqz t2, tagTypeNumber, .opNegateSlow xorq 0x8000000000000000, t2 storeq t2, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(3) .opNegateSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_negate) dispatch(3) macro binaryOpCustomStore(integerOperationAndStore, doubleOperation, slowPath) loadisFromInstruction(3, t0) loadisFromInstruction(2, t2) loadConstantOrVariable(t0, t1) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t0) bqb t0, tagTypeNumber, .op1NotInt bqb t1, tagTypeNumber, .op2NotInt loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) integerOperationAndStore(t1, t0, .slow, t2) dispatch(5) .op1NotInt: # First operand is definitely not an int, the second operand could be anything. btqz t0, tagTypeNumber, .slow bqaeq t1, tagTypeNumber, .op1NotIntOp2Int btqz t1, tagTypeNumber, .slow addq tagTypeNumber, t1 fq2d t1, ft1 jmp .op1NotIntReady .op1NotIntOp2Int: ci2d t1, ft1 .op1NotIntReady: loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) addq tagTypeNumber, t0 fq2d t0, ft0 doubleOperation(ft1, ft0) fd2q ft0, t0 subq tagTypeNumber, t0 storeq t0, [cfr, t2, 8] dispatch(5) .op2NotInt: # First operand is definitely an int, the second is definitely not. loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) btqz t1, tagTypeNumber, .slow ci2d t0, ft0 addq tagTypeNumber, t1 fq2d t1, ft1 doubleOperation(ft1, ft0) fd2q ft0, t0 subq tagTypeNumber, t0 storeq t0, [cfr, t2, 8] dispatch(5) .slow: callSlowPath(slowPath) dispatch(5) end macro binaryOp(integerOperation, doubleOperation, slowPath) binaryOpCustomStore( macro (left, right, slow, index) integerOperation(left, right, slow) orq tagTypeNumber, right storeq right, [cfr, index, 8] end, doubleOperation, slowPath) end _llint_op_add: traceExecution() binaryOp( macro (left, right, slow) baddio left, right, slow end, macro (left, right) addd left, right end, _llint_slow_path_add) _llint_op_mul: traceExecution() binaryOpCustomStore( macro (left, right, slow, index) # Assume t3 is scratchable. move right, t3 bmulio left, t3, slow btinz t3, .done bilt left, 0, slow bilt right, 0, slow .done: orq tagTypeNumber, t3 storeq t3, [cfr, index, 8] end, macro (left, right) muld left, right end, _llint_slow_path_mul) _llint_op_sub: traceExecution() binaryOp( macro (left, right, slow) bsubio left, right, slow end, macro (left, right) subd left, right end, _llint_slow_path_sub) _llint_op_div: traceExecution() if X86_64 binaryOpCustomStore( macro (left, right, slow, index) # Assume t3 is scratchable. btiz left, slow bineq left, -1, .notNeg2TwoThe31DivByNeg1 bieq right, -2147483648, .slow .notNeg2TwoThe31DivByNeg1: btinz right, .intOK bilt left, 0, slow .intOK: move left, t3 move right, t0 cdqi idivi t3 btinz t1, slow orq tagTypeNumber, t0 storeq t0, [cfr, index, 8] end, macro (left, right) divd left, right end, _llint_slow_path_div) else callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_div) dispatch(5) end macro bitOp(operation, slowPath, advance) loadisFromInstruction(3, t0) loadisFromInstruction(2, t2) loadisFromInstruction(1, t3) loadConstantOrVariable(t0, t1) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t0) bqb t0, tagTypeNumber, .slow bqb t1, tagTypeNumber, .slow operation(t1, t0, .slow) orq tagTypeNumber, t0 storeq t0, [cfr, t3, 8] dispatch(advance) .slow: callSlowPath(slowPath) dispatch(advance) end _llint_op_lshift: traceExecution() bitOp( macro (left, right, slow) lshifti left, right end, _llint_slow_path_lshift, 4) _llint_op_rshift: traceExecution() bitOp( macro (left, right, slow) rshifti left, right end, _llint_slow_path_rshift, 4) _llint_op_urshift: traceExecution() bitOp( macro (left, right, slow) urshifti left, right bilt right, 0, slow end, _llint_slow_path_urshift, 4) _llint_op_bitand: traceExecution() bitOp( macro (left, right, slow) andi left, right end, _llint_slow_path_bitand, 5) _llint_op_bitxor: traceExecution() bitOp( macro (left, right, slow) xori left, right end, _llint_slow_path_bitxor, 5) _llint_op_bitor: traceExecution() bitOp( macro (left, right, slow) ori left, right end, _llint_slow_path_bitor, 5) _llint_op_check_has_instance: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(3, t1) loadConstantOrVariableCell(t1, t0, .opCheckHasInstanceSlow) loadp JSCell::m_structure[t0], t0 btbz Structure::m_typeInfo + TypeInfo::m_flags[t0], ImplementsDefaultHasInstance, .opCheckHasInstanceSlow dispatch(5) .opCheckHasInstanceSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_check_has_instance) dispatch(0) _llint_op_instanceof: traceExecution() # Actually do the work. loadisFromInstruction(3, t0) loadisFromInstruction(1, t3) loadConstantOrVariableCell(t0, t1, .opInstanceofSlow) loadp JSCell::m_structure[t1], t2 bbb Structure::m_typeInfo + TypeInfo::m_type[t2], ObjectType, .opInstanceofSlow loadisFromInstruction(2, t0) loadConstantOrVariableCell(t0, t2, .opInstanceofSlow) # Register state: t1 = prototype, t2 = value move 1, t0 .opInstanceofLoop: loadp JSCell::m_structure[t2], t2 loadq Structure::m_prototype[t2], t2 bqeq t2, t1, .opInstanceofDone btqz t2, tagMask, .opInstanceofLoop move 0, t0 .opInstanceofDone: orq ValueFalse, t0 storeq t0, [cfr, t3, 8] dispatch(4) .opInstanceofSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_instanceof) dispatch(4) _llint_op_is_undefined: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t1) loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) loadConstantOrVariable(t1, t0) btqz t0, tagMask, .opIsUndefinedCell cqeq t0, ValueUndefined, t3 orq ValueFalse, t3 storeq t3, [cfr, t2, 8] dispatch(3) .opIsUndefinedCell: loadp JSCell::m_structure[t0], t0 btbnz Structure::m_typeInfo + TypeInfo::m_flags[t0], MasqueradesAsUndefined, .masqueradesAsUndefined move ValueFalse, t1 storeq t1, [cfr, t2, 8] dispatch(3) .masqueradesAsUndefined: loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t1 loadp CodeBlock::m_globalObject[t1], t1 cpeq Structure::m_globalObject[t0], t1, t3 orq ValueFalse, t3 storeq t3, [cfr, t2, 8] dispatch(3) _llint_op_is_boolean: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t1) loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) loadConstantOrVariable(t1, t0) xorq ValueFalse, t0 tqz t0, ~1, t0 orq ValueFalse, t0 storeq t0, [cfr, t2, 8] dispatch(3) _llint_op_is_number: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t1) loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) loadConstantOrVariable(t1, t0) tqnz t0, tagTypeNumber, t1 orq ValueFalse, t1 storeq t1, [cfr, t2, 8] dispatch(3) _llint_op_is_string: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t1) loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) loadConstantOrVariable(t1, t0) btqnz t0, tagMask, .opIsStringNotCell loadp JSCell::m_structure[t0], t0 cbeq Structure::m_typeInfo + TypeInfo::m_type[t0], StringType, t1 orq ValueFalse, t1 storeq t1, [cfr, t2, 8] dispatch(3) .opIsStringNotCell: storeq ValueFalse, [cfr, t2, 8] dispatch(3) macro loadPropertyAtVariableOffsetKnownNotInline(propertyOffsetAsPointer, objectAndStorage, value) assert(macro (ok) bigteq propertyOffsetAsPointer, firstOutOfLineOffset, ok end) negp propertyOffsetAsPointer loadp JSObject::m_butterfly[objectAndStorage], objectAndStorage loadq (firstOutOfLineOffset - 2) * 8[objectAndStorage, propertyOffsetAsPointer, 8], value end macro loadPropertyAtVariableOffset(propertyOffsetAsInt, objectAndStorage, value) bilt propertyOffsetAsInt, firstOutOfLineOffset, .isInline loadp JSObject::m_butterfly[objectAndStorage], objectAndStorage negi propertyOffsetAsInt sxi2q propertyOffsetAsInt, propertyOffsetAsInt jmp .ready .isInline: addp sizeof JSObject - (firstOutOfLineOffset - 2) * 8, objectAndStorage .ready: loadq (firstOutOfLineOffset - 2) * 8[objectAndStorage, propertyOffsetAsInt, 8], value end _llint_op_init_global_const: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t1) loadpFromInstruction(1, t0) loadConstantOrVariable(t1, t2) writeBarrier(t2) storeq t2, [t0] dispatch(5) _llint_op_init_global_const_check: traceExecution() loadpFromInstruction(3, t2) loadisFromInstruction(2, t1) loadpFromInstruction(1, t0) btbnz [t2], .opInitGlobalConstCheckSlow loadConstantOrVariable(t1, t2) writeBarrier(t2) storeq t2, [t0] dispatch(5) .opInitGlobalConstCheckSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_init_global_const_check) dispatch(5) macro getById(getPropertyStorage) traceExecution() # We only do monomorphic get_by_id caching for now, and we do not modify the # opcode. We do, however, allow for the cache to change anytime if fails, since # ping-ponging is free. At best we get lucky and the get_by_id will continue # to take fast path on the new cache. At worst we take slow path, which is what # we would have been doing anyway. loadisFromInstruction(2, t0) loadpFromInstruction(4, t1) loadConstantOrVariableCell(t0, t3, .opGetByIdSlow) loadisFromInstruction(5, t2) getPropertyStorage( t3, t0, macro (propertyStorage, scratch) bpneq JSCell::m_structure[t3], t1, .opGetByIdSlow loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) loadq [propertyStorage, t2], scratch storeq scratch, [cfr, t1, 8] loadpFromInstruction(8, t1) valueProfile(scratch, t1) dispatch(9) end) .opGetByIdSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_get_by_id) dispatch(9) end _llint_op_get_by_id: getById(withInlineStorage) _llint_op_get_by_id_out_of_line: getById(withOutOfLineStorage) _llint_op_get_array_length: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t0) loadpFromInstruction(4, t1) loadConstantOrVariableCell(t0, t3, .opGetArrayLengthSlow) loadp JSCell::m_structure[t3], t2 arrayProfile(t2, t1, t0) btiz t2, IsArray, .opGetArrayLengthSlow btiz t2, IndexingShapeMask, .opGetArrayLengthSlow loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) loadpFromInstruction(8, t2) loadp JSObject::m_butterfly[t3], t0 loadi -sizeof IndexingHeader + IndexingHeader::m_publicLength[t0], t0 bilt t0, 0, .opGetArrayLengthSlow orq tagTypeNumber, t0 valueProfile(t0, t2) storeq t0, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(9) .opGetArrayLengthSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_get_by_id) dispatch(9) _llint_op_get_arguments_length: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t0) loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) btqnz [cfr, t0, 8], .opGetArgumentsLengthSlow loadi ArgumentCount + PayloadOffset[cfr], t2 subi 1, t2 orq tagTypeNumber, t2 storeq t2, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(4) .opGetArgumentsLengthSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_get_arguments_length) dispatch(4) macro putById(getPropertyStorage) traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t3) loadpFromInstruction(4, t1) loadConstantOrVariableCell(t3, t0, .opPutByIdSlow) loadisFromInstruction(3, t2) getPropertyStorage( t0, t3, macro (propertyStorage, scratch) bpneq JSCell::m_structure[t0], t1, .opPutByIdSlow loadisFromInstruction(5, t1) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, scratch) writeBarrier(t0) storeq scratch, [propertyStorage, t1] dispatch(9) end) end _llint_op_put_by_id: putById(withInlineStorage) .opPutByIdSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_put_by_id) dispatch(9) _llint_op_put_by_id_out_of_line: putById(withOutOfLineStorage) macro putByIdTransition(additionalChecks, getPropertyStorage) traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t3) loadpFromInstruction(4, t1) loadConstantOrVariableCell(t3, t0, .opPutByIdSlow) loadisFromInstruction(3, t2) bpneq JSCell::m_structure[t0], t1, .opPutByIdSlow additionalChecks(t1, t3) loadisFromInstruction(5, t1) getPropertyStorage( t0, t3, macro (propertyStorage, scratch) addp t1, propertyStorage, t3 loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t1) writeBarrier(t1) storeq t1, [t3] loadpFromInstruction(6, t1) storep t1, JSCell::m_structure[t0] dispatch(9) end) end macro noAdditionalChecks(oldStructure, scratch) end macro structureChainChecks(oldStructure, scratch) const protoCell = oldStructure # Reusing the oldStructure register for the proto loadpFromInstruction(7, scratch) assert(macro (ok) btpnz scratch, ok end) loadp StructureChain::m_vector[scratch], scratch assert(macro (ok) btpnz scratch, ok end) bqeq Structure::m_prototype[oldStructure], ValueNull, .done .loop: loadq Structure::m_prototype[oldStructure], protoCell loadp JSCell::m_structure[protoCell], oldStructure bpneq oldStructure, [scratch], .opPutByIdSlow addp 8, scratch bqneq Structure::m_prototype[oldStructure], ValueNull, .loop .done: end _llint_op_put_by_id_transition_direct: putByIdTransition(noAdditionalChecks, withInlineStorage) _llint_op_put_by_id_transition_direct_out_of_line: putByIdTransition(noAdditionalChecks, withOutOfLineStorage) _llint_op_put_by_id_transition_normal: putByIdTransition(structureChainChecks, withInlineStorage) _llint_op_put_by_id_transition_normal_out_of_line: putByIdTransition(structureChainChecks, withOutOfLineStorage) _llint_op_get_by_val: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t2) loadConstantOrVariableCell(t2, t0, .opGetByValSlow) loadp JSCell::m_structure[t0], t2 loadpFromInstruction(4, t3) arrayProfile(t2, t3, t1) loadisFromInstruction(3, t3) loadConstantOrVariableInt32(t3, t1, .opGetByValSlow) sxi2q t1, t1 loadp JSObject::m_butterfly[t0], t3 andi IndexingShapeMask, t2 bieq t2, Int32Shape, .opGetByValIsContiguous bineq t2, ContiguousShape, .opGetByValNotContiguous .opGetByValIsContiguous: biaeq t1, -sizeof IndexingHeader + IndexingHeader::m_publicLength[t3], .opGetByValOutOfBounds loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) loadq [t3, t1, 8], t2 btqz t2, .opGetByValOutOfBounds jmp .opGetByValDone .opGetByValNotContiguous: bineq t2, DoubleShape, .opGetByValNotDouble biaeq t1, -sizeof IndexingHeader + IndexingHeader::m_publicLength[t3], .opGetByValOutOfBounds loadis 8[PB, PC, 8], t0 loadd [t3, t1, 8], ft0 bdnequn ft0, ft0, .opGetByValOutOfBounds fd2q ft0, t2 subq tagTypeNumber, t2 jmp .opGetByValDone .opGetByValNotDouble: subi ArrayStorageShape, t2 bia t2, SlowPutArrayStorageShape - ArrayStorageShape, .opGetByValSlow biaeq t1, -sizeof IndexingHeader + IndexingHeader::m_vectorLength[t3], .opGetByValOutOfBounds loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) loadq ArrayStorage::m_vector[t3, t1, 8], t2 btqz t2, .opGetByValOutOfBounds .opGetByValDone: storeq t2, [cfr, t0, 8] loadpFromInstruction(5, t0) valueProfile(t2, t0) dispatch(6) .opGetByValOutOfBounds: if VALUE_PROFILER loadpFromInstruction(4, t0) storeb 1, ArrayProfile::m_outOfBounds[t0] end .opGetByValSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_get_by_val) dispatch(6) _llint_op_get_argument_by_val: # FIXME: At some point we should array profile this. Right now it isn't necessary # since the DFG will never turn a get_argument_by_val into a GetByVal. traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t0) loadisFromInstruction(3, t1) btqnz [cfr, t0, 8], .opGetArgumentByValSlow loadConstantOrVariableInt32(t1, t2, .opGetArgumentByValSlow) addi 1, t2 loadi ArgumentCount + PayloadOffset[cfr], t1 biaeq t2, t1, .opGetArgumentByValSlow negi t2 sxi2q t2, t2 loadisFromInstruction(1, t3) loadpFromInstruction(5, t1) loadq ThisArgumentOffset[cfr, t2, 8], t0 storeq t0, [cfr, t3, 8] valueProfile(t0, t1) dispatch(6) .opGetArgumentByValSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_get_argument_by_val) dispatch(6) _llint_op_get_by_pname: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(3, t1) loadConstantOrVariable(t1, t0) loadisFromInstruction(4, t1) assertNotConstant(t1) bqneq t0, [cfr, t1, 8], .opGetByPnameSlow loadisFromInstruction(2, t2) loadisFromInstruction(5, t3) loadConstantOrVariableCell(t2, t0, .opGetByPnameSlow) assertNotConstant(t3) loadq [cfr, t3, 8], t1 loadp JSCell::m_structure[t0], t2 bpneq t2, JSPropertyNameIterator::m_cachedStructure[t1], .opGetByPnameSlow loadisFromInstruction(6, t3) loadi PayloadOffset[cfr, t3, 8], t3 subi 1, t3 biaeq t3, JSPropertyNameIterator::m_numCacheableSlots[t1], .opGetByPnameSlow bilt t3, JSPropertyNameIterator::m_cachedStructureInlineCapacity[t1], .opGetByPnameInlineProperty addi firstOutOfLineOffset, t3 subi JSPropertyNameIterator::m_cachedStructureInlineCapacity[t1], t3 .opGetByPnameInlineProperty: loadPropertyAtVariableOffset(t3, t0, t0) loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) storeq t0, [cfr, t1, 8] dispatch(7) .opGetByPnameSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_get_by_pname) dispatch(7) macro contiguousPutByVal(storeCallback) biaeq t3, -sizeof IndexingHeader + IndexingHeader::m_publicLength[t0], .outOfBounds .storeResult: loadisFromInstruction(3, t2) storeCallback(t2, t1, [t0, t3, 8]) dispatch(5) .outOfBounds: biaeq t3, -sizeof IndexingHeader + IndexingHeader::m_vectorLength[t0], .opPutByValOutOfBounds if VALUE_PROFILER loadp 32[PB, PC, 8], t2 storeb 1, ArrayProfile::m_mayStoreToHole[t2] end addi 1, t3, t2 storei t2, -sizeof IndexingHeader + IndexingHeader::m_publicLength[t0] jmp .storeResult end _llint_op_put_by_val: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) loadConstantOrVariableCell(t0, t1, .opPutByValSlow) loadp JSCell::m_structure[t1], t2 loadpFromInstruction(4, t3) arrayProfile(t2, t3, t0) loadisFromInstruction(2, t0) loadConstantOrVariableInt32(t0, t3, .opPutByValSlow) sxi2q t3, t3 loadp JSObject::m_butterfly[t1], t0 andi IndexingShapeMask, t2 bineq t2, Int32Shape, .opPutByValNotInt32 contiguousPutByVal( macro (operand, scratch, address) loadConstantOrVariable(operand, scratch) bpb scratch, tagTypeNumber, .opPutByValSlow storep scratch, address end) .opPutByValNotInt32: bineq t2, DoubleShape, .opPutByValNotDouble contiguousPutByVal( macro (operand, scratch, address) loadConstantOrVariable(operand, scratch) bqb scratch, tagTypeNumber, .notInt ci2d scratch, ft0 jmp .ready .notInt: addp tagTypeNumber, scratch fq2d scratch, ft0 bdnequn ft0, ft0, .opPutByValSlow .ready: stored ft0, address end) .opPutByValNotDouble: bineq t2, ContiguousShape, .opPutByValNotContiguous contiguousPutByVal( macro (operand, scratch, address) loadConstantOrVariable(operand, scratch) writeBarrier(scratch) storep scratch, address end) .opPutByValNotContiguous: bineq t2, ArrayStorageShape, .opPutByValSlow biaeq t3, -sizeof IndexingHeader + IndexingHeader::m_vectorLength[t0], .opPutByValOutOfBounds btqz ArrayStorage::m_vector[t0, t3, 8], .opPutByValArrayStorageEmpty .opPutByValArrayStorageStoreResult: loadisFromInstruction(3, t2) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t1) writeBarrier(t1) storeq t1, ArrayStorage::m_vector[t0, t3, 8] dispatch(5) .opPutByValArrayStorageEmpty: if VALUE_PROFILER loadpFromInstruction(4, t1) storeb 1, ArrayProfile::m_mayStoreToHole[t1] end addi 1, ArrayStorage::m_numValuesInVector[t0] bib t3, -sizeof IndexingHeader + IndexingHeader::m_publicLength[t0], .opPutByValArrayStorageStoreResult addi 1, t3, t1 storei t1, -sizeof IndexingHeader + IndexingHeader::m_publicLength[t0] jmp .opPutByValArrayStorageStoreResult .opPutByValOutOfBounds: if VALUE_PROFILER loadpFromInstruction(4, t0) storeb 1, ArrayProfile::m_outOfBounds[t0] end .opPutByValSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_put_by_val) dispatch(5) _llint_op_jmp: traceExecution() dispatchIntIndirect(1) macro jumpTrueOrFalse(conditionOp, slow) loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) loadConstantOrVariable(t1, t0) xorq ValueFalse, t0 btqnz t0, -1, .slow conditionOp(t0, .target) dispatch(3) .target: dispatchIntIndirect(2) .slow: callSlowPath(slow) dispatch(0) end macro equalNull(cellHandler, immediateHandler) loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) assertNotConstant(t0) loadq [cfr, t0, 8], t0 btqnz t0, tagMask, .immediate loadp JSCell::m_structure[t0], t2 cellHandler(t2, Structure::m_typeInfo + TypeInfo::m_flags[t2], .target) dispatch(3) .target: dispatchIntIndirect(2) .immediate: andq ~TagBitUndefined, t0 immediateHandler(t0, .target) dispatch(3) end _llint_op_jeq_null: traceExecution() equalNull( macro (structure, value, target) btbz value, MasqueradesAsUndefined, .notMasqueradesAsUndefined loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t0 loadp CodeBlock::m_globalObject[t0], t0 bpeq Structure::m_globalObject[structure], t0, target .notMasqueradesAsUndefined: end, macro (value, target) bqeq value, ValueNull, target end) _llint_op_jneq_null: traceExecution() equalNull( macro (structure, value, target) btbz value, MasqueradesAsUndefined, target loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t0 loadp CodeBlock::m_globalObject[t0], t0 bpneq Structure::m_globalObject[structure], t0, target end, macro (value, target) bqneq value, ValueNull, target end) _llint_op_jneq_ptr: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) loadisFromInstruction(2, t1) loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t2 loadp CodeBlock::m_globalObject[t2], t2 loadp JSGlobalObject::m_specialPointers[t2, t1, 8], t1 bpneq t1, [cfr, t0, 8], .opJneqPtrTarget dispatch(4) .opJneqPtrTarget: dispatchIntIndirect(3) macro compare(integerCompare, doubleCompare, slowPath) loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) loadisFromInstruction(2, t3) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t0) loadConstantOrVariable(t3, t1) bqb t0, tagTypeNumber, .op1NotInt bqb t1, tagTypeNumber, .op2NotInt integerCompare(t0, t1, .jumpTarget) dispatch(4) .op1NotInt: btqz t0, tagTypeNumber, .slow bqb t1, tagTypeNumber, .op1NotIntOp2NotInt ci2d t1, ft1 jmp .op1NotIntReady .op1NotIntOp2NotInt: btqz t1, tagTypeNumber, .slow addq tagTypeNumber, t1 fq2d t1, ft1 .op1NotIntReady: addq tagTypeNumber, t0 fq2d t0, ft0 doubleCompare(ft0, ft1, .jumpTarget) dispatch(4) .op2NotInt: ci2d t0, ft0 btqz t1, tagTypeNumber, .slow addq tagTypeNumber, t1 fq2d t1, ft1 doubleCompare(ft0, ft1, .jumpTarget) dispatch(4) .jumpTarget: dispatchIntIndirect(3) .slow: callSlowPath(slowPath) dispatch(0) end _llint_op_switch_imm: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(3, t2) loadisFromInstruction(1, t3) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t1) loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t2 loadp CodeBlock::m_rareData[t2], t2 muli sizeof SimpleJumpTable, t3 # FIXME: would be nice to peephole this! loadp CodeBlock::RareData::m_immediateSwitchJumpTables + VectorBufferOffset[t2], t2 addp t3, t2 bqb t1, tagTypeNumber, .opSwitchImmNotInt subi SimpleJumpTable::min[t2], t1 biaeq t1, SimpleJumpTable::branchOffsets + VectorSizeOffset[t2], .opSwitchImmFallThrough loadp SimpleJumpTable::branchOffsets + VectorBufferOffset[t2], t3 loadis [t3, t1, 4], t1 btiz t1, .opSwitchImmFallThrough dispatch(t1) .opSwitchImmNotInt: btqnz t1, tagTypeNumber, .opSwitchImmSlow # Go slow if it's a double. .opSwitchImmFallThrough: dispatchIntIndirect(2) .opSwitchImmSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_switch_imm) dispatch(0) _llint_op_switch_char: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(3, t2) loadisFromInstruction(1, t3) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t1) loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t2 loadp CodeBlock::m_rareData[t2], t2 muli sizeof SimpleJumpTable, t3 loadp CodeBlock::RareData::m_characterSwitchJumpTables + VectorBufferOffset[t2], t2 addp t3, t2 btqnz t1, tagMask, .opSwitchCharFallThrough loadp JSCell::m_structure[t1], t0 bbneq Structure::m_typeInfo + TypeInfo::m_type[t0], StringType, .opSwitchCharFallThrough bineq JSString::m_length[t1], 1, .opSwitchCharFallThrough loadp JSString::m_value[t1], t0 btpz t0, .opSwitchOnRope loadp StringImpl::m_data8[t0], t1 btinz StringImpl::m_hashAndFlags[t0], HashFlags8BitBuffer, .opSwitchChar8Bit loadh [t1], t0 jmp .opSwitchCharReady .opSwitchChar8Bit: loadb [t1], t0 .opSwitchCharReady: subi SimpleJumpTable::min[t2], t0 biaeq t0, SimpleJumpTable::branchOffsets + VectorSizeOffset[t2], .opSwitchCharFallThrough loadp SimpleJumpTable::branchOffsets + VectorBufferOffset[t2], t2 loadis [t2, t0, 4], t1 btiz t1, .opSwitchCharFallThrough dispatch(t1) .opSwitchCharFallThrough: dispatchIntIndirect(2) .opSwitchOnRope: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_switch_char) dispatch(0) _llint_op_new_func: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(3, t2) btiz t2, .opNewFuncUnchecked loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) btqnz [cfr, t1, 8], .opNewFuncDone .opNewFuncUnchecked: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_new_func) .opNewFuncDone: dispatch(4) macro arrayProfileForCall() if VALUE_PROFILER loadisFromInstruction(3, t3) loadq ThisArgumentOffset[cfr, t3, 8], t0 btqnz t0, tagMask, .done loadp JSCell::m_structure[t0], t0 loadpFromInstruction(5, t1) storep t0, ArrayProfile::m_lastSeenStructure[t1] .done: end end macro doCall(slowPath) loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) loadpFromInstruction(4, t1) loadp LLIntCallLinkInfo::callee[t1], t2 loadConstantOrVariable(t0, t3) bqneq t3, t2, .opCallSlow loadisFromInstruction(3, t3) addi 6, PC lshifti 3, t3 addp cfr, t3 loadp JSFunction::m_scope[t2], t0 storeq t2, Callee[t3] storeq t0, ScopeChain[t3] loadisFromInstruction(-4, t2) storei PC, ArgumentCount + TagOffset[cfr] storeq cfr, CallerFrame[t3] storei t2, ArgumentCount + PayloadOffset[t3] move t3, cfr callTargetFunction(t1) .opCallSlow: slowPathForCall(6, slowPath) end _llint_op_tear_off_activation: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) btqz [cfr, t0, 8], .opTearOffActivationNotCreated callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_tear_off_activation) .opTearOffActivationNotCreated: dispatch(2) _llint_op_tear_off_arguments: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) subi 1, t0 # Get the unmodifiedArgumentsRegister btqz [cfr, t0, 8], .opTearOffArgumentsNotCreated callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_tear_off_arguments) .opTearOffArgumentsNotCreated: dispatch(3) _llint_op_ret: traceExecution() checkSwitchToJITForEpilogue() loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t0) doReturn() _llint_op_call_put_result: loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) loadpFromInstruction(2, t3) storeq t0, [cfr, t2, 8] valueProfile(t0, t3) traceExecution() dispatch(3) _llint_op_ret_object_or_this: traceExecution() checkSwitchToJITForEpilogue() loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t0) btqnz t0, tagMask, .opRetObjectOrThisNotObject loadp JSCell::m_structure[t0], t2 bbb Structure::m_typeInfo + TypeInfo::m_type[t2], ObjectType, .opRetObjectOrThisNotObject doReturn() .opRetObjectOrThisNotObject: loadisFromInstruction(2, t2) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t0) doReturn() _llint_op_to_primitive: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(2, t2) loadisFromInstruction(1, t3) loadConstantOrVariable(t2, t0) btqnz t0, tagMask, .opToPrimitiveIsImm loadp JSCell::m_structure[t0], t2 bbneq Structure::m_typeInfo + TypeInfo::m_type[t2], StringType, .opToPrimitiveSlowCase .opToPrimitiveIsImm: storeq t0, [cfr, t3, 8] dispatch(3) .opToPrimitiveSlowCase: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_to_primitive) dispatch(3) _llint_op_next_pname: traceExecution() loadisFromInstruction(3, t1) loadisFromInstruction(4, t2) assertNotConstant(t1) assertNotConstant(t2) loadi PayloadOffset[cfr, t1, 8], t0 bieq t0, PayloadOffset[cfr, t2, 8], .opNextPnameEnd loadisFromInstruction(5, t2) assertNotConstant(t2) loadp [cfr, t2, 8], t2 loadp JSPropertyNameIterator::m_jsStrings[t2], t3 loadq [t3, t0, 8], t3 addi 1, t0 storei t0, PayloadOffset[cfr, t1, 8] loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) storeq t3, [cfr, t1, 8] loadisFromInstruction(2, t3) assertNotConstant(t3) loadq [cfr, t3, 8], t3 loadp JSCell::m_structure[t3], t1 bpneq t1, JSPropertyNameIterator::m_cachedStructure[t2], .opNextPnameSlow loadp JSPropertyNameIterator::m_cachedPrototypeChain[t2], t0 loadp StructureChain::m_vector[t0], t0 btpz [t0], .opNextPnameTarget .opNextPnameCheckPrototypeLoop: bqeq Structure::m_prototype[t1], ValueNull, .opNextPnameSlow loadq Structure::m_prototype[t1], t2 loadp JSCell::m_structure[t2], t1 bpneq t1, [t0], .opNextPnameSlow addp 8, t0 btpnz [t0], .opNextPnameCheckPrototypeLoop .opNextPnameTarget: dispatchIntIndirect(6) .opNextPnameEnd: dispatch(7) .opNextPnameSlow: callSlowPath(_llint_slow_path_next_pname) # This either keeps the PC where it was (causing us to loop) or sets it to target. dispatch(0) _llint_op_catch: # This is where we end up from the JIT's throw trampoline (because the # machine code return address will be set to _llint_op_catch), and from # the interpreter's throw trampoline (see _llint_throw_trampoline). # The JIT throwing protocol calls for the cfr to be in t0. The throwing # code must have known that we were throwing to the interpreter, and have # set VM::targetInterpreterPCForThrow. move t0, cfr loadp CodeBlock[cfr], PB loadp CodeBlock::m_instructions[PB], PB loadp JITStackFrame::vm[sp], t3 loadp VM::targetInterpreterPCForThrow[t3], PC subp PB, PC rshiftp 3, PC loadq VM::exception[t3], t0 storeq 0, VM::exception[t3] loadisFromInstruction(1, t2) storeq t0, [cfr, t2, 8] traceExecution() dispatch(2) _llint_op_end: traceExecution() checkSwitchToJITForEpilogue() loadisFromInstruction(1, t0) assertNotConstant(t0) loadq [cfr, t0, 8], t0 doReturn() _llint_throw_from_slow_path_trampoline: # When throwing from the interpreter (i.e. throwing from LLIntSlowPaths), so # the throw target is not necessarily interpreted code, we come to here. # This essentially emulates the JIT's throwing protocol. loadp JITStackFrame::vm[sp], t1 loadp VM::callFrameForThrow[t1], t0 jmp VM::targetMachinePCForThrow[t1] _llint_throw_during_call_trampoline: preserveReturnAddressAfterCall(t2) loadp JITStackFrame::vm[sp], t1 loadp VM::callFrameForThrow[t1], t0 jmp VM::targetMachinePCForThrow[t1] # Gives you the scope in t0, while allowing you to optionally perform additional checks on the # scopes as they are traversed. scopeCheck() is called with two arguments: the register # holding the scope, and a register that can be used for scratch. Note that this does not # use t3, so you can hold stuff in t3 if need be. macro getDeBruijnScope(deBruijinIndexOperand, scopeCheck) loadp ScopeChain[cfr], t0 loadis deBruijinIndexOperand, t2 btiz t2, .done loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t1 bineq CodeBlock::m_codeType[t1], FunctionCode, .loop btbz CodeBlock::m_needsActivation[t1], .loop loadis CodeBlock::m_activationRegister[t1], t1 # Need to conditionally skip over one scope. btpz [cfr, t1, 8], .noActivation scopeCheck(t0, t1) loadp JSScope::m_next[t0], t0 .noActivation: subi 1, t2 btiz t2, .done .loop: scopeCheck(t0, t1) loadp JSScope::m_next[t0], t0 subi 1, t2 btinz t2, .loop .done: end _llint_op_get_scoped_var: traceExecution() # Operands are as follows: # pc[1]: Destination for the load # pc[2]: Index of register in the scope # 24[PB, PC, 8] De Bruijin index. getDeBruijnScope(24[PB, PC, 8], macro (scope, scratch) end) loadisFromInstruction(1, t1) loadisFromInstruction(2, t2) loadp JSVariableObject::m_registers[t0], t0 loadp [t0, t2, 8], t3 storep t3, [cfr, t1, 8] loadp 32[PB, PC, 8], t1 valueProfile(t3, t1) dispatch(5) _llint_op_put_scoped_var: traceExecution() getDeBruijnScope(16[PB, PC, 8], macro (scope, scratch) end) loadis 24[PB, PC, 8], t1 loadConstantOrVariable(t1, t3) loadis 8[PB, PC, 8], t1 writeBarrier(t3) loadp JSVariableObject::m_registers[t0], t0 storep t3, [t0, t1, 8] dispatch(4) macro nativeCallTrampoline(executableOffsetToFunction) storep 0, CodeBlock[cfr] if X86_64 loadp JITStackFrame::vm + 8[sp], t0 storep cfr, VM::topCallFrame[t0] loadp CallerFrame[cfr], t0 loadq ScopeChain[t0], t1 storeq t1, ScopeChain[cfr] peek 0, t1 storep t1, ReturnPC[cfr] move cfr, t5 # t5 = rdi, so arg #1 subp 16 - 8, sp loadp Callee[cfr], t4 # t4 = rsi, so arg #2 loadp JSFunction::m_executable[t4], t1 move t0, cfr # Restore cfr to avoid loading from stack call executableOffsetToFunction[t1] addp 16 - 8, sp loadp JITStackFrame::vm + 8[sp], t3 elsif ARM64 loadp JITStackFrame::vm[sp], t0 storep cfr, VM::topCallFrame[t0] loadp CallerFrame[cfr], t2 loadp ScopeChain[t2], t1 storep t1, ScopeChain[cfr] preserveReturnAddressAfterCall(t3) storep t3, ReturnPC[cfr] move cfr, t0 loadp Callee[cfr], t1 loadp JSFunction::m_executable[t1], t1 move t2, cfr # Restore cfr to avoid loading from stack call executableOffsetToFunction[t1] restoreReturnAddressBeforeReturn(t3) loadp JITStackFrame::vm[sp], t3 elsif C_LOOP loadp CallerFrame[cfr], t0 loadp ScopeChain[t0], t1 storep t1, ScopeChain[cfr] loadp JITStackFrame::vm[sp], t3 storep cfr, VM::topCallFrame[t3] move t0, t2 preserveReturnAddressAfterCall(t3) storep t3, ReturnPC[cfr] move cfr, t0 loadp Callee[cfr], t1 loadp JSFunction::m_executable[t1], t1 move t2, cfr cloopCallNative executableOffsetToFunction[t1] restoreReturnAddressBeforeReturn(t3) loadp JITStackFrame::vm[sp], t3 else error end btqnz VM::exception[t3], .exception ret .exception: preserveReturnAddressAfterCall(t1) # This is really only needed on X86_64 loadi ArgumentCount + TagOffset[cfr], PC loadp CodeBlock[cfr], PB loadp CodeBlock::m_instructions[PB], PB loadp JITStackFrame::vm[sp], t0 storep cfr, VM::topCallFrame[t0] callSlowPath(_llint_throw_from_native_call) jmp _llint_throw_from_slow_path_trampoline end