IOUSBLog.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright © 1998-2012 Apple Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <sys/systm.h>

#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLog.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/USB.h>

#ifdef	__cplusplus
	extern "C" {

//KernelDebugLevel		gKernelDebugLevel	= kKernelDebugAnyLevel;
KernelDebugLevel		gKernelDebugLevel	= 1;
KernelDebuggingOutputType	gKernelDebugOutputType 	= kKernelDebugOutputIOLogType;
com_apple_iokit_KLog *		gKernelLogger		= NULL;
#define DEBUG_NAME		"[KernelDebugging] "

// ascii armoring stuff
const char LOWEST = 0x20;
char *armor(void *buffer, int bytecount);

//	EnableKernelDebugger

void	 KernelDebugEnable( bool enable )
    IOLog( DEBUG_NAME"KernelDebugEnable (%d)\n",enable);
    if ( enable )

//	KernelDebugSetLevel

void	KernelDebugSetLevel( KernelDebugLevel inLevel )
	gKernelDebugLevel = inLevel;
	IOLog( DEBUG_NAME "Debugging level changed to: %d\n", (int) gKernelDebugLevel );

//	KernelDebugGetLevel

KernelDebugLevel	KernelDebugGetLevel()
	IOLog( DEBUG_NAME "KernelDebugGetLevel called (%d)\n", (int) gKernelDebugLevel );
	return( gKernelDebugLevel );

//	KernelDebugGetOutputType

KernelDebugLevel	KernelDebugGetOutputType()
	IOLog( DEBUG_NAME "KernelDebugGetOutputType called (%d)\n", (int) gKernelDebugOutputType );
	return( gKernelDebugOutputType );

//	KernelDebugSetOutputType
//		Choose between regular IOLogs or the super-fancy pantsy logging kext.

void	KernelDebugSetOutputType( KernelDebuggingOutputType inType )
	gKernelDebugOutputType = inType;
	if ( inType & kKernelDebugOutputKextLoggerType )
		// KernelDebugFindKernelLogger();
		if ( !gKernelLogger )
			// Failed to find the logger!
			// gKernelDebugOutputType = kKernelDebugOutputIOLogType;
			IOLog( DEBUG_NAME "SetOutputType failed: could not find kernel logger. It probably needs to be loaded?\n" );
	IOLog( DEBUG_NAME "Debugging type changed to: %d\n", (int) gKernelDebugOutputType );

//	KernelDebugLogInternal
//		This is called when a macro is invoked or KernelDebugLog is called.

void	KernelDebugLogInternal( UInt32 inLevel,  UInt32 inTag, char const *inFormatString, ... )
    UInt64		elapsedTime;
    uint32_t		secs, milliSecs;
    if ( inLevel > gKernelDebugLevel )
        // The level is not high enough to be displayed, we're skipping this item.
        // Print to the console.

        if ( gKernelDebugOutputType & kKernelDebugOutputIOLogType )
            va_list		ap;
            extern void 	conslog_putc(char);
           // extern void 	logwakeup();
            // First, print our USB tag with the time
            // Find our current time in seconds (since bootup)
			uint64_t	currentTime = mach_absolute_time();
			absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(*(AbsoluteTime *)&currentTime, &elapsedTime);
            // Convert it to milliseconds
            elapsedTime = elapsedTime/(1000000);
            secs = elapsedTime / 1000;
            milliSecs = elapsedTime % 1000;

            IOLog("%c%c%c%c:\t%d.%3.3d\t",(char)(inTag>>24), (char)(inTag>>16), (char)(inTag>>8), (uint32_t)inTag, secs, milliSecs);

			va_start( ap, inFormatString );
			IOLogv(inFormatString, ap);
            va_end( ap );
            // And add a newline for USB logging
            if ( inTag == 'USBF')

        // Write to the kernel logger if available.
        if ( (gKernelDebugOutputType & kKernelDebugOutputKextLoggerType) && gKernelLogger )
            va_list		ap;
            va_start( ap, inFormatString );
            gKernelLogger->vLog( inLevel, inTag, inFormatString, ap );
            va_end( ap );

//	KernelDebugLogDataInternal
//		This is called when a macro is invoked or KernelDebugLogData is called.

void 	KernelDebugLogDataInternal( UInt32 inLevel,  UInt32 inTag, void *buffer, UInt32 byteCount, bool preBuffer)
	if (preBuffer)
		KernelDebugLogInternal(inLevel, inTag, "%s", armor(buffer, byteCount));
		KernelDebugLogInternal(inLevel, inTag, "%s\n", armor(buffer, byteCount));

#ifdef	__cplusplus

// KernelDebugFindKernelLogger

IOReturn KernelDebugFindKernelLogger()
	OSIterator *		iterator 			= NULL;
	OSDictionary *		matchingDictionary	= NULL;
	IOReturn			error 				= 0;
	IOService *			matchingService		= NULL;
	// Get matching dictionary.
	matchingDictionary = IOService::serviceMatching( kLogKextName );
	if ( !matchingDictionary )
		error = kIOReturnError;
		IOLog( DEBUG_NAME "[FindKernelLogger] Couldn't create a matching dictionary.\n" );
		goto exit;
	// Get an iterator for the 'KLog'. Wait for up to 30 secs
	matchingService = IOService::waitForMatchingService( matchingDictionary, kSecondScale * 30ULL);
	if ( !matchingService )
		error = kIOReturnError;
		IOLog( DEBUG_NAME "[FindKernelLogger] Couldn't find the matchingService.\n" );
		goto exit;
	iterator = IOService::getMatchingServices( matchingDictionary );
	if ( !iterator )
		error = kIOReturnError;
		IOLog( DEBUG_NAME "[FindKernelLogger] No %s found.\n", kLogKextName );
		goto exit;
	// User iterator to find each com_apple_iokit_KLog instance. There should be only one, so we
	// won't iterate.
	gKernelLogger = (com_apple_iokit_KLog*) iterator->getNextObject();
	if ( gKernelLogger )
		IOLog( DEBUG_NAME "[FindKernelLogger] Found a logger at %p.\n", gKernelLogger );
	if ( error == kIOReturnSuccess )
		IOLog( DEBUG_NAME "[FindKernelLogger] Found a logger instance.\n" );
		gKernelLogger = NULL;
		IOLog( DEBUG_NAME "[FindKernelLogger] Could not find a logger instance. Error = %X.\n", error );
    if ( matchingService) matchingService->release();                       // 10397671: need to release this matchingService
	if ( matchingDictionary ) matchingDictionary->release();
	if ( iterator ) iterator->release();
	return( error );

// Ascii armoring utilitiy function.  Will pack 8bit data into asciiBuffer data for printf() compats
char *armor(void *buffer, int bytecount)
	int asc_i, bin_i;
	UInt16 asc_length;
	//int buf_len;
	char *asciiBuffer;
	char *binaryBuffer = (char*)buffer;
	 * 4 ascii bytes per 3 binary bytes,
	 * plus a null byte.
	asc_length = bytecount * 4 / 3 + 1; 

	asciiBuffer = (char*)IOMalloc(asc_length);

	for(asc_i=0, bin_i=0; bin_i < bytecount; bin_i+=3) {
		/* ! are the bits we're taking */

		/* !!!!!!** ******** ******** */
		asciiBuffer[asc_i] = (binaryBuffer[bin_i] >> 2) & 0x3f;
		asciiBuffer[asc_i++] += LOWEST;

		/* ******!! !!!!**** ******** */
		asciiBuffer[asc_i] = (binaryBuffer[bin_i] << 4) & 0x30; 
		if (bin_i+1 < bytecount) {
			asciiBuffer[asc_i] |= (binaryBuffer[bin_i+1] >> 4) & 0xf;
			asciiBuffer[asc_i++] += LOWEST;
		} else {
			asciiBuffer[asc_i++] += LOWEST;

		/* ******** ****!!!! !!****** */
		asciiBuffer[asc_i] = (binaryBuffer[bin_i+1] << 2) & 0x3c;
		if (bin_i+2 < bytecount) {
			asciiBuffer[asc_i] |= (binaryBuffer[bin_i+2] >> 6) & 0x3;		
			asciiBuffer[asc_i++] += LOWEST;
		} else {
			asciiBuffer[asc_i++] += LOWEST;

		/* ******** ******** **!!!!!! */
		asciiBuffer[asc_i] = binaryBuffer[bin_i+2] & 0x3f;
		asciiBuffer[asc_i++] += LOWEST;

	asciiBuffer[asc_i] = '\0';

	return asciiBuffer;

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

#define super IOService
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOUSBLog, IOService )

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

bool	IOUSBLog::init( OSDictionary * dictionary )
    if (!super::init(dictionary))
        return false;

    return true;

    IOUSBLog *me = new IOUSBLog;

    if (me && !me->init()) {
        return NULL;

    return me;

// USBLogPrintf( level, format, ...)
void IOUSBLog::USBLogPrintf(UInt32 level, char *format,...)
#pragma unused (level)
    va_list		ap;
    char		msgBuf[255];
    va_start( ap, format );
    vsnprintf(msgBuf, sizeof(msgBuf), format, ap);
    va_end( ap );

    USBLog(level,"%s", msgBuf);

void 	IOUSBLog::AddStatusLevel (UInt32 level, UInt32 ref, char *status, UInt32 value)
#pragma unused (level, ref, status, value)

void	IOUSBLog::AddStatus(char *message)
#pragma unused (message)
void	IOUSBLog::AddStatus(UInt32 level, char *message)
#pragma unused (level, message)

char *
IOUSBLog::strstr(const char *in, const char *str)
    char c;
    size_t len;
    c = *str++;
    if (!c)
        return (char *) in;	// Trivial empty string case
    len = strlen(str);
    do {
        char sc;
        do {
            sc = *in++;
            if (!sc)
                return (char *) 0;
        } while (sc != c);
    } while (strncmp(in, str, len) != 0);
    return (char *) (in - 1);

const char * 
IOUSBLog::stringFromReturn( IOReturn rtn )
	static const IONamedValue USBReturn_values[] = { 
		{kIOUSBUnknownPipeErr,								"Pipe is invalid"														},
		{kIOUSBTooManyPipesErr,								"Device specified too many endpoints"									},
		{kIOUSBNoAsyncPortErr,								"Async Port has not been specified"        								},
		{kIOUSBNotEnoughPipesErr,							"Desired pipe was not found"        									},
		{kIOUSBNotEnoughPowerErr,							"There is not enough power for the device"        						},
		{kIOUSBEndpointNotFound,							"Endpoint does not exist"												},
		{kIOUSBConfigNotFound,								"Configuration does not exist"											},
		{kIOUSBTransactionTimeout,							"Request did not finish"												},
		{kIOUSBTransactionReturned,							"Request has been returned to the caller"								},
		{kIOUSBPipeStalled,									"Request returned a STALL"												},
		{kIOUSBInterfaceNotFound,							"Requested interface was not found"       								},
		{kIOUSBLowLatencyBufferNotPreviouslyAllocated,		"The buffer was not pre-allocated"										},
		{kIOUSBLowLatencyFrameListNotPreviouslyAllocated,	"The frame list was not pre-allocated"									},
		{kIOUSBHighSpeedSplitError,							"High Speed hub returned a split transaction error"						},
		{kIOUSBSyncRequestOnWLThread,						"Synchronous request was issued while holding from within the workloop"	},
		{kIOUSBHighSpeedSplitError,							"High Speed hub returned a split transaction error"						},
		{kIOUSBLinkErr,										"USB controller error"       											},
		{kIOUSBNotSent1Err,									"The isoch transfer did not occur, scheduled too late"					},
		{kIOUSBNotSent2Err,									"The isoch transfer did not occur, scheduled too late"					},
		{kIOUSBBufferUnderrunErr,							"Buffer Underrun (Host hardware failure on data out, PCI busy?"			},
		{kIOUSBBufferOverrunErr,							"Buffer Overrun (Host hardware failure on data out, PCI busy?"			},
		{kIOUSBReserved2Err,								"Reserved error #1"														},
		{kIOUSBReserved1Err,								"Reserved error #2"        												},
		{kIOUSBWrongPIDErr,									"Pipe stall, Bad or wrong PID"        									},
		{kIOUSBPIDCheckErr	,								"Pipe stall, PID CRC error"        										},
		{kIOUSBDataToggleErr,								"Pipe stall, Bad data toggle"       									},
		{kIOUSBBitstufErr,									"Pipe stall, bitstuffing"												},
		{kIOUSBCRCErr,										"Pipe stall, bad CRC"        											},
		{kIOUSBDeviceTransferredToCompanion,				"Device transferred to another controller"     							},
		{kIOUSBClearPipeStallNotRecursive,					"Attempting to clear stall while one is pending"     					},
		{kIOUSBDevicePortWasNotSuspended,					"Issued a Suspend but the port was not suspended"     					},
		{kIOUSBEndpointCountExceeded,						"Controller does not support more endpoints"     						},
		{kIOUSBDeviceCountExceeded,							"Controller does not support more devices"     							},
		{kIOUSBStreamsNotSupported,							"Controller does not support USB 3 streams"     						},
		{0,													NULL																	}
	const char *	returnName = IOFindNameForValue(rtn, USBReturn_values);
	if ( strstr(returnName, "UNDEFINED") != NULL)
		returnName = super::stringFromReturn(rtn);
	return returnName;