usbmacro   [plain text]

define showEHCITD
	set $td = (struct EHCIGeneralTransferDescriptor*)$arg0
	printf "shared.nextTD  0x%x\n", $td->pShared->nextTD
	printf "shared.altTD   0x%x\n", $td->pShared->altTD

	# Bytes to Transfer = bit 30:16, PID = bit 9:8, status = bit 7:0
	set $txBytes = ($td->pShared->flags & 0x7FFF0000) >> 16
	set $PID	 = ($td->pShared->flags & 0x300) >> 8
	set $status  = ($td->pShared->flags & 0xFF)
	printf "shared.flags   0x%x ==> TxB: %d PID: 0x%x Status: 0x%x\n", $td->pShared->flags, $txBytes, $PID, $status
	printf "shared.BuffPtr 0x%x\n", $td->pShared->BuffPtr

	# print buffer contents
	# x/4 $td->pShared->BuffPtr

# Shows only Async Queue Head
# TODO : Show Periodic Queue Head
define showallEHCIQHead
	if $argc > 0
		set $ehciQHead	= (*(struct AppleUSBEHCI*)$arg0)->_AsyncHead
		set $qHeadIndex = 1
		if $ehciQHead == 0
			printf "showallEHCIQHead: No active QHeads available\n"
		while $ehciQHead > 0
			set $fn	= (*(AppleEHCIQueueHead *)$ehciQHead)->_functionNumber
			set $ep	= (*(AppleEHCIQueueHead *)$ehciQHead)->_endpointNumber
			set $qTD		= (*(AppleEHCIQueueHead *)$ehciQHead)->_qTD
			set $tailTD		= (*(AppleEHCIQueueHead *)$ehciQHead)->_TailTD
			set $hBitSet	= ((*(struct EHCIQueueHeadShared*)((*(AppleEHCIQueueHead *)$ehciQHead)->_sharedLogical))->flags & (0x8000)) >> 15
			set $td			= (struct EHCIGeneralTransferDescriptor*)$qTD

			printf "AppleEHCIQueueHead[%d]: 0x%x ======================================================\n", $qHeadIndex, $ehciQHead
			printf "fn: %x ep: %x qTD: 0x%x tailTD: 0x%x hBitSet: 0x%x\n", $fn, $ep, $qTD, $tailTD, $hBitSet
			# print transfer overlay area
			printf "transfer overlay area "
			p/x *(struct EHCIQueueHeadShared*)(*(AppleEHCIQueueHead *)$ehciQHead)->_sharedLogical
			# print the td list if they are available
			set $tdIndex = 1
			while $td != $tailTD
				printf "===== EHCIGeneralTransferDescriptor[%d]: 0x%x =====\n", $tdIndex, $td
				showEHCITD $td
				p/x *(struct EHCIGeneralTransferDescriptor*)$td
				set $tdIndex = $tdIndex + 1
				set $td = (*(struct EHCIGeneralTransferDescriptor*)$td)->pLogicalNext
			set $qHeadIndex	= $qHeadIndex + 1
			set $ehciQHead	= (*(AppleEHCIQueueHead *)$ehciQHead)->_logicalNext
		printf "\n\tshowallEHCIQHead <object ptr>\n"
		printf "\t<object ptr> - AppleUSBEHCI object from showregistry \"AppleUSBEHCI <object <object ptr> ...>\"\n"
		printf "\n\t Example:\n"
		printf "\t \n"
		printf "\t (gdb) showregistry\n"
		printf "\t :\n"
		printf "\t +-o AppleUSBEHCI  <object 0xffffff80263bb000, id 0x10000127b, vtable 0xffffff7f813ee4c0 <vtable for AppleUSBEHCI>,.......\n"
		printf "\t :\n"
		printf "\t \n"
		printf "\t (gdb) showallEHCIQHead 0xffffff80263bb000\n\n"

document showallEHCIQHead
Syntax: (gdb) showallEHCIQHead <object ptr>
| <object ptr> - AppleUSBEHCI object from showregistry "AppleUSBEHCI <object <object ptr> ...>"
| Example:
|	(gdb) showregistry
|		:
|		+-o AppleUSBEHCI  <object 0xffffff80263bb000, id 0x10000127b, vtable 0xffffff7f813ee4c0 <vtable for AppleUSBEHCI>,.......
|		:
|	(gdb) showallEHCIQHead 0xffffff80263bb000

# The following will print the TRBs in the ring for a particular slot and endpoint
define printTRB
    set $slotID = $arg1
    set $ep = $arg2
    set $i = 0
    set $end = (((struct AppleUSBXHCI *)$arg0)->_slots[$slotID].rings[$ep]).transferRingSize
    set $dq = (((struct AppleUSBXHCI *)$arg0)->_slots[$slotID].rings[$ep]).transferRingDequeueIdx
    set $eq = (((struct AppleUSBXHCI *)$arg0)->_slots[$slotID].rings[$ep]).transferRingEnqueueIdx
    printf "TRB for Slot: %d, EP: %d  (transferRingEnqueueIdx: %d, transferRingDequeueIdx: %d)\n", $slotID, $ep, $eq, $dq
    while ( $i < $end )
        set $offs0=(((struct AppleUSBXHCI *)$arg0)->_slots[$slotID].rings[$ep]).transferRing[$i].offs0
        set $offs4=(((struct AppleUSBXHCI *)$arg0)->_slots[$slotID].rings[$ep]).transferRing[$i].offs4
        set $offs8=(((struct AppleUSBXHCI *)$arg0)->_slots[$slotID].rings[$ep]).transferRing[$i].offs8
        set $offsC=(((struct AppleUSBXHCI *)$arg0)->_slots[$slotID].rings[$ep]).transferRing[$i].offsC
        printf "TRB[%03d]:  0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n",$i++, $offs0, $offs4, $offs8, $offsC 

document printTRB
Syntax: (gdb) printTRB <object ptr> <slotID> <endPoint>
| <object ptr> - AppleUSBXHCI object from showregistry "AppleUSBXHCI <object <object ptr> ...>"
| <slotID> - The slotID for the device
| <endPoint> - The Endpoint # for the slot
| Example:
|	(gdb) showregistry
|		:
|		+-o AppleUSBXHCI  <object 0xffffff80263bb000, id 0x10000127b, vtable 0xffffff7f813ee4c0 <vtable for AppleUSBXHCI>,.......
|		:
|	(gdb) printTRB 0xffffff80263bb000 22 1