upsconfigd.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.2 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and 
 * limitations under the License.

// To Do:  Add the following configuration cookies
/*	Configuration info............
                Not currently used...............
    IOHIDElementCookie		rechargableCookie;
    IOHIDElementCookie		remainingCapacityLimitCookie;
    IOHIDElementCookie		warningCapacityLimitCookie;

            case kHIDUsage_BS_WarningCapacityLimit:
                upsDataRef->warningCapacityLimitCookie = cookie;
            case kHIDUsage_BS_RemainingCapacityLimit:
                upsDataRef->remainingCapacityLimitCookie = cookie;
            case kHIDUsage_BS_Rechargable:
                upsDataRef->rechargableCookie = cookie;
			g.devices[index].powerSourcePB.lowWarnLevel = 50;				// Default Value
			g.devices[index].powerSourcePB.deadWarnLevel = 20;				// Default Value
OSStatus	USBPowerGetCapacityLimits (USBReference inReference, UInt32 *warningLevel, UInt32 *shutdownLevel)
			*warningLevel = g.devices[index].powerSourcePB.lowWarnLevel;
			*shutdownLevel = g.devices[index].powerSourcePB.deadWarnLevel;

// Definition of STAND_ALONE_TEST_TOOL is in command line additions for both configd targets.

    // Always 0 for test tool
    #define UPS_DEBUG 0
    // 1 = Generate a debug version of the ups notification tool
    #define UPS_TOOL_DEBUG 1
    // 1 = Generate a debug version of the plugin
    #define UPS_DEBUG 0
    // Always 0 for plugin
    #define UPS_TOOL_DEBUG 0

//   Includes
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

#include <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>
    #include <SystemConfiguration/SCPrivate.h>

#include <Kernel/IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDUsageTables.h>

#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#include <IOKit/IOCFPlugIn.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDLib.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLib.h>
#include <IOKit/ps/IOPSKeys.h>

//   Typedefs and Defines

    kVoltageIndex = 0,

typedef struct UPSElementInfo {
    IOHIDElementCookie		cookie;
    SInt32			currentValue;
} UPSElementInfo;

typedef struct UPSDeviceData {
    UInt32			index;			// Index into our global array of UPSDeviceData
    io_object_t			notification;		// Used to dispose of the notification later
    UInt32			vendorID;		// USB VendorID
    UInt32			productID;		// USB ProductID
    UInt32			locationID;		// USB LocationID
    UInt32			primaryUsagePage;	// HID Primary Usage Page for device
    UInt32			primaryUsage;		// HID Primary Usage for device
    IOHIDDeviceInterface *	* hidDeviceInterface;	// CF Plugin for HID Manager
    IOHIDQueueInterface	*	* hidQueue;		// HID queue reference
    CFMutableDictionaryRef	upsDictRef;
    SCDynamicStoreRef		upsStore;		// for Power Manager
    CFStringRef			upsStoreKey;
    CFStringRef			nameStr;
    UPSElementInfo		elementInfo[kNumberOfUPSElements];
    bool			isPresent;
} UPSDeviceData;

    // Usage Pages
    kHIDPage_PowerDevice = 0x84, 			// Power Device Page 
    kHIDPage_BatterySystem = 0x85, 			// Battery System Page 

    // Power Device Page
    kHIDUsage_PD_Voltage = 0x30,			// Voltage 
    kHIDUsage_PD_Current = 0x31,			// Current 
   // Battery System Page
    kHIDUsage_BS_RemainingCapacityLimit	= 0x29,	// Remaining Capacity Limit 
    kHIDUsage_BS_Charging = 0x44,				// Charging 
    kHIDUsage_BS_Discharging = 0x45,			// Discharging 
    kHIDUsage_BS_RemainingCapacity = 0x66,		// Remaining Capacity 
    kHIDUsage_BS_RunTimeToEmpty = 0x68,			// Run Time To Empty 
    kHIDUsage_BS_Rechargable = 0x8B,			// Rechargable 
    kHIDUsage_BS_WarningCapacityLimit = 0x8C,	// Warning Capacity Limit 
    kHIDUsage_BS_ACPresent = 0xD0,				// AC Present 

    kMaxPowerDevices = 10

// UPSes don't send data until it changes and we can't use HID Manager yet to ask for reports 
// to initialize the elements, so don't bother calling HID Manager to get 0's.  Once the HID
// Manager changes, we can set the following to 1
// HID Manager is changing to do a lazy read of values if we haven't had a real report yet.
// Change my code in expectation that values will be correct.

//   Globals
static IONotificationPortRef	gNotifyPort;				// 
static io_iterator_t		gAddedIter;				// 
static UPSDeviceData *		gUPSDataRef[kMaxPowerDevices];		// Private Data

//   Utility routines for managing our UPS Data Refs

//	CreatePowerManagerUPSEntry
//	Returns error. If we can't setup connection with Power Manager, there is not much point
// to finishing other UPS support. Now creates the Power Manager entry with default values.
// Since we needed the code to update established Power Manager entries, we just follow this
// code with the call to UpdatePowerManagerUPSEntry and we only need the logic one place.
static kern_return_t CreatePowerManagerUPSEntry(UPSDeviceData *upsDataRef)
    CFMutableDictionaryRef	upsDictRef;
    SCDynamicStoreRef		upsStore;
    CFStringRef			upsStoreKey;
    kern_return_t 		status = kIOReturnSuccess;

    int elementValue = 0;
    CFNumberRef elementNumRef;
    char				upsLabelString[] = {'/', 'U', 'S', 'B', '_', 'U', 'P', 'S', 0, 0};
    #define kDefaultUPSName		"USB UPS"

    printf ("Entering CreatePowerManagerUPSEntry\n");

    upsDictRef = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 10, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);

    // Initialize kIOPSIsPresentKey. We wouldn't be creating this stuct if we hadn't just
    // gotten notice of a new device plugged in, so value must be TRUE.
    CFDictionaryAddValue(upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSIsPresentKey), kCFBooleanTrue);

    // We also hope that since we plugged it in, that it is charging.
    CFDictionaryAddValue(upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSIsChargingKey), kCFBooleanTrue);

    // Initialize kIOPSTransportKey
    CFDictionaryAddValue(upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSTransportTypeKey), CFSTR(kIOPSUSBTransportType));

    // Initialize kIOPSNameKey
    // Ask the interface what product string or manufacturer string it has for unique name.
    // (For now just sticking in default.)
    CFDictionaryAddValue(upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSNameKey), CFSTR(kDefaultUPSName));

    // Initialize kIOPSPowerSourceStateKey
    CFDictionaryAddValue(upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSPowerSourceStateKey), CFSTR(kIOPSACPowerValue));

    // Initialize kIOPSCurrentCapacityKey
    //	From the HID Power Devices USB Usage Tables: For Battery Capacity units, the industry uses
    // "mAh" (milliampere-hour). To fit with HID Units coding rules, use "As" (Ampere-seconds)
    // (1 mAh = 3.6 As).
    //	For Power Manager, we will be sharing capacity with Power Book battery capacities, so
    // we want a consistent measure. For now we have settled on percentage of full capacity.
    // So i will have to divide maximum capactiy AmpSec by current capacity AmpSec before returning
    // the value.
    //	To do: In finding cookies for the various input reports, i have not seen reports for maximum
    // capacity (or current capacity either). In the future, include a pass to look through feature
    // reports for these values.
    elementValue = 100;
    elementNumRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &elementValue);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSCurrentCapacityKey), elementNumRef);
///////////////////////// For values that correspond to cookies, update cookie values at same time to show what we set values to.

    // Initialize kIOPSMaxCapacityKey
    // Don't know max capacity at this time. OS 9 PowerClass.c just initialized to 100%,
    // which fits very well with what we decided above for current capacity.
    elementValue = 100;
    elementNumRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &elementValue);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSMaxCapacityKey), elementNumRef);

    // Initialize kIOPSTimeToEmptyKey (OS 9 PowerClass.c assumed 100 milliwatt-hours)
    elementValue = 100;
    elementNumRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &elementValue);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSTimeToEmptyKey), elementNumRef);

    // Initialize kIOPSTimeToFullChargeKey (OS 9 PowerClass.c assumption (in milliwatt-hours(%?))
    elementValue = 0;
    elementNumRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &elementValue);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSTimeToFullChargeKey), elementNumRef);

    // Initialize kIOPSVoltageKey (OS 9 PowerClass.c assumed millivolts. (Shouldn't that be 130,000 millivolts for AC?))
    // Actually, Power Devices Usage Tables say units will be in Volts. However we have to check what exponent is used
    // because that may make the value we get in centiVolts (exp = -2). So it looks like OS 9 sources said
    // millivolts, but used centivolts. Our final answer should device by proper exponent to get back to Volts.
    elementValue = 13 * 1000 / 100;
    elementNumRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &elementValue);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSVoltageKey), elementNumRef);

    // Initialize kIOPSCurrentKey (What would be a good amperage to initialize to?) Same discussion as for
    // Volts, where the unit for current is Amps. But with typical exponents (-2), we get centiAmps. Hmm...
    // typical current for USB may be 500 milliAmps, which would be .5 A. Since that is not an integer,
    // that may be why our displays get larger numberw
    elementValue = 1;	// Just a guess!
    elementNumRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &elementValue);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSCurrentKey), elementNumRef);    

    upsStore = SCDynamicStoreCreate(NULL, CFSTR("UPS Power Manager"), NULL, NULL);

    // Uniquely name each Sys Config key
    if ((upsDataRef->index > 0) && (upsDataRef->index < kMaxPowerDevices))
        upsLabelString[8] = '0' + upsDataRef->index;

    #if 0
    SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("What does CreatePowerManagerUPSEntry think our key name is?"));
    SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("   %@%@%@"), kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, CFSTR(kIOPSDynamicStorePath),
        CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(NULL, upsLabelString, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, kCFAllocatorNull));

    upsStoreKey = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("%@%@%@"), 
        kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, CFSTR(kIOPSDynamicStorePath), 
        CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(NULL, upsLabelString, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, kCFAllocatorNull));

    if(!SCDynamicStoreSetValue(upsStore, upsStoreKey, upsDictRef))
        status = SCError();
        #if UPS_DEBUG
        SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: Encountered SCDynamicStoreSetValue error 0x%x"), status);

    // Store our SystemConfiguration variables in our private data
    upsDataRef->upsDictRef = upsDictRef;
    upsDataRef->upsStore = upsStore;
    upsDataRef->upsStoreKey = upsStoreKey;
    return status;

//	UpdateHIDMgrElement
//	Uses HID Manager to find latest value of HID elements and updates both local storage and
// updates Sys Config info.
//	This will set values in the sys config structure, but it is counting on code that follows
// this to call SCDynamicStoreSetValue to let Power Manager know about them.
//	Note: Because this routine assumes that if getElementValue returns 0, it is uninitialized,
// this is not suitable to be called from the report handling routines where 0 may be a valid
// value that is sent.
static void UpdateHIDMgrElement(UPSDeviceData *upsDataRef, UInt8 index)
    IOHIDEventStruct upsEvent;
    UInt32 elementValue;
    CFNumberRef numRef;
    kern_return_t status;
    printf ("  UpdateHIDMgrElement %d\n", index);

    // Validate arguments
    if (index >= kNumberOfUPSElements)

    // Is it possible for one of the setup routines to fail before we get here.
    if ((upsDataRef == NULL) || (upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface == NULL) || (upsDataRef->upsDictRef == NULL))

    // Can only update HID elements that have valid cookies
    if (upsDataRef->elementInfo[index].cookie == 0)

    // Note: At the current time, when we getElementValue, if there has been no report to set the actual value,
    // HID Manager will report 0. In PowerClass.c from OS 9, we solved this problem by doing a getReport on each
    // report that had an element we are interested in. At this time, HID Manager did not have a way to get the
    // report number that the element was found in nor the ability to call getReport. So we stick with the call
    // to getElementValue. In the same time frame that those other problems should be solved, HID Manager will
    // also test to see if the requested element has not been initialized, it will go ahead and make the getReport
    // call behind our back.
    status = (*upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface)->getElementValue(upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface, 
    if (!status)
        // But we tell System Config different things dependiing upon what type of HID element it is.
        elementValue = upsEvent.value;

        switch (index)
            case kVoltageIndex:
                // If 0, assume non-initialized value.
                elementValue = (elementValue) ? elementValue : 130;
                numRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &elementValue);
                CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSVoltageKey), numRef);
            case kCurrentIndex:
                // If 0, assume non-initialized value.
                elementValue = (elementValue) ? elementValue :  1;
                numRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &elementValue);
                CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSCurrentKey), numRef);
            case kRemainingCapacityIndex:
                // If 0, assume non-initialized value.
                elementValue = (elementValue) ? elementValue : 100;
                numRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &elementValue);
                CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSCurrentCapacityKey), numRef);

            case kRunTimeToEmptyIndex:
                // If 0, assume non-initialized value.
                elementValue = (elementValue) ? elementValue : 100;
                numRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &elementValue);
                CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSTimeToEmptyKey), numRef);

            // Experiance says that UPSes vary in which messages they send. They normally send the
            // AC Present message when going from battery to AC. However, i have seen cases where
            // there is no ACPresent == false messages to indicate we are on battery power. In that
            // case, we have to infer from getting a discharging message that we must also be on
            // battery power at that time.
            case kDischargingIndex:
                // Since we want to fall through to acPresent, just reverse discharging flag and 
                // fall through to charging case first.
                elementValue = (elementValue) ? FALSE : TRUE;
                //	Fall through to charging case to do actual set.

            case kChargingIndex:
                if (elementValue)
                    CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSIsChargingKey), kCFBooleanTrue);
                    CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSIsChargingKey), kCFBooleanFalse);
                upsDataRef->elementInfo[kChargingIndex].currentValue = elementValue;
                upsDataRef->elementInfo[kDischargingIndex].currentValue = (elementValue) ? FALSE : TRUE;
                //	Fall through to acPresent case to also set it.
            case kACPresentIndex:
                if (elementValue)
                    CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSPowerSourceStateKey), CFSTR(kIOPSACPowerValue));
                    CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSPowerSourceStateKey), CFSTR(kIOPSBatteryPowerValue));
                upsDataRef->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].currentValue = elementValue;
                // Don't fall through to reseting a currentValue.

        upsDataRef->elementInfo[index].currentValue = elementValue;

//	StorePowerCookies
//	By the time we get here, we are looking at a single element. If the element is one of the 
// 	ones we want, we store it's cookie in the appropriate location in the UPSDeviceData. Also,
// 	note that we are only interested in watching for input type reports. If we have any errors,
// 	we just bail without adding entries to the private data references.
static void StorePowerCookies(long type, long usagePage, long usage, IOHIDElementCookie cookie, UPSDeviceData *upsDataRef)
    if (type < kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc || type > kIOHIDElementTypeInput_ScanCodes)
        // Only interested in input values!");

    // Check for Power Manager usages
    if ( usagePage == kHIDPage_PowerDevice )
        switch (usage)
            case kHIDUsage_PD_Voltage:
                #if UPS_DEBUG
                SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: found voltage cookie"));
                upsDataRef->elementInfo[kVoltageIndex].cookie = cookie;
            case kHIDUsage_PD_Current:
                #if UPS_DEBUG
                SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: found current cookie"));
                upsDataRef->elementInfo[kCurrentIndex].cookie = cookie;
    else if (usagePage == kHIDPage_BatterySystem)
        switch (usage)
            case kHIDUsage_BS_Charging:
                #if UPS_DEBUG
                SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: found kHIDUsage_BS_Charging cookie"));
                upsDataRef->elementInfo[kChargingIndex].cookie = cookie;
            case kHIDUsage_BS_Discharging:
                #if UPS_DEBUG
                SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: found kHIDUsage_BS_Discharging cookie"));
                upsDataRef->elementInfo[kDischargingIndex].cookie = cookie;
            case kHIDUsage_BS_RemainingCapacity:
                #if UPS_DEBUG
                SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: found kHIDUsage_BS_RemainingCapacity cookie"));
                upsDataRef->elementInfo[kRemainingCapacityIndex].cookie = cookie;
            case kHIDUsage_BS_RunTimeToEmpty:
                #if UPS_DEBUG
                SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: found kHIDUsage_BS_RunTimeToEmpty cookie"));
                upsDataRef->elementInfo[kRunTimeToEmptyIndex].cookie = cookie;
            case kHIDUsage_BS_ACPresent:
                #if UPS_DEBUG
                SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: found kHIDUsage_BS_ACPresent cookie"));
                upsDataRef->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].cookie = cookie;

//	UPSDictionaryHandler
//	It looks like all "Element" properties are arrays of dictionaries. So when we iterate through them,
// 	CFArrayApplyFunction should be passing dictionary elements to our handler. If the dictionary is itself
// 	a collection, we need to get the Elements of that dictionary to expand. If it is not a collection, we
// 	can test to see if it is a dictionary of attributes for a single usage.

static void UPSDictionaryHandler(const void * value, void * refcon)
    CFTypeRef			refCF = 0;
    IOHIDElementCookie  cookie = 0;
    long                number = 0;
    long                type = 0;
    long                usage = 0;
    long                usagePage = 0;

    // I did say that we were only coming here with dictionaries.
    if (CFGetTypeID(value) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) 
        #if UPS_DEBUG
        SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: No dictionary for UPSDictionaryHandler"));

    // Get cookie for the HID Element.
    refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue(value, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCookieKey));
    if ( (refCF != 0) && (CFGetTypeID(refCF) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) )
        if ( CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &number))
            cookie = (IOHIDElementCookie)number;

    // Get usage
    refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue(value, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementUsageKey));
    if ( (refCF != 0) && (CFGetTypeID(refCF) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) )
        CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &usage);

    // Get usage page
    refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue(value, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementUsagePageKey));
    if ( (refCF != 0) && (CFGetTypeID(refCF) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) )
        CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &usagePage);

    // Get HID Element type.
    refCF = CFDictionaryGetValue(value, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementTypeKey));
    if ( (refCF != 0) && (CFGetTypeID(refCF) == CFNumberGetTypeID()) )
        CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)refCF, kCFNumberLongType, &type);

    // If this is a collection, we will have to get the collection's Elements and process them recursively
    if (kIOHIDElementTypeCollection == type)
        CFTypeRef 	elementRef;
        elementRef = CFDictionaryGetValue(value, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementKey));
        if (elementRef)
            // elementRef points to an array of dictionaries
            CFRange 	range = { 0, CFArrayGetCount(elementRef) };
            CFArrayApplyFunction (elementRef, range, UPSDictionaryHandler, refcon);
        // It's a single element! Go and check to see if it's one of the elements
        // that we care about and store the cookie
        StorePowerCookies(type, usagePage, usage, cookie, refcon);

//	FindUPSCookies
//	We need to add the element cookies that match the usages that Power Manager is intereseted in. 
//	First we have to check the parsed descriptor that is in the IORegistry.  This consists of 
// 	possible dictionaries of dictionaries that eventually contain single elements.  These single
//	elements are what we are interested in, so we parse the dictionaries recursively until we
//	find a single element and then we look at it and decide if it's the one we want.
static void FindUPSCookies(CFMutableDictionaryRef properties, UPSDeviceData *upsDataRef)
    // Start at the top level ...
    CFTypeRef refCFTopElement = 0;
    int i;
    // ... with no preexisting cookies
    for (i = 0; i < kNumberOfUPSElements; i++)
        upsDataRef->elementInfo[i].cookie = 0;
    refCFTopElement = CFDictionaryGetValue(properties, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementKey));
    if (refCFTopElement)
        // refCFTopElement points to an array of dictionaries
        CFRange range = { 0, CFArrayGetCount(refCFTopElement) };
        CFArrayApplyFunction (refCFTopElement, range, UPSDictionaryHandler, upsDataRef /*refCon*/);

//	UPSPollingTimer
//	When this routine fires, we will look at our HID event queue and see if there is any data
// 	from any of the USB UPS's in the system.  If there is, we will send messages to the Power
//	Manager with that data.
static void UPSPollingTimer(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info)
    IOHIDEventStruct 	event;
    AbsoluteTime 	zeroTime = {0,0};
    HRESULT 		result;
    UInt8		i;
    CFNumberRef		numRef;
    Boolean		update;
    Boolean		updateIsCharging;
    Boolean		newIsCharging;

    // For each UPS, look at the HID queue and see if we have any information in it
    for ( i = 0; i < kMaxPowerDevices; i++ )
        if ( gUPSDataRef[i] != NULL && gUPSDataRef[i]->hidQueue != NULL)
            update = FALSE;
            updateIsCharging = FALSE;
            newIsCharging = FALSE;

            while ( (result = (*(gUPSDataRef[i]->hidQueue))->getNextEvent(gUPSDataRef[i]->hidQueue, &event, zeroTime, 0)) != kIOReturnUnderrun)
                if (result != kIOReturnSuccess)
                     #if UPS_DEBUG
                    SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: queue getNextEvent result error: 0x%lx"),result);
                    // Try to put the data that UPSes put out most frequently at the top of comparisons.
                    #if UPS_DEBUG
                    SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: queue: event:[0x%lx] %ld"),(unsigned long) event.elementCookie, event.value);
                    #if UPS_TOOL_DEBUG
                    printf ("queue: event:[0x%lx] %ld\n", (unsigned long) event.elementCookie, event.value);
                    // Remaining Capacity
                    if (event.elementCookie == gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kRemainingCapacityIndex].cookie)
                        #if UPS_TOOL_DEBUG
                        printf ("  Remaining Capacity\n");
                        // Only update if it's a new value.
                        if (gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kRemainingCapacityIndex].currentValue != event.value)
                            gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kRemainingCapacityIndex].currentValue = event.value;
                            numRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &event.value);
                            CFDictionarySetValue(gUPSDataRef[i]->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSCurrentCapacityKey), numRef);
                            update = TRUE;
                            CFRelease( numRef );
                    // Run Time To Empty
                    else if (event.elementCookie == gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kRunTimeToEmptyIndex].cookie)
                        #if UPS_TOOL_DEBUG
                        printf ("  Run Time to Empty\n");
                        // Only update if it's a new value.
                        if (gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kRunTimeToEmptyIndex].currentValue != event.value)
                            gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kRunTimeToEmptyIndex].currentValue = event.value;
                            numRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &event.value);
                            CFDictionarySetValue(gUPSDataRef[i]->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSTimeToEmptyKey), numRef);
                            update = TRUE;
                            CFRelease( numRef );
                    // Voltage
                    else if (event.elementCookie == gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kVoltageIndex].cookie)
                        #if UPS_TOOL_DEBUG
                        printf ("  Voltage\n");
                        // Only update if it's a new value.
                        if (gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kVoltageIndex].currentValue != event.value)
                            gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kVoltageIndex].currentValue = event.value;
                            numRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &event.value);
                            CFDictionarySetValue(gUPSDataRef[i]->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSVoltageKey), numRef);
                            update = TRUE;
                            CFRelease( numRef );
                    // Current
                    else if (event.elementCookie == gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kCurrentIndex].cookie)
                        #if UPS_TOOL_DEBUG
                        printf ("  Current\n");
                        // Only update if it's a new value.
                        if (gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kCurrentIndex].currentValue != event.value)
                            gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kCurrentIndex].currentValue = event.value;
                            numRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &event.value);
                            CFDictionarySetValue(gUPSDataRef[i]->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSCurrentKey), numRef);
                            update = TRUE;
                            CFRelease( numRef );
                    // AC Present
                    else if (event.elementCookie == gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].cookie)
                        #if UPS_TOOL_DEBUG
                        printf ("  AC Present\n");
                        // Only update if it's a new value.
                        if (gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].currentValue != event.value)
                            gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].currentValue = event.value;
                            if (event.value)
                                CFDictionarySetValue(gUPSDataRef[i]->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSPowerSourceStateKey),
                                CFDictionarySetValue(gUPSDataRef[i]->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSPowerSourceStateKey), 

                            update = TRUE;

                    // IsCharging is now a separate key, but can be set by two different messages.
                    // Discharging
                    else if (event.elementCookie == gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kDischargingIndex].cookie)
                        #if UPS_TOOL_DEBUG
                        printf ("  Discharging\n");
                        // If we get either charging or discharging, assume it is a change. (Because
                        // otherwise we would have to have some state info with relative times each message
                        // came in).
                        // We only set Is Charging, so pass on to end of compares.
                        updateIsCharging = TRUE;
                        newIsCharging = event.value ? FALSE : TRUE;
                    // Charging
                    else if (event.elementCookie == gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kChargingIndex].cookie)
                        #if UPS_TOOL_DEBUG
                        printf ("  Charging\n");
                        // We only set Is Charging, so pass on to end of compares.
                        updateIsCharging = TRUE;
                        newIsCharging = event.value ? TRUE : FALSE;
                    // Should we update Is Charging dictionary?
                    // Experiance says that UPSes vary in which messages they send. They normally send the
                    // AC Present message when going from battery to AC. However, i have seen cases where
                    // there is no ACPresent == false messages to indicate we are on battery power. In that
                    // case, we have to infer from getting a discharging message that we must also be on
                    // battery power at that time.
                    if (updateIsCharging)
                        if (newIsCharging)
                            CFDictionarySetValue(gUPSDataRef[i]->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSIsChargingKey),
                            gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kChargingIndex].currentValue = TRUE;
                            gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kDischargingIndex].currentValue = FALSE;

                            if (gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].currentValue != TRUE)
                                gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].currentValue = TRUE;
                                CFDictionarySetValue(gUPSDataRef[i]->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSPowerSourceStateKey),
                            CFDictionarySetValue(gUPSDataRef[i]->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSIsChargingKey), 
                            gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kChargingIndex].currentValue = FALSE;
                            gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kDischargingIndex].currentValue = TRUE;

                            if (gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].currentValue != FALSE)
                                gUPSDataRef[i]->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].currentValue = FALSE;
                                CFDictionarySetValue(gUPSDataRef[i]->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSPowerSourceStateKey),
                        update = TRUE;
                    // If we changed the dictionaries, tell the dynamic store.
                    if (update)
                        SCDynamicStoreSetValue(gUPSDataRef[i]->upsStore, gUPSDataRef[i]->upsStoreKey, 
                    }  // if update
                }  // if kIOReturnSucces
            }  //  while getNextEvent
        }  // if gUPSDataRef[i] != NULL
    }  // for i < kMaxPowerDevices

//	InitializeUPSTimer
// 	Sets up the CFTimer that will read UPS settings every x seconds
static void InitializeUPSTimer()
    CFRunLoopTimerRef		upsTimer;

    upsTimer = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(NULL,
                                    CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(), 		// fire date
                                    (CFTimeInterval)5.0,			// interval (kUPSPollingInterval)
                                    NULL, 0, UPSPollingTimer, NULL);

    CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), upsTimer, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);


//	DeviceNotification
//	This routine will get called whenever any kIOGeneralInterest notification happens.  We are
//	interested in the kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated message so that's what we look for.  Other
//	messages are defined in IOMessage.h.
void DeviceNotification( void *		refCon,
                         io_service_t 	service,
                         natural_t 	messageType,
                         void *		messageArgument )
    kern_return_t	kr;
    UPSDeviceData	*upsDataRef = (UPSDeviceData *) refCon;
    if ( (messageType == kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated) && (upsDataRef != NULL) )
        // Dump our private data to stdout just to see what it looks like.
        #if UPS_DEBUG
        SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: Device (%ld/%ld) at location 0x%lx was removed"), upsDataRef->vendorID,upsDataRef->productID,upsDataRef->locationID);

        #if UPS_TOOL_DEBUG
        printf("UPSSupport: Device (%ld/%ld) at location 0x%lx was removed\n", upsDataRef->vendorID,upsDataRef->productID,upsDataRef->locationID);

        // Free the data we're no longer using now that the device is going away
        // Stop and dispose of the HID queue
        if (upsDataRef->hidQueue != NULL)
            kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->stop(upsDataRef->hidQueue);
            kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->dispose(upsDataRef->hidQueue);
            kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->Release(upsDataRef->hidQueue);
            upsDataRef->hidQueue = NULL;

        // Free the HIDDeviceInterface
        if (upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface != NULL)
            kr = (*upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface)->Release (upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface);
            upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface = NULL;
        if (upsDataRef->notification != NULL)
            kr = IOObjectRelease(upsDataRef->notification);
            upsDataRef->notification = NULL;
        upsDataRef->locationID = 0;
        // We no longer delete the sys config entry, but just tell everyone it is off line
        CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSPowerSourceStateKey), CFSTR("Off Line"));
        upsDataRef->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].currentValue = FALSE;       

        CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSIsChargingKey), kCFBooleanFalse);
        upsDataRef->elementInfo[kChargingIndex].currentValue = FALSE;       
        upsDataRef->elementInfo[kDischargingIndex].currentValue = TRUE;       

        CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSIsPresentKey), kCFBooleanFalse);
        upsDataRef->isPresent = FALSE;

        // Let Power Manager know we made the changes. It will be notified by this.
        SCDynamicStoreSetValue(upsDataRef->upsStore, upsDataRef->upsStoreKey, 

//	AddUPSElementsToHIDQueue
//	This routine will look to see which cookies we have and add them to the HID queue so that
//	we can retrieve them later
static void AddUPSElementsToHIDQueue( UPSDeviceData *upsDataRef )
    kern_return_t		kr;

    // Add the elements to the queue
    if (  upsDataRef->elementInfo[kVoltageIndex].cookie != 0 )
        kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->addElement (upsDataRef->hidQueue, upsDataRef->elementInfo[kVoltageIndex].cookie, 0);
        if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
            #if UPS_DEBUG
            SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: couldn't add voltageCookie to HID queue (0x%08x)"), kr);
    if (  upsDataRef->elementInfo[kCurrentIndex].cookie != 0 )
        kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->addElement (upsDataRef->hidQueue, upsDataRef->elementInfo[kCurrentIndex].cookie, 0);
        if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
            #if UPS_DEBUG
            SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: couldn't add currentCookie to HID queue (0x%08x)"), kr);
    if (  upsDataRef->elementInfo[kChargingIndex].cookie != 0 )
        kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->addElement (upsDataRef->hidQueue, upsDataRef->elementInfo[kChargingIndex].cookie, 0);
        if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
            #if UPS_DEBUG
            SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: couldn't add chargingCookie to HID queue (0x%08x)"), kr);
    if (  upsDataRef->elementInfo[kDischargingIndex].cookie != 0 )
        kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->addElement (upsDataRef->hidQueue, upsDataRef->elementInfo[kDischargingIndex].cookie, 0);
        if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
            #if UPS_DEBUG
            SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: couldn't add dischargingCookie to HID queue (0x%08x)"), kr);
    if (  upsDataRef->elementInfo[kRemainingCapacityIndex].cookie != 0 )
        kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->addElement (upsDataRef->hidQueue, upsDataRef->elementInfo[kRemainingCapacityIndex].cookie, 0);
        if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
            #if UPS_DEBUG
            SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: couldn't add remainingCapacityCookie to HID queue (0x%08x)"), kr);
    if (  upsDataRef->elementInfo[kRunTimeToEmptyIndex].cookie != 0 )
        kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->addElement (upsDataRef->hidQueue, upsDataRef->elementInfo[kRunTimeToEmptyIndex].cookie, 0);
        if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
            #if UPS_DEBUG
            SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: couldn't add runTimeToEmptyCookie to HID queue (0x%08x)"), kr);
    if (  upsDataRef->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].cookie != 0 )
        kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->addElement (upsDataRef->hidQueue, upsDataRef->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].cookie, 0);
        if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
            #if UPS_DEBUG
            SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: couldn't add acPresentCookie to HID queue (0x%08x)"), kr);

//	SetupQueueForUPSReports
//	This is the heart of our communication with the HID Manager.  We create the CFPlugin to the
//	HID manager and set up the queue that we will check to see if there is new data from our
//	UPS. (CFPlugin moved out because we needed it earlier.)
//	We also register with IOKit so that we can know when our device goes away so that we can clean
//	up after ourselves.
kern_return_t SetupQueueForUPSReports( io_object_t hidDevice, UPSDeviceData * upsDataRef )
    kern_return_t		kr;
    kern_return_t		localErr;

    // OK, now that we have the device interface for the HID, we can use IOHIDLib to look at elements, find the
    // ones we are interested in, and set up a queue.  Then we get set up a timer so that we can look at the
    // queue and process it until it's empty.
    // NOTE:  Need to release resources in case of errors here
    upsDataRef->hidQueue = (*upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface)->allocQueue (upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface);
    if (upsDataRef->hidQueue == NULL)
        #if UPS_DEBUG
        SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: couldn't allocate a HID queue"));
        upsDataRef->hidQueue = NULL;
        kr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        goto ErrorExit;

    // Create the queue
    kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->create (upsDataRef->hidQueue, 0,  8);
    if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
        #if UPS_DEBUG
        SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: couldn't create a HID queue"));
        goto ErrorExit;

    // Add the elements to the queue
    AddUPSElementsToHIDQueue( upsDataRef );
    // Start data delivery to queue
    kr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->start (upsDataRef->hidQueue);
    if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
        #if UPS_DEBUG
        SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: couldn't start a HID queue"));
        goto ErrorExit;
        // Register for an interest notification for this device. Pass the reference to our
    // private data as the refCon for the notification.  This will allow us to get notified
    // when this particular device goes away, so that we can clean up after ourselves.
    kr = IOServiceAddInterestNotification(	gNotifyPort,		// notifyPort
                                           hidDevice,			// service
                                           kIOGeneralInterest,		// interestType
                                           DeviceNotification,		// callback
                                           upsDataRef,			// refCon
                                           &(upsDataRef->notification)	// notification
    if (KERN_SUCCESS != kr)
        // Should we return an error from here and not process anything, or should we just keep
        // processing data knowing that we'll never get notified of an unplug on this device?
        #if UPS_DEBUG
        SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: IOServiceAddInterestNotification returned 0x%08x"), kr);
    return KERN_SUCCESS;

    if ( upsDataRef->notification != NULL )
        // Free the HIDDeviceInterface
        // hidDeviceInterface is now created elsewhere, so i didn't delete it here.
        //localErr = (*upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface)->Release (upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface);
        localErr = IOObjectRelease(upsDataRef->notification);
        upsDataRef->notification = NULL;
    if ( upsDataRef->hidQueue != NULL )
        // Stop and dispose of the HID queue
        // I believe we want to preserve the error that caused us to come through ErrorExit
        // so use localErr for clean up.
        localErr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->stop(upsDataRef->hidQueue);
        localErr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->dispose(upsDataRef->hidQueue);
        localErr = (*upsDataRef->hidQueue)->Release(upsDataRef->hidQueue);
        upsDataRef->hidQueue = NULL;
    return kr;

//	InformPowerMangerOfUPS()
//	This routine is called once we have set up the dictionary.  It fills up some more fields
//	and then informs the Power Manager of our presence.
void  InformPowerMangerOfUPS( UPSDeviceData * upsDataRef )
    // How that we have sys config storage set up, let Power Manager know we're here.
    CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSNameKey), upsDataRef->nameStr);
    CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSPowerSourceStateKey), CFSTR(kIOPSACPowerValue));
    upsDataRef->elementInfo[kACPresentIndex].currentValue = TRUE;       

    CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSIsChargingKey), kCFBooleanTrue);
    upsDataRef->elementInfo[kChargingIndex].currentValue = TRUE;       
    upsDataRef->elementInfo[kDischargingIndex].currentValue = FALSE;       

    CFDictionarySetValue(upsDataRef->upsDictRef, CFSTR(kIOPSIsPresentKey), kCFBooleanTrue);
    upsDataRef->isPresent = TRUE;

    // Let Power Manager know we made the changes. It will be notified by this.
    SCDynamicStoreSetValue(upsDataRef->upsStore, upsDataRef->upsStoreKey, 

//	CreateCFPluginForDevice()
//	Creates our cf plugin for the HID device and stores it in the globals for the device
kern_return_t  CreateCFPluginForDevice( io_object_t hidDevice, UPSDeviceData * upsDataRef )
    kern_return_t	kr = kIOReturnSuccess;
    IOCFPlugInInterface **plugInInterface = NULL;
    SInt32 		score;
    HRESULT 		result = S_FALSE;
    kr = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(hidDevice, kIOHIDDeviceUserClientTypeID, kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID, 
                                            &plugInInterface, &score);
    if ( KERN_SUCCESS == kr )
        // I have the device plugin, I need the device interface
        result = (*plugInInterface)->QueryInterface(plugInInterface, CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOHIDDeviceInterfaceID), 
        (*plugInInterface)->Release(plugInInterface);			// done with this
        if ( result != S_OK )
            #if UPS_DEBUG
            SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: couldn't create a device interface (%08x)"), result);
            if ( upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface != NULL )
                // Free the HIDDeviceInterface
                (*upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface)->Release (upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface);
                upsDataRef->hidDeviceInterface = NULL;
            kr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        #if UPS_DEBUG
        SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: unable to create a plugin (0x%x)"), kr);
    return kr;

//	GetPrivateData
//	Now that UPS entries remain in the System Configuration store, we also preserve the 
//	UPSDeviceData struct that is associated with it. Before getting a null entry from the
//	gUPSDataRef that means we will have to create a new UPSDeviceData struct, we check the
//	existing ones to see if there is a matching one that we can just reactivate. If we can't
//	find an existing UPSDeviceData struct, we will create the storage that is necessary to keep 
//	track of the UPS.  We also update
//	the global array of UPSDeviceData and fill in that data ref with the values that we want to
//	track from the UPS
UPSDeviceData *	GetPrivateData( CFMutableDictionaryRef properties )
    UPSDeviceData	*upsDataRef = NULL;
    UInt32		deviceVendorID = 0;
    UInt32		deviceProductID = 0;
    CFNumberRef     	number; 				// (don't release) 
    CFStringRef     	upsName;
    UInt32		i = 0;
    // Get the device and vendor ID for this UPS so that we can see if we already have
    // an entry for it in our global data
    number = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOHIDVendorIDKey ) );
    if ( number )
        CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &deviceVendorID );

    number = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOHIDProductIDKey ) );
    if ( number )
        CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &deviceProductID );

    // Find an empty location in our array
    for ( i = 0; i < kMaxPowerDevices; i++)
        if ( gUPSDataRef[i] == NULL )
            #if UPS_DEBUG
            SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("Creating new UPSDeviceData at index %d"), i);

            upsDataRef = malloc(sizeof(UPSDeviceData));
            if ( upsDataRef )
                bzero(upsDataRef, sizeof(UPSDeviceData));
                gUPSDataRef[i] = upsDataRef;
                upsDataRef->index = i;
        else if (!(gUPSDataRef[i]->isPresent) && (gUPSDataRef[i]->vendorID == deviceVendorID) &&
                  (gUPSDataRef[i]->productID == deviceProductID))
            #if UPS_DEBUG
            SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("Reusing UPSDeviceData at index %d"), i);

            upsDataRef = gUPSDataRef[i];
    // If we have a pointer to our global, then fill in some of the field in that structure
    if ( upsDataRef != NULL )
        upsDataRef->vendorID = deviceVendorID;
        upsDataRef->productID = deviceProductID;
        // Get the PrimaryUsagePage for this device
        upsDataRef->primaryUsagePage = 0;
        number = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey ) );
        if ( number )
            CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &upsDataRef->primaryUsagePage );

        // Get the PrimaryUsage for this device
        upsDataRef->primaryUsage = 0;
        number = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey ) );
        if ( number )
            CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &upsDataRef->primaryUsage );

        // Get the locationID for this device
        upsDataRef->locationID = 0;
        number = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOHIDLocationIDKey ) );
        if ( number )
            CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &upsDataRef->locationID );
        // We need to save a name for this device.  First, try to see if we have a USB Product Name.  If
        // that fails then use the manufacturer and if that fails, then use a generic name.  Couldn't we use
        // a serial # here?
        upsName = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOHIDProductKey ) );
        if ( !upsName )
            upsName = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOHIDManufacturerKey ) );
        if ( !upsName )
            upsName = CFSTR( kDefaultUPSName );

        // Even though we may have the same vendorID and productID, this may be a different UPS,
        // so update the name.
        upsDataRef->nameStr = upsName;
    return upsDataRef;

//	HIDDeviceAdded
//	This routine is the callback for our IOServiceAddMatchingNotification.  When we get called
//	we will look at all the devices that were added and we will:
//	Create some private data to relate to each device
//	Submit an IOServiceAddInterestNotification of type kIOGeneralInterest for this device
//	using the refCon field to store a pointer to our private data.  When we get called with
//	this interest notification, we can grab the refCon and access our private data.
static void HIDDeviceAdded(void *refCon, io_iterator_t iterator)
    kern_return_t		kr;
    io_object_t 		hidDevice = NULL;
    UPSDeviceData		*upsDataRef = NULL;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef 	properties = NULL;
    CFNumberRef			number = NULL;
    UInt32			primaryUsagePage = 0;
    printf ("Entering HIDDeviceAdded\n");

    while ( (hidDevice = IOIteratorNext(iterator)) )
        // Create a CF dictionary representation of the I/O Registry entryÕs properties
        // We then need to inspect it to find the Primary Usage Page to see if it's a device
        // that we care about
        kr = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties (hidDevice, &properties, kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions);
        if ((kr == KERN_SUCCESS) && properties)
            number = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue( properties, CFSTR( kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey ) );
            if ( number )
                CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &primaryUsagePage );
            // If we have the correct Usage Page, then create data storage and store some properties there
            if (primaryUsagePage == kHIDPage_PowerDevice || primaryUsagePage == kHIDPage_BatterySystem)
                #if UPS_DEBUG
                SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: HIDDevice 0x%08x added"), hidDevice);

                // Ah, its a USB UPS!  Add some app-specific information about this device.
                // First find out if there is an inactive buffer to hold our info or else
                // create a new buffer to hold the data.
                upsDataRef = GetPrivateData( properties );

                if ( upsDataRef )
                    #if UPS_TOOL_DEBUG
                    printf("UPSSupport: Device added at location 0x%lx\n", upsDataRef->locationID);

                    // Create the CF plugin for this device
                    kr = CreateCFPluginForDevice( hidDevice, upsDataRef );
                    if ( kr == kIOReturnSuccess )
                        // If we have no system config store, we have to create it.
                        if (!(upsDataRef->upsDictRef))
                            kr = CreatePowerManagerUPSEntry(upsDataRef);
                        if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS)
                            // Put the cookies Power Manager interested in into upsDataRef.
                            FindUPSCookies(properties, upsDataRef);
                            // We either have newly intialized values in the sys config memory or what
                            // existed previously. Ask HID Manager what the current values are.
                            // ¥¥¥ Commented out due to error in getElementValue in Jaguar 6B57, leave initial values ¥¥¥
                            //      for (i = 0; i < kNumberOfUPSElements; i++)
                            //          UpdateHIDMgrElement(upsDataRef, i);
                            // Now that we have all the data for the Power Manager, let it know that
                            // it's all there
                            InformPowerMangerOfUPS( upsDataRef );
                            //  Go look for the desired UPS reports and start the HID queue to process them.
                            //  Power Manager Sys Config must be setup before this to accept report changes.
                            kr = SetupQueueForUPSReports( hidDevice, upsDataRef );
                            if ( kr != KERN_SUCCESS )
                                #if UPS_DEBUG
                                SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("SetupForUPSReports error (0x%x) so no reports for this device."), kr);
            // Release the properties dictionary
            CFRelease (properties);

        // Done with this io_service_t
        kr = IOObjectRelease(hidDevice);

//	RegisterForUSBHIDNotifications
//	This routine is used to call IOKit and register to be notified when a HID device is added.
//	We also process any devices that are already plugged in.
static void RegisterForUSBHIDNotifications( mach_port_t *	masterPort)
    CFMutableDictionaryRef 	matchingDict;
    UInt32			usagePage = kHIDPage_PowerDevice;
    kern_return_t		kr;
    CFNumberRef			refUsagePage = NULL;

    // Set up the matching criteria for the devices we're interested in.
    // We are nterested in instances of class IOUSBInterface.
    // matchingDict is consumed below (in IOServiceAddMatchingNotification)
    // so we have no leak here.
    matchingDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOHIDDeviceKey);
    if (!matchingDict)
        #if UPS_DEBUG
        SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: Can't create a kIOHIDDeviceKey matching dictionary"));

    // Add a key for usagePage to our matching dictionary.   NOTE:  It looks
    // like the IOHIDDevice does not implement a matching method, so we get
    // all HID devices. Leave it here in case it gets fixed.
    refUsagePage = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &usagePage);
   // CFDictionarySetValue(   matchingDict,
   //                         CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey),
   //                         refUsagePage);

    // Create a notification port and add its run loop event source to our run loop
    // This is how async notifications get set up.
    gNotifyPort = IONotificationPortCreate(*masterPort);
    CFRunLoopAddSource(	CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), 

    // Now set up a notification to be called when a device is first matched by I/O Kit.
    // Note that this will not catch any devices that were already plugged in so we take
    // care of those later.
    kr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort,			// notifyPort
                                          kIOFirstMatchNotification,	// notificationType
                                          matchingDict,			// matching
                                          HIDDeviceAdded,		// callback
                                          NULL,				// refCon
                                          &gAddedIter			// notification

    if (KERN_SUCCESS != kr)
        #if UPS_DEBUG
        SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: IOServiceAddMatchingNotification returned 0x%08x"), kr);

    // Iterate once to get already-present devices and arm the notification
    HIDDeviceAdded(NULL, gAddedIter);

//	InitUPSNotifications
//	This routine just creates our master port for IOKit and turns around and calls the routine
//     	that will alert us when a USB HID Device is plugged in.
void InitUPSNotifications()
    mach_port_t 		masterPort;
    kern_return_t		kr;
    #if UPS_DEBUG
        SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("In InitUPSNotifications"));
        printf ("Entering InitUPSNotifications\n");
    // first create a master_port for my task
    kr = IOMasterPort(bootstrap_port, &masterPort);
    if (kr || !masterPort)
        #if UPS_DEBUG
            SCLog(TRUE, LOG_NOTICE, CFSTR("UPSSupport: Couldn't create a master Port(0x%x)"), kr);

    // Create the IOKit notifications that we need
    RegisterForUSBHIDNotifications( &masterPort );

//	SignalHandler
//	This routine will get called when we interrupt the program (usually with a Ctrl-C from the
//	command line).  We clean up so that we don't leak.
static void SignalHandler(int sigraised)

    // Clean up here
    if (gAddedIter)
        gAddedIter = 0;

//	main
int main (int argc, const char *argv[])
    sig_t			oldHandler;
    // Make sure our global array is all NULL
    bzero( gUPSDataRef, sizeof(gUPSDataRef) );
    // Set up a signal handler so we can clean up when we're interrupted from the command line
    // Otherwise we stay in our run loop forever.
    oldHandler = signal(SIGINT, SignalHandler);
    if (oldHandler == SIG_ERR)
        printf("Could not establish new signal handler");

    // Set up to receive IOKit notifications of HID Devices
    InitUPSNotifications ();

    // Setup the timer to read data from the UPS

    // Start the run loop. Now we'll receive notifications.

    // We should never get here
    return 0;


//	load
//	Main entry point for the configd plugin
void load(CFBundleRef bundle, Boolean bundleVerbose)
    // Make sure our global array is all NULL
    bzero( gUPSDataRef, sizeof(gUPSDataRef) );
    // Set up to receive IOKit notifications of HID Devices
    InitUPSNotifications ();

    // Setup the timer to read data from the UPS
