IOSCSIProtocolInterface.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

//	Includes

// SCSI Architecture Model Family includes
#include <IOKit/scsi-commands/IOSCSIProtocolInterface.h>

//	Macros

#define DEBUG 												0


// This module needs SAM_MODULE defined in order to pick up the
// static debugging function.
#define SAM_MODULE	1

#include "IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamilyDebugging.h"

#define PANIC_NOW(x)		IOPanic x
#define PANIC_NOW(x)

#define ERROR_LOG(x)		IOLog x
#define ERROR_LOG(x)

#define STATUS_LOG(x)		IOLog x
#define STATUS_LOG(x)

#define SERIAL_STATUS_LOG(x)	kprintf(x)

#define super IOService
OSDefineMetaClass ( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, IOService );
OSDefineAbstractStructors ( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, IOService );

//	Constants

	kThreadDelayInterval		= 500, //( 0.5 second in ms )
	k100SecondsInMicroSeconds 	= 100 * 1000 * 1000

 *	Since most, if not all, IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily drivers
 *	must support power management in some way or another, the support
 *	has been moved up into the highest layers of the object hierarchy.
 *	This mechanism allows for many different power management schemes,
 *	depending on how the specification defines power management. Each
 *	protocol layer and application layer driver is responsible for
 *	implementing power management as the governing specification defines
 *	it. From there, developers can subclass and add any vendor-specific
 *	workarounds necessary for power management or they can make the
 *	power management scheme more elaborate or more simplistic.

#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma markPublic Methods
#pragma mark -

//	₯ start - Called by IOKit to start our services.		  		   [PUBLIC]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::start ( IOService * provider )
	bool			result		= false;
	IOWorkLoop *	workLoop	= NULL;
	workLoop = getWorkLoop ( );
	require_nonzero ( workLoop, ErrorExit );
	fCommandGate = IOCommandGate::commandGate ( this );
	require_nonzero ( fCommandGate, ErrorExit );
	workLoop->addEventSource ( fCommandGate );
	fPowerAckInProgress				= false;
	fPowerTransitionInProgress 		= false;
	fPowerManagementInitialized 	= false;
	fUserClientExclusiveControlled	= false;
	// Allocate the thread on which to do power management
	fPowerManagementThread = thread_call_allocate (
			( thread_call_func_t ) IOSCSIProtocolInterface::sPowerManagement,
			( thread_call_param_t ) this );
	require_nonzero ( fPowerManagementThread, ReleaseCommandGate );
	result = true;
	return result;

	workLoop->removeEventSource ( fCommandGate );
	fCommandGate->release ( );
	fCommandGate = NULL;
	return result;

//	₯ free - Called by IOKit to deallocate any resources.	  		   [PUBLIC]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::free ( void )
	IOWorkLoop *	workLoop = NULL;
	if ( fCommandGate != NULL )
		workLoop = getWorkLoop ( );
		if ( workLoop != NULL )
			// Remove our command gate as an event source on
			// the workloop
			workLoop->removeEventSource ( fCommandGate );
		fCommandGate->release ( );
		fCommandGate = NULL;
	if ( fPowerManagementThread != NULL )
		// Free the thread we allocated for power management
		thread_call_free ( fPowerManagementThread );
		fPowerManagementThread = NULL;
	super::free ( );

// ₯ GetUserClientExclusivityState - Call to see if user client is in
//									 exclusive mode.				   [PUBLIC]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::GetUserClientExclusivityState ( void )
	bool	state;
	fCommandGate->runAction ( ( IOCommandGate::Action )
					( void * ) &state );
	return state;

// ₯ SetUserClientExclusivityState - Call to see if user client is in
//									 exclusive mode.				   [PUBLIC]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::SetUserClientExclusivityState (
										IOService *		userClient,
										bool			state )
	IOReturn	status = kIOReturnExclusiveAccess;
	fCommandGate->runAction ( ( IOCommandGate::Action )
					( void * ) &status,
					( void * ) userClient,
					( void * ) state );
	return status;

// ₯ initialPowerStateForDomainState - 	Returns to the power manager what
//										initial state the device should be in.
//																	   [PUBLIC]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::initialPowerStateForDomainState (
											IOPMPowerFlags	flags )
	// We ignore the flags since we are always active at startup time and we
	// just report what our initial power state is.
	return GetInitialPowerState ( );

// ₯ setPowerState - Set/Change the power state of the device		   [PUBLIC]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::setPowerState (
							UInt32	  powerStateOrdinal,
							IOService * whichDevice )
	return fCommandGate->runAction ( ( IOCommandGate::Action )
							( void * ) powerStateOrdinal );

// ₯ IsPowerManagementIntialized - Returns fPowerManagementInitialized.[PUBLIC]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::IsPowerManagementIntialized ( void )
	return fPowerManagementInitialized;

// ₯ CheckPowerState - 	Checks if it is ok for I/O to come through. If it is
//						not ok, then we block the thread.			   [PUBLIC]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::CheckPowerState ( void )
	// Tell the power manager we must be in active state to handle requests
	// "active" state means the minimal possible state in which the driver can
	// handle I/O. This may be set to standby, but there is no gain to setting
	// the drive to standby and then issuing an I/O, it just requires more time.
	// Also, if the drive was asleep, it might need a reset which could put it
	// in standby mode anyway, so we usually request the max state from the power
	// manager 
	TicklePowerManager ( );
	// Now run an action behind a command gate to block the threads if necessary
	fCommandGate->runAction ( ( IOCommandGate::Action )
						  		&IOSCSIProtocolInterface::sHandleCheckPowerState );

#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma markProtected Methods
#pragma mark -

// ₯ finalize - Terminates all power management.					[PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::finalize ( IOOptionBits options )
	if ( fPowerManagementInitialized )
		bool	powerTransistionStillInProgress = true;
		// need to wait for power transistion in progress to
		// finish before finalizing or the transistion will
		// attempt to complete after we are gone
		while ( 1 )
			powerTransistionStillInProgress = ( bool ) fCommandGate->runAction (
				( IOCommandGate::Action )
				&IOSCSIProtocolInterface::sGetPowerTransistionInProgress );
			if ( powerTransistionStillInProgress )
				IOSleep ( 1 );
		fCommandGate->commandWakeup ( &fCurrentPowerState, false );
		fCommandGate->runAction (
				( IOCommandGate::Action )
				&IOSCSIProtocolInterface::sGetPowerTransistionInProgress );			
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "PMstop about to be called.\n" ) );
		PMstop ( );
		if ( fPowerManagementThread != NULL )
			// If the power management thread is scheduled, unschedule it.
			thread_call_cancel ( fPowerManagementThread );
		fPowerManagementInitialized = false;
	return super::finalize ( options );

// ₯ InitializePowerManagement - Joins PM tree and initializes pm vars.
//																	[PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::InitializePowerManagement ( IOService * provider )
	PMinit ( );
	provider->joinPMtree ( this );
	setIdleTimerPeriod ( 5 * 60 ); 	// set 5 minute idle timer until system sends us
									// new values via setAggressiveness()
	// Call makeUsable here to tell the power manager to put us in our
	// highest power state when we call registerPowerDriver().
	makeUsable ( );
	fPowerManagementInitialized = true;

// ₯ HandleSetPowerState - Synchronized form of changing a power state.
//																	[PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::HandleSetPowerState ( UInt32 powerStateOrdinal )
	AbsoluteTime	time;
	fProposedPowerState = powerStateOrdinal;
	if ( ( fPowerTransitionInProgress == false ) || fPowerAckInProgress )
		// mark us as being in progress, then call the thread which is
		// the power management state machine
		fPowerTransitionInProgress = true;
		// We use a delayed thread call in order to allow the thread we're
		// on (the power manager thread) to get back to business doing
		// whatever it needs to with the rest of the system
		clock_interval_to_deadline ( kThreadDelayInterval, kMillisecondScale, &time );
		( void ) thread_call_enter_delayed ( fPowerManagementThread, time );

// ₯ HandleCheckPowerState - 	Called on safe side of command gate to
//								serialize access to the sleep related
//								variables.							[PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::HandleCheckPowerState ( UInt32 maxPowerState )
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IOSCSIProtocolInterface::%s called\n", __FUNCTION__ ) );
	// A while loop is used here in case the power is changed on us while
	// the power state-machine is running. If the power manager tells us to
	// wake up, we unblock the thread by calling fCommandGate->commandWakeup, but
	// while we do this we may block and inbetween getting rescheduled, the
	// power manager might tell us to change states again, so we guard against
	// this scenario by looping and verifying that the state does indeed go to
	// active.
	while ( ( fCurrentPowerState != maxPowerState ) &&
			( isInactive ( ) == false ) )
		fCommandGate->commandSleep ( &fCurrentPowerState, THREAD_UNINT );

// ₯ TicklePowerManager - 	Convenience function to call power manager's
//							activity tickle routine.				[PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::TicklePowerManager ( UInt32 maxPowerState )
	// Tell the power manager we must be in active state to handle requests
	// "active" state means the minimal possible state in which the driver can
	// handle I/O. This may be set to standby, but there is no gain to setting
	// the drive to standby and then issuing an I/O, it just requires more time.
	// Also, if the drive was asleep, it might need a reset which could put it
	// in standby mode anyway, so we usually request the max state from the power
	// manager 
	return ( activityTickle ( kIOPMSuperclassPolicy1, maxPowerState ) );

// ₯ HandleGetUserClientExclusivityState -	Checks to see what state the user
//											client is in.			[PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::HandleGetUserClientExclusivityState ( void )
	return fUserClientExclusiveControlled;

// ₯ HandleSetUserClientExclusivityState - Sets the state the user client is in
//																	[PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::HandleSetUserClientExclusivityState (
							IOService *		userClient,
							bool			state )
	IOReturn		status = kIOReturnExclusiveAccess;
	if ( fUserClient == NULL )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "fUserClient is NULL\n" ) );
		if ( state != false )
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "state is true\n" ) );
			fUserClient = userClient;
			fUserClientExclusiveControlled = state;
			status = kIOReturnSuccess;
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "state is false\n" ) );
			status = kIOReturnBadArgument;
	else if ( fUserClient == userClient )
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "fUserClient is same as userClient\n" ) );
		if ( state == false )
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "state is false\n" ) );
			fUserClient = NULL;
			fUserClientExclusiveControlled = state;
			status = kIOReturnSuccess;
		status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "HandleSetUserClientExclusivityState status = %d\n", status ) );
	return status;

#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma markStatic Methods (C->C++ glue)
#pragma mark -

// ₯ sHandleSetPowerState - C->C++ glue.					[STATIC][PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::sHandleSetPowerState (
								IOSCSIProtocolInterface * 	self,
								UInt32		 				powerStateOrdinal )
	IOReturn	result = 0;
	if ( self->isInactive ( ) == false )
		self->HandleSetPowerState ( powerStateOrdinal );
		result = k100SecondsInMicroSeconds;
	return result;

// ₯ sGetPowerTransistionInProgress - Returns power transition status.
//															[STATIC][PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::sGetPowerTransistionInProgress (
								IOSCSIProtocolInterface * self )
	return ( self->fPowerTransitionInProgress );

// ₯ sPowerManagement - C->C++ glue.						[STATIC][PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::sPowerManagement ( thread_call_param_t whichDevice )
	IOSCSIProtocolInterface *	self;
	self = ( IOSCSIProtocolInterface * ) whichDevice;
	if ( ( self != NULL ) && ( self->isInactive ( ) == false ) )
		self->retain ( );
		self->HandlePowerChange ( );
		self->fPowerAckInProgress = true;	
		self->acknowledgeSetPowerState ( );
		self->fPowerAckInProgress = false;
		self->fPowerTransitionInProgress = false;
		self->release ( );
		self->fPowerTransitionInProgress = false;

// ₯ sHandleCheckPowerState - C->C++ glue.					[STATIC][PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::sHandleCheckPowerState (
							IOSCSIProtocolInterface * self )
	self->HandleCheckPowerState ( );

// ₯ sGetUserClientExclusivityState - C->C++ glue.			[STATIC][PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::sGetUserClientExclusivityState (
								IOSCSIProtocolInterface *	self,
								bool *						state )
	*state = self->HandleGetUserClientExclusivityState ( );

// ₯ sSetUserClientExclusivityState - C->C++ glue.			[STATIC][PROTECTED]

IOSCSIProtocolInterface::sSetUserClientExclusivityState (
								IOSCSIProtocolInterface *	self,
								IOReturn *					status,
								IOService *					userClient,
								bool						state )
	*status = self->HandleSetUserClientExclusivityState ( userClient, state );

#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma markStatic Debugging Assertion Method
#pragma mark -

IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamilyDebugAssert (	const char * componentNameString,
											const char * assertionString, 
											const char * exceptionLabelString,
											const char * errorString,
											const char * fileName,
											long lineNumber,
											int errorCode )
	IOLog ( "%s Assert failed: %s ", componentNameString, assertionString );
	if ( exceptionLabelString != NULL )
		IOLog ( "%s ", exceptionLabelString );
	if ( errorString != NULL )
		IOLog ( "%s ", errorString );
	if ( fileName != NULL )
		IOLog ( "file: %s ", fileName );
	if ( lineNumber != 0 )
		IOLog ( "line: %ld ", lineNumber );
	if ( ( long ) errorCode != 0 )
		IOLog ( "error: %ld ", ( long ) errorCode );
	IOLog ( "\n" );

#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma markVTable Padding
#pragma mark -

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 1 );
// Used by the abstract member routine:
// virtual SCSIServiceResponse		AbortTask( UInt8 theLogicalUnit, SCSITaggedTaskIdentifier theTag ) = 0;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 2 );
// Used by the abstract member routine:
// virtual SCSIServiceResponse		AbortTaskSet( UInt8 theLogicalUnit ) = 0;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 3 );
// Used by the abstract member routine:
// virtual SCSIServiceResponse		ClearACA( UInt8 theLogicalUnit ) = 0;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 4 );
// Used by the abstract member routine:
// virtual SCSIServiceResponse		ClearTaskSet( UInt8 theLogicalUnit ) = 0;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 5 );
// Used by the abstract member routine:
// virtual SCSIServiceResponse		LogicalUnitReset( UInt8 theLogicalUnit ) = 0;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 6 );
// Used by the abstract member routine:
// virtual SCSIServiceResponse		TargetReset( void ) = 0;

// Space reserved for future expansion.
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 7 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 8 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 9 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 10 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 11 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 12 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 13 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 14 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 15 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IOSCSIProtocolInterface, 16 );