KextManager.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
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#ifndef __KEXTMANAGER_H__
#define __KEXTMANAGER_H__

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <libkern/OSReturn.h>

#include <sys/cdefs.h>


 * @header KextManager.h
 * @abstract
 * The KextManager API provides a simple interface for applications
 * to load kernel extensions (kexts) via RPC to kextd, and to look up the
 * URLs for kexts by bundle identifier.
 * @function KextManagerCreateURLForBundleIdentifier
 * @abstract Create a URL locating a kext with a given bundle identifier.
 * @param    allocator
 *           The allocator to use to allocate memory for the new object.
 *           Pass <code>NULL</code> or <code>kCFAllocatorDefault</code>
 *           to use the current default allocator.
 * @param    kextIdentifier
 *           The bundle identifier to look up.
 * @result
 * A CFURLRef locating a kext with the requested bundle identifier.
 * Returns <code>NULL</code> if the kext cannot be found, or on error.
 * @discussion
 * Kexts are looked up first by whether they are loaded, second by version.
 * Specifically, if <code>kextIdentifier</code> identifies a kext
 * that is currently loaded,
 * the returned URL will locate that kext if it's still present on disk.
 * If the requested kext is not loaded,
 * or if its bundle is not at the location it was originally loaded from,
 * the returned URL will locate the latest version of the desired kext,
 * if one can be found within the system extensions folder.
 * If no version of the kext can be found, <code>NULL</code> is returned.
CFURLRef KextManagerCreateURLForBundleIdentifier(
    CFAllocatorRef allocator,
    CFStringRef    kextIdentifier);

 * @function KextManagerLoadKextWithIdentifier
 * @abstract
 * Request the kext loading system to load a kext with a given bundle identifier.
 * @param    kextIdentifier
 *           The bundle identifier of the kext to look up and load.
 * @param    dependencyKextAndFolderURLs
 *           An array of additional URLs, of individual kexts and
 *           of folders that may contain kexts.
 * @result
 * <code>kOSReturnSuccess</code> if the kext is successfully loaded
 * (or is already loaded), otherwise returns on error.
 * @discussion
 * <code>kextIdentifier</code> is looked up in the system extensions
 * folder and among any kexts from <code>dependencyKextAndFolderURLs</code>.
 * Any non-kext URLs in <code>dependencyKextAndFolderURLs</code>
 * are scanned at the top level for kexts and plugins of kexts.
 * Either the calling process must have an effective user id of 0 (superuser),
 * or the kext being loaded and all its dependencies must reside in
 * /System and have an OSBundleAllowUserLoad property of <code>true</code>.
OSReturn KextManagerLoadKextWithIdentifier(
    CFStringRef    kextIdentifier,
    CFArrayRef     dependencyKextAndFolderURLs);

 * @function KextManagerLoadKextWithURL
 * @abstract
 * Request the kext loading system to load a kext with a given URL.
 * @param    kextURL
 *           The URL of the kext to load.
 * @param    dependencyKextAndFolderURLs
 *           An array of additional URLs, of individual kexts and
 *           of folders that may contain kexts.
 * @result
 * <code>kOSReturnSuccess</code> if the kext is successfully loaded
 * (or is already loaded), otherwise returns on error.
 * @discussion
 * Any non-kext URLs in <code>dependencyKextAndFolderURLs</code>
 * are scanned at the top level for kexts and plugins of kexts.
 * Either the calling process must have an effective user id of 0 (superuser),
 * or the kext being loaded and all its dependencies must reside in
 * /System and have an OSBundleAllowUserLoad property of <code>true</code>.
OSReturn KextManagerLoadKextWithURL(
    CFURLRef    kextURL,
    CFArrayRef  dependencyKextAndFolderURLs);


#endif __KEXTMANAGER_H__