IOPMLib.h   [plain text]

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#include <CoreFoundation/CFArray.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMLibDefs.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMKeys.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

@header IOPMLib.h
    IOPMLib provides access to common power management facilites, like initiating 
    system sleep, getting current idle timer values, registering for sleep/wake notifications, 
    and preventing system sleep.

/*! @function IOPMFindPowerManagement
    @abstract Finds the Root Power Domain IOService.
    @param master_device_port  Just pass in MACH_PORT_NULL for master device port.
    @result Returns a io_connect_t handle on the root domain. Must be released with IOServiceClose() when done.
io_connect_t IOPMFindPowerManagement( mach_port_t master_device_port );
/*! @function IOPMSetAggressiveness
    @abstract Sets one of the aggressiveness factors in IOKit Power Management.
    @param fb  Representation of the Root Power Domain from IOPMFindPowerManagement.
    @param type Specifies which aggressiveness factor is being set.
    @param type New value of the aggressiveness factor.
    @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess or an error condition if request failed.
IOReturn IOPMSetAggressiveness (io_connect_t fb, unsigned long type, unsigned long aggressiveness );

/*! @function IOPMGetAggressiveness
    @abstract Retrieves the current value of one of the aggressiveness factors in IOKit Power Management.
    @param fb  Representation of the Root Power Domain from IOPMFindPowerManagement.
    @param type Specifies which aggressiveness factor is being retrieved.
    @param type Points to where to store the retrieved value of the aggressiveness factor.
    @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess or an error condition if request failed.
IOReturn IOPMGetAggressiveness ( io_connect_t fb, unsigned long type, unsigned long * aggressiveness );

/*! @function IORegisterApp
    @abstract Connects the caller to an IOService for the purpose of receiving power state change notifications for the device controlled by the IOService.
    @discussion IORegisterApp requires that the IOService of interest implement an IOUserClient. If you're interested in receiving power state notifications from a device without an IOUserClient, try using IOServiceAddInterestNotification with interest type gIOGeneralInterest instead.
    @param refcon Data returned on power state change notifications and not used by the kernel.
    @param theDriver  Representation of the IOService, probably from IOServiceGetMatchingService.
    @param thePortRef Pointer to a port on which the caller will receive power state change notifications. The port is allocated by the calling application.
    @param callback  A c-function which is called during the notification.
    @param notifier  Pointer to a notifier which caller must keep and pass to subsequent call to IODeregisterApp.
    @result Returns a io_connect_t session for the IOService or MACH_PORT_NULL if request failed. Caller must close return value via IOServiceClose() after calling IODeregisterApp on the notifier argument.
io_connect_t IORegisterApp( void * refcon,
                            io_service_t theDriver,
                            IONotificationPortRef * thePortRef,
                            IOServiceInterestCallback callback,
                            io_object_t * notifier );

/*! @function IORegisterForSystemPower
    @abstract Connects the caller to the Root Power Domain  IOService for the purpose of receiving Sleep, Wake, ShutDown, PowerUp notifications for the System.
    @param refcon Data returned on power state change notifications and not used by the kernel.
    @param thePortRef Pointer to a port on which the caller will receive power state change notifications. The port is allocated by this function and must be later released by the caller (after IODeregisterForSystemPower).
    @param callback  A c-function which is called during the notification.
    @param notifier  On success, returns a pointer to a unique notifier which caller must keep and pass to a subsequent call to IODeregisterForSystemPower.
    @result Returns a io_connect_t session for the IOPMrootDomain or MACH_PORT_NULL if request failed. Caller must close return value via IOServiceClose() after calling IODeregisterForSystemPower on the notifier argument.
io_connect_t IORegisterForSystemPower ( void * refcon,
                                        IONotificationPortRef * thePortRef,
                                        IOServiceInterestCallback callback,
                                        io_object_t * notifier );
/* @function IODeregisterApp
    @abstract Disconnects the caller from an IOService after receiving power state change notifications from the IOService. (Caller must also release IORegisterApp's return io_connect_t and returned IONotificationPortRef for complete clean-up).
    @param notifier  An object from IORegisterApp.
    @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess or an error condition if request failed.
IOReturn IODeregisterApp ( io_object_t * notifier );

/*! @function IODeregisterForSystemPower.
    @abstract Disconnects the caller from the Root Power Domain IOService after receiving system power state change notifications. (Caller must also release IORegisterForSystemPower's return io_connect_t and returned IONotificationPortRef for complete clean-up).
    @param notifier  An object from IORegisterForSystemPower.
    @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess or an error condition if request failed.
IOReturn IODeregisterForSystemPower ( io_object_t * notifier );

/*! @function IOAllowPowerChange
    @abstract The caller acknowledges notification of a power state change on a device it has registered for notifications for via IORegisterForSystemPower or IORegisterApp.
    @discussion Must be used when handling kIOMessageCanSystemSleep and kIOMessageSystemWillSleep messages from IOPMrootDomain system power.
    @param kernelPort  Port used to communicate to the kernel,  from IORegisterApp or IORegisterForSystemPower.
    @param notificationID A copy of the notification ID which came as part of the power state change notification being acknowledged.
    @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess or an error condition if request failed.
IOReturn IOAllowPowerChange ( io_connect_t kernelPort, long notificationID );

/*! @function IOCancelPowerChange
    @abstract The caller negatively acknowledges notification of a power state change on a device it is interested in.  This prevents the state change.
    @discussion Should only used when handling kIOMessageCanSystemSleep messages from IOPMrootDomain. IOCancelPowerChange() has no meaning for responding to kIOMessageSystemWillSleep (which is non-abortable) or any other messages.
    @param kernelPort  Port used to communicate to the kernel,  from IORegisterApp or IORegisterForSystemPower.
    @param notificationID A copy of the notification ID which came as part of the power state change notification being acknowledged.
    @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess or an error condition if request failed.
IOReturn IOCancelPowerChange ( io_connect_t kernelPort, long notificationID );

/*! @function IOPMSleepEnabled
    @abstract Tells whether the system supports full sleep, or just doze
    @result Returns true if the system supports sleep, false if some hardware prevents full sleep.
boolean_t IOPMSleepEnabled ( void );

/*! @function IOPMSleepSystem
    @abstract Request that the system initiate sleep.
    @discussion For security purposes, caller must be root or the console user.
    @param fb  Port used to communicate to the kernel,  from IOPMFindPowerManagement.
    @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess or an error condition if request failed.
IOReturn IOPMSleepSystem ( io_connect_t fb );

/*! @function IOPMCopyBatteryInfo
    @abstract Request raw battery data from the system. 
    @discussion WARNING! IOPMCoyBatteryInfo is unsupported on ALL Intel CPU based systems. For PPC CPU based systems, it remains not recommended. For almost all purposes, developers should use the richer IOPowerSources API (with change notifications) instead of using IOPMCopyBatteryInfo. Keys to decipher IOPMCopyBatteryInfo's return CFArray exist in IOPM.h.
    @param masterPort The master port obtained from IOMasterPort(). Just pass MACH_PORT_NULL.
    @param info A CFArray of CFDictionaries containing raw battery data. 
    @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess or an error condition if request failed.
IOReturn IOPMCopyBatteryInfo( mach_port_t masterPort, CFArrayRef * info );

/*! @function IOPMSchedulePowerEvent
    @abstract Schedule the machine to wake from sleep, power on, go to sleep, or shutdown. 
    @discussion This event will be added to the system's queue of power events and stored persistently on disk. The sleep and shutdown events present a graphical warning and allow a console user to cancel the event. Must be called as root.
    @param time_to_wake Date and time that the system will power on/off.
    @param my_id A CFStringRef identifying the calling app by CFBundleIdentifier. May be NULL.
    @param type The type of power on you desire, either wake from sleep or power on. Choose from:
                CFSTR(kIOPMAutoWake) == wake machine, 
                CFSTR(kIOPMAutoPowerOn) == power on machine, 
                CFSTR(kIOPMAutoWakeOrPowerOn) == wake or power on,
                CFSTR(kIOPMAutoSleep) == sleep machine, 
                CFSTR(kIOPMAutoShutdown) == power off machine.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, otherwise on failure
IOReturn IOPMSchedulePowerEvent(CFDateRef time_to_wake, CFStringRef my_id, CFStringRef type);

/*! @function IOPMCancelScheduledPowerEvent
    @abstract Cancel a previously scheduled power event.
    @discussion Arguments mirror those to IOPMSchedulePowerEvent. All arguments must match the original arguments from when the power on was scheduled. Must be called as root.
    @param time_to_wake Cancel entry with this date and time.
    @param my_id Cancel entry with this name.
    @param type Type to cancel
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, otherwise on failure
IOReturn IOPMCancelScheduledPowerEvent(CFDateRef time_to_wake, CFStringRef my_id, CFStringRef type);

/*! @function IOPMCopyScheduledPowerEvents
    @abstract List all scheduled system power events
    @discussion Returns a CFArray of CFDictionaries of power events. Each CFDictionary  contains keys for CFSTR(kIOPMPowerEventTimeKey), CFSTR(kIOPMPowerEventAppNameKey), and CFSTR(kIOPMPowerEventTypeKey).
    @result A CFArray of CFDictionaries of power events. The CFArray must be released by the caller. NULL if there are no scheduled events.
CFArrayRef IOPMCopyScheduledPowerEvents(void); 

#ifdef __cplusplus