IOHIDValue.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <pthread.h>
#include <System/libkern/OSCrossEndian.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFRuntime.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFData.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDValue.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDElement.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDLibUserClient.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDLibPrivate.h>
#if __has_include(<Rosetta/Rosetta.h>)
#  include <Rosetta/Rosetta.h>

IOHID_DYN_LINK_DYLIB(/usr/lib, Rosetta)
IOHID_DYN_LINK_FUNCTION(Rosetta, rosetta_is_current_process_translated, dyn_rosetta_is_current_process_translated, bool, false, (void), ())
IOHID_DYN_LINK_FUNCTION(Rosetta, rosetta_convert_to_rosetta_absolute_time, dyn_rosetta_convert_to_rosetta_absolute_time, uint64_t, system_time, (uint64_t system_time), (system_time))
IOHID_DYN_LINK_FUNCTION(Rosetta, rosetta_convert_to_system_absolute_time, dyn_rosetta_convert_to_system_absolute_time, uint64_t, rosetta_time, (uint64_t rosetta_time), (rosetta_time))

#ifndef min
    #define min(a,b) (a<b?a:b)

static IOHIDValueRef __IOHIDValueCreatePrivate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFAllocatorContext * context __unused, size_t extraBytes);
static void __IOHIDValueRelease( CFTypeRef object );
static void __IOHIDValueConvertByteToWord(const UInt8 * src, uint32_t * dst, uint32_t bytesToCopy, Boolean signExtend);
static void __IOHIDValueConvertWordToByte(const uint32_t * src, UInt8 * dst, uint32_t bytesToCopy);
static void __IOHIDValueConvertByteToLongWord(const UInt8 * src, uint64_t * dst, uint64_t bytesToCopy, Boolean signExtend);
static void __IOHIDValueConvertLongWordToByte(const uint64_t * src, UInt8 * dst, uint64_t bytesToCopy);
typedef struct __IOHIDValue
    CFRuntimeBase               cfBase;   // base CFType information

    IOHIDElementRef             element;
    bool                        weakElementRef;
    uint64_t                    timeStamp;  /* Clock ticks from mach_absolute_time */
    uint32_t                    length;
    uint8_t                     flags;
    uint8_t *                   bytePtr;
    uint8_t                     bytes[];
} __IOHIDValue, *__IOHIDValueRef;

static const CFRuntimeClass __IOHIDValueClass = {
    0,                      // version
    "IOHIDValue",           // className
    NULL,                   // init
    NULL,                   // copy
    __IOHIDValueRelease,    // finalize
    NULL,                   // equal
    NULL,                   // hash
    NULL,                   // copyFormattingDesc

static CFTypeID         __valueTypeID   = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;
static pthread_once_t   __valueTypeInit = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;

void __IOHIDValueRegister(void)
    __valueTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__IOHIDValueClass);

CFTypeID IOHIDValueGetTypeID(void)
    /* initialize runtime */
    if ( __valueTypeID == _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID )
        pthread_once(&__valueTypeInit, __IOHIDValueRegister);
    return __valueTypeID;

IOHIDValueRef __IOHIDValueCreatePrivate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFAllocatorContext * context __unused, size_t dataLength)
    IOHIDValueRef       event   = NULL;
    void *              offset  = NULL;
    uint32_t            size;
    /* allocate session */
    size  = sizeof(__IOHIDValue) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase) + dataLength;
    event = (IOHIDValueRef)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(allocator, IOHIDValueGetTypeID(), size, NULL);
    if (!event)
        return NULL;

    offset = event;
    bzero(offset + sizeof(CFRuntimeBase), size);
    return event;

void __IOHIDValueRelease( CFTypeRef object )
    IOHIDValueRef event = ( IOHIDValueRef ) object;
    if (event->element && !event->weakElementRef) CFRelease(event->element);

IOHIDValueRef _IOHIDValueCreateWithElementValuePtr(CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOHIDElementRef element, IOHIDElementValue * pElementValue)
    IOHIDValueRef   event   = NULL;
    uint32_t        length  = 0;

    if (!element || !pElementValue)
        return (_Nonnull IOHIDValueRef)NULL;

    length  =  min(_IOHIDElementGetLength(element), (CFIndex)(pElementValue->totalSize - sizeof(*pElementValue) + sizeof(pElementValue->value)));

    event   = __IOHIDValueCreatePrivate(allocator, NULL, length);

    if (!event)
        return (_Nonnull IOHIDValueRef)NULL;

    event->element      = (IOHIDElementRef)CFRetain(element);
    // Note: event is expected to come from the kernel, and therefore
    // the timestamp does not require conversion
    event->timeStamp    = *((uint64_t *)&(pElementValue->timestamp));
    event->flags        = pElementValue->flags;
    event->length       = length;

    if (pElementValue->flags & kIOHIDElementValueOOBReport) {
        uint64_t *reportPtr = (uint64_t*)pElementValue->value;
        __IOHIDValueConvertWordToByte((const uint32_t *)*reportPtr, event->bytes, length);
    } else {
        __IOHIDValueConvertWordToByte((const uint32_t *)&(pElementValue->value[0]), event->bytes, length);

    return event;

IOHIDValueRef _IOHIDValueCreateWithStruct(CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOHIDElementRef element, IOHIDEventStruct * pEventStruct)
    IOHIDValueRef   event       = NULL;
    Boolean         isLongValue = FALSE;
    uint32_t        length      = 0;

    if ( !element || !pEventStruct )
        return (_Nonnull IOHIDValueRef)NULL;

    isLongValue = (pEventStruct->longValue && pEventStruct->longValueSize);
    length  = _IOHIDElementGetLength(element);
    event   = __IOHIDValueCreatePrivate(allocator, NULL, length);

    if (!event)
        return (_Nonnull IOHIDValueRef)NULL;

    event->element      = (IOHIDElementRef)CFRetain(element);
    event->timeStamp    = *((uint64_t *)&(pEventStruct->timestamp));
    event->timeStamp = dyn_rosetta_is_current_process_translated() ?
        dyn_rosetta_convert_to_system_absolute_time(event->timeStamp) : event->timeStamp;
    event->length       = length;

    if ( isLongValue )
        bcopy(pEventStruct->longValue, event->bytes, length);
        __IOHIDValueConvertWordToByte((const uint32_t *)&(pEventStruct->value), event->bytes, min(sizeof(uint32_t), event->length));

    return event;

IOHIDValueRef IOHIDValueCreateWithIntegerValue(CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOHIDElementRef element, uint64_t timeStamp, CFIndex value)
    IOHIDValueRef   event   = NULL;
    uint32_t        length  = 0;
    uint64_t        tempValue;

    if (!element)
        return (_Nonnull IOHIDValueRef)NULL;

    length  = _IOHIDElementGetLength(element);
    event   = __IOHIDValueCreatePrivate(allocator, NULL, length);

    if (!event)
        return (_Nonnull IOHIDValueRef)NULL;

    event->element      = (IOHIDElementRef)CFRetain(element);
    event->timeStamp    = timeStamp;
    event->timeStamp = dyn_rosetta_is_current_process_translated() ?
        dyn_rosetta_convert_to_system_absolute_time(event->timeStamp) : event->timeStamp;
    event->length       = length;

    tempValue = value;

    __IOHIDValueConvertLongWordToByte((const uint64_t *)&tempValue, event->bytes, min(length, sizeof(uint64_t)));

    return event;

IOHIDValueRef IOHIDValueCreateWithBytes(CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOHIDElementRef element, uint64_t timeStamp, const uint8_t * bytes, CFIndex byteLength)
    IOHIDValueRef   event   = NULL;
    CFIndex         length  = 0;

    if ( !element || !bytes || !byteLength )
        return NULL;

    length  = _IOHIDElementGetLength(element);
    event   = __IOHIDValueCreatePrivate(allocator, NULL, length);

    if (!event)
        return NULL;

    event->element      = (IOHIDElementRef)CFRetain(element);
    event->timeStamp    = timeStamp;
    event->timeStamp = dyn_rosetta_is_current_process_translated() ?
        dyn_rosetta_convert_to_system_absolute_time(event->timeStamp) : event->timeStamp;
    event->length       = length;

    bcopy(bytes, event->bytes, min(length, byteLength));

    return event;

IOHIDValueRef IOHIDValueCreateWithBytesNoCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOHIDElementRef element, uint64_t timeStamp, const uint8_t * bytes, CFIndex length)
    IOHIDValueRef   event   = NULL;

    if ( !element || !bytes || !length )
        return NULL;

    event = __IOHIDValueCreatePrivate(allocator, NULL, 0);

    if (!event)
        return NULL;

    event->element      = (IOHIDElementRef)CFRetain(element);
    event->timeStamp    = timeStamp;
    event->timeStamp = dyn_rosetta_is_current_process_translated() ?
        dyn_rosetta_convert_to_system_absolute_time(event->timeStamp) : event->timeStamp;
    event->length       = min(length, _IOHIDElementGetLength(element));
    event->bytePtr      = (uint8_t *)bytes;

    return event;

// creates a IOHIDValueRef that doesn't cause a retain cycle between element <-> value
// the assumption here is that the value will only exist during the lifetime
// of the element.
IOHIDValueRef _IOHIDValueCreateWithValue(CFAllocatorRef allocator, IOHIDValueRef value, IOHIDElementRef element)
    IOHIDValueRef result = NULL;
    result = __IOHIDValueCreatePrivate(allocator, NULL, value->length);
    if (!result) {
        return NULL;
    result->element         = element; // NO RETAIN!
    result->weakElementRef  = true; // So we don't release later
    result->timeStamp       = value->timeStamp;
    result->length          = value->length;
    bcopy(value->bytes, result->bytes, value->length);
    return result;

IOHIDElementRef IOHIDValueGetElement(IOHIDValueRef event)
    return event->element;

uint64_t IOHIDValueGetTimeStamp(IOHIDValueRef event)
    return dyn_rosetta_is_current_process_translated() ?
        dyn_rosetta_convert_to_rosetta_absolute_time(event->timeStamp) : event->timeStamp;

uint8_t _IOHIDValueGetFlags(IOHIDValueRef event)
    return event->flags;

CFIndex IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(IOHIDValueRef event)
    uint64_t value = 0;
    IOHIDElementRef element = event->element;
    __IOHIDValueConvertByteToLongWord(IOHIDValueGetBytePtr(event), &value, MIN(event->length, sizeof(value)), IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element) < 0 || IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element) < 0);
    return (CFIndex)value;

double_t IOHIDValueGetScaledValue(IOHIDValueRef event, IOHIDValueScaleType type)
    IOHIDElementRef element         = event->element;
    CFIndex         logicalValue    = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(event);
    CFIndex         logicalMin      = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element);
    CFIndex         logicalMax      = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element);
    CFIndex         logicalRange    = 0;
    CFIndex         scaledMin       = IOHIDElementGetPhysicalMin(element);
    CFIndex         scaledMax       = IOHIDElementGetPhysicalMax(element);
    CFIndex         scaledRange     = 0;
    double_t        granularity     = 0.0;
    double_t        returnValue     = 0.0;
    double_t        exponent        = 0.0;

    if ( type == kIOHIDValueScaleTypeCalibrated ){
        IOHIDCalibrationInfo * calibrationInfo;

        calibrationInfo = _IOHIDElementGetCalibrationInfo(element);

        if ( calibrationInfo ) {
            if ( calibrationInfo->min != calibrationInfo->max ) {
                scaledMin = calibrationInfo->min;
                scaledMax = calibrationInfo->max;
            } else {
                scaledMin = -1;
                scaledMax = 1;

            // check saturation first
            if ( calibrationInfo->satMin != calibrationInfo->satMax ) {
                if ( logicalValue <= calibrationInfo->satMin )
                    return scaledMin;
                if ( logicalValue >= calibrationInfo->satMax )
                    return scaledMax;

                logicalMin      = calibrationInfo->satMin;
                logicalMax      = calibrationInfo->satMax;

           // now check the dead zone
           if (calibrationInfo->dzMin != calibrationInfo->dzMax) {
                double_t scaledMid = scaledMin + ((scaledMax - scaledMin) / 2.0);
                if (logicalValue < calibrationInfo->dzMin) {
                    logicalMax = calibrationInfo->dzMin;
                    scaledMax = scaledMid;
                } else if ( logicalValue > calibrationInfo->dzMax) {
                    logicalMin = calibrationInfo->dzMax;
                    scaledMin = scaledMid;
                } else {
                    return scaledMid;

            granularity = calibrationInfo->gran;
    } else if (type == kIOHIDValueScaleTypeExponent) {
        uint8_t unitExp = IOHIDElementGetUnitExponent(element) & 0x0F;
        // Per HID spec:
        // Exponent value of 0x1 - 0x7 is a positive exponent. Exponent value of
        // 0x8 - 0xF is a negative exponent, where 0x8 is 10^-8 and 0xF is 10^-1
        exponent = unitExp < 8 ? pow(10, unitExp) : 1.0 / pow(10, 0x10 - unitExp);
    logicalRange    = logicalMax - logicalMin;
    scaledRange     = scaledMax - scaledMin;
    returnValue     = ((double_t)(logicalValue - logicalMin) * (double_t)scaledRange / (double_t)logicalRange) + scaledMin;
    if (exponent) {
        returnValue *= exponent;

    if ( granularity )
        returnValue = granularity * llround(returnValue / granularity);

    return returnValue;

CFIndex IOHIDValueGetLength(IOHIDValueRef event)
    return event->length;

const uint8_t * IOHIDValueGetBytePtr(IOHIDValueRef event)
    return event->bytePtr ? event->bytePtr : event->bytes;

void _IOHIDValueCopyToElementValuePtr(IOHIDValueRef value, IOHIDElementValue * pElementValue)
    IOHIDElementRef element = IOHIDValueGetElement(value);
    __IOHIDValueConvertByteToWord(IOHIDValueGetBytePtr(value), (uint32_t *)(pElementValue->value), value->length, IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element) < 0 || IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element) < 0);

void _IOHIDValueCopyToElementValueHeader(IOHIDValueRef value, IOHIDElementValueHeader * pElementHeader)
    IOHIDElementRef element = IOHIDValueGetElement(value);
    pElementHeader->cookie = IOHIDElementGetCookie(element);
    pElementHeader->length = IOHIDValueGetLength(value);
    __IOHIDValueConvertByteToWord(IOHIDValueGetBytePtr(value), pElementHeader->value, value->length,
                                  IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element) < 0 || IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element) < 0);

#if defined (__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) 
    #define ON_INTEL 1
    #define ON_INTEL 0

#define BIT_MASK(bits)  (((uint64_t)1 << (bits)) - 1)

void __IOHIDValueConvertByteToWord(const UInt8 * src, uint32_t * dst, uint32_t length, Boolean signExtend)
    bcopy(src, dst, length);
    if ( signExtend && length )
        uint32_t lastOffset = length / sizeof(uint32_t);
        uint32_t wordBitsProcessed = length % sizeof(uint32_t);

        lastOffset += (wordBitsProcessed) ? 0:-1;
        wordBitsProcessed = wordBitsProcessed << 3;
        if (wordBitsProcessed && (dst[lastOffset] & (1<<(wordBitsProcessed-1))))
            dst[lastOffset] |= ~(BIT_MASK(wordBitsProcessed));

void __IOHIDValueConvertWordToByte(const uint32_t * src, UInt8 * dst, uint32_t bytesToCopy)
    bcopy(src, dst, bytesToCopy);

void __IOHIDValueConvertByteToLongWord(const UInt8 * src, uint64_t * dst, uint64_t length, Boolean signExtend)
    bcopy(src, dst, length);
    if ( signExtend && length )
        uint32_t lastOffset = length / sizeof(uint64_t);
        uint32_t longWordBitsProcessed = length % sizeof(uint64_t);

        lastOffset += (longWordBitsProcessed) ? 0:-1;
        longWordBitsProcessed = longWordBitsProcessed << 3;
        if (longWordBitsProcessed && (dst[lastOffset] & (1<<(longWordBitsProcessed-1))))
            dst[lastOffset] |= ~(BIT_MASK(longWordBitsProcessed));

void __IOHIDValueConvertLongWordToByte(const uint64_t * src, UInt8 * dst, uint64_t bytesToCopy)
    bcopy(src, dst, bytesToCopy);