IODataQueueClient.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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#include <sys/cdefs.h>


#include <libkern/OSTypes.h>
#include <IOKit/IOReturn.h>
#include <mach/port.h>

#include <IOKit/IODataQueueShared.h>

 * @function IODataQueueDataAvailable
 * @abstract Used to determine if more data is avilable on the queue.
 * @param dataQueue The IODataQueueMemory region mapped from the kenel.
 * @result Returns true if data is available and false if not.
Boolean IODataQueueDataAvailable(IODataQueueMemory *dataQueue);

 * @function IODataQueuePeek
 * @abstract Used to peek at the next entry on the queue.
 * @discussion This function can be used to look at the next entry which allows the entry to be received without having to copy it with IODataQueueDequeue.  In order to do this, call IODataQueuePeek to get the entry.  Then call IODataQueueDequeue with a NULL data pointer.  That will cause the head to be moved to the next entry, but no memory to be copied.
 * @param dataQueue The IODataQueueMemory region mapped from the kernel.
 * @result Returns a pointer to the next IODataQueueEntry if one is available.  Zero is returned if the queue is empty.
IODataQueueEntry *IODataQueuePeek(IODataQueueMemory *dataQueue);

 * @function IODataQueueDequeue
 * @abstract Dequeues the next available entry on the queue and copies it into the given data pointer.
 * @discussion This function will dequeue the next available entry on the queue.  If a data pointer is provided, it will copy the data into the memory region if there is enough space available as specified in the dataSize parameter.  If no data pointer is provided, it will simply move the head value past the current entry.
 * @param dataQueue The IODataQueueMemory region mapped from the kernel.
 * @param data A pointer to the data memory region in which to copy the next entry data on the queue.  If this parameter is 0 (NULL), it will simply move to the next entry.
 * @param dataSize A pointer to the size of the data parameter.  On return, this contains the size of the actual entry data - even if the original size was not large enough.
 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success.  Other return values possible are: kIOReturnUnderrun - queue is full, kIOReturnBadArgument - no dataQueue or no dataSize, kIOReturnNoSpace - dataSize is too small for entry.
IOReturn IODataQueueDequeue(IODataQueueMemory *dataQueue, void *data, UInt32 *dataSize);

 * @function IODataQueueWaitForAvailableData
 * @abstract Wait for an incoming dataAvailable message on the given notifyPort.
 * @discussion This method will simply wait for an incoming message on the given notifyPort.  Once it is received, the return from mach_msg() is returned.
 * @param dataQueue The IODataQueueMemory region mapped from the kernel.
 * @param notifyPort Mach port on which to listen for incoming messages.
 * @result Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success.  Returns kIOReturnBadArgument if either dataQueue is 0 (NULL) or notiryPort is MACH_PORT_NULL.  Returns the result of the mach_msg() listen call on the given port.
IOReturn IODataQueueWaitForAvailableData(IODataQueueMemory *dataQueue, mach_port_t notificationPort);

 * @function IODataQueueAllocateNotificationPort
 * @abstract Allocates and returns a new mach port able to receive data available notifications from an IODataQueue.
 * @discussion This port is intended to be passed down into the kernel and into an IODataQueue to allow it to send the appropriate notification.  The returned mach port is allocated with a queue limit of one message.  This allows only one mach message to be queued up at a time.  The IODataQueue code is written with the restriction in mind and will only queue up a message if no messages alread have been sent.
 * @result Returns a newly allocated mach port on success.  On failure, it returns MACH_PORT_NULL.
mach_port_t IODataQueueAllocateNotificationPort();