IOUPSPlugIn.h   [plain text]

 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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    @header IOUPSPlugIn.h
    IOUPSPlugIn.h is the header that defines the software used by ioupsd in user-space to communicate with 
    UPS devices.
    Kernel extensions should have the following key/value pair in their personality in order to be 
    recognized by ioupsd:
    To communicate with a UPS device, an instance of IOUPSPlugInInterface (a struct which is defined below) 
    is created. The methods of IOUPSPlugInInterface allow ioupsd to communicate with the device.
    To obtain an IOUPSPlugInInterface for a UPS device, use the function IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService() 
    defined in IOKit/IOCFPlugIn.h. (Note the "i" in "PlugIn" is 
    always upper-case.) Quick usage reference:<br>
            <li>'service' is a reference to the IOKit registry entry of the kernel object 
                    (usually of type IOHIDDevice) representing the device
                    of interest. This reference can be obtained using the functions defined in
            <li>'plugInType' should be CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID)</li>
            <li>'interfaceType' should be CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOUPSPlugInTypeID) when using IOUPSPlugIn</li>
    The interface returned by IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService() should be deallocated using 
    IODestroyPlugInInterface(). Do not call Release() on it.

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <IOKit/IOCFPlugIn.h>

/* 40A57A4E-26A0-11D8-9295-000A958A2C78 */
    @define kIOUPSPlugInTypeID
    @discussion Type ID for the IOUPSPlugInInterface. Corresponds to an
                 available UPS device. 
#define kIOUPSPlugInTypeID CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes(NULL, 	\
    0x40, 0xa5, 0x7a, 0x4e, 0x26, 0xa0, 0x11, 0xd8,			\
    0x92, 0x95, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x95, 0x8a, 0x2c, 0x78)

/* 63F8BFC4-26A0-11D8-88B4-000A958A2C78 */
    @define kIOUPSPlugInInterfaceID
    @discussion Interface ID for the IOUPSPlugInInterface. Corresponds to an
                 available UPS device. 
#define kIOUPSPlugInInterfaceID CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes(NULL, 	\
    0x63, 0xf8, 0xbf, 0xc4, 0x26, 0xa0, 0x11, 0xd8, 			\
    0x88, 0xb4, 0x0, 0xa, 0x95, 0x8a, 0x2c, 0x78)
/* E60E0799-9AA6-49DF-B55B-A5C94BA07A4A */
    @define kIOUPSPlugInInterfaceID_v140
    @discussion Interface ID for the IOUPSPlugInInterface. Corresponds to an
                 available UPS device. 
#define kIOUPSPlugInInterfaceID_v140 CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes(NULL, 	\
    0xe6, 0xe, 0x7, 0x99, 0x9a, 0xa6, 0x49, 0xdf,               \
    0xb5, 0x5b, 0xa5, 0xc9, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0x7a, 0x4a)

    @typedef IOUPSEventCallbackFunction
    @discussion Type and arguments of callout C function that is used when a
                completion routine is called.  This function pointer is set
                via setEventCallback and is called when an event is available 
                from the UPS. 
    @param target void * pointer to your data, often a pointer to an object.
    @param result Completion result of desired operation.
    @param refcon void * pointer to more data.
    @param sender Interface instance sending the completion routine.
    @param event CFDictionaryRef containing event data.
typedef void (*IOUPSEventCallbackFunction)
              (void *	 		target,
               IOReturn 		result,
               void * 			refcon,
               void * 			sender,
               CFDictionaryRef  event);

#define IOUPSPLUGINBASE							\
    IOReturn (*getProperties)(	void * thisPointer, 			\
                                CFDictionaryRef * properties);		\
    IOReturn (*getCapabilities)(void * thisPointer, 			\
                                CFSetRef * capabilities);		\
    IOReturn (*getEvent)(	void * thisPointer, 			\
                                CFDictionaryRef * event);		\
    IOReturn (*setEventCallback)(void * thisPointer, 			\
                                IOUPSEventCallbackFunction callback,	\
                                void * callbackTarget,  		\
                                void * callbackRefcon);			\
    IOReturn (*sendCommand)(	void * thisPointer, 			\
                                CFDictionaryRef command)
#define IOUPSPLUGIN_V140							\
    IOReturn (*createAsyncEventSource)(void * thisPointer,      \
                                CFTypeRef * source)

typedef struct IOUPSPlugInInterface {
} IOUPSPlugInInterface;

typedef struct IOUPSPlugInInterface_v140 {
} IOUPSPlugInInterface_v140;

//  This portion of uncompiled code provides a more reader friendly representation of 
//  the CFPlugin methods defined above.

#if 0
	@interface IOUPSPlugInInterface
	@discussion Represents and provides management functions for a UPS device.

typedef struct IOUPSPlugInInterface {

            @function 	getProperties 
            @abstract	Used to obtain the properties of the UPS device such as the 
                        name and transport.
            @discussion Property keys are defined in IOPSKeys.h.  This is not an 
                        allocation method.  Thus the caller does not release the
                        CFDictionary that is returned.
            @param	thisPointer 	The UPS Interface to use.
            @param   	properties 	Pointer to a CFDictionaryRef that contains 
                                        the properties.
            @result	An IOReturn error code.
    IOReturn (*getProperties)(	void * thisPointer,
                                CFDictionaryRef * properties);

            @function 	getCapabilities 
            @abstract	Used to obtain the capabilities of the UPS device.
            @discussion Keys are defined in IOPSKeys.h and begin with kIOPS.  This 
                        is not an allocation method.  Thus the caller does not 
                        release the CFSet that is returned.
            @param	thisPointer 	The UPS Interface to use.
            @param   	capabilities 	Pointer to a CFSetRef that contains the 
            @result	An IOReturn error code.
    IOReturn (*getCapabilities)(void * thisPointer,
                                CFSetRef * capabilities);

            @function 	getEvent 
            @abstract	Used to poll the current state of the UPS.  
            @discussion Keys are defined in IOPSKeys.h and begin with kIOPS.  This 
                        is not an allocation method.  Thus the caller does not 
                        release the CFDictionary that is returned.
            @param	thisPointer 	The UPS Interface to use.
            @param   	event 		Pointer to a CFDictionaryRef that contains
                                        the current event state.
            @result	An IOReturn error code.
    IOReturn (*getEvent)(	void * thisPointer,
                                CFDictionaryRef * event);

            @function	setEventCallback 
            @abstract	Set the callback that should be called to handle an event 
                        from the UPS.
            @discussion The proivided callback method should be called whenever there
                        is a change of state in the UPS.  This should be used in 
                        conjunction with createAsyncEventSource.
            @param      thisPointer     The UPS Interface to use.
            @param   	callback        A callback handler of type 
            @param   	callbackTarget	The address to be targeted by this callback.
            @param   	callbackRefcon	A user specified reference value. This will 
                                        be passed to all callback functions.
            @result	An IOReturn error code.
    IOReturn (*setEventCallback)(void * thisPointer,
                                IOUPSEventCallbackFunction callback,
                                void * callbackTarget,
                                void * callbackRefcon);

            @function 	sendCommand 
            @abstract	Send a command to the UPS.
            @discussion	Command keys are defined in IOPSKeys.h and begin with 
                        kIOPSCommand.  An error should be returned if your device does
                        not know how to respond to a command.
            @param      thisPointer     The UPS Interface to use.
            @param   	command         CFDictionaryRef that contains the command.
            @result	An IOReturn error code.
    IOReturn (*sendCommand)(	void * thisPointer,
                                CFDictionaryRef command);
            @function 	createAsyncEventSource 
            @abstract	Used to create an async run loop event source of the plugin. 
            @discussion This is an allocation method.  Thus the caller must 
                        release the object that is returned.
            @param      thisPointer 	The UPS Interface to use.
            @param   	source          Pointer to a CFTypeRef.  It is expected that this
                                        point to either a CFRunLoopSourceRef, a
                                        CFRunLoopTimerRef or a CFArray containing the
                                        aforementioned types.
            @result	An IOReturn error code.
    IOReturn (*createAsyncEventSource)(	void * thisPointer,
                                        CFTypeRef * source);

} IOUPSPlugInInterface;