FileAbstraction.hpp   [plain text]

/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*-
 * Copyright (c) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>

#ifdef __OPTIMIZE__
#define INLINE	__attribute__((always_inline))
#define INLINE

// This abstraction layer is for use with file formats that have 64-bit/32-bit and Big-Endian/Little-Endian variants
// For example: to make a utility that handles 32-bit little enidan files use:  Pointer32<LittleEndian>
//		get16()			read a 16-bit number from an E endian struct
//		set16()			write a 16-bit number to an E endian struct
//		get32()			read a 32-bit number from an E endian struct
//		set32()			write a 32-bit number to an E endian struct
//		get64()			read a 64-bit number from an E endian struct
//		set64()			write a 64-bit number to an E endian struct
//		getBits()		read a bit field from an E endian struct (bitCount=number of bits in field, firstBit=bit index of field)
//		setBits()		write a bit field to an E endian struct (bitCount=number of bits in field, firstBit=bit index of field)
//		getBitsRaw()	read a bit field from a struct with native endianness
//		setBitsRaw()	write a bit field from a struct with native endianness

class BigEndian
    static uint16_t get16(const uint16_t& from)             INLINE { return OSReadBigInt16(&from, 0); }
    static void     set16(uint16_t& into, uint16_t value)   INLINE { OSWriteBigInt16(&into, 0, value); }
    static uint32_t get32(const uint32_t& from)             INLINE { return OSReadBigInt32(&from, 0); }
    static void     set32(uint32_t& into, uint32_t value)   INLINE { OSWriteBigInt32(&into, 0, value); }
    static int32_t  get32(const int32_t& from)              INLINE { return OSReadBigInt32(&from, 0); }
    static void     set32(int32_t& into, int32_t value)     INLINE { OSWriteBigInt32(&into, 0, value); }
    static uint64_t get64(const uint64_t& from)             INLINE { return OSReadBigInt64(&from, 0); }
    static void     set64(uint64_t& into, uint64_t value)   INLINE { OSWriteBigInt64(&into, 0, value); }
    static uint32_t getBits(const uint32_t& from,
                            uint8_t firstBit,
                            uint8_t bitCount)               INLINE { return getBitsRaw(get32(from), firstBit, bitCount); }
    static void     setBits(uint32_t& into,
                            uint32_t value,
                            uint8_t firstBit,
                            uint8_t bitCount)               INLINE { uint32_t temp = get32(into); setBitsRaw(temp, value, firstBit, bitCount); set32(into, temp); }
    static uint32_t getBitsRaw(const uint32_t& from,
                               uint8_t firstBit,
                               uint8_t bitCount)            INLINE { return ((from >> (32-firstBit-bitCount)) & ((1<<bitCount)-1)); }
    static void     setBitsRaw(uint32_t& into,
                               uint32_t value,
                               uint8_t firstBit,
                               uint8_t bitCount)            INLINE { uint32_t temp = into;
        const uint32_t mask = ((1<<bitCount)-1);
        temp &= ~(mask << (32-firstBit-bitCount));
        temp |= ((value & mask) << (32-firstBit-bitCount));
        into = temp; }
    enum { little_endian = 0 };

class LittleEndian
    static uint16_t get16(const uint16_t& from)           INLINE { return OSReadLittleInt16(&from, 0); }
    static void     set16(uint16_t& into, uint16_t value) INLINE { OSWriteLittleInt16(&into, 0, value); }
    static uint32_t get32(const uint32_t& from)           INLINE { return OSReadLittleInt32(&from, 0); }
    static void     set32(uint32_t& into, uint32_t value) INLINE { OSWriteLittleInt32(&into, 0, value); }
    static int32_t  get32(const int32_t& from)            INLINE { return OSReadLittleInt32(&from, 0); }
    static void     set32(int32_t& into, int32_t value)   INLINE { OSWriteLittleInt32(&into, 0, value); }
    static uint64_t get64(const uint64_t& from)           INLINE { return OSReadLittleInt64(&from, 0); }
    static void     set64(uint64_t& into, uint64_t value) INLINE { OSWriteLittleInt64(&into, 0, value); }
    static uint32_t getBits(const uint32_t& from,
                            uint8_t firstBit,
                            uint8_t bitCount)             INLINE { return getBitsRaw(get32(from), firstBit, bitCount); }
    static void     setBits(uint32_t& into,
                            uint32_t value,
                            uint8_t firstBit,
                            uint8_t bitCount)             INLINE { uint32_t temp = get32(into); setBitsRaw(temp, value, firstBit, bitCount); set32(into, temp); }
    static uint32_t getBitsRaw(const uint32_t& from,
                               uint8_t firstBit,
                               uint8_t bitCount)          INLINE { return ((from >> firstBit) & ((1<<bitCount)-1)); }
    static void     setBitsRaw(uint32_t& into,
                               uint32_t value,
                               uint8_t firstBit,
                               uint8_t bitCount)          INLINE { uint32_t temp = into;
        const uint32_t mask = ((1<<bitCount)-1);
        temp &= ~(mask << firstBit);
        temp |= ((value & mask) << firstBit);
        into = temp; }
    enum { little_endian = 1 };

template <typename _E>
class Pointer32
    typedef uint32_t uint_t;
    typedef _E       E;
    static uint64_t getP(const uint_t& from)           INLINE { return _E::get32(from); }
    static void     setP(uint_t& into, uint64_t value) INLINE { _E::set32(into, (uint32_t)value); }
    // Round to a P-size boundary
    template <typename T>
    static T round_up(T value) { return (value+3) & ~(T)3; }
    template <typename T>
    static T round_down(T value) { return value & ~(T)3; }

template <typename _E>
class Pointer64
    typedef uint64_t uint_t;
    typedef _E       E;
    static uint64_t getP(const uint_t& from)           INLINE { return _E::get64(from); }
    static void     setP(uint_t& into, uint64_t value) INLINE { _E::set64(into, value); }
    // Round to a P-size boundary
    template <typename T>
    static T round_up(T value) { return (value+7) & ~(T)7; }
    template <typename T>
    static T round_down(T value) { return value & ~(T)7; }

#endif // __FILE_ABSTRACTION__