Localizable.strings   [plain text]

/* Title for shut-down alert warning that we're updating Boot Caches */
"Updating Boot Caches" = "Updating Boot Caches";

/* Title for alert warning in boot≠root that kernel or mkext in memory doesn't match that found on root volume. */
"Inconsistent system files" = "Inconsistent system files";

/* Title for alert warning the user of a kernel extension whose contents could be replaced with malicious code. */
"System extension cannot be used" = "System extension cannot be used";

/* Text of alert warning the user of a kernel extension whose contents could be replaced with malicious code. In two parts; the filename in question is put in between them. */
"The system extension \"" = "The system extension “";

"\" was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product's vendor for an update." = "” was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the product’s vendor for an update.";

/* Titles for "no load" and revoked cert alerts.  There is one for single kext and one for multiple kexts. */
"Kernel extension could not be loaded" = "Kernel extension could not be loaded";

"Kernel extensions could not be loaded" = "Kernel extensions could not be loaded";

/* Text of first part of revoked cert, "no load" and invalid signature alerts for one kext */
"The kernel extension at \"" = "The kernel extension at “";

/* Text for "no load" alert  */
"The following kernel extensions can't be loaded because they are from unidentified developers.  Extensions loaded from /Library/Extensions must be signed by identified developers. \r" = "The following kernel extensions can’t be loaded because they are from unidentified developers.  Extensions loaded from /Library/Extensions must be signed by identified developers. \r";

"\" can't be loaded because it is from an unidentified developer.  Extensions loaded from /Library/Extensions must be signed by identified developers." = "” can’t be loaded because it is from an unidentified developer.  Extensions loaded from /Library/Extensions must be signed by identified developers.";

/* Text of last part of "no load" and invalid signature alerts */
"\r\rPlease contact the kernel extension vendor for updated software." = "\r\rPlease contact the kernel extension vendor for updated software.";

/* Text for revoked cert alert */
"The following kernel extensions are damaged and can't be loaded. \r" = "The following kernel extensions are damaged and can’t be loaded. \r";

"\" is damaged and can't be loaded." = "” is damaged and can’t be loaded.";

"\r\rYou should move them to the Trash." = "\r\rYou should move them to the Trash.";

"\r\rYou should move it to the Trash." = "\r\rYou should move it to the Trash.";

/* Text for invalid kext signature alert */
"The following kernel extensions are not from identified developers but will still be loaded. \r" = "The following kernel extensions are not from identified developers but will still be loaded. \r";

"\" is not from an identified developer but will still be loaded." = "” is not from an identified developer but will still be loaded.";

"Kernel extensions are not from identified developers" = "Kernel extensions are not from identified developers";

"Kernel extension is not from an identified developer" = "Kernel extension is not from an identified developer";

/* Text for excluded kexts alert */
"Some system extensions are not compatible with this version of OS X and can’t be used:" = "Some system extensions are not compatible with this version of macOS and can’t be used:";

"The system extension \"" = "The system extension “";

"\" is not compatible with this version of OS X and can’t be used." = "” is not compatible with this version of macOS and can’t be used.";

"Please contact the developer for updated software." = "Please contact the developer for updated software.";

/* OK */
"OK" = "OK";

/* Display mode naming related strings. */

"PAL"  = "PAL";
"NTSC" = "NTSC";

"256 Colors" = "256 Colors";
"Thousands"  = "Thousands";
"Millions"   = "Millions";
"Trillions"  = "Trillions";

"n/a"  = "n/a";

"stretched"  = "stretched";
"simulscan"  = "simulscan";
"interlaced" = "interlaced";
"external"   = "external";

"%%.%ldf Hertz"       = "%%.%ldf Hertz";
"%%.%ldf Hertz (%%@)" = "%%.%ldf Hertz (%%@)";

"%d x %d"  = "%d x %d";
"%d x %dp" = "%d x %dp";
"%d x %di" = "%d x %di";

"%@"						=	"%@";
"%@ (%@)"					= 	"%@ (%@)";
"%@ (%@, %@)"					= 	"%@ (%@, %@)";
"%@ (%@, %@, %@)"				=	"%@ (%@, %@, %@)";
"%@ (%@, %@, %@, %@)"				=	"%@ (%@, %@, %@, %@)";
"%@ (%@, %@, %@, %@, %@)"			=	"%@ (%@, %@, %@, %@, %@)";

"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz"				=	"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz";
"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz (%%@)"				=	"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz (%%@)";
"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz (%%@, %%@)"			= 	"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz (%%@, %%@)";
"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz (%%@, %%@, %%@)"		=	"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz (%%@, %%@, %%@)";
"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz (%%@, %%@, %%@, %%@)"		=	"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz (%%@, %%@, %%@, %%@)";
"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz (%%@, %%@, %%@, %%@, %%@)"	=	"%%@, %%.%ldf Hz (%%@, %%@, %%@, %%@, %%@)";