IOEventStatusAPI.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1991 NeXT Computer, Inc.
 * Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
	API for the events status driver.
	This file implements public API.
	mpaque 11Oct91
	29 June 1992 Mike Paquette at NeXT
		Implemented API for the new Mach based Event Driver.

#include <mach/mach.h>

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

#include <drivers/event_status_driver.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDLib.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDParameter.h>

#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>

/* Definitions specific to the Mach based event driver */
#define BRIGHT_MAX 64

static void secs_to_packed_nsecs(double secs, unsigned int *nsecs)
    *((UInt64 *)nsecs) = (1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0 * secs);

static double packed_nsecs_to_secs(unsigned int *nsecs)
    return( ((double)*((UInt64 *)nsecs)) / 1000.0 / 1000.0 / 1000.0);

/* Open and Close */
NXEventHandle NXOpenEventStatus(void)
    NXEventHandle 		handle = MACH_PORT_NULL;
    register kern_return_t	kr;
    io_service_t		service = MACH_PORT_NULL;
    mach_port_t			masterPort;

    do {

	kr = IOMasterPort( MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort );
	if( kr != KERN_SUCCESS)

        service = IORegistryEntryFromPath( masterPort,
                    kIOServicePlane ":/IOResources/IOHIDSystem" );
	if( !service)

        kr = IOServiceOpen( service,

        IOObjectRelease( service );

    } while( false );

    return( handle );

void NXCloseEventStatus(NXEventHandle handle)
    IOServiceClose( handle );

/* Status query */
NXEventSystemInfoType NXEventSystemInfo(NXEventHandle handle,
					char *flavor,
					NXEventSystemInfoType evs_info,
					unsigned int *evs_info_cnt)
    kern_return_t kr;
    NXEventSystemDevice * info = (NXEventSystemDevice *) evs_info;
    int	maxDeviceCount = (*evs_info_cnt) * sizeof( int) / sizeof( NXEventSystemDevice);
    int deviceCount = 0;

    io_iterator_t iter;
    io_registry_entry_t hidsystem;
    io_registry_entry_t hiddevice;

    CFDictionaryRef	dict;
    CFNumberRef		num;
    SInt32		val;

    // Translate the one existing old case to new format
    if ( ((int)flavor) == __OLD_NX_EVS_DEVICE_INFO )
            flavor = NX_EVS_DEVICE_INFO;

    if( strcmp( flavor, NX_EVS_DEVICE_INFO))
        kr = kIOReturnUnsupported;

   do {
	kr = IOConnectGetService( handle, &hidsystem );
	if( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )

	kr = IORegistryEntryGetParentIterator( hidsystem,
			kIOServicePlane, &iter );

        IOObjectRelease( hidsystem );

	if( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )

	while( (deviceCount < maxDeviceCount)
	    && (hiddevice = IOIteratorNext( iter ))) {

	    kr = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(hiddevice, &dict,
                                    kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions);
	    IOObjectRelease( hiddevice );
            if( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )

	    if( (num = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR(kIOHIDKindKey )))) {

		CFNumberGetValue( num, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &val );
                info[ deviceCount ].dev_type = val;

                if( (num = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR(kIOHIDInterfaceIDKey ))))
                    CFNumberGetValue( num, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &val );
		    val = 0;
                info[ deviceCount ].interface = val;

                if( (num = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR(kIOHIDSubinterfaceIDKey ))))
                    CFNumberGetValue( num, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &val );
		    val = 0;
                info[ deviceCount ].id = val;

                info[ deviceCount ].interface_addr = 0;

	IOObjectRelease( iter );

    } while( false );

    if ( kr == KERN_SUCCESS )
	*evs_info_cnt = (deviceCount * sizeof( NXEventSystemDevice) / sizeof( int));
	evs_info = (NXEventSystemInfoType) 0;

    return evs_info;

kern_return_t IOHIDSetParameter( io_connect_t handle, CFStringRef key, 
		const void * bytes, IOByteCount size )
    kern_return_t		kr = kIOReturnNoMemory;
    CFDataRef			data;

    do {
        data = CFDataCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, bytes, size );
        if( !data)
	kr = IOConnectSetCFProperty( handle, key, data );

    } while( false );

    return( kr );
#ifndef kIOHIDParametersKey
#define kIOHIDParametersKey		"HIDParameters"

kern_return_t IOHIDGetParameter( io_connect_t handle, CFStringRef key, 
		IOByteCount maxSize, void * bytes, IOByteCount * actualSize )
    kern_return_t	kr;
    io_service_t	hidsystem;
    CFDictionaryRef	paramDict;
    CFDictionaryRef	dict;
    CFDataRef		data = NULL;
    int 		copySize;

    kr = IOConnectGetService( handle, &hidsystem );
    if( KERN_SUCCESS != kr )
        return( kr );

    kr = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties( hidsystem, &dict,
                                            kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions);
    IOObjectRelease( hidsystem );

    if( kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
	return( kr );

    if( (paramDict = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, CFSTR(kIOHIDParametersKey))))
        data = CFDictionaryGetValue( paramDict, key);
    if( !data)
        data = CFDictionaryGetValue( dict, key);

    if( data ) {
	copySize = CFDataGetLength(data);
	*actualSize = copySize;
	if( maxSize < copySize)
	    copySize = maxSize;
	bcopy( CFDataGetBytePtr(data), bytes, copySize );

    } else
	kr = kIOReturnBadArgument;


    return( kr );

#define NXEvSetParameterChar( h,n,p,sz ) IOHIDSetParameter( h,n,p,sz )
#define NXEvSetParameterInt( h,n,p,sz )	 IOHIDSetParameter( h,n,	\
					(unsigned char *)p,sz * 4 )
#define NXEvGetParameterChar( h,n,mx,p,sz ) IOHIDGetParameter( h, n,mx,p,sz )
#define NXEvGetParameterInt( h,n,mx,p,sz )	 IOHIDGetParameter( h,n, mx * 4, \
					(unsigned char *)p,sz ); \
			*sz /= 4

/* Keyboard */

void NXResetKeyboard(NXEventHandle handle)
	unsigned int params[EVSIORKBD_SIZE];
	NXEvSetParameterInt( handle, CFSTR(EVSIORKBD), params, EVSIORKBD_SIZE);

void NXSetKeyRepeatInterval(NXEventHandle handle, double rate)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOSKR_SIZE];
	secs_to_packed_nsecs( rate, params );
	NXEvSetParameterInt(	handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSKR), params, EVSIOSKR_SIZE);

double NXKeyRepeatInterval(NXEventHandle handle)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOCKR_SIZE];
	IOByteCount rcnt = EVSIOCKR_SIZE;
	int r;

	r = NXEvGetParameterInt( handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSKR), EVSIOCKR_SIZE,
				params, &rcnt );
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return 0.0;

	return packed_nsecs_to_secs( params );

void NXSetKeyRepeatThreshold(NXEventHandle handle, double threshold)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOSIKR_SIZE];
	secs_to_packed_nsecs( threshold, params );
	NXEvSetParameterInt(	handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSIKR), params, EVSIOSIKR_SIZE);

double NXKeyRepeatThreshold(NXEventHandle handle)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOCKR_SIZE];
	IOByteCount rcnt = EVSIOCKR_SIZE;
	int r;

	r = NXEvGetParameterInt( handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSIKR), EVSIOCKR_SIZE,
				params, &rcnt );
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return 0.0;
	return packed_nsecs_to_secs( params );

NXKeyMapping * NXSetKeyMapping(NXEventHandle handle, NXKeyMapping *keymap)
	int r;

	if ( keymap->size > EVSIOSKM_SIZE )
	    	return (NXKeyMapping *)0;
	r = NXEvSetParameterChar(handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSKM),
				(unsigned char *) keymap->mapping,
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
	    return (NXKeyMapping *)0;
	return keymap;

int NXKeyMappingLength(NXEventHandle handle)
	int r;
	IOByteCount size;

	r = NXEvGetParameterChar( handle, CFSTR(EVSIOCKM), 0,
				(unsigned char *) 0,
				&size );
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
		size = 0;
	return size;

NXKeyMapping * NXGetKeyMapping(NXEventHandle handle, NXKeyMapping *keymap)
	int r;

	r = NXEvGetParameterChar( handle, CFSTR(EVSIOCKM), keymap->size,
				(unsigned char *) keymap->mapping,
				(IOByteCount *) &keymap->size );
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
    		return (NXKeyMapping *)0;
	return keymap;

/* Mouse */

void NXResetMouse(NXEventHandle handle)
	unsigned int params[EVSIORMS_SIZE];
	NXEvSetParameterInt(handle, CFSTR(EVSIORMS), params, EVSIORMS_SIZE);

void NXSetClickTime(NXEventHandle handle, double secs)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOSCT_SIZE];

	secs_to_packed_nsecs( secs, params );
	NXEvSetParameterInt(handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSCT), params, EVSIOSCT_SIZE);

double NXClickTime(NXEventHandle handle)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOCCT_SIZE];
	IOByteCount rcnt = EVSIOCCT_SIZE;
	int r;

	r = NXEvGetParameterInt(handle, CFSTR(EVSIOCCT), EVSIOCCT_SIZE,
				params, &rcnt );
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return 0.0;
	return packed_nsecs_to_secs( params );

void NXSetClickSpace(NXEventHandle handle, _NXSize_ *area)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOSCS_SIZE];

	params[EVSIOSCS_X] = (unsigned int)(area->width);
	params[EVSIOSCS_Y] = (unsigned int)(area->height);

	NXEvSetParameterInt(handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSCS), params, EVSIOSCS_SIZE);

void NXGetClickSpace(NXEventHandle handle, _NXSize_ *area)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOCCS_SIZE];
	IOByteCount rcnt = EVSIOCCS_SIZE;

				params, &rcnt );
	area->width = params[EVSIOCCS_X];
	area->height = params[EVSIOCCS_Y];

void NXSetMouseScaling(NXEventHandle handle, NXMouseScaling *scaling)
	double accl;

	accl = scaling->scaleFactors[scaling->numScaleLevels - 1] - 1.0;
	if( accl > 18.0)
	    accl = 1.0;
	    accl /= 18.0;

	IOHIDSetMouseAcceleration( handle, accl );

void NXGetMouseScaling(NXEventHandle handle, NXMouseScaling *scaling)
	kern_return_t	kr;
	double		acceleration;
	int		factor, i;
	const unsigned char * table;
	const unsigned char * nextTable;
	static const unsigned char nextToAccl[] = {
		1,  1, 1,
		5,  1, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 5, 9, 7,
		5,  2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 5, 8, 6, 10,
		5,  2, 2, 3, 6, 4, 10, 5, 15, 6, 22,
		0 };

	kr = IOHIDGetMouseAcceleration( handle, &acceleration );
	if ( kr != kIOReturnSuccess ) {
		scaling->numScaleLevels = 0;

	factor = (int) (18.0 * acceleration + 1.0);
	table = nextToAccl;
	do {
	    nextTable = table + (table[0] * 2) + 1;
	    if( factor <= nextTable[-1])
	    if( nextTable[0])
                table = nextTable;
	} while( true );

        scaling->numScaleLevels = table[0];
	for( i = 0; i < scaling->numScaleLevels; i++ )
            scaling->scaleThresholds[i] = table[ i * 2 + 1 ];
            scaling->scaleFactors[i] = table[ i * 2 + 2 ];

kern_return_t IOHIDGetScrollAcceleration( io_connect_t handle, double * acceleration )
    kern_return_t	kr;
    unsigned int	fixed;
    IOByteCount	rsize;

    kr = IOHIDGetParameter( handle, CFSTR(kIOHIDScrollAccelerationKey),
                            sizeof( fixed), (unsigned char *) &fixed, &rsize );

    if( kr == kIOReturnSuccess)
        *acceleration = ((double) fixed) / 65536.0;

    return( kr );

kern_return_t IOHIDSetScrollAcceleration( io_connect_t handle, double acceleration )
    unsigned int	fixed;

    fixed = (unsigned int) (acceleration * 65536.0);

    return( IOHIDSetParameter(handle, CFSTR(kIOHIDScrollAccelerationKey),
                            (unsigned char *) &fixed, sizeof(fixed)) );

kern_return_t IOHIDGetMouseButtonMode( io_connect_t handle, int * mode )
    IOByteCount	rsize;

    return( IOHIDGetParameter( handle, CFSTR(kIOHIDPointerButtonMode),
                            sizeof( *mode), (unsigned char *) mode, &rsize ));

kern_return_t IOHIDSetMouseButtonMode( io_connect_t handle, int mode )
    return( IOHIDSetParameter(handle, CFSTR(kIOHIDPointerButtonMode),
                            (unsigned char *) &mode, sizeof(mode)) );

kern_return_t IOHIDGetMouseAcceleration( io_connect_t handle, double * acceleration )
	kern_return_t	kr;
	unsigned int	fixed;
	IOByteCount	rsize;

	kr = IOHIDGetParameter( handle, CFSTR(kIOHIDPointerAccelerationKey),
				sizeof( fixed), (unsigned char *) &fixed, &rsize );

	if( kr == kIOReturnSuccess)
            *acceleration = ((double) fixed) / 65536.0;

        return( kr );

kern_return_t IOHIDSetMouseAcceleration( io_connect_t handle, double acceleration )
	unsigned int	fixed;

	fixed = (unsigned int) (acceleration * 65536.0);

	return( IOHIDSetParameter(handle, CFSTR(kIOHIDPointerAccelerationKey),
				(unsigned char *) &fixed, sizeof( fixed)) );

kern_return_t IOHIDGetAccelerationWithKey( io_connect_t handle, CFStringRef key, double * acceleration )
	kern_return_t	kr;
	unsigned int	fixed;
	IOByteCount	rsize;

	kr = IOHIDGetParameter( handle, key,
				sizeof( fixed), (unsigned char *) &fixed, &rsize );

	if( kr == kIOReturnSuccess)
            *acceleration = ((double) fixed) / 65536.0;

        return( kr );

kern_return_t IOHIDSetAccelerationWithKey( io_connect_t handle, CFStringRef key, double acceleration )
	unsigned int	fixed;

	fixed = (unsigned int) (acceleration * 65536.0);

	return( IOHIDSetParameter(handle, key,
				(unsigned char *) &fixed, sizeof( fixed)) );

/* Screen Brightness and Auto-dimming */

void NXSetAutoDimThreshold(NXEventHandle handle, double threshold)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOSADT_SIZE];

	secs_to_packed_nsecs( threshold, params );
	NXEvSetParameterInt(handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSADT), params, EVSIOSADT_SIZE);

double NXAutoDimThreshold(NXEventHandle handle)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOCADT_SIZE];
	IOByteCount rcnt = EVSIOCADT_SIZE;
	int r;

	r = NXEvGetParameterInt(handle, CFSTR(EVSIOCADT), EVSIOCADT_SIZE,
				params, &rcnt );
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return 0.0;
	return packed_nsecs_to_secs( params );

double NXAutoDimTime(NXEventHandle handle)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOGDADT_SIZE];
	IOByteCount rcnt = EVSIOGDADT_SIZE;
	int r;

				params, &rcnt );
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return 0.0;
	return packed_nsecs_to_secs( params );

double NXIdleTime(NXEventHandle handle)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOIDLE_SIZE];
	IOByteCount rcnt = EVSIOIDLE_SIZE;
	int r;

	r = NXEvGetParameterInt( handle, CFSTR(EVSIOIDLE), EVSIOIDLE_SIZE,
				params, &rcnt );
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return 0.0;
	return packed_nsecs_to_secs( params );

void NXSetAutoDimState(NXEventHandle handle, boolean_t dimmed)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOSADS_SIZE];

	params[0] = dimmed;
	NXEvSetParameterInt(handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSADS), params, EVSIOSADS_SIZE);

boolean_t NXAutoDimState(NXEventHandle handle)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOCADS_SIZE];
	IOByteCount rcnt = EVSIOCADS_SIZE;
	int r;

	r = NXEvGetParameterInt( handle, CFSTR(EVSIOCADS), EVSIOCADS_SIZE,
				params, &rcnt );
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return false;
	return (params[0] != 0);

void NXSetAutoDimBrightness(NXEventHandle handle, double brightness)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOSADB_SIZE];

	params[0] = (int) (brightness * BRIGHT_MAX);
	NXEvSetParameterInt(handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSADB), params, EVSIOSADB_SIZE);

double NXAutoDimBrightness(NXEventHandle handle)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOSB_SIZE];
	IOByteCount rcnt = EVSIOSB_SIZE;
	int r;

	r = NXEvGetParameterInt( handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSADB), EVSIOSB_SIZE,
				params, &rcnt );
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return 1.0;
	return ((double)params[0]
		/ (double)BRIGHT_MAX);

void NXSetScreenBrightness(NXEventHandle handle, double brightness)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOSB_SIZE];
	params[0] = (int) (brightness * BRIGHT_MAX);
	NXEvSetParameterInt(handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSB), params, EVSIOSB_SIZE);

double NXScreenBrightness(NXEventHandle handle)
	unsigned int params[EVSIOSB_SIZE];
	IOByteCount rcnt = EVSIOSB_SIZE;
	int r;

	r = NXEvGetParameterInt( handle, CFSTR(EVSIOSB), EVSIOSB_SIZE,
				params, &rcnt );
	if ( r != kIOReturnSuccess )
		return 1.0;
	return ((double)params[0] / (double)BRIGHT_MAX);

/* Generic entry points */

#ifdef _undef

int NXEvSetParameterInt(NXEventHandle handle,
			char *parameterName,
			unsigned int *parameterArray,
			unsigned int count)
    return( kIOReturnUnsupported );

int NXEvSetParameterChar(NXEventHandle handle,
			char *parameterName,
			unsigned char *parameterArray,
			unsigned int count)
    return( kIOReturnUnsupported );

int NXEvGetParameterInt(NXEventHandle handle,
			char *parameterName,
			unsigned int maxCount,
			unsigned int *parameterArray,
			unsigned int *returnedCount)
    return( kIOReturnUnsupported );

int NXEvGetParameterChar(NXEventHandle handle,
			char *parameterName,
			unsigned int maxCount,
			unsigned char *parameterArray,
			unsigned int *returnedCount)
    return( kIOReturnUnsupported );
