ioreg.c   [plain text]

// =============================================================================
// Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved. 
// ioreg.c

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>            // (CFDictionary, ...)
#include <IOKit/IOCFSerialize.h>                      // (IOCFSerialize, ...)
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>                           // (IOMasterPort, ...)
#include <IOKit/IOKitLibPrivate.h>                    // (IOMasterPort, ...)
#include <sys/ioctl.h>                                // (TIOCGWINSZ, ...)
#include <term.h>                                     // (tputs, ...)
#include <unistd.h>                                   // (getopt, ...)

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static void assertion(int condition, char * message); // (support routine)
static void boldinit();                               // (support routine)
static void boldon();                                 // (support routine)
static void boldoff();                                // (support routine)
static void print(const char * format, ...);          // (support routine)
static void println(const char * format, ...);        // (support routine)

static void CFArrayShow(CFArrayRef object);           // (support routine)
static void CFBooleanShow(CFBooleanRef object);       // (support routine)
static void CFDataShow(CFDataRef object);             // (support routine)
static void CFDictionaryShow(CFDictionaryRef object); // (support routine)
static void CFNumberShow(CFNumberRef object);         // (support routine)
static void CFObjectShow(CFTypeRef object);           // (support routine)
static void CFSetShow(CFSetRef object);               // (support routine)
static void CFStringShow(CFStringRef object);         // (support routine)

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const UInt32 kIORegFlagShowBold       = (1 << 0);     // (-b option)
const UInt32 kIORegFlagShowProperties = (1 << 1);     // (-l option)
const UInt32 kIORegFlagShowState      = (1 << 2);     // (-s option)

struct options
    char * class;                                     // (-c option)
    UInt32 flags;                                     // (see above)
    char * name;                                      // (-n option)
    char * plane;                                     // (-p option)
    UInt32 width;                                     // (-w option)
    Boolean hex;                                      // (-x option)

struct context
    UInt32 depth;
    UInt64 stackOfBits;

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static void printinit(struct options opt);            // (support routine)

static void indent( Boolean isNode,
                    UInt32  serviceDepth,
                    UInt64  stackOfBits );

static void scan( io_registry_entry_t service,
                  Boolean             serviceHasMoreSiblings,
                  UInt32              serviceDepth,
                  UInt64              stackOfBits,      // (see indent routine)
                  struct options      options );

static void show( io_registry_entry_t service,
                  UInt32              serviceDepth,
                  UInt64              stackOfBits,
                  struct options      options );

static void showItem( const void * key,
                      const void * value,
                      void *       parameter );

static void usage();

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int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    int                 argument  = 0;
    mach_port_t         iokitPort = 0; // (don't release)
    struct options      options;
    io_registry_entry_t service   = 0; // (needs release)
    kern_return_t       status    = KERN_SUCCESS;
    struct winsize      winsize;

    // Initialize our minimal state.

    options.class = 0;
    options.flags = 0;  = 0;
    options.plane = kIOServicePlane;
    options.width = 0;
    options.hex   = 0;

    // Obtain the screen width.

    if (ioctl(fileno(stdout), TIOCGWINSZ, &winsize) == 0)
        options.width = winsize.ws_col;
    else if (ioctl(fileno(stdin), TIOCGWINSZ, &winsize) == 0)
        options.width = winsize.ws_col;

    // Obtain the command-line arguments.
    options.flags |= kIORegFlagShowState;

    while ( (argument = getopt(argc, argv, ":bc:ln:p:sSw:x")) != -1 )
        switch (argument)
            case 'b':
                options.flags |= kIORegFlagShowBold;
            case 'c':
                options.class = optarg;
            case 'l':
                options.flags |= kIORegFlagShowProperties;
            case 'n':
       = optarg;
            case 'p':
                options.plane = optarg;
            case 's':
                options.flags |= kIORegFlagShowState;
            case 'S':
                options.flags &= ~kIORegFlagShowState;
            case 'w':
                options.width = atoi(optarg);
                assertion(options.width >= 0, "invalid width");
	    case 'x':
		options.hex = TRUE;

    // Initialize text output functions.


    if (options.flags & kIORegFlagShowBold)  boldinit();

    // Obtain the I/O Kit communication handle.

    status = IOMasterPort(bootstrap_port, &iokitPort);
    assertion(status == KERN_SUCCESS, "can't obtain I/O Kit's master port");

    // Obtain the I/O Kit root service.

    service = IORegistryGetRootEntry(iokitPort);
    assertion(service, "can't obtain I/O Kit's root service");

    // Traverse over all the I/O Kit services.

    scan( /* service                */ service,
          /* serviceHasMoreSiblings */ FALSE,
          /* serviceDepth           */ 0,
          /* stackOfBits            */ 0,
          /* options                */ options );

    // Release resources.

    IOObjectRelease(service); service = 0;

    // Quit.


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static void scan( io_registry_entry_t service,
                  Boolean             serviceHasMoreSiblings,
                  UInt32              serviceDepth,
                  UInt64              stackOfBits,
                  struct options      options )
    io_registry_entry_t child       = 0; // (needs release)
    io_registry_entry_t childUpNext = 0; // (don't release)
    io_iterator_t       children    = 0; // (needs release)
    kern_return_t       status      = KERN_SUCCESS;

    // Obtain the service's children.

    status = IORegistryEntryGetChildIterator(service, options.plane, &children);
    assertion(status == KERN_SUCCESS, "can't obtain children");

    childUpNext = IOIteratorNext(children);

    // Save has-more-siblings state into stackOfBits for this depth.

    if (serviceHasMoreSiblings)
        stackOfBits |=  (1 << serviceDepth);
        stackOfBits &= ~(1 << serviceDepth);

    // Save has-children state into stackOfBits for this depth.

    if (childUpNext)
        stackOfBits |=  (2 << serviceDepth);
        stackOfBits &= ~(2 << serviceDepth);

    // Print out the relevant service information.

    show(service, serviceDepth, stackOfBits, options);

    // Traverse over the children of this service.

    while (childUpNext)
        child       = childUpNext;
        childUpNext = IOIteratorNext(children);

        scan( /* service                */ child,
              /* serviceHasMoreSiblings */ (childUpNext) ? TRUE : FALSE,
              /* serviceDepth           */ serviceDepth + 1,
              /* stackOfBits            */ stackOfBits,
              /* options                */ options );

        IOObjectRelease(child); child = 0;

    IOObjectRelease(children); children = 0;

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static void show( io_registry_entry_t service,
                  UInt32              serviceDepth,
                  UInt64              stackOfBits,
                  struct options      options )
    io_name_t       class;          // (don't release)
    struct context  context    = { serviceDepth, stackOfBits };
    int             integer    = 0; // (don't release)
    uint64_t	    state;
    io_name_t       location;       // (don't release)
    io_name_t       name;           // (don't release)
    CFDictionaryRef properties = 0; // (needs release)
    kern_return_t   status     = KERN_SUCCESS;

    // Print out the name of the service.

    status = IORegistryEntryGetNameInPlane(service, options.plane, name);
    assertion(status == KERN_SUCCESS, "can't obtain name");

    indent(TRUE, serviceDepth, stackOfBits);

    if (options.flags & kIORegFlagShowBold)  boldon();

    print("%s", name);

    if (options.flags & kIORegFlagShowBold)  boldoff();

    // Print out the location of the service.

    status = IORegistryEntryGetLocationInPlane(service, options.plane, location);
    if (status == KERN_SUCCESS)  print("@%s", location);

    // Print out the class of the service.

    status = IOObjectGetClass(service, class);
    assertion(status == KERN_SUCCESS, "can't obtain class name");

    print("  <class %s", class);

    // Prepare to print out the service's useful debug information.

    if (options.flags & kIORegFlagShowState)
        // Print out the busy state of the service (for IOService objects).

        if (IOObjectConformsTo(service, "IOService"))
            status = IOServiceGetState(service, &state);
            assertion(status == KERN_SUCCESS, "can't obtain state");

            print(", %sregistered, %smatched, %sactive",
		    state & kIOServiceMatchedState    ? "" : "!",
		    state & kIOServiceRegisteredState ? "" : "!",
		    state & kIOServiceInactiveState   ? "in" : "" );

            status = IOServiceGetBusyState(service, &integer);
            assertion(status == KERN_SUCCESS, "can't obtain busy state");

            print(", busy %d", integer);

        // Print out the retain count of the service.

        integer = IOObjectGetRetainCount(service);
        assertion(integer >= 0, "can't obtain retain count");

        print(", retain count %d", integer);


    // Prepare to print out the service's properties.

    if (options.class && IOObjectConformsTo(service, options.class))
        options.flags |= kIORegFlagShowProperties;

    if ( && !strcmp(name,
        options.flags |= kIORegFlagShowProperties;

    if (options.flags & kIORegFlagShowProperties)
        indent(FALSE, serviceDepth, stackOfBits);

        // Obtain the service's properties.

        status = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(service,
        assertion(status == KERN_SUCCESS, "can't obtain properties");
        assertion(CFGetTypeID(properties) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID(), NULL);

        // Print out the service's properties.

        CFDictionaryApplyFunction(properties, showItem, &context);

        indent(FALSE, serviceDepth, stackOfBits);
        indent(FALSE, serviceDepth, stackOfBits);

        // Release resources.


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static void showItem(const void * key, const void * value, void * parameter)
    struct context * context = parameter; // (don't release)

    // Print out one of the service's properties.

    indent(FALSE, context->depth, context->stackOfBits);
    print("  ");
    print(" = ");

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static void indent(Boolean isNode, UInt32 depth, UInt64 stackOfBits)
    // stackOfBits representation, given current zero-based depth is n:
    //   bit n+1             = does depth n have children?       1=yes, 0=no
    //   bit [n, .. i .., 0] = does depth i have more siblings?  1=yes, 0=no

    UInt32 index;

    if (isNode)
        for (index = 0; index < depth; index++)
            print( (stackOfBits & (1 << index)) ? "| " : "  " );

        print("+-o ");
    else // if (!isNode)
        for (index = 0; index <= depth + 1; index++)
            print( (stackOfBits & (1 << index)) ? "| " : "  " );

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void usage()
    fprintf( stderr,
     "usage: ioreg [-b] [-c class | -l | -n name] [-p plane] [-s] [-w width] [-x]\n"
     "where options are:\n"
     "\t-b show object name in bold\n"
     "\t-c list properties of objects with the given class\n"
     "\t-l list properties of all objects\n"
     "\t-n list properties of objects with the given name\n"
     "\t-p traverse registry over the given plane (IOService is default)\n"
     "\t-s show object state (eg. busy state, retain count)\n"
     "\t-w clip output to the given line width (0 is unlimited)\n"
     "\t-x print numeric property values in hexadecimal\n"

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static void assertion(int condition, char * message)
    if (condition == 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "ioreg: error: %s.\n", message);

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static char * termcapstr_boldon  = 0;
static char * termcapstr_boldoff = 0;

static int termcapstr_outc(int c)
    return putchar(c);

static void boldinit()
    char *      term;
    static char termcapbuf[64];
    char *      termcapbufptr = termcapbuf;

    term = getenv("TERM");

    if (term)
        if (tgetent(NULL, term) > 0)
            termcapstr_boldon  = tgetstr("md", &termcapbufptr);
            termcapstr_boldoff = tgetstr("me", &termcapbufptr);

            assertion(termcapbufptr - termcapbuf <= sizeof(termcapbuf), NULL);

    if (termcapstr_boldon  == 0)  termcapstr_boldon  = "";
    if (termcapstr_boldoff == 0)  termcapstr_boldoff = "";

static void boldon()
    tputs(termcapstr_boldon, 1, termcapstr_outc);

static void boldoff()
    tputs(termcapstr_boldoff, 1, termcapstr_outc);

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static char * printbuf     = 0;
static int    printbufclip = FALSE;
static int    printbufleft = 0;
static int    printbufsize = 0;
static Boolean printhex = FALSE;

static void printinit(struct options opt)
    if (opt.width)
        printbuf     = malloc(opt.width);
        printbufleft = opt.width;
        printbufsize = opt.width;

        assertion(printbuf != NULL, "can't allocate buffer");
    printhex = opt.hex;

static void printva(const char * format, va_list arguments)
    if (printbufsize)
        char * c;
        int    count = vsnprintf(printbuf, printbufleft, format, arguments);

        while ( (c = strchr(printbuf, '\n')) )  *c = ' ';    // (strip newlines)

        printf("%s", printbuf);

        if (count >= printbufleft)
            count = printbufleft - 1;
            printbufclip = TRUE;

        printbufleft -= count;   // (printbufleft never hits zero, stops at one)
        vprintf(format, arguments);

static void print(const char * format, ...)
    va_list arguments;
    va_start(arguments, format);
    printva(format, arguments);

static void println(const char * format, ...)
    va_list arguments;
    va_start(arguments, format);
    printva(format, arguments);

    if (printbufclip)  printf("$");


    printbufclip = FALSE;
    printbufleft = printbufsize;

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static void CFArrayShow_Applier(const void * value, void * parameter)
    Boolean * first = (Boolean *) parameter;

    if (*first)
        *first = FALSE;


static void CFArrayShow(CFArrayRef object)
    Boolean first = TRUE;
    CFRange range = { 0, CFArrayGetCount(object) };

    CFArrayApplyFunction(object, range, CFArrayShow_Applier, &first);

static void CFBooleanShow(CFBooleanRef object)
    print(CFBooleanGetValue(object) ? "Yes" : "No");

static void CFDataShow(CFDataRef object)
    UInt32        asciiNormalCount = 0;
    UInt32        asciiSymbolCount = 0;
    const UInt8 * bytes;
    CFIndex       index;
    CFIndex       length;

    length = CFDataGetLength(object);
    bytes  = CFDataGetBytePtr(object);

    // This algorithm detects ascii strings, or a set of ascii strings, inside a
    // stream of bytes.  The string, or last string if in a set, needn't be null
    // terminated.  High-order symbol characters are accepted, unless they occur
    // too often (80% of characters must be normal).  Zero padding at the end of
    // the string(s) is valid.  If the data stream is only one byte, it is never
    // considered to be a string.

    for (index = 0; index < length; index++)  // (scan for ascii string/strings)
        if (bytes[index] == 0)       // (detected null in place of a new string,
        {                            //  ensure remainder of the string is null)
            for (; index < length && bytes[index] == 0; index++) { }

            break;          // (either end of data or a non-null byte in stream)
        else                         // (scan along this potential ascii string)
            for (; index < length; index++)
                if (isprint(bytes[index]))
                else if (bytes[index] >= 128 && bytes[index] <= 254)

            if (index < length && bytes[index] == 0)          // (end of string)
            else             // (either end of data or an unprintable character)

    if ((asciiNormalCount >> 2) < asciiSymbolCount)    // (is 80% normal ascii?)
        index = 0;
    else if (length == 1)                                 // (is just one byte?)
        index = 0;

    if (index >= length && asciiNormalCount) // (is a string or set of strings?)
        Boolean quoted = FALSE;

        for (index = 0; index < length; index++)
            if (bytes[index])
                if (quoted == FALSE)
                    quoted = TRUE;
                    if (index)
                print("%c", bytes[index]);
                if (quoted == TRUE)
                    quoted = FALSE;
        if (quoted == TRUE)
    else                                  // (is not a string or set of strings)
        for (index = 0; index < length; index++)  print("%02x", bytes[index]);


static void CFDictionaryShow_Applier( const void * key,
                                      const void * value,
                                      void *       parameter )
    Boolean * first = (Boolean *) parameter;

    if (*first)
        *first = FALSE;


static void CFDictionaryShow(CFDictionaryRef object)
    Boolean first = TRUE;

    CFDictionaryApplyFunction(object, CFDictionaryShow_Applier, &first);

static void CFNumberShow(CFNumberRef object)
    long long number;

    if (CFNumberGetValue(object, kCFNumberLongLongType, &number))
        if (printhex) {
            print("0x%qx", number); 
        } else {
            print("%qu", number); 

static void CFObjectShow(CFTypeRef object)
    CFTypeID type = CFGetTypeID(object);

    if      ( type == CFArrayGetTypeID()      )  CFArrayShow(object);
    else if ( type == CFBooleanGetTypeID()    )  CFBooleanShow(object);
    else if ( type == CFDataGetTypeID()       )  CFDataShow(object);
    else if ( type == CFDictionaryGetTypeID() )  CFDictionaryShow(object);
    else if ( type == CFNumberGetTypeID()     )  CFNumberShow(object);
    else if ( type == CFSetGetTypeID()        )  CFSetShow(object);
    else if ( type == CFStringGetTypeID()     )  CFStringShow(object);
    else print("<unknown object>");

static void CFSetShow_Applier(const void * value, void * parameter)
    Boolean * first = (Boolean *) parameter;

    if (*first)
        *first = FALSE;


static void CFSetShow(CFSetRef object)
    Boolean first = TRUE;
    CFSetApplyFunction(object, CFSetShow_Applier, &first);

static void CFStringShow(CFStringRef object)
    const char * c = CFStringGetCStringPtr(object, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);

    if (c)
        print("\"%s\"", c);
        CFIndex bufferSize = CFStringGetLength(object) + 1;
        char *  buffer     = malloc(bufferSize);

        if (buffer)
            if ( CFStringGetCString(
                    /* string     */ object,
                    /* buffer     */ buffer,
                    /* bufferSize */ bufferSize,
                    /* encoding   */ kCFStringEncodingMacRoman ) )
                print("\"%s\"", buffer);
