IOHIDLib.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.


#include <sys/cdefs.h>

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFPlugInCOM.h>

#include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>
#include <IOKit/IOReturn.h>

#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>

struct IOHIDEventStruct
    IOHIDElementType	type;
    IOHIDElementCookie	elementCookie;
    SInt32		value;
    AbsoluteTime	timestamp;
    UInt32		longValueSize;
    void *		longValue;
typedef struct IOHIDEventStruct IOHIDEventStruct;

/* FA12FA38-6F1A-11D4-BA0C-0005028F18D5 */
#define kIOHIDDeviceUserClientTypeID CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes(NULL, \
    0xFA, 0x12, 0xFA, 0x38, 0x6F, 0x1A, 0x11, 0xD4,			\
    0xBA, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x05, 0x02, 0x8F, 0x18, 0xD5)

/* 13AA9C44-6F1B-11D4-907C-0005028F18D5 */
#define kIOHIDDeviceFactoryID CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes(NULL,	\
    0x13, 0xAA, 0x9C, 0x44, 0x6F, 0x1B, 0x11, 0xD4,			\
    0x90, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x05, 0x02, 0x8F, 0x18, 0xD5)

/* 78BD420C-6F14-11D4-9474-0005028F18D5 */
/*! @defined kIOHIDDeviceInterfaceID
    @discussion Interface ID for the IOHIDDeviceInterface. Corresponds to an
                 available HID device. */
#define kIOHIDDeviceInterfaceID CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes(NULL, 	\
    0x78, 0xBD, 0x42, 0x0C, 0x6F, 0x14, 0x11, 0xD4,			\
    0x94, 0x74, 0x00, 0x05, 0x02, 0x8F, 0x18, 0xD5)

/* 8138629E-6F14-11D4-970E-0005028F18D5 */
/*! @defined kIOHIDQueueInterfaceID
    @discussion Interface ID for the kIOHIDQueueInterfaceID. Corresponds to a
                queue for a specific HID device. */
#define kIOHIDQueueInterfaceID CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes(NULL, 	\
    0x81, 0x38, 0x62, 0x9E, 0x6F, 0x14, 0x11, 0xD4,			\
    0x97, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x05, 0x02, 0x8F, 0x18, 0xD5)

/* 80CDCC00-755D-11D4-8E0F-0005028F18D5 */
/*! @defined kIOHIDOutputTransactionInterfaceID
    @discussion Interface ID for the kIOHIDOutputTransactionInterfaceID.
                Corresponds to a output transaction for one or more report IDs
                on a specific device. */
#define kIOHIDOutputTransactionInterfaceID CFUUIDGetConstantUUIDWithBytes(NULL,\
    0x80, 0xCD, 0xCC, 0x00, 0x75, 0x5D, 0x11, 0xD4,			\
    0x80, 0xEF, 0x00, 0x05, 0x02, 0x8F, 0x18, 0xD5)

/*! @typedef IOHIDCallbackFunction
    @discussion Type and arguments of callout C function that is used when a
                completion routine is called, see
    @param target void * pointer to your data, often a pointer to an object.
    @param result completion result of desired operation
    @param refcon void * pointer to more data.
    @param sender interface instance sending the completion routine.
typedef void (*IOHIDCallbackFunction)
              (void * target, IOReturn result, void * refcon, void * sender);

/*! @typedef IOHIDElementCallbackFunction
    @discussion Type and arguments of callout C function that is used when a
                completion routine is called, see IOHIDLib.h:setElementValue().
    @param target void * pointer to your data, often a pointer to an object.
    @param result completion result of desired operation
    @param refcon void * pointer to more data.
    @param sender interface instance sending the completion routine.
    @param elementCookie element within interface instance sending completion.
typedef void (*IOHIDElementCallbackFunction)
              (void *	 		target,
               IOReturn 		result,
               void * 			refcon,
               void * 			sender,
               IOHIDElementCookie 	elementCookie);

/* Forward declarations of the queue and output transaction interfaces */
struct IOHIDQueueInterface;
struct IOHIDOutputTransactionInterface;
typedef struct IOHIDQueueInterface IOHIDQueueInterface;
typedef struct IOHIDOutputTransactionInterface IOHIDOutputTransactionInterface;

/*! @typedef IOHIDDeviceInterface
    @discussion CFPlugin object subclass which privides the primary inteface to
                HID devices.
struct IOHIDDeviceInterface

    /* Completion plumbing (must be set before any callbacks used) */
    /* Either createAsyncEventSource or createAsyncPort should be used */
    IOReturn (*createAsyncEventSource)(void * 			self,
                                       CFRunLoopSourceRef * 	source);
    CFRunLoopSourceRef (*getAsyncEventSource)(void * self);

    IOReturn (*createAsyncPort)(void * self, mach_port_t * port);
    mach_port_t (*getAsyncPort)(void * self);
    /* Basic IOHIDDevice interface */
    IOReturn (*open)(void * self, UInt32 flags);
    IOReturn (*close)(void * self);

    /* removalCallback is called if the device is removed. */
    /* removeTarget and removalRefcon are passed to the callback. */
    IOReturn (*setRemovalCallback)(void * 			self,
                                   IOHIDCallbackFunction *	removalCallback,
                                   void *			removalTarget,
                                   void *			removalRefcon);

    /* Polling the most recent value of an element */
    /* The timestamp in the event is the last time the element was changed. */
    /* This call is most useful for the input element type. */
    IOReturn (*getElementValue)(void * 			self,
                                IOHIDElementCookie	elementCookie,
                                IOHIDEventStruct *	valueEvent);

    /* This call sets a value in a device. */
    /* It is most useful for the feature element type. */
    /* Using IOOutputTransaction is a better choice for output elements  */
    /* timoutMS is the timeout in milliseconds, a zero timeout will cause */
    /*	this call to be non-blocking (returning queue empty) if there */
    /*	is a NULL callback, and blocking forever until the queue is */
    /*	non-empty if their is a valid callback */
    /* callback, if non-NULL is a callback to be called when data is */
    /*  inserted to the queue  */
    /* callbackTarget and callbackRefcon are passed to the callback */
    IOReturn (*setElementValue)(void *	 			self,
                                IOHIDElementCookie		elementCookie,
                                IOHIDEventStruct *		valueEvent,
                                UInt32 				timeoutMS,
                                IOHIDElementCallbackFunction *	callback,
                                void * 				callbackTarget,
                                void *				callbackRefcon);

    /* This call actually querys the device. */
    /* It is most useful for the feature element type. */
    /* Not all devices support this call for inputs, but all do for features */
    /* timoutMS is the timeout in milliseconds, a zero timeout will cause */
    /*	this call to be non-blocking (returning queue empty) if there */
    /*	is a NULL callback, and blocking forever until the queue is */
    /*	non-empty if their is a valid callback */
    /* callback, if non-NULL is a callback to be called when data is */
    /*  inserted to the queue  */
    /* callbackTarget and callbackRefcon are passed to the callback */
    IOReturn (*queryElementValue)(void * 			self,
                                IOHIDElementCookie		elementCookie,
                                IOHIDEventStruct *		valueEvent,
                                UInt32 				timeoutMS,
                                IOHIDElementCallbackFunction *	callback,
                                void * 				callbackTarget,
                                void *				callbackRefcon);

    /* start/stop data delivery every queue for a device */
    IOReturn (*startAllQueues)(void * self);
    IOReturn (*stopAllQueues)(void * self);

    /* Wrapper to return instances of the IOHIDQueueInterface */
    IOHIDQueueInterface ** (*allocQueue) (void *self);
    /* Wrapper to return instances of the IOHIDOutputTransactionInterface */
    IOHIDOutputTransactionInterface ** (*allocOutputTransaction) (void *self);
typedef struct IOHIDDeviceInterface IOHIDDeviceInterface;

/*! @typedef IOHIDQueueInterface
    @discussion CFPlugin object subclass which privides interface for input
                queues from HID devices. Created by a IOHIDDeviceInterface
struct IOHIDQueueInterface
    /* Completion plumbing (overrides that set in IOHIDDevice) */
    IOReturn (*createAsyncEventSource)(void * 			self, 
                                        CFRunLoopSourceRef * 	source);
    CFRunLoopSourceRef (*getAsyncEventSource)(void * self);

    IOReturn (*createAsyncPort)(void * self, mach_port_t * port);
    mach_port_t (*getAsyncPort)(void * self);
    /* Basic IOHIDQueue interface */
    /* depth is the maximum number of elements in the queue before	*/
    /*   the oldest elements in the queue begin to be lost		*/
    IOReturn (*create)(void * 			self, 
                        UInt32 			flags,
                        UInt32			depth);
    IOReturn (*dispose)(void * self);
    /* Any number of hid elements can feed the same queue */
    IOReturn (*addElement)(void * self,
                           IOHIDElementCookie elementCookie,
                           UInt32 flags);
    IOReturn (*removeElement)(void * self, IOHIDElementCookie elementCookie);
    Boolean (*hasElement)(void * self, IOHIDElementCookie elementCookie);

    /* start/stop data delivery to a queue */
    IOReturn (*start)(void * self);
    IOReturn (*stop)(void * self);
    /* read next event from a queue */
    /* maxtime, if non-zero, limits read events to those that occured */
    /*   on or before maxTime */
    /* timoutMS is the timeout in milliseconds, a zero timeout will cause */
    /*	this call to be non-blocking (returning queue empty) if there */
    /*	is a NULL callback, and blocking forever until the queue is */
    /*	non-empty if their is a valid callback */
    IOReturn (*getNextEvent)(void * 			self,
                            IOHIDEventStruct *		event,
                            AbsoluteTime		maxTime,
                            UInt32 			timeoutMS);
    /* set a callback for notification when queue transistions from non-empty */
    /* callback, if non-NULL is a callback to be called when data is */
    /*  inserted to the queue  */
    /* callbackTarget and callbackRefcon are passed to the callback */
    IOReturn (*setEventCallout)(void * 			self,
                                IOHIDCallbackFunction * callback,
                                void * 			callbackTarget,
                                void *			callbackRefcon);

    /* Get the current notification callout */
    IOReturn (*getEventCallout)(void * 			self,
                                IOHIDCallbackFunction ** outCallback,
                                void ** 		outCallbackTarget,
                                void **			outCallbackRefcon);

/*! @typedef IOHIDOutputTransactionInterface
    @discussion CFPlugin object subclass which privides interface for output
                transactions to HID devices. Created by a IOHIDDeviceInterface
struct IOHIDOutputTransactionInterface
    /* Completion plumbing (overrides that set in IOHIDDevice) */
    IOReturn (*createAsyncEventSource)(void * 			self,
                                       CFRunLoopSourceRef *	source);
    CFRunLoopSourceRef (*getAsyncEventSource)(void * self);

    IOReturn (*createAsyncPort)(void * self, mach_port_t * port);
    mach_port_t (*getAsyncPort)(void * self);
    /* Basic IOHIDOutputTransaction interface */
    IOReturn (*create)(void * self);
    IOReturn (*dispose)(void * self);
    /* Any number of hid elements can be part of the same transaction. */
    /* Elements only need to be added once */
    IOReturn (*addElement)(void * self, IOHIDElementCookie elementCookie);
    IOReturn (*removeElement)(void * self, IOHIDElementCookie elementCookie);
    Boolean (*hasElement)(void * self, IOHIDElementCookie elementCookie);
    /* This changes the default value of an element, when the values of the */
    /* elements are cleared, on clear or commit, they are reset to the */
    /* default value */
    /* This call can be made on elements that are not in the transaction, but */
    /* has undefined behavior if made on elements not in the transaction */
    /* which are later added to the transaction. */
    /* In other words, an element should be added before its default is */
    /* set, for well defined behavior. */
    IOReturn (*setElementDefault)(void *	 	self,
                                  IOHIDElementCookie	elementCookie,
                                  IOHIDEventStruct *	valueEvent);

    /* Get the current setting of an element's default value */
    IOReturn (*getElementDefault)(void *	 	self,
                                  IOHIDElementCookie	elementCookie,
                                  IOHIDEventStruct *	outValueEvent);

    /* Add a change to the transaction, by setting an element value */
    /* The change is not actually made until it is commited */
    /* The element must be part of the transaction or this call will fail */
    IOReturn (*setElementValue)(void *	 		self,
                                IOHIDElementCookie	elementCookie,
                                IOHIDEventStruct *	valueEvent);

    /* Get the current setting of an element value */
    IOReturn (*getElementValue)(void *	 		self,
                                IOHIDElementCookie	elementCookie,
                                IOHIDEventStruct *	outValueEvent);

    /* Commit the transaction, or clear all the changes and start over */
    /* timoutMS is the timeout in milliseconds, a zero timeout will cause */
    /*	this call to be non-blocking (returning queue empty) if there */
    /*	is a NULL callback, and blocking forever until the queue is */
    /*	non-empty if their is a valid callback */
    /* callback, if non-NULL is a callback to be called when data is */
    /*  inserted to the queue  */
    /* callbackTarget and callbackRefcon are passed to the callback */
   IOReturn (*commit)(void * 			self,
                        UInt32 			timeoutMS,
                        IOHIDCallbackFunction * callback,
                        void * 			callbackTarget,
                        void *			callbackRefcon);
    /* Clear all the changes and start over */
    IOReturn (*clear)(void * self);


#endif /* !_IOKIT_HID_IOHIDLIB_H_ */