IOHIDElementPrivate.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2012 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <AssertMacros.h>
#include <IOKit/IORegistryEntry.h>
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include "IOHIDElementPrivate.h"
#include "IOHIDEventQueue.h"
#include "IOHIDParserPriv.h"
#include "IOHIDPrivateKeys.h"

#define IsRange() \
            (_usageMin != _usageMax)

#define IsArrayElement(element) \
            ((element->_flags & kHIDDataArrayBit) == kHIDDataArray)

#define IsArrayReportHandler(reportHandler) \
            (reportHandler == _arrayReportHandler)

#define IsArrayElementTheReportHandler(element) \
            (element == element->_arrayReportHandler)
#define IsButtonElement(element) \
            (element->_reportBits == 1)
#define IsDuplicateElement(element) \
#define IsDuplicateReportHandler(reportHandler) \
            (reportHandler == _duplicateReportHandler)
#define GetDuplicateElementCount(element) \
            ((element->_duplicateReportHandler) ? element->_duplicateReportHandler->_reportCount : 0)
#define GetArrayItemIndex(sel) \
            (sel - _logicalMin)

#define GetArrayItemSel(index) \
            (index + _logicalMin)
OSDefineMetaClassAndAbstractStructors(IOHIDElement, OSCollection)
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDElement,  0);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDElement,  1);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDElement,  2);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDElement,  3);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDElement,  4);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement,  5);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement,  6);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement,  7);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement,  8);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement,  9);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 10);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 11);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 12);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 13);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 14);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 15);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 16);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 17);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 18);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 19);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 20);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 21);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 22);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 23);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 24);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 25);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 26);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 27);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 28);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 29);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 30);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDElement, 31);
#define super IOHIDElement
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOHIDElementPrivate, IOHIDElement )

bool IOHIDElementPrivate::init( IOHIDDevice * owner, IOHIDElementType type )
	if ( ( super::init() != true ) || ( owner == 0 ) )
        return false;

    _owner = owner;
    _type  = type;
    _reportSize = 0;
    _reportCount = 1;
    _duplicateReportHandler = 0;    
    _arrayReportHandler = 0;
    _colArrayReportHandlers = 0;
    _arrayItems = 0;
    _duplicateElements = 0;
    _oldArraySelectors = 0;
    _usagePage = 0;
    _usageMin = _usageMax = 0;
    _isInterruptReportHandler = 0;
    return true;


IOHIDElementPrivate *
IOHIDElementPrivate::buttonElement( IOHIDDevice *     owner,
                             IOHIDElementType  type,
                             HIDButtonCapabilitiesPtr  button,
                             IOHIDElementPrivate *    parent )
    IOHIDElementPrivate * element = new IOHIDElementPrivate;

    // Check arguments and call init().

    if ( ( button  == 0 ) ||
         ( element == 0 ) ||
         ( element->init( owner, type ) == false ) )
        if ( element ) element->release();
        return 0;

    // Set HID properties.

    element->_flags          = button->bitField;
    element->_reportStartBit = button->startBit;
    element->_reportID       = button->reportID;
    element->_usagePage      = button->usagePage;
    element->_rangeIndex     = 0;    
    element->_logicalMin     = element->_physicalMin = 0;
    element->_logicalMax     = element->_physicalMax = 1;

    if ( button->isRange )
        element->_usageMin = button->u.range.usageMin;
        element->_usageMax = button->u.range.usageMax;        
        element->_usageMin = button->u.notRange.usage;
        element->_usageMax = button->u.notRange.usage;

    if (IsArrayElement(element))
        // RY: Hack to gain the logical min/max for
        // elements.
        element->_logicalMin    = element->_physicalMin = button->u.notRange.reserved2;
        element->_logicalMax    = element->_physicalMax = button->u.notRange.reserved3;
        // RY: Hack to gain the report size and report
        // count for Array type elements.  This works 
        // out because array elements do not make use
        // of the unit and unit exponent.  Plus, this
        // keeps us binary compatible.  Appropriate
        // changes have been made to the HIDParser to
        // support this.
        element->_reportBits	= button->unitExponent;
        element->_reportCount	= button->units;
        // RY: Let's set the minimum range for keys that this keyboard supports.
        // This is needed because some keyboard describe support for 101 keys, but
        // in actuality support a far greater amount of keys.  Ex. JIS keyboard on
        // Q41B and Q16B.
        if (button->isRange &&
            ( element->_usagePage == kHIDPage_KeyboardOrKeypad ) && 
            ( element->_usageMax < (kHIDUsage_KeyboardLeftControl - 1) ))
            element->_usageMax = kHIDUsage_KeyboardLeftControl - 1;
        element->_reportBits     = 1;
        element->_units          = button->units;
        element->_unitExponent   = button->unitExponent;

    // Register with owner and parent, then spawn sub-elements.
    if ( ( parent && ( parent->addChildElement(element, IsArrayElement(element)) == true ) )
    &&   ( owner->registerElement( element, &element->_cookie ) == true )
    &&   ( element->createSubElements() == true ))
        return element;

    element = 0;

    return element;


IOHIDElementPrivate *
IOHIDElementPrivate::valueElement( IOHIDDevice *     owner,
                            IOHIDElementType  type,
                            HIDValueCapabilitiesPtr   value,
                            IOHIDElementPrivate *    parent )
    IOHIDElementPrivate * element = new IOHIDElementPrivate;

    // Check arguments and call init().

    if ( ( value   == 0 ) ||
         ( element == 0 ) ||
         ( element->init( owner, type ) == false ) )
        if ( element ) element->release();
        return 0;

    // Set HID properties.

    element->_flags          = value->bitField;
    element->_reportBits     = value->bitSize;
    element->_reportCount    = value->reportCount;
    element->_reportStartBit = value->startBit;
    element->_reportID       = value->reportID;
    element->_usagePage      = value->usagePage;
    element->_logicalMin     = value->logicalMin;
    element->_logicalMax     = value->logicalMax;
    element->_physicalMin    = value->physicalMin;
    element->_physicalMax    = value->physicalMax;
    element->_units          = value->units;
    element->_unitExponent   = value->unitExponent;
    element->_rangeIndex     = 0;

    if ( value->isRange )
        element->_usageMin = value->u.range.usageMin;
        element->_usageMax = value->u.range.usageMax;

        element->_reportCount = 1;
        element->_usageMin = value->u.notRange.usage;
        element->_usageMax = value->u.notRange.usage;
    if (element->_reportCount > 1)
        element->_duplicateReportHandler = element;
        element->_duplicateElements = OSArray::withCapacity(element->_reportCount);        
        if (element->_duplicateElements == NULL)
            goto VALUE_ELEMENT_RELEASE;        

    // Register with owner and parent, then spawn sub-elements.

    if ( ( owner->registerElement( element, &element->_cookie ) == true )
    &&   ( ( parent && ( parent->addChildElement(element, IsArrayElement(element)) == true ) ) ) 
    &&   ( element->createSubElements() == true ))
        return element;

    element = 0;

    return element;


IOHIDElementPrivate *
IOHIDElementPrivate::collectionElement( IOHIDDevice *         owner,
                                 IOHIDElementType      type,
                                 HIDCollectionExtendedNodePtr  collection,
                                 IOHIDElementPrivate *        parent )
	IOHIDElementPrivate * element = new IOHIDElementPrivate;

    // Check arguments and call init().

    if ( ( collection == 0 ) ||
         ( element    == 0 ) ||
         ( element->init( owner, type ) == false ) )
        if ( element ) element->release();
        return 0;

    // Set HID properties.

    element->_usagePage     = collection->collectionUsagePage;
    element->_usageMin      = collection->collectionUsage;
    element->_usageMax      = collection->collectionUsage;
    element->_collectionType = (IOHIDElementCollectionType)collection->data;
    element->_shouldTickleActivity = (element->_usagePage == kHIDPage_GenericDesktop);

    // Register with owner and parent.

    if ( ( owner->registerElement( element, &element->_cookie ) == false )
    ||   ( ( parent && ( parent->addChildElement(element) == false ) ) ) )
        element = 0;

    return element;


IOHIDElementPrivate * IOHIDElementPrivate::reportHandlerElement(
                                            IOHIDDevice *        owner,
                                            IOHIDElementType     type,
                                            UInt32               reportID,
                                            UInt32               reportBits )
    IOHIDElementPrivate * element = new IOHIDElementPrivate;

    if ( ( reportBits == 0 ) || ( element->init( owner, type ) == false ) )
        return 0;
    element->_isInterruptReportHandler	= true;
    element->_flags 			= kHIDDataVariable | kHIDDataRelative;
    element->_reportCount		= 1;
    element->_reportID			= reportID;
    element->_reportBits 		= element->_reportSize	= reportBits;
    // Register with owner.

    if ( owner->registerElement( element, &element->_cookie ) == false )
        element = 0;
    return element;


IOHIDElementPrivate * IOHIDElementPrivate::newSubElement( UInt16 rangeIndex ) const
    IOHIDElementPrivate * element = new IOHIDElementPrivate;

    // Check arguments and call init().

    if ( (element == 0 ) ||
         ( element->init( _owner, _type ) == false ) )
        if ( element ) element->release();
        return 0;

    // Set HID properties.

    element->_flags          		= _flags;
    element->_reportID       		= _reportID;
    element->_usagePage      		= _usagePage;
    element->_usageMin       		= _usageMin;
    element->_usageMax       		= _usageMax;
    element->_rangeIndex     		= rangeIndex;
    element->_arrayReportHandler	= _arrayReportHandler;

    element->_reportBits     		= _reportBits;
    element->_reportStartBit 		= _reportStartBit + (rangeIndex * _reportBits);
    element->_logicalMin     		= _logicalMin;
    element->_logicalMax     		= _logicalMax;
    element->_physicalMin    		= _physicalMin;
    element->_physicalMax    		= _physicalMax;
    element->_units          		= _units;
    element->_unitExponent   		= _unitExponent;

    // RY: Special handling for array elements.
    // FYI, if this an array and button element, then we
    // know that this is a dummy array element.  The start
    // is not used to process the report, but instead used
    // to identify the which arrayHandler is belongs to.
    // Therefore, all subelements should contain the same
    // start bit.
    if ( IsArrayElement(this) && IsButtonElement(this) )
        element->_reportStartBit = _reportStartBit;        
    if (_duplicateElements)
        element->_duplicateReportHandler = _duplicateReportHandler;

    // Register with owner and parent.

    if ( ( _owner->registerElement( element, &element->_cookie ) == false )
    ||   ( _parent && ( _parent->addChildElement(element) == false ) ) )
        element = 0;

    return element;


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::createSubElements()
    IOHIDElementPrivate * element;
    UInt32         count = getRangeCount();
    UInt32         index = getStartingRangeIndex();
    bool           ret = true;

    while ( index < count)
        element = newSubElement( index++ );
        if ( element == 0 )
            ret = false;

    return ret;


void IOHIDElementPrivate::free()
    super::setOptions(0, kImmutable);
    if ( _childArray )
        _childArray = 0;

    if ( _queueArray )
        _queueArray = 0;
    if ( _arrayItems )
        _arrayItems = 0;
    if ( _duplicateElements )
        _duplicateElements = 0;
    if (_oldArraySelectors)
        IOFree (_oldArraySelectors, sizeof(UInt32) * _reportCount);
        _oldArraySelectors = 0;

    if (_colArrayReportHandlers)
        _colArrayReportHandlers = 0;


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::addChildElement( IOHIDElementPrivate * child, bool arrayHeader)

    if ( _childArray == 0 )
        _childArray = OSArray::withCapacity(4);

    if ( !_childArray ) 
        return false;
    // Perform special processing if this is an array item
    // that doesn't directly handle the report.  Basically,
    // we want to group all related array elements together.
    // This will help out for elements that are not part of 
    // a range.  Since collections can span multiple 
    // reports, we will use the following as a unique ID:
    //	    8bits: reportID
    //	   32bits: startBit
    //	   32bits: elementType
    if ( (child->_type != kIOHIDElementTypeCollection) &&
        IsArrayElement(child) &&
        !IsArrayElementTheReportHandler(child) && 
        (arrayHeader || !IsDuplicateElement(child)))
        if (_colArrayReportHandlers ==0)
            _colArrayReportHandlers = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
        if (! _colArrayReportHandlers)
            return false;

        IOHIDElementPrivate *	arrayReportHandler;
        char		uniqueID[32];
        snprintf(uniqueID, sizeof(uniqueID), "%4.4x%4.4x%4.4x", (unsigned)child->_type, (unsigned)child->_reportStartBit, (unsigned)child->_reportID);
        arrayReportHandler = (IOHIDElementPrivate *)_colArrayReportHandlers->getObject(uniqueID);
        if (arrayReportHandler)
            child->_arrayReportHandler = arrayReportHandler;
            // We need to create array head based on info from
            // the child.
            arrayReportHandler = arrayHandlerElement(child->_owner, child->_type, child, this);
            if ( arrayReportHandler == 0 )
                return false;

            // Register this new element with this collection
            _colArrayReportHandlers->setObject(uniqueID, arrayReportHandler);
        // Now that we have the info from the child, revert
        // it back to a button.        
        child->_arrayReportHandler = arrayReportHandler;
        child->_reportBits 	   = 1;
        child->_reportCount        = 1;
        child->_logicalMin         = child->_physicalMin = 0;
        child->_logicalMax         = child->_physicalMax = 1;

        // Add the chile to the array list

    _childArray->setObject( child );
    child->_parent = this;
    // RY: only override the child if you are not the root element
    if ( _cookie != 0 )
        child->_shouldTickleActivity = _shouldTickleActivity;

    return true;

IOHIDElementPrivate * IOHIDElementPrivate::arrayHandlerElement(                                
                                IOHIDDevice *    owner,
                                IOHIDElementType type,
                                IOHIDElementPrivate * child,
                                IOHIDElementPrivate * parent)
    IOHIDElementPrivate * element = new IOHIDElementPrivate;

    // Check arguments and call init().

    if ( (element == 0 ) ||
        ( element->init( owner, type ) == false ) )

    element->_arrayReportHandler = element;
    element->_parent         = parent;
    element->_flags          = child->_flags;
    element->_reportID       = child->_reportID;
    element->_usagePage      = child->_usagePage;
    element->_usageMin       = 0xffffffff;
    element->_usageMax       = 0xffffffff;        
    element->_reportBits     = child->_reportBits;
    element->_reportCount    = child->_reportCount;
    element->_reportStartBit = child->_reportStartBit;
    element->_logicalMin     = child->_logicalMin;
    element->_logicalMax     = child->_logicalMax;
    element->_physicalMin    = child->_physicalMin;
    element->_physicalMax    = child->_physicalMax;    
    // Allocate the array for the array elements.
    element->_arrayItems = OSArray::withCapacity((child->_usageMax - child->_usageMin) + 1);

    if (element->_arrayItems == NULL)
    // RY: Allocate a buffer that will contain the old Array selector.
    // This needed to compare the old report to the new report to
    // deterine which array items need to be turned on/off.
    element->_oldArraySelectors = (UInt32 *)IOMalloc(sizeof(UInt32) * element->_reportCount);
    if (element->_oldArraySelectors == NULL)

    bzero ( element->_oldArraySelectors, sizeof(UInt32) * element->_reportCount);
    if (element->_reportCount > 1)
        element->_duplicateReportHandler = element;
        element->_duplicateElements = OSArray::withCapacity(element->_reportCount);        
        if (element->_duplicateElements == NULL)
            goto ARRAY_HANDLER_ELEMENT_RELEASE;        
    if ( (owner->registerElement( element, &element->_cookie ) == true ) &&
        ( parent && ( parent->addChildElement(element) == true )) &&
        ( element->createSubElements() == true ))
        return element;
    element = 0;
    return element;

void IOHIDElementPrivate::setupResolution()
    IOFixed resolution = 0;

	if ((_usagePage != kHIDPage_GenericDesktop) || (getUsage() != kHIDUsage_GD_X))
    if ((_physicalMin == _logicalMin) || (_physicalMax == _logicalMax))

	SInt32 logicalDiff = (_logicalMax - _logicalMin);
	SInt32 physicalDiff = (_physicalMax - _physicalMin);
	// Since IOFixedDivide truncated fractional part and can't use floating point
	// within the kernel, have to convert equation when using negative exponents:
	// _resolution = ((logMax -logMin) * 10 **(-exp))/(physMax -physMin)

	// Even though unitExponent is stored as SInt32, The real values are only
	// a signed nibble that doesn't expand to the full 32 bits.
	SInt32 resExponent = _unitExponent & 0x0F;
	if (resExponent < 8)
		for (int i = resExponent; i > 0; i--)
			physicalDiff *=  10;
		for (int i = 0x10 - resExponent; i > 0; i--)
			logicalDiff *= 10;
	resolution = (logicalDiff / physicalDiff) << 16;

	OSNumber *number = OSNumber::withNumber(resolution, 32);
	if (number) {
		_owner->setProperty(kIOHIDPointerResolutionKey, number);


OSDictionary* IOHIDElementPrivate::createProperties() const
    UInt32          usage;
    OSDictionary *properties = OSDictionary::withCapacity(9);

    if (!properties) {
        goto done;

    usage = (_usageMax != _usageMin) ? _usageMin + _rangeIndex  : _usageMin;
#define SET_NUMBER(Y, Z) \
    do { \
        OSNumber *number = OSNumber::withNumber(Z, 32); \
        properties->setObject(Y, number); \
        number->release(); \
    } \
    while (false)
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementCookieKey, (UInt32) _cookie);
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementTypeKey, _type);
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementUsageKey, usage);
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementUsagePageKey, _usagePage);
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementReportIDKey, _reportID);
    if ( _type == kIOHIDElementTypeCollection ) {
        SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementCollectionTypeKey, _collectionType);
        goto done;
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementSizeKey, (_reportBits * _reportCount));
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementReportSizeKey, _reportBits);
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementReportCountKey, _reportCount);
    if ( _isInterruptReportHandler ) {
        goto done;
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementFlagsKey, _flags);
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementMaxKey, _logicalMax);
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementMinKey, _logicalMin);
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementScaledMaxKey, _physicalMax);
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementScaledMinKey, _physicalMin);
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementUnitKey, _units);
    SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementUnitExponentKey, _unitExponent);
    if ( IsDuplicateElement(this) && !IsDuplicateReportHandler(this)) {
        SET_NUMBER(kIOHIDElementDuplicateIndexKey, _rangeIndex);

    properties->setObject( kIOHIDElementHasNullStateKey, OSBoolean::withBoolean( _flags & kHIDDataNullState ));
    properties->setObject( kIOHIDElementHasPreferredStateKey, OSBoolean::withBoolean( !(_flags & kHIDDataNoPreferred) ));
    properties->setObject( kIOHIDElementIsNonLinearKey, OSBoolean::withBoolean( _flags & kHIDDataNonlinear ));
    properties->setObject( kIOHIDElementIsRelativeKey, OSBoolean::withBoolean( _flags & kHIDDataRelative ));
    properties->setObject( kIOHIDElementIsWrappingKey, OSBoolean::withBoolean( _flags & kHIDDataWrap ));
    properties->setObject( kIOHIDElementIsArrayKey, OSBoolean::withBoolean( IsArrayElement(this) ));

    return properties;


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::serialize( OSSerialize * s ) const
    bool            ret = true;
    if ( !IsDuplicateElement(this) || IsDuplicateReportHandler(this) || (GetDuplicateElementCount(this) <= 32) ) {
        if (!s->previouslySerialized(this)) {
            OSDictionary *properties = createProperties();
            if ( properties ) {
                ret = properties->serialize(s);
            else {
                ret = false;
    return ret;


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::fillElementStruct( IOHIDElementStruct * element )
    if ( (_usageMin != _usageMax) && (_rangeIndex >= 1) )
        return false;
    if ( IsDuplicateElement(this) )
        if ( !IsDuplicateReportHandler(this) )
            return false;
        IOHIDElementPrivate * dupElement;
        if (element && _duplicateElements && ( dupElement = (IOHIDElementPrivate *)_duplicateElements->getObject(0)))
            element->duplicateValueSize = dupElement->getElementValueSize();
            element->duplicateIndex = 0xffffffff;
    if ( !element )
        return true;

    element->cookieMin      = (UInt32)_cookie;
    element->cookieMax      = element->cookieMin + getRangeCount() - getStartingRangeIndex();
    element->parentCookie   = _parent ? (UInt32)_parent->_cookie : 0;
    element->type           = _type;
    element->collectionType = _collectionType;
    element->flags          = _flags;
    element->usagePage      = _usagePage;
    element->usageMin       = _usageMin;
    element->usageMax       = _usageMax;
    element->min            = _logicalMin;
    element->max            = _logicalMax;
    element->scaledMin      = _physicalMin;
    element->scaledMax      = _physicalMax;
    element->size           = _reportBits * _reportCount;
    element->reportSize     = _reportBits;
    element->reportCount    = _reportCount;
    element->reportID       = _reportID;
    element->unit           = _units;
    element->unitExponent   = _unitExponent;
    element->bytes          = getByteSize();
    element->valueLocation  = (uintptr_t)_elementValueLocation;
    element->valueSize      = getElementValueSize();
    return true;


static inline bool CompareProperty( OSDictionary * properties, OSDictionary * matching, const char * key)
    // We return success if we match the key in the dictionary with the key in
    // the property table, or if the prop isn't present
    OSObject 	* value;
    value = matching->getObject( key );

    return ( value ) ? value->isEqualTo( properties->getObject( key )) : true;


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::matchProperties(OSDictionary * matching)
    bool            ret         = true;
    // Compare properties.
    do {
        if ( !matching )
        OSDictionary *properties = createProperties();
        if ( !( properties ) )
            ret = false;
        if (   !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementCookieKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementTypeKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementCollectionTypeKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementUsageKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementUsagePageKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementMinKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementMaxKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementScaledMaxKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementSizeKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementReportSizeKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementReportCountKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementIsArrayKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementIsRelativeKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementIsWrappingKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementIsNonLinearKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementHasPreferredStateKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementHasNullStateKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementVendorSpecificKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementUnitKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementUnitExponentKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementNameKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementValueLocationKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementDuplicateIndexKey)
            || !CompareProperty(properties, matching, kIOHIDElementParentCollectionKey))
            ret = false;
    } while ( false );
    return ret;


UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getElementValueSize() const
    UInt32  size        = sizeof(IOHIDElementValue);
    UInt32  reportWords = (_reportBits * _reportCount) / (sizeof(UInt32) * 8);
    // RY: Don't forget the remainder.
    reportWords += ((_reportBits * _reportCount) % (sizeof(UInt32) * 8)) ? 1 : 0;

    if ( reportWords > 1 )
        size += ((reportWords - 1) * sizeof(UInt32));

    return size;

// Not very efficient, will do for now.

#define BIT_MASK(bits)  ((1 << (bits)) - 1)

#define UpdateByteOffsetAndShift(bits, offset, shift)  \
    do { offset = bits >> 3; shift = bits & 0x07; } while (0)

#define UpdateWordOffsetAndShift(bits, offset, shift)  \
    do { offset = bits >> 5; shift = bits & 0x1f; } while (0)

static void readReportBits( const UInt8 * src,
                           UInt32 *      dst,
                           UInt32        bitsToCopy,
                           UInt32        srcStartBit = 0,
                           bool          shouldSignExtend = false,
                           bool *        valueChanged = 0)
    UInt32 srcOffset;
    UInt32 srcShift;
    UInt32 dstShift      = 0;
    UInt32 dstStartBit   = 0;
    UInt32 dstOffset     = 0;
    UInt32 lastDstOffset = 0;
    UInt32 word          = 0;
    UInt8  bitsProcessed;
	UInt32 totalBitsProcessed = 0;

    while ( bitsToCopy )
        UInt32 tmp;

        UpdateByteOffsetAndShift( srcStartBit, srcOffset, srcShift );

        bitsProcessed = min( bitsToCopy,
                             min( 8 - srcShift, 32 - dstShift ) );

        tmp = (src[srcOffset] >> srcShift) & BIT_MASK(bitsProcessed);

        word |= ( tmp << dstShift );

        dstStartBit += bitsProcessed;
        srcStartBit += bitsProcessed;
        bitsToCopy  -= bitsProcessed;
		totalBitsProcessed += bitsProcessed;

        UpdateWordOffsetAndShift( dstStartBit, dstOffset, dstShift );

        if ( ( dstOffset != lastDstOffset ) || ( bitsToCopy == 0 ) )
            // sign extend negative values
			// if this is the leftmost word of the result
			if ((lastDstOffset == 0) &&
				// and the logical min or max is less than zero
				// so we should sign extend
				// SInt32 temp = word;
				// is this less than a full word
				if ((totalBitsProcessed < 32) && 
					// and the value negative (high bit set)
					(word & (1 << (totalBitsProcessed - 1))))
					// or in all 1s above the significant bit
					word |= ~(BIT_MASK(totalBitsProcessed));

			if ( dst[lastDstOffset] != word )
                dst[lastDstOffset] = word;
				if (valueChanged) *valueChanged = true;
            word = 0;
            lastDstOffset = dstOffset;

static void writeReportBits( const UInt32 * src,
                           UInt8 *        dst,
                           UInt32         bitsToCopy,
                           UInt32         dstStartBit = 0)
    UInt32 dstOffset;
    UInt32 dstShift;
    UInt32 srcShift    = 0;
    UInt32 srcStartBit = 0;
    UInt32 srcOffset   = 0;
    UInt8  bitsProcessed;
    UInt32 tmp;

    while ( bitsToCopy )
        UpdateByteOffsetAndShift( dstStartBit, dstOffset, dstShift );

        bitsProcessed = min( bitsToCopy,
                             min( 8 - dstShift, 32 - srcShift ) );

        tmp = (src[srcOffset] >> srcShift) & BIT_MASK(bitsProcessed);

        dst[dstOffset] |= ( tmp << dstShift );

        dstStartBit += bitsProcessed;
        srcStartBit += bitsProcessed;
        bitsToCopy  -= bitsProcessed;

        UpdateWordOffsetAndShift( srcStartBit, srcOffset, srcShift );


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::processReport(
                                    UInt8                       reportID,
                                    void *                      reportData,
                                    UInt32                      reportBits,
                                    const AbsoluteTime *        timestamp,
                                    IOHIDElementPrivate **      next,
                                    IOOptionBits                options)
    IOHIDEventQueue *   queue;
    bool				changed = false;
    // Set next pointer to the next report handler in the chain.
    // If this is an array, set the report handler to the one
    // the array.
    if (next)
        *next = _nextReportHandler;

        if ( _reportID != reportID )
            return false;

        // Verify incoming report size.
        if ( _reportSize && ( reportBits < _reportSize ) )
            *next = 0;
            return false;
        if (_isInterruptReportHandler && (options & kIOHIDReportOptionNotInterrupt))
            return false;
        if (IsArrayElement(this) && !IsArrayReportHandler(this))
            *next = _arrayReportHandler;
            return false;

    do {
        // Ignore report that does not match our report ID.
        if ( _reportID != reportID )
        // Skip reports that are too short
        if ( (_reportStartBit + (_reportBits * _reportCount)) > reportBits )
        if ( ( _usagePage == kHIDPage_KeyboardOrKeypad )
             && ( getUsage() >= kHIDUsage_KeyboardLeftControl )
             && ( getUsage() <= kHIDUsage_KeyboardRightGUI )
             && _rollOverElementPtr
             && *_rollOverElementPtr
             && (*_rollOverElementPtr)->getValue())
            AbsoluteTime rollOverTS = (*_rollOverElementPtr)->getTimeStamp();
            if ( CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&rollOverTS, timestamp) == 0 )
        // The generation is incremented before and after
        // processing the report.  An odd value tells us
        // that the information is incomplete and should
        // not be trusted.  An even value tells us that
        // the value is complete.

        _previousValue = _elementValue->value[0];
        // Get the element value from the report.

        readReportBits( (UInt8 *) reportData,   /* source buffer      */
                       _elementValue->value,   /* destination buffer */
                       (_reportBits * _reportCount), /* bits to copy       */
                       _reportStartBit,        /* source start bit   */
                       (((SInt32)_logicalMin < 0) || ((SInt32)_logicalMax < 0)), /* should sign extend */
                       &changed );             /* did value change?  */

        // Set a timestamp to indicate the last modification time.
        // We should set the time stamp if the generation is 1 regardless if the value
        // changed.  This will insure that an initial value of 0 will have the correct
        // timestamp
        do {
            bool shouldProcess = (changed || _isInterruptReportHandler || (_flags & kHIDDataRelativeBit));
            if ( shouldProcess ) {
                // Let's not update the timestamp in the case where the element is relative, the value is 0, and there is no change
                if (((_flags & kHIDDataRelativeBit) == 0) || (_reportBits > 32) || changed || _previousValue)
                    _elementValue->timestamp = *timestamp;
                if (IsArrayElement(this) && IsArrayReportHandler(this))
                    processArrayReport(reportID, reportData, reportBits, &(_elementValue->timestamp));
            if ( !_queueArray )
            for ( UInt32 i = 0; (queue = (IOHIDEventQueue *) _queueArray->getObject(i)); i++ )
                if ( shouldProcess || (queue->getOptions() & kIOHIDQueueOptionsTypeEnqueueAll))
                    queue->enqueue( (void *) _elementValue, _elementValue->totalSize );
        } while ( 0 );

        // If this element is part of a transaction
        // set its state to idle
        if (_transactionState)
            _transactionState = kIOHIDTransactionStateIdle;
    while ( false );

    return changed;


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::createReport( UInt8           reportID,
                                 void *		 reportData,  // this report should be alloced outisde this method.
                                 UInt32 *        reportLength,
                                 IOHIDElementPrivate ** next )
    bool handled = false;

    if (next)
        *next = _nextReportHandler;

    do {
        // Ignore report that does not match our report ID.
        if ( _reportID != reportID )

        // Changed this portion of the method.
        // The report is now allocated outside of the 
        // method
        if ( _reportSize )
            *reportLength = _reportSize / 8;            

            if ( reportData == 0 )
                if (next) *next = 0;

            bzero( reportData, *reportLength );

        // Set next pointer to the next report handler in the chain.
        // If this is an array or duplicate, set the next to the 
        // appropriate handler.
        if (next)
            if (IsArrayElement(this))
                if (!IsArrayReportHandler(this))
                    *next = _arrayReportHandler;
                // RY: Only bother creating an array report is this element
                // is idle.
                if (_transactionState == kIOHIDTransactionStateIdle)
                    return createArrayReport(reportID, reportData, reportLength);
            else if (IsDuplicateElement(this))
                if (!IsDuplicateReportHandler(this))
                    *next = _duplicateReportHandler;
                // RY: Only bother creating a report if the duplicate report
                // elements are idle.                
                if (_transactionState == kIOHIDTransactionStateIdle)
                    return createDuplicateReport(reportID, reportData, reportLength);

        // If this element has not been set, an out of bounds
        // value must be set.  This will cause the device
        // to ignore the report for this element.
        if ( _transactionState == kIOHIDTransactionStateIdle )

        // Set the element value to the report.
        if ( reportData )
            writeReportBits( _elementValue->value,   	/* source buffer      */
                           (UInt8 *) reportData,  	/* destination buffer */
                           (_reportBits * _reportCount),/* bits to copy       */
                           _reportStartBit);       	/* dst start bit      */                           

            handled = true;
            // Clear the transaction state
            _transactionState = kIOHIDTransactionStateIdle;
    while ( false );

    return handled;


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::setMemoryForElementValue(
                                    IOVirtualAddress        address,
                                    void *                  location)
    _elementValue = (IOHIDElementValue *) address;
    _elementValueLocation = location;

    // Clear memory block, and set the invariants.

    bzero( _elementValue, getElementValueSize() );

	_elementValue->cookie    = _cookie;
	_elementValue->totalSize = getElementValueSize();

    return true;

// Return the number of elements in a usage range.

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getRangeCount() const
    // FIXME - shouldn't we use logical min/max?

    // Check to see if we have multiple elements with the same usage.
    // If so, return the _reportCount
    return (_reportCount > 1) ? _reportCount : (_usageMax-_usageMin + 1 );

// Return the number of elements in a usage range.

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getStartingRangeIndex() const
    // Check to see if we have multiple elements with the same usage.
    return (_reportCount > 1) ? 0 : 1;


IOHIDElementPrivate *
IOHIDElementPrivate::setNextReportHandler( IOHIDElementPrivate * element )
    IOHIDElementPrivate * prev = _nextReportHandler;
    _nextReportHandler  = element;
    return prev;


void IOHIDElementPrivate::setRollOverElementPtr( IOHIDElementPrivate ** elementPtr )
    _rollOverElementPtr = elementPtr;


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::getReportType( IOHIDReportType * reportType ) const
    if ( _type <= kIOHIDElementTypeInput_ScanCodes )
        *reportType = kIOHIDReportTypeInput;
    else if ( _type == kIOHIDElementTypeOutput )
        *reportType = kIOHIDReportTypeOutput;
    else if ( _type == kIOHIDElementTypeFeature )
        *reportType = kIOHIDReportTypeFeature;
        return false;

    return true;


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::addEventQueue( IOHIDEventQueue * queue )
    if ( !queue )
        return false;
    if ( _queueArray == 0 )
        _queueArray = OSArray::withCapacity(4);

    if ( hasEventQueue(queue) == true )
        return false;

    queue->addElement( this );

    return _queueArray ? _queueArray->setObject( queue ) : false;


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::removeEventQueue( IOHIDEventQueue * queue )
    OSObject * obj = 0;
    if ( !queue )
        return false;
    queue->removeElement( this );

    for ( UInt32 i = 0;
          _queueArray && (obj = _queueArray->getObject(i)); i++ )
        if ( obj == (OSObject *) queue )
            if ( _queueArray->getCount() == 0 )
                _queueArray = 0;

    return (obj != 0);


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::hasEventQueue( IOHIDEventQueue * queue )
    OSObject * obj = 0;

    for ( UInt32 i = 0;
          _queueArray && (obj = _queueArray->getObject(i)); i++ )
        if ( obj == (OSObject *) queue )

    return (obj != 0);


UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::setReportSize( UInt32 numberOfBits )
    UInt32 oldSize = _reportSize;
    _reportSize = numberOfBits;
    return oldSize;

// This methods will set an out of bounds element value.  This value will
// be based on the _logicalMin or _logicalMax depending on bit space.  If
// no room is available to go outside the range, the value will remain 
// unchanged.
void IOHIDElementPrivate::setOutOfBoundsValue()
    // Make sure we are not dealing with long element value type
    if ( _elementValue->totalSize == sizeof(IOHIDElementValue)) {
        // Simple case:  If the _logicalMin > 0, then we can just
        // set the elementValue to 0
        if ( _logicalMin > 0 ) {
            _elementValue->value[0] = 0;
        else {
            // Make sure there is room
            if ( ( (_logicalMax - _logicalMin) + 1) < (1 << _reportBits))
                // handle overflow
                if ( ( (_logicalMax + 1) & BIT_MASK(_reportBits) ) == (_logicalMax + 1) )
                    _elementValue->value[0] = _logicalMax + 1;
                    _elementValue->value[0] = _logicalMin - 1;

bool IOHIDElementPrivate::createDuplicateReport(UInt8		reportID,
                                        void *		reportData,
                                        UInt32 *	reportLength)
    bool		pending = false;
    IOHIDElementPrivate 	*element;

    // RY: Then, check the other duplicates to see if they are currently 
    // pending.  
    for (unsigned i=0;  _duplicateElements && i<_duplicateElements->getCount(); i++) 
        if ((element = (IOHIDElementPrivate *)_duplicateElements->getObject(i)) &&
            (element->_transactionState == kIOHIDTransactionStatePending))
            pending = true;
        element->createReport(reportID, reportData, reportLength, 0);
    return pending;

bool IOHIDElementPrivate::createArrayReport(UInt8	reportID,
                                    void *	reportData,
                                    UInt32 *	reportLength) 
    IOHIDElementPrivate 	*element, *arrayElement;
    UInt32		arraySel;
    UInt32		i, reportIndex = 0;
    if (createDuplicateReport(reportID, reportData, reportLength))
        return true;
    for (i=0; i<_arrayItems->getCount(); i++)
        element = (IOHIDElementPrivate *)(_arrayItems->getObject(i));

        if (!element)
        if ( element->_transactionState == kIOHIDTransactionStateIdle )
        if (element->_elementValue->value[0] == 0)

        arraySel = GetArrayItemSel(i);

        if ( NULL != (arrayElement = ((_duplicateElements) ? (IOHIDElementPrivate *)_duplicateElements->getObject(reportIndex) : this)) )
            arrayElement->_elementValue->value[0] = arraySel;
            arrayElement->_transactionState = kIOHIDTransactionStatePending;
            arrayElement->createReport(reportID, reportData, reportLength, 0);
        reportIndex ++;
        element->_transactionState = kIOHIDTransactionStateIdle;
        // Make sure we don't add to many usages to the report
        if (reportIndex >= _reportCount)
    // Clear out the remaining portions of the report for this array
    arraySel = 0;
    for (i=reportIndex; i<_reportCount; i++)
        if ( NULL != (arrayElement = ((_duplicateElements) ? (IOHIDElementPrivate *)_duplicateElements->getObject(reportIndex) : this)) )
            arrayElement->_elementValue->value[0] = arraySel;
            arrayElement->_transactionState = kIOHIDTransactionStatePending;
            arrayElement->createReport(reportID, reportData, reportLength, 0);
    return true;

void IOHIDElementPrivate::setArrayElementValue(UInt32 index, UInt32 value)
    IOHIDElementPrivate 	*element;
    IOHIDEventQueue	*queue;
    if ( !_arrayItems || (index > _arrayItems->getCount()))
    element = (IOHIDElementPrivate *)(_arrayItems->getObject(index));
    if (!element) 

    // Bump the generation count.  An odd value tells us
    // that the information is incomplete and should not
    // be trusted.  An even value tells us that the value
    // is complete. 
    element->_elementValue->generation ++;
    element->_previousValue = element->_elementValue->value[0];
    element->_elementValue->value[0] = value;
    element->_elementValue->timestamp = _elementValue->timestamp;
    element->_elementValue->generation ++;

    if ( element->_queueArray )
        for ( UInt32 i = 0;
                (queue = (IOHIDEventQueue *) element->_queueArray->getObject(i));
                i++ )
            queue->enqueue( (void *) element->_elementValue,
                            element->_elementValue->totalSize );


bool IOHIDElementPrivate::processArrayReport(	UInt8			reportID,
                                        void *			reportData,
                                        UInt32			reportBits,
                                        const AbsoluteTime *	timestamp)
    IOHIDElementPrivate *	element		= NULL;
    UInt32		arraySel	= 0;
    UInt32		iNewArray	= 0;
    UInt32		iOldArray	= 0;
    bool		found		= false;
    bool		changed		= false;
    // RY: Process the arry selector elements.  If any of their values
    // haven't changed, don't bother with any further processing.  
    if (_duplicateElements)
        bool keyboard = found = (_usagePage == kHIDPage_KeyboardOrKeypad);
        for (iNewArray = 0; iNewArray < _reportCount; iNewArray ++)
            if ( NULL != (element = (IOHIDElementPrivate *)_duplicateElements->getObject(iNewArray)) )
                changed |= element->processReport(reportID, reportData, reportBits, timestamp, 0);
                if (keyboard && (element->_elementValue->value[0] != kHIDUsage_KeyboardErrorRollOver))
                    found = false;
        if (!changed)
            return changed;
        else if (keyboard)
            setArrayElementValue(GetArrayItemIndex(kHIDUsage_KeyboardErrorRollOver), (found ? 1 : 0));
            if (found)
                return false;
    // Check the existing indexes against the originals
    for (iOldArray = 0; iOldArray < _reportCount; iOldArray ++)
        arraySel = _oldArraySelectors[iOldArray];
        found = false;

        for (iNewArray = 0; iNewArray < _reportCount; iNewArray ++)
            element = (_duplicateElements) ? (IOHIDElementPrivate *)_duplicateElements->getObject(iNewArray) : this;
            if (element && (arraySel == element->_elementValue->value[0]))
                found = true;
        // The index is no longer present.  Set its value to 0.
        if (!found)
            setArrayElementValue(GetArrayItemIndex(arraySel), 0);
    // Now add new indexes to _oldArraySelectors
    for (iNewArray = 0; iNewArray < _reportCount; iNewArray ++)
        if (!(element = (_duplicateElements) ? (IOHIDElementPrivate *)_duplicateElements->getObject(iNewArray) : this))
        arraySel = element->_elementValue->value[0];
        found = false;

        for (iOldArray = 0; iOldArray < _reportCount; iOldArray ++)
            if (arraySel == _oldArraySelectors[iOldArray])
                found = true;
        // This is a new index.  Set its value to 1.
        if (!found)
            setArrayElementValue(GetArrayItemIndex(arraySel), 1);
    // save the new array to _oldArraySelectors for future reference
    for (iOldArray = 0; iOldArray < _reportCount; iOldArray ++)
        if ( NULL != (element = ((_duplicateElements) ? (IOHIDElementPrivate *)_duplicateElements->getObject(iOldArray) : this)) )
        _oldArraySelectors[iOldArray] = element->_elementValue->value[0];

    return changed;

IOHIDElementCookie IOHIDElementPrivate::getCookie()
{   return _cookie;   }

IOHIDElementType IOHIDElementPrivate::getType()
{   return _type;   }

IOHIDElementCollectionType IOHIDElementPrivate::getCollectionType()
{   return _collectionType;   }

OSArray * IOHIDElementPrivate::getChildElements()
{   return _childArray;   }

IOHIDElement * IOHIDElementPrivate::getParentElement()
{   return _parent;   }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getUsagePage()
{   return _usagePage;   }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getUsage()
	return (_usageMax != _usageMin) ? _usageMin + _rangeIndex  : _usageMin;

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getReportID()
{   return _reportID;   }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getReportSize()
{   return _reportBits;   }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getReportCount()
{   return _reportCount;   }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getFlags()
{   return _flags;  }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getLogicalMin()
{   return _logicalMin;   }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getLogicalMax()
{   return _logicalMax;   }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getPhysicalMin()
{   return _physicalMin;   }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getPhysicalMax()
{   return _physicalMax;   }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getUnit()
{   return _units;   }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getUnitExponent()
{   return _unitExponent;   }

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getValue()
    return getValue(0);

OSData * IOHIDElementPrivate::getDataValue()
    UInt32 byteSize = (UInt32)getByteSize();
#if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
    if ( _dataValue )
        bcopy((const void *)_elementValue->value, (void *)_dataValue->getBytesNoCopy(), byteSize);
        _dataValue = OSData::withBytes((const void *)_elementValue->value, byteSize);
    UInt32 bitsToCopy = (_reportBits * _reportCount);
    if ( !_dataValue) {
        UInt8 * bytes[byteSize];
        _dataValue = OSData::withBytes(bytes, byteSize);

    if ( _dataValue ) {
        bzero((void *)_dataValue->getBytesNoCopy(), byteSize);
        writeReportBits((const UInt32*)_elementValue->value, (UInt8 *)_dataValue->getBytesNoCopy(), bitsToCopy);
    return _dataValue;

void IOHIDElementPrivate::setValue(UInt32 value)
    UInt32  previousValue = _elementValue->value[0];
    if (previousValue == value)
    _elementValue->value[0] = value;
    if (_owner->postElementValues(&_cookie, 1) != kIOReturnSuccess)
        _elementValue->value[0] = previousValue;
        _previousValue = previousValue;

void IOHIDElementPrivate::setDataValue(OSData * value)
    OSData * previousValue;
    if ( !value ) return;
    previousValue = getDataValue();
    if (_owner->postElementValues(&_cookie, 1) != kIOReturnSuccess)

void IOHIDElementPrivate::setDataBits(OSData *value)
    UInt32  bitsToCopy;

    if ( !value ) return;

    bitsToCopy = min ( (value->getLength() << 3), (_reportBits * _reportCount) );
    readReportBits((const UInt8*)value->getBytesNoCopy(), _elementValue->value, bitsToCopy);

AbsoluteTime IOHIDElementPrivate::getTimeStamp()
	return _elementValue->timestamp;

IOByteCount IOHIDElementPrivate::getByteSize()
    IOByteCount byteSize;
    UInt32      bitCount = (_reportBits * _reportCount);
    byteSize = bitCount >> 3;
    byteSize += (bitCount % 8) ? 1 : 0;
    return byteSize;

unsigned int IOHIDElementPrivate::iteratorSize() const
    return 0;

bool IOHIDElementPrivate::initIterator(void * iterationContext __unused) const
    return false;

bool IOHIDElementPrivate::getNextObjectForIterator(void      * iterationContext __unused,
                                                   OSObject ** nextObject) const
    *nextObject = NULL;
    return 0;

unsigned int IOHIDElementPrivate::getCount() const
    return 1;

unsigned int IOHIDElementPrivate::getCapacity() const
    return 1;

unsigned int IOHIDElementPrivate::getCapacityIncrement() const
    return 0;

unsigned int IOHIDElementPrivate::setCapacityIncrement(unsigned increment __unused)
    return 0;

unsigned int IOHIDElementPrivate::ensureCapacity(unsigned int newCapacity __unused)
    return 0;

void IOHIDElementPrivate::flushCollection()

unsigned IOHIDElementPrivate::setOptions(unsigned options,
                                         unsigned mask,
                                         void * context __unused)
    unsigned old = super::setOptions(options, mask);
    if ((old ^ options) & mask) {
        // Value changed need to set all of the child collections
        if (_childArray)
            _childArray->setOptions(options, mask);
    return old;

OSCollection * IOHIDElementPrivate::copyCollection(OSDictionary * cycleDict)
    bool            allocDict = !cycleDict;
    OSCollection    *result = NULL;
    OSDictionary    *properties = NULL;
    if (allocDict) {
        cycleDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(16);
        require(cycleDict, done);
    // Check for a cycle
    result = super::copyCollection(cycleDict);
    if (result)
        goto done;
    properties = createProperties();
    require(properties, done);
    if (_childArray) {
        if (_childArray->getCount() < 0x1000) {
            OSCollection *childCopy = _childArray->copyCollection(cycleDict);
            if (childCopy) {
                properties->setObject( kIOHIDElementKey, childCopy );
        else {
            char buffer[256] = "";
            OSObject *str = NULL;
            snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Attempted to get %s on an element with %d children",
                     kIOHIDElementKey, _childArray->getCount());
            IOLog("%s\n", buffer);
            str = OSString::withCString(buffer);
            if (str) {
                properties->setObject( kIOHIDElementKey, str );
            else {
                properties->setObject( kIOHIDElementKey, kOSBooleanFalse );
    // Insert object into cycle Dictionary
    cycleDict->setObject((const OSSymbol *) this, properties);
    result = properties;
    properties = 0;
    if (properties)
    if (allocDict && cycleDict)
    return result;

bool IOHIDElementPrivate::conformsTo(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage)
    IOHIDElement * element = this;
    bool conforms = false;
    do {
        if ( usagePage != element->getUsagePage() )
        if ( usage && usage != element->getUsage() )
        conforms = true;
    } while ( (element = element->getParentElement()) );
    return conforms;

void IOHIDElementPrivate::setCalibration(UInt32 min, UInt32 max, UInt32 saturationMin, UInt32 saturationMax, UInt32 deadZoneMin, UInt32 deadZoneMax, IOFixed granularity)
    _calibration.satMin = saturationMin;
    _calibration.satMax = saturationMax;
    _calibration.dzMin  = deadZoneMin;
    _calibration.dzMax  = deadZoneMax;
    _calibration.min    = min;
    _calibration.max    = max;
    _calibration.gran   = granularity;

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getScaledValue(IOHIDValueScaleType type)
    SInt64  logicalValue    = (SInt32)getValue();
    SInt64  logicalMin      = (SInt32)getLogicalMin();
    SInt64  logicalMax      = (SInt32)getLogicalMax();
    SInt64  logicalRange    = 0;
    SInt64  scaledMin       = 0;
    SInt64  scaledMax       = 0;
    SInt64  scaledRange     = 0;
    SInt64  returnValue     = 0;

    if ( type == kIOHIDValueScaleTypeCalibrated ){
        if ( _calibration.min != _calibration.max ) {
            scaledMin = _calibration.min;
            scaledMax = _calibration.max;
        } else {
            scaledMin = -1;
            scaledMax = 1;
        // check saturation first
        if ( _calibration.satMin != _calibration.satMax ) {
            if ( logicalValue <= _calibration.satMin )
                return scaledMin;
            if ( logicalValue >= _calibration.satMax )
                return scaledMax;
            logicalMin      = _calibration.satMin;
            logicalMax      = _calibration.satMax;
        // now check the dead zone
        if (_calibration.dzMin != _calibration.dzMax) {
            SInt64 scaledMid = scaledMin + ((scaledMax - scaledMin) / 2);
            if (logicalValue < _calibration.dzMin) {
                logicalMax = _calibration.dzMin;
                scaledMax = scaledMid;
            } else if ( logicalValue > _calibration.dzMax) {
                logicalMin = _calibration.dzMax;
                scaledMin = scaledMid;
            } else {
                return scaledMid;
    } else { // kIOHIDValueScaleTypePhysical
        scaledMin = getPhysicalMin();
        scaledMax = getPhysicalMax();
    logicalRange    = logicalMax - logicalMin;
    scaledRange     = scaledMax - scaledMin;
    returnValue     = ((logicalValue - logicalMin) * scaledRange / logicalRange) + scaledMin;
    return returnValue;

IOFixed IOHIDElementPrivate::getScaledFixedValue(IOHIDValueScaleType type)
    SInt64  logicalValue    = (SInt32)getValue();
    SInt64  logicalMin      = (SInt32)getLogicalMin();
    SInt64  logicalMax      = (SInt32)getLogicalMax();
    SInt64  logicalRange    = 0;
    IOFixed scaledMin       = 0;
    IOFixed scaledMax       = 0;
    IOFixed scaledRange     = 0;
    IOFixed granularity     = 0;
    IOFixed returnValue     = 0;
    if ( type == kIOHIDValueScaleTypeCalibrated ){
        if ( _calibration.min != _calibration.max ) {
            scaledMin = _calibration.min << 16;
            scaledMax = _calibration.max << 16;
        } else {
            scaledMin = -1<<16;
            scaledMax = 1<<16;
        // check saturation first
        if ( _calibration.satMin != _calibration.satMax ) {
            if ( logicalValue <= _calibration.satMin )
                return scaledMin;
            if ( logicalValue >= _calibration.satMax )
                return scaledMax;
            logicalMin      = _calibration.satMin;
            logicalMax      = _calibration.satMax;
        // now check the dead zone
        if (_calibration.dzMin != _calibration.dzMax) {
            IOFixed scaledMid = scaledMin + ((scaledMax - scaledMin) / 2);
            if (logicalValue < _calibration.dzMin) {
                logicalMax = _calibration.dzMin;
                scaledMax = scaledMid;
            } else if ( logicalValue > _calibration.dzMax) {
                logicalMin = _calibration.dzMax;
                scaledMin = scaledMid;
            } else {
                return scaledMid;
        granularity = _calibration.gran;
    } else { // kIOHIDValueScaleTypePhysical
        scaledMin = getPhysicalMin()<<16;
        scaledMax = getPhysicalMax()<<16;
    logicalRange    = logicalMax - logicalMin;
    scaledRange     = scaledMax - scaledMin;
    returnValue     = (IOFixed)((logicalValue - logicalMin)<<16);
    returnValue     = (IOFixedMultiply(returnValue, scaledRange) / logicalRange) + scaledMin;
    return returnValue;

UInt32 IOHIDElementPrivate::getValue(IOOptionBits options) {
    UInt32 newValue = 0;
    if ((_reportBits * _reportCount) < 32) {
        newValue = ( options & kIOHIDValueOptionsFlagPrevious ) ? _previousValue : _elementValue->value[0];

        if ( options & kIOHIDValueOptionsFlagRelativeSimple ) {
            if ( (getFlags() & kIOHIDElementFlagsWrapMask) && newValue == getLogicalMin() && _previousValue == getLogicalMax())
                newValue = 1;
            else if ( (getFlags() & kIOHIDElementFlagsWrapMask) &&  newValue == getLogicalMax() && _previousValue == getLogicalMin())
                newValue = -1;
                newValue -= _previousValue;
    return newValue;