IOHIKeyboardMapper.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <IOKit/hidsystem/ev_keymap.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOLLEvent.h>
#include <IOKit/IOTimerEventSource.h>
#include <IOKit/IOInterruptEventSource.h>

class IOHIKeyboard;
class IOHIDSystem;

 * Key ip/down state is tracked in a bit list.  Bits are set
 * for key-down, and cleared for key-up.  The bit vector and macros
 * for it's manipulation are defined here.

typedef	UInt32 * kbdBitVector;

#define EVK_BITS_PER_UNIT	32
#define EVK_BITS_MASK		31
#define EVK_BITS_SHIFT		5	// 1<<5 == 32, for cheap divide

#define EVK_KEYDOWN(n, bits) \
	(bits)[((n)>>EVK_BITS_SHIFT)] |= (1 << ((n) & EVK_BITS_MASK))

#define EVK_KEYUP(n, bits) \
	(bits)[((n)>>EVK_BITS_SHIFT)] &= ~(1 << ((n) & EVK_BITS_MASK))

#define EVK_IS_KEYDOWN(n, bits) \
	(((bits)[((n)>>EVK_BITS_SHIFT)] & (1 << ((n) & EVK_BITS_MASK))) != 0)

/* the maximum number of modifier keys sticky keys can hold at once */
#define kMAX_MODIFIERS					5

/* the number of shift keys in a row that must be depressed to toggle state */

/* the number of milliseconds all the shifts must be pressed in - 30 seconds (30000 mS)*/

// sticky keys state flags
    kState_Disabled_Flag	= 0x0001,	// disabled and will do nothing until this is changed
    kState_ShiftActivates_Flag	= 0x0002,	// the 'on' gesture (5 shifts) will activate
    kState_On			= 0x0004,	// currently on, will hold down modifiers when pressed
    kState_On_ModifiersDown	= 0x0008,	// one or more modifiers being held down

    kState_Mask			= 0x00FF,	// mask for all states

typedef struct _stickyKeys_ToggleInfo
	// size of this allocation
	IOByteCount		size;

	// which modifier key we are tracking (using NX_WHICHMODMASK)
	unsigned		toggleModifier;

	// the number of times the modifier must be pressed to toggle
	unsigned		repetitionsToToggle;

	// how long the user has to press the modifier repetitionsToToggle times
	// the default is 30 seconds
	AbsoluteTime	expireInterval;

	// the number of times the modifier used within the alloted time
	unsigned		currentCount;

	// the times that the last shift must occer for this one to be used
	// this array will actually be of size repetitionsToToggle
	AbsoluteTime	deadlines[1];
} StickyKeys_ToggleInfo;

// Flags for each sticky key modifier
// This will allow for chording of keys
// and for key locking
    kModifier_DidPerformModifiy	= 0x01,
    kModifier_DidKeyUp		= 0x02,
    kModifier_Locked		= 0x04,
typedef struct _stickyKeys_ModifierInfo
	UInt8		key;		// Key code of the sticky modifier
        UInt8		state;		// The state of the sticky modifier
        UInt8		leftModBit;	// System Mod bit of the sticky modifier
} StickyKeys_ModifierInfo;

class IOHIDKeyboardDevice;

class IOHIKeyboardMapper : public OSObject

	IOHIKeyboard *		_delegate;					// KeyMap delegate
	bool				_mappingShouldBeFreed;		// true if map can be IOFree'd
	NXParsedKeyMapping	_parsedMapping;				// current system-wide keymap
	IOHIDSystem	 *		_hidSystem;					// target of IOHIKeyboard (should be IOHIDSystem)
	// binary compatibility padding
    struct ExpansionData { 
        // This is for F12 eject
	UInt16 			f12Eject_State;
	UInt32 			eject_Delay_MS;
	IOTimerEventSource 	*ejectTimerEventSource;

        // This is for sticky keys
        kbdBitVector		cached_KeyBits;
        StickyKeys_ModifierInfo stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[kMAX_MODIFIERS];
        IOInterruptEventSource  *stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource;
        IOInterruptEventSource	*stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource;
        // The following should really be statics, but placing here 
        // to match design by predecesor.
        OSDictionary		*offFnParamDict;
        OSDictionary		*onFnParamDict;

        // This is for SlowKeys
        UInt16			slowKeys_State;
        UInt32 			slowKeys_Delay_MS;
        IOTimerEventSource	*slowKeysTimerEventSource;
        // stored for slowKeysPostProcess
        UInt8		slowKeys_Aborted_Key;
        UInt8		slowKeys_Current_Key;        
        UInt32		specialKeyModifierFlags;
        bool		supportsF12Eject;
        SInt32      modifierSwap_Modifiers[NX_NUMMODIFIERS];
		unsigned char * cachedAlphaLockModDefs;
    ExpansionData * _reserved;				    // Reserved for future use.  (Internal use only)
	static IOHIKeyboardMapper * keyboardMapper(
										IOHIKeyboard * delegate,
										const UInt8 *  mapping,
										UInt32         mappingLength,
										bool           mappingShouldBeFreed );
	virtual bool init(IOHIKeyboard * delegate,
					const UInt8 *  mapping,
					  UInt32         mappingLength,
					  bool           mappingShouldBeFreed);
	virtual void free();
	virtual const UInt8 *   mapping();
	virtual UInt32          mappingLength();
	virtual bool 		  	serialize(OSSerialize *s) const;
	virtual void 		translateKeyCode(UInt8 key, bool keyDown, kbdBitVector keyBits);
	virtual UInt8  		getParsedSpecialKey(UInt8 logical);   //retrieve a key from _parsedMapping

	virtual	void		setKeyboardTarget (IOService * keyboardTarget);
	virtual bool 	    updateProperties (void);
	virtual IOReturn  	setParamProperties (OSDictionary * dict);
	// keyEventPostProcess is called while a lock is not held, so a recursive
	// call back into HIKeyboard is possible
	virtual void 	    keyEventPostProcess (void);

	static void makeNumberParamProperty( OSDictionary * dict, const char * key,
                            unsigned long long number, unsigned int bits );

	virtual bool parseKeyMapping(const UInt8 *        mapping,
								 UInt32               mappingLength,
							     NXParsedKeyMapping * parsedMapping) const;
	virtual void calcModBit(int bit, kbdBitVector keyBits);
	virtual void doModCalc(int key, kbdBitVector keyBits);
	virtual void doCharGen(int keyCode, bool down);

	/* sticky keys functionality */
	// original translateKeyCode
	void rawTranslateKeyCode (UInt8 key, bool keyDown, kbdBitVector keyBits);
    bool modifierSwapFilterKey(UInt8 * key);

	// the current state of stickyKeys
	UInt32            	_stickyKeys_State; 
	// the number of modifiers being held down by stickyKeys
	int		    		_stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown;
	// contains the info needed to keep track of shift repetitions
	StickyKeys_ToggleInfo * _stickyKeys_ShiftToggle;

	// contains the info needed to keep track of option repetitions
	StickyKeys_ToggleInfo * _stickyKeys_OptionToggle;

	// dictionaries with cached on and off states, used to set params when state changes
	bool				_stateDirty;
	OSDictionary *		_onParamDict;
	OSDictionary *		_offParamDict;

	// init/free vars
	bool stickyKeysinit (void);
	void stickyKeysfree (void);

	// allocate/free a StickyKeys_ToggleInfo struct
	static StickyKeys_ToggleInfo * stickyKeysAllocToggleInfo (unsigned maxCount);
	static void stickyKeysFreeToggleInfo (StickyKeys_ToggleInfo * toggleInfo);

	// create on/off dicts as part of init
	bool createParamDicts (void);
	// post special keyboard events thru the event system
	void postKeyboardSpecialEvent (unsigned subtype, unsigned eventType=NX_SYSDEFINED);

	// check any modifier to see if it is pressed 5 times
	// based on StickyKeys_ToggleInfo
	bool stickyKeysModifierToggleCheck(
							StickyKeys_ToggleInfo * toggleInfo,
							UInt8        key,
							bool         keyDown,
							kbdBitVector keyBits,
                                                        bool 	     mouseClick = false);

	// non-modifier key pressed
	void stickyKeysNonModifierKey (UInt8 key, bool keyDown, kbdBitVector keyBits, bool mouseClick = false);

	// modifier key pressed (shift, command, option, control)
	bool stickyKeysModifierKey (UInt8 key, bool keyDown, kbdBitVector keyBits);

	// main entry point, called for all keys (returns true if key handled)
	bool stickyKeysFilterKey (UInt8 key, bool keyDown, kbdBitVector keyBits, bool mouseClick = false);

        // called by interrupt event source to inform sticky keys of mouse down event
        static void stickyKeysMouseUp(IOHIKeyboardMapper *owner, IOEventSource *sender);

	void stickyKeysCleanup();

        // called by interrupt event source to restore prior fn state
	static void stickyKeysSetFnState(IOHIKeyboardMapper *owner, IOEventSource *sender);

        /* F12 Eject Functionality */ 
        // Determining f12 eject key press
        // Returns true if f12 held down for a predetermined period of time.
        bool f12EjectFilterKey (UInt8 key, bool keyDown, kbdBitVector keyBits);
        // Timer function for eject
        static void performF12Eject(IOHIKeyboardMapper *owner, IOTimerEventSource *sender);
        /* SlowKeys Functionality */
        // Slow keys methods
        bool slowKeysFilterKey (UInt8 key, bool keyDown, kbdBitVector keyBits);
        static void slowKeysPostProcess (IOHIKeyboardMapper *owner, IOTimerEventSource *sender);

    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  0);
    virtual IOReturn message( UInt32 type, IOService * provider, void * argument = 0 );

	// binary compatibility padding
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  1);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  2);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  3);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  4);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  5);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  6);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  7);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  8);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  9);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 10);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 11);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 12);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 13);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 14);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 15);


 *   The "delegate" object had to respond to the following protocol;
 *   this protocol has since been merged into the IOHIKeyboard class.
 * @protocol KeyMapDelegate
 * - keyboardEvent	:(unsigned)eventType
 * 	flags	:(unsigned)flags
 *	keyCode	:(unsigned)keyCode
 *	charCode:(unsigned)charCode
 *	charSet	:(unsigned)charSet
 *	originalCharCode:(unsigned)origCharCode
 *	originalCharSet:(unsigned)origCharSet;
 * - keyboardSpecialEvent:(unsigned)eventType
 *	flags	 :(unsigned)flags
 *	keyCode	:(unsigned)keyCode
 *	specialty:(unsigned)flavor;
 * - updateEventFlags:(unsigned)flags;	// Does not generate events
 * - (unsigned)eventFlags;		// Global event flags
 * - (unsigned)deviceFlags;		// per-device event flags
 * - setDeviceFlags:(unsigned)flags;	// Set device event flags
 * - (bool)alphaLock;			// current alpha-lock state
 * - setAlphaLock:(bool)val;		// Set current alpha-lock state
 * - (bool)charKeyActive;		// Is a character gen. key down?
 * - setCharKeyActive:(bool)val;	// Note that a char gen key is down.
 * @end