IOHIDEvent.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <TargetConditionals.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSObject.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSArray.h>
#include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDEventTypes.h>

#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOLLEvent.h>

typedef struct IOHIDEventData IOHIDEventData;

class IOHIDEvent: public OSObject
    OSDeclareAbstractStructors( IOHIDEvent )
    IOHIDEventData *    _data;
    OSArray *           _children;
    IOHIDEvent *        _parent;
    size_t              _capacity;
    AbsoluteTime        _timeStamp;
    UInt64              _senderID;
    uint64_t            _typeMask;
    IOOptionBits        _options;
    UInt32              _eventCount;

    bool initWithCapacity(IOByteCount capacity);
    bool initWithType(IOHIDEventType type, IOByteCount additionalCapacity=0);
    bool initWithTypeTimeStamp(IOHIDEventType type, AbsoluteTime timeStamp, IOOptionBits options = 0, IOByteCount additionalCapacity=0);
    IOByteCount getLength(UInt32 * eventCount);
    IOByteCount appendBytes(UInt8 * bytes, IOByteCount withLength);
    static IOHIDEvent * _axisEvent (    IOHIDEventType          type,
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        IOFixed                 x,
                                        IOFixed                 y,
                                        IOFixed                 z,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);

    static IOHIDEvent * _motionEvent (  IOHIDEventType          type,
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        IOFixed                 x,
                                        IOFixed                 y,
                                        IOFixed                 z,
                                        uint32_t                motionType = 0,
                                        uint32_t                motionSubType = 0,
                                        UInt32                  sequence = 0,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);

    static IOHIDEvent *     withBytes(  const void *            bytes,
                                        IOByteCount             size);

    static IOHIDEvent *     withType(   IOHIDEventType          type    = kIOHIDEventTypeNULL,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);

#if 0
    static IOHIDEvent *     withEventData (
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp, 
                                        UInt32                  type,
                                        NXEventData *           data, 
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);
    static IOHIDEvent *     keyboardEvent(  
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp, 
                                        UInt32                  usagePage,
                                        UInt32                  usage,
                                        Boolean                 down,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);
    static IOHIDEvent *     translationEvent (
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        IOFixed                 x,
                                        IOFixed                 y,
                                        IOFixed                 z,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);
    static IOHIDEvent *     scrollEvent (
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        SInt32                  x,
                                        SInt32                  y,
                                        SInt32                  z,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);
    static IOHIDEvent *     zoomEvent (
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        IOFixed                 x,
                                        IOFixed                 y,
                                        IOFixed                 z,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);
    static IOHIDEvent *     accelerometerEvent (
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        IOFixed                 x,
                                        IOFixed                 y,
                                        IOFixed                 z,
                                        IOHIDMotionType         type = 0,
                                        IOHIDMotionPath         subType = 0,
                                        UInt32                  sequence = 0,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);

    static IOHIDEvent *     gyroEvent ( AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        IOFixed                 x,
                                        IOFixed                 y,
                                        IOFixed                 z,
                                        IOHIDMotionType         type = 0,
                                        IOHIDMotionPath         subType = 0,
                                        UInt32                  sequence = 0,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);

    static IOHIDEvent *     compassEvent (
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        IOFixed                 x,
                                        IOFixed                 y,
                                        IOFixed                 z,
                                        IOHIDMotionType         type = 0,
                                        IOHIDMotionPath         subType = 0,
                                        UInt32                  sequence = 0,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);
    static IOHIDEvent *     buttonEvent (
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        UInt32                  mask,
                                        UInt8                   number,
                                        bool                    state,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);
    static IOHIDEvent *     buttonEvent (
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        UInt32                  mask,
                                        UInt8                   number,
                                        IOFixed                 pressure,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);    
    static IOHIDEvent *     ambientLightSensorEvent (
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        UInt32                  level,
                                        UInt32                  channel0    = 0,
                                        UInt32                  channel1    = 0,
                                        UInt32                  channel2    = 0,
                                        UInt32                  channel3    = 0,
                                        IOOptionBits            options     = 0);
    static IOHIDEvent *     proximityEvent (
                                        AbsoluteTime                timeStamp,
                                        IOHIDProximityDetectionMask    mask,
                                        UInt32                        level,
                                        IOOptionBits                options = 0);
    static IOHIDEvent *     temperatureEvent (
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        IOFixed                 temperature,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);

    static IOHIDEvent *     relativePointerEvent(
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        SInt32                  x,
                                        SInt32                  y,
                                        SInt32                  z,
                                        UInt32                  buttonState,
                                        UInt32                  oldButtonState = 0,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);

    static IOHIDEvent *     multiAxisPointerEvent(
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        IOFixed                 x,
                                        IOFixed                 y,
                                        IOFixed                 z,
                                        IOFixed                 rX,
                                        IOFixed                 rY,
                                        IOFixed                 rZ,
                                        UInt32                  buttonState,
                                        UInt32                  oldButtonState = 0,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);

    static IOHIDEvent *     digitizerEvent(
                                        AbsoluteTime                    timeStamp,
                                        UInt32                          transducerID,
                                        IOHIDDigitizerTransducerType    type,
                                        bool                            inRange,
                                        UInt32                          buttonState,
                                        IOFixed                         x,
                                        IOFixed                         y,
                                        IOFixed                         z           = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         tipPressure = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         auxPressure = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         twist       = 0,
                                        IOOptionBits                    options     = 0 );
    static IOHIDEvent *     digitizerEventWithTiltOrientation(
                                        AbsoluteTime                    timeStamp,
                                        UInt32                          transducerID,
                                        IOHIDDigitizerTransducerType    type,
                                        bool                            inRange,
                                        UInt32                          buttonState,
                                        IOFixed                         x,
                                        IOFixed                         y,
                                        IOFixed                         z               = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         tipPressure     = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         auxPressure     = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         twist           = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         xTilt           = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         yTilt           = 0,
                                        IOOptionBits                    options         = 0 );

    static IOHIDEvent *     digitizerEventWithPolarOrientation(
                                        AbsoluteTime                    timeStamp,
                                        UInt32                          transducerID,
                                        IOHIDDigitizerTransducerType    type,
                                        bool                            inRange,
                                        UInt32                          buttonState,
                                        IOFixed                         x,
                                        IOFixed                         y,
                                        IOFixed                         z               = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         tipPressure     = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         auxPressure     = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         twist           = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         altitude        = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         azimuth         = 0,
                                        IOOptionBits                    options         = 0 );

    static IOHIDEvent *     digitizerEventWithQualityOrientation(
                                        AbsoluteTime                    timeStamp,
                                        UInt32                          transducerID,
                                        IOHIDDigitizerTransducerType    type,
                                        bool                            inRange,
                                        UInt32                          buttonState,
                                        IOFixed                         x,
                                        IOFixed                         y,
                                        IOFixed                         z               = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         tipPressure     = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         auxPressure     = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         twist           = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         quality         = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         density         = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         irregularity    = 0,
                                        IOFixed                         majorRadius     = 6<<16,
                                        IOFixed                         minorRadius     = 6<<16,
                                        IOOptionBits                    options         = 0 );

    static IOHIDEvent *     powerEvent(
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        int64_t                 measurement,
                                        IOHIDPowerType          powerType,
                                        IOHIDPowerSubType       powerSubType    = 0,
                                        IOOptionBits            options         = 0);

    static IOHIDEvent *     vendorDefinedEvent(
                                        AbsoluteTime            timeStamp,
                                        UInt32                  usagePage,
                                        UInt32                  usage,
                                        UInt32                  version,
                                        UInt8 *                 data,
                                        UInt32                  length,
                                        IOOptionBits            options = 0);

    static IOHIDEvent *     biometricEvent(AbsoluteTime timeStamp, IOFixed level, IOHIDBiometricEventType eventType, IOOptionBits options=0);
    static IOHIDEvent *     atmosphericPressureEvent(AbsoluteTime timeStamp, IOFixed level, UInt32 sequence=0, IOOptionBits options=0);

    static IOHIDEvent *     unicodeEvent(AbsoluteTime timeStamp, UInt8 * payload, UInt32 length, IOHIDUnicodeEncodingType encoding, IOFixed quality, IOOptionBits options);

    virtual void            appendChild(IOHIDEvent *childEvent);

    virtual AbsoluteTime    getTimeStamp();
    virtual void            setTimeStamp(AbsoluteTime timeStamp);
    virtual IOHIDEventType  getType();
    virtual void            setType(IOHIDEventType type);
    virtual IOHIDEventPhaseBits  getPhase();
    virtual void            setPhase(IOHIDEventPhaseBits phase);
    virtual IOHIDEvent *    getEvent(IOHIDEventType type, IOOptionBits options = 0);
    virtual SInt32          getIntegerValue(
                                        IOHIDEventField key, IOOptionBits options = 0);
    virtual void            setIntegerValue(    
                                        IOHIDEventField key, SInt32 value, IOOptionBits options = 0);
    virtual IOFixed         getFixedValue(IOHIDEventField key, IOOptionBits options = 0);
    virtual void            setFixedValue(IOHIDEventField key, IOFixed value, IOOptionBits options = 0);
    virtual UInt8 *         getDataValue(IOHIDEventField key, IOOptionBits options = 0);

    virtual void            free();
    virtual size_t          getLength(); 
    virtual IOByteCount     readBytes(void *bytes, IOByteCount withLength);
    virtual void            setSenderID(uint64_t senderID);
    virtual uint64_t        getLatency(uint32_t scaleFactor);
    inline  IOOptionBits    getOptions() { return _options; };


#endif /* _IOKIT_IOHIDEVENT_H */