hidutilparse   [plain text]


import sys
import plistlib
import argparse

eventType = [

policyType = [
    "activity report"

clientType = [

serviceList = []
serviceProperties = {}

def handleClients(clients):
    print "Clients"
    for client in sorted(clients, key=lambda client: client['ProcessName'].lower() if 'ProcessName' in client else 0):
        if 'PID' in client:
            print "    pid: %-5d process: %-20.20s latency: %3dms drop: %-2d type: %-8s uuid: %-37s caller: %s" % (
                        client['ProcessName'] if 'ProcessName' in client else "",
                        client['UUID'] if 'UUID' in client else "",

def handleServices(services, desiredService, ioreg, events, properties, prop, intervals):
    # find service passed in through --service
    if desiredService:
        tmpServices = []
        for service in services:
            if desiredService in service['IOClass']:
        if not len(tmpServices):
            print "No service %s found" % desiredService
        services = tmpServices
    # update list of services to search ioreg with
    for service in services:
    # gather service properties from ioreg
    if properties or prop:
        if not len(ioreg):
            print "no ioregistry found, please use sysdiagnose path"
    print "Services"
    for service in sorted(services, key=lambda service: service['IOClass'].lower() if 'IOClass' in service else 0):
        sys.stdout.write("    %-25.25s id: %s  built-in: %-4s usagePage: %-7s usage: %-7s report interval: %-6s batch interval: %-6s transport: %s" % (
                                service['IOClass'] if 'IOClass' in service else "n/a", 
                                "yes" if service['Built-In'] else "no",
                                hex(service['PrimaryUsagePage'])  if 'PrimaryUsagePage' in service else "",
                                hex(service['PrimaryUsage']) if 'PrimaryUsage' in service else "",
                                service['ReportInterval'] if 'ReportInterval' in service else "",
                                service['BatchInterval'] if 'BatchInterval' in service else "",
                                service['Transport'] if 'Transport' in service else "",))
        if "EventTypeCounts" in service:
            sys.stdout.write("\n        event counts: ")
            for key, value in service['EventTypeCounts'].iteritems():
                sys.stdout.write("%s: %d " % (key.lower(), value))


        if intervals and "PropertyCache" in service:
            for key, value in service['PropertyCache'].iteritems():
                print "       %s" % key,
                for key2, value2 in value.iteritems():
                    print "%s: %s" % (key2, value2),
                print ""
        if properties and len(serviceProperties[service['IORegistryEntryID']]):
            print "        Properties"
            print "       ",
            for key, value in serviceProperties[service['IORegistryEntryID']].iteritems():
                print "%s: %s," % (key, value),
            print ""
        if prop and len(serviceProperties[service['IORegistryEntryID']]):
            print "        Property"
            print "       ",
            for key, value in serviceProperties[service['IORegistryEntryID']].iteritems():
                if prop in key:
                    print "%s: %s," % (key, value),
            print ""
        if 'EventLog' in service and events:
            print "        Event Log"
            for entry in service['EventLog']:
                print "        %-26.26s type: %s %s %s" % (entry['EventTime'], 
                            "down: %s" % entry['Down'] if 'Down' in entry else "",
                            "press: %s" % entry['PressCount'] if 'PressCount' in entry else "")

def handleDisplayWakeLog(log):
    print "    Display Wake Log"
    for entry in log:
        print "    %-26.26s timestamp: %-15d id: %s policy: %-8s type: %s" % (
                    entry['timestamp'] if 'timestamp' in entry else 0,
                    policyType[entry['Policy']] if 'Policy' in entry else "", 
                    eventType[entry['EventType']] if 'EventType' in entry else "")
    print ""

def handleSessionFilter(session):
    if 'DisplayWakeLog' in session:

def handleActivityLog(log):
    print "    Activity Log"
    for entry in log:
        if entry['ActivityState']:
            print "    %-26.26s id: %s type: %s" % (entry['ActivityTime'], 
                        hex(0x100000000 | entry['ServiceID']) if 'ServiceID' in entry else "", 
                        eventType[entry['EventType']] if 'EventType' in entry else "")
            print "    %s idle" % (entry['ActivityTime'])

def handleFilters(filters):
    print "Filters"
    for filter in filters:
        if 'Class' in filter and filter['Class']  == 'IOHIDNXEventTranslatorSessionFilter':
        elif 'ActivityLog' in filter:

def traverseRegistry(parent):
    for child in parent:
        if child['IORegistryEntryID'] in serviceList:
            serviceProperties[child['IORegistryEntryID']] = {}
            if 'HIDEventServiceProperties' in child:
                for prop in child['HIDEventServiceProperties']:
                    serviceProperties[child['IORegistryEntryID']][prop] = child['HIDEventServiceProperties'][prop]
            elif 'MultitouchPreferences' in child:
                for prop in child['MultitouchPreferences']:
                    serviceProperties[child['IORegistryEntryID']][prop] = child['MultitouchPreferences'][prop]
                    # if type(child['HIDEventServiceProperties'][prop]) == plistlib._InternalDict:
            # if 'DeviceUsagePairs' in child:
            #     for pair in child['DeviceUsagePairs']:
            #         print "uP: %s u: %s" % (pair['DeviceUsage'], pair['DeviceUsagePage'])
        if 'IORegistryEntryChildren' in child:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process a hidutil.plist file.')
    parser.add_argument('file', help='hidutil.plist file or unarchived sysdiagnose path')
    parser.add_argument("--clients", action="store_true", help="print clients")
    parser.add_argument("--services", action="store_true", help="print services")
    parser.add_argument("--filters", action="store_true", help="print filters")
    parser.add_argument("--service", type=str, help="print a specific service (e.g. AppleM68Buttons)")
    parser.add_argument("--events", action="store_true", help="print service event logs")
    parser.add_argument("--properties", action="store_true", help="print service properties (requires sysdiagnose)")
    parser.add_argument("--intervals", action="store_true", help="print per-connection service report and batch intervals")
    parser.add_argument("--property", type=str, help="print a specific property")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    hidutil = []
    ioreg = []
    if args.file:
        if "plist" in args.file:
            # plist file
            with open(args.file, "r") as fd:
                hidutil = plistlib.readPlist(fd)
            #sysdiagnose path
            with open(args.file + '/hidutil.plist', "r") as fd:
                hidutil = plistlib.readPlist(fd)
            with open(args.file + '/ioreg/IOReg.xml', "r") as fd:
                ioreg = plistlib.readPlist(fd)
                ioreg = ioreg['IORegistryEntryChildren'][0]['IORegistryEntryChildren']
    # don't require both --services and --service
    if args.service:
        args.services = True
    # nothing was specified, so print everything
    if not args.clients and not args.services and not args.filters:
        args.clients = True
        args.services = True
        args.filters = True
    if args.clients:
        print ""
    if args.services:   
        handleServices(hidutil['ServiceRecords'], args.service, ioreg, args.events, args.properties, args.property, args.intervals)
        print ""
    if args.filters: