IOHIDEventService.iig   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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#if !__IIG
#include <IOKit/hidevent/IOHIDEventService.h>


#include <DriverKit/OSAction.iig>
#include <DriverKit/IOService.iig>
#include <DriverKit/IOTypes.h>

class IOBufferMemoryDescriptor;
class IOHIDEvent;

typedef struct IOHIDDigitizerStylusData IOHIDDigitizerStylusData;
typedef struct IOHIDDigitizerTouchData IOHIDDigitizerTouchData;

class KERNEL IOHIDEventService : public IOService


     * @function DispatchKeyboardEvent
     * @abstract
     * Dispatches a keyboard event with the provided usage page, usage, and
     * value.
     * @param timestamp
     * The timestamp of the event.
     * @param usagePage
     * The usage page. Usage pages are defined in
     * <IOKit/hid/IOHIDUsageTables.h>.
     * @param usage
     * The usage. Usages are defined in <IOKit/hid/IOHIDUsageTables.h>.
     * @param value
     * The value.
     * @param options
     * Optional option bits. Options are defined in the IOHIDKeyboardEventOptions
     * enumerator in <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>
     * @param repeat
     * Default behavior for keyboard events is to repeat keys if the key has been
     * held down for a certain amount of time defined in system preferences. Pass
     * in false to not apply key repeat logic to this event.
    virtual kern_return_t dispatchKeyboardEvent(uint64_t timeStamp,
                                                uint32_t usagePage,
                                                uint32_t usage,
                                                uint32_t value,
                                                IOOptionBits options,
                                                bool repeat = true) LOCALONLY;

     * @function DispatchRelativePointerEvent
     * @abstract
     * Dispatches a relative pointer event.
     * @param timestamp
     * The timestamp of the event.
     * @param dx
     * The delta X value.
     * @param dy
     * The delta Y value.
     * @param buttonState
     * Current state of the buttons, if any.
     * @param options
     * Optional option bits.
     * @param accelerate
     * Pointer events are subject to an acceleration algorithm. Pass in false
     * if you do not wish to have acceleration logic applied to the pointer event.
    virtual kern_return_t dispatchRelativePointerEvent(uint64_t timeStamp,
                                                       IOFixed dx,
                                                       IOFixed dy,
                                                       uint32_t buttonState,
                                                       IOOptionBits options,
                                                       bool accelerate = true) LOCALONLY;
     * @function DispatchAbsolutePointerEvent
     * @abstract
     * Dispatches an absolute pointer event.
     * @param timeStamp
     * The timestamp of the event.
     * @param x
     * An X value between 0 and 1.
     * @param dy
     * A Y value between 0 and 1.
     * @param buttonState
     * Current state of the buttons, if any.
     * @param options
     * Optional option bits.
     * @param accelerate
     * Pointer events are subject to an acceleration algorithm. Pass in false
     * if you do not wish to have acceleration logic applied to the pointer event.
    virtual kern_return_t dispatchAbsolutePointerEvent(uint64_t timeStamp,
                                                       IOFixed x,
                                                       IOFixed y,
                                                       uint32_t buttonState,
                                                       IOOptionBits options,
                                                       bool accelerate = true) LOCALONLY;
     * @function DispatchRelativeScrollWheelEvent
     * @abstract
     * Dispatches a relative scroll wheel event.
     * @param timestamp
     * The timestamp of the event.
     * @param dx
     * The delta X value.
     * @param dy
     * The delta Y value.
     * @param dz
     * The delta Z value.
     * @param options
     * Optional option bits.
     * @param accelerate
     * Scroll events are subject to an acceleration algorithm. Pass in false
     * if you do not wish to have acceleration logic applied to the scroll event.
    virtual kern_return_t dispatchRelativeScrollWheelEvent(uint64_t timeStamp,
                                                           IOFixed dx,
                                                           IOFixed dy,
                                                           IOFixed dz,
                                                           IOOptionBits options,
                                                           bool accelerate = true) LOCALONLY;
     * @function dispatchDigitizerStylusEvent
     * @abstract
     * Dispatches a digitizer stylus event.
     * @param timestamp
     * The timestamp of the event.
     * @param stylusData
     * A struct containing the stylus data. See IOHIDDigtizerStructs.h for more 
     * info.
    virtual kern_return_t dispatchDigitizerStylusEvent(
                                        uint64_t timeStamp,
                                        IOHIDDigitizerStylusData *stylusData) LOCALONLY;
     * @function dispatchDigitizerTouchEvent
     * @abstract
     * Dispatches a digitizer touch pad event.
     * @param timestamp
     * The timestamp of the event.
     * @param touchData
     * An array of touch data, where each struct represents a surface contact. 
     * See IOHIDDigtizerStructs.h for more info.
     * @param touchDataCount
     * The touchData array count.
    virtual kern_return_t dispatchDigitizerTouchEvent(
                                            uint64_t timeStamp,
                                            IOHIDDigitizerTouchData *touchData,
                                            uint32_t touchDataCount) LOCALONLY;


     * @function SetLED
     * @abstract
     * Sets an LED on the service.
     * @param usage
     * The LED usage to set. LED usages can be found in
     * <IOKit/hid/IOHIDUsageTables.h>.
     * @param on
     * Turn on or off the LED.
    virtual void SetLED(uint32_t usage, bool on) LOCAL;
     * @function dispatchEvent
     * @abstract
     * Dispatches an event.
     * @param event
     * The IOHIDEvent to dispatch.
    virtual void dispatchEvent(IOHIDEvent *event) LOCALONLY;

class EXTENDS (IOHIDEventService) IOHIDEventServicePrivate
    virtual kern_return_t _DispatchKeyboardEvent(uint64_t timeStamp,
                                                 uint32_t usagePage,
                                                 uint32_t usage,
                                                 uint32_t value,
                                                 IOOptionBits options,
                                                 bool repeat = true);
    virtual kern_return_t _DispatchRelativePointerEvent(uint64_t timeStamp,
                                                        IOFixed dx,
                                                        IOFixed dy,
                                                        uint32_t buttonState,
                                                        IOOptionBits options,
                                                        bool accelerate = true);
    virtual kern_return_t _DispatchAbsolutePointerEvent(uint64_t timeStamp,
                                                        IOFixed x,
                                                        IOFixed y,
                                                        uint32_t buttonState,
                                                        IOOptionBits options,
                                                        bool accelerate = true);
    virtual kern_return_t _DispatchRelativeScrollWheelEvent(uint64_t timeStamp,
                                                            IOFixed dx,
                                                            IOFixed dy,
                                                            IOFixed dz,
                                                            IOOptionBits options,
                                                            bool accelerate = true);
    virtual kern_return_t SetEventMemory(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *memory);
    virtual kern_return_t EventAvailable(uint32_t length);
     * @function _Start
     * @abstract
     * Finalizes initialization of kernel object once user space object
     * initialization is complete.
     * @param provider
     * The provider of the IOHIDEventService.
     * @return
     * Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success.
    virtual kern_return_t _Start(IOService * provider);