IOHIDDevice.iig   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
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 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#if !__IIG
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDDevice.h>


#include <DriverKit/OSAction.iig>
#include <DriverKit/IOService.iig>
#include <HIDDriverKit/IOHIDDeviceTypes.h>
#include <DriverKit/IOTypes.h>

class IOMemoryDescriptor;

class KERNEL IOHIDDevice : public IOService


     * @function handleReport
     * @abstract Handle an asynchronous report received from the HID device.
     * @param report A memory descriptor that describes the report.
     * @param reportType The type of report.
     * @param options Options to specify the request. No options are
     * currently defined, and the default value is 0.
     * @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise.

    virtual kern_return_t handleReport(uint64_t                  timestamp,
                                       IOMemoryDescriptor        *report,
                                       uint32_t                  reportLength,
                                       IOHIDReportType           reportType = kIOHIDReportTypeInput,
                                       IOOptionBits              options    = 0) LOCALONLY;

     * @function getReport
     * @abstract Get a report from the HID device.
     * @param report A memory descriptor that describes the memory to store
     * the report read from the HID device.
     * @param reportType The report type.
     * @param options The lower 8 bits will represent the Report ID.  The
     * other 24 bits are options to specify the request.
     * @param completionTimeout Specifies an amount of time (in ms) after which
     * the command will be aborted if the entire command has not been completed.
     * @param action OSAction to call CompleteReport when request completes. If omitted then
     * getReport() executes synchronously, blocking until the request is complete.
     * @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise.
    virtual kern_return_t getReport(IOMemoryDescriptor      * report,
                                    IOHIDReportType         reportType,
                                    IOOptionBits            options,
                                    uint32_t                completionTimeout,
                                    OSAction                * action) LOCALONLY;
     * @function setReport
     * @abstract Send a report to the HID device.
     * @param report A memory descriptor that describes the report to send
     * to the HID device.
     * @param reportType The report type.
     * @param options The lower 8 bits will represent the Report ID.  The
     * other 24 bits are options to specify the request.
     * @param completionTimeout Specifies an amount of time (in ms) after which
     * the command will be aborted if the entire command has not been completed.
     * @param action OSAction to call CompleteReport when request completes. If omitted then
     * setReport() executes synchronously, blocking until the request is complete.
     * @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise.
    virtual kern_return_t setReport(IOMemoryDescriptor      * report,
                                    IOHIDReportType         reportType,
                                    IOOptionBits            options,
                                    uint32_t                completionTimeout,
                                    OSAction                * action) LOCALONLY;


     * @brief       Complete async requests made with GetReport/SetReport
     * @discussion  method should be called upon completion of GetReport/SetReport.
     * @param       action   passed to GetReport/SetReport.
     * @param       status   status of the completion.
     * @param       actualByteCount   used buffer size of the buffer submitted with SetReport/GetReport.
     * @return      none

    virtual void  CompleteReport (OSAction            * action TARGET,
                                  IOReturn            status,
                                  uint32_t            actualByteCount) LOCAL = 0;


    virtual void setProperty (OSObject * key, OSObject * value) LOCALONLY;


class EXTENDS (IOHIDDevice) IOHIDDevicePrivate
    virtual void _SetProperty (IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * serialization) LOCAL;
    virtual kern_return_t _HandleReport(uint64_t                  timestamp,
                                        IOMemoryDescriptor        *report,
                                        uint32_t                  reportLength,
                                        IOHIDReportType           reportType = kIOHIDReportTypeInput,
                                        IOOptionBits              options    = 0);
     * @brief       Process Get/Set report requests from  kernel object
     * @discussion  method called by kernel object to request processing GEt/Set report commands.
     * @param       report      descriptor to store report data.
     * @param       reportType  report type
     * @param       options     options[0..7] contain report ID.
     * @param       completionTimeout    completion timeout
     * @param       action    asynchronous handle
     * @return      KERN_SUCCESS is successful see IOReturn.h for error codes.

    virtual void  _ProcessReport (HIDReportCommandType       command,
                                 IOMemoryDescriptor         * report,
                                 IOHIDReportType            reportType,
                                 IOOptionBits               options,
                                 uint32_t                   completionTimeout,
                                 OSAction                   * action TYPE (IOHIDDevice::CompleteReport)) LOCAL;
     * @brief       Complete async requests made with GetReport/SetReport
     * @discussion  Method  represent kernel functionality associated with CompleteReport and should not be used directly
     * @param       action  passed to GetReport/SetReport.
     * @param       status  status of the completion.
     * @param       actualByteCount   used buffer size of the buffer submitted with SetReport/GetReport.
     * @return      none

    virtual void _CompleteReport (OSAction             * action,
                                  IOReturn             status,
                                  uint32_t             actualByteCount) TYPE (IOHIDDevice::CompleteReport);

     * @brief       Start in kernel object that represent Device
     * @discussion  Method  used to finalize initialization in kernel object once user space object initialization completed
     * @param       provider   same object that passed to Start.
     * @return      KERN_SUCCESS is successful see IOReturn.h for error codes.

    virtual kern_return_t _Start (IOService * provider);
