IOHIDDevice.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <TargetConditionals.h>
#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#include <IOKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDDescriptorParser.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDUsageTables.h>
#include <IOKit/IOEventSource.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDDeviceTypes.h>
#include <HIDDriverKit/IOHIDDevice.h>

class   IOHIDSystem;
class   IOHIDPointing;
class   IOHIDKeyboard;
class   IOHIDConsumer;
class   IOHIDElementPrivate;
class   IOHIDEventQueue;
class   IOHIDInterface;
class   IOHIDDeviceShim;
struct  IOHIDReportHandler;
class   IOHIDAsyncReportQueue;
class   IOHIDDeviceElementContainer;

/*! @class IOHIDDevice : public IOService
    @abstract IOHIDDevice defines a Human Interface Device (HID) object,
    which will interact with the HID Manager by publishing static properties
    in the registry, and also by reporting HID events through shared memory.
    IOHIDDevice is an abstract class that must be subclassed to support a
    specific type of HID devices, such as USB HID class devices.
    Since most HID devices are expected to be USB devices, IOHIDDevice
    uses the USB HID specification to define the format of the report
    descriptor, and also reports that are used to communicate with the
    hardware via some intervening transport layer. However, there is no
    mandate that the transport layer must be restricted to USB. A subclass
    may be created to support legacy ADB joysticks, and issue packets on
    the ADB bus and translate those packets to USB reports, and vice versa.
    IOHIDDevice does not care how those reports are generated or consumed
    by the physical device, as long as the reports abide to the USB
    specification. */

#if defined(KERNEL) && !defined(KERNEL_PRIVATE)
class __deprecated_msg("Use DriverKit") IOHIDDevice : public IOService
class IOHIDDevice : public IOService
    OSDeclareDefaultStructorsWithDispatch ( IOHIDDevice )

    friend class IOHIDLibUserClient;
    friend class IOHIDDeviceShim;
    friend class IOHIDInterface;

    OSArray *                   _elementArray;
    UInt32                      _dataElementIndex;
    IORecursiveLock *           _elementLock;
    IOHIDReportHandler *        _reportHandlers; // unused
    IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *  _elementValuesDescriptor; // unused
    bool                        _readyForInputReports;
    UInt32                      _reportCount;
    UInt32                      _maxInputReportSize;
    UInt32                      _maxOutputReportSize;
    UInt32                      _maxFeatureReportSize;

    struct ExpansionData {
        OSSet *                 clientSet;
        IOService *             seizedClient;
        AbsoluteTime            eventDeadline;
        bool                    performTickle;
        bool                    performWakeTickle;
        OSArray *               interfaceNubs;
        OSArray *               hierarchElements;
        OSArray *               interfaceElementArrays;
        IOHIDAsyncReportQueue * asyncReportQueue;
        IOWorkLoop *            workLoop;
        IOEventSource *         eventSource;
        IONotifier *            deviceNotify;
        IOHIDDeviceElementContainer *elementContainer;
    /*! @var reserved
        Reserved for future use.  (Internal use only)  */
    ExpansionData * _reserved;
    void setupResolution();

    // HID report descriptor parsing support.

    bool linkToParent( const OSArray * array,
                       UInt32          parentIndex,
                       UInt32          childIndex );

    bool createCollectionElements( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData,
                                   OSArray *           array,
                                   UInt32              maxCount );

    bool createValueElements( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData,
                              OSArray *           array,
                              UInt32              hidReportType,
                              IOHIDElementType    elementType,
                              UInt32              maxCount );

    bool createButtonElements( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData,
                               OSArray *           array,
                               UInt32              hidReportType,
                               IOHIDElementType    elementType,
                               UInt32              maxCount );

    bool createReportHandlerElements( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData);

    bool getReportCountAndSizes( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData );

    bool setReportSize( UInt8           reportID,
                        IOHIDReportType reportType,
                        UInt32          bits );

    IOReturn createElementHierarchy( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData );

    IOReturn parseReportDescriptor( IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                    IOOptionBits         options = 0 );

    IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * createMemoryForElementValues();

    OSNumber * newPrimaryUsageNumber(UInt32 interfaceIdx) const;

    OSNumber * newPrimaryUsagePageNumber(UInt32 interfaceIdx) const;

    OSArray * newDeviceUsagePairs(OSArray * elements, UInt32 start);

    static bool _publishDeviceNotificationHandler(void * target,
                                                  void * refCon,
                                                  IOService * newService,
                                                  IONotifier * notifier );


/*! @function free
    @abstract Free the IOHIDDevice object.
    @discussion Release all resources that were previously allocated,
    then call super::free() to propagate the call to our superclass. */

    virtual void free() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;

/*! @function handleOpen
    @abstract Handle a client open on the interface.
    @discussion This method is called by IOService::open() with the
    arbitration lock held, and must return true to accept the client open.
    This method will in turn call handleClientOpen() to qualify the client
    requesting the open.
    @param client The client object that requested the open.
    @param options Options passed to IOService::open().
    @param argument Argument passed to IOService::open().
    @result true to accept the client open, false otherwise. */

    virtual bool handleOpen(IOService *  client,
                            IOOptionBits options,
                            void *       argument) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;

/*! @function handleClose
    @abstract Handle a client close on the interface.
    @discussion This method is called by IOService::close() with the
    arbitration lock held. This method will in turn call handleClientClose()
    to notify interested subclasses about the client close. If this represents
    the last close, then the interface will also close the controller before
    this method returns. The controllerWillClose() method will be called before
    closing the controller. Subclasses should not override this method.
    @param client The client object that requested the close.
    @param options Options passed to IOService::close(). */

    virtual void handleClose(IOService * client, IOOptionBits options) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;

/*! @function handleIsOpen
    @abstract Query whether a client has an open on the interface.
    @discussion This method is always called by IOService with the
    arbitration lock held. Subclasses should not override this method.
    @result true if the specified client, or any client if none (0) is
    specified, presently has an open on this object. */

    virtual bool handleIsOpen(const IOService * client) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;

/*! @function handleStart
    @abstract Prepare the hardware and driver to support I/O operations.
    @discussion IOHIDDevice will call this method from start() before
    any I/O operations are issued to the concrete subclass. Methods
    such as newReportDescriptor() are only called after handleStart()
    has returned true. A subclass that overrides this method should
    begin its implementation by calling the version in super, and
    then check the return value.
    @param provider The provider argument passed to start().
    @result True on success, or false otherwise. Returning false will
    cause start() to fail and return false. */

    virtual bool handleStart( IOService * provider );

/*! @function handleStop
    @abstract Quiesce the hardware and stop the driver.
    @discussion IOHIDDevice will call this method from stop() to
    signal that the hardware should be quiesced and the driver stopped.
    A subclass that overrides this method should end its implementation
    by calling the version in super.
    @param provider The provider argument passed to stop(). */

    virtual void handleStop(  IOService * provider );

/*! @function newUserClient
    @abstract Handle a request to create a connection for a non kernel
    @discussion Create a new IOUserClient, or a subclass of IOUserClient,
    to service a connection to a non kernel client. This implementation
    will simply call the implementation in IOService to handle the call.
    @param owningTask The mach task requesting the connection.
    @param security_id A token representing the access level for the task.
    @param type A constant specifying the type of connection to be created.
    @param properties A dictionary of additional properties for the connection.
    @param handler The IOUserClient object returned.
    @result The return from IOService::newUserClient() is returned. */

    virtual IOReturn newUserClient( task_t          owningTask,
                                   void *          security_id,
                                   UInt32          type,
                                   OSDictionary *  properties,
                                   IOUserClient ** handler ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
    IOReturn newUserClientInternal(task_t          owningTask,
                                   void *          security_id,
                                   OSDictionary *  properties,
                                   IOUserClient ** handler );

/*! @function publishProperties
    @abstract Publish HID properties to the I/O Kit registry.
    @discussion Called by the start() method to fetch and publish all
    HID properties to the I/O Kit registry. These properties will allow
    the HID Manager to identify all HID device(s) in the system, by
    iterating through objects that are subclasses of IOHIDDevice, and
    then fetch their published property values. The implementation in
    IOHIDDevice will call methods to get each individual HID property,
    and subclasses will not normally need to override this method.
    @param provider The provider argument passed to start().
    @result True to indicate that all properties were discovered and
    published to the registry, false otherwise. Returning false will
    cause start() to fail and return false. */

    virtual bool publishProperties( IOService * provider );


/*! @function init
    @abstract Initialize an IOHIDDevice object.
    @discussion Prime the IOHIDDevice object and prepare it to support
    a probe() or a start() call. This implementation will simply call
    @param dictionary A dictionary associated with this IOHIDDevice
    @result True on sucess, or false otherwise. */

    virtual bool init( OSDictionary * dictionary = 0 ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;

/*! @function start
    @abstract Start up the driver using the given provider.
    @discussion IOHIDDevice will allocate resources, then call handleStart()
    before fetching the report descriptor through newReportDescriptor(), and
    publishing HID properties to the registry. Before returning true to
    indicate success, registerService() is called to trigger client matching.
    Subclasses are recommended to override handleStart().
    @param provider The provider that the driver was matched to, and selected
    to run with.
    @result True on success, or false otherwise. */

    virtual bool start( IOService * provider ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;

/*! @function stop
    @abstract Called by a provider (during its termination) before detaching
    all its clients.
    @discussion IOHIDDevice will call handleStop(), then release allocated
    resources. Subclasses are recommended to override handleStop().
    @param provider The provider that the driver was started on. */

    virtual void stop( IOService * provider ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;

/*! @function matchPropertyTable
    @abstract Called by the provider during a match
    @discussion Compare the properties in the supplied table to this
    object's properties.
    @param table The property table that this device will match against

    virtual bool matchPropertyTable(OSDictionary * table, SInt32 * score) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;

/*! @function message
    @abstract Receives messages delivered from an attached provider.
    @discussion Handles the <code>kIOMessageDeviceSignaledWakeup</code> message
    from a provider identifying the IOHIDDevice as the wakeup source.
    @param type A type defined in <code>IOMessage.h</code>.
    @param provider The provider from which the message originates.
    @param argument An argument defined by the message type.
    @result An IOReturn code defined by the message type.

    virtual IOReturn message( UInt32 type, IOService * provider,  void * argument = 0 ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;

    using IOService::setProperty;
/*! @function setProperty
    @abstract Synchronized method to add a property to an IOHIDDevice's property table.
    @discussion This method will add or replace a property in a registry entry's property table, using the OSDictionary::setObject semantics. This method is synchronized with other IORegistryEntry accesses to the property table.
    @param aKey The properties name as an OSSymbol.
    @param anObject The property value.
    @result true on success or false on a resource failure. */

    virtual bool setProperty( const OSSymbol * aKey, OSObject * anObject) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;

/*! @function newTransportString
    @abstract Returns a string object that describes the transport
    layer used by the HID device.
    @result A string object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */

    virtual OSString * newTransportString() const;

/*! @function newManufacturerString
    @abstract Returns a string object that describes the manufacturer
    of the HID device.
    @result A string object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */

    virtual OSString * newManufacturerString() const;

/*! @function newProductString
    @abstract Returns a string object that describes the product
    of the HID device.
    @result A string object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */

    virtual OSString * newProductString() const;

/*! @function newVendorIDNumber
    @abstract Returns a number object that describes the vendor ID
    of the HID device.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */

    virtual OSNumber * newVendorIDNumber() const;

/*! @function newProductIDNumber
    @abstract Returns a number object that describes the product ID
    of the HID device.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */

    virtual OSNumber * newProductIDNumber() const;

/*! @function newVersionNumber
    @abstract Returns a number object that describes the version number
    of the HID device.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */

    virtual OSNumber * newVersionNumber() const;

//  *** THIS HAS BEEN DEPRECATED.  PLEASE USE newSerialNumberString ***
/*! @function newSerialNumber
    @abstract THIS HAS BEEN DEPRECATED.  PLEASE USE newSerialNumberString.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */

    virtual OSNumber * newSerialNumber() const;

/*! @function newPrimaryUsageNumber
    @abstract Returns a number object that describes the primary usage
    of the HID device.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */

    virtual OSNumber * newPrimaryUsageNumber() const;

/*! @function newPrimaryUsagePageNumber
    @abstract Returns a number object that describes the primary usage
    page of the HID device.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */

    virtual OSNumber * newPrimaryUsagePageNumber() const;

/*! @function newReportDescriptor
    @abstract Create and return a new memory descriptor that describes the
    report descriptor for the HID device.
    @discussion A subclass must override this pure virtual function, and
    return a memory descriptor that describes the HID report descriptor as
    defined by the USB Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices
    Version 1.1 specification.
    @param descriptor Pointer to the memory descriptor returned. This
    memory descriptor will be released by the caller.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise. */

    virtual IOReturn newReportDescriptor(
                        IOMemoryDescriptor ** descriptor ) const = 0;

/*! @function handleReport
    @abstract Handle an asynchronous report received from the HID device.
    @param report A memory descriptor that describes the report.
    @param reportType The type of report.
    @param options Options to specify the request. No options are
    currently defined, and the default value is 0.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise. */

	virtual IOReturn handleReport(
                     IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
	                 IOHIDReportType      reportType = kIOHIDReportTypeInput,
	                 IOOptionBits         options    = 0 );

/*! @function getReport
    @abstract Get a report from the HID device.
    @discussion A completion parameter may be added in the future.
    @param report A memory descriptor that describes the memory to store
    the report read from the HID device.
    @param reportType The report type.
    @param options The lower 8 bits will represent the Report ID.  The
    other 24 bits are options to specify the request.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise. */

    virtual IOReturn getReport( IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                IOOptionBits         options );

/*! @function setReport
    @abstract Send a report to the HID device.
    @discussion A completion parameter may be added in the future.
    @param report A memory descriptor that describes the report to send
    to the HID device.
    @param reportType The report type.
    @param options The lower 8 bits will represent the Report ID.  The
    other 24 bits are options to specify the request.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise. */

    virtual IOReturn setReport( IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                IOOptionBits         options = 0 );

/*! @function getMemoryWithCurrentElementValues
    @abstract Get a reference to a memory descriptor that describes the
    memory block containing the current HID element values.
    @discussion Each HID element that can contribute to an input, output,
    or feature report, is assigned an area of memory from a common memory
    block allocated by IOHIDDevice. Each element will use its assigned
    memory area to store its current value, defined by an IOHIDElementValue
    structure. The memory described by the memory descriptor may be mapped
    to user space to allow the HID Manager to poll the current element
    value without the cost of a user-kernel transition. Subclasses should
    not override this method.
    @result A reference to a memory descriptor that describes the current
    element values, or 0 to indicate a resource shortage. */

    virtual IOMemoryDescriptor * getMemoryWithCurrentElementValues() const;

/*! @function registerElement
    @abstract A registration function called by a HID element to register
    itself, and also to obtain an unique cookie identifier
    (unique per device, not unique system-wide).
    @discussion An internal data type, an IOHIDElementPrivate, is created to
    represent each HID element discovered by parsing the HID report
    descriptor. Each element created will call this method to register
    itself with its owner (IOHIDDevice), and also to obtain an element
    cookie that is used by HID Manager to specify and identify the element.
    Subclasses should not override this method.
    @param element The element that is requesting registration with its
    @param cookie Pointer to the returned cookie assigned to this element.
    @result True on success, or false otherwise. */

    virtual bool registerElement( IOHIDElementPrivate * element,
                                  IOHIDElementCookie * cookie );

/*! @function startEventDelivery
    @abstract Start delivering events from a HID element to the event
    queue specified.
    @discussion Clients of IOHIDDevice may create an IOHIDEventQueue, and
    then call this method to register for delivery of events generated by
    one or more HID elements to that event queue. Subclasses should not
    override this method.
    @param queue The event queue that is interested in receiving events
    generated by the HID element specified. The retain count on the queue
    will be incremented by one.
    @param cookie The cookie for a HID element published by the HID device.
    @param options Options to specify the request. No options are currently
    defined, and the default value is zero.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or kIOReturnBadArgument if the
    queue or the cookie argument specified is invalid, or kIOReturnNoMemory
    if a resource shortage was encountered. */

    virtual IOReturn startEventDelivery( IOHIDEventQueue *  queue,
                                         IOHIDElementCookie cookie,
                                         IOOptionBits       options = 0 );

/*! @function stopEventDelivery
    @abstract Stop delivering events from one or more HID elements to the
    event queue specified.
    @discussion Clients that called startEventDelivery() must eventually
    call this method to stop event delivery to its queue from one or more
    HID elements.
    @param queue The event queue that no longer wishes to receive events
    generated by the HID element specified.
    @param cookie The cookie for a HID element published by the HID device.
    The default value of zero indicates that the queue should be removed from
    the event dispatch list of all HID elements published by the HID device.
    Subclasses should not override this method.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess if the queue was removed from the event dispatch
    list for one or more HID elements, or kIOReturnBadArgument if the queue
    or the cookie argument specified is invalid, or kIOReturnNotFound if the
    queue was not found. */

    virtual IOReturn stopEventDelivery( IOHIDEventQueue *  queue,
                                        IOHIDElementCookie cookie = 0 );

/*! @function checkEventDelivery
    @abstract Check whether events from a HID element will be delivered to
    the event queue specified.
    @param queue The event queue.
    @param cookie The cookie for a HID element published by the HID device.
    @param isActive Pointer to the return value that is set to true if events
    generated by the HID element will be delivered to the queue, or false
    otherwise. This return value is set only if kIOReturnSuccess is
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or kIOReturnBadArgument if one or
    more of the arguments provided are invalid. */

    virtual IOReturn checkEventDelivery( IOHIDEventQueue *  queue,
                                         IOHIDElementCookie cookie,
                                         bool *             isActive );

/*! @function updateElementValues
    @abstract Updates element values from a HID device via getReport.
    @discussion A completion parameter may be added in the future.
    @param cookies A list of element cookies who's values need to be
    set on the device.
    @param cookieCount The number of element cookies.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  0);
    virtual IOReturn updateElementValues(IOHIDElementCookie * cookies, UInt32 cookieCount = 1);

/*! @function postElementValues
    @abstract Posts element values to a HID device via setReport.
    @discussion A completion parameter may be added in the future.
    @param cookies A list of element cookies who's values need to be
    set on the device.
    @param cookieCount The number of element cookies.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  1);
    virtual IOReturn postElementValues(IOHIDElementCookie * cookies, UInt32 cookieCount = 1);

/*! @function newSerialNumberString
    @abstract Returns a string object that describes the serial number
    of the HID device.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  2);
    virtual OSString * newSerialNumberString() const;

/*! @function newLocationIDNumber
    @abstract Returns a number object that describes the location ID
    of the HID device.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  3);
    virtual OSNumber * newLocationIDNumber() const;

/*! @function getReport
    @abstract Get a report from the HID device.
    @discussion A completion parameter may be added in the future.
    @param report A memory descriptor that describes the memory to store
    the report read from the HID device.
    @param reportType The report type.
    @param options The lower 8 bits will represent the Report ID.  The
    other 24 bits are options to specify the request.
    @param completionTimeout Specifies an amount of time (in ms) after which
    the command will be aborted if the entire command has not been completed.
    @param completion Function to call when request completes. If omitted then
    getReport() executes synchronously, blocking until the request is complete.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise. */

    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  4);
    virtual IOReturn getReport( IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                IOOptionBits         options,
                                UInt32               completionTimeout,
                                IOHIDCompletion	*    completion = 0);

/*! @function setReport
    @abstract Send a report to the HID device.
    @discussion A completion parameter may be added in the future.
    @param report A memory descriptor that describes the report to send
    to the HID device.
    @param reportType The report type.
    @param options The lower 8 bits will represent the Report ID.  The
    other 24 bits are options to specify the request.
    @param completionTimeout Specifies an amount of time (in ms) after which
    the command will be aborted if the entire command has not been completed.
    @param completion Function to call when request completes. If omitted then
    setReport() executes synchronously, blocking until the request is complete.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise. */

    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  5);
    virtual IOReturn setReport( IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                IOOptionBits         options,
                                UInt32               completionTimeout,
                                IOHIDCompletion	*    completion = 0);

/*! @function newVendorIDSourceNumber
    @abstract Returns a number object that describes the vendor ID
    source of the HID device.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  6);
    virtual OSNumber * newVendorIDSourceNumber() const;

/*! @function newCountryCodeNumber
    @abstract Returns a number object that describes the country code
    of the HID device.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  7);
    virtual OSNumber * newCountryCodeNumber() const;

/*! @function handleReportWithTime
    @abstract Handle an asynchronous report received from the HID device.
	@param timeStamp The timestamp of report.
    @param report A memory descriptor that describes the report.
    @param reportType The type of report. Currently, only
    kIOHIDReportTypeInput report type is handled.
    @param options Options to specify the request. No options are
    currently defined, and the default value is 0.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess on success, or an error return otherwise. */

    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  8);
	virtual IOReturn handleReportWithTime(
                     AbsoluteTime         timeStamp,
                     IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
	                 IOHIDReportType      reportType = kIOHIDReportTypeInput,
	                 IOOptionBits         options    = 0);

/*! @function newReportInterval
    @abstract Returns a number object that describes the actual polling
    interval of the HID device in microseconds.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  9);
    virtual OSNumber * newReportIntervalNumber() const;

    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice, 10);
    virtual IOReturn handleReportWithTimeAsync(
                                  AbsoluteTime         timeStamp,
                                  IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                  IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                  IOOptionBits         options,
                                  UInt32               completionTimeout,
                                  IOHIDCompletion *    completion);

/*! @function newDeviceUsagePairs
    @abstract Returns an array of usage dictionaries. IOHIDDevice creates
    create this from the actual report descriptor, and that should be the base
    for any subclass override.
    @result A number object. The caller must decrement the retain count
    on the object returned. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice, 11);
    virtual OSArray * newDeviceUsagePairs();
    /*! @function createInterface
     @abstract Creates an IOHIDInterface nub for the device to attach to.
     @discussion Will create multiple interfaces, if applicable and support is
     @result true on success, false otherwise. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice, 12);
    virtual bool createInterface(IOOptionBits options = 0);

    /*! @function destroyInterface
     @abstract Destroys the IOHIDInterface nub attached to the device.
     @discussion This method will destroy all interfaces if multiple were
     created. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice, 13);
    virtual void destroyInterface(IOOptionBits options = 0);

    /*! @function conformsTo
     @abstract Checks if a device conforms to a certain usage page/usage.
     @discussion Iterates through the usages returned from newDeviceUsagePairs
     function and checks for matching usages.
     @result true if the device conforms to the specified usage page/usage. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice, 14);
    virtual bool conformsTo(UInt32 usagePage, UInt32 usage);
    /*! @function completeReport
     @abstract complete reports for DriverKit drivers
     @discussion This method only used by DriverKit driver
     created. */
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice, 15);
    virtual void completeReport(OSAction * action, IOReturn status, uint32_t actualByteCount);

    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 16);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 17);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 18);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 19);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 20);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 21);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 22);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 23);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 24);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 25);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 26);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 27);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 28);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 29);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 30);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 31);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 32);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 33);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 34);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 35);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 36);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 37);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 38);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 39);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 40);
