IOHIDDevice.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2013 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <AssertMacros.h>
#include <TargetConditionals.h>

#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>    // IOMalloc/IOFree
#include <IOKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDSystem.h>
#include <IOKit/IOEventSource.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMessage.h>

#include "IOHIDFamilyPrivate.h"
#include "IOHIDDevice.h"
#include "IOHIDElementPrivate.h"
#include "IOHIDDescriptorParserPrivate.h"
#include "IOHIDInterface.h"
#include "IOHIDPrivateKeys.h"
#include "IOHIDFamilyPrivate.h"
#include "IOHIDLibUserClient.h"
#include "IOHIDFamilyTrace.h"
#include "IOHIDEventSource.h"
#include "OSStackRetain.h"
#include "IOHIDDebug.h"

#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <machine/limits.h>
#include <os/overflow.h>

#include "IOHIKeyboard.h"
#include "IOHIPointing.h"

#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDShared.h>

// IOHIDAsyncReportQueue class

class IOHIDAsyncReportQueue : public IOEventSource
    OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOHIDAsyncReportQueue )

    struct AsyncReportEntry {
        queue_chain_t   chain;

        AbsoluteTime                    timeStamp;
        uint8_t *                       reportData;
        size_t                          reportLength;
        IOHIDReportType                 reportType;
        IOOptionBits                    options;
        UInt32                          completionTimeout;
        IOHIDCompletion                 completion;

    IOLock *        fQueueLock;
    queue_head_t    fQueueHead;

    static IOHIDAsyncReportQueue *withOwner(IOHIDDevice *inOwner);

    virtual bool init(IOHIDDevice *owner);

    virtual bool checkForWork();

    virtual IOReturn postReport(AbsoluteTime         timeStamp,
                                IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                IOOptionBits         options,
                                UInt32               completionTimeout,
                                IOHIDCompletion *    completion);

OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOHIDAsyncReportQueue, IOEventSource )

IOHIDAsyncReportQueue *IOHIDAsyncReportQueue::withOwner(IOHIDDevice *inOwner)
    IOHIDAsyncReportQueue *es = NULL;
    bool result = false;

    es = OSTypeAlloc( IOHIDAsyncReportQueue );
    if (es) {
        result = es->init( inOwner/*, inAction*/ );

        if (!result) {
            es = NULL;


    return es;

bool IOHIDAsyncReportQueue::init(IOHIDDevice *owner_I)
    queue_init( &fQueueHead );
    fQueueLock = IOLockAlloc();
    return IOEventSource::init(owner_I/*, action*/);

bool IOHIDAsyncReportQueue::checkForWork()
    bool moreToDo = false;

    if (!queue_empty(&fQueueHead)) {

        AsyncReportEntry *entry = NULL;
        queue_remove_first(&fQueueHead, entry, AsyncReportEntry *, chain);

        if (entry) {

            IOReturn status;

            IOMemoryDescriptor *md = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddress(entry->reportData, entry->reportLength, kIODirectionOut);

            if (md) {

                status = ((IOHIDDevice *)owner)->handleReportWithTime(entry->timeStamp, md, entry->reportType, entry->options);



                if (entry->completion.action) {
                    (entry->completion.action)(entry->, entry->completion.parameter, status, 0);

            IOFree(entry->reportData, entry->reportLength);
            IODelete(entry, AsyncReportEntry, 1);


    moreToDo = (!queue_empty(&fQueueHead));

    return moreToDo;

IOReturn IOHIDAsyncReportQueue::postReport(
                                        AbsoluteTime         timeStamp,
                                        IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                        IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                        IOOptionBits         options,
                                        UInt32               completionTimeout,
                                        IOHIDCompletion *    completion)
    AsyncReportEntry *entry;

    entry = IONew(AsyncReportEntry, 1);
    if (!entry)
        return kIOReturnError;

    bzero(entry, sizeof(AsyncReportEntry));

    entry->timeStamp = timeStamp;

    entry->reportLength = report->getLength();
    entry->reportData = (uint8_t *)IOMalloc(entry->reportLength);

    if (entry->reportData) {
        report->readBytes(0, entry->reportData, entry->reportLength);

        entry->reportType = reportType;
        entry->options = options;
        entry->completionTimeout = completionTimeout;

        if (completion)
            entry->completion = *completion;

        queue_enter(&fQueueHead, entry, AsyncReportEntry *, chain);

    } else {
        IODelete(entry, AsyncReportEntry, 1);

    return kIOReturnSuccess;

// IOHIDDevice class

#undef  super
#define super IOService

OSDefineMetaClassAndAbstractStructors( IOHIDDevice, IOService )

// Defined here to avoid conflicts from within header file
#define _clientSet					_reserved->clientSet
#define _seizedClient				_reserved->seizedClient
#define _eventDeadline				_reserved->eventDeadline
#define _inputInterruptElementArray	_reserved->inputInterruptElementArray
#define _performTickle				_reserved->performTickle
#define _performWakeTickle          _reserved->performWakeTickle
#define _interfaceNub				_reserved->interfaceNub
#define _rollOverElement            _reserved->rollOverElement
#define _hierarchElements           _reserved->hierarchElements
#define _asyncReportQueue           _reserved->asyncReportQueue
#define _workLoop                   _reserved->workLoop
#define _eventSource                _reserved->eventSource
#define _deviceNotify               _reserved->deviceNotify

#define WORKLOOP_LOCK   ((IOHIDEventSource *)_eventSource)->lock()
#define WORKLOOP_UNLOCK ((IOHIDEventSource *)_eventSource)->unlock()

#define kIOHIDEventThreshold	10

// Number of slots in the report handler dispatch table.
#define kReportHandlerSlots	8

// Convert from a report ID to a dispatch table slot index.
#define GetReportHandlerSlot(id)    ((id) & (kReportHandlerSlots - 1))

#define GetElement(index)  \
    (IOHIDElementPrivate *) _elementArray->getObject((UInt32)index)

// Describes the handler(s) at each report dispatch table slot.
struct IOHIDReportHandler
    IOHIDElementPrivate * head[kIOHIDReportTypeCount];

#define GetHeadElement(slot, type)  _reportHandlers[slot].head[type]

#ifndef kIOUserClientCrossEndianKey
#define kIOUserClientCrossEndianKey "IOUserClientCrossEndian"

#ifndef kIOUserClientCrossEndianCompatibleKey
#define kIOUserClientCrossEndianCompatibleKey "IOUserClientCrossEndianCompatible"

static SInt32 g3DGameControllerCount = 0;

// Initialize an IOHIDDevice object.

bool IOHIDDevice::init( OSDictionary * dict )
    _reserved = IONew( ExpansionData, 1 );

    if (!_reserved)
        return false;

	bzero(_reserved, sizeof(ExpansionData));

    // Create an OSSet to store client objects. Initial capacity
    // (which can grow) is set at 2 clients.

    _clientSet = OSSet::withCapacity(2);
    if ( _clientSet == 0 )
        return false;

    return super::init(dict);

// Free an IOHIDDevice object after its retain count drops to zero.
// Release all resource.

void IOHIDDevice::free()
    if ( _reportHandlers )
        IOFree( _reportHandlers,
                sizeof(IOHIDReportHandler) * kReportHandlerSlots );
        _reportHandlers = 0;

    if ( _elementArray )
        _elementArray = 0;

    if ( _hierarchElements )
        _hierarchElements = 0;

    if ( _elementValuesDescriptor )
        _elementValuesDescriptor = 0;

    if ( _clientSet )
        // Should not have any clients.
        assert(_clientSet->getCount() == 0);
        _clientSet = 0;

    if (_inputInterruptElementArray)
        _inputInterruptElementArray = 0;
    if (_eventSource)
        _eventSource = NULL;
    if (_workLoop)
        _workLoop = NULL;

    if ( _reserved )
        IODelete( _reserved, ExpansionData, 1 );

    return super::free();

static inline OSArray * CreateHierarchicalElementList(IOHIDElement * root)
    OSArray *       resultArray = 0;
    OSArray *       subElements = 0;
    OSArray *       elements    = 0;
    IOHIDElement *  element     = 0;
    IOItemCount     count;

    if ( !root ) return NULL;

    elements = root->getChildElements();

    if ( !elements ) return NULL;

    count = elements->getCount();

    resultArray = OSArray::withCapacity(count);

    if ( !resultArray ) return NULL;

    for ( UInt32 index=0; index < count; index++ )
        element = OSDynamicCast(IOHIDElement, elements->getObject(index));

        if ( !element ) continue;


        subElements = CreateHierarchicalElementList(element);

        if ( subElements )
            subElements = 0;

    return resultArray;

// Start up the IOHIDDevice.

bool IOHIDDevice::start( IOService * provider )
    IOMemoryDescriptor *    reportDescriptor        = NULL;
    IOMemoryMap *           reportDescriptorMap     = NULL;
    OSData *                reportDescriptorData    = NULL;
    OSNumber *              primaryUsagePage        = NULL;
    OSNumber *              primaryUsage            = NULL;
    OSObject *              obj                     = NULL;
    OSObject *              obj2                    = NULL;
    OSDictionary *          matching                = NULL;
    IOReturn                ret;
    bool                    result                  = false;

    require(super::start(provider), error);
    _workLoop = getWorkLoop();
    require_action(_workLoop, error, HIDLogError("IOHIDDevice failed to get a work loop"));
    _eventSource = IOHIDEventSource::HIDEventSource(this, NULL);
    require(_eventSource, error);
    require_noerr(_workLoop->addEventSource(_eventSource), error);

    // Allocate memory for report handler dispatch table.

    _reportHandlers = (IOHIDReportHandler *)IOMalloc(sizeof(IOHIDReportHandler)*kReportHandlerSlots);
    require(_reportHandlers, error);

    bzero( _reportHandlers, sizeof(IOHIDReportHandler) * kReportHandlerSlots );

    // Call handleStart() before fetching the report descriptor.
    require(handleStart(provider), error);

    // Fetch report descriptor for the device, and parse it.
    require_noerr(newReportDescriptor(&reportDescriptor), error);
    require(reportDescriptor, error);
    reportDescriptorMap = reportDescriptor->map();
    require(reportDescriptorMap, error);
    reportDescriptorData = OSData::withBytes((void*)reportDescriptorMap->getVirtualAddress(), (unsigned int)reportDescriptorMap->getSize());
    require(reportDescriptorData, error);

    setProperty(kIOHIDReportDescriptorKey, reportDescriptorData);

    ret = parseReportDescriptor( reportDescriptor );
    require_noerr(ret, error);

    _hierarchElements = CreateHierarchicalElementList((IOHIDElement *)_elementArray->getObject( 0 ));
    require(_hierarchElements, error);
    // Once the report descriptors have been parsed, we are ready
    // to handle reports from the device.

    _readyForInputReports = true;

    // Publish properties to the registry before any clients are
    // attached.
    require(publishProperties(provider), error);

    // *** GAME DEVICE HACK ***
    obj = copyProperty(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey);
    primaryUsagePage = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj);
    obj2 = copyProperty(kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey);
    primaryUsage = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj2);

    if ((primaryUsagePage && (primaryUsagePage->unsigned32BitValue() == 0x05)) &&
        (primaryUsage && (primaryUsage->unsigned32BitValue() == 0x01))) {

    // *** END GAME DEVICE HACK ***
    // create interface
    _interfaceNub = IOHIDInterface::withElements(_hierarchElements);
    require(_interfaceNub, error);
    // set interface properties

    matching = registryEntryIDMatching(getRegistryEntryID());
    _deviceNotify = addMatchingNotification(gIOFirstMatchNotification,
    require(_deviceNotify, error);

    result = true;
    if ( !result )
    if ( reportDescriptor )
    if ( reportDescriptorData )
    if ( reportDescriptorMap )

    return result;

// Stop the IOHIDDevice.
bool IOHIDDevice::_publishDeviceNotificationHandler(void * target __unused,
                                                    void * refCon __unused,
                                                    IOService * newService,
                                                    IONotifier * notifier __unused)
    IOHIDDevice *self = OSDynamicCast(IOHIDDevice, newService);
    if (self) {
    return true;

// Stop the IOHIDDevice.

void IOHIDDevice::stop(IOService * provider)
    // *** GAME DEVICE HACK ***
    OSObject *obj = copyProperty(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey);
    OSObject *obj2 = copyProperty(kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey);
    OSNumber *primaryUsagePage =  OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj);
    OSNumber *primaryUsage = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj2);

    if ((primaryUsagePage && (primaryUsagePage->unsigned32BitValue() == 0x05)) &&
        (primaryUsage && (primaryUsage->unsigned32BitValue() == 0x01))) {
    // *** END GAME DEVICE HACK ***
    if (_deviceNotify) {
        _deviceNotify = NULL;

    if (_workLoop)
        if (_eventSource)

    _readyForInputReports = false;

    OSSafeReleaseNULL (_interfaceNub);


bool IOHIDDevice::matchPropertyTable(OSDictionary * table, SInt32 * score)
    bool    match       = true;

    // Ask our superclass' opinion.
    if (super::matchPropertyTable(table, score) == false)
        return false;

    match = MatchPropertyTable(this, table, score);

    // *** HACK ***
    // RY: For games that are accidentaly matching on the keys
    // PrimaryUsage = 0x01
    // PrimaryUsagePage = 0x05
    // If there no devices present that contain these values,
    // then return true.
    if (!match && (g3DGameControllerCount <= 0) && table) {
        OSNumber *primaryUsage = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, table->getObject(kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey));
        OSNumber *primaryUsagePage = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, table->getObject(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey));

        if ((primaryUsage && (primaryUsage->unsigned32BitValue() == 0x01)) &&
            (primaryUsagePage && (primaryUsagePage->unsigned32BitValue() == 0x05))) {
            match = true;
            HIDLogError("IOHIDManager: It appears that an application is attempting to locate an invalid device.  A workaround is in currently in place, but will be removed after version 10.2");
    // *** END HACK ***

    return match;

// Fetch and publish HID properties to the registry.

bool IOHIDDevice::publishProperties(IOService * provider __unused)
#define SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(key, value) \
    do {                                \
        OSObject *prop = value;         \
        if (prop) {                     \
            setProperty(key, prop);     \
            if (_interfaceNub) {        \
                _interfaceNub->setProperty(key, prop); \
            }                           \
            prop->release();            \
        }                               \
    } while (0)

    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDTransportKey,         newTransportString()        );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDVendorIDKey,          newVendorIDNumber()         );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDVendorIDSourceKey,    newVendorIDSourceNumber()   );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDProductIDKey,         newProductIDNumber()        );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDVersionNumberKey,     newVersionNumber()          );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDManufacturerKey,      newManufacturerString()     );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDProductKey,           newProductString()          );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDLocationIDKey,        newLocationIDNumber()       );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDCountryCodeKey,       newCountryCodeNumber()      );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDSerialNumberKey,      newSerialNumberString()     );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey,      newPrimaryUsageNumber()     );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey,  newPrimaryUsagePageNumber() );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDReportIntervalKey,    newReportIntervalNumber()   );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDDeviceUsagePairsKey,  newDeviceUsagePairs()       );
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDMaxInputReportSizeKey,    copyProperty(kIOHIDMaxInputReportSizeKey));
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDMaxOutputReportSizeKey,   copyProperty(kIOHIDMaxOutputReportSizeKey));
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDMaxFeatureReportSizeKey,  copyProperty(kIOHIDMaxFeatureReportSizeKey));
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDRelaySupportKey,          copyProperty(kIOHIDRelaySupportKey, gIOServicePlane));
    SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(    kIOHIDReportDescriptorKey,      copyProperty(kIOHIDReportDescriptorKey));

    if ( getProvider() )

        SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE("BootProtocol", getProvider()->copyProperty("bInterfaceProtocol"));
        SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE("HIDDefaultBehavior", copyProperty("HIDDefaultBehavior"));
        SET_PROP_FROM_VALUE(kIOHIDAuthenticatedDeviceKey, copyProperty(kIOHIDAuthenticatedDeviceKey));

    return true;

// Derived from start() and stop().

bool IOHIDDevice::handleStart(IOService * provider __unused)
    return true;

void IOHIDDevice::handleStop(IOService * provider __unused)

static inline bool ShouldPostDisplayActivityTickles(IOService *device, OSSet * clientSet, bool isSeized)
    OSObject *obj = device->copyProperty(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey);
    OSNumber *primaryUsagePage = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj);

    if (!clientSet->getCount() || !primaryUsagePage ||
        (primaryUsagePage->unsigned32BitValue() != kHIDPage_GenericDesktop)) {
        return false;

    // We have clients and this device is generic desktop.
    // Probe the client list to make sure that we are not
    // openned by an IOHIDEventService.  If so, there is
    // no reason to tickle the display, as the HID System
    // already does this.
    OSCollectionIterator *  iterator;
    OSObject *              object;
    bool                    returnValue = true;

    if ( !isSeized && (iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(clientSet)) )
        bool done = false;
        while (!done) {
            while (!done && (NULL != (object = iterator->getNextObject()))) {
                if ( object->metaCast("IOHIDEventService"))
                    returnValue = false;
                    done = true;
            if (iterator->isValid()) {
                done = true;
    return returnValue;

static inline bool ShouldPostDisplayActivityTicklesForWakeDevice(
    IOService *device, OSSet * clientSet, bool isSeized)
    bool        returnValue = false;
    OSObject *obj = device->copyProperty(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey);
    OSNumber *  primaryUsagePage = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj);
    if (primaryUsagePage == NULL) {
        goto exit;

    if (primaryUsagePage->unsigned32BitValue() == kHIDPage_Consumer) {
        returnValue = true;
        goto exit;

    if (!clientSet->getCount() || (primaryUsagePage->unsigned32BitValue() != kHIDPage_GenericDesktop)) {
        goto exit;

    // We have clients and this device is generic desktop.
    // Probe the client list to make sure that we are
    // openned by an IOHIDEventService.

    OSCollectionIterator *  iterator;
    OSObject *              object;

    if ( !isSeized && (iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(clientSet)) )
        bool done = false;
        while (!done) {
            while (!done && (NULL != (object = iterator->getNextObject()))) {
                if (object->metaCast("IOHIDEventService"))
                    returnValue = true;
                    done = true;
            if (iterator->isValid()) {
                done = true;
    return returnValue;

// Handle a client open on the interface.

bool IOHIDDevice::handleOpen(IOService      *client,
                             IOOptionBits   options,
                             void           *argument __unused)
    bool  		accept = false;

    do {
        if ( _seizedClient )

        // Was this object already registered as our client?

        if ( _clientSet->containsObject(client) )
            HIDLogDebug("%s: multiple opens from client", getName());
            accept = true;

        // Add the new client object to our client set.

        if ( _clientSet->setObject(client) == false )

        if (options & kIOServiceSeize)
            messageClients( kIOMessageServiceIsRequestingClose, (void*)(intptr_t)options);

            _seizedClient = client;

            IOHIKeyboard * keyboard = OSDynamicCast(IOHIKeyboard, getProvider());
            IOHIPointing * pointing = OSDynamicCast(IOHIPointing, getProvider());
            if ( keyboard )
                keyboard->IOHIKeyboard::message(kIOHIDSystemDeviceSeizeRequestMessage, this, (void *)true);
            else if ( pointing )
                pointing->IOHIPointing::message(kIOHIDSystemDeviceSeizeRequestMessage, this, (void *)true);
        accept = true;
    while (false);

    _performTickle = ShouldPostDisplayActivityTickles(this, _clientSet, _seizedClient);
    _performWakeTickle = ShouldPostDisplayActivityTicklesForWakeDevice(this, _clientSet, _seizedClient);

    return accept;

// Handle a client close on the interface.

void IOHIDDevice::handleClose(IOService * client, IOOptionBits options __unused)
    // Remove the object from the client OSSet.

    if ( _clientSet->containsObject(client) )
        // Remove the client from our OSSet.

        if (client == _seizedClient)
            _seizedClient = 0;

            IOHIKeyboard * keyboard = OSDynamicCast(IOHIKeyboard, getProvider());
            IOHIPointing * pointing = OSDynamicCast(IOHIPointing, getProvider());
            if ( keyboard )
                keyboard->IOHIKeyboard::message(kIOHIDSystemDeviceSeizeRequestMessage, this, (void *)false);
            else if ( pointing )
                pointing->IOHIPointing::message(kIOHIDSystemDeviceSeizeRequestMessage, this, (void *)false);

        _performTickle = ShouldPostDisplayActivityTickles(this, _clientSet, _seizedClient);
        _performWakeTickle = ShouldPostDisplayActivityTicklesForWakeDevice(this, _clientSet, _seizedClient);

// Query whether a client has an open on the interface.

bool IOHIDDevice::handleIsOpen(const IOService * client) const
    if (client)
        return _clientSet->containsObject(client);
        return (_clientSet->getCount() > 0);

// Create a new user client.

IOReturn IOHIDDevice::newUserClient( task_t          owningTask,
                                     void *          security_id,
                                     UInt32          type,
                                     OSDictionary *  properties,
                                     IOUserClient ** handler )
    // RY: This is really skanky.  Apparently there are some subclasses out there
    // that want all the benefits of IOHIDDevice w/o supporting the default HID
    // User Client.  I know!  Shocking!  Anyway, passing a type known only to the
    // default hid clients to ensure that at least connect to our correct client.
    if ( type == kIOHIDLibUserClientConnectManager ) {
        if ( isInactive() ) {
            *handler = NULL;
            return kIOReturnNotReady;

        if ( properties ) {
            properties->setObject( kIOUserClientCrossEndianCompatibleKey, kOSBooleanTrue );

        return newUserClientInternal (owningTask, security_id, properties, handler );

    return super::newUserClient( owningTask, security_id, type, properties, handler );

IOReturn IOHIDDevice::newUserClientInternal( task_t          owningTask,
                                          void *          security_id,
                                          OSDictionary *  properties,
                                          IOUserClient ** handler )
    IOUserClient * client = new IOHIDLibUserClient;

    if ( !client->initWithTask( owningTask, security_id, kIOHIDLibUserClientConnectManager, properties ) ) {
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;

    if ( !client->attach( this ) ) {
        return kIOReturnUnsupported;

    if ( !client->start( this ) ) {
        client->detach( this );
        return kIOReturnUnsupported;

    *handler = client;

    return kIOReturnSuccess;

// Handle provider messages.

IOReturn IOHIDDevice::message( UInt32 type, IOService * provider, void * argument )
    if ((kIOMessageDeviceSignaledWakeup == type) && _performWakeTickle)
        IOHIDSystemActivityTickle(NX_HARDWARE_TICKLE, this); // not a real event. tickle is not maskable.
        return kIOReturnSuccess;
    if (kIOHIDMessageOpenedByEventSystem == type && provider == _interfaceNub) {
        bool msgArg = (argument == kOSBooleanTrue);
        setProperty(kIOHIDDeviceOpenedByEventSystemKey, msgArg ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
        messageClients(type, (void *)(uintptr_t)msgArg);
        return kIOReturnSuccess;
    } else if (kIOHIDMessageRelayServiceInterfaceActive == type && provider == _interfaceNub) {
        bool msgArg = (argument == kOSBooleanTrue);
        setProperty(kIOHIDRelayServiceInterfaceActiveKey, msgArg ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
        messageClients(type, (void *)(uintptr_t)msgArg);
        return kIOReturnSuccess;
    return super::message(type, provider, argument);

// Default implementation of the HID property 'getter' functions.

OSString * IOHIDDevice::newTransportString() const
    return 0;

OSString * IOHIDDevice::newManufacturerString() const
    return 0;

OSString * IOHIDDevice::newProductString() const
    return 0;

OSNumber * IOHIDDevice::newVendorIDNumber() const
    return 0;

OSNumber * IOHIDDevice::newProductIDNumber() const
    return 0;

OSNumber * IOHIDDevice::newVersionNumber() const
    return 0;

OSNumber * IOHIDDevice::newSerialNumber() const
    return 0;

OSNumber * IOHIDDevice::newPrimaryUsageNumber() const
    OSArray * 		childArray;
    IOHIDElementPrivate * 	child;
    IOHIDElementPrivate * 	root;

    if ( (root = (IOHIDElementPrivate *) _elementArray->getObject(0)) &&
         (childArray = root->getChildElements()) &&
         (child = (IOHIDElementPrivate *) childArray->getObject(0)) )
        return OSNumber::withNumber(child->getUsage(), 32);

    return 0;

OSNumber * IOHIDDevice::newPrimaryUsagePageNumber() const
    OSArray * 		childArray;
    IOHIDElementPrivate * 	child;
    IOHIDElementPrivate * 	root;

    if ( (root = (IOHIDElementPrivate *) _elementArray->getObject(0)) &&
         (childArray = root->getChildElements()) &&
         (child = (IOHIDElementPrivate *) childArray->getObject(0)) )
        return OSNumber::withNumber(child->getUsagePage(), 32);

    return 0;

// Handle input reports (USB Interrupt In pipe) from the device.

IOReturn IOHIDDevice::handleReport( IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                    IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                    IOOptionBits         options )
    AbsoluteTime   currentTime;
    IOReturn       status;

    clock_get_uptime( &currentTime );
    if (!_readyForInputReports)
        return kIOReturnOffline;


	status = handleReportWithTime( currentTime, report, reportType, options );
    return status;

// Get a report from the device.

IOReturn IOHIDDevice::getReport( IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                 IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                 IOOptionBits         options )
    return getReport(report, reportType, options, 0, 0);

// Send a report to the device.

IOReturn IOHIDDevice::setReport( IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                 IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                 IOOptionBits         options)
    return setReport(report, reportType, options, 0, 0);

// Parse a report descriptor, and update the property table with
// the IOHIDElementPrivate hierarchy discovered.

IOReturn IOHIDDevice::parseReportDescriptor( IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                             IOOptionBits         options __unused)
    OSStatus             status = kIOReturnError;
    HIDPreparsedDataRef  parseData;
    void *               reportData;
    IOByteCount          reportLength;
    IOReturn             ret;

    reportLength = report->getLength();

    if ( !reportLength )
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;

    reportData = IOMalloc(reportLength);

    if ( !reportData )
        return kIOReturnNoMemory;

    report->readBytes( 0, reportData, reportLength );

    // Parse the report descriptor.

    status = HIDOpenReportDescriptor(
                reportData,      /* report descriptor */
                reportLength,    /* report size in bytes */
                &parseData,      /* pre-parse data */
                0 );             /* flags */

    // Release the buffer
    IOFree( reportData, reportLength );

    if ( status != kHIDSuccess )
        return kIOReturnError;

    // Create a hierarchy of IOHIDElementPrivate objects.

    ret = createElementHierarchy( parseData );

    getReportCountAndSizes( parseData );

    // Release memory.

    HIDCloseReportDescriptor( parseData );

    return ret;

// Build the element hierarchy to describe the device capabilities to
// user-space.

IOHIDDevice::createElementHierarchy( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData )
    OSStatus   		status;
    HIDCapabilities	caps;
    IOReturn		ret = kIOReturnNoMemory;

    do {
        // Get a summary of device capabilities.

        status = HIDGetCapabilities( parseData, &caps );
        if ( status != kHIDSuccess )
            ret = kIOReturnError;

        // Dump HIDCapabilities structure contents.

        HIDLogDebug("Report bytes: input:%ld output:%ld feature:%ld",
        HIDLogDebug("Collections : %ld", (long)caps.numberCollectionNodes);
        HIDLogDebug("Buttons     : input:%ld output:%ld feature:%ld",
        HIDLogDebug("Values      : input:%ld output:%ld feature:%ld",

        _maxInputReportSize    = (UInt32)caps.inputReportByteLength;
        _maxOutputReportSize   = (UInt32)caps.outputReportByteLength;
        _maxFeatureReportSize  = (UInt32)caps.featureReportByteLength;

        // RY: These values are useful to the subclasses.  Post them.
        setProperty(kIOHIDMaxInputReportSizeKey, _maxInputReportSize, 32);
        setProperty(kIOHIDMaxOutputReportSizeKey, _maxOutputReportSize, 32);
        setProperty(kIOHIDMaxFeatureReportSizeKey, _maxFeatureReportSize, 32);

        // Create an OSArray to store all HID elements.

        _elementArray = OSArray::withCapacity(
                                     caps.numberCollectionNodes   +
                                     caps.numberInputButtonCaps   +
                                     caps.numberInputValueCaps    +
                                     caps.numberOutputButtonCaps  +
                                     caps.numberOutputValueCaps   +
                                     caps.numberFeatureButtonCaps +
                                     caps.numberFeatureValueCaps  +
                                     10 );
        if ( _elementArray == 0 ) break;


        // Add collections to the element array.

        if ( !createCollectionElements(
                                  caps.numberCollectionNodes ) ) break;

        // Everything added to the element array from this point on
        // are "data" elements. We cache the starting index.

        _dataElementIndex = _elementArray->getCount();

        // Add input buttons to the element array.

        if ( !createButtonElements( parseData,
                                    caps.numberInputButtonCaps ) ) break;

        // Add output buttons to the element array.

        if ( !createButtonElements( parseData,
                                    caps.numberOutputButtonCaps ) ) break;

        // Add feature buttons to the element array.

        if ( !createButtonElements( parseData,
                                    caps.numberFeatureButtonCaps ) ) break;

        // Add input values to the element array.

        if ( !createValueElements( parseData,
                                   caps.numberInputValueCaps ) ) break;

        // Add output values to the element array.

        if ( !createValueElements( parseData,
                                   caps.numberOutputValueCaps ) ) break;

        // Add feature values to the element array.

        if ( !createValueElements( parseData,
                                   caps.numberFeatureValueCaps ) ) break;

        // Add the input report handler to the element array.
        if ( !createReportHandlerElements(parseData) ) break;

        // Create a memory to store current element values.

        _elementValuesDescriptor = createMemoryForElementValues();
        if ( _elementValuesDescriptor == 0 )

        // Element hierarchy has been built, add it to the property table.

        IOHIDElementPrivate * root = (IOHIDElementPrivate *) _elementArray->getObject( 0 );
        if ( root )
            setProperty( kIOHIDElementKey, root->getChildElements() );

        // Add the interrupt report handlers to the property table as well.

        ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
    while ( false );

    return ret;

// Fetch the all the possible functions of the device

static OSDictionary * CreateDeviceUsagePairFromElement(IOHIDElementPrivate * element)
    OSDictionary *	pair		= 0;
    OSNumber *		usage 		= 0;
    OSNumber *		usagePage 	= 0;
    OSNumber *		type 		= 0;

	pair		= OSDictionary::withCapacity(2);
	usage		= OSNumber::withNumber(element->getUsage(), 32);
	usagePage	= OSNumber::withNumber(element->getUsagePage(), 32);
	type		= OSNumber::withNumber(element->getCollectionType(), 32);

	pair->setObject(kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey, usage);
	pair->setObject(kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey, usagePage);
	//pair->setObject(kIOHIDElementCollectionTypeKey, type);


	return pair;

OSArray * IOHIDDevice::newDeviceUsagePairs()
    IOHIDElementPrivate *	element			= 0;
    OSArray *				functions		= 0;
    OSDictionary *			pair			= 0;
    UInt32					elementCount 	= _elementArray->getCount();

	if ( elementCount <= 1 ) // this include vitual collection
		return NULL;

	functions = OSArray::withCapacity(2);

    // starts at one to avoid the virtual collection
    for (unsigned i=1; i<elementCount; i++)
        element = (IOHIDElementPrivate *)_elementArray->getObject(i);

        if ((element->getType() == kIOHIDElementTypeCollection) &&
            ((element->getCollectionType() == kIOHIDElementCollectionTypeApplication) ||
            (element->getCollectionType() == kIOHIDElementCollectionTypePhysical)))
            pair = CreateDeviceUsagePairFromElement(element);

            UInt32 	pairCount = functions->getCount();
            bool 	found = false;
            for(unsigned j=0; j<pairCount; j++)
                OSDictionary *tempPair = (OSDictionary *)functions->getObject(j);
                found = tempPair->isEqualTo(pair);
                if (found)

            if (!found)
                functions->setObject(functions->getCount(), pair);


	if ( ! functions->getCount() ) {
		pair = CreateDeviceUsagePairFromElement((IOHIDElementPrivate *)_elementArray->getObject(1));

    return functions;

// Fetch the total number of reports and the size of each report.

bool IOHIDDevice::getReportCountAndSizes( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData )
    HIDPreparsedDataPtr data   = (HIDPreparsedDataPtr) parseData;
    HIDReportSizes *    report = data->reports;

    _reportCount = data->reportCount;

    HIDLogDebug("Report count: %ld", (long)_reportCount);

    for ( UInt32 num = 0; num < data->reportCount; num++, report++ )

        HIDLogDebug("Report ID: %ld input:%ld output:%ld feature:%ld",

        setReportSize( report->reportID,
                       report->inputBitCount );

        setReportSize( report->reportID,
                       report->outputBitCount );

        setReportSize( report->reportID,
                       report->featureBitCount );

    return true;

// Set the report size for the first element in the report handler chain.

bool IOHIDDevice::setReportSize( UInt8           reportID,
                                 IOHIDReportType reportType,
                                 UInt32          numberOfBits )
    IOHIDElementPrivate * element;
    bool           ret = false;
    UInt8          variableReportSizeInfo = 0;
    if (reportType == kIOHIDReportTypeInput || reportType == kIOHIDReportTypeFeature) {
        for (unsigned int index = 0; index < _elementArray->getCount(); index++) {
            element = (IOHIDElementPrivate*) _elementArray->getObject(index);
            IOHIDReportType elementReportType;
            if (element->getReportID() == reportID && element->getReportType(&elementReportType) && elementReportType == reportType && element->isVariableSize()) {
                variableReportSizeInfo |= kIOHIDElementVariableSizeReport;

                if (reportType == kIOHIDReportTypeInput) {
                    for (unsigned int inputReport = 0; inputReport < _inputInterruptElementArray->getCount(); inputReport++) {
                        element = (IOHIDElementPrivate*) _inputInterruptElementArray->getObject(inputReport);
                        if (element->getReportID() == reportID) {
                            element->setVariableSizeInfo (kIOHIDElementVariableSizeElement | kIOHIDElementVariableSizeReport);

    element = GetHeadElement( GetReportHandlerSlot(reportID), reportType );

    while ( element )
        if ( element->getReportID() == reportID )
            element->setVariableSizeInfo (element->getVariableSizeInfo () | variableReportSizeInfo);
            element->setReportSize (numberOfBits);
            ret = true;
        element = element->getNextReportHandler();
    return ret;

// Add collection elements to the OSArray object provided.

IOHIDDevice::createCollectionElements( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData,
                                       OSArray *           array,
                                       UInt32              maxCount )
    OSStatus              	  status;
    HIDCollectionExtendedNodePtr  collections;
    UInt32                        count = maxCount;
    bool                  	  ret   = false;
    UInt32                        index;

    do {
        // Allocate memory to fetch all collections from the parseData.

        collections = (HIDCollectionExtendedNodePtr)
                      IOMalloc( maxCount * sizeof(HIDCollectionExtendedNode) );

        if ( collections == 0 ) break;

        status = HIDGetCollectionExtendedNodes(
                    collections,    /* collectionNodes     */
                    &count,         /* collectionNodesSize */
                    parseData );    /* preparsedDataRef    */

        if ( status != kHIDSuccess ) break;

        // Create an IOHIDElementPrivate for each collection.

        for ( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
            IOHIDElementPrivate * element;

            element = IOHIDElementPrivate::collectionElement(
                                              &collections[index] );
            if ( element == 0 ) break;

        if ( index < count ) break;

        // Create linkage for the collection hierarchy.
        // Starts at 1 to skip the root (virtual) collection.

        for ( index = 1; index < count; index++ )
            if ( !linkToParent( array, collections[index].parent, index ) )
        if ( index < count ) break;

        ret = true;
    while ( false );

    if ( collections )
        IOFree( collections, maxCount * sizeof(HIDCollectionExtendedNode) );

    return ret;

// Link an element in the array to another element in the array as its child.

bool IOHIDDevice::linkToParent( const OSArray * array,
                                UInt32          parentIndex,
                                UInt32          childIndex )
    IOHIDElementPrivate * child  = (IOHIDElementPrivate *) array->getObject( childIndex );
    IOHIDElementPrivate * parent = (IOHIDElementPrivate *) array->getObject( parentIndex );

    return ( parent ) ? parent->addChildElement( child ) : false;

// Add Button elements (1 bit value) to the collection.

bool IOHIDDevice::createButtonElements( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData,
                                        OSArray *           array,
                                        UInt32              hidReportType,
                                        IOHIDElementType    elementType,
                                        UInt32              maxCount )
    OSStatus          		status;
    HIDButtonCapabilitiesPtr 	buttons = 0;
    UInt32			count   = maxCount;
    bool			ret     = false;
    vm_size_t          	sz      = 0;
    IOHIDElementPrivate *		element;
    IOHIDElementPrivate *		parent;

    do {
        if ( maxCount == 0 )
            ret = true;

        if (os_mul_overflow(maxCount, sizeof(HIDButtonCapabilities), &sz)) {

        // Allocate memory to fetch all button elements from the parseData.

        buttons = (HIDButtonCapabilitiesPtr) IOMalloc( maxCount *
                                               sizeof(HIDButtonCapabilities) );
        if ( buttons == 0 ) break;

        status = HIDGetButtonCapabilities( hidReportType,  /* HIDReportType    */
                                   buttons,        /* buttonCaps       */
                                   &count,         /* buttonCapsSize   */
                                   parseData );    /* preparsedDataRef */

        if ( status != kHIDSuccess ) break;

        // Create an IOHIDElementPrivate for each button and link it to its
        // parent collection.

        ret = true;

        for ( UInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            parent  = (IOHIDElementPrivate *) array->getObject(
                                              buttons[i].collection );

            element = IOHIDElementPrivate::buttonElement(
                                          parent );
            if ( element == 0 )
                ret = false;
    while ( false );

    if ( buttons )
        IOFree( buttons, maxCount * sizeof(HIDButtonCapabilities) );

    return ret;

// Add Value elements to the collection.

bool IOHIDDevice::createValueElements( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData,
                                       OSArray *           array,
                                       UInt32              hidReportType,
                                       IOHIDElementType    elementType,
                                       UInt32              maxCount )
    OSStatus         status;
    HIDValueCapabilitiesPtr  values = 0;
    UInt32           count  = maxCount;
    bool             ret    = false;
    vm_size_t        sz     = 0;
    IOHIDElementPrivate *   element;
    IOHIDElementPrivate *   parent;

    do {
        if ( maxCount == 0 )
            ret = true;

        if (os_mul_overflow(maxCount, sizeof(HIDValueCapabilities), &sz)) {

        // Allocate memory to fetch all value elements from the parseData.

        values = (HIDValueCapabilitiesPtr) IOMalloc( maxCount *
                                             sizeof(HIDValueCapabilities) );
        if ( values == 0 ) break;

        status = HIDGetValueCapabilities( hidReportType,  /* HIDReportType    */
                                  values,         /* valueCaps        */
                                  &count,         /* valueCapsSize    */
                                  parseData );    /* preparsedDataRef */

        if ( status != kHIDSuccess ) break;

        // Create an IOHIDElementPrivate for each value and link it to its
        // parent collection.

        ret = true;

        for ( UInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            parent  = (IOHIDElementPrivate *) array->getObject(
                                              values[i].collection );

            element = IOHIDElementPrivate::valueElement(
                                         parent );

            if ( element == 0 )
                ret = false;
    while ( false );

    if ( values )
        IOFree( values, maxCount * sizeof(HIDValueCapabilities) );

    return ret;

// Add report handler elements.

bool IOHIDDevice::createReportHandlerElements( HIDPreparsedDataRef parseData)
    HIDPreparsedDataPtr data   = (HIDPreparsedDataPtr) parseData;
    HIDReportSizes *    report = data->reports;
    IOHIDElementPrivate * 	element = 0;

    if ( !(_inputInterruptElementArray = OSArray::withCapacity(data->reportCount)))
        return false;

    for ( UInt32 num = 0; num < data->reportCount; num++, report++ )
        element = IOHIDElementPrivate::reportHandlerElement(

        if ( element == 0 )



    return true;

// Called by an IOHIDElementPrivate to register itself.

bool IOHIDDevice::registerElement( IOHIDElementPrivate * element,
                                   IOHIDElementCookie * cookie )
    IOHIDReportType reportType;
    UInt32          index = _elementArray->getCount();

    // Add the element to the elements array.

    if ( _elementArray->setObject( index, element ) != true )
        return false;

    // If the element can contribute to an Input, Output, or Feature
    // report, then add it to the chain of report handlers.
    if ( element->getReportType( &reportType ) )
        IOHIDReportHandler * reportHandler;
        UInt32               slot;

        slot = GetReportHandlerSlot( element->getReportID() );

        reportHandler = &_reportHandlers[slot];

        if ( reportHandler->head[reportType] )
            element->setNextReportHandler( reportHandler->head[reportType] );
        reportHandler->head[reportType] = element;
        if ( element->getUsagePage() == kHIDPage_KeyboardOrKeypad )
            UInt32 usage = element->getUsage();

            if ( usage == kHIDUsage_KeyboardErrorRollOver)
                _rollOverElement = element;

            if ( usage >= kHIDUsage_KeyboardLeftControl && usage <= kHIDUsage_KeyboardRightGUI )

    // The cookie returned is simply an index to the element in the
    // elements array. We may decide to obfuscate it later on.

    *cookie = (IOHIDElementCookie) index;

    return true;

// Create a buffer memory descriptor, and divide the memory buffer
// for each data element.
IOBufferMemoryDescriptor * IOHIDDevice::createMemoryForElementValues()
    IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *  descriptor;
    IOHIDElementPrivate *       element;
    UInt32                      capacity = 0;
    UInt8 *                     beginning;
    UInt8 *                     buffer;

    // Discover the amount of memory required to publish the
    // element values for all "data" elements.

    for ( UInt32 slot = 0; slot < kReportHandlerSlots; slot++ ) {
        for ( UInt32 type = 0; type < kIOHIDReportTypeCount; type++ ) {
            element = GetHeadElement(slot, type);
            while ( element ) {
                UInt32 remaining = (UInt32)ULONG_MAX - capacity;

                if ( element->getElementValueSize() > remaining )
                    return NULL;

                capacity += element->getElementValueSize();
                element   = element->getNextReportHandler();

    // Allocate an IOBufferMemoryDescriptor object.

    HIDLogDebug("Element value capacity %ld", (long)capacity);

    descriptor = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::withOptions(
                     capacity );

    if ( ( descriptor == 0 ) || ( descriptor->getBytesNoCopy() == 0 ) ) {
        if ( descriptor ) descriptor->release();
        return 0;

    // Now assign the update memory area for each report element.
    beginning = buffer = (UInt8 *) descriptor->getBytesNoCopy();

    for ( UInt32 slot = 0; slot < kReportHandlerSlots; slot++ ) {
        for ( UInt32 type = 0; type < kIOHIDReportTypeCount; type++ ) {
            element = GetHeadElement(slot, type);
            while ( element ) {
                assert ( buffer < (beginning + capacity) );

                if(buffer >= (beginning + capacity)) {
                    return 0;

                element->setMemoryForElementValue( (IOVirtualAddress) buffer,
                                                   (void *) (buffer - beginning));

                buffer += element->getElementValueSize();
                element = element->getNextReportHandler();

    return descriptor;

// Get a reference to the memory descriptor created by
// createMemoryForElementValues().

IOMemoryDescriptor * IOHIDDevice::getMemoryWithCurrentElementValues() const
    return _elementValuesDescriptor;

// Start delivering events from the given element to the specified
// event queue.

IOReturn IOHIDDevice::startEventDelivery( IOHIDEventQueue *  queue,
                                          IOHIDElementCookie cookie,
                                          IOOptionBits       options __unused)
    IOHIDElementPrivate * element;
    UInt32         elementIndex = (UInt32) cookie;
    IOReturn       ret = kIOReturnBadArgument;

    if ( ( queue == 0 ) || ( elementIndex < _dataElementIndex ) )
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;


	do {
        if (( element = GetElement(elementIndex) ) == 0)

        ret = element->addEventQueue( queue ) ?
              kIOReturnSuccess : kIOReturnNoMemory;
    while ( false );


    return ret;

// Stop delivering events from the given element to the specified
// event queue.

IOReturn IOHIDDevice::stopEventDelivery( IOHIDEventQueue *  queue,
                                         IOHIDElementCookie cookie )
    IOHIDElementPrivate * element;
    UInt32         elementIndex = (UInt32) cookie;
    bool           removed      = false;

    // If the cookie provided was zero, then loop and remove the queue
    // from all elements.

    if ( elementIndex == 0 )
        elementIndex = _dataElementIndex;
	else if ( (queue == 0 ) || ( elementIndex < _dataElementIndex ) )
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;


	do {
        if (( element = GetElement(elementIndex++) ) == 0)

        removed = element->removeEventQueue( queue ) || removed;
    while ( cookie == 0 );


    return removed ? kIOReturnSuccess : kIOReturnNotFound;

// Check whether events from the given element will be delivered to
// the specified event queue.

IOReturn IOHIDDevice::checkEventDelivery( IOHIDEventQueue *  queue,
                                          IOHIDElementCookie cookie,
                                          bool *             started )
    IOHIDElementPrivate * element = GetElement( cookie );

    if ( !queue || !element || !started )
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;


    *started = element->hasEventQueue( queue );


    return kIOReturnSuccess;

#define SetCookiesTransactionState(element, cookies, count, state, index, offset) \
    for (index = offset; index < count; index++) { 			\
        element = GetElement(cookies[index]); 				\
        if (element == NULL) 						\
            continue; 							\
        element->setTransactionState (state);				\

// Update the value of the given element, by getting a report from
// the device.  Assume that the cookieCount > 0

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  0);
IOReturn IOHIDDevice::updateElementValues(IOHIDElementCookie *cookies, UInt32 cookieCount) {
    IOMemoryDescriptor *	report = NULL;
    IOHIDElementPrivate *		element = NULL;
    IOHIDReportType		reportType;
    UInt32			maxReportLength;
    UInt8			reportID;
    UInt32			index;
    IOReturn			ret = kIOReturnError;

    maxReportLength = max(_maxOutputReportSize,
                            max(_maxFeatureReportSize, _maxInputReportSize));

    // Allocate a mem descriptor with the maxReportLength.
    // This way, we only have to allocate one mem discriptor
    report = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::withCapacity(maxReportLength, kIODirectionIn);

    if (report == NULL)
        return kIOReturnNoMemory;


    SetCookiesTransactionState(element, cookies,
            cookieCount, kIOHIDTransactionStatePending, index, 0);

    // Iterate though all the elements in the
    // transaction.  Generate reports if needed.
    for (index = 0; index < cookieCount; index++) {
        element = GetElement(cookies[index]);

        if (element == NULL)

        if ( element->getTransactionState()
                != kIOHIDTransactionStatePending )

        if ( !element->getReportType(&reportType) )

        reportID = element->getReportID();

        // calling down into our subclass, so lets unlock
        ret = getReport(report, reportType, reportID);


        if (ret == kIOReturnSuccess) {
            // If we have a valid report, go ahead and process it.
            ret = handleReport(report, reportType, kIOHIDReportOptionNotInterrupt);


        if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess)

    // release the report

    // If needed, set the transaction state for the
    // remaining elements to idle.
    SetCookiesTransactionState(element, cookies,
            cookieCount, kIOHIDTransactionStateIdle, index, 0);

    return ret;

// Post the value of the given element, by sending a report to
// the device.  Assume that the cookieCount > 0
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  1);
IOReturn IOHIDDevice::postElementValues(IOHIDElementCookie * cookies, UInt32 cookieCount)
    IOBufferMemoryDescriptor    *report = NULL;
    IOHIDElementPrivate         *element = NULL;
    IOHIDElementPrivate         *cookieElement = NULL;
    UInt8                       *reportData = NULL;
    IOByteCount                 maxReportLength = 0;
    UInt32                      reportLength = 0;
    IOHIDReportType             reportType;
    UInt8                       reportID = 0;
    UInt32                      index;
    IOReturn                    ret = kIOReturnError;

    // Return an error if no cookies are being set
    if (cookieCount == 0)
        return ret;
    // Get the max report size
    maxReportLength = max(_maxOutputReportSize,
                          max(_maxFeatureReportSize, _maxInputReportSize));

    // Allocate a buffer mem descriptor with the maxReportLength.
    // This way, we only have to allocate one mem buffer.
    report = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::withCapacity(maxReportLength, kIODirectionOut);

    if ( report == NULL )
        return kIOReturnNoMemory;


    // Set the transaction state on the specified cookies
    SetCookiesTransactionState(cookieElement, cookies,
            cookieCount, kIOHIDTransactionStatePending, index, 0);

    // Obtain the buffer
    reportData = (UInt8 *)report->getBytesNoCopy();

    // Iterate though all the elements in the
    // transaction.  Generate reports if needed.
    for (index = 0; index < cookieCount; index ++) {

        cookieElement = GetElement(cookies[index]);

        if ( cookieElement == NULL )

        // Continue on to the next element if
        // we've already processed this one
        if ( cookieElement->getTransactionState()
                != kIOHIDTransactionStatePending )

        if ( !cookieElement->getReportType(&reportType) || (reportType != kIOHIDReportTypeOutput && reportType != kIOHIDReportTypeFeature) )
        reportID = cookieElement->getReportID();

        // Start at the head element and iterate through
        element = GetHeadElement(GetReportHandlerSlot(reportID), reportType);

        while ( element ) {

            element->createReport(reportID, reportData, &reportLength, &element);

            // If the reportLength was set, then this is
            // the head element for this report
            if ( reportLength ) {
                reportLength = 0;


        // If there are multiple reports, append
        // the reportID to the first byte
        if ( _reportCount > 1 )
            reportData[0] = reportID;

        ret = setReport( report, reportType, reportID);

        if ( ret != kIOReturnSuccess )

    // If needed, set the transaction state for the
    // remaining elements to idle.
    SetCookiesTransactionState(cookieElement, cookies,
            cookieCount, kIOHIDTransactionStateIdle, index, 0);


    if ( report )

    return ret;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  2);
OSString * IOHIDDevice::newSerialNumberString() const
	OSString * string = 0;
	OSNumber * number = newSerialNumber();

	if ( number )
		char	str[11];
		snprintf(str, sizeof (str), "%d", number->unsigned32BitValue());
		string = OSString::withCString(str);

    return string;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  3);
OSNumber * IOHIDDevice::newLocationIDNumber() const
    return 0;

// Get an async report from the device.

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  4);
IOReturn IOHIDDevice::getReport(IOMemoryDescriptor  *report __unused,
                                IOHIDReportType     reportType __unused,
                                IOOptionBits        options __unused,
                                UInt32              completionTimeout __unused,
                                IOHIDCompletion     *completion __unused)
    return kIOReturnUnsupported;

// Send an async report to the device.

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  5);
IOReturn IOHIDDevice::setReport(IOMemoryDescriptor  *report __unused,
                                IOHIDReportType     reportType __unused,
                                IOOptionBits        options __unused,
                                UInt32              completionTimeout __unused,
                                IOHIDCompletion     *completion __unused)
    return kIOReturnUnsupported;

// Return the vendor id source

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  6);
OSNumber * IOHIDDevice::newVendorIDSourceNumber() const
    return 0;

// Return the country code

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  7);
OSNumber * IOHIDDevice::newCountryCodeNumber() const
    return 0;

// Handle input reports (USB Interrupt In pipe) from the device.

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice,  8);
IOReturn IOHIDDevice::handleReportWithTime(
    AbsoluteTime         timeStamp,
    IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
    IOHIDReportType      reportType,
    IOOptionBits         options)
    IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *  bufferDescriptor    = NULL;
    void *                      reportData          = NULL;
    IOByteCount                 reportLength        = 0;
    IOReturn                    ret                 = kIOReturnNotReady;
    bool                        changed             = false;
    bool                        shouldTickle        = false;
    UInt8                       reportID            = 0;

    IOHID_DEBUG(kIOHIDDebugCode_HandleReport, reportType, options, __OSAbsoluteTime(timeStamp), getRegistryEntryID());

    if ((reportType == kIOHIDReportTypeInput) && !_readyForInputReports)
        return kIOReturnOffline;

    // Get a pointer to the data in the descriptor.
    if ( !report )
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;

    if ( ((unsigned int)reportType) >= kIOHIDReportTypeCount )
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;

    reportLength = report->getLength();
    if ( !reportLength )
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;

    if ( (bufferDescriptor = OSDynamicCast(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor, report)) ) {
        reportData = bufferDescriptor->getBytesNoCopy();
        if ( !reportData )
            return kIOReturnNoMemory;
    } else {
        reportData = IOMalloc(reportLength);
        if ( !reportData )
            return kIOReturnNoMemory;
        report->readBytes( 0, reportData, reportLength );

    if ( _readyForInputReports ) {
        IOHIDElementPrivate * element;
        IOHIDReportHandler  * reportHandler;

        // The first byte in the report, may be the report ID.
        // XXX - Do we need to advance the start of the report data?

        reportID = ( _reportCount > 1 ) ? *((UInt8 *) reportData) : 0;

        // Get report handler

        reportHandler = &_reportHandlers[GetReportHandlerSlot(reportID)];

        // Get the first element in the report handler chain.
        element = GetHeadElement( GetReportHandlerSlot(reportID),

        while ( element ) {
            shouldTickle |= element->shouldTickleActivity();
            changed |= element->processReport( reportID,
                                               (UInt32)reportLength << 3,

        ret = kIOReturnSuccess;

    if ( ( reportType == kIOHIDReportTypeInput ) &&
            (( options & kIOHIDReportOptionNotInterrupt ) == 0 ) && _interfaceNub && !_seizedClient) {
        _interfaceNub->handleReport(timeStamp, report, reportType, reportID, options);


    if ( !bufferDescriptor && reportData ) {
        // Release the buffer
        IOFree(reportData, reportLength);

    // RY: If this is a non-system HID device, post a null hid
    // event to prevent the system from sleeping.
    if (changed && shouldTickle && _performTickle
            && (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&timeStamp, &_eventDeadline) > 0))
        AbsoluteTime ts;

        nanoseconds_to_absolutetime(kIOHIDEventThreshold, &ts);

        _eventDeadline = ts;

        ADD_ABSOLUTETIME(&_eventDeadline, &timeStamp);

        IOHIDSystemActivityTickle(NX_NULLEVENT, this);

    return ret;

// Return the polling interval

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice, 9);
OSNumber * IOHIDDevice::newReportIntervalNumber() const
    UInt32 interval = 8000; // default to 8 milliseconds
    OSObject *obj = copyProperty(kIOHIDReportIntervalKey, gIOServicePlane, kIORegistryIterateRecursively | kIORegistryIterateParents);
    OSNumber *number = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj);
    if ( number )
        interval = number->unsigned32BitValue();

    return OSNumber::withNumber(interval, 32);

// Asynchronously handle input reports

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice, 10);
IOReturn IOHIDDevice::handleReportWithTimeAsync(
                                      AbsoluteTime         timeStamp,
                                      IOMemoryDescriptor * report,
                                      IOHIDReportType      reportType,
                                      IOOptionBits         options,
                                      UInt32               completionTimeout,
                                      IOHIDCompletion *    completion)
    IOReturn result = kIOReturnError;

    if (!_asyncReportQueue) {
        _asyncReportQueue = IOHIDAsyncReportQueue::withOwner(this);

        if (_asyncReportQueue) {
            /*status =*/ getWorkLoop()->addEventSource ( _asyncReportQueue );

    if (_asyncReportQueue) {
        result = _asyncReportQueue->postReport(timeStamp, report, reportType, options, completionTimeout, completion);


    return result;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice, 12);
bool IOHIDDevice::createInterface(IOOptionBits options __unused)
    bool result = false;
    result = _interfaceNub->attach(this);
    require(result, exit);
    result = _interfaceNub->start(this);
    require_action(result, exit, _interfaceNub->detach(this));
    result = true;
    if (!result) {
        HIDLogError("Failed to create attach/start nub.\n");

    return result;

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIDDevice, 13);
void IOHIDDevice::destroyInterface(IOOptionBits options __unused)
    //@todo interface needs to be removed
    if (_interfaceNub) {

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 14);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 15);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 16);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 17);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 18);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 19);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 20);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 21);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 22);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 23);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 24);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 25);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 26);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 27);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 28);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 29);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 30);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 31);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 32);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 33);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 34);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 35);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 36);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 37);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 38);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 39);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIDDevice, 40);