IOCursorBlits.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

#define RBMASK  0xF0F0          /* Short, or 16 bit format */
#define GAMASK  0x0F0F          /* Short, or 16 bit format */
#define AMASK   0x000F          /* Short, or 16 bit format */

#if 1
#define short34to35WithGamma(x)         \
        (  (((x) & 0xf000) >> 1)        \
         | (((x) & 0x0f00) >> 2)        \
         | (((x) & 0x00f0) >> 3)        \
         | (((x) & 0x8000) >> 5)        \
         | (((x) & 0x0800) >> 6)        \
         | (((x) & 0x0080) >> 7) )

#define short35to34WithGamma(x)         \
        (  0x000F                       \
         | (((x) & 0x001e) << 3)        \
         | (((x) & 0x03c0) << 2)        \
         | (((x) & 0x7800) << 1) )
#define short34to35WithGamma(x) \
        (  (_bm34To35SampleTable[((x) & 0x00F0) >> 4])          \
         | (_bm34To35SampleTable[((x) & 0x0F00) >> 8] << 5)     \
         | (_bm34To35SampleTable[(x) >> 12] << 10) )

#define short35to34WithGamma(x) \
        (  0x000F                                               \
         | (_bm35To34SampleTable[x & 0x001F] << 4)              \
         | (_bm35To34SampleTable[(x & 0x03E0) >> 5] << 8)       \
         | (_bm35To34SampleTable[(x & 0x7C00) >> 10] << 12) )

void IOFramebuffer::StdFBDisplayCursor555(
                IOFramebuffer * inst,
                StdFBShmem_t *shmem,
                volatile unsigned short *vramPtr,
                unsigned int cursStart,
                unsigned int vramRow,
                unsigned int cursRow,
                int width,
                int height )
    int i, j;
    volatile unsigned short *cursPtr;
    volatile unsigned short *savePtr;
    unsigned short s, d, f;
    unsigned char *_bm34To35SampleTable;
    unsigned char *_bm35To34SampleTable;
    int frame;

	frame = shmem->frame;
	if (frame >= inst->__private->numCursorFrames) return;

    savePtr = (volatile unsigned short *) inst->cursorSave;
    cursPtr = (volatile unsigned short *) inst->__private->cursorImages[ frame ];
    cursPtr += cursStart;

    _bm34To35SampleTable = inst->colorConvert.t._bm34To35SampleTable;
    _bm35To34SampleTable = inst->colorConvert.t._bm35To34SampleTable;
    for (i = height; --i >= 0; ) {
        for (j = width; --j >= 0; ) {
            d = *savePtr++ = *vramPtr;
            if ( (s = *cursPtr++) == 0 )
            {   /* Transparent black area.  Leave dst as is. */
            if ( (f = (~s) & (unsigned int)AMASK) == 0 )
            {   /* Opaque cursor pixel.  Mark it. */
                *vramPtr++ = short34to35WithGamma(s);
            if (f == AMASK)
            {   /* Transparent non black cursor pixel.  xor it. */
                *vramPtr++ = d ^ short34to35WithGamma(s);
            /* Alpha is not 0 or 1.0.  Sover the cursor. */
            d = short35to34WithGamma(d);
            d = s + (((((d & RBMASK)>>4)*f + GAMASK) & RBMASK)
                | ((((d & GAMASK)*f+GAMASK)>>4) & GAMASK));
            *vramPtr++ = short34to35WithGamma(d);
        cursPtr += cursRow; /* starting point of next cursor line */
        vramPtr += vramRow; /* starting point of next screen line */

static inline unsigned int MUL32(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
    unsigned int v, w;

    v  = ((a & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8) * b;
    v += ((v & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8) + 0x00010001;
    w  = (a & 0x00FF00FF) * b;
    w += ((w & 0xFF00FF00) >> 8) + 0x00010001;

    return (v & 0xFF00FF00) | ((w >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF);

static inline unsigned char map32to256( unsigned char *directToLogical, unsigned int s)
    unsigned char logicalValue;

    if ((s ^ (s>>8)) & 0x00FFFF00) {
        logicalValue =  directToLogical[(s>>24)        + 0] +
                        directToLogical[((s>>16)&0xFF) + 256] +
                        directToLogical[((s>>8)&0xFF)  + 512];
    } else {
        logicalValue =  directToLogical[(s>>24)        + 768];
    // final conversion to actual palette
    return( directToLogical[ logicalValue + 1024 ]);

void IOFramebuffer::StdFBDisplayCursor8P(
                IOFramebuffer * inst,
                StdFBShmem_t *shmem,
                volatile unsigned char *vramPtr,
                unsigned int cursStart,
                unsigned int vramRow,
                unsigned int cursRow,
                int width,
                int height )
    int i, j;
    volatile unsigned char *savePtr;    /* saved screen data pointer */
    volatile unsigned char *cursPtr;
    unsigned char dst, src, alpha, white;
    unsigned int rgb32val;
    volatile unsigned char *maskPtr;            /* cursor mask pointer */
    unsigned int *_bm256To38SampleTable
        = inst->colorConvert.t._bm256To38SampleTable;
    unsigned char *_bm38To256SampleTable
        = inst->colorConvert.t._bm38To256SampleTable;
    int frame;

	frame = shmem->frame;
	if (frame >= inst->__private->numCursorFrames) return;

    savePtr = (volatile unsigned char *) inst->cursorSave;
    cursPtr = (volatile unsigned char *) inst->__private->cursorImages[ frame ];
    maskPtr = (volatile unsigned char *) inst->__private->cursorMasks[ frame ];
    cursPtr += cursStart;
    maskPtr += cursStart;
    white = inst->white;
    for (i = height; --i >= 0; ) {
        for (j = width; --j >= 0; savePtr++,maskPtr++,cursPtr++,vramPtr++) {
            dst = *savePtr = *vramPtr;
            src = *cursPtr;
            if ((alpha = *maskPtr)) {
                if ((alpha = ~alpha)) {
                    rgb32val = _bm256To38SampleTable[dst];
                    rgb32val = (_bm256To38SampleTable[src] & ~0xFF) +
                                      MUL32(rgb32val, alpha);
                    *vramPtr = map32to256(_bm38To256SampleTable, rgb32val);
                } else
                    *vramPtr = src;
            } else if (src == white)
                *vramPtr = dst ^ 0xFF;
        cursPtr += cursRow; /* starting point of next cursor line */
        maskPtr += cursRow;
        vramPtr += vramRow; /* starting point of next screen line */

void IOFramebuffer::StdFBDisplayCursor8G(
                                 IOFramebuffer * inst,
                                 StdFBShmem_t *shmem,
                                 volatile unsigned char *vramPtr,
                                 unsigned int cursStart,
                                 unsigned int vramRow,
                                 unsigned int cursRow,
                                 int width,
                                 int height )
    int i, j;
    volatile unsigned char *savePtr;    /* saved screen data pointer */
    unsigned short s, d, a;
    volatile unsigned char *cursPtr;
    volatile unsigned char *maskPtr;            /* cursor mask pointer */
    int frame;

	frame = shmem->frame;
	if (frame >= inst->__private->numCursorFrames) return;

    savePtr = (volatile unsigned char *) inst->cursorSave;
    cursPtr = (volatile unsigned char *) inst->__private->cursorImages[ frame ];
    maskPtr = (volatile unsigned char *) inst->__private->cursorMasks[ frame ];
    cursPtr += cursStart;
    maskPtr += cursStart;

    for (i = height; --i >= 0; ) {
        for (j = width; --j >= 0; ) {
            int t;
            d = *savePtr++ = *vramPtr;
            s = *cursPtr++;
            a = *maskPtr++;
            if (a) {
                t = d * (255 - *maskPtr++);
                *vramPtr = s + ((t + (t >> 8) + 1) >> 8);
            } else if (s)
                *vramPtr = d ^ s;
        cursPtr += cursRow; /* starting point of next cursor line */
        maskPtr += cursRow;
        vramPtr += vramRow; /* starting point of next screen line */

void IOFramebuffer::StdFBDisplayCursor30Axxx(
                                 IOFramebuffer * inst,
                                 StdFBShmem_t *shmem,
                                 volatile unsigned int *vramPtr,
                                 unsigned int cursStart,
                                 unsigned int vramRow,
                                 unsigned int cursRow,
                                 int width,
                                 int height )
    int i, j;
    volatile unsigned int *savePtr;     /* saved screen data pointer */
    unsigned long long s, d;
    unsigned int f;
    volatile unsigned int *cursPtr;
    int frame;

	frame = shmem->frame;
	if (frame >= inst->__private->numCursorFrames) return;

    savePtr = (volatile unsigned int *) inst->cursorSave;
    cursPtr = (volatile unsigned int *) inst->__private->cursorImages[ frame ];
    cursPtr += cursStart;

    /* Pixel format is Axxx */
    for (i = height; --i >= 0; ) {
        for (j = width; --j >= 0; ) {
            d = *savePtr++ = *vramPtr;
            s = *cursPtr++;
            f = s >> 24;
            s = ((s&0x000000FF)<<2)|((s&0x0000FF00)<<4)|((s&0x00FF0000)<<6);
            if (f) {
                if (f == 0xFF)          // Opaque pixel
                    *vramPtr++ = s;
                else {                  // SOVER the cursor pixel
                    s <<= 10;  d <<= 10;   /* Now pixels are xxxA */
                    f ^= 0xFF;
                    d = s+(((((d&0xFFC00FFC00ULL)>>8)*f+0x0FF000FF) & 0xFFC00FFC00ULL)
                        | ((((d & 0x3FF003FF)*f+0x0FF000FF)>>8) & 0x3FF003FF));
                    *vramPtr++ = (d>>10) | 0xC0000000;
            } else if (s) {
                // Transparent non black cursor pixel.  xor it.
                *vramPtr++ = d ^ s;
            } else                      // Transparent cursor pixel
        cursPtr += cursRow; /* starting point of next cursor line */
        vramPtr += vramRow; /* starting point of next screen line */

void IOFramebuffer::StdFBDisplayCursor32Axxx(
                                 IOFramebuffer * inst,
                                 StdFBShmem_t *shmem,
                                 volatile unsigned int *vramPtr,
                                 unsigned int cursStart,
                                 unsigned int vramRow,
                                 unsigned int cursRow,
                                 int width,
                                 int height )
    int i, j;
    volatile unsigned int *savePtr;     /* saved screen data pointer */
    unsigned int s, d, f;
    volatile unsigned int *cursPtr;
    int frame;

	frame = shmem->frame;
	if (frame >= inst->__private->numCursorFrames) return;

    savePtr = (volatile unsigned int *) inst->cursorSave;
    cursPtr = (volatile unsigned int *) inst->__private->cursorImages[ frame ];
    cursPtr += cursStart;

    /* Pixel format is Axxx */
    for (i = height; --i >= 0; ) {
        for (j = width; --j >= 0; ) {
            d = *savePtr++ = *vramPtr;
            s = *cursPtr++;
            f = s >> 24;
            if (f) {
                if (f == 0xFF)          // Opaque pixel
                    *vramPtr++ = s;
                else {                  // SOVER the cursor pixel
                    s <<= 8;  d <<= 8;   /* Now pixels are xxxA */
                    f ^= 0xFF;
                    d = s+(((((d&0xFF00FF00)>>8)*f+0x00FF00FF)&0xFF00FF00)
                        | ((((d & 0x00FF00FF)*f+0x00FF00FF)>>8) &
                    *vramPtr++ = (d>>8) | 0xFF000000;
            } else if (s) {
                // Transparent non black cursor pixel.  xor it.
                *vramPtr++ = d ^ s;
            } else                      // Transparent cursor pixel
        cursPtr += cursRow; /* starting point of next cursor line */
        vramPtr += vramRow; /* starting point of next screen line */

void IOFramebuffer::StdFBRemoveCursor16(
                                IOFramebuffer * inst,
                                StdFBShmem_t *shmem,
                                volatile unsigned short *vramPtr,
                                unsigned int vramRow,
                                int width,
                                int height )
    int i, j;
    volatile unsigned short *savePtr;

    savePtr = (volatile unsigned short *) inst->cursorSave;

    for (i = height; --i >= 0; ) {
        for (j = width; --j >= 0; )
            *vramPtr++ = *savePtr++;
        vramPtr += vramRow;

void IOFramebuffer::StdFBRemoveCursor8(
                               IOFramebuffer * inst,
                               StdFBShmem_t *shmem,
                               volatile unsigned char *vramPtr,
                               unsigned int vramRow,
                               int width,
                               int height )
    int i, j;
    volatile unsigned char *savePtr;

    savePtr = (volatile unsigned char *) inst->cursorSave;

    for (i = height; --i >= 0; ) {
        for (j = width; --j >= 0; )
            *vramPtr++ = *savePtr++;
        vramPtr += vramRow;

void IOFramebuffer::StdFBRemoveCursor32(
                                IOFramebuffer * inst,
                                StdFBShmem_t *shmem,
                                volatile unsigned int *vramPtr,
                                unsigned int vramRow,
                                int width,
                                int height )
    int i, j;
    volatile unsigned int *savePtr;

    savePtr = (volatile unsigned int *) inst->cursorSave;

    for (i = height; --i >= 0; ) {
        for (j = width; --j >= 0; )
            *vramPtr++ = *savePtr++;
        vramPtr += vramRow;