IOPEFInternals.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

#include <IOKit/ndrvsupport/IONDRVLibraries.h>

#if __ppc__

#include "IOPEFInternals.h"

// ===========================================================================================

#define PEF_Assert(a)			if( !(a)) kprintf("PEF_Assert:")
#define PEF_BlockMove(src,dst,len)	memcpy(dst,src,len)
#define PEF_BlockClear(dst,len)		memset(dst,0,len)
#define PEF_CompareBytes(a,b,c)		(0 == bcmp(a,b,c))

#define EnableCFMDebugging	0

// ===========================================================================================

enum {
    kPEFHandlerProcCount    = 18

static CFContHandlerProcs   PEFHandlerProcs = {

            PEF_OpenContainer,                  //  1
            PEF_CloseContainer,                 //  2
            PEF_GetContainerInfo,               //  3

            PEF_GetSectionCount,                //  4
            PEF_GetSectionInfo,                 //  5
            PEF_FindSectionInfo,                //  6
            PEF_SetSectionAddress,              //  7

            PEF_GetAnonymousSymbolLocations,    //  8

            PEF_GetExportedSymbolCount,         //  9
            PEF_GetExportedSymbolInfo,          // 10
            PEF_FindExportedSymbolInfo,         // 11

            PEF_GetImportCounts,                // 12
            PEF_GetImportedLibraryInfo,         // 13
            PEF_GetImportedSymbolInfo,          // 14
            PEF_SetImportedSymbolAddress,       // 15

            PEF_UnpackSection,                  // 16
            PEF_RelocateSection,                // 17
            PEF_RelocateImportsOnly,            // 18

#if EnableCFMDebugging
static char gDebugMessage [256];

// ===========================================================================================

const unsigned char opcode [128] = {
                                       krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT, krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,
                                       krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT, krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,
                                       krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT, krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,
                                       krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT, krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,krDDAT,

                                       krCODE,krDATA,krDESC,krDSC2, krVTBL,krSYMR,krXXXX,krXXXX,
                                       krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX, krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,
                                       krSYMB,krCDIS,krDTIS,krSECN, krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,
                                       krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX, krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,

                                       krDELT,krDELT,krDELT,krDELT, krDELT,krDELT,krDELT,krDELT,
                                       krRPT ,krRPT ,krRPT ,krRPT , krRPT ,krRPT ,krRPT ,krRPT ,
                                       krLABS,krLABS,krLSYM,krLSYM, krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,
                                       krLRPT,krLRPT,krLSEC,krLSEC, krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,

                                       krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX, krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,
                                       krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX, krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,
                                       krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX, krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,
                                       krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX, krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,krXXXX,

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// GetNameLength ()
// ================

static ByteCount    GetNameLength   ( BytePtr nameStart )
    BytePtr nameEnd = nameStart;

    if (nameStart != NULL)
        while (*nameEnd != 0)
            nameEnd += 1;

    return (nameEnd - nameStart);

}   // GetNameLength ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// FindRelocationInfo ()
// =====================

static LoaderRelExpHeader * FindRelocationInfo  ( PEFPrivateInfo *  pefPrivate,
        ItemCount         sectionIndex )
    LoaderRelExpHeader *    relocInfo   = NULL;
    const ItemCount         loopLimit   = pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numSections;
    ItemCount               relocIndex;

    for (relocIndex = 0; relocIndex < loopLimit; relocIndex += 1)
        relocInfo = &pefPrivate->ldrSections[relocIndex];
        if (sectionIndex == (ItemCount) relocInfo->sectionNumber)
            return relocInfo;
    return NULL;

}   // FindRelocationInfo ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// GetSectionName ()
// =================

static void GetSectionName  ( PEFPrivateInfo *      pefPrivate,
                              SectionHeader *       sectionHeader,
                              CFContHashedName *    sectionName )
    CFContStringHash    nameHash    = 0;
    BytePtr             nameText    = NULL;
    ByteCount           nameLength;

    if (sectionHeader->sectionName != ((ByteCount) -1))
        nameText    = pefPrivate->stringTable + sectionHeader->sectionName;
        nameLength  = GetNameLength ( nameText );
        nameHash    = CFContHashName ( nameText, nameLength );

    sectionName->nameHash   = nameHash;
    sectionName->nameText   = nameText;

}   // GetSectionName ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_OpenContainer ()
// ====================

OSStatus    PEF_OpenContainer   ( LogicalAddress            mappedAddress,
                                  LogicalAddress            runningAddress,
                                  ByteCount                 containerLength,
                                  CFContOpenOptions         options,
                                  CFContAllocateMem         Allocate,
                                  CFContReleaseMem          Release,
                                  CFContHandlerRef *        containerRef,
                                  CFContHandlerProcsPtr *   handlerProcs,
				  UInt32 *		    createDate )
#pragma unused ( containerLength )
    #pragma unused ( runningProcessID )
    #pragma unused ( cfragName )

    OSStatus                err             = -1;//cfragCFMInternalErr;
    FileHeader *            fileHeader      = (FileHeader *) mappedAddress;
    PEFPrivateInfo *        pefPrivate      = NULL;
    SectionHeader *         loaderSection   = NULL;
    SInt32                  sectionIndex;

    if ((sizeof (PEF_SBits32) != 4) | (sizeof (PEF_UBits32) != 4))
        goto InternalError;    // ! Is "int" 32 bits?

    if ((Allocate == NULL)     ||
            (Release == NULL)      ||
            (containerRef == NULL) ||
            (handlerProcs == NULL))
        goto ParameterError;

    *containerRef   = NULL;     // Clear for errors, only set on OK path.
    *handlerProcs   = NULL;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Allow the container address to be null as a special case to get the loader procs.
    // Otherwise validate the header as acceptable PEF.

    if (mappedAddress == NULL)
        goto OK;

    if ((fileHeader->magic1 != kPEFMagic1)     ||
            (fileHeader->magic2 != kPEFMagic2)     ||
            (fileHeader->fileTypeID != kPEFTypeID) ||
            (fileHeader->versionNumber != kPEFVersion))
        goto FragmentFormatError;

    if (createDate)
	*createDate = fileHeader->dateTimeStamp;

    // -----------------------------------------------
    // Allocate and initialize the private info block.

    pefPrivate = (PEFPrivateInfo *) ((*Allocate) ( sizeof ( PEFPrivateInfo ) ));
    if (pefPrivate == NULL)
        goto PrivateMemoryError;

    PEF_BlockClear ( pefPrivate, sizeof ( *pefPrivate ) );

    pefPrivate->Allocate            = Allocate;
    pefPrivate->Release             = Release;
    pefPrivate->mappedContainer     = (BytePtr) mappedAddress;
    pefPrivate->runningContainer    = (BytePtr) runningAddress;
    pefPrivate->sectionCount        = fileHeader->loadableSections;
    pefPrivate->sections            = (SectionHeader *) (fileHeader + 1);
    pefPrivate->stringTable         = (BytePtr) (&pefPrivate->sections[fileHeader->numberSections]);
    pefPrivate->loadInPlace         = ((options & kCFContPrepareInPlaceMask) != 0);

    // -----------------------------------------------------
    // Find the loader section and extract important fields.

    for (sectionIndex = 0; sectionIndex < fileHeader->numberSections; sectionIndex += 1)
        loaderSection = & pefPrivate->sections[sectionIndex];
        if (loaderSection->regionKind == kPEFLoaderSection)
    if (sectionIndex == fileHeader->numberSections)
        goto FragmentCorruptError;

    pefPrivate->ldrSectionNo        = sectionIndex;
    pefPrivate->ldrHeader           = (LoaderHeader *) ((BytePtr)mappedAddress + loaderSection->containerOffset);
    pefPrivate->ldrStringTable      = (BytePtr)pefPrivate->ldrHeader + pefPrivate->ldrHeader->stringsOffset;

    pefPrivate->ldrImportFiles      = (LoaderImportFileID *) (pefPrivate->ldrHeader + 1);
    pefPrivate->ldrImportSymbols    = (LoaderImport *) (pefPrivate->ldrImportFiles + pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numImportFiles);
    pefPrivate->ldrSections         = (LoaderRelExpHeader *) (pefPrivate->ldrImportSymbols + pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numImportSyms);
    pefPrivate->ldrRelocations      = (BytePtr)pefPrivate->ldrHeader + pefPrivate->ldrHeader->relocationsOffset;

    pefPrivate->ldrHashSlot         = (HashSlotEntry *) ((BytePtr)pefPrivate->ldrHeader + pefPrivate->ldrHeader->hashSlotTable);
    pefPrivate->ldrHashChain        = (HashChainEntry *) (pefPrivate->ldrHashSlot + (1 << pefPrivate->ldrHeader->hashSlotTabSize));
    pefPrivate->ldrExportSymbols    = (LoaderExport *) (pefPrivate->ldrHashChain + pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numExportSyms);

    // ----------------------------------------------------
    // Set up the array to store resolved import addresses.

    if (pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numImportSyms > 0)
        pefPrivate->imports = (BytePtr *) ((*Allocate) ( pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numImportSyms * sizeof ( BytePtr ) ));
        if (pefPrivate->imports == NULL)
            goto PrivateMemoryError;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Set up the pointers to the arrays of section origins and offsets.

    if (pefPrivate->sectionCount <= kBuiltinSectionArraySize)
        pefPrivate->mappedOrigins   = & pefPrivate->originArray[0];
        pefPrivate->runningOffsets  = & pefPrivate->offsetArray[0];
        pefPrivate->mappedOrigins   = (BytePtr *) ((*Allocate) ( pefPrivate->sectionCount * sizeof ( BytePtr ) ));
        if (pefPrivate->mappedOrigins == NULL)
            goto PrivateMemoryError;
        pefPrivate->runningOffsets = (ByteCount *) ((*Allocate) ( pefPrivate->sectionCount * sizeof ( ByteCount ) ));
        if (pefPrivate->runningOffsets == NULL)
            goto PrivateMemoryError;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Fill in the origin and offset arrays.  The origin array gives the base address of the
    // section instance as visible in the loader's address space.  I.e. it tells the loader
    // where it can access the loaded section contents.  The offset array tells what to add
    // for relocations refering to that section.  So it must be based on running addresses and
    // must "remove" the presumed running address.  If the section will be used in place we
    // must compute the final values here.  Otherwise SetRegionAddress will be called later to
    // provide the mapped and running addresses.  Validate load in place restrictions too.

    // ??? We really ought to consider getting rid of the preset for in-place usage and make
    // ??? that case as close as possible to the normal case.

    // ! Note that although the ByteCount type used in the offset arrays is unsigned, ignoring
    // ! overflow lets things work right for a full -4GB to +4GB offset range.

    for (sectionIndex = 0; ((ItemCount) sectionIndex) < pefPrivate->sectionCount; sectionIndex += 1)
        SectionHeader * section = & pefPrivate->sections[sectionIndex];

        pefPrivate->mappedOrigins[sectionIndex]     = (BytePtr) -1; // ! Just a diagnostic tag.
        pefPrivate->runningOffsets[sectionIndex]    = - ((ByteCount) section->sectionAddress);  // Subtract the presumed address.

        if (pefPrivate->loadInPlace)
            if ((section->regionKind == kPEFPIDataSection) || (section->execSize != section->rawSize))
                goto FragmentUsageError;
            section->sectionAddress                     = pefPrivate->runningContainer + section->containerOffset;
            pefPrivate->mappedOrigins[sectionIndex]     = pefPrivate->mappedContainer + section->containerOffset;
            pefPrivate->runningOffsets[sectionIndex]    += (ByteCount) section->sectionAddress;     // Add in the new address.

    if (options & kCFContPrepareInPlaceMask)
        fileHeader->memoryAddress = runningAddress;

    err = noErr;
    *handlerProcs = &PEFHandlerProcs;
    *containerRef = (CFContHandlerRef) pefPrivate;

    return err;

    (void) PEF_CloseContainer ( (CFContHandlerRef) pefPrivate, kNilOptions );
    goto EXIT;

    err = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = cfragFragmentFormatErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = cfragNoPrivateMemErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = cfragFragmentCorruptErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = cfragFragmentUsageErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_OpenContainer ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_CloseContainer ()
// =====================

OSStatus    PEF_CloseContainer  ( CFContHandlerRef      containerRef,
                                  CFContCloseOptions    options )
    OSStatus            err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate  = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;
    CFContReleaseMem    Release     = NULL;

    if (pefPrivate == NULL)
        goto OK;  // Simplifies error cleanup from PEF_OpenContainer.

    Release = pefPrivate->Release;

    if (pefPrivate->sectionCount > kBuiltinSectionArraySize)
        if (pefPrivate->mappedOrigins != NULL)
            (*Release) ( pefPrivate->mappedOrigins );
            pefPrivate->mappedOrigins = NULL;
        if (pefPrivate->runningOffsets != NULL)
            (*Release) ( pefPrivate->runningOffsets );
            pefPrivate->runningOffsets = NULL;

    if (pefPrivate->imports != NULL)
        (*Release) ( pefPrivate->imports );
        pefPrivate->imports = NULL;

    pefPrivate->resolved = 0;   // ! Disables reexported import optimization.

    if (! (options & kCFContPartialCloseMask))
        (*Release) ( pefPrivate );

    err = noErr;
    return err;
}   // PEF_CloseContainer ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_GetContainerInfo ()
// =======================

OSStatus    PEF_GetContainerInfo    ( CFContHandlerRef      containerRef,
                                      PBVersion             infoVersion,
                                      CFContContainerInfo * containerInfo )
    OSStatus            err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate  = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;
    FileHeader *        fileHeader  = NULL;

    if ((pefPrivate == NULL) || (containerInfo == NULL))
        goto ParameterError;
    if (infoVersion != kCFContContainerInfoVersion)
        goto ParameterError;

    fileHeader  = (FileHeader *) pefPrivate->mappedContainer;

    containerInfo->cfragName.nameHash   = 0;    // PEF does not have an embedded name.
    containerInfo->cfragName.nameText   = NULL;

    containerInfo->modDate          = fileHeader->dateTimeStamp;
    containerInfo->architecture     = fileHeader->architectureID;
    containerInfo->currentVersion   = fileHeader->currentVersion;
    containerInfo->oldImpVersion    = fileHeader->oldImpVersion;
    containerInfo->oldDefVersion    = fileHeader->oldDefVersion;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_GetContainerInfo ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_GetSectionCount ()
// ======================

OSStatus    PEF_GetSectionCount ( CFContHandlerRef  containerRef,
                                  ItemCount *       sectionCount )
    OSStatus            err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate  = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;

    if ((pefPrivate == NULL) || (sectionCount == NULL))
        goto ParameterError;

    *sectionCount = pefPrivate->sectionCount;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_GetSectionCount ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_GetSectionInfo ()
// =====================

OSStatus    PEF_GetSectionInfo  ( CFContHandlerRef      containerRef,
                                  ItemCount             sectionIndex,
                                  PBVersion             infoVersion,
                                  CFContSectionInfo *   sectionInfo )
    OSStatus            err             = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate      = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;
    SectionHeader *     sectionHeader   = NULL;

    if ((pefPrivate == NULL) || (sectionInfo == NULL))
        goto ParameterError;
    if (infoVersion != kCFContSectionInfoVersion)
        goto ParameterError;
    if (sectionIndex >= pefPrivate->sectionCount)
        goto ParameterError;

    sectionHeader = &pefPrivate->sections[sectionIndex];

    GetSectionName ( pefPrivate, sectionHeader, &sectionInfo->sectionName );

    sectionInfo->sharing            = sectionHeader->shareKind;
    sectionInfo->alignment          = sectionHeader->alignment;
    sectionInfo->reservedA          = 0;
    sectionInfo->containerOffset    = sectionHeader->containerOffset;
    sectionInfo->containerLength    = sectionHeader->rawSize;
    sectionInfo->unpackedLength     = sectionHeader->initSize;
    sectionInfo->totalLength        = sectionHeader->execSize;
    sectionInfo->defaultAddress     = sectionHeader->sectionAddress;

    sectionInfo->options = kNilOptions;
    if (FindRelocationInfo (pefPrivate, sectionIndex) != NULL)
        sectionInfo->options |= kRelocatedCFContSectionMask;

    switch (pefPrivate->sections[sectionIndex].regionKind)
        case kPEFCodeSection :
            sectionInfo->access = kCFContNormalCode;
        case kPEFDataSection :
            sectionInfo->access = kCFContWriteableData;
        case kPEFPIDataSection :
            sectionInfo->access = kCFContWriteableData;
            sectionInfo->options |= kPackedCFContSectionMask;
        case kPEFConstantSection :
            sectionInfo->access = kCFContReadOnlyData;
        case kPEFExecDataSection :
            sectionInfo->access = kCFContWriteableData | kCFContMemExecuteMask;
        default :
            sectionInfo->access = kCFContReadOnlyData;  // ! Not necessarily right, but safe.

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_GetSectionInfo ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_FindSectionInfo ()
// ======================

OSStatus    PEF_FindSectionInfo ( CFContHandlerRef          containerRef,
                                  const CFContHashedName *  sectionName,
                                  PBVersion                 infoVersion,
                                  ItemCount *               sectionIndex,   // May be null.
                                  CFContSectionInfo *       sectionInfo )   // May be null.
    OSStatus            err             = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate      = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;
    SectionHeader *     sectionHeader   = NULL;
    CFContHashedName    hashedName;

    ItemCount           tempIndex;
    CFContSectionInfo   tempInfo;

    if (pefPrivate == NULL)
        goto ParameterError;
    if ((sectionInfo != NULL) && (infoVersion != kCFContSectionInfoVersion))
        goto ParameterError;

    if (sectionIndex == NULL)
        sectionIndex = &tempIndex;
    if (sectionInfo == NULL)
        sectionInfo = &tempInfo;

    for (tempIndex = 0; tempIndex < pefPrivate->sectionCount; tempIndex += 1)
        sectionHeader = &pefPrivate->sections[tempIndex];
        GetSectionName ( pefPrivate, sectionHeader, &hashedName );
        if ((hashedName.nameHash == sectionName->nameHash) &&
                (PEF_CompareBytes (hashedName.nameText, sectionName->nameText, CFContStringHashLength (hashedName.nameHash))))
    if (tempIndex == pefPrivate->sectionCount)
        goto NoSectionError;
    *sectionIndex = tempIndex;

    err = PEF_GetSectionInfo ( containerRef, tempIndex, infoVersion, sectionInfo );
    if (err != noErr)
        goto ERROR;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = cfragNoSectionErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_FindSectionInfo ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_SetSectionAddress ()
// ========================

OSStatus    PEF_SetSectionAddress   ( CFContHandlerRef  containerRef,
                                      ItemCount         sectionIndex,
                                      LogicalAddress    mappedAddress,
                                      LogicalAddress    runningAddress )
    OSErr               err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate  = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;
    SectionHeader *     section     = NULL;

    if ((pefPrivate == NULL)   || (sectionIndex >= pefPrivate->sectionCount))
        goto ParameterError;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // For a load in place usage we've already set the addresses, make sure these match.
    // Otherwise set both addresses.  Note that the "presumed" address is already subtracted.

    section = & pefPrivate->sections[sectionIndex];

    if (! pefPrivate->loadInPlace)
        pefPrivate->mappedOrigins[sectionIndex]     = (BytePtr) mappedAddress;
        pefPrivate->runningOffsets[sectionIndex]    += (ByteCount) runningAddress;
        if ((runningAddress != section->sectionAddress) ||
                (mappedAddress != pefPrivate->mappedOrigins[sectionIndex]))
            goto UsageError;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = cfragFragmentUsageErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_SetSectionAddress ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_GetAnonymousSymbolLocations ()
// ==================================

extern OSStatus PEF_GetAnonymousSymbolLocations ( CFContHandlerRef          containerRef,
            CFContLogicalLocation *   mainLocation,   // May be null.
            CFContLogicalLocation *   initLocation,   // May be null.
            CFContLogicalLocation *   termLocation )  // May be null.
    OSStatus            err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate  = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;
    LoaderHeader *      ldrHeader   = NULL;

    CFContLogicalLocation   tempLocation;

    if ((pefPrivate == NULL))
        goto ParameterError;

    if (mainLocation == NULL)
        mainLocation    = &tempLocation;
    if (initLocation == NULL)
        initLocation    = &tempLocation;
    if (termLocation == NULL)
        termLocation    = &tempLocation;

    ldrHeader = pefPrivate->ldrHeader;

    mainLocation->section   = ldrHeader->entryPointSection;
    mainLocation->offset    = ldrHeader->entryPointOffset;

    initLocation->section   = ldrHeader->initPointSection;
    initLocation->offset    = ldrHeader->initPointOffset;

    termLocation->section   = ldrHeader->termPointSection;
    termLocation->offset    = ldrHeader->termPointOffset;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_GetAnonymousSymbolLocations ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_GetExportedSymbolCount ()
// =============================

extern OSStatus PEF_GetExportedSymbolCount  ( CFContHandlerRef  containerRef,
            ItemCount *       exportCount )
    OSStatus            err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate  = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;

    if ((pefPrivate == NULL) || (exportCount == NULL))
        goto ParameterError;

    *exportCount = pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numExportSyms;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_GetExportedSymbolCount ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_GetExportedSymbolInfo ()
// ============================

OSStatus    PEF_GetExportedSymbolInfo   ( CFContHandlerRef              containerRef,
        CFContSignedIndex             exportIndex,
        PBVersion                     infoVersion,
        CFContExportedSymbolInfo *    exportInfo )
    OSStatus            err             = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate      = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;
    LoaderExport *      exportedSymbol  = NULL;

    if ((pefPrivate == NULL) || (exportInfo == NULL))
        goto ParameterError;
    if ((ItemCount) exportIndex >= pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numExportSyms)
        goto ParameterError;
    if (infoVersion != kCFContExportedSymbolInfoVersion)
        goto ParameterError;

    if (exportIndex >= 0)
        exportedSymbol = &pefPrivate->ldrExportSymbols[exportIndex];

        exportInfo->symbolName.nameHash = pefPrivate->ldrHashChain[exportIndex].hashword;
        exportInfo->symbolName.nameText = &pefPrivate->ldrStringTable[exportedSymbol->nameOffset];

        exportInfo->symbolClass = exportedSymbol->symClass;
        exportInfo->reservedA   = 0;
        exportInfo->reservedB   = 0;
        exportInfo->options     = kNilOptions;

        exportInfo->location.section = exportedSymbol->sectionNumber;

#if 1   // *** Disable the reexported import optimization.
        exportInfo->location.offset = exportedSymbol->offset;
        // This is the buggy optimization.  It has problems with missing weak libraries.
        // Addition of a "resolvedImports" bit vector is probably the way to fix it, but it
        // may not be much of an optimization then.
        if ((! pefPrivate->resolved) || (exportedSymbol->sectionNumber != kReExportImport))
            exportInfo->location.offset = exportedSymbol->address;
            exportInfo->location.section    = kPhysicalExport;
            exportInfo->location.offset     = pefPrivate->imports[exportedSymbol->address];

        CFContLogicalLocation   mainLocation;
        CFContLogicalLocation   initLocation;
        CFContLogicalLocation   termLocation;

        err = PEF_GetAnonymousSymbolLocations ( containerRef, &mainLocation, &initLocation, &termLocation );
        if (err != noErr)
            goto ERROR;

        switch (exportIndex)
            case kMainCFragSymbolIndex  :
                exportInfo->location = mainLocation;
                exportInfo->symbolClass = 0xFF;     // !!! Ought to have a kUnknownCFragSymbol constant.
            case kInitCFragSymbolIndex  :
                exportInfo->location = initLocation;
                exportInfo->symbolClass = kTVectorCFragSymbol;  // ! Very well better be!
            case kTermCFragSymbolIndex  :
                exportInfo->location = termLocation;
                exportInfo->symbolClass = kTVectorCFragSymbol;  // ! Very well better be!
            default :
                goto ParameterError;

        exportInfo->symbolName.nameHash = 0;
        exportInfo->symbolName.nameText = NULL;

        exportInfo->reservedA   = 0;
        exportInfo->reservedB   = 0;
        exportInfo->options     = kNilOptions;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_GetExportedSymbolInfo ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_FindExportedSymbolInfo ()
// =============================

OSStatus    PEF_FindExportedSymbolInfo  ( CFContHandlerRef              containerRef,
        const CFContHashedName *      exportName,
        PBVersion                     infoVersion,
        ItemCount *                   exportIndex_o,  // May be null.
        CFContExportedSymbolInfo *    exportInfo )    // May be null.
    OSStatus            err             = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate      = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;
    LoaderExport *      exportedSymbol  = NULL;
    CFContStringHash *  hashwordList    = NULL;
    CFContStringHash *  nextHashword    = NULL;
    HashSlotEntry *     hashSlot        = NULL;
    ByteCount           nameLength      = CFContStringHashLength ( exportName->nameHash );
    ItemCount           exportIndex;
    ItemCount           slotIndex;
    ItemCount           chainLimit;
    Boolean             nameMatch;

    if (pefPrivate == NULL)
        goto ParameterError;
    if (infoVersion != kCFContExportedSymbolInfoVersion)
        goto ParameterError;

    hashwordList    = &pefPrivate->ldrHashChain[0].hashword;

    slotIndex       = GetPEFHashSlot ( exportName->nameHash, pefPrivate->ldrHeader->hashSlotTabSize );
    hashSlot        = &pefPrivate->ldrHashSlot[slotIndex];

    exportIndex     = hashSlot->chainIndex;
    chainLimit      = exportIndex + hashSlot->chainCount;
    nextHashword    = &hashwordList[exportIndex];

    while (exportIndex < chainLimit)
        if (*nextHashword == exportName->nameHash)
            exportedSymbol = &pefPrivate->ldrExportSymbols[exportIndex];
            nameMatch = PEF_CompareBytes ( exportName->nameText,
                                           nameLength );
            if (nameMatch)
                goto Found;

        exportIndex     += 1;
        nextHashword    += 1;   // ! Pointer arithmetic.
    goto NotFoundError;

    if (exportIndex_o != NULL)
        *exportIndex_o = exportIndex;
    if (exportInfo != NULL)
        err = PEF_GetExportedSymbolInfo ( containerRef, exportIndex, infoVersion, exportInfo );
        if (err != noErr)
            goto ERROR;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = cfragNoSymbolErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_FindExportedSymbolInfo ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_GetImportCounts ()
// ======================

OSStatus    PEF_GetImportCounts ( CFContHandlerRef  containerRef,
                                  ItemCount *       libraryCount,   // May be null.
                                  ItemCount *       symbolCount )   // May be null.
    OSStatus            err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate  = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;

    if (pefPrivate == NULL)
        goto ParameterError;

    if (libraryCount != NULL)
        *libraryCount = pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numImportFiles;
    if (symbolCount != NULL)
        *symbolCount = pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numImportSyms;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_GetImportCounts ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_GetImportedLibraryInfo ()
// =============================

OSStatus    PEF_GetImportedLibraryInfo  ( CFContHandlerRef              containerRef,
        ItemCount                     libraryIndex,
        PBVersion                     infoVersion,
        CFContImportedLibraryInfo *   libraryInfo )
    OSStatus                err             = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *        pefPrivate      = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;
    LoaderImportFileID *    importedLibrary = NULL;
    BytePtr                 nameText        = NULL;
    ByteCount               nameLength;

    if ((pefPrivate == NULL) || (libraryInfo == NULL))
        goto ParameterError;
    if (infoVersion != kCFContImportedLibraryInfoVersion)
        goto ParameterError;
    if (libraryIndex >= pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numImportFiles)
        goto ParameterError;

    importedLibrary = &pefPrivate->ldrImportFiles[libraryIndex];

    nameText    = &pefPrivate->ldrStringTable[importedLibrary->fileNameOffset];
    nameLength  = GetNameLength ( nameText );

    libraryInfo->libraryName.nameHash   = CFContHashName ( nameText, nameLength );
    libraryInfo->libraryName.nameText   = nameText;

    libraryInfo->linkedVersion  = importedLibrary->linkedVersion;
    libraryInfo->oldImpVersion  = importedLibrary->oldImpVersion;
    libraryInfo->options        = kNilOptions;

    if (importedLibrary->options & kPEFInitBeforeMask)
        libraryInfo->options |= kCFContInitBeforeMask;
    if (importedLibrary->options & kPEFWeakLibraryMask)
        libraryInfo->options |= kCFContWeakLibraryMask;
    if (importedLibrary->options & kPEFDeferredBindMask)
        libraryInfo->options |= kCFContDeferredBindMask;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_GetImportedLibraryInfo ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_GetImportedSymbolInfo ()
// ============================

OSStatus    PEF_GetImportedSymbolInfo   ( CFContHandlerRef              containerRef,
        ItemCount                     symbolIndex,
        PBVersion                     infoVersion,
        CFContImportedSymbolInfo *    symbolInfo )
    OSStatus                err             = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *        pefPrivate      = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;
    LoaderImport *          importedSymbol  = NULL;
    LoaderImportFileID *    importedLibrary = NULL;
    BytePtr                 nameText        = NULL;
    ByteCount               nameLength;
    ItemCount               libraryCount;
    ItemCount               libraryIndex;

    if ((pefPrivate == NULL) || (symbolInfo == NULL))
        goto ParameterError;
    if (infoVersion != kCFContImportedSymbolInfoVersion)
        goto ParameterError;
    if (symbolIndex >= pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numImportSyms)
        goto ParameterError;

    importedSymbol  = &pefPrivate->ldrImportSymbols[symbolIndex];
    libraryCount    = pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numImportFiles;

    nameText    = &pefPrivate->ldrStringTable[importedSymbol->nameOffset];
    nameLength  = GetNameLength ( nameText );

    symbolInfo->symbolName.nameHash = CFContHashName ( nameText, nameLength );
    symbolInfo->symbolName.nameText = nameText;

    symbolInfo->symbolClass     = importedSymbol->symClass & 0x0F;
    symbolInfo->reservedA       = 0;
    symbolInfo->reservedB       = 0;
    symbolInfo->options         = 0;

    if (importedSymbol->symClass & kPEFWeakSymbolMask)
        symbolInfo->options |= kCFContWeakSymbolMask;

    for (libraryIndex = 0; libraryIndex < libraryCount; libraryIndex += 1)
        importedLibrary = &pefPrivate->ldrImportFiles[libraryIndex];
        if ((importedLibrary->impFirst <= symbolIndex) &&
                (symbolIndex < (importedLibrary->impFirst + importedLibrary->numImports)))
    if (libraryIndex == libraryCount)
        goto FragmentCorruptError;

    symbolInfo->libraryIndex = libraryIndex;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = cfragFragmentCorruptErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_GetImportedSymbolInfo ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_SetImportedSymbolAddress ()
// ===============================

OSStatus    PEF_SetImportedSymbolAddress    ( CFContHandlerRef              containerRef,
        ItemCount                     symbolIndex,
        LogicalAddress                symbolAddress )
    OSStatus            err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate  = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;

    if (pefPrivate == NULL)
        goto ParameterError;
    if (symbolIndex >= pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numImportSyms)
        goto ParameterError;

    pefPrivate->imports[symbolIndex] = symbolAddress;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_SetImportedSymbolAddress ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// GetPackedDataCount ()
// =====================

static UInt32   GetPackedDataCount ( UInt8 * *  byteHandle )
    UInt32  count   = 0;
    UInt8 * bytePtr = *byteHandle;
    UInt8   currByte;

        currByte = *bytePtr++;
        count = (count << kPEFPkDataVCountShift) | (currByte & kPEFPkDataVCountMask);
    while ((currByte & kPEFPkDataVCountEndMask) != 0);

    *byteHandle = bytePtr;

    return count;

}   // GetPackedDataCount ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// UnpackFullSection ()
// ====================

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the "normal" case from CFM, unpacking all of the packed portion.  Along the way we
// make sure we're not writing beyond the end of the unpacked data.  At the end we make sure
// that all we didn't read past the end of the packed data, and that all of the output was
// written.

// ! Note that the xyzEnd pointers are the actual end of the range, not one byte beyond.  This
// ! routine will work if the output end address is 0xFFFFFFFF, but not if the packed end is.

// ! Don't do range comparisons as "(lowAddr + length) > highAddr", because this might wrap
// ! the end high end of the address space.  Always do "(highAddr - lowAddr) > length".

// ??? We should gather some statistics on actual usage to see whether it is worthwhile to
// ??? have local customized code for common cases.  E.g. block fill of 1, 2, or 4 bytes, or
// ??? of interleaved repeats with 1/2/4 byte common or custom portions.

static OSStatus UnpackFullSection   ( BytePtr   packedBase,
                                      BytePtr   packedEnd,
                                      BytePtr   outputBase,
                                      BytePtr   outputEnd )
    OSStatus    err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    BytePtr     packedPos   = packedBase;
    BytePtr     outputPos   = outputBase;
    BytePtr     outPosLimit = outputEnd + 1;    // ! Might be zero if outputEnd is 0xFFFFFFFF.

    UInt8       currByte;
    UInt8       opcode;
    UInt32      count1;
    UInt32      count2;
    UInt32      count3;

    if ((packedEnd + 1) == 0)
        goto FragmentUsageError;

    while (packedPos <= packedEnd)
        currByte    = *packedPos++;
        opcode      = currByte >> kPEFPkDataOpcodeShift;
        count1      = currByte & kPEFPkDataCount5Mask;

        if (count1 == 0)
            count1 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );

        switch (opcode)
            case kPEFPkDataZero :

                if (((UInt32) (outPosLimit - outputPos)) < count1)
                    goto FragmentCorruptError;

                PEF_BlockClear ( outputPos, count1 );
                outputPos += count1;


            case kPEFPkDataBlock :

                if (((UInt32)(outPosLimit - outputPos)) < count1)
                    goto FragmentCorruptError;

                PEF_BlockMove ( packedPos, outputPos, count1 );
                packedPos   += count1;
                outputPos   += count1;


            case kPEFPkDataRepeat :     // ??? Need a BlockFill routine?

                count2 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos ) + 1;     // ! Stored count is 1 less.

                if (((UInt32)(outPosLimit - outputPos)) < (count1 * count2))
                    goto FragmentCorruptError;

                if (count1 == 1)
                {    // ??? Is this worth the bother?  Other sizes?

                    currByte = *packedPos++;
                    for (; count2 != 0; count2 -= 1)
                        *outputPos++ = currByte;
                    for (; count2 != 0; count2 -= 1)
                        PEF_BlockMove ( packedPos, outputPos, count1 );
                        outputPos += count1;
                    packedPos += count1;


            case kPEFPkDataRepeatBlock :

                count2  = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );
                count3  = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );

                if (((UInt32)(outPosLimit - outputPos)) < (((count1 + count2) * count3) + count1))
                    goto FragmentCorruptError;

                    BytePtr commonPos   = packedPos;

                    packedPos += count1;    // Skip the common part.

                    for (; count3 != 0; count3 -= 1)
                        PEF_BlockMove ( commonPos, outputPos, count1 );
                        outputPos += count1;

                        PEF_BlockMove ( packedPos, outputPos, count2 );
                        packedPos   += count2;
                        outputPos   += count2;

                    PEF_BlockMove ( commonPos, outputPos, count1 );
                    outputPos += count1;


            case kPEFPkDataRepeatZero :

                count2 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );
                count3 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );

                if (((UInt32)(outPosLimit - outputPos)) < (((count1 + count2) * count3) + count1))
                    goto FragmentCorruptError;

                PEF_BlockClear ( outputPos, count1 );
                outputPos += count1;

                for (; count3 != 0; count3 -= 1)
                    PEF_BlockMove ( packedPos, outputPos, count2 );
                    packedPos   += count2;
                    outputPos   += count2;

                    PEF_BlockClear ( outputPos, count1 );
                    outputPos += count1;


            default :
                goto FragmentCorruptError;

    if ((packedPos != (packedEnd + 1)) || (outputPos != outPosLimit))
        goto FragmentCorruptError;

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = cfragFragmentUsageErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = cfragFragmentCorruptErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // UnpackFullSection ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// UnpackPartialSection ()
// =======================

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the case where we want to extract some arbitrary portion of a section as it would
// be when instantiated but not relocated.  We have to interpret the packed part up to the
// desired output start, then continue begin unpacking for real.  If we run out of packed data
// before filling the output, we fill the rest of the output with zeroes.

// ! We have to be very careful in the skip logic because the current operation probably spans
// ! the skip/output boundary.  We have to be similarly careful at the output end because the
// ! current operation probably spans the tail of the output.  Don't forget that the partial
// ! output at the start could also fill the output and overflow the tail!

// ! Note that the xyzEnd pointers are the actual end of the range, not one byte beyond.  This
// ! routine might not work if outputEnd is 0xFFFFFFFF.  This is because outputPos points to
// ! the next byte to be written.  The loops that are controlled by "outputPos < outputBase"
// ! or "outputPos <= outputEnd" would fail in this case if outputPos were "outputEnd + 1",
// ! i.e. outputPos would be zero.

// ! Don't do range comparisons as "(lowAddr + length) > highAddr", because this might wrap
// ! the end high end of the address space.  Always do "(highAddr - lowAddr) > length".

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

static void PartialBlockClear   ( BytePtr   outputBase,
                                  ByteCount outputStartOffset,
                                  ByteCount outputEndOffset,
                                  ByteCount outputOffset,
                                  ByteCount count )
    if (((outputOffset + count) <= outputStartOffset) || (outputOffset > outputEndOffset))
        return ;    // Nothing to output.

    if (outputOffset < outputStartOffset)
        count -= (outputStartOffset - outputOffset);
        outputOffset = outputStartOffset;

    if (count > (outputEndOffset - outputOffset + 1))
        count = outputEndOffset - outputOffset + 1;

    PEF_BlockClear ( outputBase + (outputOffset - outputStartOffset), count );
}   // PartialBlockClear ();

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

static void PartialBlockMove    ( BytePtr   source,
                                  BytePtr   outputBase,
                                  ByteCount outputStartOffset,
                                  ByteCount outputEndOffset,
                                  ByteCount outputOffset,
                                  ByteCount count )
    if (((outputOffset + count) <= outputStartOffset) || (outputOffset > outputEndOffset))
        return ;    // Nothing to output.

    if (outputOffset < outputStartOffset)
        const ByteCount skipCount   = outputStartOffset - outputOffset;
        source  += skipCount;
        count   -= skipCount;
        outputOffset = outputStartOffset;

    if (count > (outputEndOffset - outputOffset + 1))
        count = outputEndOffset - outputOffset + 1;

    PEF_BlockMove ( source, outputBase + (outputOffset - outputStartOffset), count );
}   // PartialBlockClear ();

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

static OSStatus UnpackPartialSection    ( BytePtr   packedBase,
        BytePtr   packedEnd,
        BytePtr   outputBase,
        BytePtr   outputEnd,
        ByteCount outputStartOffset )
    OSStatus        err             = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    const ByteCount outputEndOffset = outputStartOffset + (outputEnd - outputBase);
    BytePtr         packedPos       = NULL;
    BytePtr         packedBoundary  = NULL;
    ByteCount       outputOffset;
    ByteCount       outputBoundary;

    UInt8           currByte;
    UInt8           opcode;
    UInt32          count1;
    UInt32          count2;
    UInt32          count3;

    if (((packedEnd + 1) == 0) || ((outputEnd + 1) == 0))
        goto FragmentUsageError;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Skip the packed data until we get within the output range.  We know there is something
    // to unpack, otherwise the zero fill of the output would be done by the caller.  This
    // loop sets outputOffset to the end of what would be unpacked, until the outputOffset is
    // beyond the outputStartOffset.  I.e. until we hit the first operation that would create
    // actual output.

    outputOffset    = 0;
    packedPos       = packedBase;

        packedBoundary  = packedPos;    // The start of the current operation.
        outputBoundary  = outputOffset;

        currByte        = *packedPos++;
        opcode          = currByte >> kPEFPkDataOpcodeShift;
        count1          = currByte & kPEFPkDataCount5Mask;

        if (count1 == 0)
            count1 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );

        switch (opcode)
            case kPEFPkDataZero :
                outputOffset += count1;

            case kPEFPkDataBlock :
                packedPos       += count1;
                outputOffset    += count1;

            case kPEFPkDataRepeat :
                count2 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos ) + 1;     // ! Stored count is 1 less.
                packedPos       += count1;
                outputOffset    += count1 * count2;

            case kPEFPkDataRepeatBlock :
                count2  = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );
                count3  = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );
                packedPos       += count1 + (count2 * count3);
                outputOffset    += count1 + ((count1 + count2) * count3);

            case kPEFPkDataRepeatZero :
                count2 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );
                count3 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );
                packedPos       += count2 * count3;
                outputOffset    += count1 + ((count1 + count2) * count3);

            default :
                goto FragmentCorruptError;
    while (outputOffset <= outputStartOffset);

    // Now do the actual unpacking.  This uses a copy of the full unpack logic with special
    // block copy/clear routines.  These special routines do the bounds checking, only writing
    // output where actually allowed.  This involves "unnecessary" checks for the "middle"
    // operations that are fully within the range, but vastly simplifies the boundary cases.

    packedPos       = packedBoundary;       // Reset to the operation that spans the output start.
    outputOffset    = outputBoundary;

        currByte    = *packedPos++;
        opcode      = currByte >> kPEFPkDataOpcodeShift;
        count1      = currByte & kPEFPkDataCount5Mask;

        if (count1 == 0)
            count1 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );

        switch (opcode)
            case kPEFPkDataZero :
                PartialBlockClear ( outputBase, outputStartOffset, outputEndOffset, outputOffset, count1 );
                outputOffset += count1;

            case kPEFPkDataBlock :
                PartialBlockMove ( packedPos, outputBase, outputStartOffset, outputEndOffset, outputOffset, count1 );
                packedPos       += count1;
                outputOffset    += count1;

            case kPEFPkDataRepeat :     // ??? Need a BlockFill routine?
                count2 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos ) + 1;     // ! Stored count is 1 less.
                for (; count2 != 0; count2 -= 1)
                    PartialBlockMove ( packedPos, outputBase, outputStartOffset, outputEndOffset, outputOffset, count1 );
                    outputOffset += count1;
                packedPos += count1;

            case kPEFPkDataRepeatBlock :

                count2  = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );
                count3  = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );

                    BytePtr commonPos   = packedPos;

                    packedPos += count1;    // Skip the common part.

                    for (; count3 != 0; count3 -= 1)
                        PartialBlockMove ( commonPos, outputBase, outputStartOffset, outputEndOffset, outputOffset, count1 );
                        outputOffset += count1;

                        PartialBlockMove ( packedPos, outputBase, outputStartOffset, outputEndOffset, outputOffset, count2 );
                        packedPos       += count2;
                        outputOffset    += count2;

                    PartialBlockMove ( commonPos, outputBase, outputStartOffset, outputEndOffset, outputOffset, count1 );
                    outputOffset += count1;


            case kPEFPkDataRepeatZero :

                count2 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );
                count3 = GetPackedDataCount ( &packedPos );

                PartialBlockClear ( outputBase, outputStartOffset, outputEndOffset, outputOffset, count1 );
                outputOffset += count1;

                for (; count3 != 0; count3 -= 1)
                    PartialBlockMove ( packedPos, outputBase, outputStartOffset, outputEndOffset, outputOffset, count2 );
                    packedPos       += count2;
                    outputOffset    += count2;

                    PartialBlockClear ( outputBase, outputStartOffset, outputEndOffset, outputOffset, count1 );
                    outputOffset += count1;


            default :
                goto FragmentCorruptError;
    while ((outputOffset <= outputEndOffset) && (packedPos <= packedEnd));

    // ------------------------------------------
    // Finally block clear anything that is left.

    if (outputOffset <= outputEndOffset)
        PEF_BlockClear ( outputBase + (outputOffset - outputStartOffset), outputEndOffset - outputOffset + 1 );

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = cfragFragmentUsageErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = cfragFragmentCorruptErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // UnpackPartialSection ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_UnpackSection ()
// ====================

OSStatus    PEF_UnpackSection   ( CFContHandlerRef  containerRef,
                                  ItemCount         sectionIndex,
                                  ByteCount         sectionOffset,
                                  LogicalAddress    bufferAddress,
                                  ByteCount         bufferLength )
    OSStatus            err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate  = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;
    SectionHeader *     section     = NULL;
    BytePtr             packedBase  = NULL;
    BytePtr             packedEnd   = NULL;
    BytePtr             outputBase  = bufferAddress;
    BytePtr             outputEnd   = outputBase + bufferLength - 1;

    if (pefPrivate == NULL)
        goto ParameterError;
    if (sectionIndex >= pefPrivate->sectionCount)
        goto ParameterError;
    if ((bufferAddress == NULL) && (bufferLength != 0))
        goto ParameterError;

    section = &pefPrivate->sections[sectionIndex];
    if ((sectionOffset + bufferLength) > section->execSize)
        goto ParameterError;

    packedBase  = pefPrivate->mappedContainer + section->containerOffset;
    packedEnd   = packedBase + section->rawSize - 1;

    if ((sectionOffset == 0) && (bufferLength == section->initSize))
        err = UnpackFullSection ( packedBase, packedEnd, outputBase, outputEnd );
        if (err != noErr)
            goto ERROR;
#if EnableCFMDebugging
        if (false && EnableCFMDebugging && (section->execSize > 8))
        { // Force some tests of partial unpacking.

            UInt32  word;
            BytePtr  partContents   = (*pefPrivate->Allocate) ( section->execSize - 2 );

            PEF_Assert ( partContents != NULL );

            err = PEF_UnpackSection ( containerRef, sectionIndex, 1, &word, 4 );
            PEF_Assert ( err == noErr );

            err = PEF_UnpackSection ( containerRef, sectionIndex, section->execSize / 2, &word, 4 );
            PEF_Assert ( err == noErr );

            err = PEF_UnpackSection ( containerRef, sectionIndex, section->execSize - 5, &word, 4 );
            PEF_Assert ( err == noErr );

            err = PEF_UnpackSection ( containerRef, sectionIndex, 1, partContents, section->execSize - 2 );
            PEF_Assert ( err == noErr );

            (*pefPrivate->Release) ( partContents );

        if (section->initSize < sectionOffset)
            PEF_BlockClear ( bufferAddress, bufferLength );
            err = UnpackPartialSection ( packedBase, packedEnd, outputBase, outputEnd, sectionOffset );
            if (err != noErr)
                goto ERROR;

#if EnableCFMDebugging
        if (EnableCFMDebugging)
        {     // See if the partial output agrees with full output.

            BytePtr  fullContents   = (*pefPrivate->Allocate) ( section->execSize );

            PEF_Assert ( fullContents != NULL );
            PEF_BlockClear ( fullContents, section->execSize );

            err = UnpackFullSection ( packedBase, packedEnd, fullContents, fullContents + section->initSize - 1 );
            PEF_Assert ( err == noErr );

            PEF_Assert ( PEF_CompareBytes ( fullContents + sectionOffset, bufferAddress, bufferLength ) );

            (*pefPrivate->Release) ( fullContents );


    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_UnpackSection ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_RelocateSection ()
// ======================

// *** This needs cleaning up.

OSStatus    PEF_RelocateSection ( CFContHandlerRef  containerRef,
                                  ItemCount         sectionIndex )
    OSStatus            err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate  = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;

    BytePtr *   raddr;
    ByteCount dataA;
    int cnt;    // ! Must be signed.
    ByteCount codeA;
    LoaderRelExpHeader * ldRelHdr;
    Relocation *reloc, *rlend;
    Relocation r;
    long rpt;   // ! Must be signed.
    long secn;
    long rsymi;
    BytePtr *imports;
    ByteCount *regions;
    long i;
    long relNum;
    BytePtr regStart;
    SectionHeader * section;

    if (pefPrivate == NULL)
        goto ParameterError;
    if (sectionIndex >= pefPrivate->sectionCount)
        goto ParameterError;

    regStart = pefPrivate->mappedOrigins[sectionIndex];
    section = & pefPrivate->sections [sectionIndex];

    pefPrivate->resolved = 1;       // !!! Really means relocated, and should be set on exit.

    for (i = 0; ; i++)
        if (((ItemCount) i) >= pefPrivate->sectionCount)
            return noErr;  // No relocations for this section.
        ldRelHdr = & pefPrivate->ldrSections [i];
        if (((ItemCount) ldRelHdr->sectionNumber) == sectionIndex)

    regions = pefPrivate->runningOffsets;
    imports = pefPrivate->imports;

    reloc = (Relocation *) (pefPrivate->ldrRelocations + ldRelHdr->relocationsOffset);
    rlend = (Relocation *) ((RelocInstr *) reloc + ldRelHdr->numRelocations);
    raddr = (BytePtr *) regStart;   // ! Change the stride from 1 to 4.
    rsymi = 0;
    codeA = regions [0];
    dataA = regions [1];
    rpt = 0;

#if 0
    sprintf ( gDebugMessage, "PLPrepareRegion: start @ %.8X\n", raddr );
    PutSerialMesssage ( gDebugMessage );

    relNum = 0;
    while (reloc < rlend)
        r = *reloc;
        reloc = (Relocation *) ((RelocInstr *) reloc + 1);

        switch (opcode [r.opcode.op])
            case krDDAT :
                raddr = (BytePtr *) ((BytePtr)raddr + (r.deltadata.delta_d4 * 4));  // ! Reduce stride to 1.
                cnt = r.deltadata.cnt;
                while (--cnt >= 0)
                    *raddr++ += dataA;

            case krCODE :
                cnt = + 1;
                while (--cnt >= 0)
                    *raddr++ += codeA;

            case krDATA :
                cnt = + 1;
                while (--cnt >= 0)
                    *raddr++ += dataA;

            case krDESC :
                cnt = + 1;
                while (--cnt >= 0)
                    *raddr++ += codeA;
                    *raddr++ += dataA;

            case krDSC2 :
                cnt = + 1;
                while (--cnt >= 0)
                    *raddr++ += codeA;
                    *raddr++ += dataA;

            case krVTBL :
                cnt = + 1;
                while (--cnt >= 0)
                    *raddr++ += dataA;

            case krSYMR :
                cnt = + 1;
                while (--cnt >= 0)
                    *raddr++ += (ByteCount) imports [rsymi++];

            case krSYMB :
                rsymi = r.glp.idx;
                *raddr++ += (ByteCount) imports [rsymi++];

            case krCDIS :
                codeA = regions [r.glp.idx];

            case krDTIS :
                dataA = regions [r.glp.idx];

            case krSECN :
                *raddr++ += regions [r.glp.idx];

            case krDELT :
                raddr = (BytePtr *) ((BytePtr) raddr + + 1);   // ! Reduce stride to 1.
#if 0
                sprintf ( gDebugMessage, "PLPrepareRegion: delta to %.8X\n", raddr );
                PutSerialMesssage ( gDebugMessage );

            case krRPT :
                if (--rpt == 0)
                    break;  // count was 1 --> rpt done
                if (rpt < 0)                    // first time rpt encountered?
                    rpt = r.rpt.rcnt_m1 + 1; // yes- initialize rpt count
                cnt = r.rpt.icnt_m1 + 2;    // yes or no - back up cnt instrs
                reloc = (Relocation *) ((RelocInstr *) reloc - cnt);

            case krLABS :
                raddr = (BytePtr *) ((r.large1.idx_top << 16) + reloc->bot + regStart);
                reloc = (Relocation *) ((RelocInstr *) reloc + 1);
#if 0
                sprintf ( gDebugMessage, "PLPrepareRegion: abs to %.8X\n", raddr );
                PutSerialMesssage ( gDebugMessage );

            case krLSYM :
                rsymi = (r.large1.idx_top << 16) + reloc->bot;
                reloc = (Relocation *) ((RelocInstr *) reloc + 1);
                *raddr++ += (ByteCount) imports [rsymi++];

            case krLRPT :
                if (--rpt == 0)
                    reloc = (Relocation *) ((RelocInstr *) reloc + 1);
                if (rpt < 0)
                    rpt = (r.large2.idx_top << 16) + reloc->bot;
                cnt = r.large2.cnt_m1 + 2;
                reloc = (Relocation *) ((RelocInstr *) reloc - cnt);

            case krLSEC :
                secn = (r.large2.idx_top << 16) + reloc->bot;
                switch (r.large2.cnt_m1)
                    case 0 :
                        *raddr++ += regions [secn];
                    case 1 :
                        codeA  = regions [secn];
                    case 2 :
                        dataA  = regions [secn];
                reloc = (Relocation *) ((RelocInstr *) reloc + 1);

            default :
                goto FragmentCorruptError;

#if 0
    sprintf ( gDebugMessage, "PLPrepareRegion: end @ %.8X\n", raddr );
    PutSerialMesssage ( gDebugMessage );

    err = noErr;

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

    err = cfragFragmentCorruptErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_RelocateSection ()

// ¤
// ===========================================================================================
// PEF_RelocateImportsOnly ()
// ==========================

OSStatus    PEF_RelocateImportsOnly ( CFContHandlerRef  containerRef,
                                      ItemCount         sectionIndex,
                                      ItemCount         libraryIndex )
    OSStatus            err         = cfragCFMInternalErr;
    PEFPrivateInfo *    pefPrivate  = (PEFPrivateInfo *) containerRef;

    if (pefPrivate == NULL)
        goto ParameterError;
    if (sectionIndex >= pefPrivate->sectionCount)
        goto ParameterError;
    if (libraryIndex >= pefPrivate->ldrHeader->numImportFiles)
        goto ParameterError;

    if (pefPrivate == NULL)
        goto ParameterError;

    return unimpErr;    // !!! Fix this!

    return err;

    goto EXIT;

    err = paramErr;
    goto ERROR;

}   // PEF_RelocateImportsOnly ()

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

#endif /* __ppc__ */