IOMacOSVideo.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
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 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
     File:       Video.h
     Contains:   Video Driver Interfaces.
     Copyright:  (c) 1986-2000 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved
     Bugs?:      For bug reports, consult the following page on
                 the World Wide Web:
#ifndef __IOMACOSVIDEO__
#define __IOMACOSVIDEO__

#define FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x)           (x)
#include <IOKit/ndrvsupport/IOMacOSTypes.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#ifndef __LP64__
#pragma options align=mac68k

enum {
    mBaseOffset                 = 1,                            /*Id of mBaseOffset.*/
    mRowBytes                   = 2,                            /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
    mBounds                     = 3,                            /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
    mVersion                    = 4,                            /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
    mHRes                       = 5,                            /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
    mVRes                       = 6,                            /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
    mPixelType                  = 7,                            /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
    mPixelSize                  = 8,                            /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
    mCmpCount                   = 9,                            /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
    mCmpSize                    = 10,                           /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
    mPlaneBytes                 = 11,                           /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
    mVertRefRate                = 14,                           /*Video sResource parameter Id's */
    mVidParams                  = 1,                            /*Video parameter block id.*/
    mTable                      = 2,                            /*Offset to the table.*/
    mPageCnt                    = 3,                            /*Number of pages*/
    mDevType                    = 4,                            /*Device Type*/
    oneBitMode                  = 128,                          /*Id of OneBitMode Parameter list.*/
    twoBitMode                  = 129,                          /*Id of TwoBitMode Parameter list.*/
    fourBitMode                 = 130,                          /*Id of FourBitMode Parameter list.*/
    eightBitMode                = 131                           /*Id of EightBitMode Parameter list.*/

enum {
    sixteenBitMode              = 132,                          /*Id of SixteenBitMode Parameter list.*/
    thirtyTwoBitMode            = 133,                          /*Id of ThirtyTwoBitMode Parameter list.*/
    firstVidMode                = 128,                          /*The new, better way to do the above. */
    secondVidMode               = 129,                          /* QuickDraw only supports six video */
    thirdVidMode                = 130,                          /* at this time.      */
    fourthVidMode               = 131,
    fifthVidMode                = 132,
    sixthVidMode                = 133,
    spGammaDir                  = 64,
    spVidNamesDir               = 65

typedef UInt32                          AVIDType;
typedef AVIDType                        DisplayIDType;
typedef IODisplayModeID                 DisplayModeID;
typedef UInt16				DepthMode;
typedef UInt32                          VideoDeviceType;
typedef UInt32                          GammaTableID;

/* csTimingFormat values in VDTimingInfo */
/* look in the declaration rom for timing info */
enum {
    kDeclROMtables              = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('decl'),
    kDetailedTimingFormat       = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('arba')        /* Timing is a detailed timing*/

/* Size of a block of EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) */
enum {
    kDDCBlockSize               = 128

/* ddcBlockType constants*/
enum {
    kDDCBlockTypeEDID           = 0                             /* EDID block type. */

/* ddcFlags constants*/
enum {
    kDDCForceReadBit            = 0,                            /* Force a new read of the EDID. */
    kDDCForceReadMask           = (1 << kDDCForceReadBit)       /* Mask for kddcForceReadBit. */

/* Timing mode constants for Display Manager MultiMode support
    Corresponding   .h equates are in Video.h
                    .a equates are in Video.a
                    .r equates are in DepVideoEqu.r
    The second enum is the old names (for compatibility).
    The first enum is the new names.
enum {
    timingInvalid               = 0,                            /*    Unknown timing... force user to confirm. */
    timingInvalid_SM_T24        = 8,                            /*    Work around bug in SM Thunder24 card.*/
    timingApple_FixedRateLCD    = 42,                           /*    Lump all fixed-rate LCDs into one category.*/
    timingApple_512x384_60hz    = 130,                          /*  512x384  (60 Hz) Rubik timing. */
    timingApple_560x384_60hz    = 135,                          /*  560x384  (60 Hz) Rubik-560 timing. */
    timingApple_640x480_67hz    = 140,                          /*  640x480  (67 Hz) HR timing. */
    timingApple_640x400_67hz    = 145,                          /*  640x400  (67 Hz) HR-400 timing. */
    timingVESA_640x480_60hz     = 150,                          /*  640x480  (60 Hz) VGA timing. */
    timingVESA_640x480_72hz     = 152,                          /*  640x480  (72 Hz) VGA timing. */
    timingVESA_640x480_75hz     = 154,                          /*  640x480  (75 Hz) VGA timing. */
    timingVESA_640x480_85hz     = 158,                          /*  640x480  (85 Hz) VGA timing. */
    timingGTF_640x480_120hz     = 159,                          /*  640x480  (120 Hz) VESA Generalized Timing Formula */
    timingApple_640x870_75hz    = 160,                          /*  640x870  (75 Hz) FPD timing.*/
    timingApple_640x818_75hz    = 165,                          /*  640x818  (75 Hz) FPD-818 timing.*/
    timingApple_832x624_75hz    = 170,                          /*  832x624  (75 Hz) GoldFish timing.*/
    timingVESA_800x600_56hz     = 180,                          /*  800x600  (56 Hz) SVGA timing. */
    timingVESA_800x600_60hz     = 182,                          /*  800x600  (60 Hz) SVGA timing. */
    timingVESA_800x600_72hz     = 184,                          /*  800x600  (72 Hz) SVGA timing. */
    timingVESA_800x600_75hz     = 186,                          /*  800x600  (75 Hz) SVGA timing. */
    timingVESA_800x600_85hz     = 188,                          /*  800x600  (85 Hz) SVGA timing. */
    timingVESA_1024x768_60hz    = 190,                          /* 1024x768  (60 Hz) VESA 1K-60Hz timing. */
    timingVESA_1024x768_70hz    = 200,                          /* 1024x768  (70 Hz) VESA 1K-70Hz timing. */
    timingVESA_1024x768_75hz    = 204,                          /* 1024x768  (75 Hz) VESA 1K-75Hz timing (very similar to timingApple_1024x768_75hz). */
    timingVESA_1024x768_85hz    = 208,                          /* 1024x768  (85 Hz) VESA timing. */
    timingApple_1024x768_75hz   = 210,                          /* 1024x768  (75 Hz) Apple 19" RGB. */
    timingApple_1152x870_75hz   = 220,                          /* 1152x870  (75 Hz) Apple 21" RGB. */
    timingAppleNTSC_ST          = 230,                          /*  512x384  (60 Hz, interlaced, non-convolved). */
    timingAppleNTSC_FF          = 232,                          /*  640x480  (60 Hz, interlaced, non-convolved). */
    timingAppleNTSC_STconv      = 234,                          /*  512x384  (60 Hz, interlaced, convolved). */
    timingAppleNTSC_FFconv      = 236,                          /*  640x480  (60 Hz, interlaced, convolved). */
    timingApplePAL_ST           = 238,                          /*  640x480  (50 Hz, interlaced, non-convolved). */
    timingApplePAL_FF           = 240,                          /*  768x576  (50 Hz, interlaced, non-convolved). */
    timingApplePAL_STconv       = 242,                          /*  640x480  (50 Hz, interlaced, convolved). */
    timingApplePAL_FFconv       = 244,                          /*  768x576  (50 Hz, interlaced, convolved). */
    timingVESA_1280x960_75hz    = 250,                          /* 1280x960  (75 Hz) */
    timingVESA_1280x960_60hz    = 252,                          /* 1280x960  (60 Hz) */
    timingVESA_1280x960_85hz    = 254,                          /* 1280x960  (85 Hz) */
    timingVESA_1280x1024_60hz   = 260,                          /* 1280x1024 (60 Hz) */
    timingVESA_1280x1024_75hz   = 262,                          /* 1280x1024 (75 Hz) */
    timingVESA_1280x1024_85hz   = 268,                          /* 1280x1024 (85 Hz) */
    timingVESA_1600x1200_60hz   = 280,                          /* 1600x1200 (60 Hz) VESA timing. */
    timingVESA_1600x1200_65hz   = 282,                          /* 1600x1200 (65 Hz) VESA timing. */
    timingVESA_1600x1200_70hz   = 284,                          /* 1600x1200 (70 Hz) VESA timing. */
    timingVESA_1600x1200_75hz   = 286,                          /* 1600x1200 (75 Hz) VESA timing (pixel clock is 189.2 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingVESA_1600x1200_80hz   = 288,                          /* 1600x1200 (80 Hz) VESA timing (pixel clock is 216>? Mhz dot clock) - proposed only. */
    timingVESA_1600x1200_85hz   = 289,                          /* 1600x1200 (85 Hz) VESA timing (pixel clock is 229.5 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingVESA_1792x1344_60hz   = 296,                          /* 1792x1344 (60 Hz) VESA timing (204.75 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingVESA_1792x1344_75hz   = 298,                          /* 1792x1344 (75 Hz) VESA timing (261.75 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingVESA_1856x1392_60hz   = 300,                          /* 1856x1392 (60 Hz) VESA timing (218.25 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingVESA_1856x1392_75hz   = 302,                          /* 1856x1392 (75 Hz) VESA timing (288 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingVESA_1920x1440_60hz   = 304,                          /* 1920x1440 (60 Hz) VESA timing (234 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingVESA_1920x1440_75hz   = 306,                          /* 1920x1440 (75 Hz) VESA timing (297 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingSMPTE240M_60hz        = 400,                          /* 60Hz V, 33.75KHz H, interlaced timing, 16:9 aspect, typical resolution of 1920x1035. */
    timingFilmRate_48hz         = 410,                          /* 48Hz V, 25.20KHz H, non-interlaced timing, typical resolution of 640x480. */
    timingSony_1600x1024_76hz   = 500,                          /* 1600x1024 (76 Hz) Sony timing (pixel clock is 170.447 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingSony_1920x1080_60hz   = 510,                          /* 1920x1080 (60 Hz) Sony timing (pixel clock is 159.84 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingSony_1920x1080_72hz   = 520,                          /* 1920x1080 (72 Hz) Sony timing (pixel clock is 216.023 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingSony_1920x1200_76hz   = 540,                          /* 1900x1200 (76 Hz) Sony timing (pixel clock is 243.20 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingApple_0x0_0hz_Offline = 550                           /* Indicates that this timing will take the display off-line and remove it from the system. */

/* Deprecated timing names.*/
enum {
    timingApple12               = timingApple_512x384_60hz,
    timingApple12x              = timingApple_560x384_60hz,
    timingApple13               = timingApple_640x480_67hz,
    timingApple13x              = timingApple_640x400_67hz,
    timingAppleVGA              = timingVESA_640x480_60hz,
    timingApple15               = timingApple_640x870_75hz,
    timingApple15x              = timingApple_640x818_75hz,
    timingApple16               = timingApple_832x624_75hz,
    timingAppleSVGA             = timingVESA_800x600_56hz,
    timingApple1Ka              = timingVESA_1024x768_60hz,
    timingApple1Kb              = timingVESA_1024x768_70hz,
    timingApple19               = timingApple_1024x768_75hz,
    timingApple21               = timingApple_1152x870_75hz,
    timingSony_1900x1200_74hz   = 530,                          /* 1900x1200 (74 Hz) Sony timing (pixel clock is 236.25 Mhz dot clock). */
    timingSony_1900x1200_76hz   = timingSony_1920x1200_76hz     /* 1900x1200 (76 Hz) Sony timing (pixel clock is 245.48 Mhz dot clock). */

/* csConnectFlags values in VDDisplayConnectInfo */
enum {
    kAllModesValid              = 0,                            /* All modes not trimmed by primary init are good close enough to try */
    kAllModesSafe               = 1,                            /* All modes not trimmed by primary init are know to be safe */
    kReportsTagging             = 2,                            /* Can detect tagged displays (to identify smart monitors) */
    kHasDirectConnection        = 3,                            /* True implies that driver can talk directly to device (e.g. serial data link via sense lines) */
    kIsMonoDev                  = 4,                            /* Says whether there's an RGB (0) or Monochrome (1) connection. */
    kUncertainConnection        = 5,                            /* There may not be a display (no sense lines?). */
    kTaggingInfoNonStandard     = 6,                            /* Set when csConnectTaggedType/csConnectTaggedData are non-standard (i.e., not the Apple CRT sense codes). */
    kReportsDDCConnection       = 7,                            /* Card can do ddc (set kHasDirectConnect && kHasDDCConnect if you actually found a ddc display). */
    kHasDDCConnection           = 8,                            /* Card has ddc connect now. */
    kConnectionInactive         = 9,                            /* Set when the connection is NOT currently active (generally used in a multiconnection environment). */
    kDependentConnection        = 10,                           /* Set when some ascpect of THIS connection depends on another (will generally be set in a kModeSimulscan environment). */
    kBuiltInConnection          = 11,                           /* Set when connection is KNOWN to be built-in (this is not the same as kHasDirectConnection). */
    kOverrideConnection         = 12,                           /* Set when the reported connection is not the true one, but is one that has been forced through a SetConnection call */
    kFastCheckForDDC            = 13,                           /* Set when all 3 are true: 1) sense codes indicate DDC display could be attached 2) attempted fast check 3) DDC failed */
    kReportsHotPlugging         = 14,                           /* Detects and reports hot pluggging on connector (via VSL also implies DDC will be up to date w/o force read) */
    kStereoSyncConnection       = 15                            /* Connection supports stereo sync signalling */

/* csDisplayType values in VDDisplayConnectInfo */
enum {
    kUnknownConnect             = 1,                            /* Not sure how we'll use this, but seems like a good idea. */
    kPanelConnect               = 2,                            /* For use with fixed-in-place LCD panels. */
    kPanelTFTConnect            = 2,                            /* Alias for kPanelConnect */
    kFixedModeCRTConnect        = 3,                            /*  For use with fixed-mode (i.e., very limited range) displays. */
    kMultiModeCRT1Connect       = 4,                            /* 320x200 maybe, 12" maybe, 13" (default), 16" certain, 19" maybe, 21" maybe */
    kMultiModeCRT2Connect       = 5,                            /* 320x200 maybe, 12" maybe, 13" certain, 16" (default), 19" certain, 21" maybe */
    kMultiModeCRT3Connect       = 6,                            /* 320x200 maybe, 12" maybe, 13" certain, 16" certain, 19" default, 21" certain */
    kMultiModeCRT4Connect       = 7,                            /* Expansion to large multi mode (not yet used) */
    kModelessConnect            = 8,                            /* Expansion to modeless model (not yet used) */
    kFullPageConnect            = 9,                            /* 640x818 (to get 8bpp in 512K case) and 640x870 (these two only) */
    kVGAConnect                 = 10,                           /* 640x480 VGA default -- question everything else */
    kNTSCConnect                = 11,                           /* NTSC ST (default), FF, STconv, FFconv */
    kPALConnect                 = 12,                           /* PAL ST (default), FF, STconv, FFconv */
    kHRConnect                  = 13,                           /* Straight-6 connect -- 640x480 and 640x400 (to get 8bpp in 256K case) (these two only) */
    kPanelFSTNConnect           = 14,                           /* For use with fixed-in-place LCD FSTN (aka "Supertwist") panels */
    kMonoTwoPageConnect         = 15,                           /* 1152x870 Apple color two-page display */
    kColorTwoPageConnect        = 16,                           /* 1152x870 Apple B&W two-page display */
    kColor16Connect             = 17,                           /* 832x624 Apple B&W two-page display */
    kColor19Connect             = 18,                           /* 1024x768 Apple B&W two-page display */
    kGenericCRT                 = 19,                           /* Indicates nothing except that connection is CRT in nature. */
    kGenericLCD                 = 20,                           /* Indicates nothing except that connection is LCD in nature. */
    kDDCConnect                 = 21,                           /* DDC connection, always set kHasDDCConnection */
    kNoConnect                  = 22                            /* No display is connected - load sensing or similar level of hardware detection is assumed (used by resident drivers that support hot plugging when nothing is currently connected) */

/* csTimingFlags values in VDTimingInfoRec */
enum {
    kModeValid                  = 0,                            /* Says that this mode should NOT be trimmed. */
    kModeSafe                   = 1,                            /* This mode does not need confirmation */
    kModeDefault                = 2,                            /* This is the default mode for this type of connection */
    kModeShowNow                = 3,                            /* This mode should always be shown (even though it may require a confirm) */
    kModeNotResize              = 4,                            /* This mode should not be used to resize the display (eg. mode selects a different connector on card) */
    kModeRequiresPan            = 5,                            /* This mode has more pixels than are actually displayed */
    kModeInterlaced             = 6,                            /* This mode is interlaced (single pixel lines look bad). */
    kModeShowNever              = 7,                            /* This mode should not be shown in the user interface. */
    kModeSimulscan              = 8,                            /* Indicates that more than one display connection can be driven from a single framebuffer controller. */
    kModeNotPreset              = 9,                            /* Indicates that the timing is not a factory preset for the current display (geometry may need correction) */
    kModeBuiltIn                = 10,                           /* Indicates that the display mode is for the built-in connect only (on multiconnect devices like the PB 3400) Only the driver is quieried */
    kModeStretched              = 11,                           /* Indicates that the display mode will be stretched/distorted to match the display aspect ratio */
    kModeNotGraphicsQuality     = 12,                           /* Indicates that the display mode is not the highest quality (eg. stretching artifacts).  Intended as a hint */
    kModeValidateAgainstDisplay = 13                            /* Indicates that this mode should be validated against the display EDID */

/* csDepthFlags in VDVideoParametersInfoRec */
enum {
    kDepthDependent             = 0,                            /* Says that this depth mode may cause dependent changes in other framebuffers (and . */
    kDepthDependentMask         = (1 << kDepthDependent)        /* mask for kDepthDependent */    

/* csResolutionFlags bit flags for VDResolutionInfoRec */
enum {
    kResolutionHasMultipleDepthSizes = 0                        /* Says that this mode has different csHorizontalPixels, csVerticalLines at different depths (usually slightly larger at lower depths) */

enum {
                                                                /*    Power Mode constants for VDPowerStateRec.powerState.  Note the numeric order does not match the power state order */
    kAVPowerOff                 = 0,                            /* Power fully off*/
    kAVPowerStandby             = 1,
    kAVPowerSuspend             = 2,
    kAVPowerOn                  = 3,
    kHardwareSleep              = 128,
    kHardwareWake               = 129,
    kHardwareWakeFromSuspend    = 130,
    kHardwareWakeToDoze         = 131,
    kHardwareWakeToDozeFromSuspend = 132,
    kHardwarePark               = 133,
    kHardwareDrive              = 134

/* Reduced perf level, for GetPowerState, SetPowerState*/
enum {
    kPowerStateReducedPowerMask   = 0x00000300,
    kPowerStateFullPower          = 0x00000000,
    kPowerStateReducedPower1      = 0x00000100,
    kPowerStateReducedPower2      = 0x00000200,
    kPowerStateReducedPower3      = 0x00000300

enum {
                                                                /*    Power Mode masks and bits for VDPowerStateRec.powerFlags.  */
    kPowerStateNeedsRefresh     = 0,                            /* When leaving this power mode, a display will need refreshing   */
    kPowerStateSleepAwareBit    = 1,                            /* if gestaltPCCardDockingSelectorFix, Docking mgr checks this bit before checking kPowerStateSleepAllowedBit */
    kPowerStateSleepForbiddenBit = 2,                           /* if kPowerStateSleepAwareBit, Docking mgr checks this bit before sleeping */
    kPowerStateSleepCanPowerOffBit = 3,                         /* supports power down sleep (ie PCI power off)*/
    kPowerStateSleepNoDPMSBit   = 4,                            /* Bug #2425210.  Do not use DPMS with this display.*/
    kPowerStateSleepWaketoDozeBit = 5,                          /* Supports Wake to Doze */
    kPowerStateSleepWakeNeedsProbeBit = 6,                      /* Does not sense connection changes on wake */

    kPowerStateNeedsRefreshMask = (1 << kPowerStateNeedsRefresh),
    kPowerStateSleepAwareMask   = (1 << kPowerStateSleepAwareBit),
    kPowerStateSleepForbiddenMask = (1 << kPowerStateSleepForbiddenBit),
    kPowerStateSleepCanPowerOffMask = (1 << kPowerStateSleepCanPowerOffBit),
    kPowerStateSleepNoDPMSMask  = (1 << kPowerStateSleepNoDPMSBit),
    kPowerStateSleepWaketoDozeMask = (1 << kPowerStateSleepWaketoDozeBit),
    kPowerStateSleepWakeNeedsProbeMask = (1 << kPowerStateSleepWakeNeedsProbeBit),

    kPowerStateSupportsReducedPower1Bit = 10,
    kPowerStateSupportsReducedPower2Bit = 11,
    kPowerStateSupportsReducedPower3Bit = 12,
    kPowerStateSupportsReducedPower1BitMask = (1 << 10),
    kPowerStateSupportsReducedPower2BitMask = (1 << 11),
    kPowerStateSupportsReducedPower3BitMask = (1 << 12)

enum {
                                                                /* Control Codes */
    cscReset                    = 0,
    cscKillIO                   = 1,
    cscSetMode                  = 2,
    cscSetEntries               = 3,
    cscSetGamma                 = 4,
    cscGrayPage                 = 5,
    cscGrayScreen               = 5,
    cscSetGray                  = 6,
    cscSetInterrupt             = 7,
    cscDirectSetEntries         = 8,
    cscSetDefaultMode           = 9,
    cscSwitchMode               = 10,                           /* Takes a VDSwitchInfoPtr */         
    cscSetSync                  = 11,                           /* Takes a VDSyncInfoPtr */           
    cscSavePreferredConfiguration = 16,                         /* Takes a VDSwitchInfoPtr */         
    cscSetHardwareCursor        = 22,                           /* Takes a VDSetHardwareCursorPtr */  
    cscDrawHardwareCursor       = 23,                           /* Takes a VDDrawHardwareCursorPtr */ 
    cscSetConvolution           = 24,                           /* Takes a VDConvolutionInfoPtr */    
    cscSetPowerState            = 25,                           /* Takes a VDPowerStatePtr */         
    cscPrivateControlCall       = 26,                           /* Takes a VDPrivateSelectorDataRec*/
    cscSetMultiConnect          = 28,                           /* From a GDI point of view, this call should be implemented completely in the HAL and not at all in the core.*/
    cscSetClutBehavior          = 29,                           /* Takes a VDClutBehavior */
    cscSetDetailedTiming        = 31,                           /* Takes a VDDetailedTimingPtr */
    cscDoCommunication          = 33,                           /* Takes a VDCommunicationPtr */
    cscProbeConnection		= 34,				/* Takes nil pointer */
                                                                /* (may generate a kFBConnectInterruptServiceType service interrupt) */
    cscSetScaler		= 36,				/* Takes a VDScalerPtr */
    cscSetMirror                = 37,				/* Takes a VDMirrorPtr*/
    cscSetFeatureConfiguration  = 38,				/* Takes a VDConfigurationPtr*/
    cscUnusedCall               = 127                           /* This call used to expand the scrn resource.  Its imbedded data contains more control info */

enum {
                                                                /* Status Codes */
    cscGetMode                  = 2,
    cscGetEntries               = 3,
    cscGetPageCnt               = 4,
    cscGetPages                 = 4,                            /* This is what C&D 2 calls it. */
    cscGetPageBase              = 5,
    cscGetBaseAddr              = 5,                            /* This is what C&D 2 calls it. */
    cscGetGray                  = 6,
    cscGetInterrupt             = 7,
    cscGetGamma                 = 8,
    cscGetDefaultMode           = 9,
    cscGetCurMode               = 10,                           /* Takes a VDSwitchInfoPtr */
    cscGetSync                  = 11,                           /* Takes a VDSyncInfoPtr */  
    cscGetConnection            = 12,                           /* Return information about the connection to the display */
    cscGetModeTiming            = 13,                           /* Return timing info for a mode */
    cscGetModeBaseAddress       = 14,                           /* Return base address information about a particular mode */
    cscGetScanProc              = 15,                           /* QuickTime scan chasing routine */
    cscGetPreferredConfiguration = 16,                          /* Takes a VDSwitchInfoPtr */               
    cscGetNextResolution        = 17,                           /* Takes a VDResolutionInfoPtr */           
    cscGetVideoParameters       = 18,                           /* Takes a VDVideoParametersInfoPtr */      
    cscGetGammaInfoList         = 20,                           /* Takes a VDGetGammaListPtr */             
    cscRetrieveGammaTable       = 21,                           /* Takes a VDRetrieveGammaPtr */            
    cscSupportsHardwareCursor   = 22,                           /* Takes a VDSupportsHardwareCursorPtr */   
    cscGetHardwareCursorDrawState = 23,                         /* Takes a VDHardwareCursorDrawStatePtr */  
    cscGetConvolution           = 24,                           /* Takes a VDConvolutionInfoPtr */          
    cscGetPowerState            = 25,                           /* Takes a VDPowerStatePtr */               
    cscPrivateStatusCall        = 26,                           /* Takes a VDPrivateSelectorDataRec*/
    cscGetDDCBlock              = 27,                           /* Takes a VDDDCBlockRec  */
    cscGetMultiConnect          = 28,                           /* From a GDI point of view, this call should be implemented completely in the HAL and not at all in the core.*/
    cscGetClutBehavior          = 29,                           /* Takes a VDClutBehavior */
    cscGetTimingRanges          = 30,                           /* Takes a VDDisplayTimingRangePtr */
    cscGetDetailedTiming        = 31,                           /* Takes a VDDetailedTimingPtr */
    cscGetCommunicationInfo     = 32,                           /* Takes a VDCommunicationInfoPtr */
    cscGetScalerInfo		= 35,				/* Takes a VDScalerInfoPtr */
    cscGetScaler		= 36,				/* Takes a VDScalerPtr */
    cscGetMirror                = 37,				/* Takes a VDMirrorPtr*/
    cscGetFeatureConfiguration  = 38,				/* Takes a VDConfigurationPtr*/
    cscGetFeatureList           = 39

/* Bit definitions for the Get/Set Sync call*/
enum {
    kDisableHorizontalSyncBit   = 0,
    kDisableVerticalSyncBit     = 1,
    kDisableCompositeSyncBit    = 2,
    kEnableSyncOnBlue           = 3,
    kEnableSyncOnGreen          = 4,
    kEnableSyncOnRed            = 5,
    kNoSeparateSyncControlBit   = 6,
    kTriStateSyncBit            = 7,
    kHorizontalSyncMask         = 0x01,
    kVerticalSyncMask           = 0x02,
    kCompositeSyncMask          = 0x04,
    kDPMSSyncMask               = 0x07,
    kTriStateSyncMask           = 0x80,
    kSyncOnBlueMask             = 0x08,
    kSyncOnGreenMask            = 0x10,
    kSyncOnRedMask              = 0x20,
    kSyncOnMask                 = 0x38

enum {
                                                                /*    Power Mode constants for translating DPMS modes to Get/SetSync calls.  */
    kDPMSSyncOn                 = 0,
    kDPMSSyncStandby            = 1,
    kDPMSSyncSuspend            = 2,
    kDPMSSyncOff                = 7

/* Bit definitions for the Get/Set Convolution call*/
enum {
    kConvolved                  = 0,
    kLiveVideoPassThru          = 1,
    kConvolvedMask              = 0x01,
    kLiveVideoPassThruMask      = 0x02

struct VPBlock {
    UInt32                           vpBaseOffset;               /*Offset to page zero of video RAM (From minorBaseOS).*/
#if __LP64__
    UInt32                           vpRowBytes;                 /*Width of each row of video memory.*/
    SInt16                           vpRowBytes;                 /*Width of each row of video memory.*/
    Rect                            vpBounds;                   /*BoundsRect for the video display (gives dimensions).*/
    SInt16                           vpVersion;                  /*PixelMap version number.*/
    SInt16                           vpPackType;
    UInt32                           vpPackSize;
    UInt32                            vpHRes;                     /*Horizontal resolution of the device (pixels per inch).*/
    UInt32                            vpVRes;                     /*Vertical resolution of the device (pixels per inch).*/
    SInt16                           vpPixelType;                /*Defines the pixel type.*/
    SInt16                           vpPixelSize;                /*Number of bits in pixel.*/
    SInt16                           vpCmpCount;                 /*Number of components in pixel.*/
    SInt16                           vpCmpSize;                  /*Number of bits per component*/
    UInt32                            vpPlaneBytes;               /*Offset from one plane to the next.*/
typedef struct VPBlock                  VPBlock;
typedef VPBlock *                       VPBlockPtr;

struct VDEntryRecord {
    Ptr                             csTable;                    /* pointer to color table entry=value, r,g,b:INTEGER*/
typedef struct VDEntryRecord            VDEntryRecord;

typedef VDEntryRecord *                 VDEntRecPtr;
/* Parm block for SetGray control call */

struct VDGrayRecord {
    Boolean                         csMode;                     /*Same as GDDevType value (0=color, 1=mono)*/
    SInt8                           filler;
typedef struct VDGrayRecord             VDGrayRecord;

typedef VDGrayRecord *                  VDGrayPtr;
/* Parm block for SetInterrupt call */

struct VDFlagRecord {
    SInt8                           csMode;
    SInt8                           filler;
typedef struct VDFlagRecord             VDFlagRecord;

typedef VDFlagRecord *                  VDFlagRecPtr;
/* Parm block for SetEntries control call */

struct VDSetEntryRecord {
    ColorSpec *                     csTable;                    /*Pointer to an array of color specs*/
    SInt16                           csStart;                    /*Which spec in array to start with, or -1*/
    SInt16                           csCount;                    /*Number of color spec entries to set*/
typedef struct VDSetEntryRecord         VDSetEntryRecord;

typedef VDSetEntryRecord *              VDSetEntryPtr;
/* Parm block for SetGamma control call */

struct VDGammaRecord {
    Ptr                             csGTable;                   /*pointer to gamma table*/
typedef struct VDGammaRecord            VDGammaRecord;

typedef VDGammaRecord *                 VDGamRecPtr;

struct VDSwitchInfoRec {
    DepthMode                  csMode;                     /* mode depth*/
    DisplayModeID                   csData;                     /* functional sResource of mode*/
    UInt16                  csPage;                     /* page to switch in*/
    Ptr                             csBaseAddr;                 /* base address of page (return value)*/
    uintptr_t                   csReserved;                 /* Reserved (set to 0) */
typedef struct VDSwitchInfoRec          VDSwitchInfoRec;

typedef VDSwitchInfoRec *               VDSwitchInfoPtr;

struct VDTimingInfoRec {
    DisplayModeID                   csTimingMode;               /* timing mode (a la InitGDevice) */
    uintptr_t                   csTimingReserved;           /* reserved */
    UInt32                   csTimingFormat;             /* what format is the timing info */
    UInt32                   csTimingData;               /* data supplied by driver */
    UInt32                   csTimingFlags;              /* mode within device */
typedef struct VDTimingInfoRec          VDTimingInfoRec;

typedef VDTimingInfoRec *               VDTimingInfoPtr;

struct VDDisplayConnectInfoRec {
    UInt16                  csDisplayType;              /* Type of display connected */
    UInt8                   csConnectTaggedType;        /* type of tagging */
    UInt8                   csConnectTaggedData;        /* tagging data */
    UInt32                   csConnectFlags;             /* tell us about the connection */
    uintptr_t                   csDisplayComponent;         /* if the card has a direct connection to the display, it returns the display component here (FUTURE) */
    uintptr_t                   csConnectReserved;          /* reserved */
typedef struct VDDisplayConnectInfoRec  VDDisplayConnectInfoRec;

typedef VDDisplayConnectInfoRec *       VDDisplayConnectInfoPtr;

struct VDMultiConnectInfoRec {
    UInt32                   csDisplayCountOrNumber;     /* For GetMultiConnect, returns count n of 1..n connections; otherwise, indicates the ith connection.*/
    VDDisplayConnectInfoRec         csConnectInfo;              /* Standard VDDisplayConnectionInfo for connection i.*/
typedef struct VDMultiConnectInfoRec    VDMultiConnectInfoRec;

typedef VDMultiConnectInfoRec *         VDMultiConnectInfoPtr;
/* RawSenseCode
    This abstract data type is not exactly abstract.  Rather, it is merely enumerated constants
    for the possible raw sense code values when 'standard' sense code hardware is implemented.

    For 'standard' sense code hardware, the raw sense is obtained as follows:
        o Instruct the frame buffer controller NOT to actively drive any of the monitor sense lines
        o Read the state of the monitor sense lines 2, 1, and 0.  (2 is the MSB, 0 the LSB)

    IMPORTANT Note: 
    When the 'kTaggingInfoNonStandard' bit of 'csConnectFlags' is FALSE, then these constants 
    are valid 'csConnectTaggedType' values in 'VDDisplayConnectInfo' 

typedef UInt8                   RawSenseCode;
enum {
    kRSCZero                    = 0,
    kRSCOne                     = 1,
    kRSCTwo                     = 2,
    kRSCThree                   = 3,
    kRSCFour                    = 4,
    kRSCFive                    = 5,
    kRSCSix                     = 6,
    kRSCSeven                   = 7

/* ExtendedSenseCode
    This abstract data type is not exactly abstract.  Rather, it is merely enumerated constants
    for the values which are possible when the extended sense algorithm is applied to hardware
    which implements 'standard' sense code hardware.

    For 'standard' sense code hardware, the extended sense code algorithm is as follows:
    (Note:  as described here, sense line 'A' corresponds to '2', 'B' to '1', and 'C' to '0')
        o Drive sense line 'A' low and read the values of 'B' and 'C'.  
        o Drive sense line 'B' low and read the values of 'A' and 'C'.
        o Drive sense line 'C' low and read the values of 'A' and 'B'.

    In this way, a six-bit number of the form BC/AC/AB is generated. 

    IMPORTANT Note: 
    When the 'kTaggingInfoNonStandard' bit of 'csConnectFlags' is FALSE, then these constants 
    are valid 'csConnectTaggedData' values in 'VDDisplayConnectInfo' 

typedef UInt8                   ExtendedSenseCode;
enum {
    kESCZero21Inch              = 0x00,                         /* 21" RGB                     */
    kESCOnePortraitMono         = 0x14,                         /* Portrait Monochrome              */
    kESCTwo12Inch               = 0x21,                         /* 12" RGB                    */
    kESCThree21InchRadius       = 0x31,                         /* 21" RGB (Radius)               */
    kESCThree21InchMonoRadius   = 0x34,                         /* 21" Monochrome (Radius)           */
    kESCThree21InchMono         = 0x35,                         /* 21" Monochrome               */
    kESCFourNTSC                = 0x0A,                         /* NTSC                     */
    kESCFivePortrait            = 0x1E,                         /* Portrait RGB              */
    kESCSixMSB1                 = 0x03,                         /* MultiScan Band-1 (12" thru 1Six")  */
    kESCSixMSB2                 = 0x0B,                         /* MultiScan Band-2 (13" thru 19")       */
    kESCSixMSB3                 = 0x23,                         /* MultiScan Band-3 (13" thru 21")       */
    kESCSixStandard             = 0x2B,                         /* 13"/14" RGB or 12" Monochrome   */
    kESCSevenPAL                = 0x00,                         /* PAL                        */
    kESCSevenNTSC               = 0x14,                         /* NTSC                     */
    kESCSevenVGA                = 0x17,                         /* VGA                        */
    kESCSeven16Inch             = 0x2D,                         /* 16" RGB (GoldFish)               */
    kESCSevenPALAlternate       = 0x30,                         /* PAL (Alternate)                */
    kESCSeven19Inch             = 0x3A,                         /* Third-Party 19"                 */
    kESCSevenDDC                = 0x3E,                         /* DDC display                   */
    kESCSevenNoDisplay          = 0x3F                          /* No display connected           */

/* DepthMode
    This abstract data type is used to to reference RELATIVE pixel depths.
    Its definition is largely derived from its past usage, analogous to 'xxxVidMode'

    Bits per pixel DOES NOT directly map to 'DepthMode'  For example, on some
    graphics hardware, 'kDepthMode1' may represent 1 BPP, whereas on other
    hardware, 'kDepthMode1' may represent 8BPP.

    DepthMode IS considered to be ordinal, i.e., operations such as <, >, ==, etc.
    behave as expected.  The values of the constants which comprise the set are such
    that 'kDepthMode4 < kDepthMode6' behaves as expected.
enum {
    kDepthMode1                 = 128,
    kDepthMode2                 = 129,
    kDepthMode3                 = 130,
    kDepthMode4                 = 131,
    kDepthMode5                 = 132,
    kDepthMode6                 = 133

enum {
    kFirstDepthMode             = 128,                          /* These constants are obsolete, and just included    */
    kSecondDepthMode            = 129,                          /* for clients that have converted to the above     */
    kThirdDepthMode             = 130,                          /* kDepthModeXXX constants.                */
    kFourthDepthMode            = 131,
    kFifthDepthMode             = 132,
    kSixthDepthMode             = 133

struct VDPageInfo {
    DepthMode                           csMode;                     /* mode within device*/
    DisplayModeID                            csData;                     /* data supplied by driver*/
    SInt16                           csPage;                     /* page to switch in*/
    Ptr                             csBaseAddr;                 /* base address of page*/
typedef struct VDPageInfo               VDPageInfo;

typedef VDPageInfo *                    VDPgInfoPtr;

struct VDSizeInfo {
    SInt16                           csHSize;                    /* desired/returned h size*/
    SInt16                           csHPos;                     /* desired/returned h position*/
    SInt16                           csVSize;                    /* desired/returned v size*/
    SInt16                           csVPos;                     /* desired/returned v position*/
typedef struct VDSizeInfo               VDSizeInfo;

typedef VDSizeInfo *                    VDSzInfoPtr;

struct VDSettings {
    SInt16                           csParamCnt;                 /* number of params*/
    SInt16                           csBrightMax;                /* max brightness*/
    SInt16                           csBrightDef;                /* default brightness*/
    SInt16                           csBrightVal;                /* current brightness*/
    SInt16                           csCntrstMax;                /* max contrast*/
    SInt16                           csCntrstDef;                /* default contrast*/
    SInt16                           csCntrstVal;                /* current contrast*/
    SInt16                           csTintMax;                  /* max tint*/
    SInt16                           csTintDef;                  /* default tint*/
    SInt16                           csTintVal;                  /* current tint*/
    SInt16                           csHueMax;                   /* max hue*/
    SInt16                           csHueDef;                   /* default hue*/
    SInt16                           csHueVal;                   /* current hue*/
    SInt16                           csHorizDef;                 /* default horizontal*/
    SInt16                           csHorizVal;                 /* current horizontal*/
    SInt16                           csHorizMax;                 /* max horizontal*/
    SInt16                           csVertDef;                  /* default vertical*/
    SInt16                           csVertVal;                  /* current vertical*/
    SInt16                           csVertMax;                  /* max vertical*/
typedef struct VDSettings               VDSettings;
typedef VDSettings *                    VDSettingsPtr;

struct VDDefMode {
    UInt8                           csID;
    SInt8                           filler;
typedef struct VDDefMode                VDDefMode;
typedef VDDefMode *                     VDDefModePtr;

struct VDSyncInfoRec {
    UInt8                           csMode;
    UInt8                           csFlags;
typedef struct VDSyncInfoRec            VDSyncInfoRec;

typedef VDSyncInfoRec *                 VDSyncInfoPtr;
   All displayModeID values from 0x80000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF and 0x00
   are reserved for Apple Computer.
/* Constants for the cscGetNextResolution call */
enum {
    kDisplayModeIDCurrent       = 0x00,                         /* Reference the Current DisplayModeID */
    kDisplayModeIDInvalid       = (IODisplayModeID)0xFFFFFFFF,             /* A bogus DisplayModeID in all cases */
    kDisplayModeIDFindFirstResolution = (IODisplayModeID)0xFFFFFFFE,       /* Used in cscGetNextResolution to reset iterator */
    kDisplayModeIDNoMoreResolutions = (IODisplayModeID)0xFFFFFFFD,         /* Used in cscGetNextResolution to indicate End Of List */
    kDisplayModeIDFindFirstProgrammable = (IODisplayModeID)0xFFFFFFFC,     /* Used in cscGetNextResolution to find unused programmable timing */
    kDisplayModeIDBootProgrammable = (IODisplayModeID)0xFFFFFFFB,          /* This is the ID given at boot time by the OF driver to a programmable timing */
    kDisplayModeIDReservedBase  = (IODisplayModeID)0x80000000              /* Lowest (unsigned) DisplayModeID reserved by Apple */

/* Constants for the GetGammaInfoList call */
enum {
    kGammaTableIDFindFirst      = (GammaTableID)0xFFFFFFFE,             /* Get the first gamma table ID */
    kGammaTableIDNoMoreTables   = (GammaTableID)0xFFFFFFFD,             /* Used to indicate end of list */
    kGammaTableIDSpecific       = 0x00                          /* Return the info for the given table id */

/* Constants for GetMultiConnect call*/
enum {
    kGetConnectionCount         = 0xFFFFFFFF,             /* Used to get the number of possible connections in a "multi-headed" framebuffer environment.*/
    kActivateConnection         = (0 << kConnectionInactive),   /* Used for activating a connection (csConnectFlags value).*/
    kDeactivateConnection       = (1 << kConnectionInactive)    /* Used for deactivating a connection (csConnectFlags value.)*/

/* VDCommunicationRec.csBusID values*/
enum {
    kVideoDefaultBus            = 0

/* VDCommunicationInfoRec.csBusType values*/
enum {
    kVideoBusTypeInvalid        = 0,
    kVideoBusTypeI2C            = 1,
    kVideoBusTypeDisplayPort    = 2

/* VDCommunicationRec.csSendType and VDCommunicationRec.csReplyType values*/
enum {
    kVideoNoTransactionType     = 0,	/* No transaction*/
    kVideoNoTransactionTypeMask = (1 << kVideoNoTransactionType),
    kVideoSimpleI2CType         = 1,	/* Simple I2C message*/
    kVideoSimpleI2CTypeMask     = (1 << kVideoSimpleI2CType),
    kVideoDDCciReplyType        = 2,	/* DDC/ci message (with imbedded length)*/
    kVideoDDCciReplyTypeMask    = (1 << kVideoDDCciReplyType),
    kVideoCombinedI2CType       = 3,    /* Combined format I2C R/~W transaction*/
    kVideoCombinedI2CTypeMask   = (1 << kVideoCombinedI2CType),
    kVideoDisplayPortNativeType       = 4,    /* DisplayPort Native */
    kVideoDisplayPortNativeTypeMask   = (1 << kVideoDisplayPortNativeType)

// VDCommunicationRec.csCommFlags and VDCommunicationInfoRec.csSupportedCommFlags
enum {
    kVideoReplyMicroSecDelayBit   = 0,    /* If bit set, the driver should delay csMinReplyDelay micro seconds between send and receive*/
    kVideoReplyMicroSecDelayMask  = (1 << kVideoReplyMicroSecDelayBit),
    kVideoUsageAddrSubAddrBit     = 1,    /* If bit set, the driver understands to use the lower 16 bits of the address field as two 8 bit values (address/subaddress) for the I2C transaction*/
    kVideoUsageAddrSubAddrMask    = (1 << kVideoUsageAddrSubAddrBit)

struct VDResolutionInfoRec {
    DisplayModeID                   csPreviousDisplayModeID;    /* ID of the previous resolution in a chain */
    DisplayModeID                   csDisplayModeID;            /* ID of the next resolution */
    UInt32                   csHorizontalPixels;         /* # of pixels in a horizontal line at the max depth */
    UInt32                   csVerticalLines;            /* # of lines in a screen at the max depth */
    Fixed                           csRefreshRate;              /* Vertical Refresh Rate in Hz */
    DepthMode                       csMaxDepthMode;             /* 0x80-based number representing max bit depth */
    UInt32                   csResolutionFlags;          /* Reserved - flag bits */
    uintptr_t                   csReserved;                 /* Reserved */
typedef struct VDResolutionInfoRec      VDResolutionInfoRec;

typedef VDResolutionInfoRec *           VDResolutionInfoPtr;

struct VDVideoParametersInfoRec {
    DisplayModeID                   csDisplayModeID;            /* the ID of the resolution we want info on */
    DepthMode                       csDepthMode;                /* The bit depth we want the info on (0x80 based) */
    VPBlockPtr                      csVPBlockPtr;               /* Pointer to a video parameter block */
    UInt32                   csPageCount;                /* Number of pages supported by the resolution */
    VideoDeviceType                 csDeviceType;               /* Device Type:  Direct, Fixed or CLUT; */
    UInt32                          csDepthFlags;               /* Flags */
typedef struct VDVideoParametersInfoRec VDVideoParametersInfoRec;

typedef VDVideoParametersInfoRec *      VDVideoParametersInfoPtr;

struct VDGammaInfoRec {
    GammaTableID                    csLastGammaID;              /* the ID of the previous gamma table */
    GammaTableID                    csNextGammaID;              /* the ID of the next gamma table */
    Ptr                             csGammaPtr;                 /* Ptr to a gamma table data */
    uintptr_t                   csReserved;                 /* Reserved */
typedef struct VDGammaInfoRec           VDGammaInfoRec;

typedef VDGammaInfoRec *                VDGammaInfoPtr;

struct VDGetGammaListRec {
    GammaTableID                    csPreviousGammaTableID;     /* ID of the previous gamma table */
    GammaTableID                    csGammaTableID;             /* ID of the gamma table following csPreviousDisplayModeID */
    UInt32                   csGammaTableSize;           /* Size of the gamma table in bytes */
    char *                          csGammaTableName;           /* Gamma table name (c-string) */
typedef struct VDGetGammaListRec        VDGetGammaListRec;

typedef VDGetGammaListRec *             VDGetGammaListPtr;

struct VDRetrieveGammaRec {
    GammaTableID                    csGammaTableID;             /* ID of gamma table to retrieve */
    GammaTbl *                      csGammaTablePtr;            /* Location to copy desired gamma to */
typedef struct VDRetrieveGammaRec       VDRetrieveGammaRec;

typedef VDRetrieveGammaRec *            VDRetrieveGammaPtr;

struct VDSetHardwareCursorRec {
    void *                          csCursorRef;                /* reference to cursor data */
    UInt32                          csReserved1;                /* reserved for future use */
    UInt32                          csReserved2;                /* should be ignored */
typedef struct VDSetHardwareCursorRec   VDSetHardwareCursorRec;

typedef VDSetHardwareCursorRec *        VDSetHardwareCursorPtr;

struct VDDrawHardwareCursorRec {
    SInt32                          csCursorX;                  /* x coordinate */
    SInt32                          csCursorY;                  /* y coordinate */
    UInt32                          csCursorVisible;            /* true if cursor is must be visible */
    UInt32                          csReserved1;                /* reserved for future use */
    UInt32                          csReserved2;                /* should be ignored */
typedef struct VDDrawHardwareCursorRec  VDDrawHardwareCursorRec;

typedef VDDrawHardwareCursorRec *       VDDrawHardwareCursorPtr;

struct VDSupportsHardwareCursorRec {
    UInt32                          csSupportsHardwareCursor;
                                                                /* true if hardware cursor is supported */
    UInt32                          csReserved1;                /* reserved for future use */
    UInt32                          csReserved2;                /* must be zero */
typedef struct VDSupportsHardwareCursorRec VDSupportsHardwareCursorRec;

typedef VDSupportsHardwareCursorRec *   VDSupportsHardwareCursorPtr;

struct VDHardwareCursorDrawStateRec {
    SInt32                          csCursorX;                  /* x coordinate */
    SInt32                          csCursorY;                  /* y coordinate */
    UInt32                          csCursorVisible;            /* true if cursor is visible */
    UInt32                          csCursorSet;                /* true if cursor successfully set by last set control call */
    UInt32                          csReserved1;                /* reserved for future use */
    UInt32                          csReserved2;                /* must be zero */
typedef struct VDHardwareCursorDrawStateRec VDHardwareCursorDrawStateRec;

typedef VDHardwareCursorDrawStateRec *  VDHardwareCursorDrawStatePtr;

struct VDConvolutionInfoRec {
    DisplayModeID                   csDisplayModeID;            /* the ID of the resolution we want info on */
    DepthMode                       csDepthMode;                /* The bit depth we want the info on (0x80 based) */
    UInt32                   csPage;
    UInt32                          csFlags;
    UInt32                          csReserved;
typedef struct VDConvolutionInfoRec     VDConvolutionInfoRec;

typedef VDConvolutionInfoRec *          VDConvolutionInfoPtr;

struct VDPowerStateRec {
    UInt32                   powerState;
    UInt32                   powerFlags;

    uintptr_t                powerReserved1;
    uintptr_t                powerReserved2;
typedef struct VDPowerStateRec          VDPowerStateRec;

typedef VDPowerStateRec *               VDPowerStatePtr;
    Private Data to video drivers.
    In versions of MacOS with multiple address spaces (System 8), the OS 
    must know the extent of parameters in order to move them between the caller
    and driver.  The old private-selector model for video drivers does not have
    this information so:
    For post-7.x Systems private calls should be implemented using the cscPrivateCall

struct VDPrivateSelectorDataRec {
    LogicalAddress                  privateParameters;          /* Caller's parameters*/
    ByteCount                       privateParametersSize;      /* Size of data sent from caller to driver*/
    LogicalAddress                  privateResults;             /* Caller's return area. Can be nil, or same as privateParameters.*/
    ByteCount                       privateResultsSize;         /* Size of data driver returns to caller. Can be nil, or same as privateParametersSize.*/
typedef struct VDPrivateSelectorDataRec VDPrivateSelectorDataRec;

struct VDPrivateSelectorRec {
    UInt32                          reserved;                   /* Reserved (set to 0). */
    VDPrivateSelectorDataRec        data[1];
typedef struct VDPrivateSelectorRec     VDPrivateSelectorRec;

struct VDDDCBlockRec {
    UInt32                          ddcBlockNumber;             /* Input -- DDC EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) number (1-based) */
    ResType                         ddcBlockType;               /* Input -- DDC block type (EDID/VDIF) */
    UInt32                          ddcFlags;                   /* Input -- DDC Flags*/
    UInt32                          ddcReserved;                /* Reserved */
    Byte                            ddcBlockData[128];          /* Output -- DDC EDID/VDIF data (kDDCBlockSize) */
typedef struct VDDDCBlockRec            VDDDCBlockRec;

typedef VDDDCBlockRec *                 VDDDCBlockPtr;

enum {
                                                                /* timingSyncConfiguration*/
    kSyncInterlaceMask          = (1 << 7),
    kSyncAnalogCompositeMask    = 0,
    kSyncAnalogCompositeSerrateMask = (1 << 2),
    kSyncAnalogCompositeRGBSyncMask = (1 << 1),
    kSyncAnalogBipolarMask      = (1 << 3),
    kSyncAnalogBipolarSerrateMask = (1 << 2),
    kSyncAnalogBipolarSRGBSyncMask = (1 << 1),
    kSyncDigitalCompositeMask   = (1 << 4),
    kSyncDigitalCompositeSerrateMask = (1 << 2),
    kSyncDigitalCompositeMatchHSyncMask = (1 << 2),
    kSyncDigitalSeperateMask    = (1 << 4) + (1 << 3),
    kSyncDigitalVSyncPositiveMask = (1 << 2),
    kSyncDigitalHSyncPositiveMask = (1 << 1)

struct VDDisplayTimingRangeRec {
    UInt32                          csRangeSize;                /* Init to sizeof(VDDisplayTimingRangeRec) */
    UInt32                          csRangeType;                /* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csRangeVersion;             /* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csRangeReserved;            /* Init to 0 */

    UInt32                          csRangeBlockIndex;          /* Requested block (first index is 0)*/
    UInt32                          csRangeGroup;               /* set to 0 */
    UInt32                          csRangeBlockCount;          /* # blocks */
    UInt32                          csRangeFlags;               /* dependent video */

    UInt64                          csMinPixelClock;            /* Min dot clock in Hz */
    UInt64                          csMaxPixelClock;            /* Max dot clock in Hz */

    UInt32                          csMaxPixelError;            /* Max dot clock error */
    UInt32                          csTimingRangeSyncFlags;
    UInt32                          csTimingRangeSignalLevels;
    UInt32                          csTimingRangeSupportedSignalConfigs;

    UInt32                          csMinFrameRate;             /* Hz */
    UInt32                          csMaxFrameRate;             /* Hz */
    UInt32                          csMinLineRate;              /* Hz */
    UInt32                          csMaxLineRate;              /* Hz */

    UInt32                          csMaxHorizontalTotal;       /* Clocks - Maximum total (active + blanking) */
    UInt32                          csMaxVerticalTotal;         /* Clocks - Maximum total (active + blanking) */
    UInt32                          csMaxTotalReserved1;        /* Reserved */
    UInt32                          csMaxTotalReserved2;        /* Reserved */

                                                                /* Some cards require that some timing elements*/
                                                                /* be multiples of a "character size" (often 8*/
                                                                /* clocks).  The "xxxxCharSize" fields document*/
                                                                /* those requirements.*/

    UInt8                           csCharSizeHorizontalActive; /* Character size */
    UInt8                           csCharSizeHorizontalBlanking; /* Character size */
    UInt8                           csCharSizeHorizontalSyncOffset; /* Character size */
    UInt8                           csCharSizeHorizontalSyncPulse; /* Character size */

    UInt8                           csCharSizeVerticalActive;   /* Character size */
    UInt8                           csCharSizeVerticalBlanking; /* Character size */
    UInt8                           csCharSizeVerticalSyncOffset; /* Character size */
    UInt8                           csCharSizeVerticalSyncPulse; /* Character size */

    UInt8                           csCharSizeHorizontalBorderLeft; /* Character size */
    UInt8                           csCharSizeHorizontalBorderRight; /* Character size */
    UInt8                           csCharSizeVerticalBorderTop; /* Character size */
    UInt8                           csCharSizeVerticalBorderBottom; /* Character size */

    UInt8                           csCharSizeHorizontalTotal;  /* Character size for active + blanking */
    UInt8                           csCharSizeVerticalTotal;    /* Character size for active + blanking */
    UInt16                          csCharSizeReserved1;        /* Reserved (Init to 0) */

    UInt32                          csMinHorizontalActiveClocks;
    UInt32                          csMaxHorizontalActiveClocks;
    UInt32                          csMinHorizontalBlankingClocks;
    UInt32                          csMaxHorizontalBlankingClocks;

    UInt32                          csMinHorizontalSyncOffsetClocks;
    UInt32                          csMaxHorizontalSyncOffsetClocks;
    UInt32                          csMinHorizontalPulseWidthClocks;
    UInt32                          csMaxHorizontalPulseWidthClocks;

    UInt32                          csMinVerticalActiveClocks;
    UInt32                          csMaxVerticalActiveClocks;
    UInt32                          csMinVerticalBlankingClocks;
    UInt32                          csMaxVerticalBlankingClocks;

    UInt32                          csMinVerticalSyncOffsetClocks;
    UInt32                          csMaxVerticalSyncOffsetClocks;
    UInt32                          csMinVerticalPulseWidthClocks;
    UInt32                          csMaxVerticalPulseWidthClocks;

    UInt32                          csMinHorizontalBorderLeft;
    UInt32                          csMaxHorizontalBorderLeft;
    UInt32                          csMinHorizontalBorderRight;
    UInt32                          csMaxHorizontalBorderRight;

    UInt32                          csMinVerticalBorderTop;
    UInt32                          csMaxVerticalBorderTop;
    UInt32                          csMinVerticalBorderBottom;
    UInt32                          csMaxVerticalBorderBottom;

    UInt32                          csMaxNumLinks;                /* number of links, if zero, assume link 1 */
    UInt32                          csMinLink0PixelClock;	  /* min pixel clock for link 0 (kHz) */
    UInt32                          csMaxLink0PixelClock;         /* max pixel clock for link 0 (kHz) */
    UInt32                          csMinLink1PixelClock;         /* min pixel clock for link 1 (kHz) */
    UInt32                          csMaxLink1PixelClock;         /* max pixel clock for link 1 (kHz) */

    UInt32                          csReserved6;                /* Reserved (Init to 0)*/
    UInt32                          csReserved7;                /* Reserved (Init to 0)*/
    UInt32                          csReserved8;                /* Reserved (Init to 0)*/
typedef struct VDDisplayTimingRangeRec  VDDisplayTimingRangeRec;

typedef VDDisplayTimingRangeRec *       VDDisplayTimingRangePtr;

enum {
                                                                /* csDisplayModeState*/
    kDMSModeReady               = 0,                            /* Display Mode ID is configured and ready*/
    kDMSModeNotReady            = 1,                            /* Display Mode ID is is being programmed*/
    kDMSModeFree                = 2                             /* Display Mode ID is not associated with a timing*/

/* Video driver Errors -10930 to -10959 */
enum {
    kTimingChangeRestrictedErr  = -10930,
    kVideoI2CReplyPendingErr    = -10931,
    kVideoI2CTransactionErr     = -10932,
    kVideoI2CBusyErr            = -10933,
    kVideoI2CTransactionTypeErr = -10934,
    kVideoBufferSizeErr         = -10935,
    kVideoCannotMirrorErr       = -10936

enum {
                                                                /* csTimingRangeSignalLevels*/
    kRangeSupportsSignal_0700_0300_Bit = 0,
    kRangeSupportsSignal_0714_0286_Bit = 1,
    kRangeSupportsSignal_1000_0400_Bit = 2,
    kRangeSupportsSignal_0700_0000_Bit = 3,
    kRangeSupportsSignal_0700_0300_Mask = (1 << kRangeSupportsSignal_0700_0300_Bit),
    kRangeSupportsSignal_0714_0286_Mask = (1 << kRangeSupportsSignal_0714_0286_Bit),
    kRangeSupportsSignal_1000_0400_Mask = (1 << kRangeSupportsSignal_1000_0400_Bit),
    kRangeSupportsSignal_0700_0000_Mask = (1 << kRangeSupportsSignal_0700_0000_Bit)

enum {
                                                                /* csSignalConfig*/
    kDigitalSignalBit            = 0,                            /* Do not set.  Mac OS does not currently support arbitrary digital timings*/
    kAnalogSetupExpectedBit      = 1,                            /* Analog displays - display expects a blank-to-black setup or pedestal.  See VESA signal standards.*/
    kInterlacedCEA861SyncModeBit = 2,

    kDigitalSignalMask            = (1 << kDigitalSignalBit),
    kAnalogSetupExpectedMask      = (1 << kAnalogSetupExpectedBit),
    kInterlacedCEA861SyncModeMask = (1 << kInterlacedCEA861SyncModeBit)

enum {
                                                                /* csSignalLevels for analog*/
    kAnalogSignalLevel_0700_0300 = 0,
    kAnalogSignalLevel_0714_0286 = 1,
    kAnalogSignalLevel_1000_0400 = 2,
    kAnalogSignalLevel_0700_0000 = 3

enum {
                                                                /* csTimingRangeSyncFlags*/
    kRangeSupportsSeperateSyncsBit = 0,
    kRangeSupportsSyncOnGreenBit = 1,
    kRangeSupportsCompositeSyncBit = 2,
    kRangeSupportsVSyncSerrationBit = 3,
    kRangeSupportsSeperateSyncsMask = (1 << kRangeSupportsSeperateSyncsBit),
    kRangeSupportsSyncOnGreenMask = (1 << kRangeSupportsSyncOnGreenBit),
    kRangeSupportsCompositeSyncMask = (1 << kRangeSupportsCompositeSyncBit),
    kRangeSupportsVSyncSerrationMask = (1 << kRangeSupportsVSyncSerrationBit)

enum {
                                                                /* csHorizontalSyncConfig and csVerticalSyncConfig*/
    kSyncPositivePolarityBit    = 0,                            /* Digital separate sync polarity for analog interfaces (0 => negative polarity)*/
    kSyncPositivePolarityMask   = (1 << kSyncPositivePolarityBit)

/* For timings with kDetailedTimingFormat.*/

struct VDDetailedTimingRec {
    UInt32                          csTimingSize;               /* Init to sizeof(VDDetailedTimingRec)*/
    UInt32                          csTimingType;               /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32                          csTimingVersion;            /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32                          csTimingReserved;           /* Init to 0*/

    DisplayModeID                   csDisplayModeID;            /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32                          csDisplayModeSeed;          /* */
    UInt32                          csDisplayModeState;         /* Display Mode state*/
    UInt32                          csDisplayModeAlias;         /* Mode to use when programmed.*/

    UInt32                          csSignalConfig;
    UInt32                          csSignalLevels;

    UInt64                          csPixelClock;               /* Hz*/

    UInt64                          csMinPixelClock;            /* Hz - With error what is slowest actual clock */
    UInt64                          csMaxPixelClock;            /* Hz - With error what is fasted actual clock */

    UInt32                          csHorizontalActive;         /* Pixels*/
    UInt32                          csHorizontalBlanking;       /* Pixels*/
    UInt32                          csHorizontalSyncOffset;     /* Pixels*/
    UInt32                          csHorizontalSyncPulseWidth; /* Pixels*/

    UInt32                          csVerticalActive;           /* Lines*/
    UInt32                          csVerticalBlanking;         /* Lines*/
    UInt32                          csVerticalSyncOffset;       /* Lines*/
    UInt32                          csVerticalSyncPulseWidth;   /* Lines*/

    UInt32                          csHorizontalBorderLeft;     /* Pixels*/
    UInt32                          csHorizontalBorderRight;    /* Pixels*/
    UInt32                          csVerticalBorderTop;        /* Lines*/
    UInt32                          csVerticalBorderBottom;     /* Lines*/

    UInt32                          csHorizontalSyncConfig;
    UInt32                          csHorizontalSyncLevel;      /* Future use (init to 0)*/
    UInt32                          csVerticalSyncConfig;
    UInt32                          csVerticalSyncLevel;        /* Future use (init to 0)*/

    UInt32                          csNumLinks;                 /* number of links, if 0 = assume link - 0 */

    UInt32                          csReserved2;                /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32                          csReserved3;                /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32                          csReserved4;                /* Init to 0*/

    UInt32                          csReserved5;                /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32                          csReserved6;                /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32                          csReserved7;                /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32                          csReserved8;                /* Init to 0*/
typedef struct VDDetailedTimingRec      VDDetailedTimingRec;

typedef VDDetailedTimingRec *           VDDetailedTimingPtr;

/* csScalerFeatures */
enum {
    kScaleStretchOnlyMask	  = (1<<0),			/* True means the driver cannot add borders to avoid non-square pixels */
    kScaleCanUpSamplePixelsMask	  = (1<<1),			/* True means timings with more active clocks than pixels (ie 640x480 pixels on a 1600x1200 timing) */
    kScaleCanDownSamplePixelsMask = (1<<2),			/* True means timings with fewer active clocks than pixels (ie 1600x1200  pixels on a 640x480 timing) */
    kScaleCanScaleInterlacedMask  = (1<<3),			/* True means can scale an interlaced timing */
    kScaleCanSupportInsetMask     = (1<<4),			/* True means can scale a timing with insets */
    kScaleCanRotateMask           = (1<<5),			/* True means can rotate image */
    kScaleCanBorderInsetOnlyMask  = (1<<6)			/* True means can scale a timing with insets */

/* csScalerFlags */
enum {
    kScaleStretchToFitMask	= 0x00000001,			/* True means the driver should avoid borders and allow non-square pixels */

    kScaleRotateFlagsMask	= 0x000000f0,

    kScaleSwapAxesMask		= 0x00000010,
    kScaleInvertXMask		= 0x00000020,
    kScaleInvertYMask		= 0x00000040,

    kScaleRotate0Mask		= 0x00000000,
    kScaleRotate90Mask		= kScaleSwapAxesMask | kScaleInvertXMask,
    kScaleRotate180Mask		= kScaleInvertXMask  | kScaleInvertYMask,
    kScaleRotate270Mask		= kScaleSwapAxesMask | kScaleInvertYMask

typedef UInt32			VDClutBehavior;
typedef VDClutBehavior *	VDClutBehaviorPtr;
enum {
    kSetClutAtSetEntries        = 0,                            /* SetEntries behavior is to update clut during SetEntries call*/
    kSetClutAtVBL               = 1                             /* SetEntries behavior is to upate clut at next vbl*/

struct VDCommunicationRec {
    SInt32                          csBusID;                    /* kVideoDefaultBus for single headed cards.*/
    UInt32			    csCommFlags;		/* Always zero*/
    UInt32			    csMinReplyDelay;		/* Minimum delay between send and reply transactions (units depend on csCommFlags)*/
    UInt32                          csReserved2;                /* Always zero*/

    UInt32                          csSendAddress;              /* Usually I2C address (eg 0x6E)*/
    UInt32                          csSendType;                 /* See kVideoSimpleI2CType etc.*/
    LogicalAddress                  csSendBuffer;               /* Pointer to the send buffer*/
    ByteCount                       csSendSize;                 /* Number of bytes to send*/

    UInt32                          csReplyAddress;             /* Address from which to read (eg 0x6F for kVideoDDCciReplyType I2C address)*/
    UInt32                          csReplyType;                /* See kVideoDDCciReplyType etc.*/
    LogicalAddress                  csReplyBuffer;              /* Pointer to the reply buffer*/
    ByteCount                       csReplySize;                /* Max bytes to reply (size of csReplyBuffer)*/

    UInt32                          csReserved3;
    UInt32                          csReserved4;
    UInt32                          csReserved5;                /* Always zero*/
    UInt32                          csReserved6;                /* Always zero*/
typedef struct VDCommunicationRec       VDCommunicationRec;

typedef VDCommunicationRec *            VDCommunicationPtr;

struct VDCommunicationInfoRec {
    SInt32                          csBusID;                    /* kVideoDefaultBus for single headed cards. */
    UInt32                          csBusType;                  /* See kVideoBusI2C etc.*/
    SInt32                          csMinBus;                   /* Minimum bus (usually kVideoDefaultBus).  Used to probe additional busses*/
    SInt32                          csMaxBus;                   /* Max bus (usually kVideoDefaultBus).  Used to probe additional busses*/

    UInt32                          csSupportedTypes;           /* Bit field for first 32 supported transaction types.  Eg. 0x07 => support for kVideoNoTransactionType, kVideoSimpleI2CType and kVideoDDCciReplyType.*/
    UInt32			    csSupportedCommFlags;	/* Return the flags csCommFlags understood by this driver. */
    UInt32                          csReserved2;                /* Always zero*/
    UInt32                          csReserved3;                /* Always zero*/

    UInt32                          csReserved4;                /* Always zero*/
    UInt32                          csReserved5;                /* Always zero*/
    UInt32                          csReserved6;                /* Always zero*/
    UInt32                          csReserved7;                /* Always zero*/
typedef struct VDCommunicationInfoRec   VDCommunicationInfoRec;

typedef VDCommunicationInfoRec *        VDCommunicationInfoPtr;

struct VDScalerRec {
    UInt32                          csScalerSize;		/* Init to sizeof(VDScalerRec) */
    UInt32                          csScalerVersion;		/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csReserved1;		/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csReserved2;		/* Init to 0 */
    DisplayModeID                   csDisplayModeID;		/* Display Mode ID modified by this call. */
    UInt32                          csDisplayModeSeed;		/*  */
    UInt32                          csDisplayModeState;		/* Display Mode state */
    UInt32                          csReserved3;		/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csScalerFlags;		/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csHorizontalPixels;		/* Graphics system addressable pixels */
    UInt32                          csVerticalPixels;		/* Graphics system addressable lines */
    UInt32                          csHorizontalInset;          /* Border pixels for underscan */
    UInt32                          csVerticalInset;            /* Border lines for underscan */
    UInt32                          csReserved6;		/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csReserved7;		/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csReserved8;		/* Init to 0 */
typedef struct VDScalerRec   VDScalerRec;
typedef VDScalerRec  *VDScalerPtr;

struct VDScalerInfoRec {
    UInt32                          csScalerInfoSize;		/* Init to sizeof(VDScalerInfoRec) */
    UInt32                          csScalerInfoVersion;	/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csReserved1;		/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csReserved2;		/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csScalerFeatures;		/* Feature flags */
    UInt32                          csMaxHorizontalPixels;	/* limit to horizontal scaled pixels */
    UInt32                          csMaxVerticalPixels;	/* limit to vertical scaled pixels */
    UInt32                          csReserved3;		/* Init to 0 */

    UInt32                          csReserved4;		/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csReserved5;		/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csReserved6;		/* Init to 0 */
    UInt32                          csReserved7;		/* Init to 0 */
typedef struct VDScalerInfoRec   VDScalerInfoRec;
typedef VDScalerInfoRec *VDScalerInfoPtr;

enum {
    /* csMirrorFeatures*/
    kMirrorSameDepthOnlyMirrorMask = (1 << 0),			/* Commonly true - Mirroring can only be done if the displays are the same bitdepth*/
    kMirrorSameSizeOnlyMirrorMask = (1 << 1),			/* Commonly false - Mirroring can only be done if the displays are the same size*/
    kMirrorSameTimingOnlyMirrorMask = (1 << 2),			/* Sometimes true - Mirroring can only be done if the displays are the same timing*/
    kMirrorCommonGammaMask        = (1 << 3)			/* Sometimes true - Only one gamma correction LUT.*/

enum {
    /* csMirrorSupportedFlags and csMirrorFlags*/
    kMirrorCanMirrorMask          = (1 << 0), 			/* Set means we can HW mirrored right now (uses csMirrorEntryID)*/
    kMirrorAreMirroredMask        = (1 << 1), 			/* Set means we are HW mirrored right now (uses csMirrorEntryID)*/
    kMirrorUnclippedMirrorMask    = (1 << 2), 			/* Set means mirrored displays are not clipped to their intersection*/
    kMirrorHAlignCenterMirrorMask = (1 << 3), 			/* Set means mirrored displays can/should be centered horizontally*/
    kMirrorVAlignCenterMirrorMask = (1 << 4), 			/* Set means mirrored displays can/should be centered vertically*/
    kMirrorCanChangePixelFormatMask = (1 << 5),			/* Set means mirrored the device should change the pixel format of mirrored displays to allow mirroring.*/
    kMirrorCanChangeTimingMask    = (1 << 6), 			/* Set means mirrored the device should change the timing of mirrored displays to allow mirroring.*/
    kMirrorClippedMirrorMask	  = (1 << 7)			/* Set means mirrored displays are clipped to their intersection (driver handles blacking and base address adjustment)*/

struct VDMirrorRec {
    UInt32              csMirrorSize;           /* Init to sizeof(VDMirrorRec)*/
    UInt32              csMirrorVersion;        /* Init to 0*/
    RegEntryID		csMirrorRequestID;   /* Input RegEntryID to check for mirroring support and state*/
    RegEntryID		csMirrorResultID;    /* Output RegEntryID of the next mirrored device*/
    UInt32              csMirrorFeatures;       /* Output summary features of the driver*/
    UInt32              csMirrorSupportedFlags; /* Output configuration options supported by the driver*/
    UInt32              csMirrorFlags;          /* Output configuration options active now*/
    UInt32              csReserved1;            /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32              csReserved2;            /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32              csReserved3;            /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32              csReserved4;            /* Init to 0*/
    UInt32              csReserved5;            /* Init to 0*/
typedef struct VDMirrorRec VDMirrorRec;
typedef VDMirrorRec * VDMirrorPtr;

struct VDConfigurationRec {
    UInt32              csConfigFeature;        /* input what feature to config - always input*/
    UInt32              csConfigSupport;        /* output support value - always output*/
    uintptr_t           csConfigValue;          /* input/output feature value - input on Control(), output on Status()*/
    uintptr_t           csReserved1;
    uintptr_t           csReserved2;
typedef struct VDConfigurationRec       VDConfigurationRec;
typedef VDConfigurationRec *            VDConfigurationPtr;

    kDVIPowerSwitchFeature        = (1 << 0),	/* Used for csConfigFeature*/
    kDVIPowerSwitchSupportMask    = (1 << 0),	/* Read-only*/
    kDVIPowerSwitchActiveMask     = (1 << 0),	/* Read/write for csConfigValue*/

struct VDConfigurationFeatureListRec
    OSType *	csConfigFeatureList;
    ItemCount	csNumConfigFeatures;
    uintptr_t	csReserved1;
    uintptr_t	csReserved2;
typedef struct VDConfigurationFeatureListRec   VDConfigurationFeatureListRec;
typedef VDConfigurationFeatureListRec *        VDConfigurationFeatureListRecPtr;

#ifndef __LP64__
#pragma options align=reset

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __IOMACOSVIDEO__ */