IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>  // for printf

#include "FWDebugging.h"
#include "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin.h"
#include "IOFireWireSBP2LibORB.h"

#include <IOKit/iokitmig.h>

// static interface table for IOFireWireSBP2LibLoginInterface

IOFireWireSBP2LibLoginInterface IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::sIOFireWireSBP2LibLoginInterface =
	1, 0, // version/revision

// alloc
// static allocator, called by factory method

IUnknownVTbl ** IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::alloc( io_connect_t connection,
											   mach_port_t asyncPort )
    IOReturn					status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin *	me;
	IUnknownVTbl ** 			interface = NULL;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		me = new IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin();
		if( me == NULL )
			status = kIOReturnError;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		status = me->init( connection, asyncPort );
	if( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
		delete me;

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		// we return an interface here. queryInterface will not be called. call addRef here
		interface = (IUnknownVTbl **) &me->fIOFireWireSBP2LibLoginInterface.pseudoVTable;
	return interface;

// ctor

IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin( void )
	// init cf plugin ref counting
	fRefCount = 0;
	fConnection = 0;
	fLoginRef = 0;
	fRefCon = 0;
	fLoginCallbackRoutine = NULL;
	fLoginCallbackRefCon = NULL;

	fLogoutCallbackRoutine = NULL;
	fLogoutCallbackRefCon = NULL;

	fUnsolicitedStatusNotifyRoutine = NULL;
	fUnsolicitedStatusNotifyRefCon = NULL;

	fStatusNotifyRoutine = NULL;
	fStatusNotifyRefCon = NULL;

	fFetchAgentResetCallback = NULL;
	fFetchAgentResetRefCon = NULL;
	// create test driver interface map
								= (IUnknownVTbl *) &sIOFireWireSBP2LibLoginInterface;
	fIOFireWireSBP2LibLoginInterface.obj = this;


// init

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::init( io_connect_t connection, mach_port_t asyncPort )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;

	fConnection = connection;
	fAsyncPort = asyncPort;
	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : fConnection %d, fAsyncPort %d\n",
													fConnection, fAsyncPort ));
	if( !fConnection || !fAsyncPort )
		status = kIOReturnError;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		mach_msg_type_number_t len = 1;
		status = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( connection, kIOFWSBP2UserClientCreateLogin, 
													NULL, 0, (int*)&fLoginRef, &len );
		if( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
			fLoginRef = 0; // just to make sure
		FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin :  status = 0x%08x = fLoginRef 0x%08lx\n",
																	status, fLoginRef ));
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		io_async_ref_t 			asyncRef;
		io_scalar_inband_t		params;
		mach_msg_type_number_t	size = 0;
		asyncRef[0] = 0;
		params[0]	= (UInt32)this;
		params[1]	= (UInt32)(IOAsyncCallback)&IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticLoginCompletion;
		status = io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, fAsyncPort, 
												  asyncRef, 1, 
												  params, 2,
												  NULL, &size );	
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		io_async_ref_t 			asyncRef;
		io_scalar_inband_t		params;
		mach_msg_type_number_t	size = 0;
		asyncRef[0] = 0;
		params[0]	= (UInt32)this;
		params[1]	= (UInt32)(IOAsyncCallback)&IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticLogoutCompletion;
		status = io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, fAsyncPort, 
												  asyncRef, 1, 
												  params, 2,
												  NULL, &size );	
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		io_async_ref_t 			asyncRef;
		io_scalar_inband_t		params;
		mach_msg_type_number_t	size = 0;
		asyncRef[0] = 0;
		params[0]	= (UInt32)this;
		params[1]	=    
		status = io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, fAsyncPort, 
												  asyncRef, 1, 
												  params, 2,
												  NULL, &size );	
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		io_async_ref_t 			asyncRef;
		io_scalar_inband_t		params;
		mach_msg_type_number_t	size = 0;
		asyncRef[0] = 0;
		params[0]	= (UInt32)this;
		params[1]	= (UInt32)(IOAsyncCallback)&IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticStatusNotify;
		status = io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, fAsyncPort, 
												  asyncRef, 1, 
												  params, 2,
												  NULL, &size );	

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		io_async_ref_t 			asyncRef;
		io_scalar_inband_t		params;
		mach_msg_type_number_t	size = 0;
		asyncRef[0] = 0;
		params[0]	= (UInt32)this;
		params[1]	= (UInt32)(IOAsyncCallback)&IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticFetchAgentWriteCompletion;
		status = io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, fAsyncPort, 
												  asyncRef, 1, 
												  params, 2,
												  NULL, &size );	
	return status;

// dtor

	if( fLoginRef ) 
		IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
		mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;
		status = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, 	
													(int*)&fLoginRef, 1, NULL, &len );
		FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : release login status = 0x%08x\n", status ));

// IUnknown methods

// queryInterface

HRESULT IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticQueryInterface( void * self, REFIID iid, void **ppv )
	return getThis(self)->queryInterface( iid, ppv );

HRESULT IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::queryInterface( REFIID iid, void **ppv )
    CFUUIDRef uuid = CFUUIDCreateFromUUIDBytes(NULL, iid);
    HRESULT result = S_OK;

	if( CFEqual(uuid, IUnknownUUID) ||  CFEqual(uuid, kIOFireWireSBP2LibLoginInterfaceID) ) 
        *ppv = &fIOFireWireSBP2LibLoginInterface;
        *ppv = 0;

    if( !*ppv )
        result = E_NOINTERFACE;

    CFRelease( uuid );
    return result;

// addRef

UInt32 IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticAddRef( void * self )
	return getThis(self)->addRef();

UInt32 IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::addRef()
    fRefCount += 1;
    return fRefCount;

// release

UInt32 IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticRelease( void * self )
	return getThis(self)->release();

UInt32 IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::release( void )
	UInt32 retVal = fRefCount;
	if( 1 == fRefCount-- ) 
		delete this;
	return retVal;

// IOFireWireSBP2Login methods

// submitLogin

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSubmitLogin( void * self )
	return getThis(self)->submitLogin();

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::submitLogin( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : submitLogin\n" ));
	mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;
	status = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, 	
												(int*)&fLoginRef, 1, NULL, &len );
	return status;

// submitLogout

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSubmitLogout( void * self )
	return getThis(self)->submitLogout();

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::submitLogout( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : submitLogout\n" ));
	mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;
	status = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, 	
												(int*)&fLoginRef, 1, NULL, &len );
	return status;

// setLoginFlags

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetLoginFlags( void * self, UInt32 flags )
	getThis(self)->setLoginFlags( flags );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setLoginFlags( UInt32 flags )
	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : setLoginFlags: 0x%08lx\n", flags ));
	mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;
	UInt32 params[2];
	params[0] = fLoginRef;
	params[1] = flags;
	io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, 	
									   (int*)params, 2, NULL, &len );

// setLoginCallback

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetLoginCallback( void * self, void * refCon, 
													IOFWSBP2LoginCallback callback )
	getThis(self)->setLoginCallback( refCon, callback );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setLoginCallback( void * refCon, 
													IOFWSBP2LoginCallback callback )
	fLoginCallbackRoutine = callback;
	fLoginCallbackRefCon = refCon;

// setLogoutCallback

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetLogoutCallback( void * self, void * refCon, 
													IOFWSBP2LogoutCallback callback )
	getThis(self)->setLogoutCallback( refCon, callback );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setLogoutCallback( void * refCon, 
													IOFWSBP2LogoutCallback callback )
	fLogoutCallbackRoutine = callback;
	fLogoutCallbackRefCon = refCon;

// setRefCon

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetRefCon( void * self, UInt32 refCon )
	getThis(self)->setRefCon( refCon );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setRefCon( UInt32 refCon )
	fRefCon = refCon;

// getRefCon

UInt32 IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticGetRefCon( void * self )
	return getThis(self)->getRefCon();

UInt32 IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::getRefCon( void )
	return fRefCon;

// getMaxCommandBlockSize

UInt32 IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticGetMaxCommandBlockSize( void * self )
	return getThis(self)->getMaxCommandBlockSize();

UInt32 IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::getMaxCommandBlockSize( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	mach_msg_type_number_t len = 1;
	UInt32 blockSize;
	status = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, 	
									   (int*)&fLoginRef, 1, (int*)&blockSize, &len );
	if( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
		blockSize = 0;
	return blockSize;

// getLoginID

UInt32 IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticGetLoginID( void * self )
	return getThis(self)->getLoginID();

UInt32 IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::getLoginID( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	mach_msg_type_number_t len = 1;
	UInt32 loginID;
	io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, 	
									   (int*)&fLoginRef, 1, (int*)&loginID, &len );
	if( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
		loginID = 0;
	return loginID;

// setMaxPayloadSize

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetMaxPayloadSize( void * self, UInt32 size )
	getThis(self)->setMaxPayloadSize( size );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setMaxPayloadSize( UInt32 size )
	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : setReconnectTime = %ld\n", size ));
	mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;
	UInt32 params[2];
	params[0] = fLoginRef;
	params[1] = size;
	io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, 	
									   (int*)params, 2, NULL, &len );


// setReconnectTime

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetReconnectTime( void * self, UInt32 time )
	getThis(self)->setReconnectTime( time );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setReconnectTime( UInt32 time )
	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : setReconnectTime = %ld\n", time ));
	mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;
	UInt32 params[2];
	params[0] = fLoginRef;
	params[1] = time;
	io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, 	
									   (int*)params, 2, NULL, &len );


// createORB

IUnknownVTbl ** IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticCreateORB( void * self, REFIID iid )
	return getThis(self)->createORB(iid);

IUnknownVTbl ** IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::createORB( REFIID iid )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	IUnknownVTbl ** iunknown = NULL;
	IUnknownVTbl ** interface = NULL;
	if( !fConnection )
		status = kIOReturnError;

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		iunknown = IOFireWireSBP2LibORB::alloc( fConnection, fAsyncPort );
		if( iunknown == NULL )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		HRESULT res;
		res = (*iunknown)->QueryInterface( iunknown, iid,
										   (void **) &interface );
		if( res != S_OK )
			status = kIOReturnError;
	if( iunknown != NULL )

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		return interface;
		return NULL;

// submitORB

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSubmitORB( void * self, IOFireWireSBP2LibORBInterface ** orb )
	return getThis(self)->submitORB( orb );

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::submitORB( IOFireWireSBP2LibORBInterface ** orb )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : submitORB\n" ));
	UInt32 ref = IOFireWireSBP2LibORB::getThis(orb)->getORBRef();

	mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;
	status = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, 	
												(int*)&ref, 1, NULL, &len );
	return status;

// setUnsolicitedStatusNotify

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetUnsolicitedStatusNotify( void * self, void * refCon, 
														IOFWSBP2NotifyCallback callback )
	getThis(self)->setUnsolicitedStatusNotify( refCon, callback );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setUnsolicitedStatusNotify( void * refCon, 																		 IOFWSBP2NotifyCallback callback )
	fUnsolicitedStatusNotifyRoutine = callback;
	fUnsolicitedStatusNotifyRefCon = refCon;

// setStatusNotify

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetStatusNotify( void * self, void * refCon, 
														IOFWSBP2NotifyCallback callback )
	getThis(self)->setStatusNotify( refCon, callback );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setStatusNotify( void * refCon, 
													IOFWSBP2NotifyCallback callback )
	fStatusNotifyRoutine = callback;
	fStatusNotifyRefCon = refCon;

// callback methods

// loginCompletion

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticLoginCompletion( void *refcon, IOReturn result, 
													void **args, int numArgs )
	((IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin*)refcon)->loginCompletion( result, args, numArgs );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::loginCompletion( IOReturn result, void **args, int numArgs )
	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : loginCompletion numArgs = %d\n",  numArgs));

	FWSBP2LoginCompleteParams params;
	UInt32 loginResponse[4];
	bcopy( &args[2], loginResponse, 4 * sizeof(UInt32) );
	UInt32 statusBlock[8];
	bcopy( &args[7], statusBlock, 8 * sizeof(UInt32) );
	params.refCon = (void*)fRefCon;
	params.generation = (UInt32)args[0];
	params.status = (IOReturn)args[1];
	params.loginResponse = (FWSBP2LoginResponse*)&loginResponse;
	params.statusBlock = (FWSBP2StatusBlock*)&statusBlock;
	params.statusBlockLength = (UInt32)args[6];
	if( fLoginCallbackRoutine != NULL )
		(fLoginCallbackRoutine)( fLoginCallbackRefCon, &params );

// logoutCompletion

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticLogoutCompletion( void *refcon, IOReturn result, 
													void **args, int numArgs )
	((IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin*)refcon)->logoutCompletion( result, args, numArgs );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::logoutCompletion( IOReturn result, void **args, int numArgs )
	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : logoutCompletion numArgs = %d\n", numArgs ));

	FWSBP2LogoutCompleteParams params;
	UInt32 statusBlock[8];
	bcopy( &args[3], statusBlock, 8 * sizeof(UInt32) );
	params.refCon = (void*)fRefCon;
	params.generation = (UInt32)args[0];
	params.status = (IOReturn)args[1];
	params.statusBlock = (FWSBP2StatusBlock*)&statusBlock;
	params.statusBlockLength = (UInt32)args[2];

	if( fLogoutCallbackRoutine != NULL )
		(fLogoutCallbackRoutine)( fLogoutCallbackRefCon, &params );

// unsolicitedNotify

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticUnsolicitedStatusNotify( void *refcon, IOReturn result, 
													void **args, int numArgs )
	((IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin*)refcon)->unsolicitedStatusNotify( result, args, numArgs );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::unsolicitedStatusNotify( IOReturn result, void **args, 
																		int numArgs )
	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : unsolicitedStatusNotify numArgs = %d\n", numArgs ));

	FWSBP2NotifyParams params;
	UInt32 statusBlock[8];
	bcopy( &args[3], statusBlock, 8 * sizeof(UInt32) );
	params.refCon = (void*)fRefCon;
	params.notificationEvent = (UInt32)args[0];
	params.generation = (IOReturn)args[1];
	params.length = (UInt32)args[2];
	params.message = (FWSBP2StatusBlock*)&statusBlock;

	if( fUnsolicitedStatusNotifyRoutine != NULL )
		(fUnsolicitedStatusNotifyRoutine)( fUnsolicitedStatusNotifyRefCon, &params );

// statusNotify

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticStatusNotify( void *refcon, IOReturn result, 
													void **args, int numArgs )
	((IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin*)refcon)->statusNotify( result, args, numArgs );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::statusNotify( IOReturn result, void **args, int numArgs )
	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin : statusNotify numArgs = %d\n", numArgs ));

	FWSBP2NotifyParams params;
	UInt32 statusBlock[8];
	bcopy( &args[4], statusBlock, 8 * sizeof(UInt32) );
	params.notificationEvent = (UInt32)args[0];
	params.generation = (IOReturn)args[1];
	params.length = (UInt32)args[2];
	params.refCon = (void*)args[3];
	params.message = (FWSBP2StatusBlock*)&statusBlock;

	if( fStatusNotifyRoutine != NULL )
		(fStatusNotifyRoutine)( fStatusNotifyRefCon, &params );

// setFetchAgentResetCallback

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetFetchAgentResetCallback( void * self, void * refCon, IOFWSBP2StatusCallback callback )
	getThis(self)->setFetchAgentResetCallback( refCon, callback );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setFetchAgentResetCallback( void * refCon, IOFWSBP2StatusCallback callback )
	fFetchAgentResetCallback = callback;
	fFetchAgentResetRefCon = refCon;

// submitFetchAgentReset

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSubmitFetchAgentReset( void * self )
	return getThis(self)->submitFetchAgentReset();

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::submitFetchAgentReset( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		io_async_ref_t 			asyncRef;
		io_scalar_inband_t		params;
		mach_msg_type_number_t	size = 0;
		asyncRef[0] = 0;
		params[0]	= fLoginRef;
		params[1]	= (UInt32)this;
		params[2]	= (UInt32)(IOAsyncCallback)&IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticFetchAgentResetCompletion;
		status = io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, fAsyncPort, 
												  asyncRef, 1, 
												  params, 3,
												  NULL, &size );	
	return status;


// fetchAgentResetCompletion

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticFetchAgentResetCompletion( void *refcon, IOReturn result, void **args,
												int numArgs )
	((IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin*)refcon)->fetchAgentResetCompletion( result, args, numArgs );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::fetchAgentResetCompletion( IOReturn result, void **args, int numArgs )
	if( fFetchAgentResetCallback != NULL )
		(fFetchAgentResetCallback)( fFetchAgentResetRefCon, result );

// setFetchAgentWriteCallback

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetFetchAgentWriteCallback( void * self, void * refCon, IOFWSBP2FetchAgentWriteCallback callback )
	getThis(self)->setFetchAgentWriteCallback( refCon, callback );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setFetchAgentWriteCallback( void * refCon, IOFWSBP2FetchAgentWriteCallback callback )
	fFetchAgentWriteCallback = callback;
	fFetchAgentWriteRefCon = refCon;

// fetchAgentWriteCompletion

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticFetchAgentWriteCompletion( void *refcon, IOReturn result, void **args,
												int numArgs )
	((IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin*)refcon)->fetchAgentWriteCompletion( result, args, numArgs );

void IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::fetchAgentWriteCompletion( IOReturn result, void **args, int numArgs )
	if( fFetchAgentWriteCallback != NULL )
		(fFetchAgentWriteCallback)( fFetchAgentWriteRefCon, result, NULL );

// ringDoorbell

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticRingDoorbell( void * self )
	return getThis(self)->ringDoorbell();

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::ringDoorbell( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		io_scalar_inband_t		params;
		mach_msg_type_number_t	size = 0;
		params[0]	= fLoginRef;
		status = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection,
												    params, 1,
												    NULL, &size );	
	return status;

// enableUnsolicitedStatus

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticEnableUnsolicitedStatus( void * self )
	return getThis(self)->enableUnsolicitedStatus();

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::enableUnsolicitedStatus( void )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		io_scalar_inband_t		params;
		mach_msg_type_number_t	size = 0;
		params[0]	= fLoginRef;
		status = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection,
												  params, 1,
												  NULL, &size );	
	return status;

// setBusyTimeoutRegisterValue

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetBusyTimeoutRegisterValue( void * self, UInt32 timeout )
	return getThis(self)->setBusyTimeoutRegisterValue( timeout );

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setBusyTimeoutRegisterValue( UInt32 timeout )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		io_scalar_inband_t		params;
		mach_msg_type_number_t	size = 0;
		params[0]	= fLoginRef;
		params[1] 	= timeout;
		status = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection,
												  params, 2,
												  NULL, &size );	
	return status;

// setPassword

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::staticSetPassword( void * self, void * buffer, UInt32 length )
	return getThis(self)->setPassword( buffer, length );

IOReturn IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::setPassword( void * buffer, UInt32 length )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;

	FWLOG(( "IOFireWireSBP2LibORB : setPassword\n" ));
	mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;
	UInt32 params[3];
	params[0] = fLoginRef;
	params[1] = (UInt32)buffer;
	params[2] = length;

	status = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, 	
									   (int*)params, 3, NULL, &len );
	return status;	

// getLoginRef

UInt32 IOFireWireSBP2LibLogin::getLoginRef( void )
	return fLoginRef;