IOFireWireDevice.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * 21 May 99 wgulland created.

#import "FWDebugging.h"

#define DEBUGGING_LEVEL 0	// 1 = low; 2 = high; 3 = extreme
#ifndef DEBUGLOG
#define DEBUGLOG kprintf

#import <IOKit/assert.h>

#import <IOKit/IOMessage.h>
#import <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h>

#import <IOKit/firewire/IOFireWireLink.h>
#import <IOKit/firewire/IOFireWireDevice.h>
#import <IOKit/firewire/IOFireWireUnit.h>
#import <IOKit/firewire/IOFireWireController.h>
#import <IOKit/firewire/IOConfigDirectory.h>
#import "IORemoteConfigDirectory.h"
#import "IOFireWireROMCache.h"
#import <IOKit/firewire/IOFWSimpleContiguousPhysicalAddressSpace.h>

#include <IOKit/firewire/IOFWUtils.h>

OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOFireWireDeviceAux, IOFireWireNubAux);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireDeviceAux, 0);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireDeviceAux, 1);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireDeviceAux, 2);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireDeviceAux, 3);

#pragma mark -

// init

bool IOFireWireDeviceAux::init( IOFireWireDevice * primary )
	bool success = true;		// assume success
	// init super
    if( !IOFireWireNubAux::init( primary ) )
        success = false;
	if( success )
		fUnitCount = 0;
		fMaxSpeed = kFWSpeedMaximum;
		fOpenUnitSet = OSSet::withCapacity( 2 );
	return success;

// isTerminated

bool IOFireWireDeviceAux::isTerminated( void )
	return ((fTerminationState == kTerminated) || fPrimary->isInactive());

// setTerminationState

void IOFireWireDeviceAux::setTerminationState( TerminationState state )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOFireWireNubAux::setTerminationState( state );
	if( fTerminationState == kTerminated )
		// tell all the units that they have been terminated as well
		OSIterator * clientIterator = NULL;
		OSObject * client = NULL;
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			clientIterator = fPrimary->getClientIterator();
			if( clientIterator == NULL )
				status = kIOReturnError;
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			while( (client = clientIterator->getNextObject()) ) 
				IOFireWireUnit * unit;
				unit = OSDynamicCast( IOFireWireUnit, client );
				if( unit )
					unit->setTerminationState( kTerminated );
		if( clientIterator != NULL )
	FWKLOGASSERT( status == kIOReturnSuccess );

// setMaxSpeed

void IOFireWireDeviceAux::setMaxSpeed( IOFWSpeed speed )

	fMaxSpeed = speed;


// setUnitCount

void IOFireWireDeviceAux::setUnitCount( UInt32 count )
	fUnitCount = count;

// getUnitCount

UInt32 IOFireWireDeviceAux::getUnitCount( void )
	return fUnitCount;

// isPhysicalAccessEnabled

bool IOFireWireDeviceAux::isPhysicalAccessEnabled( void )
	IOFireWireDevice * device = (IOFireWireDevice*)fPrimary;
	bool enabled = false;
	if( device->fNodeID != kFWBadNodeID )
		enabled = device->fControl->isPhysicalAccessEnabledForNodeID( device->fNodeID & 0x3f );

	return enabled;

// createSimpleContiguousPhysicalAddressSpace

IOFWSimpleContiguousPhysicalAddressSpace * IOFireWireDeviceAux::createSimpleContiguousPhysicalAddressSpace( vm_size_t size, IODirection direction )
    IOFWSimpleContiguousPhysicalAddressSpace * space = IOFireWireNubAux::createSimpleContiguousPhysicalAddressSpace( size, direction );
	if( space != NULL )
		space->addTrustedNode( (IOFireWireDevice*)fPrimary );
	return space;

// createSimplePhysicalAddressSpace

IOFWSimplePhysicalAddressSpace * IOFireWireDeviceAux::createSimplePhysicalAddressSpace( vm_size_t size, IODirection direction )
    IOFWSimplePhysicalAddressSpace * space = IOFireWireNubAux::createSimplePhysicalAddressSpace( size, direction );
	if( space != NULL )
		space->addTrustedNode( (IOFireWireDevice*)fPrimary );
	return space;

// free

void IOFireWireDeviceAux::free()
	if( fOpenUnitSet )
		fOpenUnitSet = NULL;

// getOpenUnitSet

OSSet * IOFireWireDeviceAux::getOpenUnitSet() const
	return fOpenUnitSet;

// latchResumeTime

void  IOFireWireDeviceAux::latchResumeTime()
	IOFWGetAbsoluteTime( &fResumeTime );	// remember when we were resumed

// getResumeTime 

AbsoluteTime IOFireWireDeviceAux::getResumeTime( void )
	return fResumeTime;
#pragma mark -
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOFireWireDevice, IOFireWireNub)
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireDevice, 0);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFireWireDevice, 1);

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

// RomScan
// A little struct for keeping track of our this pointer and generation
// when transitioning to a second thread during the ROM scan.

struct RomScan 
    IOFireWireDevice *		fDevice;
    UInt32 					fROMGeneration;

// IOFireWireUnitInfo
// A little class for keeping track of unit directories and prop tables
// between the try and commit phases of the ROM scan.  It's an OSObject
// so we can keep it in an OSSet.

class IOFireWireUnitInfo : public OSObject

    OSDictionary * fPropTable;
    IOConfigDirectory * fDirectory;

	UInt32		fSBP2LUN;
	UInt32		fSBP2MAO;
	UInt32		fSBP2Revision;
    virtual void free() APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;

	static IOFireWireUnitInfo * create( void );

	void setPropTable( OSDictionary * propTable );
	OSDictionary * getPropTable( void );
	void setDirectory( IOConfigDirectory * directory );
	IOConfigDirectory * getDirectory( void );

	void setSBP2LUN( UInt32 sbp2_lun );
	UInt32 getSBP2LUN( void );
	void setSBP2MAO( UInt32 sbp2_mao );
	UInt32 getSBP2MAO( void );
	void setSBP2Revision( UInt32 sbp2_revision );
	UInt32 getSBP2Revision( void );

OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOFireWireUnitInfo, OSObject);

// create

IOFireWireUnitInfo * IOFireWireUnitInfo::create( void )
    IOFireWireUnitInfo * me;
    me = OSTypeAlloc( IOFireWireUnitInfo );
	return me;

// free

void IOFireWireUnitInfo::free()
    if( fPropTable != NULL ) 
        fPropTable = NULL;
    if( fDirectory != NULL )
    	fDirectory = NULL;


// setPropTable

void IOFireWireUnitInfo::setPropTable( OSDictionary * propTable )
	OSDictionary * oldPropTable = fPropTable;
	fPropTable = propTable;
	if( oldPropTable )

// getPropTable

OSDictionary * IOFireWireUnitInfo::getPropTable( void )
	return fPropTable;	

// setDirectory

void IOFireWireUnitInfo::setDirectory( IOConfigDirectory * directory )
	IOConfigDirectory * oldDirectory = fDirectory;
	fDirectory = directory;
	if( oldDirectory )

// getDirectory

IOConfigDirectory * IOFireWireUnitInfo::getDirectory( void )
	return fDirectory;

// setSBP2LUN

void IOFireWireUnitInfo::setSBP2LUN( UInt32 sbp2_lun )
	fSBP2LUN = sbp2_lun;

// getSBP2LUN

UInt32 IOFireWireUnitInfo::getSBP2LUN( void )
	return fSBP2LUN;

// setSBP2MAO

void IOFireWireUnitInfo::setSBP2MAO( UInt32 sbp2_mao )
	fSBP2MAO = sbp2_mao;

// getSBP2MAO

UInt32 IOFireWireUnitInfo::getSBP2MAO( void )
	return fSBP2MAO;

// setSBP2Revision

void IOFireWireUnitInfo::setSBP2Revision( UInt32 sbp2_revision )
	fSBP2Revision = sbp2_revision;

// getSBP2Revision

UInt32 IOFireWireUnitInfo::getSBP2Revision( void )
	return fSBP2Revision;

#pragma mark -

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

bool IOFireWireDevice::init(OSDictionary *propTable, const IOFWNodeScan *info)
       return false;

	fROMReadRetry = 4;
    // Terminator...
    // fUniqueID = (UInt64)this;
    if(info->fROMSize > 8) 
		UInt32 bib_quad = OSSwapBigToHostInt32( info->fBuf[2] );
        UInt32 maxPackLog = ((bib_quad & kFWBIBMaxRec) >> kFWBIBMaxRecPhase) + 1;
        if( maxPackLog == 1 ) 
            IOLog("Illegal maxrec, using 512 bytes\n");
            maxPackLog = 9;
        // if 1394A bus info block, respect maxROM
        if( bib_quad & kFWBIBGeneration ) 
            if(((bib_quad & kFWBIBMaxROM) >> kFWBIBMaxROMPhase) == 2)
                fMaxReadROMPackLog = 10;	// 1024 bytes max.
                fMaxReadROMPackLog = 2; // Just quads for ROM reads
            fMaxReadROMPackLog = maxPackLog;
        fMaxReadPackLog = maxPackLog;
        fMaxWritePackLog = maxPackLog;
    else {
        // Play safe, limit to quad requests
        fMaxReadROMPackLog = 2;
        fMaxReadPackLog = 2;
        fMaxWritePackLog = 2;
    fROMLock = IORecursiveLockAlloc();
    return fROMLock != NULL;

// createAuxiliary
// virtual method for creating auxiliary object.  subclasses needing to subclass 
// the auxiliary object can override this.

IOFireWireNubAux * IOFireWireDevice::createAuxiliary( void )
	IOFireWireDeviceAux * auxiliary;
	auxiliary = OSTypeAlloc( IOFireWireDeviceAux );

    if( auxiliary != NULL && !auxiliary->init(this) ) 
        auxiliary = NULL;
    return auxiliary;

void IOFireWireDevice::terminateDevice(void *refcon)
    IOFireWireDevice *me = (IOFireWireDevice *)refcon;
    //IOLog("terminating FW device %p\n", me);
    // Make sure we should still terminate.
    if( me->fNodeID == kFWBadNodeID && !me->isInactive() && !me->isOpen() ) 
		if( me->fDeviceROM )
			me->fDeviceROM->setROMState( IOFireWireROMCache::kROMStateInvalid );

		// release arbitration lock before terminating.
        // this leaves a small hole of someone opening the device right here,
        // which shouldn't be too bad - the client will just get terminated too.

	//IOLog("terminated FW device %p\n", me);


void IOFireWireDevice::free()
	FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@%p::free()\n", this ));		
	if( fDeviceROM )
		fDeviceROM->setROMState( IOFireWireROMCache::kROMStateInvalid );
		fDeviceROM = NULL;
    if ( fControl )
        fControl = NULL;

bool IOFireWireDevice::attach(IOService *provider)
    char location[17];
    assert(OSDynamicCast(IOFireWireController, provider));
    if( !IOFireWireNub::attach(provider))
        return (false);
    fControl = (IOFireWireController *)provider;

    snprintf(location, sizeof(location), "%x%08x", (uint32_t)(fUniqueID >> 32), (uint32_t)(fUniqueID & 0xffffffff));
    // Stick device in DeviceTree plane for OpenFirmware
    IOService *parent = provider;
    while(parent) {
        parent = parent->getProvider();
    if(parent) {
        attachToParent(parent, gIODTPlane);
        setName("node", gIODTPlane);


bool IOFireWireDevice::finalize( IOOptionBits options )
    // mark the ROM as invalid
        fDeviceROM->setROMState( IOFireWireROMCache::kROMStateInvalid );
     * fDirectory has a retain() on this, which it won't release until it is
     * free()ed. So get rid of our retain() on it so eventually both can go.
    if(fDirectory) {
        fDirectory = NULL;
    // Nuke from device tree
    return IOFireWireNub::finalize(options);

#pragma mark -
// setNodeROM

void IOFireWireDevice::setNodeROM(UInt32 gen, UInt16 localID, const IOFWNodeScan *info)
	FWTrace( kFWTDevice, kTPDeviceSetNodeROM, (uintptr_t)(fControl->getLink()), localID, 0, 0);
    OSObject *prop;
    IOFireWireROMCache *	rom;
	// setNodeROM is called twice on a bus reset
	// once when the bus is suspended with a nil info pointer.  at this point
	// we set our nodeID to kFWBadNodeID
	// once when the bus is resumed with a valid info pointer. at this point
	// we set our node id to the node id in the info struct
	// node ids and generation must be set up here, else we won't be
	// able to scan the ROM later
	fLocalNodeID = localID;
    fGeneration = gen;
    if( info ) 
        fNodeID = info->fAddr.nodeID;
        if( fNodeID != kFWBadNodeID )
			// remember the last time we saw him alive
		fNodeID = kFWBadNodeID;

	FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@%p::setNodeROM entered with nodeID = 0x%04x\n", this, fNodeID ));
	prop = OSNumber::withNumber( fNodeID, 16 );
    setProperty( gFireWireNodeID, prop );

	// if we've just be resumed, reconfigure our node 
    if( fNodeID != kFWBadNodeID )
		configureNode();  // configure node based on node flags
	// if we've just be suspended, send the suspended message and return
    if( !info ) 
        // Notify clients that the current state is suspended
		// the device rom may already be suspended if a ROM read on another
		// thread received a bus reset error, double suspending is fine
		fDeviceROM->setROMState( IOFireWireROMCache::kROMStateSuspended );
		FWTrace( kFWTDevice, kTPDeviceSetNodeROM, (uintptr_t)(fControl->getLink()), localID, 0, 1);
		messageClients( kIOMessageServiceIsSuspended );
		return;  	// node is suspended
    // store selfIDs
    prop = OSData::withBytes( info->fSelfIDs, info->fNumSelfIDs*sizeof(UInt32) );
    setProperty( gFireWireSelfIDs, prop );

    // if the ROM has not changed, send the resume message and return
	UInt32 newROMSize = info->fROMSize;
	bool rom_changed = true;
	if( fDeviceROM != NULL )
		rom_changed = fDeviceROM->hasROMChanged( info->fBuf, newROMSize );
	if( !rom_changed )
		FWTrace( kFWTDevice, kTPDeviceSetNodeROM, (uintptr_t)(fControl->getLink()), localID, 0, 2);
		fDeviceROM->setROMState( IOFireWireROMCache::kROMStateResumed, fGeneration );
		messageClients( kIOMessageServiceIsResumed );	// Safe to continue
		IOLog("IOFireWireDevice, ROM unchanged 0x%p\n", this);
		FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@%p::setNodeROM exited - ROM unchanged\n", this ));
		return;		// ROM unchanged, node resumed
	// at this point we know we are resumed and our ROM has changed,
	// so we increment the ROM generation.  This will eventually cause 
	// any threads that have been scheduled but not yet run to exit
	// if the ROM changed and we hadn't registered this device before
	// lets try it now
	if( fRegistrationState == kDeviceNotRegistered )
		setRegistrationState( kDeviceNeedsRegisterService );
		adjustBusy( 1 );
	// if we have the third quad of the BIB, extract the vendor id
	// and publish it in the registry
    if( newROMSize > 12 ) 
		UInt32 bib_quad = OSSwapBigToHostInt32( info->fBuf[3] );
        UInt32 vendorID = bib_quad >> 8;
        prop = OSNumber::withNumber( vendorID, 32 );
        setProperty( gFireWireVendor_ID, prop );
	// create new ROM cache
	rom = IOFireWireROMCache::withOwnerAndBytes( this, info->fBuf, newROMSize, fGeneration );
    setProperty( gFireWireROM, rom );

	// release and invalidate the old one if necessary
	if( fDeviceROM ) 
		fDeviceROM->setROMState( IOFireWireROMCache::kROMStateInvalid );

	fDeviceROM = rom;
	// if we've got a full BIB, create a thread to read the ROM.  
	// this thread will go on to create or resume the units on this device
	if( newROMSize == 20 ) 
		RomScan *romScan = (RomScan *)IOMalloc( sizeof(RomScan) );
		if( romScan ) 
			romScan->fROMGeneration = fROMGeneration;
			romScan->fDevice = this;
            retain();	// retain ourself for the thread to use.
			thread_t thread;
			//FWTrace( kFWTDevice, kTPDeviceSetNodeROM, (uintptr_t)(fControl->getLink()), localID, (uintptr_t)thread, 3);
			if( kernel_thread_start((thread_continue_t)readROMThreadFunc, romScan, &thread) == KERN_SUCCESS )
		// if it is only a minimal config ROM, we won't be calling registerService
		// on this device, so clear that state and reset the busy count
		if( fRegistrationState == kDeviceNeedsRegisterService )
			setRegistrationState( kDeviceNotRegistered );
			adjustBusy( -1 );
	FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@%p::setNodeROM exited\n", this ));	

void IOFireWireDevice::readROMDirGlue(void *refcon, IOReturn status,
                        IOFireWireNub *nub, IOFWCommand *fwCmd)
	// unused

// readROMThreadFunc

void IOFireWireDevice::readROMThreadFunc( void *refcon )
    RomScan * 				romScan = (RomScan *)refcon;
    IOFireWireDevice * 		device = romScan->fDevice;
	//IOLog( "IOFireWireDevice::readROMThreadFunc %p entered\n", romScan );
	// Make sure there's only one of these threads running at a time
	device->processROM( romScan );
	IOFree(romScan, sizeof(RomScan));
	//IOLog( "IOFireWireDevice::readROMThreadFunc %p exited\n", romScan );

// processROM

void IOFireWireDevice::processROM( RomScan *romScan )
	FWTrace( kFWTDevice, kTPDeviceProcessROM, (uintptr_t)(fControl->getLink()), (uintptr_t)this, 0, 1);
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOConfigDirectory *		directory = NULL;
	IOFireWireROMCache *	rom = NULL;
	OSSet *			unitSet = NULL;
	OSDictionary *  rootPropTable = NULL;
	// atomically get the current rom cache and its generation
	rom = fDeviceROM;
	UInt32 generation = fROMGeneration;

	FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@%p::processROM generation 0x%08x entered\n", this, generation ));

	// bail if we're on a ROM scan thread for a different generation
	if( romScan->fROMGeneration != generation )
		FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@%p::processROM generation 0x%08x != romScan->fROMGeneration\n", this, generation ));
		status = kIOReturnError;
	// create a config directory for the device
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		directory = IORemoteConfigDirectory::withOwnerOffset( rom, 5, kConfigRootDirectoryKey );
		if( directory == NULL ) 
			IOLog("whoops, no root directory!!\n");
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
	// read and publish values for the device
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		rootPropTable = OSDictionary::withCapacity(7);
		if( rootPropTable == NULL )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		status = readRootDirectory( directory, rootPropTable );
	// look for unit directories
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		unitSet = OSSet::withCapacity(2);
		if( unitSet == NULL )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		status = readUnitDirectories( directory, unitSet );
	// at this point we should have read all the values we need to 
	// initialize the device and units
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		preprocessDirectories( rootPropTable, unitSet );
	// update the device's config directory
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )

		RegistrationState registrationState = fRegistrationState;
		// the following routines aren't supposed to fail
		status = setConfigDirectory( directory );

		FWKLOGASSERT( status == kIOReturnSuccess );

		status = processRootDirectory( rootPropTable );

		FWKLOGASSERT( status == kIOReturnSuccess );

		status = processUnitDirectories( unitSet );

		FWKLOGASSERT( status == kIOReturnSuccess );
		// we don't want to lower our busy count until we've called registerService
		// on all the units, however processRootDirectory may reset the registrationState 
		// so we latch it before processRootDirectory
		if( registrationState == kDeviceNeedsRegisterService )
			adjustBusy( -1 );
//			FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@0x%08lx::processROM adjustBusy(-1) generation %ld\n", (UInt32)this, generation ));
		messageClients( kIOMessageServiceIsResumed );	// Safe to continue

	// if we've got a non-bus reset error reading the rom
	// cause a bus reset and try again

	if( (status != kIOReturnSuccess) && (status != kIOFireWireBusReset) )
		// use workloop lock to serial accesses to the retry count

		if( fROMReadRetry > 0 )
			FWTrace( kFWTDevice, kTPDeviceProcessROM, (uintptr_t)(fControl->getLink()), (uintptr_t)this, 0, 2);
			// something's a miss let's try it all again
			// if there was an error reading the ROM then we need to reset our busy state
			// to stay consistent
			if( fRegistrationState == kDeviceNeedsRegisterService )
				setRegistrationState( kDeviceNotRegistered );
				adjustBusy( -1 );
	// clean up
	if( unitSet != NULL )
	if( rootPropTable != NULL )
	if( directory != NULL )
	if( rom != NULL )
	FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@%p::processROM generation 0x%08x exited\n", this, generation ));

// preprocessDirectories

void IOFireWireDevice::preprocessDirectories( OSDictionary * rootPropTable, OSSet * unitSet )
	OSObject * modelNameProperty = rootPropTable->getObject( gFireWireProduct_Name );
	OSObject * vendorNameProperty = rootPropTable->getObject( gFireWireVendor_Name );
	OSObject * modelIDProperty = rootPropTable->getObject( gFireWireModel_ID );

	OSIterator * iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( unitSet );
	IOFireWireUnitInfo * info = NULL;
	while( (info = (IOFireWireUnitInfo *) iterator->getNextObject()) )
		OSDictionary * propTable = info->getPropTable();
		// if the unit doesn't have a model name property, but the device does
		// then copy the property from the device
		OSObject * unitModelNameProperty = propTable->getObject( gFireWireProduct_Name );
		if( unitModelNameProperty == NULL && modelNameProperty != NULL )
			propTable->setObject( gFireWireProduct_Name, modelNameProperty );

		// if the unit doesn't have a model ID property, but the device does
		// then copy the property from the device
		OSObject * unitModelIDProperty = propTable->getObject( gFireWireModel_ID );
		if( unitModelIDProperty == NULL && modelIDProperty != NULL )
			propTable->setObject( gFireWireModel_ID, modelIDProperty );
		// copy the vendor name (if any) from the device to the unit
		if( vendorNameProperty )
			propTable->setObject( gFireWireVendor_Name, vendorNameProperty );
		// if no device model or vendor string and an IIDC unit exists,
		// take model string from IIDC unit dependent info unit-dir
		if ( vendorNameProperty == NULL || modelIDProperty == NULL )
			IOConfigDirectory * unit = info->getDirectory();
			IOReturn error = kIOReturnSuccess;
			// check if unit is IIDC and if so, get unit-dependent directory
			UInt32 unitSpecID = 0;
			UInt32 unitSWVers = 0;
			IOConfigDirectory * unitdep;
			error = unit->getKeyValue( kConfigUnitSpecIdKey, unitSpecID );
			error |= unit->getKeyValue( kConfigUnitSwVersionKey, unitSWVers );
			error |= unit->getKeyValue( kConfigUnitDependentInfoKey, unitdep );
			if( error == kIOReturnSuccess && unitSpecID == kConfigUnitSpec1394TA1 )
				if ( unitSWVers == kConfigUnitSWVersIIDC100
					|| unitSWVers == kConfigUnitSWVersIIDC101
					|| unitSWVers == kConfigUnitSWVersIIDC102 )
					if ( vendorNameProperty == NULL )
						// Get vendor name string from IIDC Unit_Depedant_Info directory
						// Get entry as data because leaf may not have text descriptor key
						OSData * iidcVendorData = NULL;
						error = unitdep->getKeyValue( 1, iidcVendorData, NULL);	
						OSString * iidcVendorString = NULL;
						if ( !error && iidcVendorData )
							// append a byte to ensure null termination, increments length
							iidcVendorData->appendBytes( 0, 1 );
							UInt32 * leaf = (UInt32 *)(iidcVendorData->getBytesNoCopy()); // get data pointer
							UInt32 len = iidcVendorData->getLength() - 8; // subtract header bytes of text leaf descriptor
							if ( len <= 256 && leaf ) // defend against a bad ROM
								// IIDC 1.31 specifies that char 0 is at 9th byte
								char * text = (char *)(&leaf[2]);
								// Even though IIDC 1.31 and IEEE 1212 say the string should be zero-padded at the end,
								// some are zero padded at beginning. So, skip over leading zeros in string JIC.
								while( len && !*text)
								// Because IIDC 1.31 & 1212 don't require text within a text leaf descriptor to be
								// null terminated, we must check that our attempt to ensure null termination, by
								// using appendBytes, succeeded before using it as a c-string.
								// if appendBytes succeeded, the last char should be null
								// if appendBytes failed, len doesn't increment and we check the last orginal char if null
								// if appendBytes fails and the last orginal char isn't null, we give up
								if ( len > 0 && text[len] == 0 )	
									iidcVendorString = OSString::withCString( text );
							if( iidcVendorString )
								rootPropTable->setObject( gFireWireVendor_Name, iidcVendorString );
					if ( modelIDProperty == NULL )
						// Get model name string from IIDC Unit_Depedant_Info directory
						// Get entry as data because leaf may not have text descriptor key
						OSData * iidcModelData = NULL;
						error = unitdep->getKeyValue( 2, iidcModelData, NULL);
						OSString * iidcModelString = NULL;
						if ( !error && iidcModelData )
							// append a byte to ensure null termination, increments length
							iidcModelData->appendBytes( 0, 1 );
							UInt32 * leaf = (UInt32 *)(iidcModelData->getBytesNoCopy()); // get data pointer
							UInt32 len = iidcModelData->getLength() - 8; // subtract header bytes of text leaf descriptor
							if ( len <= 256 ) // defend against a bad ROM
								// IIDC 1.31 specifies that char 0 is at 9th byte
								char * text = (char *)(&leaf[2]);
								// Even though IIDC 1.31 and IEEE 1212 say the string should be zero-padded at the end,
								// some are zero padded at beginning. So, skip over leading zeros in string JIC.
								while( len && !*text)
								// Because IIDC 1.31 & 1212 don't require text within a text leaf descriptor to be
								// null terminated, we must check that our attempt to ensure null termination, by
								// using appendBytes, succeeded before using it as a c-string.
								// if appendBytes succeeded, the last char should be null
								// if appendBytes failed, len doesn't increment and we check the last orginal char if null
								// if appendBytes fails and the last orginal char isn't null, we give up
								if ( len > 0 && text[len] == 0 )
									iidcModelString = OSString::withCString( text );
							if( iidcModelString )
								rootPropTable->setObject( gFireWireProduct_Name, iidcModelString );

		UInt32 modelID = 0;
		UInt32 modelVendorID = 0;
			OSNumber * prop = (OSNumber*)rootPropTable->getObject( gFireWireModel_ID );
			if( prop )
				modelID = prop->unsigned32BitValue();				
			OSNumber * prop = (OSNumber*)rootPropTable->getObject( gFireWireVendor_ID );
			if( prop )
				modelVendorID = prop->unsigned32BitValue();				
		UInt32 sbp2_revision = info->getSBP2Revision();
		UInt32 sbp2_lun = info->getSBP2LUN();
		UInt32 sbp2_mao = info->getSBP2MAO();
		if( (modelVendorID == 0x000a27) && (modelID == 0x54444d) )
			if( ((sbp2_lun & 0x0000ffff) == 0) && (sbp2_revision == 0xffffffff) && 
				((sbp2_mao == 0x004000) || (sbp2_mao == 0x00c000)) )
				rootPropTable->setObject( gFireWireTDM, OSString::withCString("PPC") );
	// always release iterators :)

// readRootDirectory

IOReturn IOFireWireDevice::readRootDirectory( IOConfigDirectory * directory, OSDictionary * propTable )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	UInt32 	modelID = 0;
	bool	modelIDPresent = false;
	OSString * modelName = NULL;
	OSString * vendorName = NULL;

	FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@%p::readRootDirectory entered\n", this ));
	// read device keys
	// vendor name
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		IOReturn 	result = kIOReturnSuccess;
		UInt32 		vendorID = 0;
		result = directory->getKeyValue( kConfigModuleVendorIdKey, vendorID, &vendorName );

		if( result == kIOFireWireConfigROMInvalid )
			status = result;
        if(result == kIOReturnSuccess) {
            OSNumber *num = OSNumber::withNumber(vendorID, 32);
            if(num) {
                propTable->setObject( gFireWireVendor_ID,  num);
	// model name
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		IOReturn 	result = kIOReturnSuccess;
		result = directory->getKeyValue( kConfigModelIdKey, modelID, &modelName );

		if( result == kIOFireWireConfigROMInvalid )
			status = result;
		if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
			modelIDPresent = true;

	// model and vendor
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		IOReturn 	result = kIOReturnSuccess;

	    OSString *			t = NULL;
		IOConfigDirectory *	unit = NULL;

		result = directory->getKeyValue( kConfigModuleVendorIdKey, unit, &t );

		if( result == kIOFireWireConfigROMInvalid )
			status = result;

		if( result == kIOReturnSuccess && t != NULL )
			if( vendorName )
			vendorName = t;
			t = NULL;
		if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
			result = unit->getKeyValue( kConfigModelIdKey, modelID, &t );
			if( result == kIOFireWireConfigROMInvalid )
				status = result;
			if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
				modelIDPresent = true;
			if( result == kIOReturnSuccess && t != NULL )
				if( modelName )
				modelName = t;
				t = NULL;
	// store values in a prop table for later processing
	if( modelName != NULL )
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			propTable->setObject( gFireWireProduct_Name, modelName );
	if( modelIDPresent )
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			OSObject *prop = OSNumber::withNumber(modelID, 32);
			propTable->setObject(gFireWireModel_ID, prop);
	if( vendorName != NULL )
		if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			propTable->setObject( gFireWireVendor_Name, vendorName  );
	FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@%p::readRootDirectory returned status = 0x%08x\n", this, (UInt32)status ));
	return status;

// processRootDirectory
// merge properties into the device registry entry
// called with the workloop lock held

IOReturn IOFireWireDevice::processRootDirectory( OSDictionary * propTable )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	OSSymbol * key	= NULL;
	OSObject * property = NULL;

	OSCollectionIterator * iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( propTable );
	while( NULL != (key = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, iterator->getNextObject())) )
		property = propTable->getObject( key );		
		setProperty( key, property );
	// if this is the first time through, we need to call registerService
	// on this device

	if( fRegistrationState == kDeviceNeedsRegisterService )
		setRegistrationState( kDeviceRegistered );
	return status;

// readUnitDirectories

IOReturn IOFireWireDevice::readUnitDirectories( IOConfigDirectory * directory, OSSet * unitInfo )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	OSIterator *	unitDirs = NULL;

	OSString *		modelName = NULL;

	FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@%p::readUnitDirectory entered\n", this ));

	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		IOReturn result = kIOReturnSuccess;
		result = directory->getKeySubdirectories( kConfigUnitDirectoryKey, unitDirs );
		//IOLog( "IOFireWireDevice::processROM getKeyValue getKeySubdirectories result = 0x%08lx\n", (UInt32)result );
		if( result == kIOFireWireConfigROMInvalid )
			status = result;
		if( result == kIOReturnSuccess ) 
			IOConfigDirectory * unit = NULL;
            while( (unit = OSDynamicCast(IOConfigDirectory, unitDirs->getNextObject())) )
                UInt32 		unitSpecID = 0;
                UInt32 		unitSoftwareVersion = 0;
                UInt32		modelID = 0;
				bool		modelIDPresent = false;
				OSString *	t = NULL;
				UInt32		sbp2_revision = 0xffffffff;
				UInt32		sbp2_lun = 0xffffffff;
				UInt32		sbp2_mao = 0xffffffff;
                result = unit->getKeyValue(kConfigUnitSpecIdKey, unitSpecID);
				if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
					result = unit->getKeyValue(kConfigUnitSwVersionKey, unitSoftwareVersion);
				if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
					result = unit->getKeyValue(kConfigModelIdKey, modelID, &t);
				if( result == kIOReturnSuccess )
					modelIDPresent = true;
				if( result == kIOFireWireConfigROMInvalid )
					status = result;
				if( result == kIOReturnSuccess && t != NULL ) 
                    if( modelName )
                    modelName = t;
                    t = NULL;

				if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
					result = unit->getKeyValue( kConfigSBP2LUN, sbp2_lun );
					if( result == kIOFireWireConfigROMInvalid )
						status = result;
				if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
					result = unit->getKeyValue( kConfigSBP2Revision, sbp2_revision );
					if( result == kIOFireWireConfigROMInvalid )
						status = result;
				if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
					result = unit->getKeyValue( kConfigSBP2MAO, sbp2_mao );
					if( result == kIOFireWireConfigROMInvalid )
						status = result;
				if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
					OSDictionary * propTable = 0;
					// Add entry to registry.
						OSObject * prop;
						propTable = OSDictionary::withCapacity(7);
						if( !propTable )
						* Set the IOMatchCategory so that things that want to connect to
						* the device still can even if it already has IOFireWireUnits
						* attached
						prop = OSString::withCString("FireWire Unit");
						propTable->setObject(gIOMatchCategoryKey, prop);
						if( modelName )
							propTable->setObject(gFireWireProduct_Name, modelName);
						if( modelIDPresent )
							prop = OSNumber::withNumber(modelID, 32);
							propTable->setObject(gFireWireModel_ID, prop);
						prop = OSNumber::withNumber(unitSpecID, 32);
						propTable->setObject(gFireWireUnit_Spec_ID, prop);
						prop = OSNumber::withNumber(unitSoftwareVersion, 32);
						propTable->setObject(gFireWireUnit_SW_Version, prop);
						// Copy over matching properties from Device
						prop = getProperty(gFireWireVendor_ID);
						if( prop )
							propTable->setObject(gFireWireVendor_ID, prop);
						prop = getProperty(gFireWire_GUID);
						if( prop )
							propTable->setObject(gFireWire_GUID, prop);
						IOFireWireUnitInfo * info = IOFireWireUnitInfo::create();
						info->setDirectory( unit );
						info->setPropTable( propTable );
						info->setSBP2Revision( sbp2_revision );
						info->setSBP2LUN( sbp2_lun );
						info->setSBP2MAO( sbp2_mao );

						unitInfo->setObject( info );
					}  while( false );
					if( propTable != NULL )
				if( modelName != NULL )
					modelName = NULL;

	FWKLOG(( "IOFireWireDevice@%p::readUnitDirectory returned status = 0x%08x\n", this, (UInt32)status ));
	return status;

// processUnitDirectories
// called with the workloop lock held

IOReturn IOFireWireDevice::processUnitDirectories( OSSet * unitSet )
	IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	OSIterator * 	iterator = NULL;
	OSIterator * 	clientIterator = NULL;
	OSSet *			clientSet = NULL;
	OSObject *		client = NULL;
	// make a local copy of the client set
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		clientSet = OSSet::withCapacity(2);
		if( clientSet == NULL )
			status = kIOReturnNoMemory;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		clientIterator = getClientIterator();
		if( clientIterator == NULL )
			status = kIOReturnError;
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		while( (client = clientIterator->getNextObject()) ) 
			clientSet->setObject( client );
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		clientIterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( clientSet );
		if( clientIterator == NULL )
			status = kIOReturnError;
	// loop through all discovered units
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		UInt32 count = unitSet->getCount();
		//IOLog( "IOFireWireDevice::processUnitDirectories - unit_count = %ld\n", count );
		setUnitCount( count );
		iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( unitSet );
		IOFireWireUnitInfo * info = NULL;
		while( (info = (IOFireWireUnitInfo *) iterator->getNextObject()) )
			IOFireWireUnit * newDevice = 0;
			OSDictionary *	propTable = info->getPropTable();
			IOConfigDirectory * unit = info->getDirectory();
			// Check if unit directory already exists
				IOFireWireUnit * 	found = NULL;
				while( (client = clientIterator->getNextObject()) ) 
					found = OSDynamicCast(IOFireWireUnit, client);
					if( found )
						// sync with open close routines on unit
						if( (found->getTerminationState() != kTerminated) && found->matchPropertyTable(propTable) ) 
							// arbitration lock still held
							found = NULL;
				if( found )
					// arbitration lock still held
					if( found->getTerminationState() == kNeedsTermination )
						found->setTerminationState( kNotTerminated );
					FWTrace( kFWTDevice, kTPDeviceProcessUnitDirectories, (uintptr_t)(fControl->getLink()), (uintptr_t)this, (uintptr_t)found, 1 );
					found->setConfigDirectory( unit );

					clientSet->removeObject( found );

				newDevice = OSTypeAlloc( IOFireWireUnit );
				if (!newDevice || !newDevice->init(propTable, unit))
					// Set max packet sizes
				newDevice->setMaxPackLog(true, false, fMaxWritePackLog);
				newDevice->setMaxPackLog(false, false, fMaxReadPackLog);
				newDevice->setMaxPackLog(false, true, fMaxReadROMPackLog);
				FWTrace( kFWTDevice, kTPDeviceProcessUnitDirectories, (uintptr_t)(fControl->getLink()), (uintptr_t)this, (uintptr_t)newDevice, 2 );
				if (!newDevice->attach(this))	
			while( false );
			if( newDevice != NULL )
				newDevice = NULL;
	if( iterator != NULL )
	// destroy any units that have disappeared
	if( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
		while( (client = clientIterator->getNextObject()) ) 
			IOFireWireUnit * unit;
			unit = OSDynamicCast(IOFireWireUnit, client);
			if( unit )
				FWTrace( kFWTDevice, kTPDeviceProcessUnitDirectories, (uintptr_t)(fControl->getLink()), (uintptr_t)this, (uintptr_t)unit, 3 );
	// cleanup
	if( clientIterator != NULL )
	if( clientSet != NULL )
	return status;

IOReturn IOFireWireDevice::cacheROM(OSData *rom, UInt32 offset, const UInt32 *&romBase)
	// unsupported
	return kIOReturnError;

const UInt32 * IOFireWireDevice::getROMBase()
    return (const UInt32 *)fDeviceROM->getBytesNoCopy();

// setNeedsRegisterServiceState

void IOFireWireDevice::setRegistrationState( RegistrationState state )
	fRegistrationState = state;

// matchPropertyTable

bool IOFireWireDevice::matchPropertyTable(OSDictionary * table)
    // If the service object wishes to compare some of its properties in its
    // property table against the supplied matching dictionary,
    // it should do so in this method and return truth on success.
    if (!IOFireWireNub::matchPropertyTable(table))  return false;

    // We return success if the following expression is true -- individual
    // comparisions evaluate to truth if the named property is not present
    // in the supplied matching dictionary.

    return compareProperty(table, gFireWireVendor_ID) &&
        compareProperty(table, gFireWire_GUID);

#pragma mark -

// message

IOReturn IOFireWireDevice::message( UInt32 mess, IOService * provider,
                                    void * argument )
    // Propagate bus reset start/end messages
    if( kIOFWMessageServiceIsRequestingClose == mess ) 
		fDeviceROM->setROMState( IOFireWireROMCache::kROMStateInvalid ) ;
        messageClients( mess );
        return kIOReturnSuccess;

	if( kIOFWMessagePowerStateChanged == mess )
		messageClients( mess );
		return kIOReturnSuccess;

	if( kIOFWMessageTopologyChanged == mess )
		messageClients( mess );
		return kIOReturnSuccess;
    return IOService::message(mess, provider, argument );

 #pragma mark -

// open / close
 // we override these two methods to allow a reference counted open from
 // IOFireWireUnits only.  Exclusive access is enforced for non-Unit clients.

// handleOpen
bool IOFireWireDevice::handleOpen( IOService * forClient, IOOptionBits options, void * arg )
	// arbitration lock is held

    bool ok = true;
    IOFireWireUnit * unitClient = OSDynamicCast( IOFireWireUnit, forClient );
    if( unitClient != NULL )
        // bail if we're already open from the device
        if( fOpenFromDevice )
            return false;
		OSSet * open_set = getOpenUnitSet();
		if( !open_set->containsObject( forClient ) )
			if( open_set->getCount() == 0 )
				ok = IOService::handleOpen( this, options, arg );
			if( ok )
				open_set->setObject( forClient );
        // bail if we're open from a unit
		OSSet * open_set = getOpenUnitSet();	
        if( open_set->getCount() != 0 )
            return false;
        // try to open
        if( !fOpenFromDevice ) // extra safe
            ok = IOService::handleOpen( forClient, options, arg );
            if( ok )
                fOpenFromDevice = true;
            ok = false; // already open
    return ok;

// handleClose

void IOFireWireDevice::handleClose( IOService * forClient, IOOptionBits options )
	// arbitration lock is held

    IOFireWireUnit * unitClient = OSDynamicCast( IOFireWireUnit, forClient );
    if( unitClient != NULL )
		OSSet * open_set = getOpenUnitSet();
		if( open_set->containsObject( forClient ) )
			open_set->removeObject( forClient );
			if( open_set->getCount() == 0 )
				IOService::handleClose( this, options );
				// terminate if we're no longer on the bus and haven't already been terminated.
                if( getTerminationState() == kNeedsTermination ) 
					setTerminationState( kTerminated );
					thread_t		thread;
					if( kernel_thread_start((thread_continue_t)terminateDevice, this, &thread) == KERN_SUCCESS )
        if( fOpenFromDevice )
            fOpenFromDevice = false;
            IOService::handleClose( forClient, options );
            // terminate if we're no longer on the bus
			if( getTerminationState() == kNeedsTermination ) 
				setTerminationState( kTerminated );
				thread_t		thread;
				if( kernel_thread_start((thread_continue_t)terminateDevice, this, &thread) == KERN_SUCCESS )

// handleIsOpen

bool IOFireWireDevice::handleIsOpen( const IOService * forClient ) const
	// arbitration lock is held
	OSSet * open_set = getOpenUnitSet();
	if( forClient == NULL )
        return ((open_set->getCount() != 0) || fOpenFromDevice);
    // are we open from one or more units?
    if( open_set->getCount() != 0 )
		return open_set->containsObject( forClient );
    // are we open from the device?
    if( fOpenFromDevice )
        // is the client the one who opened us?
        return IOService::handleIsOpen( forClient );
    // we're not open
    return false;

#pragma mark -

// setNodeFlags

void IOFireWireDevice::setNodeFlags( UInt32 flags )
    fNodeFlags |= flags;
    // IOLog( "IOFireWireNub::setNodeFlags fNodeFlags = 0x%08lx\n", fNodeFlags );

// clearNodeFlags

void IOFireWireDevice::clearNodeFlags( UInt32 flags )
    fNodeFlags &= ~flags;
    // IOLog( "IOFireWireNub::clearNodeFlags fNodeFlags = 0x%08lx\n", fNodeFlags );

// getNodeFlags

UInt32 IOFireWireDevice::getNodeFlags( void )
    return fNodeFlags;

// configureNode

IOReturn IOFireWireDevice::configureNode( void )

	if( fNodeID != kFWBadNodeID )
		// handle physical filter configuration

		// configure retry on ack d
		if( fNodeFlags & kIOFWEnableRetryOnAckD )
			IOFireWireLink * fwim = fControl->getLink();
			fwim->setNodeFlags( fNodeID & 0x3f, kIOFWNodeFlagRetryOnAckD );
		// limit speed if necessary
		IOFWSpeed currentSpeed = FWSpeed();
		IOFWSpeed maxSpeed = ((IOFireWireDeviceAux*)fAuxiliary)->fMaxSpeed;
		if( currentSpeed > maxSpeed )
			fControl->setNodeSpeed( fNodeID, maxSpeed );

		// tell controller to use half size packets
		if( fNodeFlags & kIOFWLimitAsyncPacketSize )
		// tell controller to make this node root
		if( fNodeFlags & kIOFWMustBeRoot )
			fControl->nodeMustBeRoot( fNodeID );
		// tell controller not to make this node root
		if( fNodeFlags & kIOFWMustNotBeRoot )
			fControl->nodeMustNotBeRoot( fNodeID );
		// Tell contoller to set the gap count to 63. Gap 63 reduces bus performance 
		// significantly, so this flag should be used only when absolutely necessary.
		// There is no guarantee Mac OS X will succeed in forcing the gap count to 63.
		if( fNodeFlags & kIOFWMustHaveGap63	)
		// tell controller to disable this phy port on sleep
		if( fNodeFlags & kIOFWDisablePhyOnSleep && (hopCount() == 1) )
			fControl->disablePhyPortOnSleepForNodeID( fNodeID & 0x3f );

	return kIOReturnSuccess;

// configurePhysicalFilter
// set up physical filters for this node.  this is broken out into its
// own function because it's not only called by configureNode above, but
// by the controller when controller-wide physical access is enabled

void IOFireWireDevice::configurePhysicalFilter( void )
	if( fNodeID != kFWBadNodeID )
		if( fNodeFlags & kIOFWDisableAllPhysicalAccess )
			// kIOFWPhysicalAccessDisabledForGeneration only disables physical
			// access until the next bus reset at which point we will this code
			// will be reexecuted provided this device is still on the bus
			// kIOFWPhysicalAccessDisabled lasts across bus resets, therefore
			// it takes priority over kIOFWPhysicalAccessDisabledForGeneration
			fControl->setPhysicalAccessMode( kIOFWPhysicalAccessDisabledForGeneration );

        if( (fNodeFlags & kIOFWDisablePhysicalAccess) )
			fControl->setNodeIDPhysicalFilter( fNodeID & 0x3f, false );
			// if the physical access mode has been set to a disabled state
			// then enabling this node's physical filter will have no
			// effect.
			fControl->setNodeIDPhysicalFilter( fNodeID & 0x3f, true );

#pragma mark -

// address spaces

 * Create local FireWire address spaces for the device to access

IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace * IOFireWireDevice::createPhysicalAddressSpace(IOMemoryDescriptor *mem)
    IOFWPhysicalAddressSpace * space = fControl->createPhysicalAddressSpace(mem);
	if( space != NULL )
		space->addTrustedNode( this );
	return space;

IOFWPseudoAddressSpace * IOFireWireDevice::createPseudoAddressSpace(FWAddress *addr, UInt32 len, 
				FWReadCallback reader, FWWriteCallback writer, void *refcon)
    IOFWPseudoAddressSpace * space = fControl->createPseudoAddressSpace(addr, len, reader, writer, refcon);

	if( space != NULL )
		space->addTrustedNode( this );
	return space;
