IOFWLocalIsochPort.cpp   [plain text]

 *  IOFWLocalIsochPort.cpp
 *  IOFireWireFamily
 *  Created by Niels on Tue Mar 25 2003.
 *  Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 *	$ Log:IOFWLocalIsochPort.cpp,v $

#import "IOFWLocalIsochPort.h"
#import "IOFWDCLProgram.h"
#import "IOFireWireController.h"
#import "FWDebugging.h"

OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOFWLocalIsochPort, IOFWIsochPort)
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWLocalIsochPort, 0);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOFWLocalIsochPort, 1);

IOFWLocalIsochPort::init (
		IODCLProgram *			program, 
		IOFireWireController *	control)
	if ( ! IOFWIsochPort::init( ) )
		return false;
	fProgram = program; // belongs to us.
	fControl = control;

	return true;

void IOFWLocalIsochPort::free()
	if ( fProgram )
		fProgram->stop() ;

		fProgram->release () ;
		fProgram = NULL ;

// Return maximum speed and channels supported
// (bit n set = chan n supported)
IOReturn IOFWLocalIsochPort::getSupported(IOFWSpeed &maxSpeed, UInt64 &chanSupported)
	maxSpeed = kFWSpeedMaximum;
	chanSupported = ~(UInt64)0;
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

 * Allocate hardware resources for port, via workloop
 * Then compile program, not on workloop.
IOReturn IOFWLocalIsochPort::allocatePort(IOFWSpeed speed, UInt32 chan)
	IOReturn res;

	res = fProgram->allocateHW(speed, chan);
	if(kIOReturnSuccess != res)
		return res; 
	return fProgram->compile(speed, chan);	// Not on workloop

IOReturn IOFWLocalIsochPort::releasePort()
	IOReturn res;

//	fControl->closeGate();
	res = fProgram->releaseHW();
//	fControl->openGate();
	return res;

IOReturn IOFWLocalIsochPort::start()
	IOReturn res;

//	fControl->closeGate();
	res = fProgram->start();
//	fControl->openGate();
	return res;

IOReturn IOFWLocalIsochPort::stop()
//	fControl->closeGate();
//	fControl->openGate();
	return kIOReturnSuccess;

IOReturn IOFWLocalIsochPort::notify( IOFWDCLNotificationType notificationType,
	DCLCommand** dclCommandList, UInt32 numDCLCommands)
	IOReturn res;
	res = fProgram->notify(notificationType,
								dclCommandList, numDCLCommands);
	return res;

IOFWLocalIsochPort::printDCLProgram (
	const DCLCommand *		dcl,
	UInt32					count,
	void (*printFN)( const char *format, ...),
	unsigned 				lineDelayMS ) 
	const DCLCommand *	currentDCL = dcl ;
	UInt32 				index		= 0 ;
	if( printFN == NULL )
		printFN = FireLog;

	if( printFN == NULL )
		// nothing to print if there's no printer function
	(*printFN)("printDCLProgram program %p, count %x\n", currentDCL, count) ;
	while ( ( count == 0 || index < count ) && currentDCL )
		(*printFN)("#%x  @%p   next=%p, cmplrData=%p, op=%u ", 
			(int) currentDCL->opcode) ;

		switch(currentDCL->opcode & ~kFWDCLOpFlagMask)
			case kDCLSendPacketStartOp:
			//case kDCLSendPacketWithHeaderStartOp:
			case kDCLSendPacketOp:
			case kDCLReceivePacketStartOp:
			case kDCLReceivePacketOp:
				(*printFN)("(DCLTransferPacket) buffer=%p, size=%u",
					(int)((DCLTransferPacket*)currentDCL)->size) ;
				break ;
			case kDCLSendBufferOp:
			case kDCLReceiveBufferOp:
				(*printFN)("(DCLTransferBuffer) buffer=%p, size=%lu, packetSize=%08X, bufferOffset=%08lX",
					(UInt32)((DCLTransferBuffer*)currentDCL)->bufferOffset) ;
				break ;
			case kDCLCallProcOp:
				(*printFN)("(DCLCallProc) proc=%p, procData=%08lX",
					((DCLCallProc*)currentDCL)->procData ) ;
				break ;
			case kDCLLabelOp:
				(*printFN)("(DCLLabel)") ;
				break ;
			case kDCLJumpOp:
				(*printFN)("(DCLJump) pJumpDCLLabel=%p",
					((DCLJump*)currentDCL)->pJumpDCLLabel) ;
				break ;
			case kDCLSetTagSyncBitsOp:
				(*printFN)("(DCLSetTagSyncBits) tagBits=%04lX, syncBits=%04lX",
					(UInt32)((DCLSetTagSyncBits*)currentDCL)->syncBits) ;
				break ;
			case kDCLUpdateDCLListOp:
				(*printFN)("(DCLUpdateDCLList) dclCommandList=%p, numDCLCommands=%lud\n",
					((DCLUpdateDCLList*)currentDCL)->numDCLCommands) ;

				for(UInt32 listIndex=0; listIndex < ((DCLUpdateDCLList*)currentDCL)->numDCLCommands; ++listIndex)
					(*printFN)("%p ", (((DCLUpdateDCLList*)currentDCL)->dclCommandList)[listIndex]) ;
					if ( listIndex % 10 == 0 )
						(*printFN)("\n") ;
					IOSleep(8) ;
				(*printFN)("\n") ;
				break ;
			case kDCLPtrTimeStampOp:
				(*printFN)("(DCLPtrTimeStamp) timeStampPtr=%p",
					((DCLPtrTimeStamp*)currentDCL)->timeStampPtr) ;
				break ;
			case kDCLSkipCycleOp:
				(*printFN)("(DCLSkipCycleOp)") ;
				break ;
			case kDCLNuDCLLeaderOp:
				(*printFN)("(DCLNuDCLLeaderOp) DCL pool=%p", ((DCLNuDCLLeader*)currentDCL)->program ) ;
				break ;
		(*printFN)("\n") ;
		currentDCL = currentDCL->pNextDCLCommand ;
		++index ;
		if ( lineDelayMS )
			IOSleep( lineDelayMS ) ;

	if ( count > 0 )
		if ( index != count )
			(*printFN)("unexpected end of program\n") ;
		if ( currentDCL != NULL )
			(*printFN)("program too long for count\n") ;

IOFWLocalIsochPort::setIsochResourceFlags (
	IOFWIsochResourceFlags		flags )
	fProgram->setIsochResourceFlags( flags ) ;
	return kIOReturnSuccess ;

IODCLProgram *
IOFWLocalIsochPort::getProgramRef() const
	fProgram->retain() ;
	return fProgram ;

	return fProgram->synchronizeWithIO() ;