IOFWBufferFillIsochPort.cpp   [plain text]

 *  IOFWBufferFillIsochPort.cpp
 *  IOFireWireFamily
 *  Created by Niels on Mon Sep 09 2002.
 *  Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * $Log: IOFWBufferFillIsochPort.cpp,v $
 * Revision 1.3  2004/01/22 01:49:59  niels
 * fix user space physical address space getPhysicalSegments
 * Revision 1.2  2003/07/21 06:52:58  niels
 * merge isoch to TOT
 * Revision  2003/07/18 00:17:41  niels
 * *** empty log message ***
 * Revision  2003/07/01 20:54:06  niels
 * isoch merge

#import "IOFWBufferFillIsochPort.h"

#undef super
#define super IOFWIsochPort

OSDefineMetaClassAndAbstractStructors( IOFWBufferFillIsochPort, IOFWIsochPort )

IOFWBufferFillIsochPort :: init( 
	IOFireWireBus &			bus, 
	IOByteCount				expectedBytesPerSecond, 
	UInt32					interruptMicroseconds,
	PacketProc				packetProc,
	OSObject *				target )
	if ( ! super::init() )
		return false ;
	fBytesPerSecond = expectedBytesPerSecond ;
	fIntUSec = interruptMicroseconds ;
	fPacketProc = packetProc ;
	fTarget = target ;
	IOByteCount bytesNeeded = expectedBytesPerSecond * interruptMicroseconds * 2 / 1000000 ;
	fBackingStore = new UInt8[ bytesNeeded ] ;
	if ( !fBackingStore )
		return false ;
	unsigned bytesPerDescriptor = expectedBytesPerSecond * interruptMicroseconds / 2000000 ;
	unsigned descriptorsNeeded = bytesNeeded / bytesPerDescriptor ;
	return true ;

IOFWBufferFillIsochPort :: free()
	delete[] fBackingStore ;
	super::free() ;

// Return maximum speed and channels supported
// (bit n set = chan n supported)
IOFWBufferFillIsochPort :: getSupported (
	IOFWSpeed &			maxSpeed, 
	UInt64 &			chanSupported)
    maxSpeed = kFWSpeedMaximum;
    chanSupported = ~(UInt64)0;
    return kIOReturnSuccess;

unsigned int
IOFWBufferFillIsochPort :: gotIsoch( IOVirtualRange packets[], unsigned int maxPacketCount )
	packets = NULL ;
	return 0 ;

unsigned int
IOFWBufferFillIsochPort :: gotIsochAll( IOVirtualRange packets[], unsigned int maxPacketCount )
	packets = NULL ;
	return 0 ;

IOFWBufferFillIsochPort :: pushIsoch()

IOFWBufferFillIsochPort :: getInterruptTime()
	return AbsoluteTime() ;