IsochComponentsRef   [plain text]

Copyright 2001 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Header Files: IsochronousDataHandler.h, DeviceControl.h
Framework:	 DVComponentGlue

Component Types for Isoch Components

	#define kIDHComponentType 	'ihlr'		/* Component type*/
	#define	kIDHSubtypeDV		'dv  '		/* Subtype for DV (over FireWire)*/

Data Types for Isoch Components

The callback function prototype:

	typedef OSStatus (*IDHNotificationProc)(IDHGenericEvent *event, void *userData);


	event - a IDHGenericEvent that is returned from the Isoch component. If this is an IDHRead() or
			IDHWrite() notification function, then 'event' is the address of the IDHParameterBlock 
			that was passed to the IDHRead()/IDHWrite() call.

	userData - If this is an IDHRead() or IDHWrite() notification function, the userData returned will 
	           be the 'refCon' field of the IDHParameterBlock.	Otherwise, it will be the value specified
	           in the IDHNewNotification() function.

The parameter block passed to IDHRead() and IDHWrite():

	struct IDHParameterBlock {
		UInt32 					reserved1;			/* reserved by Apple */
		UInt16 					reserved2;			/* reserved by Apple */
		void *					buffer;				/* buffer used in read/write operation */
		ByteCount 				requestedCount;		/* bytes required to read/write */
		ByteCount 				actualCount;		/* actual bytes read/written */
		IDHNotificationProc 	completionProc;		/* called after read/write complete */
		void *					refCon;				/* user specified data */
		OSErr 					result;				/* result of read/write */

	Field Descriptions

	reserved1, reserved2 - reserved by Apple

	buffer - can contain an address of a user supplied buffer or 'nil'.
		 In reads: if 'buffer' is supplied, the data is read into the buffer
		           if 'buffer' is 'nil', a buffer address is returned in the completion proc
		           and the client has control of the buffer until it is released by
		           the IDHReleaseBuffer() function. NOTE: The buffer will remain valid for
				   an indeterminate amount of time. The client should USE the buffer ASAP to
				   guarantee data integrity
		 In writes: If 'buffer' is supplied, the data from the buffer is written to the 
		            isoch device.
		            If 'buffer' is 'nil', a buffer address is supplied to the client on 
		            callback. The client then writes his data into the buffer and returns
		            control to the IDH component. The data is then written to the device.

	requestedCount - contains the number of bytes requested to read or write.

	actualCount - the actual number of bytes read or written from/to the device.

	completionProc - the routine that is called after read or write completion. If the completionProc
					 parameter is set to 'nil', the function becomes synchronous and does not return
					 until the read/write is complete. It is NOT possible to have a synchronous write/ 'nil'
					 buffer operation.
	refCon - user data that is returned to the completion proc.
	result - result of IDHRead()/IDHWrite() operation.

Error Codes (see functions for actual meanings)

	#define	kIDHErrDeviceDisconnected	-14101
	#define	kIDHErrInvalidDeviceID		-14102
	#define	kIDHErrDeviceInUse			-14104
	#define	kIDHErrDeviceNotOpened		-14105
	#define	kIDHErrDeviceReadError		-14107
	#define	kIDHErrDeviceWriteError		-14108
	#define	kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured	-14109
	#define	kIDHErrDeviceList			-14110
	#define	kIDHErrCompletionPending	-14111
	#define	kIDHErrDeviceTimeout		-14112
	#define	kIDHErrInvalidIndex			-14113
	#define	kIDHErrDeviceCantRead		-14114
	#define	kIDHErrDeviceCantWrite		-14115

Isochronous Component Atoms	

	#define kIDHDeviceAtomType							'devc'	/* QTAtom - contains the description for a device */
	#define	kIDHDeviceIDType							'dvid'	/* UInt32 - contains the device ID referenced in notification events */
	#define kIDHIsochServiceAtomType					'isoc'	/* QTAtom - contains the isoch configs for a device */
	#define kIDHIsochModeAtomType						'mode'	/* QTAtom - contains isoch configuration atoms */
	#define kIDHIsochVersionAtomType					'iver'	/* UInt32 - contains the version of the isoch component */
	#define kIDHUseCMPAtomType	 						'ucmp'	/* UInt32 - true when using CMP */
	#define kIDHUniqueIDType							'unid'	/* variable size - contains a unique ID associated with device */
	#define kIDHNameAtomType							'name'	/* Str255 - contains the name of the device */
	#define kIDHIsochMediaType							'av  '	/* OSType - kIDHSoundMediaAtomType or kIDHVideoMediaAtomType */
	#define kIDHDataTypeAtomType						'dtyp'	/* OSType - a configuration identifier */
	#define kIDHDefaultIOType							'dfio'	/* UInt32 - set for default read or write config */
	#define kIDHDataSizeAtomType						'dsiz'	/* UInt32 - the size of a frame of data */	
	#define kIDHDataBufferSizeAtomType					'dbuf'	/* UInt32 - the size of a packet of data*/
	#define kIDHDataIntervalAtomType					'intv'	/* float - frame rate i.e. 29.97fps */
	#define kIDHDataIODirectionAtomType					'ddir'	/* long - I/O direction associated with the device
	    															kIDHDataTypeIsInput	is 1
																	kIDHDataTypeIsOutput is 2
																	kIDHDataTypeIsInputAndOutput is 4 */
	#define kIDHSoundChannelCountAtomType 				'ccnt'	/* long - number of audio channels */
	#define kIDHSoundSampleSizeAtomType					'ssiz'	/* long - number of bytes per sample of audio */
	#define kIDHSoundSampleRateAtomType					'srat'	/* Fixed - audio sample rate */
	#define kIDHVideoDimensionsAtomType					'dimn'	/* IDHDimension - pixel dimension of video */
	#define kIDHVideoResolutionAtomType					'resl'	/* IDHResolution - DPI resolution */
	#define kIDHVideoRefreshRateAtomType 				'refr'	/* Fixed - video refresh rate */
	#define kIDHVideoPixelTypeAtomType					'pixl'	/* OSType - Quicktime pixel type */
	#define kIDHVideoDecompressorTypeAtomType 			'dety'	/* OSType - Quicktime decompressor type */
	#define kIDHVideoDecompressorComponentAtomType 		'cmpt'	/* Component - Quicktime decompressor */

	Atom Layout
	deviceList - QTAtomContainer
		kIDHIsochVersionAtomType (r)
		kIDHUseCMPAtomType (r/w)
		kIDHDeviceAtomType (r)
			kIDHDeviceIDType (r)
			kIDHUniqueIDType (r)
			kIDHNameAtomType (r/w)
			kIDHDefaultIOType (r/w)
			kIDHIsochServiceAtomType (r)
				kIDHIsochModeAtomType (r)
					kIDHDataTypeAtomType (r)
					kIDHDataSizeAtomType (r)
					kIDHDataBufferSizeAtomType		(r)
					kIDHDataBufferSizeAtomType		(r)
					kIDHDataIntervalAtomType		(r)
					kIDHDataIODirectionAtomType		(r)
					kIDHSoundChannelCountAtomType	(r)
					kIDHSoundSampleSizeAtomType		(r)
					kIDHSoundSampleRateAtomType		(r)
				kIDHIsochModeAtomType	 (r)
					kIDHDataTypeAtomType			(r)
					kIDHDataSizeAtomType			(r)
					kIDHDataBufferSizeAtomType		(r)
					kIDHDataBufferSizeAtomType		(r)
					kIDHDataIntervalAtomType		(r)
					kIDHDataIODirectionAtomType		(r)
					kIDHVideoDimensionsAtomType		(r)
					kIDHVideoResolutionAtomType		(r)
					kIDHVideoRefreshRateAtomType	(r)
					kIDHVideoPixelTypeAtomType		(r)
					kIDHVideoDecompressorTypeAtomType	(r)
					kIDHVideoDecompressorComponentAtomType	(r)
	Note: (r) - read only, (r/w) - read/write

Device Status Structure
	struct IDHDeviceStatus {
		UInt32 							version;				/* version of structure */
		Boolean 						physicallyConnected;	/* device is connected and active */
		Boolean 						readEnabled;			/* device has been enabled for read */
		Boolean 						writeEnabled;			/* device has been enabled for writing */
		Boolean 						exclusiveAccess;		/* a client has opened device for exclusive access */
		UInt32 							currentBandwidth;		/* ??? */
		UInt32 							currentChannel;			/* ??? */
		PsuedoID 						localNodeID;			/* the ID associated with this device */
		SInt16 							inputStandard;			/* ntscIn is 0 or palIn is 1 */
		Boolean 						deviceActive;			/* device is being used by another client */

Notification Structures	

	struct IDHEventHeader {
		IDHDeviceID 					deviceID;					/* a unique device ID */
		IDHNotificationID 				notificationID;				/* notification ID associated this callback */
		IDHEvent 						event;						/* The event */
	struct IDHGenericEvent {
		IDHEventHeader 					eventHeader;				/* as described above */
		UInt32 							pad[4];

	struct IDHDeviceConnectionEvent {
		IDHEventHeader 					eventHeader;
	struct IDHDeviceIOEnableEvent {
		IDHEventHeader 					eventHeader;

Notification Events
	#define kIDHEventInvalid			0,
	#define kIDHEventDeviceAdded		1L << 0						/* Uses IDHDeviceConnectionEvent*/
	#define kIDHEventDeviceRemoved		1L << 1						/* Uses IDHDeviceConnectionEvent*/
	#define kIDHEventDeviceChanged		1L << 2						/* Uses ????*/
	#define kIDHEventReadEnabled		1L << 3						/* Uses IDHDeviceIOEnableEvent*/
	#define kIDHEventReserved1			1L << 4						/* Reserved for future use*/
	#define kIDHEventReadDisabled		1L << 5						/* Uses IDHDeviceIOEnableEvent*/
	#define kIDHEventWriteEnabled		1L << 6						/* Uses IDHDeviceIOEnableEvent*/
	#define kIDHEventReserved2			1L << 7						/* Reserved for future use*/
	#define kIDHEventWriteDisabled		1L << 8						/* Uses IDHDeviceIOEnableEvent*/
	#define kIDHEventEveryEvent			(long)0xFFFFFFFF

									Isochronous Component Functions
Getting device information and choosing a device


	The IDHGetDeviceList function returns an atom list of the devices that are currently active.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHGetDeviceList( ComponentInstance idh, QTAtomContainer *deviceList)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	deviceList - An atom container that describes each of the devices that support this isoch component.
	             The atom structure is defined above. The user must free this atom container using 
	             QTRemoveChildren() and QTDisposeAtomContainer() when finished.
	Result Codes:
		Quicktime error codes

	The IDHUpdateDeviceList function allows the client to change certain atoms within the internal atom list.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHUpdateDeviceList( ComponentInstance idh, QTAtomContainer *deviceList)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	deviceList - An atom container that was returned from IDHGetDeviceList(). The client has modified one
				 or more atoms identified as (r/w).
	Result Codes:
		kIDHErrDeviceList		The device list is either stale or corrupt. Please IDHGetDeviceList().
		Quicktime error codes


	The IDHSetDeviceConfiguration function allows the user to choose a specific configuration of a device
	for reads or writes. The configuration structure is defined in the atom description above.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHSetDeviceConfiguration( ComponentInstance idh, const QTAtomSpec *configurationID)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	configurationID - Specifies the requested configuration. The user passes an QTAtomSpec which is
	                  an atom container/ kIDHIsochModeAtomType atom pair. NOTE: The user must NOT dispose 
	                  of the device list (requested by IDHGetDeviceList()) until he is through with this 

	Result Codes:
		kIDHErrDeviceInUse		Another device has already been opened. Please IDHCloseDevice().
		kIDHErrDeviceList		The device list is either stale or corrupt. Please IDHGetDeviceList().
		kIDHErrInvalidDeviceID	Internal Error
		kAlreadyEnabledErr		Device control has already been enabled on this device
		kNotEnabledErr			Device control is not enabled

	The IDHGetDeviceConfiguration function returns the configuration that the client set using the
	IDHSetDeviceConfiguration() call.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHGetDeviceConfiguration( ComponentInstance idh, QTAtomSpec *configurationID)
	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	configurationID - Contains the previously specified configuration. The function returns an QTAtomSpec
					  which is an atom container/ kIDHIsochModeAtomType atom pair. NOTE: The user must NOT 
					  dispose the device list (requested by IDHGetDeviceList()) until he is through with this 

	Result Codes:
		kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured	A device has not already been selected using IDHSetDeviceConfiguration()

Opening and closing a device


	The IDHOpenDevice function opens the currently configured device.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHOpenDevice( ComponentInstance idh, UInt32 permissions)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	permissions - The user specifies a combination of the following flags when opening a device.
		kIDHOpenForReadTransactions	- Indicates that the device will be opened for reads. The value of
		this flag is 1. One or more clients can open a device for reads unless a client specifies 
		the	kIDHOpenWithExclusiveAccess flag.
		kIDHOpenForWriteTransactions - Indicates that the device will be opened for writes. The value of
		this flag is 0x2. Note: Only one client can open a device for writes.
		kIDHOpenWithExclusiveAccess	- Indicates that the device cannot be opened by another client. The 
		value of this flag is 0x4.

	Result Codes:
		kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured	A device has not already been selected using IDHSetDeviceConfiguration()
		kIDHErrInvalidDeviceID		Internal Error
		kIDHErrDeviceInUse			Device has been exclusively opened by another client. Or it has already been
									in another state.
		kIDHErrInvalidIndex			Internal Error

	The IDHCloseDevice function closes the previously opened IDH device.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHCloseDevice( ComponentInstance idh)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	Result Codes:
		kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured	A device has not already been selected using IDHSetDeviceConfiguration()
		kIDHErrInvalidDeviceID		Internal Error
		kIDHErrDeviceNotOpened		A device has not been opened

Device I/O


	The IDHRead function reads data from the currently opened device configuration.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHRead( ComponentInstance idh, IDHParameterBlock *pb)
	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	pb - Specifies the address of a IDHParameterBlock structure. Each of the fields are described in detail
	     in a previous section. The user should keep the IDHParameterBlock around until the completion routine
	     is called.   NOTE: On a 'nil' buffer read, the buffer will remain valid for an indeterminate 
		 amount of time. The client should USE the buffer ASAP to guarantee data integrity.

	Result Codes:
		kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured	A device has not already been selected using IDHSetDeviceConfiguration()
		kIDHErrInvalidDeviceID		Internal Error
		kIDHErrDeviceTimeout		Timeout on synchronous read

	The IDHWrite function writes data to the currently opened device configuration.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHWrite( ComponentInstance idh, IDHParameterBlock *pb)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	pb - Specifies the address of a IDHParameterBlock structure. Each of the fields are described in detail
	     in a previous section. The user should keep the IDHParameterBlock around until the completion routine
	     is called. 

	Result Codes:
		kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured	A device has not already been selected using IDHSetDeviceConfiguration()
		kIDHErrInvalidDeviceID		Internal Error
		kIDHErrDeviceTimeout		Timeout on synchronous read


	The IDHReleaseBuffer function releases a buffer returned from an IDHRead() request where
	the client specified a 'nil' buffer.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHReleaseBuffer( ComponentInstance idh, IDHParameterBlock *pb)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	pb - Specifies the address of the IDHParameterBlock structure that was originally passed into
		 IDHRead() function.  NOTE: The buffer will remain valid for an indeterminate amount of time. 
		 The client should USE the buffer ASAP to guarantee data integrity.

	Result Codes:
		kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured	A device has not already been selected using IDHSetDeviceConfiguration()
		kIDHErrInvalidDeviceID		Internal Error


	The IDHCancelPendingIO function cancels any outstanding IDHRead() or IDHWrite() requests. This
	should be called prior to closing a device.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHCancelPendingIO( ComponentInstance idh, IDHParameterBlock *pb)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	pb - Specifies the address of the IDHParameterBlock structure that was originally passed into
		 IDHRead() or IDHWrite() function.

	Result Codes:
		Macintosh errors

Getting device status


	The IDHGetDeviceStatus function gets the device status from the specified device configuration.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHGetDeviceStatus( ComponentInstance idh, const QTAtomSpec *configurationID,
								 IDHDeviceStatus *status)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	configurationID - The user passes an QTAtomSpec which is an atom container/ kIDHIsochModeAtomType atom 
					  pair. NOTE: The user must NOT dispose of the device list (requested by IDHGetDeviceList()) 
					  until he is through with this configuration.

	status - The address of a IDHDeviceStatus structure. The specified device status will be returned. Each
			 of the status fields are described in detail above.
	Result Codes:
		kIDHErrDeviceList		The device list is either stale or corrupt. Please IDHGetDeviceList().
		kIDHErrInvalidDeviceID	Internal Error

Device Notification


	The IDHNewNotification function creates a notification ID which is used to initiate client notification 
	based on device events.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHNewNotification(	ComponentInstance idh, IDHDeviceID deviceID,
												IDHNotificationProc notificationProc, void *userData, 
												IDHNotificationID *notificationID)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.
	deviceID -	the value of a devices kIDHDeviceIDType atom or kIDHDeviceIDEveryDevice. 
	notificationProc - the client function that is called when a particular event has taken place
	userData - the client specified data returned to the client notificationProc.
	notificationID - this parameter is returned to the client and used in other IDH functions.
	Result Codes:
		Macintosh errors


	The IDHNotifyMeWhen function actually enables the notification process. When one of the client specified
	events occur, the client will be notified through his notification function. NOTE: This function is
	a one shot. The function must be called again after the event(s) have occured to re-enable the
	pascal ComponentResult IDHNotifyMeWhen( ComponentInstance idh, IDHNotificationID notificationID, 
							IDHEvent events)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.

	notificationID - this parameter is obtained by calling IDHNewNotification.
	events - one or more flags that the client uses to specify the device events of interest
		kIDHEventDeviceAdded - Indicates that a new device has been added to the computer. The value of this 
							   flag is 1.
		kIDHEventDeviceRemoved - Indicates that a device has been removed from the computer. The value of this 
								 flag is 2.
		kIDHEventDeviceChanged - Indicates that a device is ???. The value of this flag is 4.
		kIDHEventReadEnabled - Indicates that a device has been enabled for read. The value of this flag 
							   is 8.
		kIDHEventReadDisabled - Indicates that a device has been disabled for read. The value of this flag
								is 32.
		kIDHEventWriteEnabled - Indicates that a device has been enabled for write. The value of this flag
								is 64.
		kIDHEventWriteDisabled - Indicates that a device has been disabled for write. The value of this flag
								 is 256.
	Result Codes:
		Macintosh Errors


	The IDHCancelNotification function cancels an outstanding IDHNotifyMeWhen() request. This function
	should be called prior to exiting to avoid spurious calls to the client callback.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHCancelNotification( ComponentInstance idh, IDHNotificationID	notificationID)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.

	notificationID - this parameter is obtained by calling IDHNewNotification() and used in IDHNotifyMeWhen().
	Result Codes:
		Macintosh Errors


	The IDHDisposeNotification function releases the resources associated with the IDHNotificationID. This
	function should be called before closing the isoch component.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHDisposeNotification( ComponentInstance idh, IDHNotificationID notificationID)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.

	notificationID - this parameter is obtained by calling IDHNewNotification().

	Result Codes:
		Macintosh Errors

Other functions

	The IDHGetDeviceClock function returns a bus specific clock component used in audio/video 
	synchronization. The client should read the Quicktime documentation for information about 
	a Clock Component. The Clock component is used in other Quicktime functions such as video out.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHGetDeviceClock( ComponentInstance idh, Component *clock)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.

	clock - returns the Clock component associated with this IDH component.

	Result Codes:
		kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured	A device has not already been selected using IDHSetDeviceConfiguration()


	The IDHGetDeviceControl function returns an instance to a device control component associated with
	the device that was most recently set with IDHSetDeviceConfiguration. See the device control component 
	documentation for more details.
	pascal ComponentResult IDHGetDeviceControl( ComponentInstance idh, ComponentInstance *deviceControl)

	idh - Specifies the IDH component for operation. You can obtain this identifier from the
		  ComponentManager's OpenComponent() function.

	deviceControl - returns an instance of a device control component.

	Result Codes:
		kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured	A device has not already been selected using IDHSetDeviceConfiguration()
		kIDHErrInvalidDeviceID		Internal Error

                                    Device Control Component Reference

Component Types for Device Control Components

	#define kDVCComponentType 	'devc'		/* Component type*/
	#define	kDVCSubtypeDV		'fwdv'		/* Subtype for DV (over FireWire)*/

Data Types for Device Control Components

The parameter block passed to DeviceControlDoAVCTransaction():

typedef UInt32 DCResponseHandler(UInt32 fwCommandObjectID, Ptr responseBuffer, UInt32 responseLength);
struct DVCTransactionParams {
    Ptr                             commandBufferPtr;			/* pointer to AVC command bytes */
    UInt32                          commandLength;				/* command length in bytes */
    Ptr                             responseBufferPtr;			/* pointer to buffer to store AVC response */
    UInt32                          responseBufferSize;			/* response buffer size in bytes */
    DCResponseHandler *             responseHandler;			/* Function to call when device sends response - IGNORED in X 1.0 */
typedef struct DVCTransactionParams     DVCTransactionParams;

									Device Control Component Functions

    The DeviceControlDoAVCTransaction transaction sends an AV/C command to the device and returns the response sent by the device. 	Documentation on AV/C command and response formats is available from the 1394 Trade Association (
    ComponentResult DeviceControlDoAVCTransaction(ComponentInstance instance, DVCTransactionParams * params)
    instance - specifies the device control component for operation. Obtained from IDHGetDeviceControl().
    params - parameter block for call.

											SAMPLE CODE
		NOTE - The isoch component requires QT 4.0 headers and libraries.					

		Opening a DV isoch component
		ComponentDescription compDesc;
		Component isochComponent;
		ComponentInstance isochInstance;
		compDesc.componentType 			= kIDHComponentType;
		compDesc.componentSubType 		= kIDHSubtypeDV;
		compDesc.componentManufacturer 	= 0;
		compDesc.componentFlags 		= 0;
		compDesc.componentFlagsMask 	= kAnyComponentFlagsMask;

		isochComponent = FindNextComponent( nil, &compDesc);
		if( isochComponent == nil)
			goto error;
		isochInstance = OpenComponent( isochComponent);
		if( isochInstance == nil)
			goto error;

		Finding the first video device in the list

		QTAtomContainer deviceList;
		short nDVDevices, i, j, nConfigs;
		QTAtom deviceAtom, isochAtom;
		QTAtomSpec currentIsochConfig;
		err = IDHGetDeviceList( isochInstance, &deviceList);
		if( err != noErr)
			goto err;
		nDVDevices = QTCountChildrenOfType( deviceList, kParentAtomIsContainer, kIDHDeviceAtomType);

		for( i=0; i<nDVDevices; ++i)
			QTAtom deviceAtom, isochAtom;
			int nConfigs;
			// get the atom to this device
			deviceAtom = QTFindChildByIndex( deviceList, kParentAtomIsContainer, kIDHDeviceAtomType, i + 1, nil);
			if( deviceAtom == nil)
				goto error;
			// find the isoch characteristics for this device
			isochAtom = QTFindChildByIndex( deviceList, deviceAtom, kIDHIsochServiceAtomType, 1, nil);
			if( isochAtom == nil)
				goto error;
			// how many configs exist for this device
			nConfigs = QTCountChildrenOfType( deviceList, isochAtom, kIDHIsochModeAtomType);
			currentIsochConfig.atom = nil;	// start with no selected config
			// process each config
			for( j=0; j<nConfigs; ++j)
				OSType mediaType;
				long size;
				QTAtom configAtom, mediaAtom;
				// get this configs atom
				configAtom = QTFindChildByIndex( deviceList, isochAtom, kIDHIsochModeAtomType, j + 1, nil);
				if( configAtom == nil)
					goto error;
				// find the media type atom
				mediaAtom = QTFindChildByIndex( deviceList, configAtom, kIDHIsochMediaType, 1, nil);
				if( mediaAtom == nil)
					goto error;
				QTLockContainer( deviceList);
				// get the value of the mediaType atom
				QTCopyAtomDataToPtr( deviceList, mediaAtom, true, sizeof( mediaType), &mediaType, &size);
				QTUnlockContainer( deviceList);
				// is this config an video config?
				if( mediaType == kIDHVideoMediaAtomType)	// found video device
					currentIsochConfig.container = deviceList;	// save this config 
					currentIsochConfig.atom = configAtom;
			if( currentIsochConfig.atom != nil)	// did we find a video config?
		if( currentIsochConfig.atom == nil)	// no good configs found
			goto error;
		Setting a configuration and opening a device for reading
		// set isoch to use this config
		err = IDHSetDeviceConfiguration( isochInstance, &currentIsochConfig);						
		if( err != noErr)
			goto error;
		// open the DV device
		err = IDHOpenDevice( isochInstance, kIDHOpenForReadTransactions);
		if( err != noErr)
			goto Exit);

		Reading from a device (client supplies buffer)
		// we are doing isoch reads with only one buffer at a time
		isochParamBlock.buffer 			= myBuffer;
		isochParamBlock.requestedCount	= 120000;	// NTSC buffer size
		isochParamBlock.actualCount 	= 0;
		isochParamBlock.completionProc 	= DVIsochComponentReadCallback;
		isochParamBlock.refCon		 	= iGlobals;
		err = IDHRead( isochInstance, &isochParamBlock);
		if( err != noErr)
			goto error;
		Callback from read request (client supplies buffer)
		// called when a new isoch read is received
		OSStatus DVIsochComponentReadCallback( IDHGenericEvent *eventRecord, void *userData)
			OSErr 					result = noErr;
			ComponentInstancePtr	iGlobals = userData;
			IDHParameterBlock		*pb = (IDHParameterBlock *) eventRecord;
			// fill out structure
			pb->buffer 			= myBuffer;
			pb->requestedCount	= 120000;
			pb->actualCount 	= 0;
			pb->completionProc 	= DVIsochComponentReadCallback;
			pb->refCon		 	= iGlobals;
			// do another read
			result = IDHRead( isochInstance, pb);
			if( result != noErr)
				goto error;

			return result;

		Reading from a device (isoch component supplies buffer)
		// we are doing isoch reads with only one buffer at a time
		isochParamBlock.buffer 			= nil;
		isochParamBlock.requestedCount	= 120000;	// NTSC buffer size
		isochParamBlock.actualCount 	= 0;
		isochParamBlock.completionProc 	= DVIsochComponentReadCallback;
		isochParamBlock.refCon		 	= iGlobals;
		err = IDHRead( isochInstance, &isochParamBlock);
		if( err != noErr)
			goto error;
		Callback from read request (isoch component supplies buffer)
		// called when a new isoch read is received
		OSStatus DVIsochComponentReadCallback( IDHGenericEvent *eventRecord, void *userData)
			OSErr 					result = noErr;
			ComponentInstancePtr	iGlobals = userData;
			IDHParameterBlock		*pb = (IDHParameterBlock *) eventRecord;
			WorkOnData( pb->buffer, pb->actualCount);
			result = IDHReleaseBuffer( isochInstance, pb);
			if( result != noErr)
				goto error;

			// fill out structure
			pb->buffer 			= nil;
			pb->requestedCount	= 120000;
			pb->actualCount 	= 0;
			pb->completionProc 	= DVIsochComponentReadCallback;
			pb->refCon		 	= iGlobals;
			// do another read
			result = IDHRead( isochInstance, pb);
			if( result != noErr)
				goto error;

			return result;
		Writing to device (client supplies the buffer)
		// we are doing isoch reads with only one buffer at a time
		isochParamBlock.buffer 			= myBuffer;
		isochParamBlock.requestedCount	= 120000;	// NTSC buffer size
		isochParamBlock.actualCount 	= 0;
		isochParamBlock.completionProc 	= DVIsochComponentWriteCallback;
		isochParamBlock.refCon		 	= iGlobals;
		err = IDHWrite( isochInstance, &isochParamBlock);
		if( err != noErr)
			goto error;
		Callback from write request (client supplies the buffer)
		// called when a new isoch read is received
		OSStatus DVIsochComponentWriteCallback( IDHGenericEvent *eventRecord, void *userData)
			OSErr 					result = noErr;
			ComponentInstancePtr	iGlobals = userData;
			IDHParameterBlock		*pb = (IDHParameterBlock *) eventRecord;
			// fill out structure
			isochParamBlock.buffer 			= myBuffer;
			isochParamBlock.requestedCount	= 120000;	// NTSC buffer size
			isochParamBlock.actualCount 	= 0;
			isochParamBlock.completionProc 	= DVIsochComponentWriteCallback;
			isochParamBlock.refCon		 	= iGlobals;
			// do another read
			result = IDHWrite( isochInstance, pb);
			if( result != noErr)
				goto error;

			return result;

		Writing to device (isoch component supplies the buffer)
		// we are doing isoch reads with only one buffer at a time
		isochParamBlock.buffer 			= nil;
		isochParamBlock.requestedCount	= 120000;	// NTSC buffer size
		isochParamBlock.actualCount 	= 0;
		isochParamBlock.completionProc 	= DVIsochComponentWriteCallback;
		isochParamBlock.refCon		 	= iGlobals;
		err = IDHWrite( isochInstance, &isochParamBlock);
		if( err != noErr)
			goto error;
		Callback from write request (isoch component supplies the buffer)
		// called when a new isoch read is received
		OSStatus DVIsochComponentWriteCallback( IDHGenericEvent *eventRecord, void *userData)
			OSErr 					result = noErr;
			ComponentInstancePtr	iGlobals = userData;
			IDHParameterBlock		*pb = (IDHParameterBlock *) eventRecord;
			BlockMove( myBuffer, pb->buffer, 120000);
			// fill out structure
			isochParamBlock.buffer 			= nil;
			isochParamBlock.requestedCount	= 120000;	// NTSC buffer size
			isochParamBlock.actualCount 	= 0;
			isochParamBlock.completionProc 	= DVIsochComponentWriteCallback;
			isochParamBlock.refCon		 	= iGlobals;
			// do another read
			result = IDHWrite( isochInstance, pb);
			if( result != noErr)
				goto error;

			return result;

		Closing down the isoch device
		result = IDHCancelPendingIO( isochInstance, &isochParamBlock);
		result = IDHCloseDevice( isochInstance);
		CloseComponent( isochInstance);	// close isoch component
		Writing a device control command to a device
		ComponentInstance deviceControlInstance;
		result = IDHGetDeviceControl( isochInstance, &deviceControlInstance);
		if( result != noErr)
			goto error;
		result = DeviceControlDoAVCTransaction( deviceControlInstance, (DVCTransactionParams *) pParams);
		if( result != noErr)
			goto error;
		Setting up notification for a device being enabled for reads
		deviceNotificationID = 0;
		result = IDHNewNotification( isochInstance, kIDHDeviceIDEveryDevice, DVDeviceCallback, 
					(void *) iGlobals, &deviceNotificationID);
		if( result != noErr)
			goto error;
		result = IDHNotifyMeWhen( isochInstance, deviceNotificationID, kIDHEventReadEnabled);
		if( result != noErr)
			goto error;
		Getting called on a notification event
		OSStatus DVDeviceCallback( IDHGenericEvent *event, void *userData)
			switch( event->eventHeader.event)
				case kIDHEventReadEnabled:
					deviceHasBeenReadEnabled( event);